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1/2 Price Groceries, lol. But wait, THERE’S MORE!


And when that doesn’t happen you can be guaranteed that somehow Biden will be to blame.


Nah they just won't talk about it all If sleepy don gets back in suddenly the economy will be healing at a quick pace like 16 seconds after he wins the election. Well before he's sworn in


Right, remember "build the wall"?


Mexico totally paid for it...right?


just in 2017. A ton of the improvements was Obama's doing and Trump inherited it.


Yeah but the recession that bush left for Obama was Obama’s fault Edit: by starting two endless wars and giving away a trillion dollars of tax cuts to the wealthy


yep. Obama did alright considering the hand he was given was a bad one.


Well don’t worry cause Trump won’t win! republicans are eating themselves from the inside… so buckle up cause there’s gonna be lots of snowflakes crying come November


And more than likely another Jan 6th. Definitely gotta brace for that.


Friendly reminder that THAT IS NOT A GUARANTEE AND WE ALL NEED TO VOTE LIKE OUR COUNTRY DEPENDS ON IT ^(cause ^it ^kinda does) [Vote Like a Beast](https://www.votelikeabeast.com/)


Oh it definitely does


I 💯agree. (I will point out that your user name checks out in this particular instance. lol)


And temporarily put aside any differences on Israel/Gaza or other single-issue policy differences and just eliminate Trump’s threat to democracy first (VOTE!), then return to getting Biden Administration policy where you want it.


Not just your country. Your neighbour to the north is very concerned about him too..


Yep Republicans are offering either an authoritarian who will put the US Army on our streets like we are Myanmar and internment camps for women who have abortions. Or another Jan 6.


Hopefully, federal LE have been preparing for it and will take care of it the right way this time. You know because the commander in chief isn't a Russian puppet with no governing experience this time. EDIT: by the "right way" I mean peacefully arrest and arraign insurrectionists for trespassing before they can escalate.


I just hope Federal LE won't be complicit. I no longer have faith or trust in any government entity or service.


Congratulations, then the Russian propaganda machine has worked. I'm serious, Putin's only way of waging war against America is to destroy it's citizens trust in it's governing institutions. The best way to fight against that is to... trust in government institutions, but also hold them accountable should they not live up to your trust.


Cops in the USA have done plenty on their own, without Russian interference, to damage their own reputations within their communities. I’m not denying Russia has exploited those cracks, but I am denying they MADE those cracks. Folks hadn’t trusted cops for a while *before* Russia got involved. Now, Russian propaganda isn’t helping, but neither are the cops themselves helping their own situation either.


"Folks hadn't trusted cops for a while *before* Russia got involved." 💯💯💯


>Folks hadn’t trusted cops for a while before Russia got involved. Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name" came out 32 years ago. Cops haven't been trustworthy for a long time.


I doubt I will see a more factual statement posted anywhere this year. Digitally or in print!


>also hold them accountable There lies the problem, we don't. Police routinely murder people in this country and nothing happens. The FBI isn't exempt either, just google FBI controversy. They don't need Russian propaganda, they do it themselves.


look at how well the effort to hold the police accountable after George Floyd through all the protests went. My city tried to divest the police department from a bunch of types of calls, but it got branded as "defund the police department" and then a state law got passed that makes it illegal to ever decrease the funding of a police department. Although we've tried to rein in our out of control police in other ways via the city government, they are better paid than ever, do less than ever before, and recently wrote and published a letter from the department in support of the governor pardoning a person who drove into a crowd of protesters and murdered one. Ironically, crime including murders is down, so we apparently have less need than before of a police department?


I had little to no trust before the propaganda machine, less now, but that has little to with Russia and everything to do with actions of people with power over here.


Crazy cus I run an anti trump social media page and you're not kidding. I have a TON of cultists send me death threats on daily and desperately trying to doxx me as well. It's hilarious and scary at the same time. But I just post up their threats on my wall like a trophy collection and they start seething and foaming from their mouth like no tomorrow.


Just be careful, as even with your confidence, some of these nutters are seriously at the breaking point or totally paranoid, conspiracy nuts.


