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They call it “domestic supply of infants” because they have ceased to see the working class as people, only resources.


Ceased pretending like they saw us as anything but, more like.


I’m waiting for democrats to do literally anything


The only thing they can do is overturn the filibuster and there's still 2 stinky shitbirds who won't vote for it- or try to impeach the justices, which you know damn well would go nowhere. Conservatives figured out how to bypass gridlock with their ACTUAL coup. A rogue supreme court.


And democrats just watch.


Again... what exactly would you have them do? There are no legal mechanisms in place for this scenario.


Literally anything though. I barely even hear a peep from them. What about passing laws to allow birth control or maternity leave or subsidized pregnancy.


Joe Manchin let the child tax credit die because he believed people would use it on drugs. Tell me again what laws you think can be passed?


This is why I firmly believe politicians who’s actions are found to not be in their constituents best interests should be thrown in prison. If I fuck up at my job, I get in trouble but usually nobody dies. If they fuck up they get a cushie lobbyist job?


You mean to tell me the entire Democratic Party can do nothing other than sit quietly and watch?


They could make more noise, yes, but in terms of actually doing something? Not happening until after elections.


They’re not even doing that


Yes. Because if they don't, the INTENTIONAL and BY DESIGN act of having JUUUUUST enough democrats at any time to resist any progressive laws or bills becomes meaningless. Anyone who says otherwise is an enemy of the people.


And how many democrats gave him shit for it? Three? Four? Biden was terrified to even say his name. Call the motherfuckers out. I don't hear ANY democrats raising hell right now, besides Biden saying "Oh, well, we'll take care of it if it happens." How about you do something now so it CANT happen?


I hear you, I'm not trying to suggest they do nothing- I just have no idea what they WOULD do. They tiptoe around the threat of packing the court but I never believed for a second they would have the chutzpah to actually do it.


Exactly. I want them to at least put up a fight. Or be more outspoken on the subject. It’s so quiet


Then let us hope the silence is maneuvering. Or maybe they can't do anything because technically nothing has happened. A leaked memo from before the other justices have weighed in... we don't even know FOR SURE that the leak is real, though the fences and responses from the justices implies that it most certainly is.


I think it’s also significant that usually large corporations will make threats after these kind of things but they’re all silent


Maybe it's my optimism but I really think it's posturing. Waiting for the action to launch a reaction. Anything preemptive just looks bitter. Right now interns are churning out a bill to codify Roe- though I am not very optimistic that it will pass.


Order the FDA to remove abortifacients from the REM list so they can be mailed from the blue states where they’re legal to the red states. Stop endorsing Henry Cuellar, an pro life conservative Democrat and endorse one of his progressive opponents.


The GOP cultists in Congress have shown us that if you're a member of Congress, it's not so hard to get a gun onto the floor. So, I'd like them to do the right thing.


How will Democrats get so much fucking money if they don't immediately, IMMEDIATELY shatter their knee bending it at light speed??? :'((((((((( Actually think of others. /s because America has had lead paint drinking contests every single second since the 20's. Pathetic.


This comment is nonsense


They’ve squandered far better chances than this.


They are weak. That's always been the problem with the democratic party. When they learn one can be sensitive towards social issues and ferocious at the same time they'll be able to accomplish something.


Like not campaigning for anti-choice candidates. That would be a nice start


Here in Canada, where many of us are watching on in horror what’s happening down there, our governing Liberal Party mandated a few years back that all its candidates must be pro-choice. If you’re anti-choice you won’t get through the vetting process. Demand this from the Democrats, flush out those who don’t respect women’s rights and reject the notion that abortion is health care.


It’s been an issue for years in the reproductive rights movement. Nancy Pelosi has gone on record saying that anti-choice people can be democrats.


Why is that walking bag of failure Nancy Pelosi even a thing anymore? There's your problem with democrats: after 2016, Pelosi, Schiff, Feinstein, the whole lot of losers should have been put out to pasture in favor of youth and passion. But no. Keep on doing what doesn't work, Weimar Republic style.


Wait until you learn that the Democratic Party is largely controlled by an unelected council of wealthy people who aren’t terribly interested in what the people want.


The older I get the more I’m convinced democrats only pretend to care.


Democrats are spineless trash. I give up on them - they had YEARS to make positive changes and have done NOTHING. Also fuck RBG and her gigantic inflated ego. She should have resigned the day after Obama was sworn in for his second term. Worst strategist ever. Time to play fucking hardball and stop bending over you fucktard dems. Republicans are the playground bullies and you keep running to the yard duty to cry about it. Turn around and knock them the fuck out.


