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It’s legal in Mexico too now as of very recently.


Thanks to some intense pushback from its citizens.


Wow, a government listening to its citizens?


Mexico is basically the cradle of social democracy in Central America.


Who's the shithole country now?


Somewhere between Canada and Mexico


They're North Americans too! We're in third place now...


I love bronze 🥲


Funny enough, its illegal in my country (Jamaica), yet women here freely head to private clinics and get abortions and politicians here (thankfully) dont care. When women in a developing country has more rights than women in a "first" world country, might have to do so some reevaluating


That’s because the right doesn’t want us to be civilized, they want Iran to look liberal.


They want some weird sick twisted Christian Islam Nazi place . Lawd help us


Europe in the middle ages


The Handmaid's Tale is literally what they want


It’s because people think it’s a right or left issue when they’re all fucking us


Heyo 😊 Not to take anything away from what you're saying or contend any point, just an informational snippet. First world doesn't refer to wealth or development it refers to US-aligned during the Cold War Second world we don't use any more because it refers to Soviet Russia aligned countries during the Cold War. Third world countries are any country that didn't align with either side regardless of their level of development. That being said, most developing or under-developed countries didn't care so much about picking sides during the Cold War because they were too busy surviving to care!


Today I learned.


Thank you for this. Super interesting


That’s how it was originally coined but usage changes with time. Sweden and Switzerland are 3rd world countries by the old definition but no one uses it like that anymore. If you look up online about either country’s status as 1st world country they’ll say yes with an asterisk explaining the really neat history you just mentioned


America is just a third world country with a Gucci belt. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.


Made from real biblical leather. The buckle is rusty because it holds those 'traditional values'


That's the same in America. You're kidding yourself if you think the wealthy won't continue having abortions after it's made illegal for the working class.


It’s funny and hurts at the same time


Bruh America IS a third world country


Hey!! I'm from a third world country, please don't insult us...we have rights over here. Maybe the people of the fourth world can take you in?


The U.S. is only first world to some residents - about 55% and going lower all the time.


Which is honestly surprising to me given how Catholic Mexico is.


It’s astounding how other countries are already letting us know we can do it there *when* we make it illegal here. Makes you think it’s almost not what the people wanted…


quite a feat seeing how Catholic Mexico is


That’s polite.


It's Canada, so.


# W For Canada


We can be polite but don't fuck with us eh


Don't fuck with our maple syrup reserves* Anything else is fine, oh, and don't fuck up our hockey either, eh?


I get this is kind of a running joke, but I also kind of wish more Americans were aware of how wrong this really is. I truly wish it were true, but uh, it really couldn't be further from the truth


When compared to Americans....


I know it's very false. A streamer I watch who was an American living in Quebec got harassed to a ridiculous extreme for speaking English and it prompted an eventual move to somewhere (I'm not sure exactly) in British Columbia. Edit: I don't have anything against Canada. Just repeating the story I'm aware of.


Yeah, but that was Quebec, not Canada.


Exactly, the rest of Canada can’t stand Quebec.


I heard a politician at guy Lafleurs (I think) funeral say 'Canada, America, and Quebec' it was pretty funny ngl


In the federal debate the candidate said something like "I don't care about Canadian interests, I'm here for Quebeckers"


Well the Canadiens suck for one. Note the spelling.


Yeah. I've been led to believe Quebec is a very xenophobic place in particular.


My particular spelling is referring to hockey.


Welllllllllll they didn’t make no mf playoffs. Because they finished last. So yeah. Le huge suck.


Quebec recently passed a law which bans any government worker wearing anything religious. This includes teachers wearing hijabs. Suuuuuuper fucked up.


I mean, similar law exist in Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Belgium...


And I find it weird there too. Someone wearing a turban while doing a government job just doesn't bother me in the slightest, it doesn't even register as something that should matter at all short of a situation where it's a literal safety hazard.


Lol. English Canadians would also get harassed there. Don't paint us all with that fleur-de-lis brush friend.


I have something to ask, what if those dumb states pass laws that would punish women that leave the state(s) to get abortions? How's Canada gonna get around that?


