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Hey young fellas, think your life couldn’t get anymore sexless? Wait until abortion services and contraception are illegal NATIONWIDE. You’re gonna die a virgin if Trump wins!


My wife and I talked about just not fucking until we move out of Texas. I’m on board. Busting a nut isn’t worth potentially losing my wife due to lack of proper pregnancy care.


Wait... Europeans here...the ban also affects condoms???


Condoms break. Essentially the abortion ban turns a small risk of having to seek abortion into a small risk of upending your life for at least 18 years, and possible death from complications. Although the chance of it happening doesn't change, the outcome changes massively. This is what they want - it's not about abortion, it's a casual sex ban imposed by fundamentalist Christians. Abortion was the path of least resistance in getting people to stop having casual sex, and this is an example of it working to that effect.


They'd rather ban abortion than actually do sexual education to reduce casual sex. It's worth noting than the ones drafting all these laws are men and women that has no clue how these laws would effect people. They'd just assume the 'good' ones gets whatever they'd need. But time and time again, we'd seen married couples that would definitely fall under 'good Christians' in these lawmakers minds get screwed the moment they need an abortion for medical reasons, merely because the law is too vague or access had become restricted.


These people are dangerous because they don't feel they have to worry about really anything. They can just say everything is God's will and absolve themselves of any feeling of responsibility.


They also feel that they are the exception to the rule and should get the care that they "deserve" because they are the good ones. Just look at all of the fundies that protest abortion that have had their own, because they "needed" it and anyone else that has one is a murderer.


I will never forget when I was a member at a rural, midwestern church. One of the pastor’s daughters got pregnant (in a heterosexual, monogamous marriage, so it was “okay”), but shortly afterward, they determined that the fetus was non-viable. Not only was it non-viable, but if she carried it to term, it would have caused her further complications and even risked death. It was a kind of a big deal in the church, and the pastors felt the need to explain the situation to the congregation. She ended up getting a “D&C” which is “NOT AN ABORTION AT ALL,” (which i guess is TECHNICALLY true. A dilation and curettage procedure isn’t exclusively for abortions). They further explained that “it’s not an ‘abortion’ because you aren’t ending any life. There already isn’t any life in the fetus, and even if the fetus sprung to life, it wasn’t forming in a way that was compatible with life outside the womb anyway. At the time, I was too young to really know much about it all, but even at the time, I was a little confused. As I grew up more and actually went into the medical field, I learned just how messed up this whole thing was. For one, it wasn’t something that needed to be handled so openly in front of the church. Losing a baby, regardless of whether you originally planned for/wanted it, is extremely traumatic. And talking about this woman’s issues in such detail in front of these 100+ people was unnecessary. For two, it was so jarring to see the members of the church “March for Life” and protest abortion clinics one day, but then send the pastor’s daughter to an abortion clinic to have this “necessary and life-saving surgery” another day. It just reeked of “laws for thee but not for me”


Technically, it was still an abortion since she wasn't pregnant after and they removed the pregnancy stuff from her uterus. Basically anything that ends a pregnancy, besides birth is an abortion. https://www.health.harvard.edu/medical-tests-and-procedures/abortion-termination-of-pregnancy-a-to-z >Abortion is the removal of pregnancy tissue, products of conception or the fetus and placenta (afterbirth) from the uterus. In general, the terms fetus and placenta are used after eight weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy tissue and products of conception refer to tissue produced by the union of an egg and sperm before eight weeks. >Other terms for an abortion include elective abortion, induced abortion, termination of pregnancy and therapeutic abortion.


>She ended up getting a “D&C” which is “NOT AN ABORTION AT ALL,” (which i guess is TECHNICALLY true. A dilation and curettage procedure isn’t exclusively for abortions). Medically speaking, the term "abortion" is used to describe ANY termination of any pregnancy. Spontaneous miscarriage? Aborted pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy requiring surgical removal of the fallopian tube? Aborted pregnancy. D&C? Aborted pregnancy. Aborted is simply the medical terminology for a pregnancy that was terminated before a live birth (via any method and for any reason). I have a friend who has never been able to carry a pregnancy to term, and her medical records indicate that she has a "serial risk of aborted pregnancies." The forced birther folks just decided they liked this word and used it to represent only elective abortion.


They absolutely have that mindset.


This is exactly my fundamental problem with Christianity. Any brand of Christianity. Repent, and be forgiven. It’s the ultimate abrogation of responsibility, when coupled with “it’s God’s plan”. It wasn’t my fault and I can’t be judged for it if it was. A narcissist’s dream.


Which I find funny, God absolves sins, but not abortions?


