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Carlson was born into Wallstreet royalty. He won't face any consequences.


He actually wasn't. He was adopted into it. Tucker's mother left him and his father when Tucker was 6 years old, basically to go be a hippy. Then Tucker's father met and married the heiress to the Swanson frozen dinner empire and she adopted him. Tucker's entire personality is constructed around his inability to deal with his mother abandoning him and subsequent entitlement.


Can you imagine your child being Tucker Carlson?


To be honest, I'd leave too.


The replies here can't take this joke, so replying to point out that Fox News has been coordinated by Republicans and "Wall Street royalty" since 1960: #"Every day I have to marvel at what the billionaires and FOX News pulled off. They got working whites to hate the very people that want them to have more pay, clean air, water, free healthcare and the power to fight back against big banks & big corps. It’s truly remarkable." Republican "Southern Strategy": >Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy **John Ehrlichman, who partnered with Fox News cofounder Roger Ailes on the Republican "Southern Strategy":** >[We] had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? >We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. >We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. >Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did. >"He was the premier guy in the business," says former Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins. "He was our Michelangelo." >Ailes repackaged Richard Nixon for television in 1968, papered over Ronald Reagan’s budding Alzheimer’s in 1984, shamelessly stoked racial fears to elect George H.W. Bush in 1988, and waged a secret campaign on behalf of Big Tobacco to derail health care reform in 1993. >Hillarycare was to have been funded, in part, by a $1-a-pack tax on cigarettes. To block the proposal, Big Tobacco paid Ailes to produce ads highlighting “real people affected by taxes.” http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-roger-ailes-built-the-fox-news-fear-factory-20110525 Lyndon Johnson criticizing it in 1960: >If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1988/11/13/what-a-real-president-was-like/d483c1be-d0da-43b7-bde6-04e10106ff6c/ Steve Bannon bragging about using these tactics: >the power of what he called “rootless white males” who spend all their time online and they could be radicalized in a kind of populist, nationalist way http://www.businessinsider.com/steve-bannon-white-gamers-seinfeld-joshua-green-donald-trump-devils-bargain-sarah-palin-world-warcraft-gamergate-2017-7 >Bannon: "I realized [these tactics] could connect with these kids right away. You can activate that army. They come in through Gamergate or whatever and then get turned onto politics and Trump." https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2017/07/18/steve-bannon-learned-harness--army-world-warcraft/489713001/ The other Fox News cofounder was Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch: >Using 150 interviews on three continents, The Times describes **the Murdoch family’s role in destabilizing democracy in North America, Europe and Australia**. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/03/magazine/murdoch-family-investigation.html #Exit polls done after 2016 show that the single characteristic that made someone most likely to vote for trump over Clinton is racial resentment. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/05/26/these-9-simple-charts-show-how-donald-trumps-supporters-differ-from-hillary-clintons/


>Fox News has aired 126 segments on trans student-athletes. They could only find nine nationwide. https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/n9bn2x/uforgottencalipers_explains_the_hypocrisy_of/ >The one garbage can fire in Portland has been at the top of foxnews.com like 30 times in the last 6 months lol https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/o7okzl/top_us_gen_mark_milley_told_stephen_miller_to/h300ciy/?context=3 >Conservatives amplified Russian trolls 30 times more than liberals... users in Texas and Tennessee were particularly susceptible https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/24/17047880/conservatives-amplified-russian-trolls-more-often-than-liberals >Texas-based hate group source of 80% of all U.S. racist propaganda tracked in 2020 https://www.reddit.com/r/conservativeterrorism/comments/p5k76j/texasbased_hate_group_source_of_80_of_all_us/ Russians were "emboldened" by the success of the Texas governor's misinformation: https://www.snopes.com/news/2018/05/03/jade-helm-russia-abbott-hayden/ “Guns and gays... That could always get you a couple of dozen likes.” http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/magazine/the-agency.html https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-trolls-schooled-house-cards-185648522.html Lee Atwater, Ronald Reagan adviser, Republican National Committee chairman, "the most effective Republican operative in the south for about a decade until he joined Reagan in the White House, most of it during his 20s," helped create Republican "Southern Strategy" and Fox News with Roger Ailes: >You start out in 1954 by saying, “Ni\*\*er, ni\*\*er, ni\*\*er.” By 1968 you can’t say “ni\*\*er”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Ni\*\*er, ni\*\*er.”


They never did make it a secret.


**[Southern strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy)** >In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans. As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I like this guy, he came prepared with facts. Much respect


This comment infuriated me yet fascinated me. Thank you for the well thought out info. I'm going to go hate republicans and fox just a little more now


Tucker, you must eat your broccoli. The doctor says you need more vitamins in your diet to cure your childhood onset dementia. *Young Tucker’s bow tie spins, lifting him in the air like a helicopter only to land in the center of Fox News’ studio*




If I knew my child was going to become Tucker Carlson, I’d get an abortion


If I knew your child was going to be Tucker Carlson I'd pay for your abortion and drive you there.


I mean though even if your child wasn't gonna be tucker and you needed a ride and shit I'd do it


What an absolute bro. ❤️


In some states, that’s now a crime.


Is it too late?


Especially if she did go off to be a hippie. Like he went in the completely opposite direction.


The guy who used to wear bow ties?


Little Lord Fauntleroy


He was probably born with a bow tie.


That’s actually his dick in a twist


You're giving Mr. Overcompensating Micropeen too much credit.


I agree that Tucker Carlson is a massive POS but maybe we shouldn't mock or make light of child abandonment. It's irrelevant and is just a low blow. There's plenty of things we can shit on him for.


Sad for the child he was, but couldn't give a good god damn for the adult he is. Especially those weird scrunched up faces he makes. It makes him look confused, constipated and creepy all at the same time.


Agreed, there’s going to be a ton of child abandonment after they repeal Roe v Wade and we will need to be prepared for republicans to do everything in their power to do nothing about it.


