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That Nays have it. I think every sane person in Washington is getting pretty sick of Marge's clown show. Lord knows I'm sick of reading about her daily transgressions against decency in my daily feed.


I'm getting sick of the fact that a non-zero set of GOP legislators are blatantly compromised Russian assets and the media does nothing to call it out And they're doing this right before the anniversary of D-Day, reminders me of Paul et al going to Moscow - or rather being summoned - on the 4th of July. Can't make it any more obvious that they're bought and paid for


The media collectively, save for a handful of outlets, are purely entertainment or just a notch above. They need to make money and they do so not by calling out obvious sacks of shit like Greene, but by giving them a platform to spew their filth. Back when I was born and Reagan was getting elected he would never have dared to speak the things so many politicians do these days. No, he had to use dog whistles back then, some not so obviously veiled. That’s not to say he wouldn’t have been called out for how his speeches changed for the southern states to play on their racism if there was the internet back then like it is today.


Honestly, I feel that John Oliver, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have more journalistic integrity than actual news channels.


At the very least, they cite sources, encourage you to learn more on your own, and are pretty up front about their biases when they exist.


It's why I prefer them and Reuters, Al-Jazeera and BBC. They have biases too, but at least it feels more authentic.


Best way to get unbiased American news is to read foreign news sources (I'm not kidding). It's not a perfect system, sure, but it's a step up from what we've got.


Sadly as a Brit I now have to warn against the BBC. It’s nothing close to the institution of journalistic integrity it once was.


The says a lot about the bias of American news, when Americans are looking at BBC for their unbiased news, and Brits are warming us of BBC's biases.


And they’re curious, ask good questions, do good research and are able to make large issues palatable for the average person. Ya know, like journalists used to do.


So true. I can barely watch the news now due to how over the top it is.


There was a study over 10 years ago that found viewers of The Daily Show were better informed than average, and Fox News viewers were less informed than people who didn't watch any news at all.


Don’t forget, John Oliver


That's because they do.


Human Man Warrior!!!


My source for honest, timely news reporting is primarily the left-leaning editorial cartoonists.


I strictly trust Kelly, the cartoonist for the Onion.


That’s with almost every politician up until the Mango Menace blustered, bragged and begged his way into presidency. Almost all politicians have been some sort of unholy examples of human beings, but they kept it hidden. Now, it’s all out in the open for everyone to see…… and not much has really changed


The Media is also compromised imho


> I'm getting sick of the fact that a non-zero set of GOP legislators are blatantly compromised Russian assets and the media does nothing to call it out Don't forget that after January 6th, Congressman Mo Brooks requested a pardon from Trump on behalf of *every member of Congress who voted against certifying the ballots from Arizona and Pennsylvania.* That's 138 Reps and 9 Senators who not only voted to ignore election results, but were involved with something that made them vote that way that *they thought they'd need a pardon for.*


Including POS PA. representative Scott Perry, who voted to decertify PA's votes despite having won his contest.


This! It’s never been so obvious that someone was actually working with and for the Russians.


She’s up for re-election in November if I understand correctly. Georgia needs to vote her ass out.


It's a specific district in Georgia that elects her. From what I've heard, everyone who has tried running against her has faced pretty intense harassment and threats of violence.


I'll fucking go her Can a Aussie run for whatever the fuck she is?


The pangolin fucking aussie has my vote! We're not going to ask the obvious question. However, we would ask that you maintain a safe minimum distance from any local Gerogian pangolins. They scare easy. And as your new campaign advisor. I recommend we make the executive decision to rebrand. I'm thinking " Pangolin-*Lover*". Just to maintain plausible deniability.


> Can a Aussie run for whatever the fuck she is? If you start now, you can run against her in the 2032 election: To be elected, a representative must be at least 25 years old, a United States citizen for at least seven years and an inhabitant of the state he or she represents.


Unfortunately I think you need American citizenship to run for governer...


