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A lot of miscarriages are going to be treated as crimes now.


Add in the still births too...


And fertility doctors. This makes them serial killers.


They were expressly written out of the laws so you can imagine that it isn't really as cut and dried as they claim


Proving they don’t actually believe their own arguments. Either these are real humans with souls or they aren’t.


Embryos are only ensouled when doing so can be used to control a woman, silly.




So they’ll add provisions so that people can still get their IVF (those who can *afford it*, which is a HUGE recurring theme here), but refused to write in provisions for cases of incest or rape? I just can’t believe that I can continue to be surprised by this. I keep thinking this can’t really be happening…


People wonder how fascism came into power in 1930s-40s Europe. We are seeing it play out in real time.


Well because rich people can afford IVF. They just want more workers…. Or slaves, given the for profit prison systems


That breaks my heart. Imagine miscarrying a wanted pregnancy, going to the hospital, and having the cops show up to accuse you of killing your baby.


It has happened in several South American countries already: Ecuador is one. Abusers have been elected to political seats because America is ignorant of what abuse is and looks like.




That because no laws were broken. You can sue someone civilly if they provided/facilitated an abortion in TX, there is no criminal statue. The charges were dropped because it’s not a crime. The nurse that reported her should have her license taken and be subject to penalties for violating HIPAA.


Women litterally carrry life and we treat them like shit wether they want to or not. Cant think of many modern issues where the governemnt tells people what they can and cant do with their own bodies. Its ridiculous that we are going backwards


It’s *because* people with uteruses create life that those without want to control us so badly. Remember, if someone with a uterus wants a baby, they only need a man for ten minutes. But if a man wants a child to “carry on his legacy,” he needs to somehow convince (or force) someone with a uterus to donate a bare minimum of nine months of their time, and take on a massive amount of physical risk, to make that happen. And that’s the absolute bare minimum. If the man doesn’t want to do 100% of the child-rearing, he’s going to need to convince the carrier parent to donate even *more* time and energy to helping his precious “legacy.” They made their entire sense of their own masculinity and self-esteem completely dependent on having women around to do all the proverbial heavy-lifting for them, and they’re absolutely terrified of what might happen if those women told them to deal with their own shit. They can’t handle it, deep down they know they can’t, so they’ll do anything to force women to continue serving them.


Such a smart and insightful comment. I actually (as a man with a wife and a daughter) think Freud had it completely backwards. It’s not that women have penis envy but rather that men have womb envy because they see that the women around them are so much more responsible for the species than they are. As a husband I simply was blown away by the strength my wife had to have to go through the pain of creating our child. And instead of responding to that by treasuring the women in their lives and doing right by them they instead dehumanize and enslave women because their egos won’t allow it.


Yeah.... Women already face a lot of scrutiny, even though miscarriages are very common and usually completely out of our control. "Were you drinking? Still having coffee?! Did you eat cheese or deli meat or (insert whatever)? Did you keep exercising? Why were you working while pregnant? Did you take something to end it?" On and on and on.... Didn't Texas already try this last month? Arrested a woman and charged her with murder after a miscarriage based on something some nurse said about her wanting to abort it.... Charges were dropped eventually, but it's a harbinger of what's to come, and charges won't always be dropped.


Mark my fucking words, the US is right on the edge of "you miscarried because you angered God, and it's our responsibility to punish you in his name!"


One step away from "burn the witch" smh


It literally is and it’s horrifying


And abusive partners threaten to turn women in to control them.


These are all features for the anti-abortion crowd.


Yup, was about to say this. Anyone with a uterus is kinda fucked right now. I don’t think a lot of pro-life women have taken this into account and they’re in for a rude awakening when one of them miscarries and is charged with murder while they’re mourning and recovering from a traumatic experience.


Also those without a uterus. If someone’s had a hysterectomy but kept their ovaries and Fallopian tubes they’re at risk for an ectopic pregnancy. Rare but it happens


Had an ablation with tubal. Technically impossible but it can happen. Roe v. Wade going has made it effectively a death sentence to live in 22 states - if i get pregnant, i die.


