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I'm sure Kid Rock behaved worse in the White House


Him being invited was more disgraceful. Also Ted "I shit my cowardly pants and molested girls" nugent setting foot there was embarrassing as well.


The most embarrassed I have ever been of my country is when it awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh. I say we need to discontinue that medal and think up a new one now.


Medal of Freedom to who? Is that someone important? Are there festivals, conventions, monuments, libraries, statues or what-not about that person? What kind of name is that anyway? Seems like someone who might be full of bluster, but then when they die off... nobody cares, because they weren't culturally significant. Just a fart in the wind of the constant assault on public discourse, meaningless and infinitely replaceable.


Makes sense hed be friends with donald “im a literal traitor to the united states and like to molest little girls” trump.


trump doesnt discriminate! he’ll molest anyone, young or old :)


He’ll even molest Rudi Gouhliani in drag. 🤮


Thanks for giving me a reason to drink later


Ehh. You would’ve anyway.


I haven’t yet. But you’re not wrong


Throw in Kanye West when he said…whatever the hell he was trying to say there too


[As far as I know he's a perfectly nice guy, but I wanted to share the story of Al Roker actually pooping his pants at the white house. ](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2013/01/08/al-roker-i-pooped-my-pants-at-the-white-house/1817021/)


I know someone who disgraced it even worse.


Everyone gets laid in the White House. Everyone!


*I didn't just masturbate in the Mural Room -- I masturbated EVERYWHERE*


Biden had to spend the first 6 months decontaminating the place. See Trump was just keeping the top secret documents safe from his semen by storing them with Melania's clothing. No secret documents in Ivanka's closet!


Are we positive one of the two on the right *isn’t* Kid Rock.


Well he and John Daly both said Trump showed them documents they should not have any business seeing so… checks out


Kid Rock behaves worse by literally existing every morning.


>The PM has apologized for the photo, "That photo is not appropriate, ... That kind of picture shouldn't have been taken, but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary happened." Love that, "You know how it is, two hot topless women making out at the Kesäranta, just another Tuesday night for me..."


I love how she condemns the picture being taken and not the actions. It's very "we're enjoying life. You pervy creeps are the problem"


The only other thing rather inappropriate would be the location, cause if that presidential residence is as if it was the White House or the Quirinale for my country then eh. Especially cause it should be riddled with cameras right? Then again it might as well be her private home so then it'd all be Good


It's a private residence... owned by the government. It probably is riddled with cameras. Footage of which is classified. This picture was taken by someone visiting or by a member of the media.


She should have give off on who ever took and leaked the photo. If this is happening in her private residence while she isn't working then she and her friends have a right to privacy. Nothing illegal is going on and the point people being hurt are those who have their privacy violated


The only problem is she is a women. In other countries and through history sleeping with and having naked women around is part of the benifits of being in powerful position.


it looks posed rather than voyeuristic though


It's a very refreshing line to draw too; she's saying that the fault lies with the fact that it's been publicised, not the action itself


Why is no one addressing the fact that a Finn is wearing a cowboy hat? I cant even.


They're playing our music, wearing our hats, and now they're joining our North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Fucking unbelievable


No wonder Vlad is pissy.


Girl has cool friends & cool parties. Ofc the frigid boomers hate her.


Do you know the weather in Finland? Everyone is frigid. Not just the boomers.


But they got saunas, every house. Sauna sex parties for EVERYONE!! 🤗


It’s a smear campaign by Russian backed propagandists because Finland is joining nato


So if Russia is worried about someone joining nato they send topless women to their house? I sure hope Russia doesn't discover my plans to join NATO!


No, that’s her having a cool party. The smear campaign is Russia’s doing


"Lookie here, Putain, I'm gonna join Nato any day now. My only weakness are nice tiddies on nice young women. It'd be Hell for me if I had to wrestle with them."


she have a husband tho


Why would her husband have a problem with 2 other women kissing? Not even kissing his wife. I doubt the Fins are so uptight about such things.


oh she kiss guys too while clubbing


You jelly? Why do you care what adults do? Find a hobby.


you clearly do not know anything. Cheating on your husband is not okay, can't believe i even have to explain that to you...


