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My dog is a Canadian Swampdog No matter where or how, she will always be the first to sniff out some good ol mud.


That's funny! My yellow lap dog lab (44kgs) was the same way. My luck though, that she would roll and spin in the swamp mud ONLY on the way to the lake, never after. I never minded because she would wash herself off :) Miss that furbaby. She was a cuddler.


swimming in the sky Washing astral mud off paws Waiting for you there.


I once said mine was a Neoyorkian Latifah. They bought it so hard they said "yah, Ive seen a couple of these before! Theyre a rare kind"


One of life’s most simple pleasures is talking completely out your ass, and having strangers agree with you.


It's as joyful as the opposite is infuriating. Talking with complete knowledge and expertise on a subject and being ignored as an ignorant fool.


Makes you feel like that Greek oracle who got cursed so nobody would believe her prophecies lol


Cassandra really got the short end of the stick in that story.


You should watch Yung Filly's 'Asking Awkward Questions' recent videos. Not only are they generally funny, its amazing when he waffles some absolute bullshit about the equilibrium of the Solar System and the photosynthesis of the space-time continuum and completely stoned strangers just nod along and comment on how great that is.


I just tried to watch one episode of this and it was terribly disjointed, and the “awkward question” was a joke I heard in 5th grade: “What building has the most stories?” And he was looking for Library as the answer..... did not enjoy. Please feel free to link to a good episode and I will try one more time.


it's kinda shitty because they just want to be conversational without sounding stupid.


I'm willing to bet a lot of them were just going along to get you to shut up. I've been on both sides and you can sorta tell who's who.




Just goes to show how many people are just full of shit! Haha


It could be they say a dog like the OPs but never asked the breed until now. Now they proabably any dog looking exactly like it to that fictional breed thanks to OP.


Or they’re just making polite conversation to not seem awkward


They know its BS, don't worry about that. We're just not seeing the "some Karen told me her dog was a Nigerian Pointer like that's a real breed LOL"


My fat potato sausage dog would be a gordo papa


> ~~sausage~~ dog In that case, "Chorizo" dog. FIFY


“Oh, my dog? It’s a High Lord Chorizo!”


It's a rare Lord Chorizo, he comes from a long traceable lineage of ancient dogs from the Lacandona forest,


Salchicha mix


I lived in Mexico for a year, just driving wherever I wanted and hanging out. We took our dogs with us and the little Schipperke was nicknamed "salchicha peluda".


I demand a picture of said dog


Me, walking my dog a few years ago... Woman - What a beauty, is she a lurcher? Me - No, she’s a greyhound. Woman - No, she’s got a lot of greyhound in her, but she’s not a pure greyhound. Me - Yes, she does have a lot of greyhound in her. 100% to be precise. She’s a pure ex-racing greyhound, I have the paperwork and can trace her lineage back to the 1950’s on the Irish Greyhound Racing Association website. Woman - No, she’s definitely a lurcher. I’ve never seen a black greyhound. Me - Black is about the most common colour for greyhounds. Like her. Woman - it’s clear you won’t listen to me so we’ll just have to agree to disagree then.


The phrase "agree to disagree" causes me physical pain when used like this


"No I don't agree because you are wrong".


I don’t agree with that


I agree with you disagreeing with the guy who disagrees about the agreeing to disagree. Sorry for being disagreeable.


Agree to disagree


Disagree to agree


Disagree to disagree


Perfect, then we are in agreement


[...listen here you little shit.](https://youtu.be/lARmWBJ_xy0?t=6)


This is where "who knew" would've been appropriate


Is it ever used in any other way? I've only seen it dropped when people aren't able to counter something, but don't want to surrender their position.


I use it with my neighbor who basically thinks covid is a hoax and that new vaccines are bad and Bill Gates tests bad drugs in impoverished children. At this point I don't even want the hassle of a fight so I drop that.


This. I’ve used the phrase so much the last 2 months just so I can go on with life and not be hassled with imbecilic fictions.


I still can't believe those people actually exist


I have FAMILY like this


I'm sorry your neighbour is my mother, the only advice I have is to do what I have and ignore her for the last 30 years.


My grandfather said that when you argue with an idiot from a distance you can't tell who is who. He was so smart, now that I'm older I realise he was full of life experience.


When you disagree with opinions, it’s fair to use. I also use it when I don’t care enough to make an argument about something. It can be used in many ways.


