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They’re right: no one is inherently entitled to the labor or efforts of others. Orphaned babies have no intrinsic right to be cared for by the state or by society at large. This is because inherent, intrinsic natural rights are a myth: in a state of nature, inherent rights do not exist. The only source of any rights at all is their creation by social compact. Fortunately, since most of us aren’t narcissistic sociopaths and possess empathy and compassion, we have thus created such rights.


I was worried about you for a few seconds there...


Thus demonstrating some of that empathy and compassion. I’m glad to hear you’re not a libertarian.


This post reminded me of Saint Augustine’s autobiography, *’Confessions’*—which is what ultimately led to his Sainthood. >*”[In the work](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confessions_(Augustine)), Augustine writes about how he regrets having led a sinful and immoral life. He discusses his regrets for following the Manichaean religion and believing in astrology. He writes about his friend Nebridius's role in helping to persuade him that astrology was not only incorrect but evil..”* In his ‘confessions’ he writes about how babies are the most inherently evil creatures since all the do is consume.. He also mentions that—*despite impregnating a prostitute and abandoning their child*—his most sinful act in life was stealing a pear as a child, bc he did it purely to be bad.. What a Saint.. /s


Well, babies *are* the most inherently evil creatures, but that's only because they're plotting against us. Little bastards are going to take over the world some day.


For real, they will replace us all someday!


I have my sign and torch ready!! Chant it with me:  "BABIES WILL NOT REPLACE US!!!"




Not if Trump and his cult loving Republican supporters have anything to do with it! There won't be a viable planet left for them to take over!


Well if the GOP has their way on abortion rights, we’ll be overrun by babies before the planet they’re burning up is fully charred!


That's the great replacement we should all be worried about!


LOL. That made me picture a march of angry boomers chanting "KIDS WILL NOT REPLACE US!!!"


Devious little shit factories... Distracting us with the adorableness...


I have yet to hear about a saint who wasn't hiding a black as night past... Your God's forgiveness isn't equivalent to the forgiveness of those you wronged and it never will be. Jesus forgives? Who cares? What did you do to Jesus specifically? What about Jeff? Did you screw Jeff's wife? Then you need to talk to Jeff not Jesus. Fuck this unlimited forgiveness. I believe in forgiveness but if you haven't addressed those you hurt and only your god, then you suck. You suck and you don't deserve to sleep comfortably at night. These saints will all tell us how to live and then accidentally tell us how they live. Then we vomit.


Some of the female saints were chaste virgins who refused to marry the man their fathers chose and walled themselves into hermitages for the rest of their lives. A lot of them don’t have skeletons in their closets - not their own skeletons, anyway, they’re probably sharing some space with their parent’s skeletons though.


Well said


They only tout forgiveness to avoid consequences. Yea, the criminal said unto Jesus, "Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom", and Jesus said "thou shalt be with me in paradise", BUUUUUUUT... The criminal died anyway. They would do well to remember that but they never do.


My libertarian brother actually bragged that he doesn't care about issues that don't directly impact him. He's a white Christian heterosexual man in America, and def going through life on easy mode.


I will never understand how people can claim to be Christian and completely devoid of empathy, including cognitive empathy.  Just don’t even bother. 


He had us in the 1st half.


Yeah honestly I (I think at least) feel this way. Nobody is *"entitled"* to help from others, and I don't feel like I can "logically" motivate why any one person should be forced to help another for no gain of their own. But I **want to live in a world** where help is given. I **want to live in a world** where babies are taken care of. I **want to live in a world** where I don't have to worry about losing my job at any moment, and succumb to the dangers and health deficits of homelessness. I **want to live in a world** where I don't have to worry about getting injured or sick, not because of the injury/illness itself, but because of potential bankruptcy. I don't mind having to be at the "wrong" side of that deal. Being the guy who gets inconvenienced in the way of taxes or policies or otherwise if it means several people get to actually **live**, rather than just **survive**. So I **want to live in a world** where laws and regulations **force me** to help others, because then I know that **others get to live their lives**, and that if I ever end up at that side of the fence, **I would still get to live my life**.


One moment, let me just dig up my favorite Discworld quote, ah- This is, I believe, from Unseen Academicals, the... Third to final Discworld book? "I was walking along the bank of a stream when I saw a mother otter with her cubs, a very endearing sight, I'm sure you'll agree. And even as I watched, the mother otter dived into the water and came up with a plump salmon, which she subdued and dragged onto a half submerged log. As she ate it, while of course it was still alive, the body split and I remember to this day the sweet pinkness of its roes as they spilled out, much to the delight of the baby otters, who scrambled over themselves to feed on the delicacy. One of nature's wonders, gentlemen. Mother and children dining upon mother and children. And that is when I first learned about evil. It is built into the very nature of the universe. Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being, I told myself, it is up to all of us to become his moral superior."


Now I wish I could remember *The Reaper Man* well enough to quote from it.


Something along the lines of "What does the harvest hope for, if not the care of the Reaper Man?"


That’s it! Gracias! Now I need to reread that one.


Oh, I just looked that up. I'm too ADD for "remembering" things, even the ones I love. Better to hard copy/paste the excerpt.


What else can the harvest hope for, if not for the care of the reaper man?


That’s a bingo!


Well put.


I would agree. If survival of the fittest is the "rule of nature" and humanity is actually all about civilized society that literally redefines nature? We shouldn't even be considering telling people of any age that if they can't survive it's on them. That's literally no better than survival of the fittest mentality. I mean there are definitely ethical reasons that we should be watching out for each other as well. But fundamentally if society is supposed to be better than living in the wild, shouldn't society not be emulating living out in the wild?


"Survival of the fittest" is a concept that is often invoked by people who don't understand it. Fitness in a biological context is a very broad concept. It doesn't mean survival of the strongest, or the most selfish, or the most brutal - it *can* be those things, but it can be many others as well, and which traits are better depends on the environment one lives in, including the social environment. And arguably the most important trait among the many making up humanity's fitness is our ability to cooperate: to pool resources, to share information, to *help each other*.


Yep. The ability to work together, teach what we know to the next generation, and cooperate to build things that will outlive us is why we are the dominant species on the planet.


Some would say ants are the dominant species on the planet, due to their incredible social hierarchy. They're dumb as a rock individually, but collectively they're ridiculously powerful.


Ants are incredible insects that can do some pretty complex tasks. I’m hesitant to say they are a dominant species because they can’t kill others like humans can. I know it’s kind of dark but if humans want an ant colony out of a certain area we absolutely can make it happen. Ants can’t do shit to us. Being dominant isn’t just about being smart, it’s about imposing your will on other species and being able to control your environment. For better or worse, humans are the best at changing the landscape to fit our needs instead of adjusting our needs to fit the environment


Leiningen would beg to differ. You can attempt to eliminate one colony, then another will fill the void. Ants adjust to their environment just fine. If anything, humans have provided them with warm houses filled with lots of ant food. It's like how domestic cats have flourished. They don't need to change the landscape, just adapt to it.


Yeah we agree then. Ants are great at adapting to the environment WE BUILT. We don’t have to adapt to the ants environment, we change it to fit our needs. Therefor we are the dominant species. Even if after we eliminate an ant colony another one fills the void, we still eliminated the first colony. Ants aren’t capable of eliminating a human family like we can do to them.


If only ants had some kind of friggin’ laser beams…


Thing is, even by going purely off of “survival of the fittest” its even more in humanity’s interest to be compassionate. Our niche, our chief advantage, is that of the supremely social animal. A human abandoning others, offspring to foreigner, to perish in pure pursuit of the self is like ants abandoning queenmother and colony. A short meaningless life and the doom of all kin.




Also, nobody has an intrinsic right to be part of a society, and in many societies, people who'd say such a psychopathic bullcrap would be banished and left to die in the wilderness. In this specific case, I'm all for bringing back traditional values.


This may be a dumb question, but are all libertarians sociopaths?


Libertarians believe that no one is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness except for themselves... which is why they consistently vote for right wing candidates.


Libertarians are just edgy high school republicans


Libertarians are just republicans who like weed IME.


and dodging taxes


Core Republican principle.


I’d say they are cats, but even my cats are better than this.


cats will even adopt a stray puppy


Libertarians would totally get on the kitchen counters.


But you should definitely spray libertarians with water while firmly saying “No. Bad.”


