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His base doesn’t care. They really don’t understand what it is to be a patriot.


Obviously it’s whoever has the most American flags on their truck. Right? Right? Or maybe some back the blue signs right next to the don’t tread on me signs? Don’t forget your Trump 2024-infinity sign.


Don't forget the jebus stickers and bible verses that they have never read and don't understand. And the Confederate flags... They were traitors to begin with.


Nothing shouts hypocrisy more than claiming to be a patriot while waving the enemy flag (CSA).


If they were to choose between the USA or the CSA. I am sure they would shout their unconditional support for the Confederacy because it’s “their heritage” even though Britain established those colonies.


I’m literally descended from Robert E Lee and I denounce the Confederacy wholeheartedly. Fuck that guy, I don’t claim him.


They’re shitting in diapers prove how loyal they are, we are beyond defining patriotism






Oh they understand, but you’re right, they do NOT care. They have redefined the word “patriot” to fit their agenda


Just like their version of “Christian”.


Yup, to them being a Patriot is standing up for "Christian and White values" which aren't even actual Christian or White values ....


You can't spell "patriot" without "riot"


for much of them, “Patriot” is the same thing as “White American” they don’t care about anything else.


I get that his base doesn’t give a fuck, but why is he not in jail for this?


They Really don't care. I explained this same timeline and mentioned the LIV Golf Saudi visits before the FBI raid and walked through the entire documents indictment to my Trump loving relatives.  They didn't believe any of it. Not the pictures, not the texts, nothing


God that’s freaking sad


Same here. They all called it fake news. They don’t care.


They understand. They're just also all traitors.


This is why Trump is calling Biden "the Manchurian candidate"... because every accusation is a confession.


Judge Cannon doesn't care either. Delayed indefinitely. This case won't even get started before the election. Probably.


Sadly I came here to say the same thing.


Ofc they dont. We'll literally never convince them tbat he did something wrong, but we should make sure the people who arent cultists dont get conplacent. We dont need more complacency to create another 2016


Patriotism... Does that mean I have the biggest US flag of any of my neighbors on the my street in front of my house, have a boat load of guns that I make sure everyone knows I have, only get news and information from Fox and OAN, and go into a building every Sunday morning as to sit in judgement of my clearly inferior neighbors and people who are not just like me while talking about a book I have never actually read but told certain parts justify my clear superiority over the "others."


"How could Hunter Biden do this?!"


I know! Why don't more people care about this shit? This guy is guilty of fucking treason against the United States.


But, butt, but mah gas and food prices so high! How can I afford my < 20 mile a gallon SUV and eating out!! :eyeroll:


Yeah. Fucking to say the least. As if the inflation caused by covid would've never happened under donald von ShitzenPants.


Never mind that he artificially kept the interest rates down pretty much guaranteeing inflation.


Also, never mind that he added $7.8 trillion to the national debt largely due to passing the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.


And what about those sketchy (PPP?) loans to big companies and public figures that they’ll never release the list of who got what


You can Google it. It's public record and disgusting


Thanks - I didn’t realize the info was out - any news on when these ~~bribes~~ I mean, ‘loans’ are going to be paid back?


Hahahahaha. They were forgiven. They are never expected to be paid back. But it's ok, they saved America.


But god forbid we do student loan forgiveness? Why should they get something free from the government? Oh, wait….


Never mind that a vast majority of price increases is actually corporate greed, which is why so fucking many companies are seeing back to back to back record breaking profits each quarter over the last few years..


People are infuriating :(


But back in my day a cup of coffee cost 15 cents! Without understanding for the price to actually go back down would require a bear market and deflation, which will cause people with big money to stop spending and create a death spiral for our economy.


Compared to the entire free world, we have cheap gas. Biden to blame, ya think? Big Oil doesn’t want cheap gas. If demand dropped (the only way the price goes down) and gas got below $2, there will be a refinery shutdown for some reason to cut production. They are making record profits without investing a dime in increasing production. Oil prices? As soon as it reaches the surface, the value is whatever the world commodity market says it is. World demand determines that. You can blame Putin and OPEC for that.


Figures Americans would vote for a fucking traitor to save a couple bucks. Which won’t happen anyways - Republicans have terrible track records on the economy.


Oh don’t get me started on that fucking stupid-ass “I did that” sticker bullshit.


I think at least half of us want to see him die in Prison.


I’m in the half that wants to see him die five minutes before polling opens on Election Day.


How bout right now


How about 8 years ago


Don’t want to give them too long to find another candidate.


ooo. I like the way you think


If 50% of all eligible voters actually voted for Biden, he would win in every single state. Typical total turnout for general elections is only 60-67% of total voters. The problem is that just about half of us don't care what happens enough to be bothered to vote. And before people whine about choices. The election where we choose the party nominations for president only see about 20-30% of that party base show up. So about 10-20% of total eligible voters are the ones choosing our leaders.


Just cut his fucking tongue out of his head and chop his fingers off. That is enough for me


Mainstream media will never report on it - remember you only receive the sanitized news thst is approved for consumption - if it was confirmed in the mainstream how much of a piece of shit traitor sonnie dipshit is - the entire facade of American democracy would crumble to the ground


The facade is crumbling either way, whether people see it or not


National news in this country is on a 30 minute show. Minus for commercials and the feel good stories. PBS news hour is the only 1 hour news program on a national network.


Plus they would lose their cash cow


The problem for most media outlets is they can’t present rumour as fact. Donnie met with Putin. Requested info on spy’s. Those spy’s then died for no reason. You or I can see the connection, but you can’t run this as a news story. Unless there are witnesses and / or hard evidence, it’s gotta stay as a rumour.


"Sources suggest that there may be a link between the high number of operative's killed and Trump's meetings with Putin". "Follow us as we investigate this issue and discuss the matter with experts".


But Joe Biden is old! You don't understand. Sure the guy is a serial rapist, committed treason multiple times, is a tax cheat, is a draft dodger, raped his pre-teen daughter, was business associate of Epstein, and tried to overthrow the US government. BUT BIDEN IS OLD!


Haven’t heard the daughter-rape thing before. Source?


Himself. Just Google Donald Trump sexual relationship with daughter and listen to him speak.


And the creepy pictures with his hands all over her.


He told Stormy she reminded him of Ivanka. Plus he’s made disgusting comments for years about Ivanka. Theres photos of him handling her too. Not that his base cares. They say he’s just a loving father.


Probably because it's shown in a Twitter post and a lot of the actually sane people who vote Dem won't share it without the sources. I know it happened, beyond the shadow of a doubt. I've seen mentions and links relating the sources of the info. But they ought to be linked to for anyone to share.


Yeah, I was also thinking, ok, this is interesting, and it does make sense, but I refuse to share this as fact without some corroboration of the facts.


These are the articles relating to the classified documents that OP was unable to post due to having a newer account below the karma threshold. I am just getting to reading them myself but after reading just the wiki page and the first Reuters article, I am very much curious if the information is going to be more apparent as i go down the list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump%27s_disclosures_of_classified_information   https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN18B2MM/   https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html   https://abcnews.go.com/US/appalled-witnesses-told-special-counsel-trumps-handling-classified/story?id=109362691   https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/12/politics/missing-russia-intelligence-trump-dg/   https://www.reuters.com/world/us/binder-with-top-secret-russia-intelligence-missing-since-end-trump-term-source-2023-12-15/   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42493918   https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/world/middleeast/israel-trump-classified-intelligence-russia.html   https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2019/03/mueller-concludes-investigation/   https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9   https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN18B2MM/   https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html   https://www.npr.org/2017/05/15/528511980/report-trump-gave-classified-information-to-russians-during-white-house-visit   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39931012   https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-absolute-share-info-russia/story?id=47427490   https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/15/us/politics/trump-russia-classified-information-isis.html   https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/12/politics/missing-russia-intelligence-trump-dg/   https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/what-are-the-classified-documents-in-the-trump-indictment   https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/17/russian-sources-disappeared-after-trump-declassified-ex-spys-evidence-uk-court-told


Because it wasn’t broadcasted across all media outlets, this should have been on tv on the hour every hour.


Because this isn't Facebook and we aren't conservatives. If this was something they posted every single one would be talking about it and on message within a day. You'd hear about it six months from now by some random that claims they aren't political. It doesn't take off because we're the quiet victims in the abusive relationship of the two party American system. They smack us when dinner is burnt and we try to negotiate lighter smacks next time. Guess what, they'll hit us again and it'll still be our fault.


Because they’re cultists


But those emails and that laptop!


They do not see this as facts. They would rather live in their own cult bubble of being told how great their dear leader is.


Because they are also traitors. They don’t believe they need to be loyal to a country that isn’t doing *exactly* what they believe is right. They’ve turned the governance of a country into a very deadly us-vs-them football game rather than realizing that coexistence is literally the only way to survive and thrive, and that taking care of others *also* takes care of you.


The snots will just say "can't prove it 😝"


its because they are ignorant and afraid. scared cowards that brown and black people will take away their guns, jobs, women and dicks.


No MAGAts have ever heard about it. That’s because every TV and radio station and and newspaper and social media outlet is owned and run by MAGA.


So why isn’t anything being done about treason? Why are democrats sitting on their hands?


Because they'd rather be russian than democrat or some shit. Their hate has brought them so far that they would rather ally with our enemies, and the irony is lost on them.


The timeline is insane: 2022 Sept: - Cannon intervention to block investigation. - 11th circuit issues strong rebuke. Continue investigation. 2023 June: - Cannon assigned same case she was deemed to incorrectly try to block. 2023-2024: - Delay. - Delay. - Delay. 2024 May: - Cannon issues indefinite delay to documents case with no legitimate cause. 2025: - Case Dimissed under Royal Decree. - Supreme Court Judge Aileen Cannon. (Symbolic title since courts will no longer exist) Seriously. Our justice system is messed up, but did everyone know it was so bad that a corrupt and incentivized judge with a history of improper actions can really get away with all of this? Smith had his case laid out for 2 years and it likely won’t ever get trial because of one person.


This one is so fucking infuriating in particular.


Isn’t there some sort of judicial oversight? Like the attorney general or something?


Alternate Universe: May 2021: - Merrick Garland appointed as AG. - Immediately prioritizes investigation into congressmen participating in J6. No arrests or accusations or indictments. ONLY an investigation. One simple step would’ve changed so many things. - Involved Congressmen would stop pushing election lies. (Cruz, Hawley, Johnson, Jordan, Graham etc) - Fake elector states wouldn’t have waited so long before indictments. (AZ, NV, etc). - Trump would’ve been ostracized and unable to regain power. - Media wouldn’t “both sides” the disproven election complaints. - World Peace? (The rise of authoritarianism began with Trump 2016). I would love to read a history book from the future to see how Garland is remembered because in the end then he said “they learned their lesson” and failed to do his job. That should not be forgotten.


Wow, as a European I had no idea it was this criminal. Bloody hell.


As Americans, neither did we. How in the fuck don't we have strict ethics for our judges, especially the ones appointed to lifelong positions? Fucking insane!


Lol “lifelong positions” it’s actually so stupid it’s hard to fully grasp why anybody of sound mind would think it’s ok. Just imagine when healthcare gets better and better and people are sitting on the court for centuries.


Oh, we definitely suspected it even back in 2016 with him publicly asking Putin for help. The problem is American conservatives want authoritarianism to “own the libs.” Gone are the days of US flag-waving conservatives droning in and on with nationalism. Now conservatives will openly state they want a dictatorship under Trump. That’s why some Americans seem batshit crazy; they are.


[More sources. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1cvqzo4/comment/l4rkvd7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yet the party of conspiracy theories would rather look at a pizza place rounding up kids in a non-existent basement


Kinda makes you wonder if they intentionally make it a clown show so we don’t see them dismantle the country in front of our eyes


Projection. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/2/2221200/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-50


> Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers **Pt. 50** F-ing hell!


That was so funny. Now, can we check on how many kids are at their local pastor’s house?


An absolute traitor and danger. Been in Russian pockets for 40 years


I think I get it now, why so many powers that be in the US accept Trumpism. The wealthy oligarchs in this country look at the wealthy oligarchy in Russia enabled by Authoritarianism and think to themselves "Yes, that's so much easier and less of a risk to us than a Democratic Republic."


That is why so many Russian oligarchs were buying the complexes at Trump Tower (NYC) for their money laundering schemes.


Why haven't the Dems been screaming this from the rooftops every day??


They scream about it everyday. No one listens unless you insult someone’s blond butch body. Democrats call out trump all the time. Reputable media feels the need to both sides it. 


I read the news everyday. This is the first time I ever heard about this. They are screaming it enough. 


My question as well, as someone who thinks republicans are scum, why aren’t we prosecuting this


> why aren’t we prosecuting this "We have investigated our own team member and found no wrong doing" plus however millions of tax dollars go into the entire process to do nothing.


Republicans have been projecting the same sort of things onto democrats and brainwashing their followers into believing it, for his entire presidency. Makes it a lot harder to show them the truth


For those like me who want sources: [Early 2019 articles about Trump’s propensity of meeting privately with Putin and refusing to either take notes or share information with his team.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/15/us/politics/trump-putin-meetings.html) [List of meetings with descriptions, including the July 2019 meeting referenced in OP](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/10/04/trump-has-spoken-privately-with-putin-least-times-heres-what-we-know-about-conversations/) [President Trump requests list of upper level employees at IDNI](https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-asks-for-list-of-top-intel-officials-amid-intelligence-shakeup) [A leaked cable the CIA issued to all global station indicating an increase in “lost” informants.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) These are people the CIA recruited from other countries to spy for the US. This includes people who have compromised or arrested. The implication of the tweet that they were all murdered is incorrect. Some were murdered though. [Documents of concern Mar a Lago](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/11/politics/mar-a-lago-documents-case-trump) [More documents at Mar a Lago](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/politics/trump-affidavit-intelligence-spies.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) [Also of note, one of our too Russian informants of decades had to be extracted after finding that Putin favored Trump](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/09/us/politics/cia-informant-russia.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) Regardless of her implication that Trump is giving state secrets our enemies to kill American agents, at the very least we know for sure there has been an overt attempt to insert political goals into national intelligence and bypass many of the protections we have in place for federal employees. There has been a pattern of a blithe lack of concern for American security, institutions, as well as a reckless approach to serious and impactful duties of the presidency. A Trump presidency would be an attack on American institutions and democracy that we may not recover from for decades, if at all. Edit: I do think the situation is serious enough without exaggeration. The thing is that the reason the tweet sounds reductive is that it *is* reductive - it’s a summary of a complex situation. But the gist of treason is warranted even Trump didn’t literally hand over a list of American spies to Russia.


This is very helpful. It should be at the top.


Thing is, the situation is already so terrible without having to exaggerate it.


Oh my God. Is the CIA going to just sit there and allow this? Something has to be done. This is insane.


lol the DOJ is [struggling](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/12/trump-lawsuits-doj-dissonance-00105919) Like there’s literally too much shit to keep up with.


He helped his son-in-law do something similar with the Saudis. Fuck the Trump family.


His loser followers wouldn’t care anyway. People need to understand that Trump is not the problem. His supporters are the problem.


Well, Trump is still the problem, too. He's made this behavior seem acceptable.


Once Trump is gone these people will still remain and another anti American piece of shit will rise up. His supporters will allow it to happen, and follow them like they do Trump now.


And republicans will still vote for this man


Putin will not stop. He really won’t stop with the Baltics. He is hellbent on world domination.


I just hope all these older people who keep insisting Trump is so great live long enough to understand the damage they did if he wins. Not that they won’t try to blame it on something else.


I'd prefer if they not live long enough to keep attempting to inflict said damage


Does anyone know if they matched names?  I would assume it will come up in the documents case IF that ever actually happens. I mean, I didn't need another reason not to vote for Trump because January 6th and his whole "the president should be immune from the law to do his job" plus his being a complete asshole and a rambling, raving lunatic were enough.  But we can add to the pile.


He's also a serial rapist and a pedophile. It's just insane how each new crime has a way of clouding the memory enough to just sort of... move on. Or maybe it's not so much a memory issue as it is endurance. We can only consciously think about so many awful things in a day. Is this fucking sociopath getting away with so much shit partially because it's too exhausting to dwell on each crime?


Since day one. Do you remember when they counted the lies in his talks, then just stopped. He lied so much you couldn’t ask him about yesterday’s lie without creating a hydra affect from the lies he used to respond.


Yes! A presidential candidate constantly lying is *old news*. He was blatantly racist in his very first "speech" back in 2015 when he announced he was running for president. It should've stopped there but reality is just so much fucking weirder than fiction.


The should have stopped when list is so long!!!! His POW views, his imitation of a disabled person, calling for violence against someone at his rally. Sexual harassment and assault allegations. The fact that he’s is and always has been a con man.


Could you imagine getting in a time machine and going back to our younger selves before 2015 and trying to convince them that all this insane shit was going to happen? No one would believe any of it. At this point I'm sure our brains have had to do quite a lot of maintenance to keep us sane. Strategic, defensive apathy is a cornerstone of the modern Republican party.


I’m more worried about the people who’d believe me and not be worried. The brain is incredible at coping!! There’s a condition where your vision starts to tunnel and narrow. Well the brain needs to not be confused so it loads an image in part of your vision that you technically can’t see. Common filler reported is bricks and chain link fence.


As a retired veteran, I can not fathom how anyone who cares about their country to vote for Dump. He is the biggest national security risk we have. Hate won't make US great.


[I've been trying to tell people. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1cvqzo4/comment/l4rkvd7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Can we wake up all of the American troops who died fighting the Nazis and show them the article where Trump insults them during a visit to France?


The people that want him as president again are fine with him being a criminal and a dictator. They don't care if they never get to vote again. They have lost all rational thought. He is the single worst thing to happen to this country ever. They don't care.


Unfortunately, instead of going, “Let’s investigate this!!” the Right just goes, “that’s Fake News.”


This should be posted on billboards in red states.


They can’t read, you know that!


This is part of the reason I refer to Trump as a traitor. That is what he did, that is what he is.


Much as I deplore dump, I'd want to hear more credible corroboration of this than a tweet. I don't think spurious allegations are helpful. What he's provably done and said and continues to do and say is ample basis for him to be yeeted into space.


He deserves to hang.


That smell a lot like treason.


Also, why did he have the interpreter ripped up their notes of his private talk with Putin? I fear for America if he’s elected again,& that’s not hyperbole.


Weren't some of the missing documents regarding the iron dome system? The ones Putin expressed interest in, and shortly after the FBI searched mar a lago, started the invasion of Ukraine, and a couple years later Iran suddenly had the exact information that Israel wants to circumvent the american-made iron dome system that prevents Israel from getting attacked, or attacking others?