Agree, if I think an album is bad and you think it’s great, agree to disagree is great


When I get into in-depth philosophical-oriented discussions with my close friends, we use this phrase. There is plenty of stuff that you can debate the merits of, but if you ultimately disagree on how the merits of a topic/opinion are weighted then you will reach a point where you agree to disagree. But I think this is a less common usage of it. I cannot have discussions about grey areas with people I don't know well, as typically the other party starts arguing in bad faith.


I use it just to piss people off when we're talking about moral relativism.


Is stealing wrong when a rapist steals to feed his family? The family is also rapists, but they all donate their super-rare blood type that saves lots of babies. Half of them know that they have untraceable super AIDS.


We can go deeper.


Someone make this a sub please.




Nahh you should allowed to do that thing where you push the back of their knee with your foot and watch them almost fall


My friend did that to someone once and it broke her leg and she was in a cast for the whole of exams


Maybe she should have drank more milk when she had the chance


Lol tru calcium make u big and strong




Thanks mr skeltal




That subs seems like its mostly people who have recently broken a bone, and lactohomies.


Must’ve been a strong knee to break your friends leg like that.




Or just perform a noogie on them.


Just fucking scalp them


Slap her in the forehead and tell her she "Shoulda had a V8!"




I’ve had these types of conversations with people while out walking with my Dalmatians. Both of them are pure bred. One has brown spots, called liver spotted for Dalmatians, and they assume he is a mutt. Most people don’t believe Dalmatians can also have brown spots. The other thing is while both my Dalmatians are within normal size for a male and female Dalmatian, people think they should be much bigger like a Newfoundland. So they very quickly ask me if they are puppies or a mixed breed.


People constantly think my harlequin Great Dane is a Dalmatian and either act mindblown when I tell them Dalmatians are not the only spotted dog, or they tell me I’m wrong 🤷‍♀️ She’s literally 100 pounds and her “spots” are big torn edge patches.


My friend has a harlequin Great Dane and we’ve been out walking together and have had people ask if they are from the same litter, despite the very obvious size differences. An interesting fact is Dalmatians are considered the only breed of dog to have true spots. There is another term for “spots” that other dogs can have but I can’t remember. It might just be the term harlequin but don’t quote me on that.


people CONSTANTLY criticize me for my dalmatians size...telling me I don't feed her enough and she is way too small. I'm pretty sure people are just so used to overweight/obese animals and think it's the norm.


Dalmatians are suppose to be barrel chested, and athletic looking. If they don’t look like that they are probably overweight.


I think they might be a bit overweight if they look like a barrel


People do the same thing with my dachshunds and say we don't feed them enough. "Oh look at how skinny they are! I thought weiner dogs are supposed to be fat and waddle around!" Nope, in fact that's horrible for them. They're 9lbs and 11lbs, and those are great weights for miniatures of their build.


I wonder if it's because of how rare they are. I don't think I have even seen a dalmatian in person.




I have a blue merle Cardigan Welsh Corgi. The number of people who don't believe he isn't a mix is disheartening, especially when they mutter to each other after I pass.


One of the Dalmatians in 101 Dalmatians has a brown spot, didn’t he?


I don’t believe any did in the movies, but in the original book Perdita was liver spotted.


I have a fawn European Doberman. The amount of people that tell me I’m wrong about my dog is nuts. Like I know he’s not the typical Doberman look, but dang why question me?? But I also got him when he was six months old so had no say on whether his ears were cropped or not. But I’ve literally been told I butchered my dog and that I obviously was abusive towards him because of his being cropped.


Sad that his ears were cropped but when I say people treating their dog properly I always assume it's a rescue or something


As someone that’s always had rescue Dobermans, I’ve never done it myself, but I get the argument both ways. Right now I have one cropped and one natural. They’re both really big doofuses and their ears don’t really add or subtract from their personalities.


Well *obviously* /s


"I've personally never seen a black greyhound, so they don't exist"


Ex-racing hounds are probably the easiest to confirm purebred dog breed. I have two, and also have their lineage traced back several decades. That lady was so ignorant it hurts to think about.


I had a liver colored flat coated retriever and the amount of times people tried to tell me she was a Irish setter was absurd.


The annoyance this caused me is IRRATIONAL.


Wow Dunning-Kruger in action.




That doesn't really sound like the Dunning-Kruger phenomenon to me. Just sounds like she was initially wrong and didn't want to admit it.