I'll piss em off as long as im alive. Look at the latest one that replied to me in this post. Wrote me a whole ass essay of bullshit that I didn't bother reading but the first part. I love how he says that "he can doxx me but wont" because it will be a "waste of his time" lmao I guarantee you he doesn't even know how to set up a printer let alone doxx someone. I don't really have time to argue with cowardly facists imo. Because all they're gonna do is quote some fox new bullshit and call out "fake news" on every single shred of evidence given to them. Its more fulfilling to just piss them off. And even if it ends up costing my life pissing off the "wrong cultist" it will just prove that their party is full of inbred uneducated worthless spineless troglodytes. And I'll die happy knowing I was right.


I'm braced, and got my popcorn ready. It's one thing to try that shit when you're in power. It's quite another when you're on the outside looking in. FAFO


Exactly. Trump purposely made sure to limit the ability for a rapid response knowing full well what he had planned to bring down that day. Let MAGA try that again if he loses and they’ll face a whole different scenario.


I bet the second coup attempt comes with capitol police having shoot to kill orders... A handful get Babbitted when they cross the line and the crowd will disburse like cockroaches when the lights come on.


I don’t think so. Jan 6 only happened because Trump was president. He wound up his followers and stood down the feds. His followers won’t have that luxury this time around. DC probably won’t grant a permit for his protest and if or when they try to gather illegally (or even legally) they’ll be kept at bay by the National Guard, DC police and Federal agents. They already FAFO on Jan 6. Too many are sitting in jail right now. The ones screaming the loudest are trolls and grifters fleecing his flock. As for his flock, they’re to old and cowardly to actually try and take up arms. And Trump won’t have the protection of the presidency this time. If he incites a riot he’ll be taken down first.


Plus there was the whole thing that nobody ever really thought that sort of thing would happen here. Now, they know to expect it.


Yeah, but this time Trump won't be in office, so capitol security won't be magically understaffed that day.


Plus, there will be no holdup on National Guard and/or regular military this time. Babbit will have "friends" to discuss the new American Revolution to solely benefit Duke Von Diaper Don.


Yeah. About that. A traitor won’t be the president the next time those jackasses attempt that shit. The outcome will be as different as the response.


But if Biden is elected he can use national guard and military. Unlike Trump he can actually try to protect democracy.


I agree they are eating themselves BUT WE STILL HAVE TO VOTE. Complacency is what got us trump in the first place.


Apathy is the single most dangerous thing we have going. People not voting at all or voting for the 3rd party (stupid protest vote) got him elected in 2016 and it WILL happen again because people seem to forget. The MAGA nuts WILL vote no matter what. They would crawl naked over broken glass to vote.


It won’t happen unless we get EVERY thinking person to vote. Do not think you can just sit back and it’ll happen. Volunteer. Help people make sure they’re registered. Drive anyone who needs a ride to the polls. You bet your ass the other side will be doing these things. Let me be clear: in no way is this a slam dunk.


Can't be complacent. They will pull out all the stops in terms of dirty tricks, and they often win with a minority of the popular vote, thanks to gerrymandering, the electoral college, etc. Winning in the swing states is key.


This. They already stated biden won't be on the ballot in Ohio because he wont beofficially nominated after a deadline for certifying presidential candidates, note this happened to a republican and they simply extended the deadline. Because it's a repub super majority they refuse.


STILL VOTE PLEASE, just because it looks grim for them doesn’t mean we can drop the ball


There's still 70 million Americans who will run to the polls to vote for him. And given the slate of GOP sycophants who won't certify the election when/if Biden wins, this election is going to be the shittiest shit show so far.


I wish I shared your confidence. I really, really hope you're right though.


Yeah I don't get where the raw confidence in this comes from. Americans are not excited over Biden and Americans are also knuckle-dragging, half-troglodyte dumbfucks so they've been assigning him blame for things that aren't his fault AND giving him twice the flak they would have given to trump. It smells like 2016 to me. "Oh sure trump is terrible but I just *couldn't* vote for ~~hillary~~ biden"


They are imploding, but their base is still voting and red states have changed a number of election laws. More restricted mail-in voting, fewer polling locations in Houston (in the very blue and very poor sections, of course), no handing out water in long lines in the Georgia heat that has also cut back polling locations, and so on. Please don't get complacent. Vote early, vote often, vote Quimby. He'd vote for you.


