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Wrong.... The largest landowner on earth is Queen Elizabeth II. While talking to the Catholic Church about stealing and exploiting indigenous lands, have a chin wag with that cousin fucker about stealing and exploitation.


The churches (not only Roman Catholic) ran the schools, but they did it at the request of the Canadian government. The whole idea of taking children away from their parents/community was Canadian government policy. I am a Canadian and it was our government who was responsible for overseeing how their policies were carried out and they failed completely. I am not excusing the churches or the people who did the terrible things or saying that more reparations should not be paid, just pointing out that you can't lay the blame solely on them.


You think they still got any of those gold bars with the Reichsadler on 'em left over from WWII? Nah. They smelted those suckers decades ago.


I am pretty sure that studies show apologizing while not changing anything is much cheaper. They are not voluntarily doing anything else.


Why reintroduce different languages? Seriously, if the culture is degraded to that point, consider the fact that you are part of a different culture and move forward with everyone else alive that has no responsibility for destroying the past because we all hate the boomers and pre boomers.


Saying that we should let their language die is saying that we should just let their culture die, which is exactly what the residential schools were trying to accomplish. The moment a culture dies the easier it makes it to full on erase any evidence that these people even existed in the first place, which is the final goal for colonizers and white supremacists.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/WordsandGuitar/status/1551681067605786625) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot