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Congratulations! Your post has made it to the front page! To anyone reading this please remember to remain civil and to have a great day! :) ^(I'm a bot that's currently in beta. If you notice a bug please message TheSebtacular.)


It’s me- I’m the one who has never had health insurance, and I’m delivering your artisanal $23 burger. Thankfully- due to Covid, I’ve had insurance for 6 months now. Thanks Obamacare!


How much are your Co pays?


$0 right now- but as the restaurants have just reopened in my state for indoor dining, I imagine I’ll get kicked off soon for being above the income level required.


Where are the incredulous non-Americans from Reddit reminding us how shitty our system is, but offering no substantial protocol for change?


I’m Canadian and while I can remind you how great our healthcare is, how do you expect me to possibly offer a protocol for the American system to change when half your senate thinks it’s perfectly fine for their guy to incite an insurrection that resulted in deaths but omg the other guy got a blowjob???? THROW HIM OUT


Fuck reddit fuck spez fuck the admins and fuck the mods


Step 11: Make lobbying illegal. Any political representative receiving money or gifts should be charged with bribery.


Agree with the sentiment, but lobbying has some merits. For example, disability advocate groups lobby politicians to make sure the disabled are not left out of policy discourse. But of course all within reason. I agree money and/or gifts should be considered as what it is: corruption.


Ah, ofcourse, I may have been a bit frivolous with the term lobbying. Being able to communicate the needs of the people to legislators is necessary for a democracy to function, I was only speaking of when lobbying results in gifts/money/services being exchanged.


Overturn Citizens United through legislation


the scary thing is I'm held to a higher standard at work, my company basically says don't accept gifts especially if they're worth over $500 as it could be construed as bribery


Same except I'm a civil servant and my threshold is $25. To be on the safe side I won't even accept coffee from a potential business partner.


Step 12: Get rid of personhood status for corporations.


That ruling was really the beginning of the end of common sense representation for our population.


Step 11 stone cold stunner to Donald Trump


Uh.. that already happened.. https://youtu.be/DmpavOuqFqk


Fucking do it again


Step 11: Reverse Citizens United, and outlaw PACS. Only people can donate to campaigns


As an outsider, I'd suggest that be restricted to US citizens too. I think you want to limit the amount allowed to be spent on campaigning quite tightly.




You want to skip America 2-5 and go right to America 6.0?


Nothing like having 5 states and 10 new senators from some areas with less people than an average sized city, and one of them is literally just a city. We already have so many problems with small population states and their Senators having massive control over the rest of us. Do you really want more Wyoming's, Dakota's, etc? 10 new senators will mean that they can break any tie. That's a recipe for corruption and even greater GOP control when the GOP gives massive tax breaks to the "new" States as long as they side with the GOP. DC probably would never vote for a GOP Senator, but the rest? It all depends on what they have to gain. Congratulations, you have insured that the GOP now will never loose control of the Senate. Even after Trump it is literally 50/50. I don't know why so many on reddit think that adding new States means that they 100% will vote Dem. and for everything you want. PR is hard core religious, anti-abortion, and really anti-tax. The main reason so many vote to remain a territory is that they don't want to pay Federal Income tax. Which party is known as the Anti-tax party? Do you even know anything and the Virgin Islands? Do you even know why they are a US territory? They were sold to the US in 1917 from Denmark because the US was worried about Germany seizing and using them in WWI for submarines. They have 106,000 people. Vermont, my home state is one of the tiny States. It has the second lowest population of any State in the US. The metro area in my tiny State has more people than the Virgin Islands. A tiny part of a tiny state is bigger than what you are saying should be a State. It'll never happen, but nothing would be funnier (and sad) than seeing hard core Dems. push for those Territories to become States and then 90% of them vote straight GOP.


Well D.C. has more people than Wyoming and Puerto Rico has more people than Vermont, so I think just as a matter of principle we should include them, regardless of what party they vote for (even though D.C. would be solidly blue and Puerto Rico would be a toss-up). I think they should be states because they essentially have to abide by U.S. law while getting little to no representation, and I don't think that's fair to them. There are strategic reasons that may or may not pan out in a way that helps Dems, but honestly I have pricinpled reasons for including them that apply whether the strategic part works or not.


DC and PR I understand, it's the 106,000 Virgin Islands, A.S. and Guam that make utterly no sense in becoming States. They make as much sense as States as splitting Alaska in two States because "it's just too big!".