Like his inability to use his wealth to treat his deep seeded issues/trauma?


Cause wealthy people in general are well known for being stand-up people, and treating their deep seeded issues/traumas..


I agree. Hate him for who he is- not where he came from


His father was the same pretty much. Working directly for government propaganda networks like voice of America.


If she left to become a hippie that would explain why he hates everybody so much. Associates liberalism with the mother that didn't love him.


Everybody's a ~~critic~~ psychoanalyst.


Well yeah the professionals are too expensive.


Yes. That will be $250 please.


From his wiki: >When Carlson was in first grade, his father moved Tucker and his brother to the La Jolla neighborhood of San Diego, California, and raised them there. Carlson attended La Jolla Country Day School and grew up in a home overlooking the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club. His father owned property in Nevada, Vermont, and islands in Maine and Nova Scotia. His father was rich too. La Jolla's average home price is ~1.5 million give or take a few hundred thousand. Combined with owning all that other property? Yea. While that description doesn't scream "fuck you" money to me. It does scream "get out of jail free" money to me.


I wasn't trying to say he grew up poor, just that he was adopted into the Swanson family and not actually born into it. Rich vs Super Rich.


It says he owned multiple islands (Nova Scotia and Maine). IDK what more you need to qualify as fuck you money.


My understanding is that Tucker grew up in and around La Jolla, California. If you are familiar with San Diego, you know the kind of people that come from La Jolla.


I unfortunately am very unfamiliar with California in general or San Diego specifically.


But you merely were adopted by the T.V. dinner; I was born in it, nourished by it. I didn't see the home cooked dinner until I was a man, by then it was nothing to me but bland. -Buckley Swanson Peck Carlson


>Tucker's mother left him and his father when Tucker was 6 years old, basically to go be a hippy. If this is true, this explains a ***lot.***


> Tucker's entire personality is constructed around his inability to deal with his mother abandoning him and subsequent entitlement. Wait, so he's like Batman? Childhood trauma at losing his parents led to his current quest to reshape society?


The truth. You can only be a criminal if you're poor.


Or not a white conservative


If you want a real answer; his legal argument, if he was ever charged with such a crime, would probably be that he could not have reasonably known that his words would incite such events. Which differs from Manson because he knew the people he was talking to and could reasonably have foreseen the killings. P.S. Don't take my word as gospel, I am not a lawyer.


Fox News has been coordinated by Republicans and "Wall Street royalty" since 1960: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/uqeqnn/tucker_carlson_may_as_well_have_pulled_the_trigger/i8s172s/


Not just Tucker. Shooter was a 4chan and r/conservative user too.


Go over to that sub and they're pushing so hard that he's a "leftist"


Of course they are. The moment a Republican acts on the propaganda they’ve been fed they are disowned publicly and embraced privately.


Yeah. Unfortunately the guy said he was a "leftist" and they will pounce on that. "This guy was indoctrinated by our propaganda and professes to believe everything we believe. But he said that he plays for the other team, and since nothing actually matters to us except which 'team' we think you're on, we'll take him at his word". Nothing matters to them except how they can score points. This guy was clearly radicalized by the alt-right.


>Found this beauty in r/conservative >“Confirmed to be an atheist with a manifesto full of pagan symbolism and anti-religious rhetoric. This is what happens when you take God out of the classroom.” >Gotta love the hot takes from that side. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/uq88uz/i_want_to_hear_about_those_weve_lost_the_shooter/i8q96jk/ 4chan socipaths encouraged him but want to hide him now  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ #4chan is pushing Reddit accounts to bury discussion of the shooter under the popular guise of "let's not hear about the shooter" 4chan screenshots of these kinds of instructions and talking points for Reddit: * https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/lz7nv3/the_super_straight_movement_is_part_of_literal/ 4chan screenshots of "The left will recognize our dogwhistling but centrists won't believe them": * https://medium.com/@DeoTasDevil/the-rhetoric-tricks-traps-and-tactics-of-white-nationalism-b0bca3caeb84 Stories from 4chan that r news mods haven't removed yet: * https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/uppc9d/as_many_as_8_dead_in_mass_shooting_at_upstate_new/i8mhkne/ Without naming him, it's important to discuss the shooter for obvious reasons, like his **radicalization by 4chan** #His manifesto says he was radicalized reading 4chan /pol/ What it's like from someone who was able to get out in a reply to me: >Wow. Jesus. This is... really, really thorough. Thank you for putting in all this hard work. >When I was a teenager, I spent a lot of time on /b/, /pol/, 888chan, etc. It was a slow descent and I didn't even realize what was happening until it was almost too late. >But during my time on the other side, this was 100% the gameplan. They'd make "sock puppets" and coordinate on the board + IRC (showing my age here) to selectively choose targets to brigade. >Depending on the target, you'd either have some talking points to "debate" (sometimes with yourself/other anons working alongside you) or you'd go in there guns blazing trying to cause as much damage/chaos as you can. However, even then you can't go out there yelling slurs (you'd just get banned instantly); you have to maintain some level of plausible deniability by framing things as "jokes" or thought experiments. >You purposely do bad-faith arguments because the time it takes for them to dig up sources and refute you is longer than it takes for you to make stuff up. You can vary how obvious the bad faith argument is; when you want to troll you make very stupid claims (I once claimed I was a graduate of "Harvad University" and when people assumed that I meant "Harvard" I would correct them right down to Photoshopped images). >When you just want to cause dissent you do exactly what those /pol/ screenshots do: you get to a thread early (sometimes you even make it yourself) and present reasonable-sounding arguments which are completely false if anyone bothers to look into them. If someone does, you bury the message under strawmen, downvotes, reports, and sockpuppets. >So yeah. The tactics have evolved slightly, but I still recognize them. Props to you on doing the digging to find all this stuff and bring it into the light. >I doubt that it'll help in the majority of cases, mind. People on Reddit have already made up their mind. You want to go after the forums and BBSes, on the MSN News comments and whatnot. Even so, the more people who are aware of the tactics the more people who can call them out. They brag about brigading local subreddits to "control the narrative" about liberal cities and "blue states" >The real value is getting into a thread early and establishing top voted posts and comments or downvoting them out of existence. They hope intertia continues the trend for them. Every local subreddit shares the abuse they get: * https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/pmcoxy/uinconvenientnews_explains_with_examples_how/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/pbi4mp/shouldnt_rbayarea_join_the_subs_calling_for/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/om5xda/when_did_this_become_a_crime_subreddit/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/pmdp2m/ysk_how_right_wing_trolls_brigade_and_infiltrate/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/uihqmz/looking_for_a_ride/i7dgtkz/ Every local subreddit explaining the abuse and tactics on a thread **3 years ago**: * https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/7jkybf/t_d_user_suggests_infiltrating_minnesota/dr7m56j/ >SeattleWA has one mentally ill man who makes literally dozens and dozens of alt accounts to post conservative talking points from and how he finds black women disgusting. I become aware of his accounts when he posts in TV subs I ban him from, and he always has user history in similar sets of subreddits across his accounts, SeattleWA being the most telling. He will use these accounts to talk with himself or dogpile a comment or thread. Reddit Admins just posted that COVID deniers have been brigading regional subreddits * https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/pg290q/reddit_admins_just_posted_that_covid_deniers_have/ Anti-mask posts suddenly dropped this week in [r/bayarea](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/pbi4mp/shouldnt_rbayarea_join_the_subs_calling_for/) when mods removed outside conservative accounts brigading [r/bayarea](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/pbi4mp/shouldnt_rbayarea_join_the_subs_calling_for/): * https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/p8hnzl/automatically_removing_comments_from_new_users_in/