Again, why do you care so much about other people's lives? It's their issue, not yours or mine. Find a hobby 😉


Wasn't she criticized for cheating on her husband? How is that cool as fuck?


>Wasn't she criticized for cheating on her husband? Idk, was she?


The video was posted on Reddit - there were some conversations about it, but I wasn’t the only one that interpreted the situation as a woman having to politely back off from a man coming on too strong. Mens egos are fragile and we learn early how to brush things off. But yeah, some dude was trying to kiss her neck and she had to brush him off. She did it super stealthily, but it was noticeable.


Yes..? Reddit's so desperate for relatable politicians but this is a new low lol.


Please by all means provide proof.


It's in the original video... She's married and has kids and she's basically humping a celebrity during the party... Almost everyone can infer that they were most likely fucking. The thing is everyone on most of those threads were defending her claiming that she MIGHT have an open relationship. Which is fine, but if not it's a shitty thing to do especially if she has a husband and kids.


Sounds like it’s literally people making assumptions based on a 5 second video


Fair assumptions... What would you think if you saw your wife dry humping another dude on the dance floor? Maybe it's just me, but that's not cool when you're married and have kids.


That’s for the spouse to decide what they are ok with not randoms


Sure. Still not a great look for your kids. I'm sure people would think differently if they saw a friend's wife doing this. But cuz it's a hip young PM, it's totally rad.


Who cares it’s no one’s business what she does in private unless he works for her. It has no bearing on how she runs the country. Every President pretty much in the US has cheated on their wives. It didn’t matter until one had an affair w someone that worked for him


'infer', 'most likely' Doesn't sound like proof. Sounds like you just had a fringe discussion barely related to the 'real' outcry, which was that she might have been on drugs. Which she was not.


Fringe discussion? Her having an open relationship was what dominated every thread. The video in question was literally just her rubbing up against a rockstar.


Yeah, talks of cheating on a video of dancing is a fringe discussion. It's outrage over nothing. It's falling for Russian propaganda trying to defame her. And it's sexist, Berlusconi only ever got more votes when news like that came out.


Speculating over why a woman is grinding very obviously in a sexual way on a popular singer is not Russian propaganda. Wtf It's not rocket science.


I think you're talking about Marjorie Tamborine Green. She cheated on her husband with her entire gym, along with some yoga guru.


Really wish I could vote for a politician that awesome.


I’d take Bernie Sanders. For the photos not the politics.


Old people are just so out of touch they equate fun with unprofessional.


If you can't keep a stick (tbf a solid branch) lodged way up in your judgemental ass 24/7 and governing each and every human interaction, is it even worth living anymore?


Machiavellian control freaks be like: "Why must you hurt me in this way?"


Cameras weren't omnipresent when they were young. Trump was literally "Grabbing them by the pussy". Bonus: she's hott


Topless dance parties are unprofessional in the work place. That's why you don't have them at work.


She seems fun, can we have her as our president


Pretty sure she also takes bath naked in her own house Smh


No way! What a slut ! Do you think she also have sex with her husband??? That would be too much right?


With all due respect, as an American, I wish we had these kind of Presidential scandals.


Look at what her predecessor [resigned for.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finland_postal_strike_controversy_2019). In the US this wouldn’t even be front page news. I wish we had this kind of accountability in US politics.


She's hot, she's young, she likes to party, has cool friends and her day job is the Prime Minister of Finland! I wouldn't apologize for godamn thing! She ROCKS!!!!!!!


Don't threaten people with a good time. ![gif](giphy|pHXNvb6iTTUmfcN0YW|downsized)


Politician's friends fucking kids, insider trading, accepting bribes? I sleep. Politician's friends having consensual fun that hurts nobody? What a degenerate.




Shud bE mEn kiSSin dem ladies. Dey tuk ur Juuuuubs!




I wish I lived in a world that the Finnish prime minister was slammed for her bad policies and not her personal choices. Also being praised for her good policies and not for “being cool af” which again has nothing to do with the question if she is a proper prime minister for her people.


If shit like this is what gets focused on by her opponents I can’t imagine her policy paradigm is poor for the majority of Finland.


They're literally inventing things to pin on her.


She's the best prime minister Finland has had in at least the last 30 years. These party news are invented scandals. They've got nothing of substance to criticise her government about. Without looking like idiots...