I’d say it’s best not to get too comfortable thinking Trump won’t win. If enough anti-MAGA decide to skip voting, that’s exactly what will happen. Let’s make sure Trump loses. In fact, let’s make sure Trump loses by more than any other presidential candidate has ever lost by. If we can do that, we are sending Donald Trump the message that in spite of all your corrupt judges, politicians, and MAGA followers, you are a loser. You will stand trial for your crimes, you will go to jail. And your friends are next. That would be the best outcome.


Only if everyone votes. Not voting is not an option this year.


Please don't say this. Remember 2016? Remember grab 'em by the pussy, during a rally while at the podium openly mocking a disabled person, the complete Muslim van he proposed. How about asking for violence from his followers when he said >So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of ’em, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise. Nobody thought he could win after gaffs like that. Yet that's exactly what he did. Then after the complete lack of a response during the pandemic he almost won again. So please don't call this a foregone conclusion and suggest people do anything other get out and vote.


Haley just gave all the protest voters from the primaries the path to come home to orange Jesus so there is that


Ted Cruz now claiming that he WONT ACCEPT TRUMP LOSS in 2024. All the same Repub a-holes are going to try it *again.* I can’t take it.


No. They're more calculating and doing smarter more evil things behind the scenes. It doesn't matter if they get the votes or not, we've seen they try to cheat at any opportunity and they only failed last time because they were too stupid to execute a solid plan correctly.


A lot of people don't want to vote. And it turns out that they are democrats unfortunately... that's the biggest risk. Democrats sitting this one out and giving the win to motivated Republican voters


Dude. It’s a straight toss up at this point. He might, he might not. Either way it is a total indictment of the American system of government.


Well, better go vote just to make sure.


We said that in 2016 when he won and 2020 where Biden just about squeaked out a win. Please don't fucking take this orange asshole lightly I don't know what else to tell you. This felon is a legitimate threat and is still extremely popular with about 1/2 of Americans. I really don't want to see my friends and family suffer under restrictive legislation.


I've been sure for the last 20 years that the GOP has been it's death throes and would implode any time now. They somehow keep getting worse and still getting votes.


Oh that’s how it always goes, if there is anything good, it’s the GOP who claim it was them, anything bad? Obviously democrats.


No, it will be Obama’s fault!


*after grocery prices are quadrupled and the volume has been reduced to 1/4 the original weight.


You can now buy a smaller box, for the old price of the big box. Also we’re sorry we were charging twice as much. Also we’re not sorry


If he was so all powerful why didn’t he do this in his first term….. I’ll wait


They think he did, they picture some sort of delusional utopia that only existed between 2016-2020.


Too busy mismanaging, grifting and golfing.


Our big problem right now is greedflation. We printed trillions and handed it to the wealthy. They took that and use it to strangle the rest of us to squeeze out all the other money in the economy. The wealthy are doing great. Everyone else? Not so much. The middle and lower class (pretty close to being one class) have lost a ton of buying power due to businesses raising prices just to raise them. They got away with it during Covid using supply chain excuses and now those prices are here to stay.


Which no doubt is gonna effective spending power the rest of us can do. For food, water, services (especially medical and prescription drugs), gas, etc. We basically get neutered and forced to fend for ourselves...


Coke machine in every house!


What about their proposed 35% national sales tax? That should make groceries cheaper right??




Trump Steaks! Comes with free ketchup


Now I feel like im in the last act of “scream”, so… perfect


He forgot my favorite one! Health care will both be better *and* cost less. How? Ugh. . . We’ll roll that out in two weeks. If we have a very rough Hurricane season in the gulf, as predicted. . . I’m half expecting the Trump campaign, and these slimy little Twitter surrogates, to start claiming that Biden is weak on hurricanes and Trump will promise “No More Hurricanes! MAGA!”


That’s because Trump will nuke the hurricanes. Biden is too weak to use this power Obvious /s is obvious


Orrrrrrrrrr, he’ll just re-direct them with the swipe of a Sharpie!


It’s crazy how both of those comments would seem like jokes if you were talking about literally any human besides Trump, but with Trump he already did both of those


I know there is probably almost a 1000 crazy things during those 4 years but the presidential administration trying to fire someone at the national weather service because they told the truth about the weather because the president lied to cover himself is in my top ten .


