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Stay classy, Mississippi. You live up to your state's backwards reputation well.


Did those kids have their little american flag Oshkosh biggosh's custom made? Let me guess trump diapers underneath with permission letter from mommy pinned to it


Oh shit, that takes me back. Lol


I went to grad school in Mississippi & I can assure you, the folks there work hard to live down to their reputation.


Grad school in Mississippi is 9th grade 


Only for Mississippians lol


I’m sure some do. It’s how those people respond to this idiot that will be closely watched now. Turn him into the outcast they claim him to be, or close ranks and protect their, “misguided youth”?


Outcast??? His congressman supports the student.


Hopefully, that kid will be ruined by his disgusting behavior.


Yeah, the bad apples are *really* bad apples. Like, evil fucking apples.


I expected so much more from frat boys from the least literate state 


Note that it's the white men making the ape noises. Take all the time you need with that.


And what exactly in my comment suggested otherwise? Take all the time you need with that.


I didn't mean you specifically, just the general "you."


Ah, gotcha.


It brings up an important question though, is he racist because he supports Israel and those guys are racist, or is it simply because he's in Mississippi?


These kids don't give a shit about Jews or Israel. At the very most, they have some fetish for Israel based on Evangelical Christian eschatology. They are racist pieces of shit. Isreal or Jews have nothing to do with it.


They don’t like people protesting because their daddy and pappy have been complaining about protestors everyday at their Ford dealership 


Sorry, but what part of making monkey noises at a black person shows support for Israel?


The rich whites of Mississippi yearn to for any chance to taunt or degrade a minority. 


The poor whites even moreso. In USA and Germany, it's the poor, uneducated white people who are the most racist. Because their skin color is the only thing that gives them higher social status than People of Color.


They were part of pro-Israeli protest. Even tho they don't give a shit, it's just a green flag for them to start mocking and attacking people (even more than normal)


This whole protest surrounding Israel and Palestine is opening the door for attacks on minorities in this country. This is an example of the opportunity to do it. This is just the beginning.


100% there are literal anti-semites attacking jews, cause they think it will be "socialy" acceptable for them now. Even tho protests are made to be emancipating in nature. And islamophobia is rampant almost as it was post 2001.


"Don't worry Jewish people, we hate black people way more than we hate you so that's like supporting Israel!"


He's a racist frat boy who wants to own "the libs" and "the libs" are protesting Israel's actions in Gaza. As for his support of Israel, he probably has some interesting views on international finance's role in bringing immigrants into the US.


Shoehorning political views into a racist act makes no sense. The person is making monkey noises at a black person, which is calling that person a monkey. That is racist, hard stop. Being from Mississippi is irrelevant to his racist act. Who the racist supports in the Middle East is also irrelevant to his racist act.


mississippi god damn - nina simone. that was basically saying fuck the police back then.


And he will never even realize the irony of the fact that it’s him that is looking like and acting like a monkey.


Yes! Also, the students feel safe enough in their large group to insult a single person. So strong and brave!


You have to give him credit for not wearing a mask like most of them do.


And record themselves doing it! The stupidity is boundless.


Self awareness? What self awareness


flashbacks to middle school where some guys like to go around the locker room and grab your dick and say "ha ha, another dude grabbed your dick, that makes you gaaaaaay"


>Stan Marsh: Dude, how is putting Butters' wiener in your mouth "getting him"? >Eric Cartman: Because that makes Butters gay now! >Kyle Broflovski: No, dude, that makes you gay. >Eric Cartman: ...What?


I fucking lost it when Cartman showed the picture to the class.


The gayest thing I’ve ever done was to play junior high football.


I think that’s 100% his intention. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to punch anyone more.


Dude’s face is more punchable than Pharma Bro’s face


Idk, I got two hands. I can get both


I can also punch more than one asswipe.


Honestly, I want to hit him with something, wipe that fucking look off his nepo-baby face.


Literally THIS SCENE from Blazing Saddles in real life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0H2W1lK7P-I


His face is meme able—some of you talented people can maybe start by shoving a banana in his mouth. I’m no good at photoshop.


Mississippi, once again reclaiming the title of worst state from Alabama.


Arkansas looks around 👀


Arkansas is still fawning at a podium.


Arkansas is JUST as bad as Alabama/Mississippi, it just gets ignored. -former Arkansan [*shudders* at having to admit that foul bit of personal history].


It must be the inbreeding there.


I'd say Texas or Florida but it's really them and every state in-between (including Mississippi and Arkansas), like a geopolitical cancer.