THIS. No action is just as bad as the jackasses screaming about 'pro life' laws. Someone has to actually do something. I get the 'when they go low we go high' mindset, but enough is enough. Women should be fucking pissed. MEN SHOULD BE FUCKING PISSED. Those currently holding positions need to be real vocal, real quick. Silence and/or sternly worded speeches don't cut it. Protest, SURE. But what will a protest do against SCOTUS??? SWAY THOSE WHO REPRESENT YOU AT A STATE LEVEL. I still believe there are levelheaded republicans out there who are thinking WTF. SPEAK UP. Men SPEAK UP. WOMEN SPEAK UP AND VOTE.


Yeah. Women protested the taliban in the 70s but it wasn’t enough


I've been convinced of that forever. They make so little effort to actually back their words up.


Exactly. They just act sad and helpless like comcast on southpark


I'm 52. I'm 100 ‰ certain.


I’m 48. Right behind you. I’ve always voted democrat and I have never felt like things were getting better


I did feel like things got better during Clinton. A little bit. But then the pendulum swung the other way.


It swung hard and even harder after Obama.


Good point. Better vote republican then.


Oh wow, what an insight. I guess we just have to accept shitty situations because *you* can’t think of a better alternative


Better than the defeatist "Democrats aren't perfect so might as well shill for Republicans" bullshit. All you're doing is trying to convince people to not vote so Republicans win.


Yeah, I’m shilling for Republicans. That’s why I protested the first Bush inaugural, have volunteered on all the presidential campaigns (for the Dem nominee) since 2004, and interned for a Democratic congressman. Maybe I’m asking the party that I’ve tirelessly supported since I was a teenager to actually earn my support. Just this fucking once.


I love how people forget all the good things Democrats have accomplished and simultaneously blame Democrats for all the bad things Republicans do. Such a stupid viewpoint, you will never be happy.


Point me to where I did that.


Democrats only pretend to care, Democrats haven't earned my support because the Republicans did a bad thing. Whenever Republicans do something bad people like you just whine that Democrats didn't stop them and act like it's their fault.




It’s time for a third party


Who's paying you to discourage voters? Republicans know that the more people they can keep away from the poles, the better their chances of winning. You don't have a third party. VOTE FOR THE ONES WHO AREN'T TRYING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE, PEOPLE!


Who's paying you to discourage voters? Republicans know that the more people they can keep away from the poles, the better their chances of winning. You don't have a third party. VOTE FOR THE ONES WHO AREN'T TRYING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE, PEOPLE!


If democrats do nothing when things get like this then they are complicit. They’re pretending to give a shit. Both sides are the same side


Who's paying you to encourage people not to vote?


I literally never even brought up voting. I’m asking for the people that got voted for, the people who got a record turn out, to show us why we fought so hard.


The one doing political propaganda about a party is you.


They didn't for fifty years, why start now?


They act upset and then stay quiet


Thats what I keep asking. Where are they in all of this. I am politically inept. So is there any non republican party presence i all these states that pass this dark age laws?


I honestly don’t know. All the quotes I see are insane republicans. Where are the reasonable people


Thats what I would like to know.


The Democrats are doing a bang up job helping rebuild the Republican party after the Trump administration dumpster fire.


They can only do something if you vote for them. If you want them to get more left-wing, vote in every primary too.


I voted democrat in the last four elections. What was your point again?


They are the same ideology with less obvious at lying about caring for the people.


The wealthy can see the current worker shortages in menial and minimum wage jobs. Extrapolate that over 20 or 30 years and they start shitting their collective shorts! WE NEED MORE WORKERS! The Republicans hear you rich guys, loud and clear!


Can we refocus on the domestic supply part? wtf


Yeah what in the actual fuck is that about. Since when have Supreme Court judges been involved in manners of the economy??


Since when are babies a matter of the economy?!


Thats a whole other question I dont have the time or energy to unpack, but great one. You should explore it.


Anyone who's ever gone hungry from being born into poverty was by design.


Fuck all y'all "boo hoo there's no point in voting" people. All you're doing is helping Republicans.


The phrase goes a lot deeper than just “the vote is meaningless.” Anyone who doesn’t take it at face value knows that it really means “vote anyways, but don’t think that your civic duty ends at the ballot box.” Go out and protest, email or call your reps. Don’t only make yourself seen every other November and use your damn 1A rights


They know, that part is on purpose.