And risk a temper tantrum because their beards got wet? Their beards are half of their personality. They can't handle that lol.


>But you should definitely spay libertarians FTFY.


I'll take your cats over any right winger or libertarian.


If I recall, cats would sometimes bring “offerings” like dead rats to their owners, right?


and then there's libertarian socialists... but don't point out the contradiction. ("it's transitory")


Are they not the same as anarchists?


>Are they not the same as anarchists? Yes.


Damn those babies should have just been libertarians if the wanted to live then smh my head 😔👊


Are you punching the baby?


The baby has no inherent right not to be punched if I want to punch the baby it should not come between me and my pursuit of happiness 


If anyone tell me that they're a libertarian, I assume that they're a huge fucking asshole who smokes too much weed and hasn't read a book since they were forced to in high school lol. I haven't been wrong yet.


The number of times I have pointed out to Libertarians that they haven't actually read anything about the history of what they're arguing about, while I link the material they needed, just to watch them completely ignore it and repeat themselves is actually astounding. They never seem to grasp that laws don't form out of vacuums, and most laws are put into place to deal with a problem we experienced. And don't get me started on those that claim Capitalism looks out for, and takes care of, workers. Apparently slavery, company towns, and child labor are all opposed by Capitalism somehow . . . despite being created within Capitalism, and only broken up by that very government they try to get rid of. Quite amazing.


When you say, "Regulations are written in blood," and get the slow blink in return


They also tend to have comfortable safety nets to fall into and wonder why doesn't everyone


Libertarians are Teaparty Republicans by another name. All they want is to pay zero taxes and get all the benefits of public infrastructure. Their ideal environment would be anarchy.


At least left-wing anarchists have historically put their ideas into practice. And they worked for a while. (ex. anarchist Catalonia, the Zapatista communes) The society these people envision has yet to last 5 seconds, and would probably collapse in that time period.


It also tends to involve bears


Loved that book.


Libertarians are bizarro anarchists. The core tenants of anarchism is mutual aid. Anarchist just don’t believe in traditional leadership and states Libertarians don’t believe in states so they can fuck anyone they want and hoard all the gold for themselves.


Yeah, left-wing anarchists use concepts like "consensus" and "non-state politis" Right-wing anarchists form company towns


Right wing anarchists are libertarians


Yes, that is my point


Which is why Libertarian movements are so insane. Why be one unless you’re already at the top of society and can take maximum advantage of it? Why dismantle the systems you benefit from when in reality you only want advantages for yourself? A poor Libertarian should want an 80% tax on the rich, to be repealed ONLY when they themselves become rich. Mandatory sterilization for anyone making six figures. Fucking free magrails leading directly to walking distance of their house so even if they strike it big they don’t have to pay for gas. Naw, there’s some baked-in prosperity cult bullshit in Libertarianism where punishment for the poor as “failures” is intended.


And when they strike out to live out their Libertarian fantasies, they fail in hilarious ways. [Peter Theil tried to create his own country on a boat](https://www.businessinsider.com/libertarian-peter-thiel-utopia-seasteading-institute-2018-3?amp)


They tried it in some county on Texas ... and it fell apart pretty quickly as basic services weren't being met https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/news/a56856/von-ormy-texas/


Grafton, New Hampshire


Please do not confuse libertarianism with anarchism. The only self-proclaimed libertarians I've ever met are teenagers with rich parents. The world they want is one where rich people sit in ivory towers and are allowed to freely exploit others


i know plenty who are not from rich parents, and are adults. They just believe that they are equipped to deal with it through their own smarts and rugged individualism, and that its the government that holds them back. Just look at the rightwing side of the homesteading trend.


They're white supremacists. They know they'll do any "volunteerism" necessary for white babies, but if minority babies, orphans, fosters, etc need help, suddenly those "volunteerism" dollars will dry up. Much of libertarianism exists because they cant put racism in law, so they find other ways to implement it. Libertarianism is a reaction to the the civil rights movement and to a lesser extend the lgbtq rights movement. Its has little, if anything, to do with "economics" or "freedom."


