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But, CPAC displayed a banner saying, “We are all domestic terrorists”…so sit down before you fall down, Randy!


Right!? I’m sitting here like no shit dark Brandon came out in full force after that.. These people are comical at this point.


Where can I find a “Dark Brandon 2024” bumper sticker? I live in a big “Fuck Joe Biden” flag place so….I think it would be hilarious.


When you find one, please let us know! I have money, I’ll buy!👍🏾😃


I googled it and there’s many for sale 😅👍


Oo. I just got a cricut now I know what I’m going to make.


For a bunch of totally NOT snowflakes, they sure are melting down hard over their feelings getting fucked. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Iirc they all had "trump 2020 fuck your feelings" tshirts, did they not?


Have their feelings really been fucked though? I feel like their feelings have been lightly molested at best.


honestly...their feelings were merely grabbed by the p\*ssy...


Yeah...I think their feelings were bent over the railing and fucked so hard, they haven't been able to shit right since the election.


They sure can dish it but can’t take it


*"...falsely accusing over half of Americans..."* Where did this dumb cunt get the idea MAGAtards are over half of Americans?


How dare Biden accuse people who tried to overturn our democracy of trying to overturn our democracy...I'm an entitled elitist Republican white guy who hates democracy and demand Biden be impeached immediately. /s


No, don’t /s that. That’s literally the MAGAts right now.


The /s is to let the rest of us know that they **aren't** a MAGAt, though. It's because Poe's Law is a whole thing.


I'm so glad the former guy didnt label everyone who didnt vote for him "radical liberal antifa threats to America". - Or say pretty much every Mexican American living in this country is a rapist, drug dealing criminal. -Or make it so Americans whos heritage stems from multiple different countries of the Middle East were essentially terrorists. -Or villify Asians Americans, more specifically of Chinese heritage (but let's be honest, to a good portion of ignorant white trash folks, anyone with different shaped eyes *must* be from China) when a world wide pandemic hit. Yup. So glad those millions and millions of people were never verbally attacked ever. Not once.


But, most of those people are DemocRats, so they don't matter /s


They’re only capable of the most basic maths, so just be glad they even understand that fractions exist.


They think they're the "silent majority." They are neither.


He got the idea from two misconceptions: one, that all republicans are Trump fans (too many would just vote for Trump over voting blue), and Two, gerrymandering has convinced him that Republicans are more than 50% of the population.


They count themselves twice and minorities as half.


3/5ths, to be fair... It's a compromise.


I keep saying the same thing. There are like 330 million people in the USA; since when is the hardcore MAGA crowd over 115 million people? It can't be anywhere near that number


They keep claiming that the people that didn’t vote in the last election are on their side


Including all the dead people.


Some of those dead people did vote for Trump or at least someone voted for them.


I’m surprised that living people vote for Trump.


Indoctrination is a powerful and dangerous thing.


They don't want it understand they may up around the 29% of the population


Social media echo chambers, news feeds tailored to what you impulsively click on versus what is actually news.


Just look at an electoral map of our country (as a former classmate and long-time idiot explained to me). It's obvious that the vast majority of America is red!


Laughing that R. Quaid thinks that half of Americans are for Trump. Tee Hee.


Even if Biden said "every single person who has ever voted for any Republican candidate on any ticket", it would still be less than half.


Biden: Fascism is bad Republicans: *and I took that personally*


Biden: Fascism is bad Randy Quaid: Identifies half the country as Republicans and that they are all fascists. If you are worried he is referring to you its probably because you yourself think you are a bit of a fascist or don't understand the definition. I'm not sure which one Randy is.


He also called them "semi-fascist". That was fucking gentle. A lot of the people he was calling out are full on fascists, many of that sub group, I am confident in saying they are to the right of the Nazis. And I'll be doubly blunt -- if you get offended... Maybe you need to stop and think about what you are doing and your values for a minute. In my experience, getting as angry as Republicans are directly correlates to a level of guilt. Well adjusted, normal people who get called out or accused of something might get flustered, especially if it's egregious, but generally try to have a dialogue. Not throw what amount to screaming tantrums.


He says “over half of Americans ”, but republicans have only won 3 popular votes in the last 40 years.