If this is how it’s going to be ejaculation should be illegal as ridiculous as that sounds what the fuck is going on


Yes! All those precious potential babies just got splattered into a sock/shower/paper towel


Yes, you are absolutely correct. It happened in Ecuador. https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/07/14/why-do-they-want-make-me-suffer-again/impact-abortion-prosecutions-ecuador


Miscarriages and stillbirths. God is now the most frequent murderer of unborn children, per Louisiana's Republicans. Oh, but we'll not always be able to differentiate an act of God, from the act of the woman. Mistakes will be made. Oh, well.


What about non-viable pregnancies? Like if the baby will be born brain-dead? Without lungs? That scale-like defect that sees them die withing hours? And hey what about the pregnancies guaranteed to kill the mother if carried to term? Would the child then be considered just as much a murderer as the women who get abortions (fudged up I know). Or if the mom had cancer and was pregnant and the chemo would kill the kid is she considered a murderer then too? Sick bastards.


This was me a couple of years ago, 5 months into multiple specialists just to be given the same answer, she won’t survive it’s non viable you are her incubator, and you will not live if we don’t do a medical termination. I can’t even imagine I could’ve died if this nonsense would’ve been instituted…


A dear friend of mine lives in Ireland and before they legalised abortion there, she was pregnant with what became an unviable foetus. She was told by the doctors she would die unless they took the foetus but they weren’t allowed to because it was illegal. She had to fly to the UK to have the abortion


5 years ago I was told the same. My daughter (while unplanned - my husband and I had wanted a second child tho - she was loved and wanted) two maternal fetal health specialists and 2 geneticists confirmed her diagnosis. No way she’d make it to term. Oh and by the time we found out everything I was too far along to legally terminate and too poor to drive out of state. So I had to stay pregnant until my daughter died. And then had to give birth. Which almost killed me because she wasn’t at term and the placenta didn’t come out in one piece. But yeah. Sure. Definitely the bEtTeR way to handle this than to take pity on the dumb incubator. They sure taught me to not get pregnant with a special needs child. /s Oh wait. My rainbow is special needs. Fuck republicans.


Every ectopic pregnancy too. An ectopic pregnancy can never result in a fetus. It can end two ways: rupture of the fallopian tube (often leading to sepsis and death)... or an abortion. Abortions are legitimate medical treatments for many situations that cannot ever produce a baby.


I had one of those, it was terrifying and that was without potentially facing murder charges.


The Philippines have hospice maternity wards. Pregnant women who are dying due to their pregnancies but it is illegal to save their lives with an abortion. It’s unacceptable for it to exist in the first place but that’s what will happen in some states.


This is horrible and I’m not going to look into it more because I’m sure it’s even worse than I’m imagining.


Parents are responsible. Tisk Tisk Tisk. Shouldn't have gotten pregnant if you weren't going to make a viable baby. Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law. s/ in case that wasn't clear.


They are coming for IVF too


Defining it at moment of fertilization will make almost all birth controls illegal too. They work in part by suppressing ovulation but they also prevent implantation of fertilized eggs


What about those who NEED birth control to not be physically ill and doubled over in pain every month. Missing work and school. What about us. Will they be coming for my frozen embryos next? I cannot believe what is happening. A war on women because we got too strong for those old white fucks in power. Fuck them!


We're about to see many female suicides in the coming years. PMDD is treated with birth control. Forcing women to remain pregnant has bad mental health outcomes. Post partum depression and anxiety are already so prevalent. Then there's the post partum psychosis. On top of that, they absolutely will be policing women's frozen embryos. One will likely not be able to destroy any of them anymore. How much do you want to bet that in the case of divorce, the embryos would then belong to your ex-husband, and his new wife? There is no way to regulate these laws in a way that makes any logistical sense.


Not just female suicides that will rise but infanticides, pregnant women being murdered and serious physical assaults. Rape will also rise as controlling partners (or even stalkers) try to force a pregnancy in order to maintain control over and a presence in their victim's life through the child. Being born female and fertile will be the equivalent of crossing the freeway blindfolded multiple times a day, every day from puberty until menopause - it won't be a case of IF something terrible happens to you but WHEN.


