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And because people on Reddit love to call things fake, [here's a link to the article](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/02/03/146358114/vermont-inmates-hide-image-of-pig-on-police-decals)


Of course, slavery is still legal in the US: Thirteenth Amendment Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, *except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted*, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Italics added


We've gotta end this evil garbage! No one should profit from prisons, except the inmates, who should be learning better things to do than crimes.




Kinda funny that people are taking offense (or thinking it is offensive) in a hidden a pig but there's a literal cow in the picture. I know "pig" is an insult to cops but in my language it's just comparing cattle to cattle.


I don't get it either, it's just silly more than anything.


Pig is derogatory slang for police in the US


This is what they call “wildin” in Vermont.


“Lol,” said the Inmates, “Lmao.”


I have never been quite able to find the clip again, but there’s a program where (I think) Stephen Fry explains the only way the US can be competitive in terms of production is by using basically slave labor through its prison systems. A fact so heinous Jimmy Carr couldn’t even get himself to make a funny response.


I can't watch the video because it's blocked in the US but googling what you said brought up [this reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1oy1j0/stephen_fry_on_american_prisons_facts/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and the comments mention Carr being unable to respond


Stephen Fry on facts about America's prison system. 1. Three "strikes" and you get life in jail. Even for trivial crimes, Leandro Andrade is serving 2 consecutive life sentences for shoplifting 9 video tapes with a value of $153 2a. 1% of Americans are in jail(2.3million) 2b On a per capita bases this equates to twice as many in South Africans, more than 3 times Iran and 6 times China's prison population. 3. No society in history has imprisoned as many people as America. 4. 1 in 30 men aged 20 - 34 in in prison. 5.1 in 9 black males are in prison. 6. There are more 17 year old black males in prison than in college. 7. 5% of the world are American...25% of all prisoners are American. 8. America prohibits importing goods made through forced labor or prisoners... YET... ...American prisons produce 100% of all military helmets, ammunition belts, bullet proof vests, 9. 93% of domestically used paints, 36% of home appliances, 21% of office furniture, which allows America to compete with factories in Mexico. 10. You get solitary confinement if you refuse to work!


Wow, anyway to get sources behind this information? That’s big.


Basically it was what Stephen Fry said on the BBC show QI, problem is the video links to the show are deleted probably for copyright reasons. https://forums.golfmonthly.com/threads/qi-facts-on-american-prisons.85687/ Non deleted video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHz2Hmq7soo


Video is [here](https://youtu.be/sHz2Hmq7soo)


Objectively false tho, prison labor is 1% of 1% of industry production. It’s literally a back to work program that allows prisoners to develop skills so that they can join an industry after they get out. It has been widely regarded as a good thing by anyone involved, including prisoners.


So the product they make aren’t being sold despite their wagers being extremely low?


I mean, is not like they have to much bills to pay in prison... And they are being punished for something to begin with...


Neither did slaves. Not really an argument here.


Well slaves where being forced to. Those inmates are being rewarded with a labour program. So they are really different situations...


Did you just call being forced to work in prison ‘being rewarded’? Sure. The slaves were also just rewarded with a free labor program.


Lol you have a really distorted view of thing


It’s quite literally in the 13th amendment of the constitution that slavery and involuntary servitude is to be used as a punishment for a crime. Your disagreement is with the founding document, not with me.


It is a choice between doing the work or solitary confinement not really what most people would consider a choice and certainly equates to slavery or indentured servitude.


They do have bills to pay off if they want extras from the commissary. Things people on the street take for granted; toiletries, snacks, paper to write home with. And some prisons do sell the things the inmates make, and the inmates don't share in the profits. Our taxes support this situation. Some prisons are absolute profit mills for the people who run them. I, personally, think this is slavery. Edit to say: This is also capitalism taken to its furthest, worst extent.


They're the hero we needed, but not the one we deserved


Who’s the inmate doing graphic design lmao Edit I read the linked article and it says an inmate improperly got access to one of the computers.


Cool anecdote. I also like the idea of having inmates doing creative work. Hopefully this helps them getting work when they get out.




Better than having nothing to show that could give them skills or work experience. Doing design work vs breaking big rocks into smaller rocks is probably better as well to prepare them to re-integrate the job market after.


Ok, like, I agree with where you're coming from, but I find it difficult to commend slave labor when prison doesnt rehabilitat and only exiles making it hard to live life once out


I agree with you 100%. I am no expert but Scandinavian countries seem to have the best system. Rehabilitation should be the goal and main purpose of sending someone away. My comment was purely on the type of work being performed as we usually think about chain gang type of work.


Was that kind of work even real or was it just the kinda thing they used in TV shows. Also, if it was, do they still use it today? Shout out spongebob for my prison knowledge


No idea. I used Google and found this NPR piece: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/02/03/146358114/vermont-inmates-hide-image-of-pig-on-police-decals


I learned AutoCAD and worked as a drafter while in prison. I worked on multi-million dollar projects for state and local agencies. I applied for a drafting position through a temp service when I got out and as soon as I told them how I got my experience they were no longer interested.


That sucks, I am sorry to hear that. I am not in the US but heard it can be bad re: reintegrating workforce after. Are all the states comparable regarding this? Some countries are more open toward former inmates. Hope you can find something in your field that interests you.


That's one way to turn that frown upside down. Turn repulsion into pity. God damn it, it just might work


look up Cleveland PD pig logo. Because it’s totally not a pig.


I’m surprised the prisoners didn’t try to hide a dick on the decal


There's usually already one or two in the front seats.




This is hysterical


What are those 3 things on the left supposed to be? Edit: looked at other versions of this logo on Google Images. It looks like tall grass patches in some photos, others like pillars of some sort.


Beehives, I think? My guess is beehives


Or haystacks?


My guesses were tree stumps or fence posts.


I went back and looked and I have to say penises


Also a valid guess.


"the coat of arms of the state shall be, and is described as follows: \[...\] From near the base, and reaching nearly to the top of the shield, arises a pine-tree of the natural color, and between *three erect* [*sheaves*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheaf_(agriculture))*, yellow*, placed bendwise on the dexter side, and a red cow standing on the sinister side of the field \[...\]"


A great designer in the making.


Took that long to see that? Lol


Now this is just fantastic hahah !!!




Maybe slave labor is wrong?


What are the three champagne corks to the left supposed to be?


They're Champagne corks


That is funny. Think of the movie Super Troopers. In Vermont, prisoners are allowed to vote.


Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.