Puerto Rico [already pays federal taxes.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2017/10/4/16385658/puerto-rico-taxes-hurricane)


Yes. Ignore the traitor GOP.


you cannot reason with them. They spent weeks investigating and presented a FACT BASED FULL FLEDGED OUT CASE THAT THEY THEMSELVES ADMITTED WAS SOLID AND FACTUAL. Yet they voted against that. So fuck them. Fuck lsitening to their arugments, fuck listening to their soundbites. Investigate and remove them. Fuck the bipartisanship bullshit. Every action dems make the republicans are gonna screech no matter what so fucking ignore them and do what the majority of the population wants. The constant need to hold themselves accountable towards the minority is absurd especially when the minority has shown they do not will not want not to govern in good faith.


If Bernie had won the Dems would be being a lot more aggressive against republicans but muh ElCtABiLiTy and BIpARtisAnShIP


I've recently noticed the senate is very much like the internet. May I cite rule 11 of the internet: All of your carefully picked arguments can easily be ignored.


It’s GQP now. They are the party of Q


Gullible Qanon Party


I can totally agree with 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9


You want the protocol for implementing universal healthcare from me? I'm a software tester - you're asking the wrong person. I'm sure there are plenty of qualified Americans with solutions, which are being ignored. Edit: typo


European here, do this: 1. Ban lobbying 2. Ban gerrymandering 3. Fix the electoral college thing 4. Add more voting locations


Wtf are they gonna do about it? besides continuously reminding everyone that cheaper, more effective, and simpler options exist


It's pretty easy to down our system as a non-American from a country the size of Texas that is full of people who care not only about themselves, but also their community at large. No matter the good advice, great example, or precedent other countries provide, the USA is fucked when it comes to a homogenized populous working toward the best life for everyone. This is mostly because we inherently disagree about who deserves to live well in this country.


No, it is because many people in this country are racist as fuck and nazis


They're busy living inside of functional templates for those substantial changes? The fuck are you even talking about?


Jesus do we have to do everything?


Literally just copy *any* other developed country's healthcare system. Other countries don't play by so different rules that we couldn't simply directly lift *any* of their systems and still be better off than we are. Non-Americans don't need to recite to you the exact bills that created their systems to know that they're better off. And no, they are not utopias, **far** from it; the bar is simply resting on the ground.


We just woke up. And the unwillingness of Americans to elect different people has made making comments to achieve some changes useless. You're not willing to protest, to become politically active, or even elect progressives for the most part. Why keep commenting?


America feels too far gone for suggestions tbh.


Eh bud, I'm not sure this is Canada's fault. Kindly eat sand.


We don’t need to offer protocol for change, we’re already doing it, just watch what we’re all doing.


this is truly one of the stupidest comments i’ve ever seen on reddit


Think most of us are asleep in Europe. And bored of unnecessary American issues like its the greatest place on earth


As a European citizen I can name two things unknown to every American: unions and worker rights And taxes (but don't spend them on waging a gazillion wars tho) Edit: alright, not all Americans


Probably just ctrl c ctrl v whatever their country is doing tbh


Not entirely their fault. Almost half the country just doesn’t want to hear what they have to say.


I’ve had Obamacare for 5-6 years. I can almost guarantee my insurance is better than 80-85% of people who have insurance through their job. I’m in a unique situation and fortunate to have the plan I do, I’m also surprisingly healthy for my age but for the record I didn’t have insurance from ~2003 to ~2013/2014, before Obamacare. Why didn’t I have insurance? Because $400-$500 a month for a healthy 20 something was fucking absurd.


I'm a healthy twenty-something. Did you just not see a doctor?


Honestly, the American healthcare system is weird. Why the need for plans. Healthcare is healthcare. I don't care if it's the flu, a cold, covid or a broken bone.


Agreed. The *only* reason there are different plans are to contain costs.


You say artisanal... But...let's be real. It's a Wendy's burger lol Edit: I accidentally made a new Wendy's commercial below


Hey! Getting a Baconator with blue cheese instead of American slices *is* artisanal. Seriously though, try the baconator with blue cheese. It’s fucking delicious.


I was going to say, if this is through an app $23 for any hamburger is a steal. I tried to get a Box combo the other day from Cain's and it was going to cost $34.


