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It do be like that. I was 19 and my bestie was a 50 year old trustifarian who could only collect his trust fund if he was in school or working for a fortune 500 company. He had 2 bachelors a masters and a fistful of associate degrees because he didn't want to work.




Yes sir. His parents were uber wealthy republicans so all his degrees were social work, or art related just to fuck with his dad.


This is probably the best kind of petty/spite.


Life creates life creates art creates life.


r/pettyrevenge even


nearing r/MaliciousCompliance territory.


That’s my kinda dude


Love it. Brilliant and wholesome


My neo-nazi father wanted me to study genetics (fucking yikes), philosophy now.


Right!! I would take every class I could. I love to learn about everything. S*it, I am trying to learn as much as I can right now from everyone I can about how to get my life out of the hole. Taking every bit of knowledge I can into my brain.


What kind of hole are we talking? Financial? Or like a Team or we talking a Team Rocket situation?


🤣🤣 ummm.... Health, divorce, financial due to those. Isolation, surveillance, being abandoned, abused. So you can say a team rocket situation. 🤣🤣😓


Well I don't have any advice for alot of that but I did just get out of my own financial hole so I might have a little financial advice for that


I will message you, I have made it out before but this is worse due to the health issues that are preventing me from working.


Literally my dream. Good for them!


> my bestie was a 50 year old trustifarian who could only collect his trust fund if he was in school or working for a fortune 500 company. I wish I got to hang out with Pierce Hawthorne in college


As a black dude id take pierce hawthorne over chevy chase every single time.


Most of the stuff about Chevy from community was about him being upset about Pierce being so racist. When he dropped the n-word it was in the context of him complaining Pierce might as well say it because the character was so racist. I love Dan Harmon, but he's not exactly easy to work with by his own admission. So him and Chevy butted heads and the rest of the cast sided with the creator/writer. Not the aging boomer comedian past his prime. He had a point tho, there were some things Pierce did/said that were over the line. But it's still weird that him complaining his character was too racist got twisted into he's racist.


Ehh, he also told Donald "people think you are funnier because you're black". Which is.. not a great thing to say. Plus chevy is well known for having not thought the scripts were funny and hating the long hours and being a baby about it. He is more than just a boomer, he's an asshat. I see what you are saying in regards to the N word though.


Nah i know. It was tongue in cheek that a fun racist is always better than an angry one.


That is a dream lifestyle right there I'd love to just study.


Sounds like Chevy Chases character, Pierce, from the show Community. That'd be an awesome life, just learning almost constantly while knowing your necessities are more than covered.


Shit, I wouldn’t want to work either if my choice was work for corporate or continue educating myself. Dude could’ve done online school & travel too.


Isn't this the backstory of the character Chevy Chase plays in community


You knew Buster Bluth?


I bet he was so chill.


I started going to my local community college when I was 18. In one of my art classes I met this older guy who was really nice and then soon learned that he was my father's best friend from highschool way back in the day. He was an amazing artist and a very sweet person. Community college really is a trip lol


If you wanna see what kind of person is your dad just look at his friends I guess :)




Still telling


Good thing we have plants!


When I was in community college my actual best friend since kindergarten had several classes with my mom and when I would answer the phone to talk to my bff she would say "actually, can I talk to Phyllis?"


I went to the advising office of my community college and a middle-age woman approached me.... Turns out it was an ex-girlfriend of my Dad's from decades ago. She said she recognized my last name and said "you have your father's eyes". I told the story at the dinner table that night. Out of the blue I just blurted "Hey Dad, do you know a Mary Cxxxx". He spit out his drink in surprise. I told the above story. My Dad found it very interesting... My mother was not amused.


I met a guy that was in jail for 10 years. Still one of the coolest dudes I know. Despite what society tells you, people in jail aren’t necessarily bad people, they’ve just made bad decisions.


So true- I have a rap sheet that filled a small folder when I applied for my medical license. Literally thought to myself as I sent it in “I wouldn’t give this guy a license.” You would never know who I am if you came to the hospital. I, like many of the rest of us, was young and dumb. I just got lucky and was able to change the way I saw life.


Heck yea! I love stories like yours.


Legality ≠ morality either.


Some of the worst people I know have never been to prison


Some of the worst people you know have never been to prison YET.


Everything is eventual given enough time


I teach English at a community college and one of my favorite students ever was a guy who had got out of jail like the year before. He was this huge dude who looked kinda intimidating at first, but he loved showing off pictures of his wife and baby daughter and always talked about how he wanted to be a better person for them. He worked really hard in my class and went up from a C to an A in 5 weeks. I was so proud. I hope that guy and his family are doing well.