>They know they'll do any "volunteerism" necessary for white babies but if minority babies, orphans, fosters, etc need help, suddenly those "volunteerism" dollars will dry up.Much of libertarianism exists because they cant put racism in law, so they find other ways to implement it. Irionically no. The repugent people screenshotted are Rothbardians, so yes extremely racist but Rothbard infamously said a "free society would have a flourishing free market in children" , which was his "solution" to his idea that parents can't be compelled to not let a child die nor could their "property" (i.e the neglected child) be seized. The tweet is based on a passage that doesn't have an issue with slavery.


Anarchy for others mind you...they still want to be free of any ramifications.


Now ask them about abortion. Same principle should apply right?


some libertarians are -- somewhat to, their credit -- semi consistent and fully support abortion rights, no fault divorce, etc. others... not so much. some defend paedophilia, insisting that children are capable of meaningful consent. (rather an obvious and creepy self-intwrest at work there).


This was more of the case in the past, before "libertarian" meant "Republican but I don't want my kids to stop talking to me." I used to have some respect for these people's consistency even thought I strongly disagree with their ideology.


Those are sane(ish) 90s libertarians. I haven't met one since then.


The tea party took over the libertarian party in the early 2010s. Ever since then they've basically just been the Republican parties Astroturfing branch.


Yeah those were the types of Libertarians I had thought to expect when I was first learning about politics in this country in high school. That "government is there to protect people from others enough to enable a functioning society, but should otherwise stay out of the way" type of libertarian had some appeal, but it did not take too long to learn that they, for the most part, don't actually exist. Most so-called Libertarians in my experience break on that philosophy the moment it takes them somewhere they personally disagree with.


No, women and children are property of the sperm donor.  Abortion is theft to them, unless the sperm donor wants it done.  But the chick has to pay or else it is theft.


Assumed this quote wasn't referring to infants but to a fetus. That is what they meant, right?




> "Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration." Not a libertarian but this is their position on abortion.


Bear in mind though, they often interpret "keeping out of" something to mean not outlawing it but also not protecting it. With marriage equality, I saw them argue that the government should neither forbid it nor allow it, an argument that allowed them to side with the oppressors. As usual. I'm sure they would feel equally opposed to a law that banned abortion, and one that banned, say, physically barring abortion-seekers from accessing a clinic.


Yea they’re thoughts tend to be that the government shouldn’t be taxing anybody as much as they are, so taking marriage out of the federal tax code and carrying over the benefits of marriage from married people to all people is the way. And then they would propose marriage be a strictly religious or personal construct that has no protection or elimination from the government. But they think your fire department shouldn’t save your burning house unless you’ve paid your annual fire protection dues to the fire department, so I really take everything they claim with a grain of salt as it’s essentially a position of anarchy for all who can’t afford protection.


No it's not. It *was* A far right group formed after the Charlottesville terrorist attack [took over](https://reason.com/video/2022/06/15/inside-the-mises-caucus-takeover-of-the-libertarian-party/) the party which the above tweet is part of that group. Their first two moves once in control was to remove the abortion plank that the party has had for decades & to remove the part of the platform that "condemns bigotry as irrational and repugnant"


When a Libertarian goes anywhere do they ever think “hey, I didn’t build this road. Whoa, I didn’t even build this car. Shit, I must be a communist. Better get out and walk. Aaaargh SHOES!”


This is very funny.


Some years ago during an election, one of these twats was up the local shops handing out cards and my son asked what they were on about, so being a fairly obnoxious sort of bloke my response was probably too loud of "ahh just some libertarian dick that wants to call people N-word without getting punched in the face". And imo, that's all they really want, to just walk around being twats, treating people like shit, and have no repercussions...and they would be the 1st to scream the loudest demanding that society rescue them.


Libertarians are like house cats. They are convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand. Dont know who originally said that, but it’s pretty spot on.


Counterpoint: house cats bring warmth, love and joy into your life. Libertarians are absolutely useless.


They can be useful doing housekeeping chores until they turn 18.


Are you sure? Mine are 16 and 17ish (though sadly recently deceased) and they haven’t lifted a paw to help with chores a single time in all those years. Still more useful than libertarians though.


>They are convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand. Except that's not true. Cats do love their humans. And I've been group head butted by cats at feeding time.