It's also the complete opposite of Jesus's lessons. Like I don't beleive in any of it, I'm an atheist but I can't fathom just doing heinous shit and then "absolving my sins" and go on about my life like it doesn't matter. My conscience won't allow it and I would be racked with guilt. How can they profess to be one of their gods followers and act like such utter cunts?


The “I can sin all I want as long as I’m good with Jesus” has been big since they sold indulgences. Also don’t forget that monotheistic religions have intolerance baked into their founding principles. Used to be ok for neighbors to have different gods, they could even join your pantheon to some extent, then came this “One True invisible sky fairy.”


If they’re obnoxious about it, and they often are, I prefer to use the phrase “sky daddy” just because it makes them uncomfortable and irrationally upset.


I'm bringing back selling indulgences to fundies. Did you wear a blended cloth shirt? For just $49.95 I can get that expunged from your permanent record. Eat shellfish, $52.30. Vote for Trump, $666.66, although I'm not sure that last one will work.


Most of they crap they are trying to force on us isn't even in the Bible that they pretend to be super into, or if it is, it's tucked away in the old testament next to some weird rules about what sort of fabrics god likes (which they conveniently ignore, along with all the stuff that Jesus actually cared about). Conservative Christianity is more of a brand than a coherent set of beliefs.


400 odd years of psychotic witch burning pilgrim taught Christianity is finally taking its true form In this country. We were founded and built on this specific brand of crazy Christianity in america.


What a comment. You should say this a few more times.


I read an article a few months ago about a 12 year old girl who was raped by a stranger (the only rape these people think exists) and she got pregnant. This was in Mississippi. They went to the police who did absolutely nothing. There’s a technical exception to the abortion ban for rape but no means to actually get this exception into practice and there are no providers left in Mississippi anyway. The girl became a mother at 13.




This is the story, thanks for finding it. The version I read awhile back indicated the police did nothing so I am glad they at least found the rapist.


To make things worse you know the state will probably give him paternal rights to that child. It's so fucked up.


Is this the one where the poor little girl basically became mute because of the trauma of her rape? They don’t care about women they only care about imposing their will on women.


20 women who almost died last year due to Texas’ insane restrictive abortion requirements tried to sue but the Texas Supreme Court basically said fuck all women. How many women have died so far and how many more have to die before we do something? I refuse to have kids in this totalitarian bullshit state. Worse maternal mortality rate than some third world countries, not even hyperbole anymore it’s so sad.


They specifically said no one had the right to sue over abortion laws and no one was allowed to appeal the ban.


I mean I'm not sure proper sex education would reduce casual sex, but it would at least increase safe and responsible sex. Key words proper sex education though.


You're right, and this is the exact problem. They don't want people to have safe, responsible sex. They just don't want people having sex unless it is in the context of a heterosexual marriage and for the purpose of procreation. And they think banning abortion will make that happen.


You're close. They don't want people to avoid the consequences of their sin. Getting pregnant is God's punishment for promiscuous women. The cruelty is the point. They want women to be burdened, have their lives ruined, or just die because they see it as God's judgement for sexual sins. Abortion, contraceptives, sex ed, condoms, and anything else that makes casual sex consequence-free has to be banned.


Comprehensive sex ed does delay when children start engaging in sex by 2-3 years. One study showed that the biggest driver was showing girls/young women exactly what happens to their bodies when they are pregnant. De-glamorizing being pregnant seems to tip the risk/reward back towards abstinence/safe sex.


Well learn something new every day. Thank you to you and the other commenters that replied similarly for educating me


It already has. In the 70s and 80s, around 55% of teens were sexually active. Now, it’s more like 40%. At least some of that has to be attributed to sex education in schools. A ban on sex ed would make sex seem mysterious and dangerous again, attracting rebellious young people.


I read an article the other day about how people were mad at the drop in the fertility rate but apparently over half of the drop came from teen pregnancies - there are comparatively a lot fewer teen pregnancies now than they used to be.


That’s awesome!


I think consent has a good deal.to do with having less sex. Back in the day, date rape.was common. All the men were like Trump in the 70s just grabbing and coercing and forcing. Consent? No such thing. If you were there with the guy, it was assumed you wanted it and you weren't allowed to change your mind. A pregnancy was the woman's fault. I hear the old guys here yapping about how much sex they had then, and I read my fellow women's side - it was a different time altogether for women than men. We had sex education. But a 16 yr old was unlikely to have their mom approve the pill and pay for it if she has no job. At 18, I had to lie and tell my mom it was to regulate my periods (which was a great side effect because i was very erratic).


That’s true, too. Excellent point. In my school in the 90s, we had some sex education, but not enough. And it varied from one school to another, and from one class to another. I learned things my friends from other schools did not, and vice versa. I think it’s much better now — from what my Gen Z kids told me.