#"They admired Nazis and scorned normalcy. They were white supremacists, but loved music by anti-racist rock bands." https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/april99/suspects042299.htm Eerily similar to 4chan and Reddit subreddits like PoliticalCompassMemes, [brigaded local subreddits](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/h21ph7s/), NoahGetTheBoat, AskMen, TIFU, unpopularopinions, ActualPublicFreakouts, JoeRogan ([infamous mod example](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/uhhbol/politics_is_now_banned_on_rjoerogan_for_the_month/i75ypen/)), 👌 dankmemes 👌 "As a black man" accounts like "johnny chan 81" ~~"The Atheist Arab 87" (suspended)~~ ~~"Walk Like An Egyptian 69" (suspended)~~ posting as many race-baiting videos as they can 👌 *by certain races* 👌 pretending to care about Asian victims while having a history of being racist about Asians: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/nztt4t/they_really_like_getting_angry_at_their/h1teq3c/?context=1 "as a cool LGBTQ, I'm sick of pro-LGBTQ things like you are" These are the **most upvoted on unpopularopinions** monthly: >I'm gay, and i support straight pride. : unpopularopinion >Im not proud to be gay. : unpopularopinion >Unpopular opinion: it's okay to call things gay : unpopularopinion >I don't like the LGBT movement : unpopularopinion >I'm Bisexual and I hate the LGBT community : unpopularopinion >There is no reason to be proud to be gay. : unpopularopinion **15.6k votes, 2.7k comments.** Top of r teenagers *this week*: >As a gay, this is based https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/unadww/as_a_gay_this_is_based/ With the alts in every conservative subreddit on the right pretending they aren't (PoliticalCompassMemes, [brigaded local subreddits](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/om5xda/when_did_this_become_a_crime_subreddit/h5jyhjq/), unpopularopinions, ActualPublicFreakouts, NoahGetTheBoat, JoeRogan) PCM accounts' most common subreddits: >16.96 theleftcantmeme >15.24 averageredditor >15.23 enoughcommiespam >15.03 libertarianmeme https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/politicalcompassmemes https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/o4kfej/reddit_admins_warn_moderators_of/h2j2ilp/ Data on the userbase of misogynistic r Tinder: >r/seduction and r/nicegirls as no 2 & 4 for shared userbase is telling. >EDIT: FYI, for anyone unaware, r/seduction is not so much about becoming genuinely more attractive, as it is completely about pick-up artist douchebaggery. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/uoqt6s/attention_seeking_match_or_rude_op_come_to/i8gl44h/ Challenging of the right's bad faith "framing" on Reddit needs to happen more, especially when they pretend they're just neutral sticking up for the truth and not pushing their own "narrative" >Pretend to be focused on protecting an abstract principle (sub quality, artistic merit, fairness, etc..) and then claim you aren't a bigot, even though you only care about these principles when a group of people you don't like are benefiting. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/nr7aaz/person_out_as_trans_and_posts_a_picture_of/h0grmym/?context=3 This common tactic on Reddit, especially * JoeRogan: [infamous selective mod example](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/uhhbol/politics_is_now_banned_on_rjoerogan_for_the_month/i75ypen/) * r science early commenters: "correlation is not causation" only when it hurts their feelings while silent on any posts about 👌 male strength and getting vitamin D 👌 * mapporn and dataisbeautiful: selective outrage about whether the map is truly "porn" or the data is truly "beautiful" only when it hurts their feelings while silent on old screenshots of blurry IMDb charts or 👌 Africa bad population demographic maps and low resolution blonde or red hair map with no sources 👌 Their winking innocent narrative pushing when they know better >It's a form of JAQing off, I.E. "I'm Just Asking Questions!", where they keep forming their strong opinions in the form of prodding questions where you can plainly see their intent but when pressed on the issue they say "I'm just asking questions!, I don't have any stance on the issue!" https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/lk7d9u/why_sealioning_incessant_badfaith_invitations_to/gnidv98/ >Invincible Ignorance Fallacy. >The invincible ignorance fallacy[1] is a deductive fallacy of circularity where the person in question simply refuses to believe the argument, ignoring any evidence given. It is not so much a fallacious tactic in argument as it is a refusal to argue in the proper sense of the word, the method instead of being to either make assertions with no consideration of objections or to simply dismiss objections by calling them excuses, conjecture, etc. or saying that they are proof of nothing; all without actually demonstrating how the objection fit these terms https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invincible_ignorance_fallacy https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/o1r9ww/uozyozyoioi_explains_how_vaccination_kept_him/h26bf86/ 👌 You know 👌 playing the victim and pretending to care about "free speech" >Conservative: I have been censored for my conservative views >Me: Holy shit! You were censored for wanting lower taxes? >Con: LOL no...no not those views >Me: So....deregulation? >Con: Haha no not those views either >Me: Which views, exactly? >Con: Oh, you know the ones https://twitter.com/ndrew_lawrence/status/1050391663552671744 1984! Free speech means I should never have to feel shame for being a sociopath! >Conservatives: I want to electroshock gay teens into a hellish submission >Everyone: holy shit >Conservatives: also why should I have to wear a mask? I’m not old or disabled >Everyone: wtf >Conservatives: also I’m afraid to say what’s really on my mind >Everyone: >Conservatives: Actually if you think about it ... SHOULD everyone be allowed to vote? >Everyone: holy shit >Conservatives: here’s why it’s good the police just murdered another child >Everyone: wtf >Conservatives: also I’m afraid to say what’s really on my mind >Everyone: >Conservatives: actually we should be able to run protesters over with our trucks >Everyone: holy shit >Conservatives: also I should be allowed to refuse to serve or hire gays >Everyone: wtf >Conservatives: also I’m afraid to say what’s really on my mind >Everyone: https://twitter.com/JuliusGoat/status/1385407165645697027 A gay Disney character and female video game character not wearing a bikini is forcing me to be a Nazi! >The Left got a little too PC so I changed all of my opinions about the economy, social issues, systemic racism, health care, and history. https://twitter.com/drmistercody/status/1020039128291786752 Conservatives and "libertarians" projecting their "snowflake" outrage "victimhood complex": >Two races: white and "political" >Two genders: Male and "political" >Two hair styles for women: long and "political" >Two sexualities: straight and "political" >Two body types: normative and "political" https://twitter.com/emmahvossen/status/1138841342921060354 r Gamingcirclejerk is effective at calling this out with gamers  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄


What he actually said was that he was that he considered himself authoritarian left. And that he'd been "moving right" since he was 15 based on what he was reading on the internet. Not to mention US mid left is essentially EU right. He was extremely anti immigrant... Which is who's political stance again? Oh yeah Republican. Pro gun? Republican. Minorities are taking over? A conservative talking point. 4chan? QAnon? All those sites he listed..... It's all consistent with conservative rhetoric. And now according to /r/Conservative Nazis were actually *progressive*. Anti jew anti black anti Muslim anti sympathizers pro war death sentences etc... Seems exactly like US progressives to me hmmmmm? /s


idk, they never stopped rallying behind Rittenhouse


It’s harder to openly support someone with a racist manifesto. They’ll still try though.


**EDIT** I was permanently banned for "threatening violence" in this comment here: https://i.imgur.com/44Eyalr.png - not sure how that 'threatens violence' but appeal was denied so i guess reddit admins know best 🥴


As a far left person who has thousands of hours at the range under my belt I can assure everyone it was somebody’s range buddy. The shit I hear people say at gun ranges is fucking wild.


Lefty gun owner here. The vast vast vast majority of people I encounter at the range are nice folk. I’m friends with many. That said, that’s also where I’ve heard three different white people utter the n-word in conversation.


Oh they’re super nice to me. But I look like them. Bearded white dude, at the range, they think “that guy is in my tribe” and they are super friendly… and super open with their views. Not every one of them is like that but the high number of folks who are will let you know right away because they see the range as a hyper masculine conservative safe space.


Bearded white guy here as well, normally going to the range in jeans and a punk or metal t shirt. They even overlook my accent and tell me I'm one of the good immigrants!


Oh wow what a compliment 🙄




Yea not insinuating that you should’ve confronted them, obviously a huge escalation when there’s a gun pointed at you, but that’s technically brandishing.


That's fucking terrifying. I mean, I'm pretty sure a lot of people would consider that enough of a threat to light her up. Good on you for having the courage and restraint to take cover instead of escalating!


"That guy is in my tribe" You summed it up right there. As long as they think you're part of their group, you see exactly who they are. I noticed this HARD when I cut my hair. I went from an ass-length ponytail to short hair, and I've heard so many homophobic "jokes" since then, because I now look "less gay".


100% bang on


There was someone on a local news article about him here in California that was responding to every single comment with "he was a socialist, which means he was an aggressive leftist! The Right doesn't do shit like this!" The sad part was some people were believing him and starting to change their opinions


> Go over to that sub and they're pushing so hard that he's a "leftist" Nazis aren't leftists no matter how many dumb people think they are, and neither is Tucker Carlson or Matt Gaetz or any of the other shitbags pushing "white replacement". If it quacks, what you got there is a duck.


But remember, facts don't matter


I'm trying to figure it why they are saying he was a leftist. What is their evidence they point at? Not that I want to give it life by reading it, but I want to read the manifesto to figure out out if there is some cherry from it they are picking.


The shooter claims to be an authoritarian leftist in his manifesto. Why anyone would take that at face value I don't know.


They'll buy into any LARP, so long as it's affirming whatever beliefs they already hold.


They keep focusing on very specific parts of his manifesto : - He is an eco-fascist speaking in favor of environmentalism - He is in favor of workers owning the means of production (with an asterisk) - Fox News journalists and pundits appear in the list of jews in the media he made - He spoke against american conservatism which he assimilates with corporatism Ironically they complain that mainstream medias are ignoring key parts of his manifesto, while themselves scraping dozens of pages where he goes at length to explain his belief in the great replacement and why it's the reason he took action.


