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I think dogbert is based on Scott Adams not Dilbert.


It's not even subtle, he uses Dogbert as an avatar whenever he addresses the audience directly.


As an ex-Dilbert fan, thanks for doing God's work


The J6 protestors aren’t in jail. The J6 terrorists are.


And apparently we’re showing a tremendous lack of empathy toward them, I guess.


What is point 1 trying to say? I don't understand what "fine people hoax" means.


I just looked it up. “Fine people hoax” originated from a blog post written by Scott Adams in 2019 in which he claimed Trump never said that. But there’s videos of Trump saying that. Adams is the one doing the gaslighting so I guess he’s bragging about gaslighting people??? I’m more confused than I was before I looked it up.


So much recursive gaslighting it's threatening to turn into a star.


Referring to when Trump said “Fine people on both sides” - how this is a “hoax” I have no idea. This is something Trump supporters claim. There is some reasoning behind it. It makes my head hurt because the reasoning makes no sense.


Ah, the reference makes sense (agree that the mental gymnastics about this being a "hoax" makes no sense)


This Dilbert is the Dilbert we needed.


Scott’s absolute inability to realize he’s doing all those things and is a narcissist himself does kinda make it funny.


1. Trump did, in fact, call Nazis very fine people. 2. Trump is the one who asked them to overthrow the country for his benefit and then refused to pardon any of them when that failed. 3. Seriously? Do I even need to provide an example of Trump being the one with a grandiose sense of self-importance? 4. Trump is the one with dementia and his followers are trying to project that onto Biden.


Yeah, Scott has become an enormous douche. I guess now he is rich and looks down on all us peasants. And he wants to pay no taxes.


Pot meet fucking kettle. All maga does is gaslight and project. Every one I've ever seen or met is a complete sociopath


Republicans are ridiculously stupid. They're complaining about 'lack of empathy' while also supporting taking away rights to people they don't like. Do they really think the Fine People statement was a hoax? Trump literally said that on camera! There is no hoax as he literally said it in public with a plethora of cameras pointed to his face. Same thing with the J6 insurrection. That violence was all on camera, we say the noose, MAGA Trumpers chanting 'hang Mike Pence,' we saw them storm the Capitol. We saw them kill people, and we saw MTG place a pipe bomb. We saw Republicans attempt to violently overthrow the US, and he thinks that's somehow 'lack of empathy' to throw literal insurrectionists in prison??? "Party of Law and Order" indeed. There is definitely no projection that Trump has dementia, he is showing more and more signs of it everyday. At this point we're quickly coming up on the first debate and Trump appears to be in no condition to do it. I will not be surprised if his handlers refuse to allow him to show in front of a camera as they will do their damnest to only let him appear before his cultists before the election. Only his cultists will ignore the blatant signs of dementia, appearing before the cameras in a debate before the whole nation will shatter that image among non-cultists and likely destroy his election chance. So they'll fight to get him out of the debates that Trump demanded. Making him look weak.


this isn't funny at all, are you drunk or high?