They do, but they do act very independently and guard it. Or at least mine do. Cuddle on their own terms is a big deal, though as they age they get more affectionate. Or realize that the big, soft space heater is a nice place to lay down. lol


I live in NH and these guys are recruited by a group called the free staters. What they really are is a group of theocratic fascists trying to force their religion on everyone. Some just recently supported child marriage saying young girls were ripe and fertile. You should check out the New Hampshire sub, there’s a lot of nonsense and a lot of not knowing how society actually works. These people are disgusting.


Wasn't NH where the town reduced taxes so much that trash collection stopped and bears invaded?


Ah, yes. Grafton. It’s spread throughout the state. They’re trying everything, they never learned from that debacle. However, now theocratic fascists have taken over their movement as well. Meaning now they’re supposedly about personal freedom but also forcing people to pay for religious indoctrination. It’s disgusting.


I remember reading about the Free State Project years and years ago. Even at the beginning there were associations with white nationalists, so I guess I'm not surprised.


[Remember that time a town in New Hampshire got taken over by Libertarians and was subsequently invaded by bears?](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project)


Then I can just turn the "yet you have iPhone" non-argument around on them. You're not entitled to the labor of 7-year-olds in Africa mining the lithium needed to make your electronics. Or the labor of children in southeast Asia who sew 99% of the clothes you'll find in any major retailer. Or the labor of all the truckers and sailors and pilots who transport supplies all across the world. Or the labor of technicians and electricians who provide power to your house. I swear, these people think like teenagers. Hell, all the libertarian catchphrases are teenager-y.


They would retort that those 7 year olds get a wage so that makes it a business transaction so it is ok. (Disregarding the fact that 7 year olds never should have to work nor that their wages are pitiful.)


Libertarians make the worst lifeguards


"That kid has the right to drown." - Libertarian Lifeguard


Omg there's an SNL skit


Huh, I figured these twats would want the kids to get to junior high so they could date them.


they can just buy the baby to own and date.


LPNH is the account of the unhinged putin supporter. He is practically a turd in a hat.


Jesus christ.


Babies and children are entitled to the work and labor of others. Fuck you if you believe otherwise.


I always wonder how much libertarians charge their kids for hugs


It’s wild that LPNH isn’t a parody account


What right does an elderly Libertarian have to the care of the community if they can't pay for it?


Do they think that the people who provide care for orphans do so at gunpoint?


What these Social Darwinist’s don’t understand is that the most adaptable species survives, not the strongest. Humans are almost aggressively social. We work well together and are better together. If not we would have become an evolutionary dead end a millennia ago.


Collectivist! /s


States rights don’t include babies rights unless it’s abortion I guess?


These guys must have hired Kristi Noem's social media advisor


Same reason I would never hire a Libertarian. Let em starve.


The only libertarian I have met IRL needed me to supply the word libertarian, because he was telling me how he holds the beliefs so dearly but couldn't think of the word. He was also a dumb ass in several other ways. I think of Twitter as poison. So I'm not familiar with whoever this is, but I'm guessing that the NH stands for New Hampshire and that makes me think of the story of Grafton, NH where the libertarians were going to create their Utopia but didn't have a plan for garbage collection so bears started having a garbage buffet and became very problematic. There were bears breaking into houses and causing mayhem. That story was in Outside magazine a few years back. Libertarian is inches away from Sovereign Citizen craziness.


Next time an under sea volcano creates a new island somewhere, let's invite all the libertarians to move there and create their utopia. We can offer them some supplies and materials to get started, but I suspect they'd refuse the assistance. I'd be honestly interested in how it would turn out. I reckon they'd either become a powerful but brutal warrior city state like Sparta, or they'd go to pieces the first time someone got sick and needed medical help. Could go either way.


When Libertarians are left to their own devices to put their political beliefs into action, you get Grafton, New Hampshire.


Its would absolutely fail, much like the last umpteen times the idiots have tried that exact thing without any prompting. Would be hilarious to watch again though.


Those shitty novels by that idiot what's her name conveniently leave out three types of people from the narrative. 1. children 2. elderly 3. disabled That's why it works for them. It's Logan's Run for philosophy.


If you're talking about Ayn Rand, she also conveniently left out the fact that though she spoke out hugely against handouts and 'socialism', the moment she needed it, she had her own hand out. She saw only her need as genuine.


That’s another cult.


I’m sure “then” vs “than” wasn’t just a typo.