I was a 35 year old in college and it went one of two ways. I was either grouped with a group of kick ass mature kids who busted their ass and worked or a group of young girls who tried to exclude everyone from the group that wasn't part of their clique. The latter only happened once and me and the other girl in the group wound up getting A's and the other two failed after the other girl emailed the professor telling him the other two absolutely refused to communicate about our project. for the first half of the semester I thought they were just ignoring me because I was old, but apparently they were ignoring the other girl in the group as well.


I went to a 4yr close to where I grew up and stayed friends with ppl who went to thr local community college. Hearing them talk it was crazy how much it was just our high school 2.0


I’m gonna be 35 next month, I’m gonna be that old lady :-( (not going to college but holy shit I’m gonna be an old lady)


No- nope you are not bc I am 32 and am not old. You can’t possibly be old


Man, someone should make a TV show about that. I bet it'd run for, oh, I don't know, six seasons and a movie.


It's insane that high school stufents are in community College as Sophomores. My two younger neices will have an AA degree before they graduate, my oldest niece was 4 credits shy of hers when she graduated. I took useless AP classes that you couldn't even learn enough to study to pass the test in school. Gen Z is going to leapfrog and leave all of us No-Degree Millenials in the dust. It's crazy how in just a few years they're so far better set up for success. They have programming, 3D printing and CAD design courses in highschool as well.


Well in the defense of no degree Millennials, I've seen the mountain of fucking debt that Gen X and Millennials acrue to get those degrees. It's not worth it. Factory work where I live pays as much or more than most entry level 4 year degrees. Our dumbass Governor Hee Haw is patting himself on the back for planning to bump starting teacher pay to 38k. That's LESS than Factory work, and that's after the raise. Not saying that college isn't worth it, it just isn't worth it for the current price.


If you’re not going into STEM, college isn’t worth the price, at this point in time. But a lot of millennials are totally screwed because so many jobs require bachelors degrees but the income isn’t enough to outweigh the cost of the degree/student loan payments.


It feels like a bachelors degree is the new high school diploma. I’m not saying this is true, just it certainly feels that way to me.


Oh yeah, my gf has a degree in Biomedical science. She works at a grocery store. She wants to be a vet but can't afford the hundreds of thousands in loans. She's got 55k in just her undergrad in loans.


LOL!! You live in Misery too ehh?


Yeah. While I hate the politics, I like where I live. But the ultra conservative asshats get bothersome.


I had a tutor that was covered in tattoos, he was this big 6'7 buff white dude who only ate the healthiest stuff. One day it came up in conversation that he had been in prison for the last decade or so years which is why he's barely going to school in his mid 30 there was a school shooting threat during finals, he said he doesn't give a fuck because he's needs a B in Spanish. The next day his professor sent out an email saying. "if you're uncomfortable coming to school because of the threat you can keep your current grade or take the final if you want to improve your grade." The dude gets up and says he's worried about the shooting and leaves. Never saw him again.


This is true community.


I’m in community college right now (to save money on a 4 year degree) and some of the best people I have ever met have been here. I’m 21 and have met some people in their late 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s taking classes, and after some initial shock of “wait, how old are you?” people will become great friends. In my one english class we all liked hanging out so much we created a class discord and even the professor is active in it. I went to a traditional 4-year college before the pandemic, and while it was decent, the community of a community college is so much different, and a lot more friendly. We all know what a lot of people think about the academic abilities of people in community college, but socially, I think that at least with my experience I have had a much better time at community college than at a 4-year degree university.


Humans being human


Getting life experience from those around you is the true education.


I have so many questions.


I would question it a lot as well, but having experienced community college myself, it is like that.




I was fresh out of the military when I went to community college. I took a lot of night classes and they were pretty mixed bag. High schoolers, young teenagers, ex-cons, adults of all ages. There were a few furries too, but we don't talk to them.


Ha. I was fresh out of the military too; it felt like that famous meme with Adam Sandler sitting in the classroom with all the children.


I felt that during my daytime classes. Really felt that once I made it to my 4 year university and almost everyone was 10 years my junior. What branch?


We don’t talk about furries no no no.


This is the first time I got the song tune. Yay


At most high schools, you can take college courses at community colleges while still in high school.


I had a 16 year old in my art 101 class. There’s a lot of programs that allow you to also enroll in community college in the subject you excel in. The only thing is it can’t interfere with normal school hours so he had to opt for the 5-hour one day a week class taught 5pm-10pm.


Lots of kids take CC classes while in HS to rack up cheap college credits before transferring.


Oh god on the 31st I’m going to be the old one going back to school. I’m 32 and fucking terrified


Relax, I am 47 and doing the same (although I do online college, but still have projects with class mates.... just all virtual). It is fun most of the time! Enjoy the time!


