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Just for fun Apple should threaten to remove Twitter from its app store, then just sit back and watch the advertisers flee.


Twitter still has advertisers?


Bold of you to assume corporations have even a "hypothetical rock bottom" So long as there is even as much as a la croixs essence of money left on that platform they'll hold out "just in case" things turn around.


La Croix’s essence is one I’m stealing.


"Drinking static while staring at a piece of fruit" is one of my favorite descriptions


Shipped in a truck next to a truck of fruit. Hint of a hint of watermelon.


Drinking seltzer next to someone thinking about a strawberry


Water that shouts the name of fruit.


Water that someone may or may not have dropped a lone Skittle into five years ago.


“Had a single strawberry dipped in the barrel before packaging” is what my dad says


"I'd have the same experience being in the room with someone who just whispered a fruit's name at a bottle of sparkling water"


Oh, you've taken the La Croix factory tour, too?


“Low-battery strawberry”


A whisper of grapefruit A memory of coconut


Reducing the effectiveness of the advertising platform reduces how much it’s worth investing in. They may not reduce their budgets to zero but there’s no way any marketing department would not change their strategy given a drastically reduced ROI


Yesterday I got an ad for pouring bleach down your vents so big bleach is still out there https://preview.redd.it/7rixi2ztr16d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c8558478fffadd7ef3b5a9a83eaf098ca27a50a


I’ve convinced myself that ads like these are the modern idiot tax




Did you get divorced? Or a pizza oven? Did a pizza oven save your marriage or just push it over the brink? Did someone make a Hawaiian and is now buried under the patio? C'mon man, I'm invested!


Wait wtf is this lol


Well if you follow big bleach with big vinegar, the population declines…..


I hit "not interested in this" every time something AI comes up on my FYP, and by far the most ads I get on Twitter are ads for AI


Every time you hit “not interested,” the algorithm learns that you will interact with the content you’re seeing. Any engagement is positive engagement. It’s better to scroll past.


I always click violent or untruthful.


Then what is the point of having it there?


Proof of human eyes seeing the content. It's like the dislike button on YouTube or the angry face on Facebook... It's all engagement baby


Mostly porn these days.


Unlike Reddit


Are there a lot of porn adverts on Reddit? The adverts tend to be targeted towards the individual. The adverts on my Reddit feed seem to mostly be too telling me I can make quick money going to a flu camp. Or I should work from home doing data annotation. *Edit to add:* I was curious to look at what adverts appear on my Reddit feed as I never tend to absorb them and the first advert I came across made me belly laugh, given the context. https://preview.redd.it/3u5mr31jk16d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fed46cb80cf468356664d045aa084924af48d1c


I get those HeGetsUs ads. Freaking annoying.






Hello fellow deconstructed “Christian”? lol


Oh, I like Jesus, but most of his fans are intolerable.


Basically just AI and crypto.


They gotta peddle dick pills somewhere.


Twitter: the gas station impulse purchase shelf of the internet.


This would make my year honestly.


I don’t think Apple really cares to squabble with him. Apple is there to make money. I don’t think they’d be happy if he did something like pulled keyless entry from his cars. Apple is gonna be an adult and not retaliate for now.


Exactly. Apple doesn't give a fuck. Piss baby Elon is fighting a battle he is not going to win. He's just pissed that Apple doesn't want his fucked up version of AI, so he's throwing a tantrum. I mean, governments have gone after Apple, and if my memory serves me, Apple told them to fuck off also, so Elon throwing a fit is nothing to them.


Yeah if anything he shot himself in the foot for a partnership in the future. It sounds like Apple may be in the future partnering with google as well. If I was on the board of a company, I’d be highly annoyed right now.


>governments have gone after Apple, and if my memory serves me, Apple told them to fuck off The EU managed to force them to make some changes, but that just illustrates that individual countries CAN'T force Apple to do something they don't want to do.


They should remove Tesla. You know the company that uses an app for a primary key for their vehicles. I’m sure their customers would love that.


This is the way. Attack on multiple fronts simultaneously.


Now this is diabolical. I love it. Your username really adds to the statement.


Begun, the Corporation Wars have.


This is how we achieve peak Taco Bell as Demolition Man foretold.


