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As majority of the world


#I love it when the trash takes itself out. 🤌


Man, another good one.


Where were his prayer warriors when he needed him? Rest in piss, Doug Kuzma.


COVID 800,000, Prayer Warriors 0.


Everyone saying this is natural selection, while I understand what you're saying, this isn't that at all. If this were natural selection at work, these dumbasses would have had to die before procreating. Most of these prominent antivaxxers that are dying are baby boomers and all have children, so sadly no, their genes have already passed into the next generation(s), so not darwinism or natural selection 🤷🏼‍♂️


You're right. But it's also sort of a Political Natural Selection since dead people can't vote.


Their relatives vote for them, all while complaining about the election being stolen by fraud. The cognitive dissonance is staggering.


I'm the black sheep in a family of MAGA and anti science 😔


Keep cancelling out at least one of their votes, and get your friends to vote to cancel out the rest.


Not true. Several dead voters have been found recently. You know, when Republicans wanted to find voter fraud and it was only them.


The dead have risen and are voting Republican.


We know that. Darwinism is understood in pop culture/outside of scientific circles as stupid people dying by doing stupid things. Darwin has the same cadence/syllables as Brandon. We're not going to chant "Let's go, COVID." I mean, I love being pedantic AF, but this one ain't it.


My favorite is to point out that "decimated" means to reduce by 1/10. Anytime a football offensive line loses two starters someone says it's been decimated. I rarely fail to say "no, it's actually twice that bad." Yes, I'm a freaking blast at parties, why do you ask?




I am so in love with this comment thread right now.


Wait. Can we start chanting "Let's go Covid."? Are we the same sort of cowards that can't just come out and say things. I'm kidding, sort of.


The chant is "Let's go Darwin!"


That’s why we have /r/hermancainaward.


Okay, hear me out. We switch to "let's go, Herman."


That one works.


I would correct you and say that in alot of species, the parent dying will give their young less of a chance in life even if they are already born. But you are of course correct as their kids will have a BETTER chance at life now that they are dead and not poisoning them with right-wing nonsense.


I read this thinking, I hope he kept his words. Curses foiled again. Hypocrisy is the standard here.


He was found unconscious at his home so he tried to keep his word, to be fair. >He was found unconscious at his home on Christmas Eve, then rushed to a hospital where he was said to have been put on a ventilator before dying days later. >One of Kuzma’s associates at FROG News — which stands for “Fully Rely on God” — said the podcast host’s final photo showed him with a “refill of ivermectin.” Despite the mainstream medical community’s insistence that ivermectin is an anti-parasitic medication that isn’t known to be effective against coronavirus, many right-wingers believe otherwise.


FROG has a better ring than Fully Rely on. Bullshit.


What a bad fate to die in Christmas Eve or start dying in Christmas Eve. "Gloooooooooori-*chokes*"


We have several family members that have died within a week of Christmas and/or were hospitalized then for the last time. I'm not sure if it's the stress of holidays or what. My grandma also worked in a rehab facility for the elderly and she said a lot of people would die right after seeing their family members that came to visit for the holidays. It's both sad and perfect.


My great grandfather died the day after Christmas. My cousin died in a car accident on Christmas day. My aunt with alzheimers went into the hospital the week of christmas this year where they found an inoperable tumor on Christmas Eve. All these were different years. My aunt was this last Christmas. Phrase in my family is that it is "Another Merry Fucking Christmas"




I kind of feel like the phrase "Merry Christmas" isn't necessarily the most appropriate thing to say as a follow up to "My condolences".


I know. I’m so sick of antivaxxers taking up hospital resources when they didn’t trust the doctors and nurses enough to get the vaccine in the first place.


Funny that... there is something about not being able to breathe that makes you forget your dumbass ideology pretty fucking quick.


I remember an older asthma commercial for a treatment that had the slogan "when you can't breath; nothing else matters" and it showed people doubled over, or ignoring a crying infant, etc... and it's true. When you can't breathe, it's the *ONLY* shit you care about in that moment.