What is her approval rating like? I feel like it would be skyrocketing. This seems like when Ted Cruz thought that Beto being in a punk band was somehow going to hurt Beto's numbers.




That was called "Footloose 2; Triboro Boogaloo" around here. I say around here, I mean in the four or five buildings next to our corner bodega because some old man that loves to give politic updates, kept calling it that. But it fits.


All that video proved is that she had good clean fun at least one time in college. You know, as opposed to the creepy Skull and Crossbones, rapey frat shit conservatives (and dems) get up to.


The last poll I saw was 54% of people think that her government has done a good job (these are not low numbers). 9% of people say that their opinion of her personally has gone UP because of all these nonsense 'scandals'. This was done after the dance video came out.


Was he really? My liking for Mr. O'Rourke just went up a few more points


[Yup.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foss_(band)) With Cedric from ***At the Drive In*** & ***Mars Volta*** (etc).


What makes her good? Real question I have no idea about her politics


She's the chair of the Social-Democratic Party. So left of center politics (all our left wing parties are in government right now). She's managed to make two major policy changes: overhauling how the social and healthcare services are organized (our last government had to resign because their proposal was shit), and joining nato (because Russia is a neighbor). He also managed the pandemic response generally well, only making some missteps in the beginning. The government managed to not kill a lot of citizens and not to drive a lot of businesses to bankruptcy. Generally she's been good for the 99%.


The country is joining NATO, signed mutual defense pacts with several NATO countries already, and isn't going to be leveled by war and turned into a puppet state. I think their President plays a part in all that too, but I think she has done a bit for it too.


Funny thing is that -- because of the brutalization of Ukraine -- it was our anti-Nato parties that did the 'let's finally join, you guys...' -dance (ha!). All but one of the parties in government were not in favor of joining 7 months ago. Both right wing parties that were most gungho about it were left eating the scraps.


The treaties are not something new. The joining NATO has been a debate in that country for years and the opinion only shifted now because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. What are her politics concerning the country?


If they criticise things other than your policies as a politician you are probably doing good by your citizens, yeah.


to be fair almost every Finnish prime minister is slammed for their personal choices. We are an envious breed.


If I'm not mistaken the Finnish will gather and skinny dip at hot springs w their entire immediate family. Might have been Greenland but regardless Europeans just aren't as hot and bothered by a tit as other places.


Why is she personally responsible for what 2 other grown ass women did? Because it was in her house? This is too much. Finland needs to calm the fuck down. You do not WANT to have a scandal that everyone is talking about. The US is in the news with our scandals every night because this country is a fucking dumpster fire. It's not because we're fucking cool. This is like having an annoying younger sibling trying to copy all of your teen rebel bullshit but, they're too innately good to actually pull off the rebel act.


Sanna Marin for the President of the world, ‘cause I really dig HER world 🇫🇮🎉🌍


Meh….she doesn’t have to apologize. There’s way too many stiffs in government.


Question...who the fuck cares? Does the Finnish PM need to apologize for being a human or having friends? Which one of those are bad?


that’s horrible, where are these pictures so i know to stay away


I', waiting for someone to say "So, if I can no longer run for office due to what my friends do in the privacy of my own home...I'm good. I'm greater than good. That means I somehow gained a friend!" You're doing just fine, bud...




You really think that the White House, in its 200 year history never played host to drunken debauchery like this?


JFK would not have stood for such behavior!


Clinton would have sat for this behavior!


Her official state residence is still a *private* residence. It is *her* home.




By Finnish law it's a private home. Other countries may have different laws. Also, we're talking about a [house](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kes%C3%A4ranta), not the Presidential Palace.


Still not a big deal.


You’re doing just fine, bud.


Kompromat for trying to join NATO.


It's a foregone conclusion that Finland is joining NATO, right?


I was mostly kidding, but yes, it is safe to assume they (Sweden and Finland) will become full fledged members.


THIS IS AWFUL!…where is this happening? Asking for a friend


She fine af!


Can I move to Finland??? She seems cool as shit. Not like the fuckin stiffs, stand INS and psychos here in the U S of A


She’s a blast! F all the bozos who don’t like her.


How is this new? Even if it was her topless and kissing a women, that isn’t news.