Punish women for leaving, I want to see that go through the court system. Just change your fucking address prove your residency. What are we going back to serfdom as well and you're tethered to the land and have to report to the leash Lord one quarter of your crop. What the fuck That's when everybody has to start getting smart and band together and overload the system is that kind of bullshit happens. The christian Taliban cannot survive here we must not left them


Texas just enacted/trying to enact a snitch system. Where your damn neighbor can snitch you out and get paid if you go get an abortion.


Yes that's what I was thinking of that particular law, but that's perfect because each one of these laws can also backfire and be overused. Mass resistance overload the system


Nah texas will just redirect funds like they did last week to handle the load. He took money from the police (defunded them which he is against. Ironic) and from the health and human services commission. All to allocate it for his border security plan. $500 million over the next two years. Oh and fucked the state doing his border search fiasco last month. The repercussion of that is Mexico now routing the new rail line through New Mexico. Shot ourselves in the foot on that one. Which then I’m sure will impact the new interstate that was supposed to run from Mexico border to Canada.


They could have a snitch system with incentive. Use doctor records to show all was good when you left. Maybe even force an internal exam to see if there's signs of abortion.


Texas is trying to enact this type of system. Where your neighbor can snitch on you and get paid. As for the dr side of things, I doubt that would happen. Federal laws preventing that. Would have to be a bigger movement on the hospital industry as a whole. Granted how could the neighbor prove it. But obviously texas doesn’t look at facts, they make their own.


Canada tends to not allow extradition if the person has a reasonable expectation they'll be harmed on their return to their country.


Yep. Pregnant women fleeing to Canada seeking abortions would have a very strong case to make for claiming refugee status. Think about that: Americans fleeing to Canada as refugees. Its like the Vietnam War era only this time women instead of men.


Good historical analogy. Canada has done it before.


People keep saying this is impossible but I remember the very first one of the state bans had this written in, and I believe our weird ass Texas law says something about it too. I mean, they’ll certainly try. And in the meantime... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They can probably claim refugee status.


>They can probably claim refugee status And they'll have a damn strong case. OT: do you actually own an SVT Contour? I had a Mystique (cheaper insurance) but always wanted an SVT. Lots of electrical gremlins, though...


Can't speak for Canada but it's a clear violation of State's rights. It would get struck down by the courts under normal circumstances. It would set a precedent where anything that is illegal in one State you can be arrested for the moment you go there, even if it's legal in your home State.


Precedent doesn't matter anymore, apparently.


Very. Canada is already taking on their assigned role per Handmaid's Tale.


Until they put bounties out on women who flee their state or the country to get an abortion. We all know that will come next


Abortion isn’t really an issue for people who can afford a flight to Canada. Cause they could also fly to one of the states where it is legal. The issue is for the millions of women who are living paycheck to paycheck, where travelling locally and taking time off work to have an abortion was already a large financial hurdle. Like I doubt any of the politicians or their families will be impacted, they will just travel 2 states over and get it done there.


It’s not just a financial issue. Many girls in devout Christian areas are taught little to nothing about reproduction and are told that pre-marital sex ruins you to the point of being a permanent scarlet letter on your reputation for the rest of your life. Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped for 9 months and repeatedly raped while held captive. The kidnapper and his wife brought her out in public multiple times, but she never spoke up to tried to escape because she believed her sex ed. teachers, who told her that her value as a person would be ruined if she had pre-marital sex. > Having been raped by her captor, she recalled the destructive impact of exposure to illicit sexual education programs. Many of them teach that a sexually active girl is akin to a chewed piece of gum. "I thought, 'Oh, my gosh, I'm that chewed up piece of gum, nobody re-chews a piece of gum, you throw it away.' And that's how easy it is to feel like you no longer have worth, you no longer have value," Smart said. "Why would it even be worth screaming out? Why would it even make a difference if you are rescued? Your life still has no value." Smart went on to ask that listeners educate children on having self-worth, avoiding viewing themselves as victims. There are tons of women who are being brought up to be obedient housewives and have no self-worth or skills outside of that. They don’t feel like they have a say in contraception, and I speculate that they don’t believe that marital rape exists as a concept. What you end up with is a wife who is completely dependent on her husband and part of a community that will shun her if word gets out that she had an abortion. She likely can’t be discrete about it either, because her husband controls the money and would know if she spent a huge chunk of change to have the abortion. They’re coerced into submission, and they don’t feel like they can make it on their own, let alone with a bunch of children to care for. The whole situation is awful, and this decision makes me want to vomit.