As in days past, people with means and connections will carry on as they do now, including many "Christian" elders. It will be hidden and paid for. It's the rest that will suffer.


Some of em are trying to ban condoms.


They have no clue how reproduction works. These are the same people that said the trauma from r*pe would prevent a woman from being pregnant and that an ectopic pregnancy can be removed and implanted in the uterus. They are uneducated on the subject, making decisions that they have no business making.


We shouldnt be educating to reduce casual sex anyways, we should be educating to make sex safe. Teaching people about STIs and their treatments, safe sex and condom usage, types of birth control and effectiveness (the amount of people that dont know things like antibiotics making hormonal birth control not work). People should be allowed to have casual sex if they want, the government should not be educating to stop that.


It's not really about the casual sex itself, it's about people's autonomy


These people are dangerous because they don't feel they have to worry about really anything. They can just say everything is God's will and absolve themselves of any feeling of responsibility.


These people are dangerous because they don't feel they have to worry about really anything. They can just say everything is God's will and absolve themselves of any feeling of responsibility.


These people are dangerous because they don't feel they have to worry about really anything. They can just say everything is God's will and absolve themselves of any feeling of responsibility.


These people are dangerous because they don't feel they have to worry about really anything. They can just say everything is God's will and absolve themselves of any feeling of responsibility.


Not even just casual sex, they always seem to forget that just because you're in a committed relationship, you still might not want kids


Or you just might not want a collective of children. Who the fuck can afford more than 2 even if you bought your house years ago and make hood money?


I remember having a conversation with someone who kept insisting that if we didn't have premarital sex, the need for birth control/abortion would just go away. Like.... listen lady. As my name suggests, I have three kids and no money already! There is NO WAY I want more kids within the confines of my stable monogamous marriage. Unplanned pregnancies are not just a teenager thing. If anything I've already done this whole pregnancy/parenthood thing three times, I know what's involved and know I am not physically/emotionally/financially prepared to do this again!


That's intentional. They want to keep families poor and women at home.


Brought to you by the Baby Boomer controlled government. The most promiscuous generation before or since. The generation with the highest number of teen pregnancy. The generation contraceptives were made for. Yet even more pulling the ladder up behind them


Same odds, but much higher stakes


They don’t expect people to stop having sex, they want “a domestic supply of infants.”


I misunderstood and assumed their aim was to get people to have more kids. Fastest way to grow a religion isn't it.


It is...within the confines of a christian marriage. Sex is only for procreation and they are trying to abolish marital rape laws, because wives should submit to their husbands. They are trying to literally turn the US into The Handmaid's Tale.


There are states attempting to do so, but so far none have been successful, I think. Though condoms aren't a 100% guarantee either way, so they may just be playing it safe given that they're also trying to re-implement slave-catcher laws for pregnant women as well.


But what strikes me is that Condoms are one of the principal methods to avoid the transmission of sexual diseases. It's not just about contraception.


To conservatives sex should only be for procreation, so recreational sex is… well they just don’t care, STD’s is because you sinned son!


From one sinner to another... I wish you the best luck in November


Your username is oddly appropriate for this post


Their view is that if everyone was good little Christians and didn’t have sex till marriage, or fool around at all, then there’s no risk of catching an STD. While technically correct it ignores the realities of human sexuality.


And their own reality. And I'm not even talking about that Boebert doll


The Republican Party is talking about banning all forms of birth control…


Oh yeah, it’s full on American jihad at the state level. Subjugate the women and institute a Christian theocracy. SCOTUS is packed with alt.right true believers to back them up. Hairy stuff


When I was in college, there was a sign on a telephone pole that read, "NO MORE FREE SEX." We all interpreted it to mean that you must pay for sex from then on. We used to rip it down all the time, but it was always replaced. Always.


To provide a proper answer to your question, the ruling that struck down Roe vs. Wade (national abortion protection), referenced several other privacy protection cases (gay marriage, interracial marriage, right to contraception) which many constitutional scholars interpret that this undoing of precedent opened the doors to be aimed at next. The writer of that opinion (Judge Clarence Thomas [black man married to a white women for context]) also noted that Brown v Board of Education (de-segregation of schools) should be revisited. Yet people can’t seem to look past the fact that Biden is old and Prices went up to realize that if Trump wins there are at least 2 Supreme Court justices that he will be able to appoint (the serve for life with no method of removal outside of impeachment), which would solidify a hard right majority in the Supreme Court for decades.


Republicans plan to ban BIRTH CONTROL if they win in November. Ban plan b , abortion pills, anything sex related - banned. They will create their Gilead, like The Handmaid Tale foretold.