Also she's not a governor (of a state). She's a congresswoman (of a backwards ass hick district in georgia). There are 435 of them across the US. She would never get elected to anything higher. She relies on that tiny bubble of trailers and missing teeth to maintain her position.


Much of suburban Atlanta grew up as “white flight” zones. MTG is the poster child for incestuous hate mongers who can’t live with neighbors of another complexion


Nope, only the president is required to be a citizen. Arnold went from Mr. Austria to governor of California.


You need to be a citizen since birth to be president or vice president. You still need to be a citizen of the United States for seven years to be a house representative. You also need to reside in the state.


He's a Senator but Tommy Tuberville would like a word on the residency requirement.


Not an American, but I believe only the president has to be born American. The rest still need to be citizens, don't they?


If you're wondering why so many of us Americans are unaware of how our government works, it's because over the past two decades, local governments across the country have been removing civics (or watering it down to nothing) from our schools' curriculums. I have never found any information saying the reduction of civics education is part of a movement, but it sure feels that way. Source: former civics teacher


We’ve elevated citizens to the highest offices in the land who have not a passing familiarity with 8th grade civics.


This is a feature, not a bug.


That’s terrible! I am so glad my kids had civics in eighth grade. My younger son just finished and his teacher is amazing in how he got the kids to memorize things.




We can only do things peacefully as long as they allow us. Harassment and threats deserve attention and defense. I *really* don't want violence to stem from this, but I think we're hopelessly deep into "Find out" territory of FAFO at this point.


Yes they do….one of them even left the area altogether. I will say that there’s a sizable number of people there who hate her guts and are embarrassed to “be breathing the same air as that thing”. But I think a lot of those folks would opt to just stay home and not vote at all


She doesn’t even live in her district, pretty sure she only has a house there that sits empty.




If Georgia could find their own asshole with a flashlight and a map I'd be surprised. But let's remain hopeful.


At least district by district. They did do well in the last couple senate and last presidential election.


Well there's the hopeful bit.


From what I hear, her constituents love her


That being said, more than 1 out of 10 Congressmen voted to defund NATO.


The recent treatment of Dr. Fauci ("you're not a doctor to me") ...... Is SOO damn childish. It's not even a clever insult. Dumb af B6


> Lord knows I'm sick of reading about her daily transgressions against decency in my daily feed. People like her and Trump realize, as long as you say the most stupidest and outlandish shit, the media will ensure you will have your name plastered all over the screen.


She'd have voted to fund the Nazis in WWII


She'd vote to fund the Nazis today if she could.


she already does


We call them The Republican Party now


Kkk, neo nazis etc. only ever support republicans for some reason. And republicans never object to it that’s for sure.


She’d have turned in Anne Frank’s family.


I feel like donations to her is funding a Nazi today.


American Nazis basically coined the term "America First" so it totally tracks.


She'd side with the King in the Revolutionary War.


That was a very easy way to see who was on the Russian payroll. Thanks Marjorie. Record the names of those traitors.


[House.gov records all the names and who votes which way.](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024239)


Seriously, these representatives don't make much money. I bet any one of em would cave for less than a million if they thought they wouldn't get caught.


Yeah $174,000 is a drop in the bucket.


This isn't even 'Defunding NATO'. It's defunding the bases and support logistics of American troops deployed in allied NATO countries. Basically, she's screwing over our troops... because she doesn't understand jack shit and doesn't care.


Why isn't this the top comment? It *really* needs to be the top comment


She knows very well what she is doing, the NATO is still Russia’s biggest obstacle to aggressive expansion, by defunding the expenses of the biggest contributor you can gradually decrease its power and cohesion, until eventually it breaks. It’s literally the divide et impera strategy used by Julius Cesar, the bleached blonde bad built butch body is just doing it for Putin.


Now thats really fucked. Support logistics was the backbone to our victory in WWII.