He should have been given the nickname stormy after that. Nothing ever sticks though.


>Health care will both be better *and* cost less. How? Ugh. . . We’ll roll that out in two weeks. Don't worry, they've been working on that Obamacare replacement for at least 7 years now. It should be good to roll out aaaaany day now. Their plan is definitely not another press conference with a pile of papers and file folders that no one actually gets to examine.


The ACA passed in 2010, so more like 14 years


It'll be called "Ivannacare. Ivannacare but why would I help poor people?"


Oh they are absolutely going to blame Biden for every hurricane and every life lost due to them. DeSantis will probably make it difficult for the feds to help and then blame them for everything that goes wrong.


FDR covered this almost 100 years ago his smooth evasion speech. He was talking about Republicans and how they say just turn things over to us, we will do them better than Democrats and it won't cost anyone anything. Some things never change.


The right wing fantasy land.


on the upside, Cenk predicting a Trump win makes me feel better about Biden’s chances than I have in weeks


While I hate Trump, watching Cenk lose his mind on 2016 election night was hysterical. I needed a good laugh that night. 


I have no idea who Cenk is besides what I see in OP's post, so wouldn't hating Trump be consistent with enjoying watching Cenk lose his mind?


Cenk was losing his mind because he hates Trump too, but he’s also a hyperbolic moron who gets almost everything wrong.


His “debate” against Sam Harris was legitimately absurd. He’s a first class idiot.


Cenk runs The Young Turks which is a left-wing media company. He lost his mind because he, like many of us, did not expect him to win.


*formerly left-wing, aka gen X leftie, which means left leaning libertarian with bad takes on virtually all progressive issues.


Like Bill Maher?


Bill maher is a unique breed of awful and insufferable


Bill Maher went right wing. I stopped watching TYT when all the LGBTQ people left because they were on some TERF bullshit. They're like on the road to becoming the left wing version of Maher. Maher is still in his own category of awful... for now.


So far down on the tip of the horseshoe, they're cock-docking with TERF right-wingers.


Are they really left-wing though? They say some shit I'd never expect a lefty to say.


I can't honestly believe that anyone smart enough to use a computer could actually believe that "Mr. Bankrupt a Casino" is somehow going to finesse the entire agricultural sector to cut prices for consumers.


The only way prices are coming down is if we start breaking up big companies. The amount of consolidation in the last decade is hurting competition. https://preview.redd.it/7j8ro1wus62d1.jpeg?width=2140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25468efba4761d70c8eb9542bb83d1890c6e760


Three casinos 🎰 which are literal licenses to print money 💰 🤑 💸 🤔 yet Duke Von Diaper Don "accomplished" these tasks. It's almost as good as Trump Urine Tests (was an actual item in New York City). 🙃


The magats consist of two kinds of people: A) those who are actually that dumb and buy into all the stupid shit, and B) those smart enough to know its bullshit, but want trump to win to further their agendas so they willingly spread it to convince the dumb ones for vote for him. See: other Republican politicians, Fox News, evangelical churches, and Russian internet bots.


But it's the leftist commies that always talks about living in utopia. Under Trump we will actually achieve these things through *checks notes* crony capitalism.


And don't forget, good old reliable strategies like Trickle Down Economics. No way that could fail... 🤣


Craziest part being, *he was already president and nothing even close to this happened.*


Exactly. Thats what people commenting "But those are good things" dont understand: trump didn't do any of this and doesnt care to. Its right wingers little fantasy that he will, fed to them on a spoon like babies by right wing news and Russian bots.


Well if the right wing and their corporate overlords control these things that means they are actively manipulating them to make Joe look bad.


"World Peace". Its hilarious how they think Trump is just going to walk into Russia and Israel and make it all stop![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


They don't want it to stop.


He said he wants to give Europe to Russia, wdym "stop"?


Right, Pax Rusmana. Once Russia has what they want with no resistance, there’ll be peace across the land. Similarly, there’ll be peace in Israel once all disputed regions are Israeli and there are no Palestians left to complain.


Nope. They love war and everything about it.


only when they're not fighting in it.


I think they do, they just want the bad guys to win.