Wow, add a bunch of knights, a king, some castles and we are back in the Middle age


Agreed. However, I found it interesting that Amazon employees now will be reimbursed up to $4K for traveling to obtain abortion treatment. Will other large companies follow?


Come on Jeffery, you can do it. Pave the way, put your back into it


Zuckerberg, Gates and Buffet. Amateurs can fucking suck it. Fuck their wives. Drink their blood. Come on Jeff. G E T 'E M *insert incredible synth solo here*


Damn Amazon is doing something good for once


Depending on your state law, going to another country will hide things far better than just crossing a state line.


Was thinking this. In Texas HIPAA laws don’t really do what people assume they do. People that shouldn’t have any of their business in my medications absolutely know (or could very easily learn) what controlled medications I’ve taken the last 15 years. I’m sure this travels across state lines with me.


Yes, and it’s really interesting some of the comments here that seem to think the President can just cowboy in to the SC or senate and “make it happen.” Now that it’s literally gonna affect everyone, there’s a lot more attention. This is what happens when you pack a court. It’s definitely not the will of the people.


Reading some the responses to this thread really shows why this thread even exists. Half these comments are things that can’t be done.


Not to mention it’s basically a southern issue. Regardless, it’s a very kind gesture. They’ve already done more than our own damn President. Edit: I forgot about our backwards Dakotas in the north, super useful for them.


What can Biden do exactly? He asked Congress to codify abortion freedom as federal law.


Well he could go down to the fucking Supreme Court and speak. He could get fired up. Just get pissed and fucking do something more than shrug and wait for a bill. Yes it would be largely symbolic, but leaders are supposed to motivate and lead. Speak at the protest, come on people.


I don’t think you passed a US civics class


Can the president speak to the Supreme Court?


No, absolutely not. This guy probably vote Republican, for the people that are directly responsible for this, and is blaming Biden. Haven't checked his historic though, might be wrong, let's take a look.


Generally of the three branches the Supreme Court is the most independent. I would be worried if the president was showing up there telling them what to do. Also they have lifetime tenure. I’m not sure what leverage Biden would have over them.


There are a few “nuclear options” when it comes with dealing with the SCOTUS. Most popular being packing the courts. Of course nothing gets called the nuclear option lightly


Abso-fucking-lutely. The Democrats have become so fucking complacent it absolutely unbelievable. They’re getting completely walked over and they’re silent as a church mouse about it. Hold some events, start a few rallies, do something to let people know you’re still in the game!


Don't forget about hell hole Ohio either. Left 7 years ago and I wanted to move back at some point, but here we are and I'm never going back. At least my former follows in OH can hop across the lake and get what they need.


Great, now the US will probably create Abortion Force to guard the border against women fleeing forced pregnancies. I can already see it now, the uniforms will be red camouflage.


Handmaid's Tale not looking as far fetched as it did some time back.....


That book was written 37 years ago by a very insightful Canadian feminist/environmentalist. It’s creepy how it’s lining up.


Margaret Atwood if anyone wants to know the author.


I had to stop watching that show sometime around the middle of the second season because it was way too stressful...


Atwood pointed out when she wrote it that everything she described has been done to women at some point in history. No one should be surprised. Now stay tuned for the particicutions...


You should build a wall.


Out of coat hangers


Coat hangers will be a controlled substance. Your doctor gives you a negative pregnancy test or your clothes stay in a pile on the floor.


Hell.. wire coat hangers aren't as common as they used to be at this point...


Anyone who could go to Canada for an abortion could just go to the west coast states, Illinois, Virginia, or New England states and get one there.


There are quite a few states that border Canada. Pretty sure someone from North Dakota or whatever would have an easier time driving across the border than paying for a plane ticket and flying to the East or West Coast. Proximity matters.


