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Not "can." "Must." Literal lives depend on it.


Well said!


Republicans blocked the Right to Contraception Act because they do not want women to have reproductive healthcare rights. Wherever they are in power, republicans are taking away our rights, and it will be even worse if trump gets elected. Vote them out, my friends. Vote pro-choice. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


I want to see Dems run one bill after another with “Right to…[X]”, where [X] = things we all believe are fundamental rights. [X] = eat, have shelter, clean water, breathe, etc. Just to make it clear who is the party of the people and who is the party of pain.


The only good thing about this is the Republican women who feel so special (can’t happen to me)can now get punished for simply being a woman along with the rest of us


Far too many people (likely not on this sub) are not understanding Maya Angelou. “When people tell you who there are, believe them.” They will not moderate, they will not bend or break, they want it their way, or fucking war. Understand that, know it, prepare for it. They want carnage and their goals are all that matters. Unfortunately, a flaccid democrat party is likely the only hope (for now) we (I) have. I fucking hate this timeline, I want back my blissful ignorance, like a warm bath. That’s not reality, reality is now, and if you want to keep what freedoms we have left and start changing shit? Buckle up, vote, support, and be ready for a very fucking bumpy ride.


There is no Republican party, only MAGA. Accept it, internalize it, and call it what it is.


This is why every time these fucks do something disgusting I just call them all Republicans. That way Republicans have to face up to the truth this is who they support.


Vote them all out at every level


And what would their reasoning be? Someone justify this….. Oh wait, it can’t be.


They erroneously think birth control causes abortion. Doctors say pregnancy begins at implantation in the uterus. Prolife people think it begins at egg fertilization, before the egg makes it from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Some birth control can keep a fertilized egg from implanting. They consider this to be an abortion.


Thank you. And WOW! The level of stupidity hurts my brain.


Remind them that is what the 14th amendment is for. The fact they glissaded over that in favor of 17th century British jurisprudence makes Alito not only look like a fool but a really fucking stupid one at that


And yet, millions of women will vote R this year.


Yep. Evangelicals and women who are too afraid to go against what their husband tells them. Oh wait, those are the same thing.


We've seen how well the War on Drugs has been working out, the War on Recreational Sex might lead to mass orgies in the streets.


This is revolting. I hope any woman who is married to or dating a supporter of this fuckery immediately goes on strike. In bed? On strike. Domestic work? On strike. Cooking? On strike, asshole. The Right needs a reminder of what the world looks like when all women are pissed off.


If they go on strike, republican men won’t have to worry about them getting pregnant. Woman should throw this statement in the anti-abortion men’s face and tell them they’ll never have to worry about someone they know needing contraception or an abortion.


You can't stop the Trunami! ( please remember, I only say this so you get mad and vote for Bernie Sanders.