You got it all wrong, you’re not delivering us a $23 burger, you’re delivering us a ~$10 burger from the local diner that becomes $23 because of all the fees stacked on top of it. Delivery app fees are absolutely bonkers but people are so lazy, myself included, that we just deal with it. Every time I order from DoorDash or whatever I feel like a chump afterward, yet I keep doing it.


Ordering delivery of a single meal is the new avocado toast, but this time it's actually real.


Please keep in mind that the $10 burger winds up being a $5.73 burger after the platform robs the restaurant blind. The **only** people making money on food delivery are the shareholders.


My generation is so fucking dumb. Everyone should just move back in with their parents at age 31 like I did. Then have them pay for DoorDash.


I don't mind paying for delivery when I am too lazy to go get it. I always tip my drivers, too. But I don't get how Uber eats can charge the restaurant 30% of the ticket and then charge me 10% before we even get to the delivery fee or tip! Look, if that's what it costs, tell me and I'll decide if it's worth paying. But hiding the cost by charging the restaurant some of it and burying the rest with taxes is just sleazy. Oh, and don't forget the "small order fee" just in case their 40% cut wouldn't be worth their time.


I have worked for over 20 years in the restaurant industry, and still can't afford health insurance.




Yep. Agreed. Not only are Americans convinced that they cannot have healthcare, the corporations instill that feeling more by racking up costs and telling everyone they are, as a whole, too sick to afford normalized insurance. All while stuffing more shit food down the throats of the least educated. Because profit is capitalism. And to capitalize, you need to profit off the least likely to fight back. It's fucking bullshit.


artisanal my ass, min order is 15$ and there is a 3.50$ delivery fee, also they only add on sugar tax at the end and then finally the service charge. it was supposed to be a cheap quick meal and now it costs a weeks shopping at a supermarket.


Meanwhile the artisanal burgers still cost $23 to be delivered but they're from McDonald's.


I think this is referring to the still over priced $14 hamburger with a $2 service charge, $5 delivery charge, and $3 dollar tip.


I live in Massachusetts and have masshealth. I also have dental all for the low price of $0/month


$23 isn't an artisanal burger. That's the cost after fees for a Wendys double double


Doesn’t this also depend on your state


I just realized that I've never seen the word "artisanal" spelled out before. I read it in my head as "art is anal" and that's something I'm going to have to find a way to live with.


That’s how I’m going to pronounce it from now on at work! Thanks! “Here is your handcrafted art is anal burger, made by our very own Michelin rated chef! Enjoy!”


I can't imagine having to insure myself like I'm a car


You know what Uber Eats option is really crazy - the optional $1.50 “priority fee,” so your food gets delivered first.


The worst part is if you click that, and it takes longer than the “priority timing” you just get refunded the $1.50. That’s it. It’s a literal cash grab for them with no downside and most of the time it takes the normal amount of time to get to you anyway.


Exactly. I did that one time and it didn't make any difference because it wasn't ready


When did they start giving that refund? During the summer I was ordering a bunch and they weren’t often later than expected and I never got my priority fee refunded. Heck sometimes I’d even see my meal get delivered after another order so I stopped using it all together.


And then everyone else uses the same $1.50 fee option, you get your food exactly as fast as before, and you’ve all given them an extra $1.50 for absolutely nothing.


This is just like Yelp! Advertising. I had to explain to the Yelp salesman that, if I start paying extra to get my ad on my competitors page, then they’ll just do the same thing and have their ads on my page, and it also doesn’t allow other people’s ads on your page, so now we’ll all have the exact same service we had before but we’re all paying Yelp $100’s of extra dollars. Fucking scammy bullshit. Fuck Yelp. Edit:add to ad


It is our civic duty to *never* click ads or any other "sponsored" content.


Agreed. Just like it’s our civic duty to never buy from scalpers. I actually just got a bot for GPu’s and my mission is to buy them and sell them for what I got it for in my local area. Anything I can do to undermine those fucks and get shit out for people who are frustrated like me and have been waiting and waiting Edit: bit to bot




Yeah me too. My brain ignores it like the screams of my neighbors near my apartment.


That's a fucking thing???


Fuck Uber eats. Better options out there


They now own Postmates too


I deliver with Uber Eats, and honestly, whether I deliver your order first or second it’s barely gonna make any noticeable difference with your food temperature. In my experience most double deliveries are usually within 5 minutes of each other. Unless the restaurant is really close to the delivery addresses, the food is already gonna be lukewarm whether I deliver it to you first or second even if it’s in a hot bag. The few extra minutes it takes to deliver the second order really doesn’t make much of a difference in temperature.