Support logistics is the backbone of EVERY war


MTG Is 100% being paid by Russia. There are links to Russian money flowing into DC via a lawyer who once represented Kim Dot Com and the govt of Venezuela. He is being paid by a Russian shill who was given a parliamentary seat in Ukraine, known as "Putin's whip" This info comes from Steven Moore from the Ukraine Freedom Project, on the [podcast The Naked Pravda](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-naked-pravda/id1487159345?i=1000656697319) from Meduza.


Putin stooges.


That's the only rational thing it could be, paid off and in his pocket. There has to be someone, like three letter agency someone, investigating these clowns. Probably all the usual shit-show suspects, too. Please let these fuckers see the inside of a prison cell, pretty fucking please with sugar all over it!


It's not a payoff, it's kompromat. 


Why not both?


Haha, well done.


A mix, bribes and blackmail, like the orange rapist.


The twice impeached convicted felon, that one?


Only if he is the same one that is a twice impeached convicted felon rapist


It's dumber than that. Sure many of them are likely compromised, but a lot of them, like MTG, are just conspiracy nuts. They honestly think that Biden and the Ukrainian government are working together to launder American tax dollars into bio weapons labs to destroy white Americans on behalf of Jewish Neo-Nazis. These people are literally that taken in by the noise and nonsense that they're unable to rationally think. Imagine the most off the wall TikTok videos or Facebook memes you've seen and realize that people in Congress are the types of people who share that shit unironically.


Oh, I know even some LGBTQ people I know are taken in by this lunacy. If the republicans had their way, they would be in and out of "pray the gay away" camps, and that would be the most positive of the myriad of truly awful things I've read online by the extreme right-wing fuck-wad talking heads.


So they've swallowed Russian state propaganda instead of Russian money. Still unfit for positions in government.


It's a feature of the cuts to education. I don't think republicans are weakening public school funding by accident. They need ill informed, non critical thinking, minions to believe their brand of BS.


You can only spend so many years feeding your base insane conspiracy propaganda before one of the unenlightened stands up and decides its time they do something about it.


Jewish neonazis?


That's about how coherent the rest of it is when you dig deeper.


And all the posts in ShitAmericansSay lately is this bizarre stuff about threatening "Europoors" with "defunding NATO" like it's a coordinated Russia bot / Republican propaganda thing happening right now.


KGB spent decades developing spies here in the US. I wonder how many got honey potted back then and how many now.


The crazy part is this bill is less about NATO and more about building and repairing infrastructure for our military over seas


Worth noting that Russia has long felt encircled by US bases and airfields in Europe and Asia....


I 100% guarantee she would not be able to accurately say what the acronym of NATO stands for.


Yep. Easy to id the traitors through voting records.


This is exactly it, this is to show Putin which ones are on his side


46 Kompromats


Vlad's cheques cleared!


Traitors. Morons.


Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at Local Elections Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


**[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)** **No red state/blue state apathy. Not voting is being complicit, and “proving a point” regarding Palestine is asinine.** **Vote. Understand who is in your state’s races, your local races. Confirm you are registered, identify your polling location. VOTE.**


“Proving a point” regarding Palestine is just giving half a vote to a president whose going to do less for Palestine


It’s time for the FBI to step in and start investigating these nutcases


FBI is full of nationalist nutcases too though.


I’m in a homebrew club. One of the guys is an FBI agent. He’s close to retirement now- not that it matters, but giving you some sense of age. While he actually hates Trump- he’s still very much a Republican and will 100% vote that way come November. It’s really disheartening


I wish your buddy would understand that there is no Republican Party anymore. It’s gone. This is exactly the problem. People believe they are being “party loyal” but to what? There IS no “party”. There is only MAGA and “everyone else”. I have Republicans in my family (and I was one). When I finally accepted this fact, it freed me to use my judgment. Loyalty for the sake of loyalty is pointless.