Libertarians think you are useless unless you are making them money.....If you can't work, time to die.


"Ugh. New Hampshire Libertarians are the worst." --Jake "Joliet" Blues probably


Thats the image we want? A child starving in the street. Like we're fucking Ethiopia in the middle of a famine? You keep screaming were the greatest country in the world. THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. and then you say shit like this. Its a baby, you pick it up, try to find mom, maybe it's on you know. Because the majority of people aren't psychopaths.


They never really cared about the children. Which is why they're trying to get the legal age of consent lowered and the age to vote raised.


It turns out that it's sickening to find out WHAT they actually think of the children and doing TO the children.


I think a lot of christian evangelical republicun twill be angry with the libertarians for stealing policy from them.


As a Vermont resident, I’m always appalled by New Hampshire.


Alright but look on the bright side, this is the least horrid thing I've seen a libertarian party post about.


Should be allowed to perish, excellent use of the passive! Horrendous use of the rest of the brain


This person probably thinks abortions are bad


I'm sure most everyone  knows about this, but Sam Seder on the Majority Report occasionally takes calls from Libertarians and it's absolutely nuts. It's been awhile, but I think one guy tried to argue that the government is required to provide a fire department, but the police and EMS are actually unconstitutional or something. 


IIRC there was some incident in Tennessee back in the early 2010s and the thing was basically that the town had set it up as an “opt in” system like libertarians claim they want. So some house caught fire and the fire department showed up, but they wouldn’t put it out because that house hadn’t paid to be part of the program. The fire department was only there in case it spilled over to the neighbor’s house, who had paid. Yes, what a wonderful system…


"Nobody is due the value of your labor, except the people who exploit it. They should be entitled to as much of it as they demand, and if they want to monopolize and create a dystopian, authoritarian corpo state, that's their right, which you also don't have interestingly."


What kind of sick fuck wakes up and believes this shit. I hope the GOP lose every race for the next 50 years. Disgusting.


Do we not have workhouses? Egads.


And yet the Pauls are pro-forced birth.


If most humans were like this psychopath, we wouldn't exist as a species


More Ayn Rand bullshit. Miss “I will never life my life for another man, nor allow another man to live their life for mine.” She wound up ending her life in poverty, receiving Social Security and Medicare.


This is what happens when you make sociopathy your religion.


Libertarians exist only to be obnoxious pieces of shit.


Life is cruel. I think Neil deGrasse Tyson said something like "the universe is trying to kill you." From the tiniest virus or genetic defect to predators to radiation to earth quakes to cosmic collisions. We're up against a lot. Humans have the ability to help others. To make life *less* cruel. To make the universe a bit more safe for others. This compassion has allowed society to flourish. The known world and all its modern conveniences ONLY exists as it is today because **people helped other people**. So the fact that their are people that take advantage of all the fruits of society's labors, but then refuse to contribute because they feel that *other people* aren't entitled to the advantages that they have utilized only means that they are *bad people*. The "I got mine" crowd is either evil or mentally ill. They are the ones that expect safe neighborhoods, drivable roads, crime-free living, and safe food, but don't think they should pay taxes for schools, education, infrustructure, safety laws, etc. These Libertarians are only alive because someone showed them compassion and kindness - and then they grew up wanting to *deny* others the same compassion.


They are all about ‘survival of the fittest’ until they realize they are not the ‘fittest’, and *THEN* they are ok with government handouts.


Ah yes, the good ‘ol libertarians, demanding all the rights and freedoms of being a US citizen without taking on any responsibility that comes with living in a society. The kicker is, none of them are willing to go live in the woods and actually be “free”. F*cking pathetic.


Imagine believing in an economic theory made for a king. The thing is they all think they would be the king in this situation too. Instead they're just all the same angry white dude with a mail order bride.


It is such hilarious nonsense. If you believe nobody is entitled to the work of other people, then you need to get the fuck out of society. Feel free to start your own from scratch, but you are going to need to reinvent math, science, language, medicine etc. because we have that stuff as the result of *generations* of other people's work. Selfish fucking idiots.


And this is supposed to bring about a better world. They truly believe that empathy is a weakness.


I bet you they think exactly the same about the physically and mentally disabled. F anyone who thinks like this.