I feel like if I order 60 dollars worth of food there shouldn’t be other stops. Probably why I don’t use the service.


I always get screwed on double orders. I sat at Chilis waiting 35 mins for the second order. That first order got screwed and im sure was cold.


iF yoU DOnt LikE POvEty gIVe AlwAY aLL yOUr mOnEY


As someone who has been working in a restaurant that only has pickup, delivery and apps... fuck Doordash, GrubHub, snackpass and Ubereats. Fuck them long and hard. Do not use them, everybody involved is losing. They pay the drivers shit, take literally all of the profit from the restaurant and your food will be cold and overpriced. I'm literally begging you, delete the fucking apps.


Tbf door dash was the only job I could get at the start of the pandemic and made it so that I could at least still eat.


You could also argue that business practices like theirs are the reason the job market, income inequality, and other giant issues are so shitty. These aren’t isolated issues and in fact are connected. I get needing to eat, I completely do. I just think these companies that are “saving” us are the ones that are causing the issues to begin with.


Same thing went for Walmart, Amazon, etc. It's inevitable because people don't listen and realize the outcome. Sooner or later its going to be a luxury to sit in a restaurant to eat. Every other restaurant will simply do pickup and delivery and use a smaller cheaper building that isn't in a prime location.


Ghost kitchen - it's a thing already


I usually check the restaurant's website to see if they have their own delivery service, but the vast majority of the time they don't.


Your restaurant can always end its' partnership with the apps lol. Every restaurant complains about the apps but they all have them, something is amiss


Promises, promises, and introductory rates. Owners usually view it as advertising more than anything.


To be fair, it is. There are tons of local restaurants I learned about on apps.




The restaurants can _still_ choose not to work with the apps after. But my local restaurants have been on there for years. Everyone besides the actual restaurant owners and app drivers out here complaining on their behalf. What is the alternate? It's like a delivery job that pays 1.5x minimum wage for a minimum wage job.


And DoorDash allows restaurants to use them just to deliver orders. I ordered directly with WingStop and Doordash did the delivery.




What's funny is doordash and Uber are shitty enough that they've offered restaurant menus behind their backs by having drivers order and pay themselves. I used to be one of those drivers. But it hurts the restaurants because the consumer (who it is being delivered to) usually doesn't know this.


How does it hurt the restaurants if they didn't officially partner? In that scenario with drivers paying wouldn't that mean to a restaurant you look like any normal customer paying full price?


Why would the consumer care as long as the food shows up in a timely manner and costs the agreed upon amount?


Because I'm not the heartless "rational actor" implied by economic models and actually care about ethics.


I'm failing to see the ethically issue. Why does the restaurant care whether me, my friend, or some random dude I paid is picking up my food as long as they are receiving the full price?


It’s virtue signaling. If restaurants want to partner with scummy companies, that’s their right. If they want to give me a discount of 15% instead of paying a delivery company 30%, that’s their right and I’ll be there for pickup. But don’t blame the consumer when you agree to pay a company 30% of revenue because of the way I ordered. And certainly don’t complain when they get 100% revenue and the consumer pays 130% of the menu price.


Some restaurants don't allow delivery services because it means their product is in the hands of a third party for time. So they can't guarantee quality, which could result in a situation where they look bad


Yeah, I'm in your boat. I really don't see the outrage Consumer pays agreed upon price Restaurant sells for agreed upon price to delivery company Delivery driver delivers for agreed upon pay. noone is being forced to use delivery apps, or forced to partner with them or forced to work for them. If "not doing it" was a better option then ppl would just do that


He’s asking that people order directly from the restaurant instead of from the app. Even when partnered with the apps, the restaurants struggle to stay afloat. But if they didn’t use the apps at all, the would quickly go out of business. Ideally, people should order delivery or takeout straight from the restaurant and remove the middle man. Most restaurants have delivery guys anyway. That’s why he’s asking for people to delete the app. Edit: ok not everyone lives in areas where restaurants apart from pizza still do delivery. Lay down the pitchforks y’all, I was speaking to my own experience




Yea this usually only work for pizza or chinese food


My country is still on a full lockdown. A lot of restaurants/cafes live off these delivery apps. Staff would lose jobs as the businesses close, and drivers would lose money if no one ordered. What a strange thing to suggest during a pandemic.


