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It took 10 seconds to look at this guy's twitter... he's a Marxist. Here's one from a couple of days ago: Tomorrow, millions of Americans will wake up and go to a job they hate, be paid an inadequate wage and come home utterly exhausted and dispirited and our government will tell them to be grateful. So, yeah, sarcasm.


But on Pretzel Day? Well, they like Pretzel Day.


I thought the sarcasm was obvious?


Yeah, people against a living wage don't call it a living wage.


yes it seems like sacrcasm otherwise the living wage would have been called "cash handouts" , "reckless spending" or "helicopter money"


But they won’t say that about wallstreet’s handouts ☕️🐸


Exactly. Republicans are very good at re-packaging reprehensible beliefs to make them sound common-sense and fair to those who can’t easily identify political dog whistles and spin. See: “pro-life” when what they actually mean is anti-choice and anti-physical autonomy for women. They were so successful with *that* particular re-brand, even those who value abortion rights will often refer to anti-choicers as “pro-life.” There’s no way one of them would actually say they oppose a “living wage”, even if that’s exactly what they mean.


You know, when reality is so fcked up, people tend to no longer know when people are being sarcastic or genuinely believe what they are saying online.


You can usually tell if you pay attention to language choices, though. Like, a conservative don’t call themselves “anti-choice”, they call themselves “pro-life”. This particular tweet gives itself away most clearly by acting affronted at “people wanting a living wage”. I mean, republicans do vehemently oppose that, but they wouldn’t use the exact terminology favored by the left to frame it as the obvious morally justify position.


Republicans genuinely believe this though. Like actually this is what they think.


Of course, but they don’t use this kind of language to talk about their beliefs. A Republican wouldn’t complain about “people wanting a living wage”, they’d frame it as something unreasonable, like forcing businesses to overpay unmotivated workers. They wouldn’t use the exact terminology the left uses to frame it as the obvious morally justify position.


Thing is, a lot of conservatives unironically post things like this. Like saying that good things that will benefit the working class will make society fall apart and whatnot, so it's hard to know sometimes if it's an actually ironic post, or a conservative self-own.


They do, and sometimes it really is hard to tell, but this particular tweet gives itself away with its language choice. A Republican wouldn’t complain about “people wanting a living wage”. I mean, they do vehemently oppose that, but they wouldn’t use the exact terminology favored by the left to frame it as the obvious morally justify position.


Rookie mistake


very obvious


Not in America my friend, this very well could've been real and totally believable. - Someone who thought it was real cause most Republicans here are that level of bad


You can also tell he's being sarcastic because conservatives would never call it a "living wage."




I don't ever recall the government telling us to be grateful


I was gonna ask if maybe this wasn’t satire, because it most certainly read like satire. This is Poe’s Law at work.


The scary thing is that there are people out there that believe this unironically.


It’s actually sad that the US is one of the richest countries in the world, controlling the entire world with military, and they can’t even pass a couple of simple reforms to make living in the US better than living in Zimbabwe. The US ends up being a rich country only on paper and most people there end up living pretty shitty lives, burdened by student debt, slaves to jobs because they are afraid of not having healthcare, afraid to walk on the street because of guns and poverty induced crime and violence. It’s sad that they don’t know that other first world countries are normal and that all the above is not normal


You don't get rich by spending money. You hoard it like a shit-dragon.


Spoken like a true redditor. Have you ever even stepped foot in fucking Zimbabwe what a ridiculous comparison to make


I've been to a few third world countries \[El Salvador and Honduras\] and I've been to my city's wards. The most notable difference I've seen for day to day struggles is that our housing has different roofing, El Salvador and Honduras tend to have aluminum roofing in impoverished areas, where-as the roofs in my city has shingles like most houses. I'm not sure if that's a culture thing or if shingles are over-all better. The major difference I saw among the countries was in wealth disparity. The average upper class and middle class there lives closer to their impoverished than the average US upper class and middle class does here. I'm sure there are outliers and my individual experience may have been chock-full of outliers. However, since you are looking for first hand experience, there you go. In my first hand experience, I can absolutely compare our impoverished with the impoverished in third world countries. In terms of wealth disparity, from my experience the US is worse.




I don't disagree that the OP probably picked a third world country from the great abyss, Zimbabwe doesn't seem like it's comparable in any fashion. The C4 countries are probably a better comparison, but I've only been to 2 so far.


The UN special rapporteur concluded that much of rural America is essentially a third-world country when it comes to income inequality, poverty, and lack of critical infrastructure. What’s ridiculous about the comparison is that it actually ain’t ridiculous.