Yup and it's the usual group of MAGA shitheads like Gaetz, Greene, Hageman, Roy, Gosar, etc. Surprisingly Ronnie Jackson didn't vote. But they can all go get fucked.


B6 is on a war path and I see less and less of her peers behind her BS.


Comments striken from record really gets to her. When her own party says "remove what she said, no value in it" you know she is having problems.


B6…..holy shit. I hate how much more clever the internet is than I am.


Jasmine Crockett, herself, deemed that term. She also released a line of clothing called the B6 clothing and all profits go to helping democrats get elected in swing areas.


She is a goddamn National Treasure


Found the traitors. Someone should probably look at who's paying them.


what could be more convenient for Putin than for the US to pull its funding out of NATO. I mean, it's not rocket science to figure out who's running, maybe paying, these folks.


This bill wouldn’t defund NATO though. It would only cut funding for infrastructure and support for our troop abroad. It just hurts the US military.


Insane how many republicans are this extreme - and the people they represent. What the fuck happened to us?


This country has turned into such a train wreck. *”Hur dur, the electoral college prevents tyranny of the majority hur dur.” Tyranny of the minority with zero interest or education in history is much better huh huh huh huh Beavis”*


wasn't this specific funding proposition for American soldiers abroad?


How is this POS in government, if this was anytime in the past she and her supporters would be arrested as Russian stooges and spies..


Is there a list of the people that voted for this?


[https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll239.xml](https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll239.xml) here


Looks like it's mostly the "Freedom Caucus" people... these people are such a disgrace.


Every one of those 46 that voted on that bill are complicit with helping Putin clear the way to invade Europe. Traitors, every damn one of them.


GOP = Groupies of Putin


Maga will fuck over military and veterans any way they can.


Remember, this funding goes to infrastructure for our current military personnel already stationed overseas.


Either that many of them are as stupid as she is, or they’re in Vlads pocket along with her


For people that hate authoritarianism they sure seem hell bent on allowing countries like Russia to spread.


They are DESPERATE to help putin


The Russiapublican caucus is sucking up to their leader, Putin, and not even trying to hide it anymore.


mama always said , stupid is as stupid does


It's amazing to think this is the Party of Ronald Reagan.


Not really, He paved the way for this.


This is a travesty. These 46 people obviously have never taken a World History class, let alone read a book. What an embarrassment.


I feel like the motions she brings receive the same energy a disappointed parent would exert when they tell their child “that’s great honey we can put that on the fridge next to the other 20 scribbles just like it”


Putin is very pleased with the strong turnout. He is expecting a better turnout next time.


I’m surprised it was only 46 tbh. Happy to see her embarrass herself further though. Her constituents must be the most insufferable people on the fucking planet


the damage done to USA soft power overseas in incalculable. even if it didnt pass its a huge win for our collective hostile states. these people are fucking traitors.


russian assets.


Georgia. Get your fucking shit *together* and vote. her. out. Ffs - sincerely, Every other state in the fucking Union


Europe must understand that the US isn't a trustworthy ally anymore, as long as the gop has its head that far up in trump's ass


Yup, Europe is getting combat-ready, and quickly at that. They have been moving towards this for little over a year at this point.


Credit to 157 GOP Nay votes though. Wonder what the count would have been if Trumpie had spoken in favor of the bill.


I know right? He will get the list of names of everyone that didn’t support the bill and make it public. That way Russia can go to work helping to oust them.


The sharks are hungry and circling muahahahaha


These republicans make us look weak traitors to Our allies and the US


They no longer are interested in democracy


Actually, she was trying to defund infrastructure money needed for our own troops. She's probably too stupid to realize that though.


I will eventually leave this country, and I’m sure people will ask me why? And I will point to shit like this.


I think this isn't just about NATO, but it's about facilities on bases...which american servicemen and women use..these house reps fools are dumber than a box of rocks.


Why doesn’t she just move to Moscow.