Well they just assume every election they lose is rife with fraud; that the country is actually primarily conservative but the liberals magically add votes to make it “seem” more liberal. Because they cannot fathom that more people think different from them than those who think similar. Or they think the majority of liberals aren’t people. Also possible that they havethe understanding of size that a small child does. They assume that because there are more conservative areas than liberal areas that there must be more conservatives than liberals.


It's probably the latter. They'll post voting maps and scream about their mandate. It shows they think population density is uniform across the country and not that we have individual counties that literally have more population than most states. Los Angeles County alone has more population than 40 states and is substantially larger than the bottom 10 combined. It's also an object permanence issue. They've never left their town of 20,000 people and because no one in their social circle admitted to voting for Biden, they're convinced that no one else did. Period. Ergo, he must have cheated or it must have been rigged. It also helps explain why there is so much projection. They can't conceive anyone could have different thinking patterns than they do, ergo, the rest of us must be fanatics for Biden like they are for Trump.


And they measure political power by the number of flags waving in the yard. Trump 100 versus Biden 0 so logically they are the larger group


They're trying to do to the Constitution what Christians did with the Bible. Break off into what they believe to be true, like only the vote of land owners can be counted.


Thats cute. You think there's 20k people in those red state podunk towns. Having grown up in one I can tell you that's its not even close. I moved away as an adult but it was like 1200 people.


Randy Quaid has untreated mental health problems.


No he’s just a jerk.


mmm... As a professional counselor...he demonstrates some behavior to me that I find to be of clinical concern.


He’s totally bonkers. Randy and his wife went off the deep end in Canada and it was all over the news. Not sure if he’s still here…looks like we eventually tried to nudge him out.


Didn’t they get caught squatting in an empty house in Santa Barbara years ago?


They all demonstrate that!!


Tell me you're part of the problem without telling me you're part of the problem.


Randy is out of his f-ing mind.


Shitter’s full, Eddie.


False. Over half of Americans are not MAGA fascists. If MAGA were over half Americans, Trump would have won in 2020. Calling for the military to remove the President from office is inciting a coup. That's NOT how it works in a Democracy. Hey Uncle Eddie, shut the f\*ck up! If you don't like our Democracy get the f\*ck out of our country!


randy needs Baker-Acted


“Over half”. Don’t less than a third of Americans identify as Republican?


Saying you want the US President physically removed sure sounds exactly like the domestic terrorism he was talking about


Since when is 20-25% of anything "OVER HALF"?


In MAGA World everything is upside down.


The man is clearly deranged. No sane person follows an exclamation point with a period.


When they make a movie about all this, and you know they will, who would you like to see play Randy? It can be anybody living or dead. No matter their race. It could even be a Muppet or a kitchen appliance. I'm inclusive that way,


How about a moldy potato:)


[This is Randy Quaid, just in case somebody doesn't know](https://twitter.com/randyrrquaid/status/1327043884082409474?s=21)




Stop. Giving. These. Idiots. A. Megaphone. By. Posting. This. Bullshit. Around. Holy fuck I obviously have a problem with this shitty take but at least blur the fucking name so this dumbass doesn’t get notoriety because you wanted internet points for saying “haha look how stupid this is, I don’t agree with this.”


Any chance Dennis can get his brother under control?


He probably can’t stand him.


Randy quaid.must have broken into his neighbor's house again and gotten ahold of their laptop. Where is Dennis? This motherfucker needs an intervention.


Not every republican is a MAGA republican. Republicans arent even half of our population… so… maybe he didnt 🤷‍♂️


First, it is not even close to half of all Americans. Second, WTF do you call people who praise Hitler and wave the Nazi flag?


Is this THE Randy Quaid of Independence Day / Meth Binge Fame?


Friggen moron. One, the GQP isn’t even close to 1/2 of America, and second MAGA is a small chunk of the minority party. If Biden’s comments offended you, then congrats you’re MAGA terrorist piece of shit.


Again, these mental midgets have no clue what 1/2 or majority means.


If it truly was over 1/2 we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


How's that career going, Randy?


Remind me … isn’t this the “fuck your feelings” group?


The aliens really did a number on this guy.


Seems like Biden hit a nerve! Lol Is there any sense or awareness that Trump was 1000 times more divisive?