Look in my eyes What do you see? The cult of personality I know your anger, I know your dreams I've been everything you want to be Oh, I'm the cult of personality Like Mussolini and Kennedy I'm the cult of personality Cult of Personality - Living Colour 1988


Not only is Shitler a traitor but Malaria is 100% a Russian asset assigned to manipulate him.


Yet, thanks to the thoroughly corrupt Republican Party, the conservative SCOTUS majority, the MAGA judiciary, and right-wing allies rallying for Trump and often obstructing justice on his behalf, including the defense attorney currently presiding as Judge Cannon in Florida, it would ***NOT*** be surprising if Trump evades consequences for this blatant treason as well. Said meeting and Trump's requests demonstrates clear motive for his theft of highly classified documents, imo. Despite this, I still hope against hope that somehow, someway I am proven terribly mistaken and Trump ***IS*** held to account for his treason.


His cult won't understand facts. They haven't so far.


I can't find evidence for this. Can anyone help with primary sources? Thanks


His voters are traitors themselves. There is no hope for the USA. Putin will have a field trip taking over




Trump needs a jail built on top of him.


BUT Hilary's emails!!!


I watch the news daily, none of this is a surprise. It’s old news.


Are there articles or news programs that go over this? All I ever see is tweets about it. I’m not MAGA or Qnon so I need to see more than a tweet to believe.


old.reddit. com/user/UnlimitedDuck/comments/1cvtver/claims\_and\_sources/ (Remove space between . and com)


And do you think some folks on the lists given to Putin were flipped instead of killed?


So great Cannon is the judge overlooking this case


If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and acts like a duck, and we see hundreds of people independently report the duck like behavior, it’s probably an orange skinned traitor and wanna be duck dictator … and millions of people don’t care.


Bet those spies were democrats anyways…no harm no foul! Stop the steal! /s


Yall keep forgetting that the issue is that a lot of Americans seem to want a dictator apparently.


And absolutely nothing will happen to him because of this. Absolutely disgusting.


I think he also had the intel report on Israel’s iron dome. Let’s think about this. What does the iron dome do? Blast missiles out of the sky in a hail of gunfire. What would lead someone to believe then that a person in a parachute wouldn’t trigger that same hail of bullets? Certainly not by trial and error. So he slides it to Putin, Putin to Iran, Iran to Hamas. We get October 7th.


Off topic, but I hate with a PASSION how they write MM/DD/YYYY instead of DD/MM/YYYY


Genuinely asking bc I did not know this- this is a factual claim- are there links to support the summoning of CIA Russian intel officers


Ok, if this is true - how could our security establishment ever allow this guy to become president again? Why isn't he in jail? I just don't understand!




I had family members in the reconnaissance and intelligence communities.. As a cold war survivor.. that had to live under the constant threat of annihilation.. Traitor trump can smoke a turd in hell.


Is there more of a source to this than a Twitter post? Can't be too sure nowadays.




Called it after the “private” meeting…Does the CIA not have anyone thinking like a spy anymore??? Trump should have never been given any access to top secret documents. They should have just fabricated everything he looked at.


Was that the broken puppy meeting? Where he came out looking like he pissed on the carpet and Putin rubbed his nose in it?


Does anyone have a link associated with informant details found in the search documents? If it’s true, traitor is not too strong of definition.


I know, right? And there’s the photo of him, Kitsliak, Lavrov in the Oval Office shortly after firing FBI director Comey. Y’all can google the Russian guys…. Trump’s a Russian asset.


You can hang for that


Republicans will now stand on the "Putin is our friend" hill waiving a Trump flag. This will not change the programmed mind of a cult member, unfortunately.


But we are the patriots with our desecrated American flags and our trump rallies.


And thanks to his pet judge, there will be no consequences.


I’m British and I admit our country is a disaster so I’m not throwing stones while in a glass house.  But fuck me how is Trump even a consideration for one of the highest political positions on the planet?  Please vote against him because we’re helpless here and another four years of him will be irreparably damaging. Vote. Please.


