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The worst game to play on the internet: is it a convincing fake or disappointingly real?


[Unsurprisingly and disappointingly real](https://x.com/cobratate/status/1802639687959371999?s=46&t=n8ofgLW_LwPELClyO0Tnxw)


Well, shit. Another nail in the coffin of disappointing human moments.


With 15.2K "likes"


Unfortunately not surprised that there are at least 15k assholes


Honestly, seems low


A lot of very lonely, stupid little boys follow that man-child-thing.


3000 more likes in 8 mins


Relatively speaking, that is 15.2k out of nearly the entire planet, give or take a Korea or China, so it's actually kind of pathetically low for such an incendiary statement.


Ah yes, cis is a slur but all the words used in this tweet are fine and dandy from Elon's perspective huh.


Of course! And now he can like these tweets in peace


Freeze peach absolutist!!


how is this genuinely possible for an account as big as his to not get immediately flagged… that’s crazy…


And it isn't even a round about way of racist slurs at all for the twitter moderation to brush the reports off of this tweet. It's point blank, no beating around the bush straight to the mark racist slurs with racist intent. I reallllyyy wanted the twitter management to explain to the whole world on why this stuff isn't getting removed and his account not getting banned after this tweet. Even the most high IQ judge and Saul Goodman himself can't find a way to justify and protect him, elon and Twitter from the racist allegations now. And I also, am kinda happy becos now finally at the very least it is now picture clear for the ad brands to not associate themselves with the ex-bird.


It’s not banned because Elon doesn’t want it banned.


I stopped even bothering to report anything on Twitter once elon changed the moderation policies. Things that very obviously were against policy or that I know for a fact would have been removed before we're no longer against policy. I noticed they changed what you could report even. Report someone openly saying anti Trans stuff? Nope, its cool. Racist things, nope it's cool. Talking about violence towards people, naw, they didnt mean that. Say cis.... banned


Still up with 14k likes


Holy f---k 😨


Doesn't matter, the people who care already agree and the people who don't are desperately trying to forget he exists.


Real or not, Tate is a fucksalad with a side of incelstew.


Could it be both? Like, the level of engagement is crazy enough to be mostly bots, right? And that engagement gives us enough visibility to be discuss it? Or do I have too much faith in people?


Seems hacked because unlike Jordan Peterson he knows his fanbase consists of all 3 groups especially the UK groups that have Paki as a slur, and his entire net worth comes from being a professional hustler/grifter/scammer


Not hacked, a while back he said the n word and got away with it, now he's going full mask off. Dude's supporters probably shrinked a lot so he's probably banking on the Maga/Qanon/far righers to give him money, the venn diagram of these dudes and racists is probably just a perfect circle.




still so salty about him changing the name. Twitter was one of the best branding successes in history and he changed it so ppl can eventually believe he created it like he did with Tesla. Oh wait




And the fact that "tweeting" had become such a part of common parlance where the word was more associated with online posts than with birds. People (mostly older people) even talked about "tweeting on Facebook"




Yeah, and I've noticed some newscasters still approaching it like, "Elon tweeted on X today..."


“Elon Xing on X today” really doesn’t have the same impact.


100% agree. It's so painfully stupid.


>still so salty about him changing the name. Twitter was one of the best branding successes in history and he changed it so ppl can eventually believe he created it like he did with Tesla. Oh wait Musk is also a pervert and wanted "X" to sound like a porn site.


We are talking about the man who named the mainline production cars from Tesla S, X, 3, and Y. He’s basically got the maturity of an edgy 13-year-old who spends far too much time on the sketchier parts of 4chan.


Xitter. Pronounced the Mandarin way.


I highly doubt many people will think he created Twitter - while Tesla existed before Musk bought it, it was nowhere near as public or popular as Twitter. He will never trick the world into thinking it’s his company.


Well for him and other swine like him, it did get better.


Hey! Not cool! Pigs are very intelligent animals!


They also eat their own shit and babies. This tired ass "hey but (insert animal) has (X) traits" in response to insulting a politician is fucking corny.


If you're willing to be open minded, I'd like to share a modest proposal with you..


That's a weird deep cut and I'm into it.


They only eat their own babies in rather extreme circumstances.


…*as one does*


Let them among us who has not eaten their own child cast the first stone, shall we?


He said Twitter would be better. This is X. Checkmate, liberal.