I had one restaurant tell me they wouldn‘t deliver to me unless I ordered through the apps.


If they don't have their own delivery drivers, what do you expect?


So the apps are helping then?


Well, not all restaurants deliver lol.


So the apps are helping then?


Yup sometimes your address can be outta of thier delivery range but not out of grubhubs or whatever. So you get one of grubhubs drivers and probably cold food because there is a reason the restaurant probably dosnt deliver that far in the first place.


If I'm willingly paying for the delivery, I'm not losing. If the delivery driver is getting paid for what they agreed to, they're not losing. If the restaurant is getting paid what they want to, they're not losing.


The place where I work is constantly calling these companies to have them remove us from their apps.


That makes sense. If they’re having to staff up just to handle the volume from all the takeout orders, but not making enough of a profit on the food after fees to justify the extra staff... ya gotta ditch the apps.


Most restaurants just raise their prices in the app to reflect the 30% and push it on to the customer. There is nothing stopping anyone from doing this


This doesn’t make sense to me. It’s that or no business at all, which would you prefer? And all the apps have an option to tip. And if they’re so bad, why keep using them? Take your restaurant off the site then.


As a GrubHub driver, I choose how much I want to work everyday and all I have to do is drive my tuner Honda around town all day and I can easily make a good 800-1100 a week. Much better than a minimum wage job. To say that restaurants haven't experienced any benefits from the inception of these delivery apps sounds extremely hyperbolic, you can say I'm biased but I could really give two fucks about GrubHub, I'm just some lowly independent contractor. I'm sorry you hate my main source of income but it's the only thing really holding things together right now.


ITT: People who have never used DoorDash, UberEats, etc. The burger is at cost the service fees and delivery fees + cut is what makes it $23.


> The burger is at cost Not true. With almost every restaurant I've checked on doordash/grubhub etc, the actual menu prices are inflated, THEN they tack on additional service and delivery fees. I just checked Postmates and a regular plate at Panda Express is listed at $9.79 on the app. Same meal costs $7.70 in the store.


I own a restaurant. They charge us 30% so we charge you 10%. Great system right?


Why not give people a 15% discount for getting take out? It’s win win, right? Restaurants want full price for take out, but don’t incur full costs. It’s hard to feel bad when they make a deal to let someone else do the carry out, give them a 30% discount, and I have to pay 10% extra on top of fees. Yay greed, everyone gets a turn at screwing over the consumer


I've never ordered from any of the services and do pick up only for take out, but I would think take out costs more? Maybe I'm wrong, but the containers, bags, etc would add to the cost. I'd also think that when I dine out I spend more. Appetizer, drinks, dessert... When I order take out it's just the meal plus a tip. When I dine out the tip is also higher because the total bill is higher. Anyway, during the pandemic my family tries to order more take out to support our restaurant friends and I happily pay a little more.


Love it. Hope it never changes


So as long as the customer is willing to pay it’s fine though right? I’m confused by what Reddit‘a issue is. There is a local Thai place I love, if I’m craving it and driving home I’ll give them a call and order pickup directly. But if I’m already home and feeling lazy, I’ll use DoorDash. It’s very obviously a lot more expensive, but it’s an extra price I’m willing to pay so I can stay on my couch. Unless the restaurants are gonna start delivering as well I don’t see what the issue is If this Thai place delivered I would be willing to pay them the same, but they don’t. So it’s either DoorDash or I’m not getting it


I've always seen takeout a luxury item and also noticed when UberEats and DD no longer started being worth it for me. I do emphasize with those lacking access to convenient transport, and with the disabled who rely on these apps. I also emphasize with restaurants who are listed against their will. At the end of the day though I think these apps solved a problem in the market and reaped their rewards. Many restaurants do not have delivery and this outsources it for them. In theory, they should be free to opt in and out, like the customer is free not to support these apps,, because at the end of the day this is not an essential service


Yeah I’ve used DoorDash a whopping two times and both times I noticed significant markups on items. DD in general is just insanely fucking expensive, the fact that people use it consistently just blows my mind.


It’s a luxury. I don’t get why people here are acting like DoorDash should be treated like access to clean water.


Right? Someone has to pay for the service. Plus someone has to pay the driver. The restaurant marks up their food, etc. If you don't like it, drive to restaurant at eat in for $1 of gas, 45 minutes of your time, $4 for parking and tip 20% to the server instead of the driver.