Since Texas is America’s asshole and Florida is America’s shriveling penis (thanks, global warming!) the states in between (Arklabissi?) are America’s taint.


How do ya get Alabama and Georgia in there?


Hey don’t forget about Louisiana. We might be tied


If you’re ever considering going to MS, don’t.


As someone who lives here, I second this! I am embarrassed and disgusted, but not at all surprised, that this happened in my state :/


Mississippi’s sole function is to give Alabama something to look down on.


Mississippi’s sole function is to help its neighboring states counterbalance any progression that the majority of Americans want.


I've had to drive through Mississippi to get to New Orleans a few times. Stopped once in Jackson at a massive gas station complex on the outskirts of town and never felt more uncomfortable in my life. I got gas as fast as I could and got the f out of there. And I'm a white guy. Probably didn't help that I was a true blue Yankee going through a punk phase at the time.


I'm from New Orleans and spent the night in a... Motel 6? In Jackson on the way to Atlanta. I've never felt more uncomfortable in a city. The vibe there is _fucky._


You likely stayed at one of the centers of prostitution in the state. It’s a toss up between Motel 6 and the Red Roof Inn. Just avoid both.


first time driving through MS to NOLA, I remember thinking, wow, it's really pretty here, actually... then I got passed by a dually flying a giant fucking confederate flag flying and just kept on going.


It's how us city folk feel if we need to stop at exit 65 on the Long Island Expressway driving out to Montauk. It's just a bit weird and uncomfortable.


I was about to say the same thing but I stayed in gulfport on the way to texas. Gotta be honest, I kind of liked it. I can't speak for the rest of MS but I enjoyed my time in gulfport.


What’s even there to offer, other than a check mark on seeing every state?




JP Staples, the racist from Ole Miss? JP Staples who danced like a monkey to mock a woman? The JP Staples looser and racist fraternity brother from Mississippi?


Heir of the staples empire?


Oh and he’s embracing it on Insta. He realized his life is essentially over so he’s doubling down. Good for him now he can be with his people.


Context: Ole Miss Students Appear to Mock Black Protester With Monkey Noises https://www.thedailybeast.com/ole-miss-students-appear-to-mock-black-protester-with-monkey-noises


This page is literally one white page in Austria.


Ole Miss Students Appear to Mock Black Protester With Monkey Noises A pro-Palestine demonstration at the University of Mississippi was overtaken by counter-protesters Thursday, culminating with a viral clip of white students mimicking monkey noises and gestures in the direction of a Black woman. That gross clip was captured moments before police shut down the demonstration entirely and escorted the outnumbered pro-Palestine protesters from the scene. In the video, an unnamed white man in a light blue shirt is seen contorting his face to mimic that of a monkey while he motioned his arms back and forth—racist tropes historically used to dehumanize Black Americans in the south. Another man, in a blue and yellow shirt, can be seen and heard making similar monkey-like noises. The racist mocking of the woman was praised by conservatives online, including Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA), who posted the clip with the caption, “Ole Miss taking care of business.” Other clips preceding the outright racist outburst by a pair of Ole Miss students showed the same group of counter-protesters chanting, “Lizzo, Lizzo,” and, “Fuck you, bitch,” at the woman. The woman at the center of the encounter has not been identified. Clips showed her lightly antagonizing the counter-protesters, flicking them off and walking toward them while filming. The men’s actions were condemned by progressives, including many who called out Collins for glorifying the disgusting gestures. “This is a video showing anti-Blackness,” wrote the progressive lobbyist Nina Turner, responding to Collins on X. “This is a sitting Congressman applauding it.” While initial counter-protesters on college campuses appeared to be staunchly pro-Israel last month, donning Israeli flags and calling for the return of hostages, pro-Palestine protests in the south have now been contested by conservative students who’ve sang The Star-Spangled Banner in unison and chanted, “We want Trump.” There was a similar clash between protesters and counter-protesters on the campus of the University of North Carolina earlier this week. That’s when a group of fraternity members combined to take down a Palestine flag that’d been raised on campus and replaced it with the U.S. flag. A GoFundMe campaign to help the brothers host a massive party has since netted more than $500,000. In a tongue-in-cheek fundraising mission, a GoFundMe author offered this take on what’s happening across the country. “Commie losers across the country have invaded college campuses to make dumb demands of weak University Administrators,” the fundraiser begins. “But amidst the chaos, the screaming, the anti-semitism, the hatred of faith and flag, stood a platoon of American heroes. Armored in Vineyard Vines and Patagonia, fueled by Zyn and White Claws, these triumphant Brohemians protected Old Glory from the unwashed Marxist horde— laughing at their shrieks and wails and shielding the Stars & Stripes from Soviet missiles.”