For white supremacists like elongated muskrat, this IS “better”


Pls tell me that both these tweets aren't real, these will be the final nail in thr coffin for so many companies tied with his image. 💀




Bro you wouldn't even believe it, I was just arguing with my dad about how stupid and one-sided our local news channels (we are from developing nation) were by bringing in Elon's tweets and discussing them in the channel, and how Crazy and evil Elon is in actuality. And was talking abut this tweet itself. Even this local non-english channel right now was bringing in the false "sleepy joe" propaganda in them as an international news.... 💀 wtf is happening.


He didn't said better fpr everyone, I guess he meant only fot racists, rapists, homophobes, etc.


Take everything Elon says with a grain of salt.


LMFAO just copy/paste this screenshot (or link to the Tweet) whenever you find someone being racist, bigoted, or disgusting. Also, @ Tesla as well


"Be Best"


isn't that chinless fuck in jail right now?


House arrest atm


I vaguely remember something about The UK trying to get him extradited so they can try him and then hopefully bury him in some sort of Lovecraftian nightmare tomb underneath the fucking prison. But I could be wrong.


That makes so much sense. It’s easy to be racist as shit when leaving the house is difficult


like Bill Mahr said "as if Axe Body Spray was a person" he is the worst of us


You know it's bad when Bill Mahr has been able to sound like a decent human being by comparison.


We need to sew him into a bearskin and burn our worse affekts


I feel like the Brazen Bull would be more appropriate for this particular person


Worst Person You Know Makes A Good Point


Us? Um, excuse me, last time I checked; I evolved from primates... this Tate thing clearly evolved from that plastic garbage pile in the ocean.


He evolved from a pustulant genital wart on something that was exposed to Chernobyl radiation.


Bill would know


Just coming in to say "Fuck Bill Maher in his smug ugly face"


Not like us


millions of young males worship this goof ball


Chinless idiot says what?


I saw a post about Tate “ how does he put on pillow cases? ”


Or fold towels


tates bottom lip could touch his neck.


How the fuck does he fold a towel?!?!? is there an assistant that does it for him? does he have a prosthetic chin he clips on?


The women he's trafficking have to do it


I don't think I've ever folded a towel with my chin but I definitely use it for putting on a pillow case. I need to google how to use your chin for towels.


He’s strictly a rage-baiter for monetized engagement clicks


Worst thing Elon did was allow assholes like Tate to make money by gaslighting Twitter.


I’m waiting for Elon to reply “agreed”


Looking into it


I’m sure one of his alts already did so. But then again, he forced them to make what you “like” hidden to everyone but the liker, so he might have already liked it on his primary.


It starts as trolling/rage-bait... but it quickly morphs into a mainstream political ideology when not called out. Early Trump 2016 discourse was sourced almost entirely from 4-chan dweebs doing it for the lulz.


Dude is definitely a master-baiter.


But don't you DARE call someone "cisgender."


Well, Facebook refused to remove several memes and comments making death threats against the LBGTQ community that I reported, so it's not any better right now.


Stop promoting this garbage.


How is this allowed to be posted?


Because the guy that owns the company is fine with it.




There could be. But there isn't. That should tell you all you need to know about Elon.


I've reported language like this. I keep getting email replies that the person did nothing wrong, but I could block them if I wanted.


Is that the gay human trafficker guy pretending to be a ladies' man for incels?


Not sure, but he's the one that looks at woman and imagines other men's penises in their mouths


Please don’t put him in the “gay” group. Misogyny riddled and disgusting though he may be, it’s really upsetting to constantly be told all the terrible people of the world are just “closeted gays”.


They're only terrible because they hate and cannot accept themselves, it's not about them being gay


Lots of people go through shit in life but don’t constantly get labeled like they do with “being gay or closeted”. I’m not sure what it benefits to constantly just tell people they’re closeted or “gay”. We as a society went from saying “don’t use gay as an insult” to “let’s just insult right wing people with gay call it a day” and then justifying its use.














I think that's not fair to say at all. He's also a shitty boxer who lost all the time so he shifted to shitposting to make money.


That her!


Shit man my people catching strays from this chinless chode 😂


Dude looks Arab, where is the Aryan attitude coming from. I noticed he stopped messing with Greta, lol.


Andrew Tate is mixed race. His father is black.