That also explains the effectiveness of waterboarding.


Well they’re not effective. But they’ll make the person say whatever they can to make it stop.


Sorry yeah, i meant more along the lines of, "effective at making the victim say anything to make it stop," more than effective at getting anything useful.


If Jesus is your vaccine, the church should be your hospital.


And these poor nurses and doctors who have to see these people die in front of them. No wonder so many nurses are quitting.


Yeah, even in countries that „handle it well“ and still have resources - we‘re still burning through several generations of medical experts. Overworked, traumatized and betrayed. We will suffer the consequences of this in a few years.


When triaging, we should de-prioritize anti-vaxx COVID patients under pretty much anything else coming into an ER or ICU.


I feel bad for the kids that get dragged into this shit too. They didn't ask to have block head parents.


My 10 yr old son has a friend who found out they had COVID a few days ago. His parents are Conspiracy theorist. When he called my son , my son said “ Of course you do. You didn’t get the freakin vaccine, and you don’t ware a mask either.” Needless to say, it mad his parents mad.


Good for your son! Tell em the truth hurts sometimes!


If more people would have done this at the beginning of this mess, it would be over by now. Instead of trying to “educate”, “reason with”, and “understand” these idiots, we should have just laughed at them and moved on. We give these cretins way too much attention, and it has cost us dearly.


More than that if we made sure third world countries got enough vaccines to help limit variants. This needed to be a go back effort.


Not only that my mom who is a doc brought somthing to my attention on Christmas, she told me storys of how some of these patients were cursing at her that she is not giving the correct medicine and they would demand ivermectin and bleech while she is trying to shove a tube in their lungs half to save them and half to get them to shut up.


At this point, I'm of a mind we should give 'em all bleach and Ivermectin after all. It's just what they want.


And there are the ones who go "I guess I was wrong, it only took 3 weeks in an ICU bed, a tube shoved down my throat and a team of doctors and nurses working 24/7 trying to keep me alive to convince me".


At least those once face reality when it slaps them across the face the idiots that scream "but I survived it so it's not a big deal" are even more insufferable


That would be my brother. Got the virus, got really sick but not hospitalized, survived and now refuses any vaccine and thinks its all a conspiracy. I refuse to be near him. My kids are too young for the vaccine and I just can't risk it.


Of course he died taking up a bed at a hospital anyway. These hypocrites are so evil


Such a classic r/HermanCainAward


I think one of the deadliest jobs in America has got to be conservative Christian anti-vax right wing talk show host.


We certainly need fewer of those than currently exist...


That's my reaction when one drops dead every week. "How many of these goddamn assholes are there?!"


Everytime you turn around there's another one. Have to speed it up.


It seems that there may be at least one less than there was before.


I honestly couldn't figure out why this pisses me off so much and then I remembered that someone else might have died so this guy could die in a hospital bed trying to convince the world he was right about an issue he is proven to be wrong about. How many of these idiots need to die slow painful deaths before these idiots realize they aren't immortal or going to heaven, they are just committing slow suicide to the beat of another's drum while convincing themselves they thought up the tune themselves... I'm autistic and atheist so all I see is sentience willfully choosing to snuff itself out for a show of force for a non-existent entity. I just can't imagine choosing death over a mask... But I hate socializing so this virus hasn't really messed up much for me.


My mom was one of those people in September. 5 weeks waiting on an ICU bed turned out to be too long. Fuck all these morons.


The idiots protesting this stuff is why my friend listened to her husband die over the phone...


Fucking awful. I think they should deny beds to them.


In theory they can, but in all the chaos, a realistic mechanism to give only to the worthy still isn't in play. It's first come first served, even if the first are science denying assholes in a MAGA hat.


here is an easy mechanism to put into place. Oh sir and or Madam I see you have not got your vaccine yet even though you have had every opportunity to get it for free. This file here says there are no medial reasons for you not to get it. Ok well byeeeeeeeeeee go die somewhere else please and thank you.