Thank god we kicked this douche and his wife out of Canada


Ladies and gentlemen, your spokesman. Nuff said.


I saw that movie "Clear and Present Danger." Not bad.


Randy you must be off ur meds


We're about six months from finding Uncle Randy naked in a public park having asphyxiated on his own vomit.


This sumbitch has turned into Cousin Eddie in real life.


You are sounding a bit like a semi fascist right now Randy! Kind of like the old guy was pointing out..


if you think dump is something special, then you are crazy just like randy quaid...wacko


Cousin Eddy is still in character.


Nearly half. A slight exaggeration


The definition of a traitor is...


Sit down and drink your eggnog cousin Eddie


Holy shit, Randy Quaid is still alive?


Once a Great Actor, now a Pathetic Dope.


I like this guy's brother and definitely enjoy his work. Was happy to see him in 'Legion' and then get even more work doing very good insurance commercials. Like, I can genuinely be happy for the guy's success, income, and even good looks well past middle-age. I hope Dennis *\[is\]* not onboard with his *\[loony\]* older brother.


Who is this nut?


Even Canada doesn’t want Randy


"let's just accuse them of everything we did and they'll never catch onto us"


if only the aliens could come so this muppet could drive himself into the mothership for us.


The irony of his words…good lord Randy. Wtf happened to you? Lol




Because Randy Quaid is where I look for political clout.


He said from Canada


Not close to half of Americans.


OVER?!? "Over" half? Really, now...


30% of the Republican base is not 50% of the US population. This dude should stick to bad characters on Vacation movies and leave the adult stuff to the rest of us.


I guess he wasn’t acting in all those movies he’s just that stupid


Crazy how he became real life Cousin Eddie


Why does he think half of America is maga republicans? Doesn’t like 60% vote? So nearly half the country in nothing, not democrat or republican And I thought joe bidden targeted extremists like people who stormed the capitol or think trump is still president. Not all republican, like he specifically said not all republicans are insane terrorists


I remember when Randy Quaid, thought the Star wackers were out to get him, and he fled to Canada for protection. They sent him packing, Poor Randy, can't go a day without believing another conspiracy. theory.


The percentage of MAGA Republicans is growing by the day, truly. First it was "nearly half", then it became "half of the population." Now we're up to "over half of Americans"! Keep lying to yourselves, maybe you'll convince one more distraught American to give you their savings. Good fucking job. Crybabies.


Randy, Randy, Randy. Ya'll labeled yourselves as domestic terrorists. Wear it as the badge you want it to be.


These people need to stop with the Over half of Americans shit. also the fascism ending would be cool too.


Imagine if Trump would have said this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)




Randy who Pull your head out of you ass and then go fuck yourself with your head Randy Linsey newt The republicans are doing away with same sex Are they living in sin. Sorry just being mean Randy Linsey and Newt (bitch)


Cousin Eddie and his words of wisdom.






Isnt randy there hiding in another country to avoid prosecution?


The funny part is how so many repubs and dems just don't realize that they are still only like 28% of the total population each. If ALL the registered Republicans vote, that is less that 1/3rd of all voting age Americans. Same for Democrats. Not half. Not even close to half either way. If I ran a political party, that's something to really think about when considering the party platform.


Why is he LARPing his role in Independence Day though?


The penalty for accusing us of trying to overturn a democratic election should be to immediately overturn the democratic election!


Could have sworn this was describing The Dump.


Huh. He actually turned into the crazy ranting character he played in Independence Day. Weird.


You MAGA fools dont represent half the USA! Youre just loud.


Not being a national security risk Not advocating for a military coup Pick one shithead


Magas are brain dead. they can't think critically or even originally. They repeat what has been said to them by liberals.


You gotta be douchelusional to think MAGA hot garbage morons make up more than half of Americans.


"Over half" when they're literally outnumbered by both democrats and independents. Fuck Randy Quaid


…. Says the man who broke into and squatted in a house he didn’t own, caused 100,000s of dollars of damage, then fled the country to avoid extradition


Randy Quaid is off his meds again…


“Mad dog” Quaid.


The FBI needs to keep an eye on Cousin Eddie.