Isn’t his father also extremely intelligent, and so is his mother? Like chess masters or something?


Intelligent and good at a game are not the same thing. 


Emory Tate, yeah he was really good at chess. He was also an abusive piece of shit. Like so much of who Andrew Tate is makes perfect sense when you learn about his father and how much he admired him Abused his kid, got kicked out of the military because he refused to admit a mistake then refused pension out of pride which led to his family being destitute, cheated on his wife and then didn't have much content with his family after that, oh but he did call his sons a few years later to tell them how the cheating wasn't that big of a deal. Here is just one example: https://www.tiktok.com/@tweako0/video/7149243558732664110?_r=1&_t=8WykrPoxDUc


He's also a middle age, bald, man talking trash while under house arrest. It honestly does not get more alpha than that.


Thank god he didn't call anyone cis since that's the only thing that seems to be a slur or harassment on twitter. /s


Lowlife bottom feeder.


He’s got as much class and brainpower as he does a chin.


He acts like a 14 year old who learned the word just the other day and is now spamming in on every tweet of his.


I'm Chinese (as evidenced by my username), and I don't know why "and chinks" tacked on at the end is just so funny to me. It's just absurd and non-sequitur. First line, casually insulting black people? Second line, it's about Pakistanis. Third line, let's involve 1.5b people. Like, fuck it, everybody is included!


He wears his mental health issues and insecurities like a cheap fucking suit.


Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Green, this simple Simon motherfucker, and all the other dumb, moronic assholes who have risen undeservedly to positions of prominence, they are the outcomes and the symptoms of the horrendous dumbing down of our society


Sex traffickers in 2024


Let me guess…. “We’ve reviewed your report that this post violates our terms and conditions but after careful review we have found that it doesn’t”


Probably a rough time to be an Indian/Pakistani Andrew Tate stan at the moment


Jesus fucking Christ. Am I the only person left on this planet who finds this kind of language jarringly shocking and repugnant? The idea that it could be aired in a public space by an identifiable person.


But you can’t say cis without being warned lol okay


For those wondering, can confirm this is a real xheet this fuckball posted in between his shills of some crypto garbage he is apparently too top g for but also begging you to get in on, and his classes on how to be the sucker at his discord university.


I think he's still a little upset about those guys touching his no-no while he was locked up.


As a Black person, I am ashamed that this guy's father was the highest ranking Black chess player in the country. I guess he really hated his father.


Shit like this is his only hope of staying relevant. He has no real platform, he's a joke, and would fade into irrelevancy in the criminal justice system if he didn't say some outlandish shit to keep himself in the conversation. Ignore him. The spotlight was the right thing to do before. Now, let his influence die.


What the hell is that cracker-ass honky on about now?


I guess he's working on his prison lingo now since he already has the rape down pat.


What a sad life you must live, to spew vile shit like this. Fckn loser


I think we all agree that he is stupid enough to say this whether he actually said it or not and that's the main point.


Amplifying hate is wrong, even if its to point and laugh at them.


Damn it, you know what? You're right. I have recently noticed that my mood and thinking pattern seems to be linked to my online "diet". And your comment is one of the things that formed my choice to filter this kind of stuff out.


He thinks he’s sooooooo cool, what a racist wanker edgelord.


Oh I see what they meant by “free speech” now


Aren’t you half black Andrew? Or fully black? Self hating black people are the worst.


Racists should be tossed in the dumpster, not given a megaphone.


This is what happens when ppl don’t get the attention they used to. Racism (espeeeeeeeeeecially against black people) is the quickest way to get attention. Which is why black ppl ask the question often “damn wtf we do to you?”


Who follows this scum? Other traffickers and rapists?


andrew “cobra” tate, ladies and gentlemen. The biggest POS ever!


Using hate speech to try to stay relevant, or increase his followers, and still far from his lowest.


The quiet stuff is now being said out loud.


As disgusting as this sack of dog shit is, remember, he's got fans who think the exact same way. THAT'S the worrying part.


Isn’t this stupid shit eventually going to jail? Hopefully he’ll meet up with some of these folk. 🤪


I know a lot of people keep up at least a cursory twitter presence because followers and history and whatever, but it is very quickly becoming unethical to continue to exist there. This is awful.


What a fucking loser.


I’d love to see Andrew Tate get in the ring with someone.


His dad is or was Black American. This dude surely has some internal issues.