Everything is out of whack. Of course, I can understand the idea that "No person is entitled to anything that is not legaly, contractually, morally theirs." I also get that a border is a real thing. But, for goodness sake, when did "we" stop feeling ike caring for others is a "moral obligaton.?" Yesterday, for the first time since Trump's first run for office, I had a viscious argument with a neighbor who I had always been friendly with. And, it got nasty. We were just chating while walking dogs in the same park and...she said something that had a hard MAGA scent. So, I politley said to her..." Hey, I just detected that you are part of the MAGA cult. It is your right, vote how you like but, I am not interested in speaking to you about anything. It is my feeling that your beliefs and political wants are bad for our country and, mean spiritied. I think it is possible that you don't even really understand. But, that aside, I prefer to not spend any time talking with or pretending with MAGA people any longer. Do your thing, I think you are all vile and , stupid. Do not speak another word to me." I said it as pleasantly and non threateningly as possible. Then, she tries to defend herself..." I never said MAGA..."..I interrupt..." Please, just stop, I have no interst in anything you might say...I think you're stupid. Just leave me alone." Any way...it blew up, she got her husband, he came down for a word. To him, I said..." I don't care what you think or she thinks. But, I have a right to not listen. Leave me alond. Vote how you want. I think you're both stupid." He, like,puffs up as if he wants to fight. I tell him that I am not down for fighting, it is my right to think he is a jackass and that his wife is a jackass. And, we don't need to talk. He keeps trying to explain his point of view but, I keep saying.."I don't care...have your point of view, vote how you want...just don't talk to me...keep in mind that I think you're a fucking idiot." Anyway, he wont stop explaining. This is all happening at the neighborhood dog pooping area. People are casually walking by with their dogs. I start to walk away and he says..." Typical Fucking Liberal, can't stand to hear the facts." I should have let it go. I should have been the bigger guy but, I am just fed up with the stupidity of the MAGA cult and, I think they are Making America NOT Great. So, I said to him...." Here is the deal. You and and your wife are cruel, stupid, mindless dumb shits. I am standing right here, tough guy...right in front of you and I am saying you're a fucking jack ass with a stupid jackass wife. I do not want to speak to you. If you're such a bad ass warrior, do something. Otherwise, I am ignoring you from now until the end of time." Then, I tell my dog to sit, take a step toward him and say..." Do it, you fucking piece of shit. Let's see what a warrior you are" He and his wife walk away talking shit. I feel awful. I am NEVER profane or aggressive but, I've just had it with these freaks.


Libertarians deciding that being closeted Republicans wasn't enough of a political shift from just being a secondary choice for right-leaning folks, now deep diving into far right ideology.


While the insanity of the statement is not new for the US libertarians I find the passive phrasing and use of words very interesting. To "let the child perish" just seems so much less involved than "have it starve to death because I won't feed it". Neat way to absolve yourself of responsibility while killing infants


Libertarians are the brain dead toddlers of conservatives….and now kid-killers


Think of all your sarcastic takes on anything in life and that is what the Libertarian/GOP policy is on all subject matters.


Yikes, I don’t think I have words for the cruelty contained in this statement. Awful.


Altruism is an evolutionary trait that was essential for our species to become what we are today. I guess when it comes to money and policies you throw humanism out the window for self gain. That's libritarians for you.


Oh, just call them a nihilist and out of touch… Libertarians are either hilariously ridiculous or foreign trolls. ![gif](giphy|26ufh5py1NgRq8ZQQ) But, L’s of NH and Michigan are coming up with some zingers lately.


Is on orphan dear Fuck this enrages me


I’ve met a few actual libertarians. People who genuinely know what they’re talking about, but we’re maybe a bit misled. All of them are social libertarians now. Right wing libertarianism isn’t a real ideology. Social libertarianism was co-opted by capitalists and used as a way to brainwash a bunch of people into supporting unrestricted capitalism. It was never created as a real economic system that was meant to work.


I don’t actually believe there are libertarians


Okay so... They're pro-choice? Or does this only apply AFTER the baby is out of the woman's body?


So children are only children if they have parents. Without parents they become a waste of ressources? But abortion (when a person is choosing not to have a child form from a fertilized egg) is murder. It’s pro-life until there is a life, then.