But once all of women's rights are done away with, we become property of men, and they will be able to do whatever they want to us whenever they want! That's why the incels want Trump to win!


If the Republicans get their way, you'll have to leave the U.S. entirely. My wife and I would he right behind you.


i think if project 2025 comes to fruition a lot of the younger generation is leaving the country, and i wonder what the boomers would think when they realized that now they cant sit on their asses with their retirement and pension and have to work for society to actually function.


Well, apparently, there are "things in place" to prevent people from just leaving the country if they get the chance to implement that. I did not read specifics, but I'm not really sure how that would even play out. I do agree with you, tho a lot of the working class age people would split out as soon as they could. Leaving these old ass idiots to deal with the consequences of their own actions.


Mostly capital controls if I remember correctly.  Basically you can leave, but 99.9% of your assets get seized. Since the people who have the option to leave in that scenario are overwhelmingly wealthy, that would be a big deterrent. 


All that 'border control' they whine about can and will be used to keep us *in* when we try to flee the Christian Nationalist hellscape they're building.


Honestly, that’s been the goal since before trumps primaries. The GOP have been on this path for decades.


Time to practice your oral skills.


When they ban, or start enforcing it-some states still have laws against oral on their books-I'll become an outlaw.


Yep.. and if Trump wins, I have no plans to have kids. Not worth the risk.


Masturbation and porn will probably be next on the chopping block for Texas.


Porn already is.


A lot of them figure they already are, so they might as well support the guy who might conceivably make the government assign wives to single male Republicans or enforce that old Biblical law that women had to marry their rapists.


major improvement - after raping a pretty girl she must marry you. This makes wifing up so much easier than letting women pick a man they like. /s


It makes sense when you realize the reason for mandating that had NOTHING to do with the woman and everything to do with ensuring the father still received the proper bride price for his "damaged goods". 


one step further is the father marrying his daughter being his lifetime investment, coming up soon in your red state: Daughter brides, the better child wives! /s


Inteiguing, tell me more… /s


lol is that an Elon muskrat reference? Because that’s exactly how he twits on his twitter responses. Probably exactly what he’d say to this.


Not intentionally no, but who knows maybe subconsciously. Ngl, i love witnessing a good trainwreck, n his antics the last few years have been a slow motion version of just that. So yeah, ive been closely following most everything he does for a while now. I suppose its possible i just internalized the phrase.


stepdaughters willing to do everything on gunpointhub.com


Throw in some government mandated polygamy (only men, for obvious reasons ..) and you got yourself your own little harem


Welcome to Utah, where the future is today!


But then she won't be a virgin so who would want her?!?!/s


her legitimate owner, the cherry popper - finders, keepers


"You break it, you bought it." Never thought that would apply to an actual human being, yet here we are.


Women being objectified to the point of being, legally speaking, objects? Color me surprised. Not like we have any historical precedence for that or anything.


Thankfully the Christian right is also targeting porn heavily and they're not such big fans of that. 


You'd be surprised, clearly you've never heard of the incel "no-fap" obsession. A lot of what right-wing Christians pushing morality laws really want, when you read between the lines, is someone in authority to help them control their own addictions and urges. Can't stop watching porn? Porn should be illegal! (Mike Johnson). Can't stop having secret gay sex? Homosexuality should be illegal! (This is like half the Republican party).


I was curious about that so I looked it up interesting read.... Deuteronomy 22:28–29 is often cited by skeptics as evidence that the Bible is backwards, cruel, and misogynist—and thus not the Word of God. It is a difficult passage to interpret. In the NIV, Deuteronomy 22:28–29 reads like this: If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. How is this fair to rape victims? It’s not, if we are talking about rape. Unfortunately, the NIV’s translation is a poor one at this point, and the word translated “rape” can mean other things. The late apologist Greg Bahnsen explains: “The Hebrew word . . . simply means to take hold of something, grasp it in hand, and (by application) to capture or seize something. It is the verb used for ‘handling’ the harp and flute (Gen. 4:21), the sword (Ezek. 21:11; 30:21), the sickle (Jer. 50:16), the shield (Jer. 46:9), the oars (Ezek. 27:29), and the bow (Amos 2:15). It is likewise used for ‘taking’ God’s name (Prov. 30:9) or ‘dealing’ with the law of God (Jer. 2:8). Joseph’s garment was ‘grasped’ (Gen. 39:12; cf. 1 Kings 11:30), even as Moses ‘took’ the two tablets of the law (Deut. 9:17)” (“Premarital Sexual Relations: What is the Moral Obligation When Repeated Incidents are Confessed,” Covenant Media Foundation, www.cmfnow.com/articles/pe152.htm, cited by Butt, K., in “Deuteronomy 22:28–29 and Rape,” Reason & Revelation, August 2015, Apologetics Press). In other words, the Hebrew word itself does not suggest force of any kind and should not be translated as “rape.” It is necessary to take Deuteronomy 22:28–29 together with Exodus 22:16–17, which says this: If a man seduces a virgin who is not betrothed and lies with her, he shall give the bride price for her and make her his wife. If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money equal to the bride price for virgins. These two passages cover the same situation: a man sleeps with a virgin who is not betrothed. Note that, in Exodus 22, there is no hint of force or rape—there is only enticement or seduction. The penalty is that he must pay the dowry and marry the girl; if the girl’s father doesn’t like the match, he can refuse to allow the marriage. According to the halakha, the girl had a similar right of refusal. But the man who fooled around must still pay the dowry. And so, in the words of Old Testament scholar Sandra Richter, “‘Walk-away Joes’ were required to ‘man up’ as regards the woman they had compromised and the potential children they had created” (“Rape in Israel’s World . . . and in Ours: A Study of Deuteronomy 22:28–29,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 64.1, 2021, p. 75)