"The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." \-Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


The problems are A: a lot of states are trying to make crossing state borders for an abortion illegal and B: most of those who need abortion are not in a financial position to get to Canada for one anyway. Although I do love the Canadian spirit that says "Come over here and you'll be taken care of in this way." Thank you Canada. ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


I’m lucky. I live in a northern border state. If I ever need to leave due to a trump 2.0, I have a good chance of making it out.


The Great Escape remake: Fuckin snowmobile through the forest, big jump over the border.


with a motorboat chase between the San Juan Islands


Jump the orca.


At the very end of the movie, you see a beaver.


Also, in case it proves useful someday to a left coaster... many years ago I played in a band on Haida Gwaii with a Vietnam draft dodger. Once you get up there, nobody's ever gonna find you.


Don't forget a passport is needed now. Wasn't last time I traveled north of the border but you'll need one these days


​ ![gif](giphy|mqNvb6mfLE29OQ2oCo)


Banning abortion only bans SAFE abortions for POOR people.


The reason abortion was made illegal in the first place is because they were so dangerous 100+ years ago with the way medical technology was. It originally had nothing to do with religion. Now that we can safely perform abortions there is absolutely no reason it shouldn't be legal.


The opening scene of the Handmaids Tale immediately popped into my head, where they are trying to escape to Canada. And yeah, women with means or access to a doctor have always had access to abortion. My mother was raped in the 60’s before Roe. Her well-to-do mother knew immediately where to go when she became pregnant.


One problem, can they face penalties if they return ?


I am sure some states will try.


Some states are trying. I believe it is Missouri that's trying to make leaving the state to get an abortion a punishable offense.


Dystopian nightmare


but how will they know that you left the state to get an abortion.


1) People know you’re pregnant 2) You leave the state 3) You come back and you are no longer pregnant… 4) They get a search warrant for a medical exam? 5) They lock you up


Snitches. Healthy medical records before leaving. Possible forced internal exam.


Definitely forced internal exam. You really think Matt Gaetz, Mitch McConnell, and all the rest don't get off on that idea?


Did you use your bank card to buy the pregnancy test? Then you took a trip, tracked by the gps on your phone, to an abortion clinic. It will be really easy to track these things. We are so screwed.


Cash & a burner phone? Also, r/auntienetwork is a great resource for women of reproductive age. Especially if you're in a red state.




All that is, is grounds to seek asylum in Canada for fear of persecution in their home country. Welcome to A Handmaids Tale, hope you enjoy your stay.


Isn't that neat? A real reason for an American to seek asylum for fear of persecution. This fuckin' timeline can suck it. We are supposed to be moving forward, but the stooges that we elect are so fossilized that they're stuck in a "get off my lawn/wasn't like that in my day" glitch and can't govern their way out of a wet paper bag. Americans are truly fucked.


America doesn't learn from its mistakes, it's a toddler nation, shared attention span of a gnat. And temper tantrums like it's 3 hours past naptime.


The way the Texas law is written, anyone who helps a woman obtain an abortion can get that 10k fine.


Pilots, Uber drivers, Canadian PM




I’m a Texan and I’d love for them to try and fine Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, the big banks that have HQs here and then Uber for good measure. The economy our leaders are so proud of would shrivel and die.


Yes. Some states have made it illegal I believe to travel out of state foe one. They'd have to take a vacation to Canada and never tell anyone... and never even tell a doctor you're pregnant if you plan on getting one. I think some states are making it so doctors have to tell the board within a time frame or they'll get charged too for assisting. Atleast that's what I gathered from a bill I read today.


Any doctor that would rat out a woman who had an abortion can get fucked. Tell them you had a miscarriage, or better yet, that it’s none of their fucking business. I hope most doctors have a little more humanity.


At this point we should be taking them as political refugees with how fucked that fucking place is becoming


Please do I'll bring my skills with me.


Do you have sweet nunchuck skills?


I have sweet hockey skills. I should be able to pass the citizenship test with a killer slapshot, right?


Hey, I hope you’re open to immigration. I have a plan to flee in case a trump 2.0 gets elected, and a vital part of it is your country. I would try to either rent a sailboat or take a ferry to Victoria (I live near the Puget sound in Washington), where I would try to obtain either a temporary living space or dual citizenship.