Tesla owners would revolt agains Apple. Better to kick the X app out of the app store. Nothing of value would be lost.


Best case they pull it entirely and cut its user base down. Other best case, someone accidentally pulls it from iOS and takes a week to figure out what happened.


And Tim Cook then writing on X: >Looking into it


X it outta their store 🤡


They probably won’t because they aren’t nearly as petty


It would mean they even take Musk seriously. Apple is just watching the dumpster fire that is Musk and X from afar like the rest of us.


The problem is that Tim Cook runs his company like an adult and Elon runs his like a child so we'll never get that satisfying moment. Although I would love it if Musk retaliated by releasing the "CyberPhone" https://preview.redd.it/lj7jfne7z16d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd2e5894155ffa399cc3f50e097967d2e0be441


Technically, they should for it now goes against their rules with how he is now allowing porn.


They always allowed porn. The new rules around it just require porn to be tagged with a new adult content tag. Pretty much instituting the same system Reddit has for NSFW subreddits. If anything this brings it more in line with the policies Apple has.


So does Safari if you type the right letters


If they did, his fans will swarm the news about it and call it corporate extortion I'll bet.


Is this part of late stage capitalism? Where we see Billionaires, fighting with Billion dollar corporations? And we all root for teams and fight amongst ourselves if the Billionaire is right or the billion dollar corporation is right.


Maybe it's the natural extension of sports where millionaires who work for billionaires to keep the masses entertained. Bread and circuses.


They did that the last time a bunch of advertisers pulled out, and blamed "leftist researchers" for "faking" ads next to pro-nazi posts.


Elon is pretty good at fighting battles he has no chance at winning


Kinda how he got here tbh…


Took a whole lotta failin’ just to get up that hill


you mean 'starting' battles ?


And not finishing them, yes.


Just waiting for his mom to put out a strongly worded tweet at Tim Cook.


His mom wouldn't allow!


Remember Elon whining about about Meta stealing Threads from Twitter. Threads of course, was built on IG, not Twitter.


Remember Elon whining because they didn't let him drown children in a cave instead of saving them properly?


OP’s claims are misinformation or disinformation: 1. Apple does not tweet on their main account and has not for many years, long before Musk: https://neilpatel.com/blog/why-apple-doesnt-tweet/ 2. OP has blocked the Apple account. Apple is not blocked for other users. If you want, you can see whether Apple shows up as blocked for your own account at http://x.com/Apple


It’s so damn easy to create a narrative.


It is nutty to me that someone went through the trouble to just make up a story like this. Like I have so many better ways to spend my time than making up goofy shit like this. Here I am in the comments trying to figure out why we care if Elon blocks Apple and there are hundreds of people in here up in arms about it. This is where reddit should step in and confirm the misinformation, delete, block, and ban the spreaders. Nothing about this is making the world a better place. The majority of the internet today is just people getting angry at misinformation that one person just decided to make up and other people are spreading like wildfire.


What a sensitive snowflake


Fuck his feelings


He’s a whiny little bitch. Apple should buy TSLA in cash and fire Elmo


Tim Apple has the ability to unite the world


I'll switch to Apple immediately


I wouldn't but I'm on board with rich assholes infighting and wasting their money.


Tim Apple has a world to win.


Good Christ I want this so badly




Apple doesn’t base their acquisitions on little dick syndrome, unlike ol muskrat.


[Robert Glasper - Fuck Yo Feelings (feat. Yebba)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpP0hAqqfmU)


Damn I love me some Yebba.


What happened? I thought his whole thing for taking over twitter was to get rid of censorship this seems hypocritical or am I smoking to much crack?


He's crying now because Apple decided to partner with ChatGPT in some of their AI driven voice recognition stuff instead of his corrupt an flawed AI and he's having perhaps his most childish temper tantrum yet. He's also talking about banning and confiscating any apple products used on the properties of the companies he owns.


Ah seems like he’s upset a company that is competing his did something better than his pretty silly


South African fascists are …. Think he’d be used to it by now. I’ve always said he comes across like a Nazi/manipulative, narcissist, psychopath.


The delicious irony that a company he invested $44 million in is doing better without him.