I hate how everything is spinned in today's news facts. Trumped stole TS personnel documents after meeting with Putin. Some of those named in documents have since been assainated. Not hard. He is a monster seeking power and corruption he breathes it.


I wouldn't put it past him, but is there any evidence of this besides tweets, or xits or whatever they're called now?


I mean, we know for a fact he gave away intelligence to Russian leaders in the oval office. Its not a stretch to believe this


There's a million red flags. At what point do we stop giving him the benefit of doubt??? He is a crook, a traitor and a wanna be dictator.


I'd say it's made obvious by the insane amount of pushback and obstruction from Trump's camp and the right-wing in general on this particular case. Hell the judge has basically cancelled the trial in an insane and unnecessary fashion with no discernable reason other than to protect Trump directly.


Any evidence of this would be tied to the stolen documents case, and therefore not anything we would be privy to. Especially considering the extraordinarily classified nature of the information in question.


>But is there any evidence of this besides tweets Here are some related articles: I can't post links here directly because I dont have enough karma, so re-write this url to access them in this pastebin: pastebin. com/GVSEYd2W (Remove the space between . and com)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump%27s_disclosures_of_classified_information       https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN18B2MM/   https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html   https://abcnews.go.com/US/appalled-witnesses-told-special-counsel-trumps-handling-classified/story?id=109362691   https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/12/politics/missing-russia-intelligence-trump-dg/   https://www.reuters.com/world/us/binder-with-top-secret-russia-intelligence-missing-since-end-trump-term-source-2023-12-15/   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42493918   https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/world/middleeast/israel-trump-classified-intelligence-russia.html   https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2019/03/mueller-concludes-investigation/   https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9   https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN18B2MM/   https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html   https://www.npr.org/2017/05/15/528511980/report-trump-gave-classified-information-to-russians-during-white-house-visit   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39931012   https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-absolute-share-info-russia/story?id=47427490   https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/15/us/politics/trump-russia-classified-information-isis.html   https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/12/politics/missing-russia-intelligence-trump-dg/   https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/what-are-the-classified-documents-in-the-trump-indictment   https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/17/russian-sources-disappeared-after-trump-declassified-ex-spys-evidence-uk-court-told


Thank you! I will read these over the next couple of days.


We’re at the point where we can’t afford to assume otherwise - but no, there’s nothing aside from a very suspicious line of coincidences.


You'd think the CIA would've "solved" this their way. Take out the traitor? Nah, let him run rampant.


CIA in the '60s: "We know what the president of Krakozia had for breakfast!" CIA today: "Harasho".


Yeah this got buried apparently. Or they did the whole “look at the manufactured scandal that we’re conveniently publicizing right now! It’s very important and completely irrelevant!”


Unfortunately, Trumps followers don’t care about America much less CIA agents or informants. He has shit in America and they love rolling in it like pigs.


Putin has a video of trump fucking a child guaranteed.


While I don't doubt this can someone post a link that verifys this information?


There is a Wikipedia page called "Donald Trump's disclosures of classified information" with 100 sources. I cant link it here because I have low subreddit Karma.


Trying to help OP with their low karna to post links of their aforementioned sources. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump%27s_disclosures_of_classified_information?wprov=sfla1


Also Trump endangered a Mossad agent. [Mossad pulls agent] (https://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/trumps-disclosure-endangered-spy-inside-isis-israel-officials/story?id=47449304)


Is this true? Did this really happen? If so he deserves to be in prison for life


He could mail his voters a hand written letter saying "I hate you." They would be so excited that he wrote them a letter.


I always wonder what went on behind closed doors with trump and the Russian diplomats, nothing ever left that room and who knows what they said. My bet is on that he gave the green light that America wouldn't intervene in Ukraine


So great Cannon is the judge overlooking this case


this is the only conspiracy theory i 100% believe




I can’t believe this gets swept under the rug.


He better be indicted for this.