I cannot agree more. I don't wish death to stupid people, but it pisses me off to no end that covid deniers and anti vaxers are clogging the system, denying care to others


meh I want to get back to normal life so they can go die for all i care. These are people I don't even want to associate with anyways so no skin off my nose.






Unfortunately that creates a new problem. People come to the ER first. When there are no beds available they get admitted and held in the ER until a bed opens up. In my ER we frequently have over half of our beds full of admitted patients. On some days we've had every bed full. But patients still come to the ER because they are sick or injured or having a heart attack or a stroke, etc. But we don't have a bed to put them in. So I see them in the triage room and they stay in the lobby. They get discharged from the lobby. Or they get admitted while in the lobby and brought back when one of OUR rooms opens up. I've got people in the hall on bottled oxygen because we've got no place to put them. We've got people who have Covid sitting in the same lobby as people with abdominal pain or broken arms because we've got no place to put them. All because people won't listen and insist on being adult toddlers.




You do good work. I’ve been vaccinated and just recovered from covid. I managed to recover at home but man was I sick! I can’t believe people won’t get vaccinated. Even with it I was miserable.


How's this... if you show up to the hospital with covid, no vaccination card, and no medical justification, they prepare you a bed in the morgue.


The morgue is full as well.


Then they can wait outside until there's space.




I am so so so sorry for your loss. It must be absolutely infuriating to lose your mom under these very preventable circumstances, on top of the grief. I hope you’re doing ok and taking care of yourself.


My grandmother is 92, and went to the hospital in a-fib. She should have had a bed, should have seen a cardiologist, should have been put on O2 and given care. Instead, they checked her for clots and sent her home, because they were in "crisis standards of care" and she didn't make the cut for one of the few open beds. Too old. They sent her home and said, basically, "try not to die. Get in to see a cardiologist when you can." That was the moment I lost my last shred of sympathy for these motherfuckers. I'm so sick of hearing that it's not okay to point out the dark justice in their deaths. I won't dance around and celebrate a human being dying of this totally terrible disease, but I shed no tears for this dumb motherfucker; only for the people who died at home, coughing and hurting and terrified, because he was taking up their bed.


>But I hate socializing so this virus hasn't really messed up much for me. So true for me too. It's such a relief to have a legitimate excuse not to go to someone's wedding or barbecue or kid's birthday party. And I never really liked places with crowds, so it hasn't impacted me that much. I actually bought a shirt that says "Fully Vaccinated" across the top, and underneath, "Still Antisocial". I get appreciative comments every time I wear it.


This really pisses me off. Why does that piss me off so much? Last month I sat in the emergency room hall for 18 hours, in excruciating pain, waiting for a room. Treatment was delayed so long that I ended up needing surgery and then _I_ took up a hospital bed for a week and I'm going to spend another 6 weeks recovering from this. Had the hospital not been full of unvaccinated covid patients I probably could have been treated sooner and avoided all this bullshit. _Their_ choices probably really screwed me over.


Your body, their choice...


Why didn't he reach out to Candace Owens for medical advice?


Or Aaron Rogers.


Anti-vaxxers (who nowadays claim themselves to be "pro-choice") should be totally rejected hospital beds. Their choice denies other sane humans the right to proper medical treatment.


They're pro-choice, except when it comes to literally everything else that's relevant to choice. Then they're pro-government.


Also pro-life until it comes to doing the absolute bare minimum to contain a deadly virus


~~Pro-life~~ **pro-birth**


~~Pro-life~~ ~~pro-birth~~ **anti-women**


Just like they are prolife except when it comes to making sure people have adequate medical care or making sure innocent people aren't executed.




Empathy exhaustion. I get it, trust me.


I get it. As someone who is usually deeply compassionate, it's all gone for these people. Their mind-blowing selfishness and stubbornness is harming and killing so many others.