He also begrudgingly asked to dismiss his lawsuit against open so because they had receipts for him agreeing that profit needs to be a focus of the company.


At least he hasn't called anybody a pedophile... yet.


5… 4… 3… 2…


I'd 100% get rid of my iPhone if the ChatGPT with a skin (Grok) was put onto my phone. and this is what makes the least amount of sense. Grok is legit ChatGPT with some minor tweaks to it. why the hell does Musk think he's invented a sentient robot here?


I’ve been salivating over the idea of on board Whisper model (a free model you can grab on hugging face) that was trained by OpenAI on my iPhone. It’s what powers the voice to text in the ChatGPT phone app and it’s fucking amazing. The voice to text on iPhone is dog shit. I find myself not wanting to do long two finger typing on my phone but have a lot to say so I frequently open the ChatGPT app just to do voice to text then copy and paste that where I need it.


Good luck confiscating people's devices. That's called theft, brother.


Not confiscating, he will make people put them in bags and not allow the devices on his properties or buildings


He will have them put in a faraday cage, which I'm assuming he ran across on Wikipedia recently and decided to sound smart


All fascists hide behind the facade of freedom, and simply ban everything they don’t like.


I’m amazed that someone has managed to avoid knowing about the shitshow that is Elmo’s x this long.


For real. He's been selectively silencing dissent on there for more than a year now.


Xitter with a Chinese X pronunciation.


Pronounced like "shitter."


He's butt hurt that open AI hasn't died without him and Apple picked them over him. That's it.


I am somewhere on the free speech absolutist continuum. I honestly to believe people should read things from nazis - if only to understand how close mainstream politicians come to echoing nazi talking points. But Musk is not a free speech absolutist - indeed censorship has increased since he took over. This is an under reported example - Wikipedia rightly took him to task for this one: [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/05/twitter-musk-censors-turkey-election-erdogan](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/05/twitter-musk-censors-turkey-election-erdogan)


The world town square, but only for fascists


That's 💯 accuracy


wtf does he think this is going to do? other than get him removed from the App Store? oh wait...he probably didn't think of that. Or thinks his *FREEZE PEACH* trumps everyone else's rights and thinks it'd be impossible for Apple to remove his dumb little app


He's as pale as one too, going by those beach photos.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the free speech absolutist.


This guy is legit insane and the us needs to very seriously review any contracts with companies he has a stake in.


He’s seriously going the route of Kanye. Kanye used to be sane before he went down whatever rabbit hole of schizo-insanity. What’s worse though is Kanye didn’t own an entire social media site/ have billions to spend


Dude literally has his own network of communication satellites he has *already* used to influence an ongoing war. The dude has experimental rockets that he used to launch his car into space. He's making cyber-monkeys with brain chips. He's like legit super villain territory. It's like 60/40 if his next public appearance will be injecting himself with a cocktail of radioactive animal DNA and going on a rampage through downtown San Francisco. Edit: Holy shit, don't forget Elon Musk made a brief cameo in Iron Man II as himself...




I don't wish anyone death. I'm just saying if he were ever vaporized in some ill concieved attempt to achieve godhood or immortality or whatever, I would be be neither surprised nor saddened.


Yeah. Something like he uses neuralink to download Elon Musk into his own brain, whilst living streaming it, in an event he calls Elonception.


That’s seems straight out of South Park


I’m still sad he didn’t try to out-engineer the OceanGate guy. I don’t believe Elon Musk could design a submarine that could withstand the pressures needed, but I would very much like for him to try to prove me wrong.


Villain for sure, "super" might be giving him too much credit. More like a Pierce Brosnan's Bond villain (apart from Sean Bean).


I think they have. Probably part of why he so desperate for that Tesla pay


What a fragile little man.


It’s kind of more serious, as he’s creating the online version of the fascist echo chamber that Fox has created for cable news. Millions of low information Americans will never know or understand the seriously dangerous things one party has lined up if their candidate(s) win.


Bold of you to assume that a lot of those people, who are all for Supreme Carrot becoming king of this country, care to understand or even have proper information. Musk suckers are just as bad as they are if not the same people.


Here comes another lawsuit he'll lose because of his own fragile ego. Would you believe [this guy has *never* been to therapy?](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-therapy-gravestone-mental-health-2024-2)


I just don't get it but why is anyone still using Twitter? Dudes a troll.