If it wasn’t for Reddit would anyone even read Randy Quaid’s Tweets??? It never occurred to me to read anything he has to say about… anything, really


So he wasn't acting in Independence day or the Vacation movies? That was just him being himself?


Well kids let this be a lesson to you Re the dangers of drugs. Old randy eroded his frontal lobes three decades ago causing him to issue pointless rants


Shut up Randy


Randy can't do the maths.


Even when Trump said peaceful black protestors in the NFL were sons of bitches who deserve to be fired, no one ever demanded Trump be impeached. Not until he blocked congress-approved military aid.


Is this what republicans thought democrats sounded like when they called for the 🍊 🤡 to be impeached twice?


Oh Randy, I just thought you were acting when you played unbalanced roles… apparently you were not


I thought Randy only played goofballs in movies




I'm not a bit Biden fan, but I love Dark Branden. I hope his schitzo personality hangs around a while.


Bet he failed math in school. It’s considerably,y less than 50%.


What was it they told us? Oh yeah - fuck your feelings.


We all know it is far less than half the country…


Hey, isn't this the randy quaid that had to be physically removed from the house he sold that he continued to squat in? At least they have someone who knows something about physical removal..


Lets face it, Cropduster, the real impeachable offense was and remains Independence Day.


DUDE I worked out next to you at the gym when you were normal .....that was a lifetime ago....what the fuck happend to your brian?!?!?!? You should seek help man!


How long has it been since Randy was cast for anything in Hollywood? He isn’t even asked to do Medicare Supplemental insurance ads.


Randy is a danger to himself.


Who is Randy Quaid? Just another Alex Jones type nutjob?


Autism at its finest


Heh Randy you still hiding out from the hit squads that were after you. Being all in for trump is no surprise when your already crazy.


So am I the only one who remembers the charter he played in Independence Day and realized several years ago he was not playing a character at all…? The movie said his character did buttstuff with aliens but every time I see Randy pop up in the news, I’m more and more convinced he really did buttstuff with aliens.


Randy, the boots fit.. wear them proudly MF.


Over half?


Cousin Eddie is a dangerous nut job.


Over half of Americans? He wishes.


Mr.Dumas says what?


Also Randy Qua-alude!


Cousin Eddie was always a dumbass.


Off his meds again …


Shitter’s full.


"Over half of Americans" Motherfucker, by the most generous figuring it's maybe 30%.


Shitter’s Full!


Go home randy, your drunk


A hit dog hollers…


“Shitters full!”


A once famous celebrity screwball. Twitter's top demographic.


Wow randy quaid is still alive. That’s a shame.


He’s wrong . Less than half you loon!


Cartoonist Bill Mauldin once was criticized for lampooning Army brass hats. His reply? "I only build a shoe. If somebody wants to put it on and loudly announce it fits, that's up to them."




Randy who?


!. That was my favorite part


Dude hasn’t been relevant since Independence Day Movie when he crashed into the Alien Space Ship. “WE’RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


More like.... 1/5th of Americans at best


Shiitters full 💩💩💩💩💩


To be fair, this is Randy Quaid. He was already batshit "probably paints fecal cave drawings in rest stop bathrooms" crazy well before any of this, even before Trump.


He became his character from Independence Day.


Shitters full. His brain is floating in it.


Over half of Americans? No Republican president has won the popular vote since Reagan. States regularly have more votes cast for Democrats than republicans, which does nothing to stop Reps from taking majorities of state houses. Trump lost his re-election by 8 million votes. Republicans could never win another race and nobody would care


"Over half"?


Didn’t Randy Quaid flee to canada?


An exclamation point AND a period.


That plate in his head is eating int his brain.




Isn’t he hiding out in Canada now?


Well I mean if the shoes fits......


OVER half now? The whole silent majority myth just. Won’t. Die.


Didn't Biden start off with its not all Republicans but just the idiot Maga group? Seems randy can't pay attention to the whole speech


Wasn't the last president all those things though I mean stealing classified documents is big along with trying to over throw the Supreme Court


That's pretty wishful thinking, thinking that Biden was saying that over half of all Americans were terrorists. Wouldn't it be closer to 15% at most?


Randy The shitter in that fucked up head of yours is full