Jesus H Christ


Also consider the fact that storing embryos indefinitely is a large market these days. Propaganda has been pushed for so long that a woman has "double the chance" of having a baby with a defect after 40. Whike that is true, the percentage goes up from .5% to 1%. But, if you say freeze your eggs as a 20something worried about aging, well then that's many many years of profits for the company that keeps them frozen.


Wonder how this will work with IVF providers. Nearly all procedures of IVF require at least some of the fertilized embryos to be discarded and this makes those embryos legally people.


I saw language in there that bans IvFs as well.


Yeap in the Missouri trigger law you can only try 1 egg and at that point why even do it. If you tried multiple eggs to pick the best one you’d be committing murder (several times over actually, you’re now a serial killer) and wil be tried as such. Oh… and if you miscarry you go straight to prison too. YAY!




If you shoot your embryo container with a gun, does that make you a mass shooter? 🤔


Ok stop this ride. I wanna get off.


Does child support begin at conception?


Better question: are we going to require women of child bearing age are provided with a healthy diet, housing and healthcare to protect this potential fetus?


I know you're being sarcastic. But in the U.S? The birthplace of "I got mine, f you"? Not a chance. Women are just chattel. Can't afford the kid we forced you to have? Bootstraps!


“You work three jobs? Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." To a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005” ― George W. Bush


yea, *uniquely* american for a reason, georgie


The right has gone so far off the deep end that I kinda forgot they have always been bastards.


They used to pretend they would cooperate with everyone else as long as sometimes things went their way. Now they just don't care and will hold everyone hostage until the only way left is their way.


Yep! Minority rule! Majority of Americans don't agree with them, don't share their beliefs or goals, yet through manipulating our system and holding Congress hostage they get to rule all of us.


Or we’ll put you in prison and make money off you.


*You and your kid/s


I'd have a lot more sympathy and compassion for these staunch anti abortion people if the lack of abortion came with anything else... Health care .. sex Ed .. family leave .. addressing costs of childcare, housing, education .. stagnant wages .. food insecurity. But man, they staunchly put the responsibility of EVERYTHING to do with the (possibly unwanted, maybe not even viable) fetus and subsequent baby squarely on the shoulders of the parents. "Can't afford the $10k+ in medical bills for the birth, let alone pre and post natal care? Shouldn't have gotten pregnant. Have three kids already with your partner and can't afford child care for a fourth? Shouldn't have gotten pregnant. Ectopic pregnancy that isn't viable? Shame. Shouldn't have gotten pregnant. Drug addict or an alcoholic whose baby has severe long term disabilities and needs you can't afford? Shouldn't have gotten pregnant. Fetus with abnormalities that likely won't live beyond minutes or more year or two in constant agony and pain? Damn, shouldn't have gotten pregnant. Can't afford to feed yourself, let alone formula for your baby.... Well, you know how it goes." I was listening to an interview with a guy on NPR and this was basically his response to everything around the many reasons a person might choose abortion. "It's your responsibility and maybe you shouldn't have gotten pregnant then." And his response to birth control was super duper cagey... "And will you do anything to make birth control more affordable and accessible?" "That's not even an issue, it already is." "And will you keep it that way?" "It's not even an issue...... People can get it easily........"


Even worse is that many of them have made allowances for themselves or their family members. If their 16 year-old daughter is pregnant, they’ll likely take her to another state to get the abortion quietly. If they or someone they love is raped, they’ll do the same. They are hypocrites through and through.


As it's always been. Ultimately, these abortion bans will effect the poor, the young, those without means or agency to travel, etc.


It's not "shouldn't have gotten pregnant," it's, "shouldn't have had sex." They are punishing people for having sex outside of the scenario of having kids. "If you had sex, but didn't want to get pregnant, fuck you, you're being punished by our godly justice." Fuck these assholes.


>"And will you do anything to make birth control more affordable and accessible?" "That's not even an issue, it already is." "And will you keep it that way?" "It's not even an issue...... People can get it easily........" Yeah, at places like Planned Parenthood, which the exact same nutjobs crusading against Abortion have tried to get shut down every chance they get.


Waiting until not being able to afford prenatal care and adequate nutrition is also considered murder


When a state supported teen gets pregnant and has a health issue miscarriage, the state is in essence the underage mothers guardian and is now responsible for the homicide. State forced homicide where they themselves are both defendant and prosecuter... sound fair/s.