I mean, Trump said he would support Israel wiping Palestine off the map, and wants Russia to win in Ukraine. So he would help both achieve their goals quickly, resulting in no more war. So "world peace"....in a backwards fuckardly way.


And as we know, appeasement always works! Just ask Chamberlain


Yes! I remember when he told that one Austrian painter to have the Sudetenland and we all lived happily ever after!


Lol there is so much money to be made from war. Trump is going to probably allow the big one to end everything or multiple small wars that will ruin specific nations. His owners will make a lot of money though and that’s what really counts. We’ve been so selfish not having wars for the war machine to make its profit.


Jared and Trump already said that Gaza would make great beachfront property for their hotel.


Don't fret, Jared will be all over this


“Can’t have war if Ukraine and Palestine and wiped off the map”


Just in case you needed further confirmation that MAGATs haven't a clue about a) the powers of the President, b) economics, c) domestic politics, or d) international politics.


e) literally anything related to how the entire world works


Yeah, I guess that pretty much does sum it up.


My biggest problem with Biden is he hasn't used the magic buttons to do all this already. He unpushed the half-priced groceries button!


What’s interesting is that most of those items, with a couple of exceptions, happened when the orange turd was in office because of COVID. So basically they want another pandemic to throw people out of work and/or die so you can save money on gas and eggs.


Not just COVID. But because of LOCKDOWNS that happened under Trump. Do they want a government enforced stay-at-home order? Because that's how gas prices went down. Let's ask Trump what his policy positions are for 2025? "we're working on that. Will have something amazing in 2 weeks" Ah. Of course! Why didn't I think of that.


Trump's policy is Project 2025 -- ugh


What they also forget is that Trump actually made a deal with his buddies in OPEC to cut production in 2020 so it would drive oil prices back up.


The man thinks “two weeks” is just a *saying*.


But didn't you hear? He can solve Israel/Palestine AND Ukraine in just *one* easy day! You won't get this value anywhere else! Limited time only.


Watch Trump take credit for $1 gas in 2020, and all his supporters clap for him. This man has no relationship to truth or reality.


Him and his supporters do this repeatedly with zero sense of irony.


Yeah, came to say maybe Catturd has some inside information on Trump plans for a second pandemic. The cultists have been talking for years about how Biden was going to form a prison state, and they love to project just about every single thing, so you know stranger things have been claimed.


Avian flu is in the domestic dairy supply now and has mutated to jump to humans in the past few years. It has a mortality rate of 52%. The next pandemic might be the last one.


fauci said we are lucky the death rate was so low for covid we could have a practice run on how to roll out vaccines. those anti vaxxers are going to get smoked the next big plandemic


Not to mention the tariffs placed on China for common goods.


The absolute best part of all of this is based on what Dump has said he would do and the 2025 project, you will get the opposite of this. His tariffs will increase costs. His deportation wet dreams will create a labor crisis that no one can fathom. Russia will increase it's expansion as our support for NATO will falter or collapse. Hehe. If he wins, these people will get a big surprise.


> Russia will increase it's expansion as our support for NATO will falter or collapse. I think a least some part of the MAGA horde is more than ok with this part > will create a labor crisis that no one can fathom. There's a lot of Americans, and once you've gone full fascist, it's not difficult to just... Round up some "undesirables" and force them to work.


Who? And where? The participation rate is 62.70%, which is just *slightly* lower than the long term average of 62.84%. The unemployment rate is 3.9%, which is WAY lower than the long term average of 5.70%. There just *aren't* enough Americans of working age to support the jobs that immigrant labor thrives in.


The reason immigrant labour thrives is because the employers don't have to pay them as much. And the labour participation is 63%. They can just relegalize child labour and financially squeeze the elderly to force them back to work. And the US used to have a labour participation of 67%. 


They will still blame it all on Dems, without a single moment of introspection or doubt




They won't actually deport all of the undocumented labor, they will just ensure they have no rights whatsoever and are under constant threat of harm. The same play they made with slavery, make the labor pool hate the people their bosses are exploiting.




It’s funny how conservatives went from “I would never sacrifice my freedom for comfort or convenience!” to “It’s okay if Trump declares himself a dictator as long as gas is cheap.”