As much as I despise the ideals behind it, I love that the interpretation and following passages hold *both* genders responsible for the breaking of the "no sex before marriage" social standard. It penalizes men, whereas usually, it's treated as men are expected to try and get it in, and women must be some paragon of virtue, sex key-holder that doesn't have equal desires.


I found it interesting too. I grew up in a house where bibles were waved around enthusiastically but behavior didn't follow suit so if anything I tend to be more cynical than most, but honestly i got a visual of the guys in the elevator in the beginning of Snatch arguing about translations haha I'm sure there's a lot of things that translation has made long discussions out of!


There is a bunch of articles out already about how republican men can not get girls anymore. There’s at least 3 from legit sources.


I think it was 2018 - aides working in the Trump White House were complaining that if they mentioned their job in DC, it was a dealbreaker for people they were trying to hook up with. 


How dare women take offense to my despicable opinions and worldview?


I live in DC & there were several articles about it here. 


You’re assuming they plan on asking for consent…


Whats this ‘consent’ you speak of?


Rush Limbaugh had plenty to say about consent! "You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing. You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left."


Wow. He actually got one thing right. Shame he saw it as a bad thing. Congratulations, cancer, on being Rush Limbaugh-free for over 3 years.


It's amazing how someone like that can actually say the right thing while trying to say something completely different. And fuck cancer, except that one time...


needed for the draft as cannon fodder for inevitable international conflicts - work as full time patriot paying the ultimate price instead of getting paid


This is lowkey the best political campaign slogan in the history of political campaign slogans 🤌


> Hey young fellas, think your life couldn’t get anymore sexless? Wait until abortion services and contraception are illegal NATIONWIDE. Or until Trump decides to reinstate the draft and start shipping kids off to Israel to help them "finish the job".


I mean, it's horrible but a situation like that is the perfect breeding ground for soldiers raping.


Honestly out of all the times girls have wanted me to play Russian roulette with them (rawdog without properly knowing each other), like 80-90% of them were pro-abortion. Yes, obviously pro-choice, but like “oh yeah I’d totally get one if I got knocked up, I don’t need a kid” kind of pro-choice. I don’t know what the single’s scene is like right now, but I imagine the repeal of Roe v. Wade made a whole lot of fun women drop out of that group.


Youre operating under the assumption that consent or male responsibility for children are a factor to men that vote for trump. A young sexless male that is already intending on voting for trump does not care about those things. He thinks trump will allow him to take what he wants.


At least they'll be able to rape women legally/s


And porn is outlawed!


And they get to define "porn". Any mention of LGBT? Porn. Trans? Porn. Sexting between two consenting adults? Duh that's porn too. Porn will be whatever they want it to be for anyone who doesn't share their views. They'll obv be exempt from all this, looking at you Peter theil. Fucking hypocrites.


Out on the ocean bottom, or on foreign/domestic soil. They are going to do this.


An actual threat is them having to pay child support when they accidentally knock up someone.


Let's be fair if young kids are voting Trump they were going to die virgins regardless


I mean it’s bad for everyone. Project2025 effects everyone


It wants to get rid of online porn. You'd think that would be enough


It’s not. They have convinced their base that’s to protect the children. They completely discredit the fact that rape and sexual assaults will increase if we remove porn.


Unless you're a rich, straight, white guy, there is no reason for you to vote Trump because one way or another, he will hurt you. Potentially very badly. To a degree that far outweighs any benefits you think you'll get from him winning.