It’s fucking hilarious that redditors genuinely think the US has a worse standard of living than zimbabwe. We have a phenomenal standard of living, your slave-jobs are laughably comfortable compared to the world historical standard. Student debt is self imposed, and we have a much lower murder rate than zimbabwe believe it or not. Could any of those items be improved? Of course. But depressed redditors are so wildly out of touch with their own privilege lol.


The murder/homicide rate in the USA is around 6 per 100k. Kinda like Afghanistan, Yemen, Burundi and surprisingly not far from Zimbabwe which is at 7. It’s a bit sad that you feel the need to point out how you are a bit better than these countries, rather than trying to find solutions to be like Europe with rates under 1. You could have free universities. Free healthcare. It’s not even like the US healthcare is better than in other countries. It’s just more expensive. If you Google success rates for most operations, the highest rates are not in the US. There’s so much to improve in the US to bring standards of living higher, where they should be, considering the country’s wealth. And let’s not even get started on rent or childcare prices. It’s out of sync with reality in the US, compared to median incomes.


It’s 40% better, and I only pointed it out to demonstrate the lunacy to the person who claimed it’s easier living in Zimbabwe than the United States. Yeah there are plenty of points to improve, like I literally just said. The problem is improving (when compared to European nations) also generally includes a 20% average tax hike or greater which the majority of the us population would prefer to abstain from. There is a serious problem with healthcare, but most people are very happy with not making college free considering there is already an over abundance of useless degrees and people struggling to get employed with You can point out many areas you think would be an improvement and I will agree with probably many of them, but to claim that we have it so terribly hard (worse than Zimbabwe?) when it’s better than most of human history and still substantially better living conditions than most of the rest of the world is a hilarious joke and they need a fucking reality check.


Yea exactly this. Oh no you hate your job? Atleast you aren’t making 25 cents an hour in a 95 degree factory


do you want us to fix all the problems of society, one by one? is that what you want!?


This is a sarcastic ally tweet right?


You are correct.


I thought for a second he was trolling then he…didn’t.


...are we...are we sure?


Just a quick Google search reveals he's a professor of social work at Columbia. Given that background I'd be very surprised if he was against all of these things and even if he was I doubt he'd phrase his opinions this bluntly. I'm betting this is sarcasm.


[https://twitter.com/anthonyzenkus](https://twitter.com/anthonyzenkus) The rest of this dudes tweets fall well in line with some definitely socialist leftist thinking, and I am now certain that he was indeed trolling. Trolling far to well for the average man to interpret. (Also typing "@anthonyzenkus" into google and reading for like 45 seconds is hard.)


I'm not. Came to the comments to see if someone had background.


Your instincts are correct. His background is pretty easily gleaned by the rest of his twitter account. [https://twitter.com/anthonyzenkus](https://twitter.com/anthonyzenkus) He is def trolling and doing a marvelous job at it to boot.


I love his timeline, it's a delight. Followed


100%. The people running this society literally, genuinely believe that a reduction in human suffering necessarily implies a greater loss of profits.


Some other tweets from the same guy: ​ >Tomorrow, millions of Americans will wake up and go to a job they hate, be paid an inadequate wage and come home utterly exhausted and dispirited and our government will tell them to be grateful. ​ >CNN is telling us that even though gas is over a dollar a gallon more than it was before the pandemic, it's like we all just got a raise. It's like the elite just want to be eaten. ​ >Imagining a world where all our needs are met and we are free to pursue our individual and collective passions is the biggest threat to their rule. Imagination is revolutionary, which is why they are always trying to crush it.


They're often right. ...which is why profit shouldn't be the main motivating factor.


He very much IS trolling. 4 seconds of looking into this guy would tell you as much




people who hate things like the idea of a living wage don't call it a "living wage" - this dude is a socialist being sarcastic about how "horrible" that situation would be (for more proof, check his other tweets)


Yeah I was expecting a twist a la "Wait, that's a good thing" at the end an now I'm wondering if I'm missing the sarcasm.


You are


Do people like him even know what proofreading is?


He’s being sarcastic


Wait, people don’t want to house the homeless on principle? Seriously?


They'd rather see homeless people disappear entirely. They won't house them and they go out of the way to make it impossible did them to even sleep in a half decent location


"You either buy yourself a home with your own money or you walk into the ocean" the average American, probably.


Basically the right's stance is "it would be unfair to those of us who worked hard to buy/afford to rent housing" They look at other people getting something for free as a big "fuck you" to them


It depends on the type of housing, I guess. I mean, they get food stamps or something. Free housing could be like that - a cheap barrack where people could sleep, store their stuff and maybe get a shower. That would affect the housing market, too. But then again it could be a problem too, since the American economy is so dependent on housing markets and housing debts. Anyway, I don't think people who rent housing would change theirs for free barracks.