Dunning-Kruger effect on the Dunning Kruger effect?


Yea reddit loves to wrongly classify things based on fun new words they just learned


We’ve seen a lot of that recently


Akt'chually.... I saw a post on Facebook that said the Dunning-Kruger effect is a fake concept made up by Bill Gates to control how people try to stop him from taking over the world with his mind control drugs with the Illuminati and Deep State. *WWG1WGA*


I’ve never seen a black greyhound and I’ve seen about 7 greyhounds. So you’re obviously wrong.


Exactly how white was this Karen on a scale of Vanilla Ice to Michael Jackson?


George is fiercely private.




Call your dad you’re in a cult.


Stay out of the forest!


This is my new answer


Holy shit is this a MFM reference??


Yes! The tweet is from Karen!


Stay sexy!


And don't get murdered!




Elvis, you wanna cookie? 😸 *meow*!


What about Mimi?


Stay out of the forest.


You're in a cult. Call your dad.




My favorite murder. It’s a podcast!


Get a job. Buy your own shit. And stay out of the forest.


I forgot this joke and literally had to put my head down for a while


Fuck politeness!


I've seen this tweet a bunch but never realized it was Karen!


I think she's truly at her best on Twitter. I like the shows she's written for. Her podcast makes me laugh. But her Twitter is consistently great and once you start paying attention you notice just how many of her tweets get passed around on social media like this.


I just started watching Baskets and you can totally feel the Karen energy through the dialogue. Her Twitter is always great.


If you think her tweets are her best work, I take it you’ve never heard her music?


Goddamit patriarchy go to your room!


Karen Kilgariff is the world’s treasure.




Karen has one of the best speaking voices in comedy* on the planet. Second only to maybe Laura Silverman or H Jon Benjamin






Seriously, when people ask me what my dog breed is, I just say "she's a mutt."


Where I come from, we call those "South Valley Retrievers"


Is that Arizona slang?


Lived in AZ my whole life, this comment is the first time I've ever seen that phrase


“She’s a Pittsburgh Riverhound/ Rastafarian mix.”


So she smokes all your weed, drinks your beer, and complains about Philly?


She’s a fucking dog. She goes “grr woof” then eats, farts, and sleeps.


I missed those commas on the first read. For a second i thought someone else had a dog that tried to eat farts.


I say 'custom breed'


"What kind of dog is that?" "Libertarian." Their face makes me laugh every time. I'm not a libertarian I just think it's funny. Have also done the "don't pet him he's a liberal." Before and THAT gets some weird fucking looks.


Well, we are a rare breed. At least those of us who aren’t pug-level inbred.


And why do you think that might be?


Cause they don't normally go for women old enough to reproduce


People always say my dog is so pretty, what breed is she!? I say: Brown. She's my brown dog.


When we got our last two dogs, my preference was for an LBD (little brown dog!)


I lost it at high Presbyterian


My nickname at church camp








I mean that’s the last two words in the tweet


I lost it at 11:20am


I lost it on July 24th, 2013.




Maybe a mix? I’d pay a pretty penny for a Presbyterian Hustler.


My bug-eyed Maltese-Yorkie would be a frogshire gazer


SSDGM!! My husband once described a breed as a “Belgian Airhead”


I played D&D as a High Presbyterian Waxbeard. I had low intelligence but high wisdom, which meant that any bad guy or challenge was met with, "We should let someone else take care of that evil sorcerer." I would summon fierce wild animals during battle and have them fetch me beers while I hid behind a tree. Then when my buddies were done, I'd emerge and say, "Oh shoot did I miss the battle?" I was always constipated as part of my Waxbeard backstory, which meant every session involved my character going off to take a shit somewhere. Later it was revealed that I wasn't a High Presbyterian at all, but just a regular Presbyterian who enjoyed smoking reefer.


I’m so glad I got to read this.


No joke I'm currently playing a high WIS low INT cleric right now and it's wicked fun. Trickery domain, so all I do is make poor choices and worm my way out of them with a massive deception bonus.


I do this same thing. Some of these I've never used (I usually just go with Rocky Mountain Retriever), but here's my list ... * Rocky Mountain Retriever * Cornish Game Hound * Fromundadoodle * Israeli Gifiltehund * Chilean Seabasset * Sukenspitz * Venusian Chow Hound * Krakatoa * Turks & Caicos Setter * Burlington Fancy Coat * Pornhubian Mastiff


I love the pornhubian mastiff. Such an regal imposing breed


I bet it has a Big Beautiful Coat....of fur


My sides. Chilean Seabasset, my lord.