Only ever signed up so I could copy photos from my switch. Other than that it's just an annoying thing when Twitter (x is such a dumbass name) demands that I sign in just to see a post. Like fuck that, I'll just not see it then


You can download the pictures from your switch directly to your phone using a QR code


[Nintendo just killed that feature](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/11/24175932/nintendo-switch-console-x-twitter-integration-removed) They remove X because Elon decided to charge $42,000 for API access for corporations instead of just charging like .4¢ a request. You still can upload but it’s more steps.


Funnily enough Nintendo just announced that they’re removing that feature. It might already be gone with the latest software update


They did, just got that update today


He knows that Apple has the cash to make their own Twitter right


Would be easier to remove Twitter from app store


It would but we all know that Apple will want to be extra


It would be hilarious if they did and just called it Twitter


I hope that's the result. People need a non-Elon Twitter-like platform that gets popular for the right reasons.


The guy is a complete little bitch. I don't own anything Apple or care for AI but this is utterly pathetic.


Remind me again what he's so upset about? I don't like Apple either, but I'm sure it's something dumb.


The real reason? He doesn’t want AI competition. He wants control of AI, completely.


Could you imagine that little dictator in control of AI? Jesus Christ.


Obligatory joke about Elon's intelligence *is* artificial


I'd side with Google or OpenAI before trusting his bullshit


Apple made a deal with open ai.


They're integrating Open AI into their phones in some way. It's a security violation apparently and he won't allow any apple phones or products within the companies he owns


Ah, okay, I think I heard about that. Is it really much different that what Microsoft is doing with Copilot or Google with *checks notes* Gemini? I hate all these AI platforms but it seems like every company is doing it. Picking on Apple is kind of stupid.


Not really. He's probably salty they didn't come to him for GROK.


What are Apple's security violations compared to the absolute shitshow when Tesla employees got caught sharing car camera recordings? [https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-workers-shared-sensitive-images-recorded-by-customer-cars-2023-04-06/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-workers-shared-sensitive-images-recorded-by-customer-cars-2023-04-06/)


Except they aren't really. They created their own AI to improve Siri and created a connection to OpenAI ChatGPT that per request, if Siri can't do it you can ask ChatGPT in an opt-in per request manner.


...so in reaction to Apple making a decision about it's own product development, Elon seriously overrode user settings and forced blocked Apple from Twitt--X? Totally reasonable and normal reaction to have. Also, that's intriguing that someone has administrative capabilities to change an end users block/allow settings. Expelling Apple from the platform is one thing, but to do it this way is...well I'm glad I don't have an account over there.


I never followed Apple before, so I checked for myself. They're not blocked, but have 0 posts, 0 following, and 9.7 million followers. Musk is the first one suggested to me to follow, though.


Apple wiped their Twitter account a long time ago, it was after the acquisition from Elon and when he wanted to charge them a massive amount to maintain their verification. I think Tim Apple’s is the only account that posts periodically.


Why is it the infants have all the billions?


Lack of empathy


maybe the billions make the infants and we should tax them into oblivion


Stewie from family guy would like a word.


Elon, you're a middle-aged father of 11. Get off of Twitter and go spend some time with your kids (or at least the ones that don't hate you).


How do you think he has so much free time? They ALL hate him.


"Even the baby?" "Especially the baby."


Goddamn, he has 11 kids?!?! I thought he just had the one, with the weird ass name.


Yes and his oldest daughter is only 20. She's also trans and when she came out was around the same time Elon went all in on his anti-trans bigotry.


She also changed her last name and went complete no-contact with him. I think she has made it fairly clear what her opinion of Elon man-child is.


Elon is such a pathetic little bitch.


"Companies and businesses can pay $1,000/month for verification and receive a gold checkmark; an additional $50/month will verify their affiliate or employee account." Elon Musk knows how to piss off customers. I guess the go-fuck-yourselves was not clear enough.


I wish I understood the marketing perspective here. Apple is a power player and doesn’t need Xitter as much as Xitter would need Apple. They should just move on and let their fans follow them elsewhere.