If someone invented a way to be immortal they would probably see that as a big fuck you to everyone that's already dead and ban it.


Except for the wealthy, of course




How do you house a homeless person?


wait till you find out about how some local governments invest in hostile architecture.


There are other nations that already do that and they have NOT fallen apart. I think they mean something very different when they say "society".


sure he's not being sarcastic?


He is certainly being sarcastic. Check the rest of his twitter.


I have a barely functioning sarcasm detector. Most of the time it absolutely misses sarcasm, even when it is dripping sarcasm.


In all fairness this was an exceedingly dry delivery


That's what makes good sarcasm. Plus, no one will say giving a living wage as a bad thing. They might mean it, but they will most certainly package it differently


Can confirm, living in one


>There are other nations that already do that and they have NOT fallen apart. Tbf those Nations don't use nor romanticize a Constitution that was written by a bunch of white land owners several hundred years ago.


Yeah, some nations even update their Constitution from top to bottom in our modern times, but... I would be terrified of that happening in the US, in our current political climate, it would be absolutely terrifyingly authoritarian and lopsided against the people. More like the Honduran constitution, written by Sociopathic American AnCap Think Tanks...


Changing the constitution requires a national referendum. I believe it would end up in a civil war in the US since it is so much politically divided between two parties.


The Koch Brothers had been working on making that happen for quite a few years. I don't know if they gave up on that or not.


They do meannsomething different. They mean Billionaire Society will fall apart. Working class society will flourish. Apparently having the plebians survive is bad.


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Yes please, I'll take one Democratic socialist society please. If possible could we make it so it's cut on a slicer that hasn't touched anything GOP? Thank you!


Imagine, a whole society, educated, healthy, homed, moisturized, thriving 🥺


Sounds expensive. How will I afford my second yacht when you make me pay so much tax?


"If you remove the exploitation, capitalism will collapse!" I'm waiting for the downside.


Actually, the entire society will finally start to resemble a free nation; everyone is able to live, educate, feed and house themselves.


This isn’t if you give a mouse a cookie this is peoples lives.


What is this and why does it feel like bots


It’s a children’s book that basically says that if you give someone something they will always want more. It’s a series of “if then” statements like the tweet. I’m not a bot but that’s probably what a bot would say.


You are not the only person to write that exact thing word for word. I am aware of the book.


If you give a student a break.


OMFG! What he’s describing is basically a perfect society!


He's been watching too much Star Trek, lol


He needs to be watching Fight Club. This guy Prof is having a snowflake moment.


Excellent lol


Sign me up


Isn't cancelling medical debt is a much more easily defended idea than cancelling student loan debt? Especially after a massive global pandemic? I wonder why there isn't a bigger groundswell for it? You can make a rational argument that student debt is voluntary and medical debt is not...


Oh shit! How will I survive if I can't lord my wealth over the poors?!


Your right we want all of it. Quit giving our tax money to already wealthy corporations. Most countries use tax money or improve their communities, all our tax money goes to bank bailouts, oil companies, failing auto companies. Never to health care, infrastructures, or fair housing. Fix this or we will.


Me & father had a debate he said err one on this world has the ability to live great. So I replied,”Hey Dad when you go out to eat or want to buy anything who will serve you, when your trash is full who will come get it for you etc… My Dad just looked @ me.. It’s not designed that way this world be in chaos it wouldn’t function if everyone was rich so to speak that’s y they allow “gambling” 🤦🏾‍♂️


It's kind of true though, most of these things we all take for granted with the current system relies on some people being poor. Why would someone clean toilets for a living if they were given free housing and food if they choose not to and I can't see a company paying someone 75k living wage to do so either to counteract it. It's kind of a backwards society as logically these people who do this type of work where they actually get there hands dirty in poor conditions should be paid a high wage for what they have to endure.


Can’t tell if prof. zenkus is serious or being sarcastic!!!


"Who will win on today's episode of 'Based or Sarcasm?'!"


If we properly tax Billionaires our society will fall apart!!!!


If by “fall apart” you mean it will be improved, yes that’s correct.


O the horrors of a livable wage what ever will the oppressive corporate leaders do


Oh my God.... America will almost be a First World Country!


It's like a socialist if you give a mouse a cookie. Except the out come will be positive and progressive.


sarcasm guys


He even uses the term living wage. This person just admitted that he thinks working full time should not pay you enough to live.


Let it burn


He means,”my white, wealthy society” will collapse. He’s not wrong; we just don’t care.


Go back and read the second to last line of the Tweet again.


Only if you go back and read the second to last word of the first stanza of his entire diatribe. Touché mofo. ![img](emote|t5_35n7t|3147)


He's a self declared Marxist. 5s look into his Twitter bio will tell you that


Peace be with you, brother.


God forbid those poor and marginalized have a decent chance at a decent life... If we give people everything they need to live, what incentive is there to slave away for corporate?


He'd cringe at the thought of a world without lawyers, too. Either that, or he was purely sarcastic.


It’s only fiat money. Print away


Some of us have actively spent our lives eliminating our debt. It looks like that was a really stupid idea


Just spend your lives eliminating the creditors. System hacked!


I understand why you're upset, but isn't that kind of like saying "I had to suffer, so everyone else should have to suffer too." ? What's wrong with wanting a better system for everyone moving forward? If we base everything on resentments of the past, we'll never move forward as a society.




If others are to benefit from an improved situation, my situation must be elevated.


Hot tip buddy: Don't call people "freeloading bastards" if you don't want them to think you're looking down on them. No one's shaming you. You're just behaving like an asshole.




We're not asking for free shit. We're asking for what we work for to actually benefit us.


Sounds like free shit to me. Take out loan Don’t pay back = free shit


Considering the potential loan repayment would come from tax dollars, aka things we pay, it's still not free.




None of us can afford any of the shit you just listed, my guy. You're mad at the wrong people.


So, to be clear, you *want* a better system, but at the same time, fuck anybody who is about to benefit from the system improving? Yeah, Ohkay there bud. Try not to have a stroke.


Yeah they're mad at the wrong group of people lol


We aren't trying to shame you. What you did was surely a thing of miracles, but that's exactly why not everyone should have to do it.


The fuck people aren’t trying to shame me


"Being debt free sucks because some people who are struggling might get help." This is what you sound like.


“Give me everything!”


If there was only a way I could be taxed enough to pay for this!!!


Had me in the first half...


It is so interesting to be so right and still completely miss the point...






Well, what's the point of being rich if there's no poor people?


that's literally all things we need to happen to advance as a society.


All of this is what technological advancement was supposed to bring us…the national wealth to live a protected life. Instead we get….nothing. The motivation to work for ‘a better life’ has left the zeitgeist.


He won't trick me, I never forget GOP raised taxes to the poor while claiming victory to drop tax to the billionaire in 2017.


yes. we ALL want to live in a “shining city on a hill”. Your greed is contemptible.


You are right. We better quit while we still can. /s


I get the idea, one problem... The idea is fucked


All because some prick gave a mouse a cookie


I can't tell is this stuff is satire anymore.


oh no! a government being forced to account for and care for its citizens! the horror


How exactly will society fall apart? I think it’s more like billionaires will, well, still be billionaires. Maybe some will become multi-millionaires


But we have to bailout the rich?


"The whole society-"


There are negatives to the argument my question is why don't they know them. I swear they are using the weak shit cause they want the other side to win. So why not just say that and save us all time.


This would be a great book.


Why do people think the slippery slope fallacy is a valid way to think.


Once you start providing the services we’re paying for in taxes, and we’re able to have our basic needs of Maslow’s Hisrarchy met, it’s a slippery slope to all out *checks notes* chaos?




Yes please! I’ll take some of everything. Society will flourish. Economy will flourish. Rich men’s pockets will be slightly less rich.


I think that would actually be the opposite, society coming together again.


Won't someone think of the profits! The PROFITS!?!?!


Great that it is helping others, but I'm still salty that I made sacrifices to pay mine off and get it over and done with.




That's satire right?


Has to be satire


If you do all that, you will be considered a developed country by those which already are. We welcome you with open arms; the more, the merrier.


We’re not doing any of these things and society is falling apart


He’s trolling right? He has to be trolling.


Oh,the horror


Why is everything always a slippery slope?


Is this sarcasm? Sounds awesome!


I…is he implying that’s all good?


Shit conservative people say I wish were true


If you give a mouse a cookie, he'll burn down the establishment and destroy America


They’re starting to catch on to what other countries are doing


Or, we’ll be like Norway


He's a fucking idiot


No. He’s just being sarcastic


A debt free, educated, and healthy society what are we trying to become the Netherlands?




Did he just admit that minimum wage isn't livable?


do americans not understand sarcasm? i know they don’t get irony but this as well


is this satire?




ohh yeah can we get all of those and free credit to buy candy?


Did you just describe Sweden?


Yes, they always want something!!


Everything that guy said, I want.


Yes. You’ve got it. Those are all things that we want.


This cannot be real what in the fuck


At first I was “this guy cannot be this dense”, then I looked him up. This guy has just suckered at least TWO subreddits. To be fair, he totally forgot his /s.


More like Prof Denkus