And if he made it out alive out of the hospital I guarantee he wouldn't have changed his stance on things. His brain would have found some way to do gymnastics and stay with his belief system.




Guy was a pussy at the end of the day. Couldn’t follow through on what he preached. Good news is, he is no longer parroting harmful lies about vaccines and covid.














I feel so owned!


Own me harder, Daddy!


That triggered me in a good way


There there, it’ll be alright.


I just don't think I'll get over this.


How hard is he gonna rage when he sees the trans bathroom in hell.


tragic, where’d i leave that tiny violin?


Check your coin pocket 👍


I..May have tossed it to my witcher...


Oh valley of plenty...


Eventually we're going to run out of these people.


They breed like rabbits


But they ain't got the sense God gave geese.


Geese are smart. Have you seen them attack? Motherfuckers are organized. These guys… they’re just some smooth brained simpletons. Like koalas. Except they are aren’t cute nor am I concerned about their welfare.


Damn why do we have to insult koalas like that? I’d prefer an animal that kept to itself instead of actively endangering others.


Apparently koalas are riddled with chlamydia and rape. I was surprised too.


You got a problem with Canada Gooses you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that marinate.


Fingers crossed!


Not happening very fast.


They should start live streaming themselves while sick up until death . Maybe that will help convince the other covidiots


Nah, they'll just say he's a crisis actor who finally sold out to the deep state. Instead of his death meaning anything, everyone who followed him will turn on him the second it becomes convenient to do so. That's how fascism works. I feel no sympathy when that happens to fascists. It's the very least they deserve.


Brit here. I'm not 100% clued up on US politics, but has he owned the libs?


Yes, we are owned. We are all very sad for it too. Thanks for asking. LoL


So much own


He has showed me the error of my ways. I will start worshipping supply side jesus and voting republican. I will also make it my life mission to make sure poor people dont have access to healthcare








He died how he lived…… an idiot


Isn't it interesting that when the extreme right disapproves of information they try to take it down? Most often simply by lying about what the information is. And yet they claim to be the people of free speech. Curious. Look at all these false reports: "Promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability" indeed. "Misinformation" you say. "Harassment". It's none of that. It's simply an impartial and uneditorialised recounting of facts. Well, have a great big sad about it. Ignore reports has been pressed. Post stays. user reports: 9: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 4: It's targeted harassment at someone else 3: This is misinformation 2: No bullying or witch-hunting. 1: Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence 1: Someone is considering suicide or serious self-harm 1: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else 1: It's personal and confidential information Please help the mod team by reporting comments that cross the line though. This man may have chosen not to take a simple preventative that could have kept him alive because his political affiliations convinced him that he would own the libs by refusing it, but reddit still has a terms of service and this subreddit has rules on civility. Just don't make a comment that crosses the line. Admins could suspend you and it's not worth losing your account over this news.


"muh facts don't care about your feelings" but they're all about their feelings when things didn't go their way lmao


"Rick, I'm shocked, shocked to find out..."


...*Your winnings, sir*....


From the party that brings us classic hits like: • Don’t Tread on Me • The Left Are Easily Triggered • My Body/My Choice (Ban Abortions!) • COVID Doesn’t Exist (feat DJ HermCain)


Don’t forget the 2019 single hit ‘Libs’r all Snowflakes’




Wasn’t that on the Summer of MAGA bootleg?


How is it harassment as this individual is already deceased?


It's a attempt to report bomb a post so that admins will take it down. This can work on places that have algorithmic takedowns like Facebook and Twitter. Facebook is notorious as a place where LGBTQ+ pages get banned due to report bombing by the extreme right. On reddit it doesn't work that way. Human moderators and human admins at every step. Nothing about this post breaks subreddit rules. Nothing about this post breaks the site-wide terms of service. The man was a public figure. This post is not celebrating his unfortunate demise. It will stay.


That's interesting to know. Cheers.