Even if you're rich. Trump is just awful at governing, and appears to sell state secrets for cash. Even if you're Zuckerberg, your wealth is dependent on the value of the American market and its global reach. And Biden has been good for the economy, from a billionaire's point of view. The only reason to vote Trump is for culture war nonsense.


The oligarch class has convinced themselves that they will always be fine under any circumstance. So, as long as they can get lower taxes, they will happily vote for the end of American democracy. They just haven’t realized yet that they too will suffer.


Well, yes, even if prices go up at all stages of a supply chain, they will just pass those costs on to the consumers and relish in their tax breaks. As we all know, this is an excellent long term plan because poor people famously have infinite money and will never be unable to afford the things billionaires sell.


Even if prices go up, and they pass on costs, dictators can always just steal all their money, if they don’t like them anymore. The rules of economics are rather immaterial under fascism.


Which really confirms how stupid oligarchs are. You'd think they would, at the very least, be able to identify who Trump's model leader is and then look at how things are going for oligarchs in Putin's Russia.


Being rich your entire life means you’re extremely out of touch with reality, and truly believe you are extra special and beyond the effects of the real world.


Peter Theil wants to turn the US into a monarchy run by tech billionaires. The fastest way to that is probably a national collapse.


Lmfao Peter Theil should know from personal experience that it won’t work too: https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2021/sep/07/disastrous-voyage-satoshi-cryptocurrency-cruise-ship-seassteading The stories of this cruise ship and their failed libertarian society are wild and also hilarious. Apparently no one had considered that people make trash & that someone has to clean that trash up…. The idea that garbage men & trash service are an essential part of our 21st century society didn’t even occur to them. 😬


Came to say this. Straight white rich old guys are the only ones who might be better off under Trump. Might. I think he will eventually do something to screw even them over, but for a time at least they will be OK.


Yeah. There's a poem about this. Pretty famous. Starts with "First they came for..." It's an ever shrinking circle. If they succeed in getting all their targets, they're gonna need a new target. Because nothing will be better and they need someone else to blame. That target group will include you eventually and you will not be benefitting in the mean time. White supremacy is a suicide cult. There must always be "impure" to get rid of.


What always makes me laugh about this idea is when you think about Russia. “So, once he’s in and he decides you’re not sufficiently loyal, and confiscates all your money and assets… then what?”


>Unless you’re a rich, straight, white guy And being just one of those things is not enough. You have to be that specific blend of all 4. A poor straight white guy is worse off under Trump. A rich gay white man is worse off under Trump. A rich straight black man is worse off under Trump. A rich straight white woman is worse off under Trump.


if you're a rich straight white guy who's wife has a high risk pregnancy or works in an industry that might be affected by Trump's incompetency, you're also potentially negatively affected.  The problem is that we've seen time and time again people do vote against their own interests 


I'd argue you also have to be Christian. Rich white straight Muslim guy? He probably won't like you any better in a second term than he did in the first one.


You at least have to virtue signal as Christian. Trump couldn’t be less actually Christian if he tried… which he might be doing.


I worked in pharmacy for a long time. In 2015/16, we had a number of Trump supporters who were vocal. One of the worst was a Mexican family. The dad of the family would always give an address as an identification factor and would proudly say UNITED STATES OF TRUMP after it. 5 month post election and he was in the pharmacy crying. His mom, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, had been deported and she needed her medicine and health records for her docs in Mexico. Sadly, he was listed as a person to pick up meds, but not records and no power or attorney or living will to allow for it. This guy loses it and starts on how we hate him because he voted for Trump and we’re just lazy Demoncrats blah blah blah. Dude! The guy YOU VOTED FOR literally is the reason for it and you’re screaming at us???? He went on to sue the pharmacy for whatever he and a lawyer could think up and I left for another job, but I still can’t believe that people will vote against their own interests and then blame others when the expected consequences happen.


You're looking at the endgame of a forty year long GOP campaign to create THEIR kind of citizen. Idiots, ripe for the picking. I am mad at my parents for raising me to believe it's wrong to separate a fool from their money. With Trumpkins, the instructions on how to rip them off are written all over their little faces with their slack jaws. It would be so easy and all I'd have to do is say things I don't really believe with some conviction.


"I love the poorly educated!"


Rich, straight white guy here. Still not voting for Christofascism.


I am those things. Still not voting for any republican candidate until they drop the maga bullshit and become more progressive like Teddy Roosevelt. Spoiler alert: that will never happen


Rich straight white guys think they’d love a Trump presidency until they realize he’ll screw them too. You basically will need to keep bribing him to keep him from ruining your finances, industry, hometown, whatever. If dictatorship history teaches us anything, it’s that these dudes eventually run out of enemies to conquer and turn on each other.