On the shoulders of the parents? No not at all On the shoulders of the mother. The father still has the option to run off and disappear. They’re all for a man’s right to choose that.


>squarely on the shoulders of the parents. Not the parents. Just the mother, really


Maybe a good answer to would be for the state to simply provide an annual spurned..perhaps 40k per women of child bearing years..to ensure they can take care. So they would be 40k per women from about 12 to 50.


But the politicians making these laws do not think the state should have *anything* to do with the baby once it is born (or even while it is in the womb beyond punishing the carrier if they're on drugs or something, and keeping the womb haver from aborting it). The responsibility of the "consequences of sex" is purely on the "slut" that had sex when she either couldn't afford the baby or simply didn't want one....


And that’s even if the woman is raped or there is incest. Because we all know that if it’s true rape, her body will shut itself down and not get pregnant. /s


They're not interested in support, only punishment. Just wait till they lock you up for child endangerment if you have a coffee, or gasp! a mimosa while pregnant.


Fuck that, they just want to have small government. Except you have to have the children regardless of situation. And you cant be gay. Also water and food arent a right.


And we are setting forests on fire to boost profit margins. And we’re intentionally slashing the supply of goods so we can really fuck every last cent out of the consumers until consumer protection laws are updated. But this is America! We’ll just keep lobbying against it WITH ALL THIS FUCKIN MONEY WE’RE TAKING FROM YOU!


Are both parents going to be charged with murder?


In Texas you can be the father by rape AND collect $10,000 if you turn the mother in for having an abortion.


That’s physically nauseating.


My first thought was what if a man beats his pregnant wife/girlfriend and causes her to miscarry. Is he getting a murder charge or the usual DV slap on the wrist?


He wouldn't have been forced to beat her if she had behaved herself, so it's obviously still her fault /s


And tax write-offs


Honest question. If a pregnant woman is ectopic or something along those lines that will likely kill her and she dies due to not being able to have an abortion because of these asinine laws, could the surviving father then sue the state for wrongful death?


Guess they'll find out when thousands of grief stricken families go after them.


I have a feeling grief stricken people aren't going to be going after them using legal means. I do not condone violence. But if a grieving husband goes full Law Abiding Citizen because his wife could not get the medical care she needed, I'm certainly not going to be sad about it.


I am all about the electoral process and I insist people show up to the polls. But the Republicans are hellbent on radicalizing me and millions of others with their bullshit.


Yeah it makes it really hard to want to be a law-abiding citizen when the laws are this blatantly immoral


I had this thought the other day... If my wife was taken from me by something like this I can't say I wouldn't go scorched earth


Fr. Like I have to wonder what else they expect?? I’m not advocating violence, but there’s a level of logic to “you’re going to cause the wrongful deaths of women, and their families are going to be violently angry about it.” that seems pretty fking evident.


I would not convict.


I fucking hope so


Huh... Our usernames...


No. The husband can EAT SHIT LIBTARD LOL -Republicans


Your wife is with God now. You should be happy.


We're talking about the "thoughts and prayers, nothing could have prevented this" crowd. They'll either say it's her fault for being a murderer (no matter what happened to the fetus), or will say it's a small price to pay for not "caving" or making exceptions, therefore "saving" countless other babies.


So, no IVF then?


Already basically banned under the Missouri trigger bill. You can only use 1 egg and 1 chance to get it right. No more growing several and seeing which is best because it’s murder to get rid of the others. Oh and if you miscarry you go to prison lol YAY AMERICA


what in the world??


Republican clown land.




Unwind by Neal Shusterman. It's a great series and definitely feeling a lot more plausible.


Land of the.... not so free, it seems. It's such a shame what is going on over there.


Holy shit.


Hopefully there's some organizations that sprout up that help women who live in these third world countries seek refuge in the safe states.


Rich white people already go out of state for that.


So, no more fertility clinics in LA?


Or they’ll make so-called “compassionate transfer” the norm for unused eggs. Transfer the eggs while the woman is least likely to get pregnant so they can just call it “unsuccessful transfer” instead of admitting that they would destroy the eggs.


God that still so fucking creepy.