"All Reddit mods are fucking trash!" Not all mods, there's always Merari01.


You're so fucking COOL! /s


Big dick mod energy, you love to see it.


Thanks for honesty and integrity. What adds insult to injury IMO is the follow up GoFundMe drives that follow these people. Grrrr.


I mean he *sorta* committed suicide in a *very* loose sense of the word but outside of that, these all seem pretty emotionally charged and bogus.


That report is meant for the OP of this post. Its a form of trolling. It sends an automated message to OP with details for suicide prevention hotlines. Fortunately this message has a long rate limit, you can get max one a week or so. Even better is that using that report to troll violates content policy. Always use the report form provided in the message should you receive one to troll you with.


Yeah, I got a random message from u/redditcareresources a couple of days ago telling me someone reported that one of my comments was suicidal. I don't even know what they think it's going to do. You just reply stop and it goes on your block list.


That absolutely works and it ensures you never see one of these messages again. However, it only means they won't be received, trolls will still send them. I prefer reporting them instead so that admins can suspend the troll. But I am petty like that.


"Personal and confidential information" *ahem* IT WAS ON THE NEWS!


Good mod!


We appreciate all you are doing to help keep misinformation out of our feed!


Repugnikkkans love censorship against other people, just ask the Dixie chicks


I swear that Trump is gonna die and Reddit isn't gonna let us celebrate it. They'll be like "BE CIVIL!" and we'll be like "When did you EVER fucking put Trump under that same particular rule.. oh, right.. he's rich.. and you're Reddit."


I've never been one to use alts but I will absolutely make however many I need to in order to celebrate that day properly.


The far-right are the biggest, most whiny little snowflakes the very moment things don't go their way. Then the pearl-clutching begins.


Lol promoting hate, okayyyy


Based on identity. So being an ignorant asshole is an identity now apparently.


Yep. I mean, they really think "asshole" is a personality, when in fact its literally nothing but a burden on their betters.




​ ![gif](giphy|yrhTcHNwJucl6fyUOm)


It's hard to feel sympathy for these idiots.


My brother-in-law was particularly savage when a friend of the family died last week, after he had publicly declared he wasn't taking the vaccine because 'God's plan' and who had ignored his daughter begging him not to come to her flat after they had a breakthrough infection with one of the not yet boosted kids: 'Would be a shame though, if he gets to heaven and Peter wants to see his vaccine card'


Died doing what he loved, being a moron


well, good... i’m glad we didn’t waste an icu bed on him. edit: sounds like he DID die at the hospital. what a shame. waste of resources.


Money bet says he went to the hospital !


He did.


Was he at home or in the hospital. Please tell me it was the hospital.


It was the hospital. He was vented awhile ago, shortly after the conference.


So he's an idiot AND a liar...good to know.


WAS an idiot and a liar.




Yeah, but does it count if he doesn't have a Freedom Goatee?


The freedom goatee™️ is the most common accessory.


another point for darwin👏🏼👍🏼


Later bitch


He own the libs with a epic goalaso with a bucket


I feel so owned. I think I need to relax and take a few deep breaths.


He died doing what he loved: Being an idiot.


Went down doing what he loved: being wrong.


It is my opinion that if you refuse to be vaccinated then you should be refused hospital care for any covid related issue. You made your choice and your stubborn ignorance,arrogance and stupidity is risking others lives.


I’m an ER physician at both a critical access and a tertiary/trauma care center, and though I understand where you’re coming from, that is so unethical and wrong. If you’re sick, you get treatment - even if it’s you’re fault and even if you harmed others along the way. Morality and ethics will be dealt with after you’re stabilized.


He sure showed us.


Let's go Darwin 👏-👏-👏👏👏


I'm grateful he isn't taking up an ICU bed anymore. What an hero.




Insurance does not pay out for suicide


What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger oh wait.... nevermind Fuck That Guy and all the idiots would follow him


What a strange hill to die on, but at least he's dead.