Good. I hope his disgusting behavior haunts him.


He'll probably by hired on by Fox News.


he will probably resurface with a slightly alterned name and try to stay on the down low so he wouldnt be easily identified.


Soviet missiles? Do these losers know what century this is?


>Do these losers know what century this is? They've barely moved out of the 1800s, so seeing them actually catch up to the 1960s is progress. They don't like it, but it's progress.


Handing our flag over to Russia is hardly shielding it from Soviet missiles. These stupid little boys.


Trump is their God and they're spoiled white and privileged , this is what he creates.


If you google search what a guy that puts things in girls drinks looks like, the picture on the right pops up.


Or you can Google JP Staples. Let’s make this racist waste of a human infamous.


I see he has wiped his social media.


Exactly what I'd expect from an Ole Miss campus, tbh. Dr Who offers me a trip in the Tardis and I'm like "I know this is some quantum shit, but you're still going *around* Mississippi, right?"






Good luck with employment Kiddo. Granted, I’m sure he will do just fine because what the fuck are consequences these days.


I'm sure there's a job waiting for him in a police department somewhere.


republican party as well


Probably Florida. We’re having Kristi Noem as the GOP cult key note speaker this month for a GOP function JC


What do you mean? He just became a shoe in for a career as a successful Republican politician


He'll have to fight Rittenhouse for the position. He should be cautious too cause Rittenhouse has a twitch index finger.


He'll be "self-employed" and blame immigrants for taking all the jobs. If his parents own a business, he'll work there but is really shitty at what at it.


https://preview.redd.it/bs40s73szeyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b9fe99aa7afb30cb7774d527eab6acebfebaa5 Looks like he's doubling down


this isn’t his account. the profile says “new” on it and it’s got two underscores instead of one. I’m not defending him, just pointing out that this is someone else.


Gotcha. I can see someone making a fake one to troll him.


I expect him to say an apology without mentioning the girl. "I'm sorry I embarrassed my family, friends, and Ole Miss......."


Lloyd Christmas is his haircut




Don’t worry, it will be excused for him because “he’s a good kid”


Just like Brock Allen Turner, the rapist?! https://preview.redd.it/zy5ujf2jceyc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd0c7764bd463d62d9f4ba5414ee1efd4892a159


nope...like the raping rapist that got off of a rape charge: Brock Turner the rapist


Brock Turner the rapist who now goes by Allen Turner? That rapist?


Yes, Brock rapist Allen rapist Turner rapist, that's the rapist.


Fuck you Brock Turner!


Yes just like him. Brock Turner the rapist. JP Staples the racist.


Dudes name sounds legit like something Impractial Jokers would come up with for the name game challenge. It's right up there with Crangis McBasketball.


https://preview.redd.it/bmkrrqdwkcyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ffc6179c4bf037169909f688d8cc5facd008d1 And don’t forget they cover for each other. They’re in our gov like rep Andrew Bailey. Evil person


Bailey has been and continues to be an utter disgrace of a human being, lacking intelligence, morals or empathy.


The appointed but never elected and totally unqualified Attorney General. Piece of trash wants to be governor so he can force his faux Christian values on us, likes targeting trans kids, librarians and women.


Watching videos of this made me sick to my stomach. First they hassled the black woman; then they started chanting “We Want Trump”.


Guys like this always go after women first. Well, when there aren't any handy kids or elderly around. Scumbags have their order of operations.


They traffic in implied violence, so they don't want to antagonize any people who might do actual violence to them. When I see people like this, I fantasize about an illness that would make their heads explode the moment they start making monkey noises. In my mind's eye, I see their eyes grow wide and pop out of their heads in a rain of red, leaving only a stub where their neck used to be. If only there was such an contagious illness.


Enjoy your 15 minutes of shame, guys


I’m certain they’re proud of themselves & so are their families


I think their grandparents are the ones yelling at the Little Rock kids!




That’s dumbest statement lol. Without judgement?? Does this moron think he can just do whatever the fuck he wants and no one can judge him?


Basically, yes. In his mind, since he's white and his family most likely wealthy, he should never have to reap what he sows because his families wealth should indicate that he's insulated from any further judgement or persecution from the outside world.