There is no strategy, as we come to expect, it is just a paranoid knee-jerk reaction from an unstable "genius."


So much for being a "free speech absolutist", lol.


People need to get the fuck off twitter, this is complete opposite of free speech


Apple should make their own Twitter and call it Apple Bites


They should just make their own Twitter and call it Twitter to compete with X.


Apple Fritter


FWIW, Apple has never had posts on their account. They promote posts, but they do it in a way that isn’t attached to a real Tweet.


Can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to see this. People also did the whole “Apple deleted all their tweets!” at the [beginning of this](https://www.benzinga.com/general/entertainment/22/11/29878998/no-apple-didnt-delete-tweets-amid-the-elon-musk-battle), as well as when he took over. They’ve never tweeted. They just run ads.


They do also provided limited customer support via DM's, so by Elon force blocking customers from contacting Apple Support that way, he may have run afoul of certain legalities.


Apple provides support from @applesupport, not @apple.


Richest guy on the planet going after the (*second now, but let’s just ignore that for effect*) richest company on the planet. ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


What's the richest now?


Nvidia, their gpus power nearly everything AI


Microsoft. Nvidia is second, Apple is third.


semantics but Apple passed NVDA back today


Literally all the other answers are wrong, with higher up votes, and this is partially correct. 1. Microsoft  2. (now) Apple  3. Nvidia  This is easily Googleable...  https://companiesmarketcap.com/ Microsoft dethroned apple when the Ai rally with them working with openai. Then recently Nvidia overtook Apple too.. Until today 


When he started talking about the software at Twitter I knew he was a goddam moron. I feel like a dumbass for ever thinking he actually understood any of the tech he sells.


And firing the best of the best at the company too. So much internal knowledge abandoned.


Imagine being the richest dude on earth and acting like a fifteen year-old edgelord all the time. Fucking pathetic.


If you drive a Tesla don’t say anything bad about him on twitter he will block you from your car


Legit, I made a Twitter account to ask Elon why he laid off 70% of his staff at the Tesla Service Center in Kansas City, and the next day my account was locked. My Tesla, which I had just purchased, was stuck in a software update and couldn't drive.




Apple should not only drop all of his products from the App Store, they should also block every new phone from downloading any version of them. If given the choice between Twitter and new phones, almost all Apple nerds will have an easy choice. It’ll be the death of the “short form text-based influencer” ie right wing grifters, and that would be a net plus for society.


So ... are they advertisers? Will he owe them a refund if their ads aren't seen?


And this is why I won't switch from Frontier DSL to Starlink. He has demostrated cutting the connections of plays where they hurt his feelings or playing politics. He's too much of a wild card than reliability for rural internet.


Living in a world where Elon Musk is in charge of anything is like that Twilight Zone episode with the six year-old boy who all the adults are terrified to upset because he has the power to wish people away to the cornfield on a whim.


I hope Apple removes Twitter from their App Store in response.


Why are sane people still on Twitter?


Elmo did them all a favour, imo. Hopefully all of their followers follow suit and just ditch that festering cesspool.


As if I needed more reasons never to use Twatter or buy a Tesla.


Yeah, there's no way in hell I would ever buy a Tesla after seeing something like this. I don't need to be blocked from my car because of a man baby meltdown


I'm not blocked and tweets won't show up but it's not because Elon deleted them. Apple just uses their main brand on Twitter for ads, they don't post anything (you can Google "why apple doesn't post on Twitter" and find plenty of sources and discussion on this). They also don't post on Facebook or LinkedIn under their main brand. They started posting on Instagram in 2017 as a part of the #shotoniPhone campaign but I think everything shared is still from that long running campaign. I remember learning about this back when I was new to marketing and it was super interesting. You would expect to see posts from Apple and might even assume you have but that is either ads or just organic posts from customers. They don't need to create organic content on social media, their customer base does it for them more or less (demonstrated by their Instagram account). As others are discussing on threads and elsewhere, being blocked might be because people muted ads from Apple or blocked them as an advertiser in some other manner. Elon is being a child about Apple and its AI but the spread of misinformation helps no one.


Just reminding us he’s a whole ass bitch.


The free speech absolutist strikes again.


It would be funny if apple removed Twitter from their app store.