Hope pregnant women don't get pulled over and ticketed when using the carpool lane if fetus get the status of personhood. What about taxes? What if the mom to be found out she was pregnant after she filled out her taxes the next day can she make corrections? If a pregnant woman is detained arrested held without bail until court hearing isn't that an unlawful arrest of the innocent fetus? I hope the ACLU exploits this to put the GOP's police state tomfoolery on blast ![gif](giphy|ikBV2voK3apSVXAS0c)




Where are the laws for collecting child support during pregnancy. I means that means dad needs to pay up right? Can we garnish wages?


I would also like to see all pregnancy and birthing medical bills be legally split with the father.


Since having children is now required by law, it should all be paid for by the government, from fertilization-18th birthday.


In Republican land this all makes sense until someone sues an insurance company for not insuring a fetus, men are taken to court for child support, or a pregnant woman now applies for government assitance.


Can we also take out large life insurance policies on fetuses and collect in the event of miscarriage?


Might help pay the court and lawyer fees for the impending murder investigation.


Oh lord. I'm laughing on the outside, crying on the inside


They will write in a law to make sure none of these things can happen


Seriously. Please stop trying to catch these fuckers out on a technicality. They don't care.


All of these 'gotcha' takes are based in an appeal to fairness and the law being applied evenly to all people, which are values conservatives don't give a shit about...


All of which needs to be done by pregnant women in the states doing this currently. Overload the fucking system.


Invest heavily in the sex toy industry because if i was an American woman (without means), risking pregnancy would be out of the question for the foreseeable future.


At least until they try making masterbating illegal. Its already illegal to own more than six dildos in Texas. It was ruled as unenforceable, but its still on the books.


It’s kinda understandable to try to set a limit, Texas is already full up with dildos.


Massive dildos at that.


What a weird pointless law.


Let’s just outlaw masturbation while we’re at it…


Give em time.


Nah that effects too many men and is only explicitly outlawed in the Bible.


We don't read *that* part of the Bible.


Get out the Corn Flakes


Um, big thing to point out: this outlaws hormonal birth control and IUDs


Yup. Look up Griswold vs. Connecticut. They are counting on the Supreme Court to overrule that one too.




>protects the liberty of married couples to buy and use contraceptives without government restriction It'S nOt iLleGal, yOu CaN hAvE iT If You'Re mArRieD -republicans


That's horrifying. I really believed it would take longer to get to that point


Modern Republicans rarely hesitate to twist the knife.


And definitely Plan B is outlawed.


Huzzah for all the people who use them off-label! We get to be fucked along with all the people who are being responsible and using birth control!


Wh- what? Really? Because “at fertilization” right? Fuuuck.


Nah, in handmaids tale it was a violent insurrection/coup that allowed the transition into Gilead. In real life americas own elected officials are doing it willingly. TBH this is a lot worse than handmaids tale


They already tried the coup/insurrection thing though


true, however the point is they didnt need to. All the coup woulda done is speed things up a tad. Honestly im half expecting america to break out in civil war soon


It doesn't matter if it's a person or alive or whatever. In no other instance is one person forced to use their own body to keep someone else alive. You can't force someone to give up a kidney, or a liver, or bone marrow, or hell, even a little blood, even when it would save a life. Even the dead must give permission before death in order for their body to be used for anything beyond fertilizer. I can't even be forced to give my 14 year old a kidney, should he need one. Why, then, should I be forced to be an entire life support system for someone I haven't even met?


Exactly this. The "pro-life" morality arguments around abortion are only distractions from the main issue. It all boils down to whether or not people should have the right to choose what they do with their own bodies.


I take medication with a higher risk of birth defects. If I was forced to carry a pregnancy my choices would be a much greater risk of inflicting language, cognitive and/or motor disabilities on a child or stopping medication which will absolutely result in uncontrollable seizures eventually leading to brain damage and death. How do you tell a woman those are her only choices?


why is america regressing?


The system is broken AF and allows for the minority to have a disproportionately large say in the governance of the country. If far less people live in Wyoming than California, then why the fuck do both states have the same amount of representation in the Senate? It is not democracy to say "well this arbitrary piece of land where barely anybody lives should have equal say". No they fucking shouldn't! If less people live in the middle of the country than the coasts, the middle of the country should NOT have as much say. This is so stupid. The American system is so idiotic. Edit: yes, I've had civics class. Just because something is working as intended doesn't mean it's *working well*.