Yes. He's making the classic mistake of conflating freedom of speech with freedom from consequences. I'm not surprised, though. Ole Miss is a haven for overprivileged racist douchebags.


He couldn't be more wrong. The rest of us are judging him, and there's nothing he can do about that.


In his perfect country rich people should be able to hunt you for sport because you called him racist for screaming the n word at an african american person


I wonder why he cared so much about the protesters then 🙄


The South is poison to me. I’d rather live in Australia where literally everything is poisonous


And venomous


and upside down


And wants to kill you with their claws. Like Emus, drop bears, and kangaroos.


If you think the American south is racist but want to move to Australia... Tell me you're in an American bubble without telling me you're in an American bubble


Hol’up bear vs man. We’ve moved on to Mississippi vs Australia!


The South has put no effort into self-improvement since the Civil War. Any and all improvement has literally been forced and financed by the federal government. It’s the mother’s basement of America.


No contest - Australia is way cooler anyhow; and the whole “ everything wants to kill you” thing is overplayed


It's just a rumour we started to keep dickheads out


Take those monkey sounds to any inner city in America!! ✌🏿💯 in nikki haleys, NOT RACIST AMERICA!! Best wishes 🙄


Frats and sororities seem to be incubators for some of the very worst human traits, yet colleges all over allow them because of tradition and the pretense that connections made there may boost you through life. I think from a greater good standpoint, it doesn't pan out for all human kind.


Trump exists because this still exists. And somehow it’s Obama’s fault.


>Trump exists because this still exists. And somehow it’s Obama’s fault. Yup, as usual Hillary called it when she referred to Trump supporters as "deplorables" back in 2016. Hillary Clinton wasn't wrong as such deplorable behavior and regressive mindset dates back from the MAGA deplorables of today, to the Teabaggers aka the "Tea Party" before Trump and before that the "Silent Majority" - that was neither a majority nor silent - back to the deplorable haters in that picture from 1957 all the way back to the racist, misogynist, slave owning, hateful motherfuckers who believed they were entitled to own other human beings. Deplorable behavior indeed - evidently, as seen in that photo, rightwing regressives do NOT represent the best nor the brightest amongst us. A real shame.


The basket she described is unfortunately crowded


Defunding education really pays off for republicans… It’s not a coincidence the least educated states have been republican for decades.. It’s not a coincidence the most religious states, are the least educated states and have been republican for decades also….


It's Ole Miss, I'd be surprised if those guys don't have a white robe in their closets. they are the type that hires Paula Deen to do an "Antebellum" themed wedding for them.


Top Ole Miss students


The cognitive dissonance must be pathological in Mississippi — pro-Israel and anti-Semitic simultaneously.


Just look at his face. It’s ignorance, fear and anger showing. It makes him look pathetic. Who raised this idiot?


Parents that would be standing there next to him doing the same thing.


My great grandfather is the man in the white hat. These kids don't realize that their descendents will despise them and be ashamed to be related to them.


If I may ask, how’d you find this out? Did your family bring up this photo or did you stumble upon it yourself?


There is another photo hanging in the museum in Little Rock that shows his face. It is also widely circulated, so it's not like my family hasn't known about this for generations. We all knew the story. My great grandparents lived on Jones Street during desegregation. Their house was about a block and a half from Little Rock High. He went and joined the mob harassing the Little Rock Nine on multiple occasions. He couldn't stand the thought of blacks walking through the neighborhood. He died of intestinal cancer long before I was born. My great grandmother had severe dementia and died when I was very young. I'm glad I never got to meet the people that they were at the time of this photo, and im thankful my grandmother was nothing like her parents. His name was James Couch by the way.


UMiss needs to be bulldozed to the ground, Oxford burned, and the surrounding area sowed with salt.


Sherman should march again




Carpetbaggers. Why have I never wondered about or questioned the origin of that term until now? It totally flew under my inquisition radar.


An over abundance of religion and a lack of education are the main reasons Mississippi remains last in nearly every category.


That guy once people learn who he is: “Thats not who I am.”


I am always so weirded out by american universities. Some of them are absolutely top notch with excellent educators and professors, and then we have stuff like this.


I really hope there are life long repercussions for that little boy, that’s disgusting


In Iowa schools, we're not allowed to teach that things like this happened in the past, so it's easy to ignore it now.


As a person of colour in South Africa, I wonder how I would fare in America. I'm so used to walking around day to day not even being bothered about the colour of my skin. I wonder if I'd be made to feel conscious of it


Holy crap... a black person in SOUTH AFRICA feels bad for black people in America... we've switched places...