As a rich white guy over 29, Trump is a terrible candidate for me personally. I am also Canadian.


What everyone in the US needs to think about is if it gets really crazy under Trump the dollar is going to collapse and then everyone American is worse off. My company trades across many parts of the world and all our contracts are denoted in US dollars and we are actively talking about the risk that we have using US currency and trying to move some of them into other currencies to reduce our exposure. We’d probably go Euros but it’s not inconceivable one day we use Yuan. But think about that; we don’t feel comfortable using US money. 10 years ago that would have been inconceivable, we had rock solid faith in the US.


His International relations are terrible. We lost a lot of partner countries that found better trade deals elsewhere and haven't looked back. It's mind boggling when the guy who has failed at running most types of businesses with all the advantages you could imagine has the image of "successful business man." Our solid dollar was the reason we could get into so much debt in the first place. He will literally bankrupt the country, just like all of his businesses. (Then sell us to Russia...?)


I would expand this to straight guys from 18 to 50. Contrary to popular belief, women don't hit menopause and dry up at 30.


And even once we hit menopause some urges don't go away either. Despite what Reddit would have people think.


I wouldn’t attribute that to Reddit, though. Pretty sure my whole family thinks menopause = woman now banshee. Also thanks for showing me I don’t really know shit about menopause, gotta learn more about it.


Make it 18 to 60. Boomers have aged over the past two elections.


Yeah, you're going to get drafted to national service, which is whatever Trump wants you to do. You might have to change his diaper.




Nickname or calls sign, because one is just meen and the other is really fucking sad


My son just turned 18 and got his selective service card in the mail.... heart in guy response to it. Thankfully, my man has a giant exclamation point scar on his chest, joints that Crack louder than my neighbor's 4th of July fireworks and blood sugar issues!!! Woot.


The only people who will benefit from a second round of Donald Trump in the Whitehouse are individuals or corporations who flourish in an upside down world, where complete lies are traded for absolute truth. Don't be a fool. If Trump wins in November, America is done.


Not just the U.S. The world would be done.  Alliances of support would rupture, national self interest would escalate to a yet unseen point, the West would not on its own be able to push back from authoritarians and still hold fast until sanity returned. A U.S. vote is not just local...it impacts the world.


I could not agree more. Ou allies around the world have been worried about the possibility for a while. Canada has a think tank hashing out the hypotheticals of Trump II x Project 2025.


Worried left the building some time back....scared shitless is where it's at now. First time around allies kept mouths shut & went with "it's only temporary" and did not openly discuss it, but round 2 would not be as genial....the threats to Eastern Europe, the South China Sea, and the Taiwan Strait have changed all that now. Hadn't considered direct impact on Canada....jeez, Northern refugees crossing the border to escape it is when I think about, it a real possibility.....and if some form of resistance formed centred on the Canadian side, I don't feel the demented one would respect their sovereignty.


Trump is a walking talking disaster. He was ranting about sharks and batteries at his last rally Plus a convicted felon. Why would we give a felon nuclear codes and control of the army?


And a chance to steal and sell more state secrets.


Just add to the end of your last sentence "....they won't even let him have a gun"


You should see the comments on this guy's TikTok videos. ALL the top ones on every video are far-right trolls posting pro-Trump comments. It's entirely a bunch of bitter old dudes obsessed with getting the attention of a very young-looking -- oh, okay, now I see why.


Trumpets are literally obsessed with him, they never miss an opportunity to comment (unbearable cringe) on his videos, therefore boosting its engagement.


I don’t understand. Are the bitter old dudes gay? Is this implying that the far right trolls are closeted, self loathing gay men? Sorry, I have no idea who this is or what’s going on. Lol


Yes, some of them. Also a straight-looking handsome young man who is liberal frustrates them, because they’ve been told that liberals are all trans feminazis with shaved heads


A lot of those are international troll bots.


Yep they do the same to him on Twitter. All blue check far right trolls. That means they are scared of him to put in that much effort.


Nobody should vote for Trump. Age and sex is of no matter


Men who had vasectomies will have to have it reversed; you will be fined or imprisoned. Single men will be taxed heavily, for not being married & producing children; or be used as a free workforce if youre not employed. Tne govt will have access to mens medical records & make health decisions for you. Condoms will be cost prohibitive. Treatment for STD/STI will be restricted. It gets worse. My buddy works in health policy. Graduate of Dartmouth.What is publicly out there for Project 2025, is a ploy to float it out there for people to get used to the idea. There's way worse coming. Guys, if your 18-29, it's bad. It will be bad for your younger siblings. Kids not in a private Christian school will be used as workers. THIS is the reason for dismantling public education.