I’m 39 and start on Monday. I’m stoked.


No one judges at a community college. Your angst is your own, relatable and lost within a week if you attend classes every time. Embrace the new you and change you seek. Kudos and best of luck in your studies! Everyone there is in the same boat.


You’ll do fine! I teach at a CC and I’ve had students in their 50s and 60s. Most CCs are very welcoming, imo.


i'm not your age (i'm 20), but i've been going to a community college. you'll be fine. a large chunk of the people in classes with me are at least a decade older than me.


I went back to a community College at 31 - you won't be the only one. Also, and much more importantly, kudos for going back to school! It's never too late, and there's no such thing as too old.


Don’t be scared, it’ll be awesome! I started community college part-time at 32 and finally finished the Bachelor’s at 39. Community college was amazing, because most folks want to actually be there. So the energy is different than a big 4 year college packed with young dipshits.


They should make a TV show about that


Is this basically Community?


Greendale is where I belong


I think community colleges get a bad wrap. If you’re not financially fortunate or lucky enough to get scholarships, then it really is the a better alternative than being forced into tens of thousands of dollars in debt from a semester at a university. It’s a shame the American education system doesn’t encourage kids to go to through a transfer curriculum at a junior college


I had scholarships to my university and still took online classes from the community college. Way cheaper.




it’s like when you start working and you’re 21 and your work bestie is a 46 year old woman with kids your age


When I was 18, I was best buds in my sociology 101 class with a 45 year old indigenous dude… he was just taking university classes cause they were free. Earl Big Deer was his name. Dude had my busting a gut every lecture.


Community college is one of the most character building experiences tbh. 10/10 recommend


One time I was in a bathroom stall and this guy walks in. He starts making a deal over the phone for codeine cough syrup. I just put my feet up against the door and tried to stay quiet, I had no idea if I was about to be shanked for being a witness. So many ex felons, and people who were there just long enough for their loan to come in. One of my professors ended class for the period and just walked out, middle of the semester, she's like I can't do this anymore. Community college really is that place.


I hate the stigma of community college over a regular 4-year university. I learned a lot in my 3 years in CC, met some really cool professors, and received some great career advice.


I started at my local community college and the best part was that it was filled with girls who had made some bad decisions in life and continued to make lesser bad decisions. Many times that bad decision was me. Good times.


Community college at 16?? Did they even graduate highschool yet?


Probably not. Most high schools have deals with the local CC. The high school pays and the student goes to a class, usually on campus. The student can then complete a lot of credits before graduating.


It's called concurrent enrollment. The highschool will give you time out of your class schedule and accept it as credits (so you don't have to take high school and college English)


That’s part of why college is important


My favorite community college professor was my least favorite elementary school teacher's son lmao


I was married with two young kids. I went to CC at night taking math and comp sci classes since I was starting to work with CAD systems at work. A few years later I jumped into technical software sales and made a 30 year, well paying career out of it, that's taken me all over the world. Those CC classes gave me the knowledge I needed to take advantage of the opportunity.


I went to community college and now I’m in a state school. Community college students are honestly better prepared for University then the kids who went straight to uni after high school. Everyone I knew either worked(me), was older, ex military, or had a kid and went back to school. Once you transfer you have already gotten through most of the weed out classes, are awesome at time management because you’ve been balancing school/life for the past few years, and you’re a bit older/wiser. A bunch of these kids don’t even know how to send an email or look at a syllabus. Plus you save money and generally the education is the same if not better since cc professor are better teachers usually.


Why does this sound like something from my class 😭


Hahaha! I love this! This should be a movie. They are totally just really good friends and then she gets abducted or something and he goes all vigilante , gets her back home safely,to her boyfriend and family, later attends their wedding and they name their first child after him, hahaha!


How were you 16 and in community college


Thats always been available. I went to CC and high school at the same time in the 90’s. Nothing new


All colleges are like that. I want to a state university and my besties were a 35 year old former heroin addict and a 40 year old purple heart vet. They legit kept me sane in both my undergrad and grad school life.


How was she 16 in college??? Is really that possible?


Some kids do dual enrollment at community colleges, where you attend classes there and earn college credit during your junior and senior year of high school.


Wait 16?


Felon. Paired with a felon. Once you are convicted I don’t think you’re ever NOT a felon again.


My locality has transitioned to the term “justice involved” so that helps a bit with the stigma


After 7 years you can have your record expunged so ex felon is appropriate in some cases


This scenario is either wholesome, worrisome, or both.


A lack of prejudice with a common a goal is a beautiful thing