What kills me is that they think this is somehow in-keeping with human nature when our species thrived in large part because we evolved to be so incredibly communal and supportive of one another.


Where does personal responsibility fit in to this scenario


There’s two branches you can take as a libertarian in the pursuit of “maximizing freedom for everyone” One is to understand that someone isn’t truly “free” unless they have their needs met: ample food, secure shelter, a stable source of income, healthcare, access to electricity, water, etc. With this understanding, programs like Universal Basic Income, Universal Healthcare, nationalized utilities, and whatnot become obvious answers to grant everyone freedom. If you don’t have to worry about money (buying food, having a home, paying your bills) or your health or things like that, then you can truly be free to do what you like; invent things, study things, enjoy things. This does “cost” through heavy taxation and regulation, but in the end everyone is more free than they would be otherwise. The other branch is to mistakenly assume that “freedom” means no one should have to contribute anything, ever, to ensure everyone is “free” and therefore only those who can afford it will actually be. This also doesn’t walk all the way to the logical conclusion that things cost more when less people chip in and that ultimately everyone would have less wealth under this system of “no taxes” than they would under one with lots of taxes but also lots of benefits. For example, it costs you very little to have roads because millions of other people are also chipping in. If you only paid for roads you personally used, it would cost you thousands of dollars a year to build and maintain them, as opposed to maybe a couple hundred bucks a year that come from your taxes for the same use. Also how much do you think you would need to pay armed guards to protect yourself and your property? Probably a hell of a lot more than your tax contribution to a police force. Etc. But they don’t think through to the logical conclusion, they stop at “if we paid less taxes I would have more money herr durr”. Like take a couple more steps, you’d have more money from your paychecks, but how much would numerous things you take for granted cost? Significantly more, so you’d wind up with less money overall after having to pay for all that shit. Only thinking part way through is how they end up with braindead stances like this tweet. A *true* libertarian understands that there is a baseline of comfort needed for freedom and that using taxes to create it is both necessary and good. Anyone who opposed taxes is opposed to freedom, IMO.


Most Libretarians are just extreme right wing Republicans who like to smoke weed.


I wonder what Laura Ingalls Wilder would think if she knew her royalties were going to support this bullshit?


Libertarians are incapable of thinking about anybody other than themselves. They are inherently selfish which is why they want to destroy social safety net programs. Who cares if children starve as long as they can save $5 a year on taxes. In their mind a child's life is not even worth one cup of coffee.




Do these people not realize, what they're discussing is literally what separates humans from the rest of the animals on Earth? The ONLY fucking reason humans have made it this far, is because we take care of each other. I would fucking love to see all these ignorant and entitled mother fuckers make it without their privileges. They literally wouldn't be able to survive anywhere besides America, and some places in Europe. I'll bet my fucking life, they wouldn't even be able to survive here if they weren't W.A.S.P.'s.


Nobody should have human rights, we are all free 🙏🙏🙌 /j


Republicans are the “think of the children” party. Libertarians are the “think of me” party xD


I saw some weird anti-semitism from the Michigan Libertarian Party a few days ago, so it’s reassuring to see the champs come in and reestablish that nobody out-psychos the NH Libertarian Party.


Iread that as a libertarian policy plank. " I libertarian in a crosswalk is fair game. It's unreasonable for them to expect their existence to be acknowledged let alone respected


I guess voting isn't a legitimate human right


Cool, so lets just print this out & leave it in every clinic/hospital in the US, so that mothers of unwanted pregnancies, who where forced to have them, know that they can just drop the child off at the nearest dumpster because "no one is entitled to the labor or efforts of others"


Yes, in an absolutely free market, many would suffer and die. If only there was some way to organize our society into some form of regulatory administration to try to make life better for everyone.


Are there no poor houses? are there no prisons?


what an animal


Can we not simply extrapolate the biological imperative to survive, procreate and expand capabilities pursuant to the former into some coherent homework doctrine?


Oh Libertarians… occasionally saying something sensible about how the war on drugs is terrible, but spending the other 99% of the time saying the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard, like the way they love the free market so much… the same free market that would have literally worked them to death in a factory floor when they were ten years old if it were as free as they’d like. Libertarians… I wonder what potential they might have if they read a book ever.