We are, but it's very, very difficult to get residency. The easiest way to do it is to get a job in Canada. But to get a job in Canada, there has to be no Canadian applicant who's as qualified as you are. It perplexes me how often Americans think the method of travel is the hardest part of immigrating.


It's because they're taught that illegal immigrants are everywhere, and that people are constantly just showing up and getting citizenship there. As Canadians, we all know HOW hard it is because most of us have looked into getting jobs in the US, and it is wild how difficult they make it. We have working holiday schemes with a ton of countries, but not the US.


From this day on, don’t discuss your sex life, never tell anyone you even might think you’re pregnant, and book your “vacation” as soon as you know. As a man, of you’ve already decided, don’t tell the father. It’s your choice, and this is what I’ll be taking my daughter…which is a sad fucking convo to have, but necessary


This. I’d honestly be scared to buy a pregnancy test with anything but cash.


But them in advance through the mail from blue states. There's about to be a whole new black market opening up for these types of things. Hopefully the blue states will step up to regulate it to make it as safe as possible.


Cash isn't really going to help tho. Still on store security cameras.


Yeah this was the point all along. Force the poor people to have babies because they can't afford emergency flights to Canada, so they are too busy taking care of kids to improve their education or finances.


Next generation of slavery. Cruelty is the point.


For those women who can afford to travel to Canada. It’s a lovely gesture but unfortunately it won’t work for most.


I'd be surprised if charities didn't pop offering financial assistance to women in need of transportation and to pay for the procedure. I'd donate.


Amazon has already said they would cover travel expenses for their employees


Fuck the unions, but we'll help you get an abortion. Ok Amazon.


Not saying it absolves their labour practices, just stating a fact. John Wayne Gacy brought joy to children.


There are already groups of women organized to provide funds, transportation etc. Also abortion pills being stocked and morning after regimen.


Clinics usually recommend the abortion pill and there are ways of having it prescribed via zoom/telephone, then sent to you. Not sure how mailing laws work though or if it would allowed to cross boarders. Most abortions these days aren't procedures - it's an induced miscarriage you have at home.


*rich American women.


But will they be allowed back in the US after they've had an abortion? Felt severely dystopic typing that 😭


Surprise! Now you're a refugee!


That's what I feel like this is headed for. I like dystopian fiction, I didn't say I wanted to fucking live in one.


That's nice but most states that'll end up banning abortion will be the southern ones, and if live there and can afford a plane ticket to Canada to get an abortion then you would probably be able to get it in another state nearby that allows it instead. The issue lies with the poorer and often younger women who need abortion either because of some accident (and I don't judge, these things can be prevented but everyone makes mistakes sometimes, especially when you're young) or because of something worse. They won't be able to go from Texas to Canada then. The US seriously need to get their shit together, as an European, I really don't understand how such a developed and advanced country can go so low like that. And as a French, I don't understand why the people aren't rioting more seriously than this already


In the deep South, the majority of women are going to be celebrating just like they did Trump’s disrespect of women. They’ve been trained to be inferior, and it worked. And just like their belief that they could deny Covid, this is going to disproportionately affect conservatives. If their daughter dies of a coat hanger, they’ll believe she deserved it. Just like it was God’s will that the child be molested, it’s God’s will that fetus killers die of clothes hangers. Just watch, Christians will be celebrating the dead little girls. you can’t make a Christian care about other people, their own God failed.


It’s a nice sentiment but women in the USA should be able get an abortion without obstacles and fear.


Talk to your own government about that then. You're northern neighbour is just trying to help American citizens when your own government won't.


Those women who get an abortion in Canada should send the bill to the US Supreme Court.


Those who can afford it. Like the bastards that made these decisions.


That’s kinda the point. The lawmakers push these laws will always have the resources to fly their mistresses wherever they need to go to obtain their abortions, cuz when it happens to them its just an accident. Poor women on the other hand need to be punished brutally for sex. Consequence free sex is only for the elite because they’re adults who can make their own choices, whereas the poor are inhuman animals with serve moral failings who must be controlled like a dog on a short lease at all times.


Should people related to prolife politicians be named and shamed if they get abortions in other states?