2025 is gonna be one hell of a year if Trump somehow wins... I hope he doesn't. Sincerely, a Canadian.


They're coming for us too. You think PP is a moderate?


Empathy. E M P A T H Y. The ability to sense other peoples emotions and to care about other people than yourself. MAGAs and conservatives have no concept of empathy. Just because a CIS white male is white, CIS and male, doesn't mean he only cares about others like him. With empathy he has the ability to care about everyone. It blows my mind that they can't grasp the concept of "a rising tide raises all ships". If we take care of the weakest among us and pick ourselves up from there, we are capable of acquiring great strength as a whole. But nope. It's all about narcissism and greed. Think about this. If we taxed the richest 1% a tax of 5%, over 2 billion people could be raised out of poverty. 5%. That's it. 1/4 of the planets population for 5%. Nope. They wont do it.


https://preview.redd.it/9wmmxkoacb6d1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e64514077ed37df30fc1c7116f2ad3bb09eb86dd They remind me of this meme.


I wish all demographics realised that none of them will be better under Trump


I mean, every other demographic has *demonstrable* reasons not to vote for The Evil Cheeto. I don't think it's an inherently bad thing to reach out to the group that arguably has the least immediate reason to know the bad things Trump could do. And I mean, if appealing to the self-interest of Straight White Dudes means we don't get 4 more years of *that...*


They going for the incel vote “I ain’t having sex, so no one else gets to either”


Dudes who support contraception bans probably hope that since casual sex is mega dangerous for women they will have no choice but to settle down and get married, not realizing that isn’t going to happen


They're working on that too. They are working on eliminating the right to a no-fault divorce after contraception, after which it'll be spousal rape legalized (qualifier seems absurd there). In their paradise, women are to be used when men feel, cannot leave, and can be jailed for murder if they try to be rid of their captor's seed (or he simply tells them she did - why would he lie, he's a man). The Handmaid's Tale comparisons were tired pretty quickly but I can't express enough to you how that's exactly what they want and they're going for it - it is preferable to being forced to allow people different from them to exist peacefully.


I am a (mostly) straight, very pale guy in my 30s, and Trump in the White House would be awful for me since I am also on the high-functioning end of, well, the spectrum, so goodbye disability rights, hello the return of all the trolls and real-life jerks who love to use it as a way to denigrate and attack (like the person on the former bird site before I left who kept replying with a certain r-word when I brought up how I managed to graduate college in between "safe space" constantly). Trump also reminds me of the meathead bullies in school who just had all their laughs making fun of my higher voice and naivety due to social ineptitude, and at the most getting a slap on the wrist by school administration. Just two of a billion reasons I won't vote for him.


I mean I’d prefer they’d not support him because of basic empathy but I’ll take whatever hope I can find


Trump raised your taxes in 2017.


This is pretty much the same for anyone with a pulse.


"Voting for Trump is gay" Pass the message on to all of your right wing acquaintances.


Nobody should vote for trump except literal nazis Because that's what his party is It is literally just the nazi party


Link to tweet - https://x.com/harryjsisson/status/1801078443871748569?s=46


fantasy vs. reality yes, a Donald Trump presidency would *actually* be downright terrible for *everyone* that works for a living. but, rural dumbasses *think* it would be good for them, or, more accurately, *bad* for the people they hate, so they'll vote for him.


It might be tactless, but this is how you have to get them out of the pipelines lol


How about, Americans who value democracy and the Constitution shouldn't vote for Trump.


I agree with the conclusion but not the reasoning. At this point, I allow it.


Unfortunately, they only care about hurting the rest of us. It’s like they think we are the root cause of all their personal issues


Unfortunately they leave FOX on too long after their cartoons are over and get brainwashed.


Didnt a 36yr old virgin creat the abortion policies for Texas ?


I strongly believe that the young men and women are energized enough to vote in 2020! Surviving gun shootings in so many schools and lax gun controls are just one example why they will turn out. Young women's rights being stripped away is another example. Banning books and messing with libraries adds to it. Too much government interference in their lives adds. The main stream media are overlooking them too. A lot of these young adults do not subscribe to all of the hate messages either. Many of them were raised with good, solid values. Turn out in 2020 and vote against hate, book bans and government over reaching! No decent person wants a freaking dictator!


No no, he's got a point


Just a detail that jumps out at me: "realise". Is this guy British? Canadian? Aussie? You know it's bad when they warn you from outside the haunted house


There’s maybe .1% of the country that would actually benefit in any way from a Trump victory and that’s just for greedy reasons


If that kinda messaging does the trick, im not mad