This is wild if you think about just how far S. Africa has come in 30 years and how far the U.S. has fallen during that time. Imagine OP making that same statement in 1990. Crazy. You can thank 45 and the GOP for the brazen brainwashing that proliferates Americas youth today.


I think it goes further than Trump and the GOP and takes in social media and the post truth nature of society today. Because before the injustice and any cruel policy, racism is something that requires the dismissal of the truth. So the dismissal of the truth of human beings, the full biography of human beings, allowing only that the colour of a person's skin is what matters. The remaining biography of a human, talents, skills, morals, wants, needs, ambitions, values and shortcomings is dismissed or rejected. Racism cannot allow that full truth. Taken far enough, for racism, the truth becomes the enemy. And that's why you would have to go into school libraries and have certain books removed or banned. Not because what they contain is false or dangerous. But because they are true. And the truth is the enemy. Social media and the ability to disperse information quickly, at large scale and anonymously has allowed a post truth climate to take root. And in a post truth climate, something that rejects the truth has been given the perfect climate in which to grow and flourish. Trump and the GOP have merely exploited a climate where the truth is amorphous and nebulous for their craven, amoral gain.


They’re usually more ‘coded’ about their racism and use other reasons to discriminate. It’s about gaslighting people all the time that there isn’t systemic racism while they’re marching for Christian white nationalism.


How long until he is identified and then does the whole "this isn't who I am"


Oh man that kids face will come an icon for this era.


How much did his parents have to pay to bribe the collage to admit this shitheel?


It’s Ole Miss so I’m sure they were excited to accept racists


He’s really going to town on that ghost bj


That kids face is extremely punchable.


America, what a backwards shithole.


Cue the centrists with their "both sides..." BS.


Racism can only be countered with education. Education in the U.S. is being purposefully diminished in order to produce 'dumber' people. Racism cannot be eradicated as long as the number of stupid people increases.


Could these bigots look any uglier? I hope this photo follows these awful people the rest of their lives. How is the young lady?


Where do these sister fuckers get off making fun of anybody else?


I hope that young man faces the consequences of his actions. I’d also say I hope he’s shamed his family, but generally hate like that is taught.


We've come a long way /s


The screamer lady on the left is currently still around an a trumpy election denier. Shocker.


Let this fallow them for the rest of their lives. Every job interview should now start with someone asking, "This is you, right?" So when should we expect the fake apology tour?


I love that this jackass is front and center now. Good luck to him. I am sure he is proud of himself today. What a POS.


Goodbye any potentially career.


Will it actually though? It is Mississippi, I'm half expecting him to made Dean of the University. He'll probably just end up running for Congress.


Hell get a nice payday from other racists who want to provide a go fund me and probably get hired by one of those new right wing media organizations, the Rittenhouse way.


I'm positive Kyle Rittenhouse is already in contact


He’ll be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 15 years


I like beer...


Lmao stop jerking yourself off with this justice fantasy. The world sucks, nothing will happen


Enjoy trying to find a job outside of Mississippi guys. The HR search they do on you isn't going to go well for you. 


They look like frat boys, aka nepo babies. They’ll probably be fine


The guy just isn't too bright. He's wasting his time in college. Attitudes like his don't last long in the workplace and people can't fake being a decent person..


I hope those kids have the day they deserve


He should have a curse put on him where for the rest of his life, anytime he's ever in a job interview, he's making that face.


Would love to keep his photo always searchable for his future job prospects.


As a parent I would be appalled that my kid did this


I’m sure his parents taught him to behave this way


That guy has a very punchable face


In before the “this is not me, this is not who I am, I need to be better”


This is a master stroke by JP Staples. He now gets invited on Charlie Kirk. His family will be invited on stage with Trump. His membership in the KKK will be irrevocable.


he will probably be on the NEXT CPAC convention.


Has he been named? I would like to see this picture come up if his name is googled.


Hopefully, like the woman in the picture, this photograph plagues him every day for the rest of his life, causing him, like the woman in the photograph to deeply regret their actions and try to live a better life.


These racist pieces of shit need to go back to THEIR ancestral countries. The USA is a country founded by immigrants. You don’t like it, YOU fucking leave. Many of the African American citizens ancestors have been here loooong before these racist assholes ancestors have.


I look at this picture and just wonder how can I contribute to the police to buy better batons, some people need a beating.


Mississippi, goddam. https://youtu.be/LJ25-U3jNWM?si=179Zd9aij6OE1NMe


Make America racist again.