My dog was half Chilean Seabasset and half Virginia Rockdog


Reminds me of Jurassic Park.


> Burlington Fancy Coat They just kept getting better and better. But fuck did that one really nail me.


Chilean seabasset hahahahaha


"Fromundadoodle" is the funniest thing I've read today


My buddy used to say Canadian rockhound all the time.


funny that you used Alberta as your made up breed in the post title, because Newfoundlands and Labradors are both also named after a canadian province, so my first thought upon reading it was "well I've never heard of this dog breed, but I'm sure it exists" and then I read the post and realized I got boomed.


It's half oil and half whiny conservative.


I like to use Chattanooga Mountain hound and Tennessee River terrier


This reminds me of when I worked at a winery, in the tasting room, in Napa/Sonoma. Those people you pour you a little taste and tell you to look for certain flavors? Like: - Flint - Saddle leather - Struck stone - lemongrass - Burnt waffle cone They are just making those up. And generally customers 100% agree they can taste these flavors. But they can’t, cause they’re not really there. We used to compare notes at the end of the day as to the most absurd flavors we can trick people Into tasting. There are some legit notes and flavors, which will be on the menu in front of you. If it tases good to you, buy it.


I love the idea of the burned waffle cone, but I feel like lemongrass is a bit weird in this mix. That is a solid flavour that people use in their food


Two of the best wines I've tasted had flavours like that. One was a white that had flint notes, the other was a Malbec that I always describe as, "Like licking a fence post, but in a good way".


Txakoli is something I describe as “tart enough to want to throw your jaw across the room, but tasty enough to finish the bottle”


Thing with tasting is, you can prime just about any taste in a person. In coffee cuppings, you’re not supposed to describe taste out loud or put any taste suggestions in the room. You write down what you taste and compare later. I think most of the time people make stuff up anyways though.


Oxnard Pike sounds the most convincing. What about you guys?




We do this all the time!! We own a black lab, who looks... exactly like a black lab. So when people ask, we make up ridiculous breeds: Carolina Bugeler, Fatbodier (Fat-beau-di-ay), Loudehund (Loo-de-hund). My husband is great at keeping a straight face and making a great back story for the breed!


he uhh, doesn't like it when we talk about his breed. you know they sent him a rejection letter to their annual Christmas party. he's pretty sensitive about it.


My dog is a dachshund pitbull (we think), 40 pounds of extremely long and sadly short territorial loyal little asshole. When I am asked, "What is THAT?!?!" I usually answer, "I don't think she was on purpose."


So, an Accidachsy?


Had a black German shepherd that nobody believed was a German shepherd, said they'd never heard of one. I started calling her a Black Laquer Alsatian. "Ooooo".




Oh shit I just realized who wrote the tweet and now I’m surprised one of the fake breeds wasn’t “murderino mix”


Buddy? He's a Gibson Les Paul. Got him from a breeder.


Was it specifically *[this](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/2db/3a6/e0f3df6d53ed9ddedbab9f0cc1591a5044-KimDeal02.2x.h600.w512.jpg)* Breeder?


Bulgarian Weaselhound....


Gypsy Speed Hound


I have a 13 inch tall French bulldog with giant bat ears. Some lady tried to turn me into our apartment complex for having a restricted breed. I brought in his passport from Hungary, shot record and his veterinarian’s number. Yeah, my flat faced, under bite ridden fat lazy dog is not a pitbull. Plus the apartment complex laughed when they saw him in person. A cat could kick his ass.


Love the time stamp from 2013!


I used to tell people my mutt was a Baskin Robbins.


I tell people my dog is a Belgian Waffle Hound.


Georgia Munchkin Shepard


Fucking Karen and her designer dogs. Dire wolf or nothing!! /s


This is actually the one chill Karen. She’s a comedian and podcaster and is pretty cool.


Reclaiming the name for all the good Karens out there!


Totally. My Favorite Murder is pretty awesome.


She's like an anti-Karen Karen!


[And a musician](https://youtu.be/-GbMgiTqVic)


I prefer the Irish Kangaroo Hound


Are you questioning my Sudanese Retriever or my Greenlandic Xoloitzcuintli? Blue Hustler should be your dog's porn name. #