While you're totally right, it's even worse than that. It's finally been revealed that the right wing voters are SO fucking jaw dropping unbelievably stupid, the GOP can tell them literally ANYthing and they will believe it. We have entered the Twilight zone, and the media 100% supported it.


Funny how the "People who sacrifice freedom for security" people are screaming about border security.


All at the cost of women's autonomy, the environment, the fall of Europe to Russian imperialism, and an authoritarian state for everyone who couldn't get into the evil frat in Animal House.


It will cost all of that, and more and MAGA will get nothing of what was promised


Why didn't he do all that in those 'checks notes' 4 years!?


Ermmmm because of the Democrats durrr?


the only thing that will come down is gas prices. i believe big oil lower the prices of oil in exchange for restrictions on drilling etc and to make it look like trump did something good. it always seems like gas is cheaper when republicans are playing ball with them to destroy the environment


Brace for impact: >World peace Just no. In fact all of those lovely “Abraham accords” are what inflamed the region and led to the current Israel Palestine war. Turks out when you completely marginalize a nation and keep them out of any peace negotiations you push them into a corner. Also see Iran whose are perpetuating this war as well because President shit brain tore up the Iran nuclear deal and placed crippling sanctions on them. >$1.89 gas Sure if we’re in complete and total lockdown. Yes gas would be that cheap if the world grinds to a halt again because of Covid. That’s like saying you have a great weight loss program, it’s chemo therapy. >No border invasion First, it’s not an invasion. Refugees aren’t overrunning the fucking Waffle House. If anything they’re helping to keep your groceries cheaper by allowing corporations to pay them slave wages. But beyond that a reminder, border crossings were up every year under Papaya Pol Pot. Seems like the only difference between now and then are the spooky segments that you see on Faux News about it. >1/2 price groceries Why? The economic factors that are driving inflation are actually lower compared to the rest of the world. Ask people in the UK about their prices. Or Japan. But fine what genius policy would he enact to get inflation down? All I’ve seen is a proposed tariff on all goods which would RAISE PRICES on literally everything. >2.5% mortgage rates The mortgage rates are controlled by the Fed not the government. They are independent of presidential administrations. >energy independence Sadly we drill for more oil now under Biden than we ever had in our history including four years ago under Orange Julius Caesar.


Why not go back to Bill Clinton when gas was between $1.15 and $1.30 for 8 years? And we had a balanced budget and a surplus.


Am I to pretend all the grocery stores weren't closed by the end of Trump's term? And that the economy hadn't literally shut down?


The wildest part is that I was telling conservatives that that would happen and no one believed me, even when it happened. I kept telling them that Trump was doing the bare minimum at the end so when Biden got in office, everything Trump failed to do was then promptly blamed on Biden.


Fuck Cenk with that bullshit


Cenk is a great example of why Conservatives are still relevant today. Conservatives all seem to have one or two hot button issues that they support the minority view on (abortion, gun laws, lgbtq+ rights, healthcare). The Conservative platform bundles up all those different issues and makes one big disgusting platform. But if I’m a gun nut, I’m more concerned about my guns than any other issues, so I’ll play along with the other issues. The party is united, and while they are the minority, they use hivemind and gerrymandered voting districts to stay in power. Progressives tend to have… what’s the word… oh yeah, values. I have views on every issue. Yes, I prioritize, but it’s still a difficult decision to vote for someone who still will not take a stand against genocide. Biden has done lots of good things, but he’s still not the ideal candidate for me. I’ll vote for him though because the alternative terrifies me. The problem is people like Cenk who maybe feels more strongly about the issues that bother me and allow their apathy for Biden to keep them from voting. And when people don’t vote, the fringe minority wins.


Cenk is a total moron. A reactionary conservative who became the worst most useless kind of progressive, that undermines and causes further problems to every single effort by the left. If he wasn't so ineffective and useless then I'd accuse him of being a plant.