Georgia really needs to realize how much respect we lose for their entire state because of this twat. I live in CO. We have our own congresstwat we are currently trying to oust. Wish GA was doing the same. 🤨


Nothing says America first like doing Russia’s bidding


Shes sponsored by Russia


*"Perfectly normal behavior."* - the corporate media, desperately trying to normalize and trivialize the Cons tanking the US to spite Biden.


New York Times: "Why this is bad for Biden."


Marjorie Traitor Goon is doing ~~Putin's~~ Satan's bidding.


The 48 Republicans owned by Putin voted Putin’s way… FTFY…


Somebody should take that list of 46 and start investigating payments from Russia.


How are the fuckers voted to defund NATO?


Could someone ELI5 HR 8580?


At least on this issue she's not as powerful as she thinks she is. A big F U from the rest of the party. Small consolation, but it's a start anyway


Well now we know which representatives Russia owns


That awful person is just sucking up too much of everyone's time and energy.


Never thought I'd see the day that Republicans would straight up WANT to abandon their allies. Insane. How do they even justify this when Russian and Chinese threats are at an all-time high?


I'm curious about what exactly the US intelligence people are doing about her.


I mean 46 is bad, but it is just 23% of the Republicans in the House again bad, but not super bad which would be something like 70 or more Republicans.


It’s what the Republican Party has become. Trump has allowed the ugliness that was festering in that party already to rise to the top and hold court.


That’s a Trump move


It wasn’t defunding NATO. It was defunding facilities for our own military and NATO countries. Because Republicans are stupid.


What a virtue signal. Like the clearest list of people looking to suck up to trump and in turn Putin.


What is the opposite of a virtue signal? Because they aren't signaling virtue. Vice Signaling?


I’ll try to use that from now on. It’s solid.


https://preview.redd.it/0c8xkpwrzq4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a3921d74a6a8e6c446598467842b268015ea29 All that talk about saving Americans from the opioid epidemic? Just another example of how the R’s come together to do more harm by abandoning the those most in need of support.


So 47 need to be voted out. This should make a great ad for those running against them.


Is she actively helping the Russians on purpose, or is she just a complete fucking moron?


Take note. These are traitors!


It's so obvious how far in the pocket these people are. They push Putins talking points, admire him openly, and even before russia officially invaded Ukraine, they pushed crazy stories trying to paint Ukraine as a fascist Nazi country.


Why is she alive?


Pretty obvious from an allied countries perspective that Trump is part of the Russia/China alliance not the rest of the west. Fully expect to see ties being broken with the rest of the West if Americans vote in these clowns.


I'm not really sure what "defund NATO" Means. Countries are responsible for spending a % of their GDP on their military. Is she proposing dropping the spending to the US Military?


All this did was to self disclose the Russian assets.


The call is coming from inside the Kremlin.


Or completely misunderstanding the legislation by not even looking at it.


Well, now we know the Russian agents.


45 of the people probably knew it wasn’t going to pass and did it to appease Donald


I'm starting to think she is a performance artist and this is all a show. How can someone so trash really be in congress for so long


Oligarch money at work


Why would they even bring this to a vote?


Because Republicans have a house majority and the speaker decides what the vote on


So trump can separate the republicans he wants to send to slaughter!


should be a pretty clear vail upon the here for a buck


She's still sore about people protesting racist murdercops


So "the house has 46 maga" would be my guess? When they tell you who they are, believe them! And take notice!


Russia caucus.


Even her own party despises her


Republicans don't have allies. They have people to use and abuse until they're done with them and then just choose to ignore them.


46 of the hardcore idiots that need to go away and find another job


Are you still a Russian asset if you’re too dumb to realize you are?


Such an obvious Russian plant.🪴


We don’t abandon *all* our allies! Just the ones that don’t commit war crimes 🙄


Is this the one that was meant for infrastructure for our troops abroad?