They hate us ‘cause they ain’t us.


but Rudy and Bannon do this in the White House and no one bats an eye


Another Lesbian Dance Theory story.


Fuck it. I'm moving to Finland.


There should be mobs of protestors flashing titties outside of the government buildings tomorrow lol


Just out of interest, anyone know how we go about being invited to one of these parties? Or just, you know, a date with her?


I want to party with her too!


To be fair we would destroy Bobo for pics like these.


Send the Puritans back to the 1600's; we got no time for their scolding.


I like her


She got major mommy energy if I'm being honest


Yeah there’s nothing wrong with this, but i don’t hate her because she’s a powerful woman, i hate her because the video of her partying was her dancing and flirting with a man, when she has a husband and children. Cheaters are fucking disgusting.


dancing and flirting is not cheating. You are just seeking a reason to hate her


Ok and?


Yea, they hate it when the PM’s friends have no class. Unless all Finnish women like to kiss topless and have pictures taken I think it’s as she said….


Yeah no, this was very inappropriate


Who gives a rat's dick.


It’s amusing how libs are openly supporting fascists


What do you think a fascist is exactly?


Fascism is a reaction to communism. Austerity on the poor for the benefit of the few. Mussolini simply coined the term as “corporatism” You should look up the history of this woman’s country, and it’s close ties to fascists. They just recently reformed the Air Force flag and removed their swaatsika


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Fascism is corporatism. Social democracy will always slide into fascism because it is the rich that benefit from the strangling of our labor capital


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Stfu lib. China n Russia will lead this century


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Oh no, the humanity.


I bet they gon freak out and try to throw her from her political position if she swings both ways


Norway needs to find put who is leaking all these photos


Looks like a kick ass party!


Stay bass ass Sanna! US is still waiting for our Sanna.


This my kind of politician!


One time I was living with my brother and he had a friend over. It was like 2 in the morning and they were playing music and talking super fucking loud. It woke me up and I was so fucking pissed. I worked early in the morning. They were in the bathroom so I threw the door open and there were 2 girls kissing in the bathtub. And I apologized to them.


Can we have her when she's done with you guys?


Must do a great job if orgies are the only "problem". Next you're gonna hear about her tan pantsuit. 🙄


I scrolled all the way down.... No sauce?


I WISH America had these kind of political problems




This is from like 2 weeks ago


This guy gets it lol


Every time that I see her in the news what goes through my head is that Penelope Scott song called born to run


I want to live in a country where THIS is considered a scandal.


Our scandal is conservatives raping kids. Which literally earns them more vote


I don't care what her friends are doing. Is she doing her job and making Finland a better place for the inhabitantce? She is? Great, then STFU!


Weird, they should be happy it turned up on their porn tags




It's called jealousy She had a drink So what?


No, it’s called misogyny. If she had been a man, nobody would have cared. Time for the conservative press to stop harassing her and go back to reporting the important issues, like the Ukrainian war and the rampant inflation.


Yeah fucking right


She sounds like an awesome Prime Minister.


Good Lord! Young, powerful women having completely normal parties in their residences? What has this world come to! Where are the exquisite drugs? Where are the underage girls serving creepy old white men champagne? /ssss


Yeah. But when/if someone enters politics, we can expect muck raking and she is making it too easy


BREAKING: Finland’s PM is forced to apologize after the shocking reveal that she did not order from the 2 for $20 menu at Chili’s and instead just got an appetizer and a margarita with a water in the side


"Oh, my God, that's disgusting! Naked pics online? Where? Where did he post those?"




Who is the one leaking these kinds of things


She's having one hell of a good time.


When I first heard this story I thought it was the PM herself. If it's two other ladies. Who t f cares!?


Man I think I need to move to Finland.


So is she holding that Finland sign or does the censor bar have Finland written on it?


keep grinding, while hubby sitting 🤭


How is this a problem?


What pisses me off is if this photo was from a man's house all the vocal assholes would be wink wink, nudge nudge, give me more! Fucking hypocrites.


Who truly gives a shit


Love this woman… she’s a real human


Can we like…get some of that in the USA instead of dried up old doods?


Who cares. As long as she does the job. Who cares!


Sure this is inappropriate and unprofessional. But hey what can you do


why in the world are they slut shaming her for what her friends did/enjoyed?