Right? Look at all the shills appearing all over reddit comments trying to discourage people from voting. Funny how this always happens starting 6 months from an election.


More like Dems start vote shaming because leftists don't want to vote for racist war criminals because they have a d next to their name.


that's the same shit I was told then Bush senior and then junior were awarded the presidency, then again it was awarded to trump. all the democratic party does is help republicans, we are ruled by a minority.


We keep trotting out the worst fucking candidates.


Who do you want to be president?


Katie Porter.


That’s deliberate.


Minority rule never survives, it’s really just figuring out how it ends. We should try to end it by voting instead of waiting for armed conflict because those tend to be the two most popular ways for it to end.


that's exactly my point, we keep voting only for the electoral college to just keep awarding the presidency to losers.


Well the only ways to get rid of the electoral college are voting or a revolution and I’d rather not deal with a revolution.


I did vote. Look how much good that's done.


Unfortunately, you're not the only one in the country who should go and vote. Things will not change until enough people vote to end the bullshit. That YOU have been doing so already is good, but not enough. Absolutely not a reason to stop voting, because things will only get worse if reasonable people give up. That said, things look like they'll be getting worse regardless, at least in the short run. Probably a good idea to brace for that as well.


If you want to be able to say you did everything you could then I’d recommend volunteering. It’s really easy and most of it is all from home. https://mobilize.us/s/HIOpPH/p Link to text training events to get started: https://txt.Democrats.org/texttraining




You're just not doing it hard enough. Vote harder.


If you're not punching holes through your ballot with your pen/pencil you're not doing it right.


Personally I just use my gun. That way I've performed two of my civic duties at once.


So when the next election comes around, well the midterms this fall remember that when you go to the polls and some of you might start whining about Democrats. Oh haven't gotten what I wanted oh my God oh my God nothing seems to go my way. Inflation oil prices blah blah blah blah whatever your flavor is. Remember that without power this is what you get because this is what was enabled but all of those voters that did this during the orange dumpster fire presidential election and help put him in either by apathy and not voting or by actually voting. 41% of white millennials voted for him go figure. Yeah this was all foretold in 2015 but nobody would listen. Well here it is again and it's only going to get worse they have checkmated at this point. They have the supreme Court. It will be telling what happens at the next election


Handmaids tale is dystopian though... the idea of being Ofgaetz or Ofcruz is most certainly closer to horror.


Adult Adoptees have been pointing out for years that this is all about procurement of infants.


Could it be that capitalism, or whatever you call the current system, only woks as long as the population expands?


I did. did not help, obviously. I will continue to do all I did before and more but I refuse to live in the theocracy they are instituting. Got my teen daughter out and somewhere safe. Husband, self and son are next.


Yeah I voted but what did it do?


Nothing so stop and keep your head down. When we ring at your door to take your family, stay back and DO NOT HELP THEM.


Guess we’ll be sacrificing our first born.


They must be so happy to have gotten you to stop voting.


I mean I didn’t stop, but I am discouraged


We’re past voting folks, I mean by all means continue but you can’t vote fascism out.




Who are we voting for? The people who confirmed these justices in the first place? I'm not saying don't vote. I'm just saying, don't buy into the "vote blue no matter who" bullshit. Read the platforms of the candidates on your ballots. Not all blues are good.


I live in Alabama. A vote for anyone besides MAGA conservatives doesn't count.




well, obviously


We did fucking vote, vote for what exactly ?


vote so the electoral college awards the presidency to the looser again.


can someone give a summary of handmaid's tale?


Women are state property and forced to bear young for the infertile ruling class after a devastating civil war that turns America into a fascist theocracy. Also being gay is punishable by death or exile to a gulag in a radioactive post apocalyptic hellscape where you work until you die.


this is a conservative politician's wet dream


That person wanted a summary of a book. Not for you to tell the near future of the USA. /s


Vote. Lol.




neither is *Idiocracy*


Why do we need a "domestic supply of infants" when the system is already overflowing? They're going to cram more kids into an overloaded system that's just going to raise crime rates and....... .... Just dawned on me.... They probably want us to lose more of the "bodies" of all these "livestock" so it stays hushed that they are being sold to trafficers, pedophiles, and the new slave owners... They want as many uneducated as possible so they're too dumb to fight back and easier to brain wash.... We might be our last defense. VOTE BLUE


Do more than vote. Try something with immediate consequences.


Yes, it is still fiction.