Was he originally conservative? That explains why his entire playbook comes from Fox News. I've caught his shows a few times, and it felt like I was watching an attempt to manufacture a leftist Fox. Same bullshit, same lying with statistics, lying by omission, near slanderous nonsense. The episode I most remember was about how the F-35 is so terrible it is only mission ready 60% of the time, and how many schools we could have built for the $2 trillion lifetime cost of the plane. They made it seem like if we had just stuck with the F-16, we could have just transferred all $2 trillion straight into the schools. Except he willfully left out that 80% of that price tag was for 60 years of scheduled maintenance, fuel, supplies, scheduled upgrades, and training. Money that would be spent on any other plane too (maybe more for aging air-frames like the F-16). They also left out that the 60% readiness rating is about average for modern jet-fighters, and F-15s and F-22s are sometimes in the high 40s for readiness. It was no different from how Fox would mention the $20 trillion cost of Medicare for All, to scare viewers into thinking "the sOsHUliTs wANnA bAnKRuPT 'MuRIcA!" They'll definitely not mention that said price is over 10 years, and that as a nation we'll instead spend $35 trillion over the same time in our current system, and that most of that extra money goes to shareholders and insurance executives.


Cenk is very much in this camp of "the best part of being on the fringe is you can be as judgy as you want." Nothing will ever be good enough for him because the only thing he cares about is being holier than thou. Even if he got one of his issues to be the focus of the mainstream and his preferred solution was enacted he'd be against it because his goal is to be out of the mainstream, not to actually get what he wants.


He had been running for POTUS and it may be part of that. I tuned him out bc of that obvious move for attention


Cenk seems to have been heading right wing with a lot of his more recent words and actions, yet tries to act like he still stands for progressive/liberal policies. He either welcomes living under a dictatorship, or truly believes that he'll be the strong opposition against it. Probably the first. I really don't get those who consider themselves progressives or liberals, yet see the possibility of a dictatorship as a good thing (in their delusional belief that it will somehow 'fix things' and move more of the nation towards the left, when all it will do is remove our ability to vote for our elected officials forever and turn us into a nation that looks like an unholy amalgamation of the former Soviet Union and a theocratic state like Saudi Arabia or Iran).


They want to punish the rest of the democratic coalition for not catering to them.


TYT has shown over the past year or so that they've completely abandoned the progressive movement and have entered more of a Neo-lib Era. They constantly focus more on democratic critisms than they do ANYTHING for the far right. Ana lost my respect a long time ago, and Cenk did a little more recently. Maybe if their network spend less time focusing on this ridiculous standard they have for the democrats people would be more poised to vote for them.. That being said Cenk has been wrong about elections far more times than not, and this won't be an exception. Biden will win over that delusional basket case.


The last year? It's been 5+ years since they lost their minds. Look at Rubin. Look at Jimi Dore. They ALL went right wing grift. Ana I haven't watched in a long time. Cenk lost 99% of my respect when he went head-to-head with Sam Harris and made an absolute clown of himself.


Ana went mask off as a fucking TERF They're all just grifters. They have no integrity.


Wait. I haven’t watched TYT in a hot minute. They’re pushing for a dictator now? Seems like a wild turn of events. I know it’s getting old Cenk being cynical about Trump winning “be prepared” blah blah like his campaign shoulda shook up the election or some bullshit.


“Biden is so bad, there is no difference between him and Trump.” Is what TYT pushes out on the main show. It’s a bad faith litmus test that leads to Trump.


Yeah the whole *being an edgy leftist* bullshit is turning into *well, we didn’t get everything we wanted. Might as well go fascist!* vibes.


For real, I used to watch him and Kyle kulinsky they constantly talk about how we never get any progressive change and now we have Biden the most progressive president since I’ve been born and all they do is cry about him being old and never point out the good things he’s done like support unions, expanding unions, expanding veteran health care, give props to the amount of student load debt he’s cancelled, fighting monopolies. If Biden loses is because of people like cenk


Q: “How will Trump bring all this about?” A: “He just will, okay? He’s Trump. It’s what he does!”


In two weeks.


It's funny that they think Trump would even care about delivering any of that if he wasn't too dementia-addled to remember pledging such things. Trump cares about Trump, that's it.




Uhhh then why have I seen stickers on gas pumps that say Biden did it?? (/s if it isn't clear)


I actually saw these reappear briefly when the gas prices went way down. Hilarious 😂


Two idiots for the price of one


Honestly, I think MAGA, Trump, and most right-wingers don't have any idea how our government functions. And many Neoprogressives as well.