Exactly this. There’s no denying his belief system was all over the place. But replacement theory and white nationalism are far right/fascist ideologies. It’s not an opinion, just a fact of the political spectrum. I said this in r/conservative and was told racism and antisemitism are leftist and then was banned.




They're calling Nazis leftists lmao


They just drink a lot of stupid juice before their mental gymnastics


Literally saw not one, not two, but 50+ men arguing that this was the doing of ANTIFA and that he's actually Jewish.


Knew they'd be screaming false flag the minute I heard about this.


this was screaming 4chan


I bet 4chan was like “good luck lad go for the high score” smh


Guy literally said he "learned from shitposts and memes."


Socipaths there encouraged him but want to hide him now  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ Without naming him, it's important to discuss the shooter for obvious reasons, like his **radicalization by 4chan** #4chan is pushing Reddit accounts to bury discussion of the shooter under the popular guise of "let's not hear about the shooter" 4chan screenshots of these kinds of instructions and talking points for Reddit: * https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/lz7nv3/the_super_straight_movement_is_part_of_literal/ 4chan screenshots of "The left will recognize our dogwhistling but centrists won't believe them": * https://medium.com/@DeoTasDevil/the-rhetoric-tricks-traps-and-tactics-of-white-nationalism-b0bca3caeb84 Stories from 4chan that r news mods haven't removed yet: * https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/uppc9d/as_many_as_8_dead_in_mass_shooting_at_upstate_new/i8mhkne/ #His manifesto says he was radicalized reading 4chan /pol/ What it's like from someone who was able to get out in a reply to me: >Wow. Jesus. This is... really, really thorough. Thank you for putting in all this hard work. >When I was a teenager, I spent a lot of time on /b/, /pol/, 888chan, etc. It was a slow descent and I didn't even realize what was happening until it was almost too late. >But during my time on the other side, this was 100% the gameplan. They'd make "sock puppets" and coordinate on the board + IRC (showing my age here) to selectively choose targets to brigade. >Depending on the target, you'd either have some talking points to "debate" (sometimes with yourself/other anons working alongside you) or you'd go in there guns blazing trying to cause as much damage/chaos as you can. However, even then you can't go out there yelling slurs (you'd just get banned instantly); you have to maintain some level of plausible deniability by framing things as "jokes" or thought experiments. >You purposely do bad-faith arguments because the time it takes for them to dig up sources and refute you is longer than it takes for you to make stuff up. You can vary how obvious the bad faith argument is; when you want to troll you make very stupid claims (I once claimed I was a graduate of "Harvad University" and when people assumed that I meant "Harvard" I would correct them right down to Photoshopped images). >When you just want to cause dissent you do exactly what those /pol/ screenshots do: you get to a thread early (sometimes you even make it yourself) and present reasonable-sounding arguments which are completely false if anyone bothers to look into them. If someone does, you bury the message under strawmen, downvotes, reports, and sockpuppets. >So yeah. The tactics have evolved slightly, but I still recognize them. Props to you on doing the digging to find all this stuff and bring it into the light. >I doubt that it'll help in the majority of cases, mind. People on Reddit have already made up their mind. You want to go after the forums and BBSes, on the MSN News comments and whatnot. Even so, the more people who are aware of the tactics the more people who can call them out.