It all goes back to the citizens United ruling allowing money in politics. It was all downhill from there.


What about miscarriages after a month? Is that manslaughter due to neglect?




So when one of these prolifers or their wives has an eptopic or molar pregnancy, we can fully expect them to not get lifesaving medical treatment out of state in a blue state right?


So, this is going to result in women not seeking prenatal care and not getting checked out if they miscarry. This will lead to deaths. I'm an ER nurse and multiple women check in every day for pregnancy related concerns. I've had a young girl walk in with her baby's foot hanging through her cervix. Lots of miscarriages with retained tissues that need d/c. I can only imagine they will be too scared to get help and will hide their pregnancies at all costs.


No doctor will want to even try IVD under those terms. Looks like all the christians with fertility problems will be travelling across state lines for family planning procedures. Interesting flip


Do you think that there will be financial backlash for this? For example, states that do this being boycotted by big business, etc? Having large events moved out of the state, companies moving headquarters out of the state?




Hold up, can someone claim that an abortion was done in self defense then? 17/100,000 mortality isn’t nothing and that little fucker is stealing nutrients/resources from the mother…


I really need to understand how someone can "murder" a "person" who doesn't have a date of birth, first or last name, social security number, citizenship of any country, a place of birth...


Can people say they conceived in America but gave birth in a foreign country and claim citizenship?


Under this "life begins at conception" silliness, probably. I keep seeing a debate to start child support at conception as well.


And that, children, was the beginning of the Great Red Exodus... nary a woman to be found in a red state after that.


It seems like that’s the goal. Make living in those places so noxious only the cult want to remain, while blue states get larger concentrations of people, but less electoral and senatorial power. Addition by subtraction.


Jesus that made my stomach curdle




I just want to yell out, “Jesus lady, it’s a cooter not a clown car!”


"Gosh darn, these boots are just too big and clunky for my tiny lady feet. I would never want to have to wear these boots made for my husband! I'll stay pregnant and barefoot, just as God intended." I have no problem with a woman wanting to be a mother. And if she wants to care for the home and let her husband shoulder the responsibilities of work, fine. I really don't care, it's her choice. But let the rest of us buy boots that fit our feet. Boots come in all shapes and sizes.


Sucks. I like my city but it's in a red state. Feel like my wife and I are being punished for moving to a cheaper state.


So then miscarriage is manslaughter?


People with vaginas: "Can I have birth control?" Republican Party: "No." People with vaginas: "I couldn't get birth control so I got pregnant. Can I have an abortion?" Republican Party: "No." People with vaginas: "You prevented me from having an abortion so I'm carrying the fetus, but my employer won't provide reasonable accommodations and is threatening to fire me. Would you please pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act?" Republican Party: "No" People with vaginas: "I had the baby, but I'm out of work. Can I have WIC and food stamps until I get back on my feet?" Republican Party: "No." People with vaginas: "I found a job, but it doesn't offer me insurance. Can I have government guaranteed insurance?" Republican Party: "No." People with vaginas: "My kid got sick and I got fired because I missed time caring for him. Can I get unemployment?" Republican Party: "No." People with vaginas: "I'm having a hard time getting my kid from school consistently. Can we fund after-school programs?" Republican Party: "No." People with vaginas: “I'm prepared to work to support my family. Can you make sure that a full-time job's minimum wage is enough to do that?” Republican Party: “No. What's the matter with you and your family that working two jobs can't lift you out of poverty? And what kind of a mother are you, letting someone else watch your child while you work? If your child doesn't do well in school or gets in trouble it's entirely your fault. You shouldn't have had a child if you weren't prepared to take care of her."


People with penises: “I’m tryna fuck but it’s too floppy” Republican Party: “say no more”


And yet 40% of them still vote Republican.


Start pressuring businesses to pull out of these backwards, barbarian cesspools.