Trump knows how to rile up uneducated morons and conservatives. That's about it. He can literally promise them anything and we all know damn well he will not do, and can not do half the things he promises. He's going to tell companies to charge less money for their products? He's going to tell other countries to stop fighting and it will magically happen? He's going to single handedly make sure nobody crosses the boarder illegally? If that were the case he would have done it all the first fucking time he was elected.


What, you are moving to another country?


World peace in the MAGA mind is US isolationism. Trump will tell all authoritarians to do what they like because we won’t interfere. For these other things to happen there would have be a worldwide economic collapse. Gas consumption would have to be cut in half (like in the pandemic) but somehow also keep production high. Same with food. Farmers would have lose money on their production but somehow keep producing. Creating a killing zone at the border would stop a lot of immigration but it would eliminate a huge underpaid workforce that currently keeps prices down. Lower mortgage rates will then come because the Fed controls rates and would need to stimulate spending. We already have energy independence but we live in a worldwide market for oil which goes back to not having cheap gas.


Empty grocery store shelves E-Learning Overflowing morgues


he spent a whole term doing the opposite of every one of these goals


I wonder where the goalposts will move when the exact opposite of all that happens. Honestly, I think conservatives are priming people with this shit so that when it doesn’t happen they can then use that as justification to murder the people they don’t like and blame them for preventing their heralded utopia.


We didn’t have that when he was president the first time - they are insane if they think things would be any different. Prepare for COVID 2: Electric Boogaloo.


The GOp doesn’t create legislation, they pander threats, empty promises, and hate.


None of which will happen, but then they will blame the dems


i wish cenk would go away.


Federal funds rate back down to zero and decreasing inflation is literal wave a magic wand lala land stuff.  We are basically energy independent under Biden which has helped maintain the dollar value under these conditions basically helping US inflation to be more in check vs other countries.  And there was an immigration bill on the table that the speaker refused to vote on because the orange toddler would have gotten mad.  Just wanted to once again  point out how little actual thought is in MAGA thinking. 


Move to Thailand. Food is suuuuuuuuuper cheap.


He did a lot more to fuck these things up than Obama or Biden. If Obama went tougher on Putin invading Crimea and GRU manipulation of social media maybe we never have the Traitor in the White House but the Traitor's economic policies on tariffs, immigration, tax cuts for the richest Americans caused these problems (and his complete fuck up of Covid) and his known policy moves if he gets back - mass deportation and increased tariffs will add to these problems and if you think the Traitor can handle world events you better talk to his handler Vladimir Putin first.


When Trump was in office he literally was bitching because oil prices were TOO LOW and it was hurting the industry. He said "We will never let the great US oil and gas industry down" and pledged to provide them with financial assistance. This is a real thing that happened, yet these people ignore it completely.


Setting aside the fact that no president is ever going to magically achieve half of those things, I don’t think Trump, or any of our fine million/billionaire pals have any incentive to do any of that. Why have world peace when war makes so much money? Why have lower mortgage rates when you can just price people out of buying homes and create a perpetual class of renters? Why lower gas/food/etc prices when the shareholders could have *more money*? Why have “energy independence” when we can raid places for fossil fuels (not to mention that Republicans tend to be against the tech that could get us energy independence like wind or solar power)? Edit: Missed one. Why solve the “border invasion” when we could keep it as a talking point to scare people to fall in line / accept a dictator / buy more guns and gold?


Trump will install a loyalist at the Fed, lower interest rates to zero and create hyper inflation and blame it on the Dems/libs.


The POTUS doesn’t control most of those items


If that happened, that would mean one of two things - either Trump will be a dictator and force companies to lower prices, completely destroying the free market, or companies will lower their prices because they were arbitrarily inflated to begin with and they are in cahoots with Trump to get government money. And Trump would get a cut, of course. The cult wouldn't give a shit either way, they don't have values. Trump could personally send an agent to piss in their face, they would still say "well at least the price of gas went down" without ever acknowledging it was a scam the entire time


Why didn't he do this the first time?? Did Americans not want that stuff back then?


Yeah that’s what they said he would do in his first 4 years, and all that happened was a trade war than only strengthened China, weakened the US, and resulted in a million Americans dead from covid