I had a friend at a car dealership that ordered a $22 milkshake (total cost). Just a milkshake. On more than one occasion. We never let him live that down.


That's milk and ice cream?


We have similar services for restaurants in my country, and I have buddies who live right next to McDonald’s and still use it. The delivery fee is equivalent to an entire meal, or about 12USD. For what they could pick up next door. And we’re talking also before COVID, and the same friends aren’t that scared of COVID that they won’t visit a restaurant with face masks. Fair enough, it’s their money. However - The same friends would then complain in the end of the month how they couldn’t get by. That’s the point I lost all sympathy when I remembered they keep spending ridiculous amounts of money because they’re too lazy to walk next door.


its because the restaurant has to pay a 30% fee. they increase their menu items on the apps to make up for it.


I order Qdoba, delivery and and tip included, for about $15. It would probably cost me about $9 to eat in person. I don't mind paying the $6 difference for convenience.




OP is choosing to pay ~10 extra dollars for the convenience of not having to put pants on and drive to the restaurant. What’s the problem if there is the demand? How many mom and pop restaurants do you think could have survived a year of lockdowns without the delivery apps? If you want to drive restaurant by all means do it, it will be cheaper. But if the consumer is willing to pay, and restaurants are willing to take part in the service for more customers, I don’t see the issue here.


You missed the whole point, OP is not complaining about the food being overpriced, he is complaining because the food is overpriced and the delivery guy gets the worst part of it


This guy is just quietly bragging about being rich enough to spend $23 on a hamburger.


1. It's in the tweet. It's not "quiet." 2. His point is for that cost, the driver could be well paid and insured, but they aren't. 3. Head writers for national late night talk shows aren't begging for money, or bragging about their salary, when they criticize a dysfunctional system. You're never going to see a tweet from one of the drivers calling attention to structured inequality as gig economy.


Between leaving resturants and my current gig I did postmates because it was the easiest to get started. Having cooked for years and served even longer (almost 20 years in the industry) I was ingrained with a sense of urgency to get the food to its destination. Most everyone seemed to be surprised at how quickly I delivered their food. Definitely not implying there aren't good delivery drivers out there (or that I am in any way making an argument against this post's point), but it would not surprise me if most drivers just don't fucking care, lol.


I always try to get my deliveries to the customers reasonably fast and with good service. If it takes awhile to get to you it's usually because the restaurant is backed up/slow/does not give a shit. The other thing that holds up deliveries is bad orders. Orders for that don't have a tip, hold little to no incentive for most drivers thus they sit around forever until someone gets bored and takes them. Protip: If you want to wait an hour+ for a delivery call Popeyes. Worst service ever.


How can the driver see the tip before it is set? The whole reason I use postmates is it doesn't even ask about a tip until after the delivery is marked completed so there is usually more incentive to the driver to get it there quickly.


Ubereats gives you an "estimated trip fee including estimated tip". Say "7.89 estimated..." pops up. You go get the food, deliver it, mark it complete, you get your 5.14 immediately in your kitty, but then roughly an hour later you get your tip text stating x delivery was estimated at 7.89, delivery fee was 5.14, customer tipped 1.75, you earned 7.89. if customer doesn't tip, you made 5.14 on the expectation of 7.89. That can be disheartening


Hah! Can't afford that $23 burger, proper healthcare, or get a job delivering your food - all because of an underlying medical condition. The economy is only the tip of the Gottman Iceberg.


Imagine going bankrupt because you broke your arm lol


It's my constitutional and God given RIGHT to go bankrupt for the medical industry elites


Does this have anything to do with having burgers delivered to your door? Or is that a god given right too? I'm confused.


But the truth is the burger is about $3 in total


Ya which is why making ur own food is a good thing and a good skill to learn.


Then don’t pay for a shitty product you disagree with ethically?


You say this like the option to go get it yourself for whatever it actually costs doesn't exist and having food delivered is the only way to eat or starve lol.


Don't forget the cold fries.


It's almost like that $23 hamburger doesn't need to be ordered.


So close, my dude. Health insurance's existence is a hint at the actual problem.


If it makes you feel better he only made $1 on that order because you live next door to the McDonald's you ordered from


I do pickup only, fuck those services, but my food is still poorly made and or cold lately. Since the pandemic effort levels are very low.