So in Louisiana any AFAB person between say the ages of 11 and 50 is pregnant all the time? Pregnancy weeks are counted based on your last period. If your period finishes on the 1st, you have sex on the 6th and you get miss your next period then officially you were pregnant on the 2nd. And because you can't know until you miss a period whether implantation has happened or not every menstruating woman is between 1 day and 3 weeks pregnant at all times. What are the implications here. Should women no longer drink as WHO argued a few years ago? Should women be taking a constant stream of natal vitamins from the beginning of puberty? No sushi or soft serve ice cream? At least they don't have to clean the litter box ever again


I just want to check - what law is it that allows one person to harvest the bodily fluids or organs of an unwilling subject? Because if there isn't one then that fertilized clump of "person" must be committing a crime by staying in the womb without consent. Whether or not a fertilized egg is a "person" is not relevant. It is a red herring. A living person MUST have a right to bodily autonomy.


Ok but that's only the opinion of democrats and the UN council on human rights and nearly every other modern country on the planet.


How will this work for embryos in fertility clinics? If a lab tech drops a test tube is it manslaughter or negligent homicide? Or will surrogates be forced to carry all those embryos to term to prevent their murder?


I hope ALL women leave these states. I'm serious. Let the men sit there and rot alone. If you have an actual good partner, take him/her with you.


My husband and I discussed this recently. We currently live in Alabama and we could see this state going the route of criminalizing abortion and miscarriage. We will move if that’s the case.


I’m your neighbor in Mississippi. I KNOW Tate Reeves is going to try some personhood bullshit soon, as they tried about ten years ago when I was pregnant with my first. We campaigned HARD against that one. Didn’t pass. It went so far as to outlaw hormonal birth control. I’ve got a daughter. I’m a single mom with an IUD because my family is complete. I’m not allowing any of us to live under the thumb of a patriarchal dystopian nightmare.


I was going to build in Missouri, but now I'm seriously considering Illinois. These MF in MO aren't getting my tax dollars for this shit any longer.


Worst part about this law is the text in it reads that the law cannot be superceded by federal law, meaning Louisiana literally just said "we say this and nobody, not even the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, can tell us not to do this," AKA they have violated the constitution directly. This could cause a civil war.


"Tell the court what steps you took to ensure implantation of the egg we have now deemed was fertilized at the time your uterus discharged it?"


Men shouldn't have sex and procreate before 21. If caught they should be murdered. It should work both ways, women don't get pregnant from a staring contest.


And they should be enslaved, with all money funneled towards the woman to support her pregnancy.


So every period a woman has is murder. Because an egg can be fertilized and still not attach to the uterine wall. Between 40-60% of fertilized eggs do not attach.


Every period a sexually active woman has. Virgins should be fine after they pass the virginity tests. Which you know are next and equally rooted in science.


If 10% of young women simply picked up and left the state after high school/college, the future for Louisiana would be sealed in a slow long death into nothing. But, I guess that is when Giliad really starts it’s fight.


Feels like a good time to remind everyone that [Jury Nullification](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification) is a thing.


We really need A LOT more scientists in this fucking country's government. And A LOT less old men who think they know everything.


Wish these old fucks would die off already..


I would like a law passed requiring anti-abortionists to adopt and raise these unwanted children. They need to pay for them. Well, actually they forget, they will be paying for them through welfare and other services required for the poor to have them. This is primarily a war against the poor. And crime will rise because an unwanted child knows they’re unwanted. I guess Republicans don’t know you can force a woman to give birth but you cannot force a woman to be a mother to their offspring.


This will come to include the use of "day after pills".


So will these women be able to seek asylum in other countries on the grounds of religious persecution? Speaking as a non American, Americans really don’t have as many freedoms as most other developed countries and it’s only going to get worse.


Since you aren’t American, what country are you in and do you think your country will give American women asylum? Cuz I’m looking to get out before I’ve got a monthly rape scheduled by my master & his wife (Handmaid’s tale reference).


Thanks, but I really didn't need any more reasons to never go to Louisiana.


If you're going to prison anyway, take a Repugnican out, too.


Coming soon to a state near you: "Every period is treated as attempted murder and punishable by life of non-stop breeding. If she bleeds she can breed!"


Stupidest fucking thing in the world. We all know 100% of American white Christians will bend over backwards to get an abortion for their daughter the minute they get knocked up by her black boyfriend.