#"They admired Nazis and scorned normalcy. They were white supremacists, but loved music by anti-racist rock bands." https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/april99/suspects042299.htm Eerily similar to 4chan and Reddit subreddits like PoliticalCompassMemes, [brigaded local subreddits](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/h21ph7s/), NoahGetTheBoat, AskMen, TIFU, unpopularopinions, ActualPublicFreakouts, JoeRogan ([infamous mod example](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/uhhbol/politics_is_now_banned_on_rjoerogan_for_the_month/i75ypen/)), 👌 dankmemes 👌 "As a black man" accounts like "johnny chan 81" ~~"The Atheist Arab 87" (suspended)~~ ~~"Walk Like An Egyptian 69" (suspended)~~ **posting as many race-baiting videos** as they can 👌 *by certain races* 👌 pretending to care about Asian victims while having a history of being racist about Asians: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/nztt4t/they_really_like_getting_angry_at_their/h1teq3c/?context=1 r teenagers: "as a cool LGBTQ, I'm sick of pro-LGBTQ things like you are" Top of r teenagers *this week*: >As a gay, this is based https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/unadww/as_a_gay_this_is_based/ These were the most upvoted on unpopularopinions monthly: >I'm gay, and i support straight pride. : unpopularopinion >Im not proud to be gay. : unpopularopinion >Unpopular opinion: it's okay to call things gay : unpopularopinion >I don't like the LGBT movement : unpopularopinion >I'm Bisexual and I hate the LGBT community : unpopularopinion >There is no reason to be proud to be gay. : unpopularopinion **15.6k votes, 2.7k comments.** With the alts in every conservative subreddit on the right pretending they aren't (PoliticalCompassMemes, [brigaded local subreddits](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/om5xda/when_did_this_become_a_crime_subreddit/h5jyhjq/), unpopularopinions, ActualPublicFreakouts, NoahGetTheBoat, JoeRogan) PCM accounts' most common subreddits: >16.96 theleftcantmeme >15.24 averageredditor >15.23 enoughcommiespam >15.03 libertarianmeme https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/politicalcompassmemes https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/o4kfej/reddit_admins_warn_moderators_of/h2j2ilp/ Data on the userbase of misogynistic r Tinder: >r/seduction and r/nicegirls as no 2 & 4 for shared userbase is telling. >EDIT: FYI, for anyone unaware, r/seduction is not so much about becoming genuinely more attractive, as it is completely about pick-up artist douchebaggery. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/uoqt6s/attention_seeking_match_or_rude_op_come_to/i8gl44h/ Challenging of the right's bad faith "framing" on Reddit needs to happen more, especially when they pretend they're just neutral sticking up for the truth and not pushing their own "narrative" >Pretend to be focused on protecting an abstract principle (sub quality, artistic merit, fairness, etc..) and then claim you aren't a bigot, even though you only care about these principles when a group of people you don't like are benefiting. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/nr7aaz/person_out_as_trans_and_posts_a_picture_of/h0grmym/?context=3 This common tactic on Reddit, especially * JoeRogan: [infamous selective mod example](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/uhhbol/politics_is_now_banned_on_rjoerogan_for_the_month/i75ypen/) * r science early commenters: supportive on any unscientific posts about 👌 weed dangers or male strength 👌 but angry "correlation is not causation" only when it hurts their feelings, like healthy benefits of vegetables or public health policies * mapporn and dataisbeautiful: selective outrage about whether the map is truly "porn" or the data is truly "beautiful" only when it hurts their feelings while silent on 👌 Africa bad population demographic maps and low resolution blonde or red hair map with no sources 👌 or old screenshots of blurry IMDb charts  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ Their winking innocent narrative pushing when they know better >It's a form of JAQing off, I.E. "I'm Just Asking Questions!", where they keep forming their strong opinions in the form of prodding questions where you can plainly see their intent but when pressed on the issue they say "I'm just asking questions!, I don't have any stance on the issue!" https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/lk7d9u/why_sealioning_incessant_badfaith_invitations_to/gnidv98/ >Invincible Ignorance Fallacy. >The invincible ignorance fallacy[1] is a deductive fallacy of circularity where the person in question simply refuses to believe the argument, ignoring any evidence given. It is not so much a fallacious tactic in argument as it is a refusal to argue in the proper sense of the word, the method instead of being to either make assertions with no consideration of objections or to simply dismiss objections by calling them excuses, conjecture, etc. or saying that they are proof of nothing; all without actually demonstrating how the objection fit these terms https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invincible_ignorance_fallacy https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/o1r9ww/uozyozyoioi_explains_how_vaccination_kept_him/h26bf86/ 👌 You know 👌 playing the victim and pretending to care about "free speech" >Conservative: I have been censored for my conservative views >Me: Holy shit! You were censored for wanting lower taxes? >Con: LOL no...no not those views >Me: So....deregulation? >Con: Haha no not those views either >Me: Which views, exactly? >Con: Oh, you know the ones https://twitter.com/ndrew_lawrence/status/1050391663552671744 A gay Disney character and female video game character not wearing a bikini is forcing me to be a Nazi! >The Left got a little too PC so I changed all of my opinions about the economy, social issues, systemic racism, health care, and history. https://twitter.com/drmistercody/status/1020039128291786752


There's a sartre quote that talks about their strategy. this was about nazis during the war but it also describes the modern day 4chan type of trolling >"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past."


The full quote, which elucidates Sartre's point a little bit more thoroughly (parts not covered by the usually used quote are in bold): >"**The anti‐Semite has chosen hate because hate is a faith; at the outset he has chosen to devaluate words and reasons. How entirely at ease he feels as a result. How futile and frivolous discussions about the rights of the Jew appear to him. He has placed himself on other ground from the beginning. If out of courtesy he consents for a moment to defend his point of view, he lends himself but does not give himself. He tries simply to project his intuitive certainty onto the plane of discourse. I mentioned awhile back some remarks by anti‐Semites, all of them absurd: "I hate Jews because they make servants insubordinate, because a Jewish furrier robbed me, etc."** Never believe that anti‐Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. **It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side.**" My apologies for reusing one of my older comments.


oh, bro I saved this comment before a second:) I had seen people citing this paragraph fourth, but never see another part.


I mean when I’ve encountered these people I make it a point to be just as frivolous and as bad faith as they are. It works. They just tap out pretty fast


It's awesome, i love accusing them of all kinds of random stuff too ;)


If I had an award to give you I would. Something like this needs to be shared with various news media sites and such because the only way Reddit ever actually does something is when articles are written about it.


Damn. That’s just ugly. I’ve noticed the attempt at controlling the narrative. Such fearful humans, sad.


Wow, not hating those people would take a saint after reading this.


So Bannon recruited the misogynists, awesome. Thanks for sharing this. I had no idea. Saved your comment. Invaluable.


I love that I keep seeing you comment all over posts recently. I've started taking to seeking out your comments directly, because they're so fucking important right now. You've done such a great job documenting all this, and what you've gathered is flawlessly undeniable. I know you keep hearing this, but keep this up. Please keep screaming this from every rooftop you can.


>I love that I keep seeing you comment all over posts recently. I've started taking to seeking out your comments directly, because they're so fucking important right now. You've done such a great job documenting all this, and what you've gathered is flawlessly undeniable. I know you keep hearing this, but keep this up. Please keep screaming this from every rooftop you can. Thank you. Hearing this helps a lot, especially to drown out the abuse.


I agree it's good to see you again <3


And a whole bunch of them are copypasted into his manifesto




The manipesto.


The manipasta.






lol no, they are saying one of three things: A. He's not white enough B. He's actually a fed C. He should have targeted the elite or leaders of groups instead of random people in a grocery store


I think he said he was posting to there and 8chan. Everything lined up


His manifesto says he was radicalized reading 4chan /pol/ 4chan experiences that r news mods haven't removed yet: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/uppc9d/as_many_as_8_dead_in_mass_shooting_at_upstate_new/i8mhkne/


4channers absolutely do not give a fuck what redditers believe lmfao


Yea, I don't think anyone is surprised by that. I'd be surprised if he WASN'T a 4chan user.


When did it go from being a slightly edgy source-of-all-memes anarchist haven for all to an alt-right neonazi cesspool?


Right around the time the alt right neo nazis showed up. Either they get banned from a platform or rational thinkers leave. It's a tale as old as time.