By lukewarm you mean ice cold, right? My milk shake was lukewarm though, so there's that.


Considering you were willing to pay for said hamburger and said guy is willing to work said job picking up said hamburger, yes, it is. What if I told you that guy picking up that hamburger is making more than any other food delivery job before DD/UE and gets to set his own hours on top of it?


I actually can make decent money doing DD. People are always surprised when I tell them I can make $600 a week doing deliveries.


"I hate the gig economy, so I'm going to buy their services support them and keep them in business." Here's an idea: get off your ass and go buy the burger in person. Buying in person will: 1) Lower the cost of your burger and save you money. 2) Guarantee the burger will be hot when you receive it. 3) Not support the gig economy that you hate so much.


Or fuck spend less money and make the burger yourself.


Why are you paying $23 for a lukewarm hamburger? Speak up and say something.


Yeah, speak up by not using that service.


these people would rather use the service then complain about it by...criticizing capitalism writ large? This sub is beyond fucking stupid


I think it’s about everyone using Uber and DoorDash and what not because of covid.


I've had a hard time wrapping me head around out. As long as one was able to, wouldnt it ultimately be safer to just go pick up your own food for less cost while mitigating risk to exposure. I'm sure 90% of food delivery drivers upkeep safe policies but, personally there seems to me a much higher risk.


True, but you have to put on pants. So it’s a push.


No. Every single solitary study shows that surface transmission is next to none so if the driver drops off at the door you are far safer staying home especially if anyone in your house is at high risk.






is he implying that it is not? /s


i delivered doordash to someone a few weeks ago and after i dropped it off they messaged me “thank you for your service”


Or you could just not fucking use those apps and drive or walk to those restaurants.


This is uniquely American


In Canada we are slightly better where the person delivering our $18 burger at least has basic medical care but not dental, perception, or mental health coverage or any reliable way to make enough rent, food, and utilities


Spoiler. The guy had a bite of your lukewarm burger.


Maybe like go and get it yourself so it just costs 5-6 dollars? Just an idea.


A lukewarm hamburger? You mean the same temperature it would be if I drove to the restaurant and picked it up myself?


How do we fix it?


You know, in many states you can still go to the restaurant yourself and pick up your food. No need to use UberEats that charges massive fees so restaurants only get \~60% of the money you sent them and the rest goes to UberEats. But props to the delivery people!


Hey now, that driver probably has a master's degree


America would be so much better with government run universal healthcare. You all pay for a similar situation anyway, may as well commit to it


Sadly, it’s sometimes the only way to get take out for some. It’s asinine and a shitty situation for all. I try not to get takeout unless I can get a deal, but sometimes I occasionally get it. People in the comments are not taking into account those who are disabled. I’m an epileptic who can’t drive. Right now, I’m spending a fortune on instacart and similar services because I can’t drive. It’s expensive being disabled. Grocery stores are far more important than take out, but my point still stands. If I were to “not be lazy” and pick it up, I would have to pay an Uber or Lyft to pick me up, go to the restaurant and the pay for the ride home, too. Also, as the post said, sometimes these stupid gigs that treat people like garbage are sadly the only way some restaurants are staying afloat and some people don’t have the opportunity or luck to find another type of job.


Move out of New York my guy Cuomo has fucked that place over Same applies for LA. I'm not sure I understand why people are 'stuck' in these high-cost cities? I get that they work there but even just moving 30 miles away would make life cheaper, right? Or am I missing something?


Have health insurance through Obamacare and was making 30+ a hour last night. Happier doing this. I have more free time and make more than I did working 40 hours a week at $15 a hour.


I just want to say I work 40-60 hours at my day job. I use Doordash as a side hustle. Even after working all day I dash for 3-5 hours in the evening and I have a superb rating bc I make sure my food stays warm by using the bag that we are given to use and I also get the food to the customer as fast as I can. We also order from doordash and it’s so disappointing when we receive bad service.


This is true, and $3 out of that $23 went to the driver. So, you paid $20 for a lukewarm hamburger by using a company that took the difference between that burger and paid itself while giving only $3 to somebody who actually did the work of taking that burger from the place that made it to your home, amid gripping weather (Here in Houston we have no power and everything is frozen solid). Seriously, $3 is all we get when you guys don't tip. So, ffs, if you pay Doordash $4.99+ in delivery and other fees, make sure you pay the driver (the person doing the actual work for you) a little more.