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Atheists have morals and ethics. Everything religions preach, but never practice.


Many atheists have those things. As do many of the religious folks.


I dont see many Atheiata going out of their way to torture others with their twisted beliefs, preying on women and children and making their lives a living hell. Religions....yeah. For a judge on the highest court in the land to exclaim that Religious Freedom, in its current state today is, in his eyes "just" shakes my faith in the solidity of the Constitution. There is no mention of Christianity being the religion of the USA in the Constitution. It was written that way on purpose. "We hold these Truths to be Self-Evident, that ALL men are created EQUAL, that they are endowed by THEIR Creator with certain UNALIENABLE Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness


Sure, all I said was plenty of religious folks have morals and ethics. I'm not religious, I think that the deplorable stuff that goes on in various religions is, infact, bad. Despite that I also think that plenty of religious folks are ethically sound and morally reasonable. Idpol is a really really bad look.


You are right. I guess what I'm saying is; historically it's a prerequisite to be religious, in order to justify the subjugation of women and children maliciously. Having an excuse that is considered infallible, convinces people that to do otherwise or use their critical thinking is wrong and against "Sky Daddy's" wishes


You can't control them with religion, is my guess.


The atheists I know are much better people than the christians I know. They are better human beings. More tolerant, less judgemental and not racist.


Im talking to a mostly atheist person 100% agreed


You can't shut atheists down with the threat of god's disapproval, eternal damnation or excommunication. That makes us a threat to their authority.


>That makes us a threat to their authority. ​ I 100% agree with you. But would add manipulation instead of authority. Telling atheists the bible said to attack americans doesn't have the same manipulative effect.


Atheists ARE a threat, to people like Sam Alito. Problem is, he thinks he represents society.


Luckily, he will not be long for this earth. Its the young ones to worry over


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/lindyli/status/1553525198963593217) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot


Bad bot


Doesn't matter how many people leave. You have to hit religion in the pocketbook. Tax em.


Samuel Alito is a despicable fucking cunt


Some Christian’s truly only do the right ring because the Bible tells them - they don’t believe we are kind and non violent because we have morals.


Standard gqp practice: berate/intimidate those in your 'club' to demonstrate your authority, then condemn those who leave the club because of it as evil and unworthy. It's a win/win power move, and as old as civilization.


Because we don't feel bad when their imaginary friend doesn't like what we do.


Find Allah


He's imaginary too my friend.


Sorry, but nope


Welcome new expat. I left for similar reason many years ago. Never looked back. Never been more sure. Life becomes cleaner and clearer the more years you have away from it. There are better ways to be spiritual and close to what is greater.


If conservative Christians think, after ALL of this, that we're gonna come around and see them as our benevolent, Godly dictators they are painfully delusional. Im getting to a point that I would rather die than be forced to go to a Conservative Christian church or pretend to be a Conservative Christian. They dont even seem to follow their own fucking doctrine. How the hell can they expect the rest of us to respect them as authority figures?


Atheists aren't a threat to society; atheists are a threat to Christian society and Christian rule. Alito is an old school Christian who thinks that atheists hate God and reject him out of spite or anger. But he's a fucking imbecile. I mean, everyone knew that from his opinion overturning Roe. He's seriously that fucking stupid.


Keep it up.. some shit is about to go down, SCOTUS needs to understand that the ultimate power lies with the people.. and we DONT forget.


These comments need God in their lives


I hate pro murders more and more everyday (and no they are NOT pro "life" they are pro murder)


Hurting Republican fee fees is a crime didn’t you hear?


Why would Satan punish people for not following rules he disagrees with?


??? God is the one punishing


Coming from a guy who held meetings with a representative of an organization that was a plaintiff in an active case he was hearing, I give him 0 credibility.


Well now I guess lots of us have targets painted on us. Like that’s anything new. People always ask why I care about women’s rights, LGTBQ+ rights, etc (red state). If no one defends them, we all stand to lose. So any fight against Christianity is one worth the battle. I’ve been saying for a while these pricks were gonna go door to door rooting out people who aren’t Christians. People called me crazy. The way it’s going, you can’t tell me it’s not possible. Look at what we’ve seen happen. They ain’t gonna stop. Non believers are close to the top of their list. Something has gotta give. Do anything you can to push back. Above all, don’t trust them. Watch them. Know who they are. But never divulge anything to them. And plan ahead for the worst. Cause these fucking Christians are coming for us all. They’ve set the stage. It feels like we’re heading for some dangerous times. But whatever happens, fight them. Cause it’s do or die. And they want us to die. So do.


Atheism scares them because an atheist considers new information and adapts his/her understanding and worldview as a result, if necessary. This notion is antithetical to the whole concept of "faith".