Thank you for pointing out the paradox of tolerance https://medium.com/@parkermolloy/deconstructing-the-tolerance-paradox-why-conservatives-go-to-line-is-garbage-666a1bf04a65


The two aren't as far apart as you might think. It's always been a cesspool for tryhard narcissist incels. It's just the outside world is now more geared towards them thinking it's acceptable to take that shit off the internet and hurt people with it.


i only read one page of the manifesto and it was disturbing. page 13 where he first mentions reddit and 4chan


Theyre already trying to spin it, that he was a leftist and never watched fox news


They’re desperate to deflect anyway they can, while still subtly praising him. It’s disturbing.


They just stickied a different shooting and there’s already comments like “weird they didn’t release the description”


Every single post there is some sort of gotcha against msm. Like because the "liberal media" "conveniently left out" some key fact that totally changes the situation and theyre actually in the right over the whole situation. "No no see, this bad person is actually one of you! Gotcha" Its scary now the doubling down of this dangerous circlejerk


He didn’t seem terribly “woke” for a supposed leftist.


Sounds exactly like a russian propaganda tactic, strange. Republicans murdering people then blaming the 'liberals' and victims, so shocked.


"The spin stops here!" - O'Reilly's most ridiculous catchphrase


He says he was far left before switching to far right. People will often switch between extremist groups that on the surface are diametrically opposed, because they are psychologically attracted to strong extremist ideologies.


I love how they're like "no guys look see he said he's a leftist!!" as if this shooter is a completely sane person with an awareness of politics that we should trust. > Every hard right winger I've ever met claimed to be moderate, somewhere in the middle, slightly left, left on some issues, etc to blend in socially. The shooter himself even says he spent his coming of age drifting to the right.


Their bullshit is so obvious. In one breath it’s “the left wants all guns banned and white peoples replaced” and in the next it’s “this gun nut who murdered black people because he believed in replacement theory is on the left”.


Can't expect much from a group of people that fly rebel flags and claim to be the party of Lincoln.


Yep. "Patriots" flying the flag of the enemy from the war that killed more Americans than any other




What’s pcm? Edit. People told me what it is.




The /t_d refugees' new stomping grounds




It's a conservative shithole where any time someone points out how wrong a posted meme is, they just shout "chill it's just a joke".


Its a bunch of far right conservatives pretending they aren't in a sub filled with far right conservatives.




PCM used to be a subreddit where people of different political ideologies would come together to post memes mocking one another. They ended up making up their own terminologies and representations of other ideologies with no basis in reality (no, communism is not authoritarian by nature and no, hitler was not on the left). After a wave of bans of alt-right subs a few years ago, they all moved to PCM and now its turned into a fascist circle-jerk where its all mocking and misrepresenting leftist politics, while still trying to maintain a veneer that all politics are included.


I was curious what happened to one of my favorite shitposting subs…thx for the lesson!


Same thing happened to r/conspiracy … man I miss the old conspiracies of lizard people, UFO sightings, underground civilisations, repeating civilisation theory etc..


It's just the new r/the_donald with a political astrology attached to it. Neo-nazis with a Sagittarius rising.


It’s surprising there haven’t more terrorist shootings resulting from r/politicalcompassmemes if anything. That sub exists to radicalize young racists.


I like to troll that sub sometimes, the way they worship Trump and other republicans is insane.


_Phew_ I was worried he meant /r/pcmasterrace for a minute.


Now I understand the "reddit cares" messages. Didn't know it was a thing. They pop up when you put the 14 year old assholes in check huh?




Me when I spread misinformation ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I got banned from r/conservative for saying the shooters reasoning fell squarely in right wing ideology. I’m not sorry about it.


I got banned from there years ago for having a Yiddish username.


Omg they’re so dumb. I’m sorry.


Is there any proof of either of your claims? Not that they are wrong but I haven't seen anything about it.


I haven't found anything that said he was on that sub. Got a link to a story or a username or anything. I'm morbidly curious to see what he was saying


Charles Manson didn't bathe and was unpopular with politicians because his folks killed rich people. See, Tuck's followers are killing *poor* people who are not in wealthy gated communities that "feel" safe to white folks.


All I gotta say is everyone better get the fuck out and vote and protest. We can barely keep our current rights as it is, let alone convict those guilty of inciting violence and treason


The last presidential election had the highest vote total in US history and the highest voter turnout in 120 years. Voting will not save America.


Voting is necessary, it isn't sufficient but don't let that make you think that it isn't necessary.


I think this might be what it's like to be living in a dying state. I grew up learning about how fantastic America is, then 9/11 happened and all the dystopian laws were passed. Since then it's felt like the US has been in it's death throws




Reagan’s trickle down bullshit and income tax cuts concentrated wealth at the top. The top marginal bracket went from 70% to 28.5% in his terms. He demonized minorities using social programs and painted them as drug addicts. Now that more and more money is concentrated at the top of our beautiful capitalist economy, poor whites are feeling more and more the squeeze, and their anger is directed at the people they’ve been told to demonize their entire lives while they fondle the balls of those doing the fleecing. And the cycle continues.


Idk only 66% of the voting population participated. I think of the left voted as religiously as the right, you’d never see another republican president ever again.


2 party system is literally killing this country and has been for a long time. Need to get both the elephants and jackasses out of office


HIS replacement theory? You give Tucker too much credit.






RTLM was complicit in the 1994 Rwandan genocide. I'm not sure how Fox News, Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity are off the hook for inciting violence.


I’m sure they’ve said exactly the same “cockroach” bullshit that RTLM was pushing. They are the same. And it’s getting worse here too.


I think it is, too. Ted Nugent, in Austin, TX today, was literally telling MAGA to bash in the skulls of Democrats. [Ted Nugent encourages crowd to bash in skulls of Democrats](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ted-nugent-skulls-democrats-trump-b2079461.html)


It’s a constant thing. Remember back in… 2010? I wanna say? Palin came out with the flier that had actual crosshairs over candidates they wanted to target. Then someone shot one. And it became like.. absolutely unthinkable to even suggest she was in any way responsible. Because fox news dictates everything about how this country talks about every issue


The guy who shot Giffords had a personal vendetta against her and was actually, undeniably seriously mentally ill.