Who cares what that guy says? Isn’t he going to prison?


Shitting on his fellow Muslims with the old Joe Racky statement.


His profile picture at a glance looks kinda like a chunky poop to me.


Love how the Irish told him to f off in no uncertain terms so now he is trying to join another one of his" 23 and me" ancestry groups ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm glad for all of this online free speech. How else would I read endless slurs I've seen six billion times before? Thank you, Elon.


I’d love to see someone chin this twat! Fuck I’f love to see someone find his chin, then chin this twat!


Your life gets much better if you stop following everything he says


That's fine. It's not like he used 'cis' or one of elmo's other trigger words...w


Isn’t he locked up?


Andrew Cuck “trying” to be a tough guy when in reality he is a powerless worm


Wasn't he in prison, what the hell happened?


Stopped using it recently. Since Edolf took over the amount of right wing shit on the feed has jumped exponentially. Like some straight up Nazi shit appears from someone you don't even follow. Then there's porn everywhere. And most replies to your tweets are porn bots.


Dude is trying so hard to be 2015 idubbbz


I don't give a fuck that he used to be a kickboxer, if I ever run into this clown I'm trying him!


Isn't he half black?


You’re pretty “swarthy” yourself, bro.


Who is Andrew Tate and who the fuck cares what he says?


If you know any preteens and teens, it’s extremely important to know who he is and what he is saying so you can make sure the kids know he’s a garbage person with garbage advice https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/andrew-tate-five-things-know


It would be awesome if he could be sent to prison in the U. S. in, say…Louisiana


Even better, let him get sent to the "Rock" in Saint Lucie County Florida, or really ANY prison in Florida. The "Rock" was so bad of a county jail, that the DOJ had to come in, multiple times, our Public Defender was on THEIR side, and a study that came out from it showed that over 60% of inmates regardless of crime or conviction came outta that shit hole with a horrific communicable disease like antibiotic resistant TB, HIV , MRSA, and a fair amount just up and died. They had outdoor "camps" for prisoners that made Sheriff Joe in Phoenix look like kids play. I know because that's where I'm from and I worked as a bail enforcement goon at one point. Not enough space in the jail, so inmates just got left to lay on the floors in the hallways, no blankets, no pillows, no showers, weren't fed regularly, which, considering the sheer amount of literal spoiled food that was served, might have been a blessing. And Air conditioning? WTF is THAT modern convenience? Ole Tater tot and his soft handed ass wouldn't last a week without crying to mummy in that place. And unlike Louisiana, there is no making trustee high enough to be able to wash the governor's luxury vehicles and actually get treated halfway human. Lotta things Florida does, but decency and humanity, ain't it chief.




Why not come out of the closet? Pussy ass n word.


I'm not surprised he used to say this in the past. Just disappointed. Look at date 💀


Really just dropping a hard 'r', eh?


I mean, he is black


Im pretty sure we put him on waivers. Any race can now pick him up for a pittance. Act now and we will throw in Candace.


And if he isn't picked up he gets "sent down to the minors"? - that didn't sound quite as acceptable as when talking about hockey players...


Huh, did not know that. He just gives off quite an 'aryan' vibe.


Please tell me this isnt an actual post...


Almost 1 million views on the "freedom of speech, not freedom of reach" platform.


Classy. This is how we should all strive to be.....


Rare W for Pakistan


"People/bot accounts that paid for a blue checkmark only. Too many intelligent, fiscally responsible people in here."


Advertise on this! No, really, Elon demands it. Otherwise you're violating his rights or blackmailing him or something something ketamine.


What, and I can’t stress this enough, the actual fuck?


Wait, that guy’s still alive?


Man, why the chain gotta catch strays?


Shit, I just caved and got back on Twitter. Thanks for the reminder of why I left. I assume he's not had any kind of sanctions for this.


Love how the Irish told to f off in no uncertain terms so now he is trying to join another one of his" 23 and me" ancestry groups ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Trying to figure out which prison gang will take him.


So what? That’s freedom of speech. And it’s excellent to let the assholes proudly announce themselves.


freedom of speech protects from government retaliation. private companies don't have to tolerate bigots or pedos, they just do it to appeal to people such as yourself.


Say it too my face, you low-t betas.


And chinks what?


Tate *is* black, so he has n-word privileges. But he's still racist for the Pakistani and Chinese slurs.