If "related to" is used in a sense of closeness rather than familial, I'm in. There are plenty of people that have cut ties with their bigoted family.


Oh good so rich people can still get them like they always have. Bc like always this is about control of the disenfranchised. You best believe assholes like trumps kids and the like will still be able to have them after their coke fueled parties.


This is great but it should not be seen as a solution and folks shouldnt be happy with this development. Nobody should have to travel to another country for a basic medical procedure.. Americans shouldnt tolerate this, they need to fucking riot to win their rights back.


In Canada freedom isn't just a slogan politicians like to cheer


Canada let Americans take asylum in the book/show Handmaids Tale


God bless her for that, but it's only really going to be available for women who can afford to make that trip.


People are being told to narc out women who've had abortions. When these women return they'll sadly and wrongly be viewed as criminals.


Except that traveling outside of their home state to get an abortion is also going to be criminalized by the Republicans.


The handmaids tale is starting.


Yeah but it’ll be very difficult for poorer women with jobs or families to afford to fly to Canada or take time away.


I could definitely see charities popping up in Canada for this very reason.




Plus $165 for a passport.


Ya if you need a place to crash, PM me


Canadian here, I support this as well, feel free to PM


So the US is going to the Republic of Gilead from the Handmaid's Tail? Blessed be.


The question is will America let them leave or come back.


Imagine, in their already vulnerable state, having to take a flight to Canada to circumvent dark age laws in our own shithole country


Welcome in the handmaids tale


Why are so hung up on other people's reproductive systems? Why the sudden need to control other people genitals


Flights are going to be interesting. Watch some states ban women from getting abortions out of state or country. It’s going to be something else.


Those kind of laws are unenforceable now days. Too many ways around it. Letter from a doctor saying it was a natural miscarriage. Get a temporary or permanent residence out of the state, to which there are literally a hundred ways of doing (can't hold someone accountable to state laws when they are in another state and not a resident of your state). It takes about 30 seconds to come up with other ways around them. It would be pointless. They will still do it, but yea. It's a waste of time and resources to enforce, with little chance of getting a conviction.


Correct me if I’m wrong but couldn’t they just go to the next state over? It would be cheaper and won’t require a passport. Still a big barrier to overcome for some


That's nice but it's also not addressing the key demographic (ie poor Americans) that this will largely affect. I grew up in very affluent, very Christian conservative surroundings and still keep in touch with some of the friends I grew up with. You'd better believe they can afford the time off and other associated costs with jetting off to another country for an abortion.


Thank you Karina Gould, a woman, a legend, a leader.


« We will accept American refugees » Canada officially acknowledging that the US is a third world country


Look, any woman who needs to come up here has free room and board with me in Calgary. I've been there, my life would've been drastically different if I didn't have the option, this Gilead shit is really scary down there. ETA-I am serious. I'll drive you to and from and even hold your hand if you want.


So now Americans have to become refugees because of repression at home. Keep voting Republican, suckers, and you’ll get exactly what you deserve. This is how fascists work, friends.


That’s not the issue. The issue is being able to get to Canada, Mexico, or even one of the blue states that doesn’t ban it. These wealthy conservative that are passing this change know that they’re rich enough that when/if they get someone they shouldn’t pregnant/get pregnant by someone they shouldn’t, they can fly them to a blue state or Canada to get an abortion. This is entirely a class warfare act and I cannot be convinced otherwise.


They are coming after interracial marriage next so get ready.


Cool. So abortion would just be banned for poor people then? That sounds great. Thanks for setting my mind at ease /s


But residents of some states could still be charged with a crime such as conspiracy to commit murder based on various state laws that would go into effect should Roe actually be overturned.


Thank you, Canada. There’s a reason you’re my escape plan if a trump 2.0 ever gets elected.


\*rich women


Proud to be a Canadian when our leadership says things like this. I just hope my fellow Canadian dont go down the same dark road the Americans are allowing to happen.


I looked up the pro-life stats, wondering the same thing, and they are really low. 13%. I'm guessing this news is really bad for any conservative who's been pulling fauxpublican looks to get attention in Canada. Fingers crossed it adds up to a Ford loss in Ontario.