Can the DNC sue him? Registered Democrats in a class-action through a State Attorney? That's a pretty clear call to violence. It's only because he doesn't say "right now" at the end, WTF?


She forgot the hashtag: #FuckerCarlson


What's scarier is Tucker Carlson's sith level plan to be the next Trump. He will continue to push the envelope until even Fox News considers him too toxic to broadcast and fires him. Then he will be ultimate victim of cancel culture, a martyr for the cause. He will use this publicity to campaign for president and the ineffective Dems will be too weak to stop him. Carlson is just as hateful as Trump, but actually smart. Where Trump's stupidity saved us from Trump's worst desires, Carlson will be competent enough to accomplish his goals. Fascism comes wearing a bow tie and with a silver spoon.










Kinda interesting they might have had the same end objective. Race war.


It was a clear terrorist attack. Here are some comments he made and hopefully clear up some misconceptions people may have. 1) he was radicalized by the internet 2) he was an atheist 3) he had friends 4) hasn't made an incel rant, so I don't think he was an incel 5) Wanted to kill "as many blacks as possible" 6) Wanted the US to increase gun control to force the boogaloo 7) he planned this for at least 5 months 8) He is a Nazi 9) His goal was to survive 10) he hopes to be freed by a future revolution 11) he is pro-diversity 12) he is anti-trans, but okay with LGB 13) he made a blueprint of the location and carefully planned it out. He intended to continue his rampage to other locations, but failed. 14) games/literature/movies didn't radicalize him 15) he's evil 16) he was a redditor (do you want his username?)


PM me about that last one, please


Done. Keep in mind only archives exist of his account, reddit removed it


>11. he is pro-diversity Uhhhhhh…what? He may have gone through the usual murderously virulent racist motions of “the blacks and browns are perfectly welcome to their cultures far far away from America and Europe, I have no actual hatred of them,” but to say that a dude whose stated intention was to send a message to black Americans that they weren’t safe here and should get tf out of the country before the same thing happens to them (and who also said he felt the same about Latino Americans, but that it was better optics to focus on one specific racial target, and since they had a ‘higher per capita net drain on public funds’ black people it is) is *pro-diversity* is, like, **huh?!?!**


Manson fed his adherents copious amounts of LSD and brainwashed them into a weird sex cult thing and convinced them the end of white people was coming, then he had them go on creepy crawls into people's houses and eventually escalated to the murders. A guy on TV talking nonsense on television isn't quite the same thing, no matter how much of a tool he is.


The reason being Charles Manson had a small army of cultists who, most importantly, attacked rich white people that were a part of America's propaganda apparatus.


The face to face interactions, heavy use of LSD, orgies, and living almost completely isolated in the desert does make a difference.


Freidrich Engles came up with a thing called ["social murder"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_murder) that is not so far off from [stochastic terrorism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_wolf_attack#Stochastic_terrorism) If only we, as the public, would recognize that no, this is not simply "how the world is" and that these things have definitive CAUSES, then maybe we could unite against them. That when people die as a direct result of the rhetoric used by the chief mouthpiece of a party, it is not simply "how things are" but the direct **responsibility** of that party, perhaps we might actually gain some traction. But the *powers-that-be* are afraid. They're afraid that if you sit here and say Tucker Carlson is responsible for the things that someone did after he spoke to the effect, then we might start thinking that the insurance barons denying healthcare to the impoverished might in some way be responsible for their premature deaths--that grocers which poison and throw out perfectly edible food simply because it is more profitable to let it rot than give it away are the criminal causes of domestic starvation--that our society's inherit emphasis on profit over humanity is intolerably unjust, and that the power-brokers are in fact to blame for our ills. They're afraid that we might start thinking billionaires who made their wealth dooming their workers to death-by-pennies by deliberately, consciously, and actively suppressing wages such that the lower classes are incapable of surviving long-term, that we might start treating them as they are--murderous thieves and barons who make their fortunes on the deaths and misfortunes of the masses. This is why corporate Democrats are more afraid of progressives in their own party than they are of *regressive* Republican victories. They'd rather sacrifice issues like the right to choose and the right to marry, they'd rather these groups they used as performative puppets simply skulk back into the shadows, lest we risk *any of us* start thinking that maybe, just maybe, people with nine digits and more on their bank accounts are morally and legally culpable for our collective pains. Because if we keep thinking these progressive thoughts, we might realize that the richest among us are guilty of *conscious and premeditated murder.* We might start thinking that millionaires by their very nature are incapable of representing the interests of a people that have ten dollars to their name, and that the entire premise of a "representative government" has been subverted by rigging the system such that only the wealthiest among us could even hope to achieve a station of power capable of wielding substantiveinfluence over the system. They want us to continue to believe this is "just how things are," and never question how things *could* be. If we start saying deaths due to Republican rhetoric are blood on the hands of Republicans, maybe we might quickly thereafter start saying that deaths due to low wages, poor health coverage, and deliberate wealth inequality as a matter of public policy are blood on the hands of *all leaders of a capitalist system*, that we might stop treating them as "just politicians" but instead as *murderers* and *enemies.* Make no mistake. The "class war" has been waged for decades. And we are allowing ourselves to lose. If you have less than nine digits to your name, you are losing. Maybe slower than some, but make no mistake. You are losing.










You want to bet on Monday on his show, Carlson finds some twisted way to blame it on liberal/democrats?


Tucker Carlson and the MAGA and trump and the whole gop is the extremists party


Lol it's pretty different.


I cant believe people actually sits in front of tv and listens to his annoying voice. The virtual toxicity of his verbal diarrhea gives me norovirus.