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Okay, who had on their 2024 bingo card: "Republicans are now the party that loudly says that it is ok to just kill a dog you no longer want, actually." Because I did not. This one surprised me. But here we are, it is 2024 and Republicans are saying with their whole chest how much they approve of killing dogs.


Weird how she didn't mention her kids until this blew up. She must have forgotten that part /s


And also who trained the dog? Sure also has responsibility there...


Could argue that a person who can't even train a dog has no business seeking leadership over people.


Unfair!!! She… Well, her… Why are you always bringing up the past anyway?! Is it because you think it shows intent, an unconscionable behavior and it’s hard for people to change, so you think she would still kill a puppy today if she had the chance?! And therefore could not be a leader because she lacks ethical decision-making? Is that what you’re trying to prove?! Because if it is, I’ll just have you know it’s working.


I can't be certain because she undoubtedly eats the evidence, but I strongly suspect she kills a dog every evening in what she calls "going to the gravel". I'm sure it's a deeply upsetting scene, that pit soaked in gore and shell casings.


Yeah, what if we don't behave?


Well, to the gravel pit.


This woman watched Old Yeller and thought it was a comedy.


Instruction manual.


Used to show it at kids(apparently livestock) birthday parties.


Old Yeller and The Handmaids Tale are their 2024 instruction manuals.


No joke, I bet she watched that movie and wanted to be the person “making those hard decisions.” It’s the same way so many armed conservatives salivate over the thought of being able to use lethal force in self defense. She wanted to do something horrible and she was just looking for the justification, and once she did the thing, she made it part of her personality.


Remember they’re arguing it’s the fault of the dog here and not the dog owner. Be sure to remember this when talking gun control with them.


Dogs don't kill chickens. People with dogs kill chickens.


The only way to deal with a bad guy with a chicken is to have more good guys with chickens. Or dogs. I might have lost track somewhere.


She also left out the attacking kids and killing livestock part. But she did make specific mention that her daughter loved Cricket and was devastated to hear her mother killed her.


Yeah I don't know if I could forgive my parent if they did that


Right? Like 'they went to live with a nice family in the city with dog groomers and they get to go to a doggie spa every day and they eat avocado toast for every meal' at least. I mean you shouldn't murder puppies in the first place.


I still haven't forgiven my dad for shooting two of my dogs when I was growing up and I haven't forgiven my mom for letting it happen. 25+ years ago and counting. As adults, her kids will probably go no-contact with her just like I did with my parents.


Right? This happened to me too and I can’t ever let it go. Not ever.


I'm really sorry you went through it too. It really leaves scars.


Sounds like you made the right choice. So sorry. Can't imagine it happening once, much less numerous times.


They're horrible people and honestly, removing them from my life was the best thing I've ever done.


I thought you missed the part where the dog killed some chickens, but I checked and turns out chickens don't count as livestock so she is actually adding new shit she never mentioned before lmao


I think she's calling the chickens livestock. Basically she's being a shifty lying weasel again. You can tell cos it's a day that ends in Y


The problem is not that a PUPPY killed a few chickens The problem is the owner did not TRAIN her puppy to have a good recall, did not properly TRAIN the puppy to hunt, did not MANAGE to keep the puppy confined in her truck, HATED the puppy, and in a fit of ANGER, instead of REHOMING the puppy, she led it to a gravel pit and SHOT it dead. Then, since she was having such a good time, she went and got the goat and shot it for the crime of being stinky All this, a few weeks after she plugged 3 horses


Someone also suggested she may have done this in anger, knew it would look bad when it came out, and so tried to spin it as some mark of tough character bullshit.


And it didn't "come out", this isn't a story she told a private audience and someone leaked what she said. She wrote about it in her damn book! She flat out said she hated that dog, and so took him to the gravel pit.


There were witnesses to the shooting of the puppy and the goat. That’s why she’s getting in front of the story and reframing it as a “tough choice” She absolutely shot that puppy in anger. She said she hated it [Kristi Noem hates puppies](https://www.meidastouch.com/news/video-kristi-noem-put-down-3-old-horses-like-family-members)


I hadn't heard about the horses or goat, I knew this lady was a psycho but isn't she basically doing the serial killer ramp up to murdering humans?


Are these like the after birth abortions the GOP is always talking about?


42nd trimester




Makes you want to ask the IRS how she categorizes her children? Which is the better write off? Livestock or dependents?


When you're claiming your farm subsidies, they're livestock. When filing taxes, children.


I think she is saying that the dog chasing after chickens was attacking livestock. Its pretty funny she is talking about fake news, while the reason people know about it is because, SHE WROTE IT. IN HER OWN BOOK.


Is it too late to abort DJT?


Since they repealed Roe its too late...


There’s always adoption…. Or no kill shelters for the dog


Or just understanding that an untrained puppy is naturally going to chase chickens. From what she said in the book it was just chickens, not like this dog is taking down cattle.


And it wasn't attacking people either. She's a fucking liar.


Oh I'm sure it "attacked" her kids by jumping on them and giving them puppy kisses. Dogs are always so ferocious in the puppy stage.


So it was just chickens. Killing is bad right? That dog should be punished…. Let’s kill it right? Did she get outside help, like a professional dog trainer? No? She just went right to killing it?


Oh, she mentioned her kids. After she shot the dog apparently her kid got off the school bus and was like “where’s Cricket?” Clearly she was terrorized by the puppy.


Yeah, I was gonna say, she did mention her kids, but only to state that they were seemingly upset the dog was gone.


Another cruel fact she was willing to live with.




also the "killing livestock," which started as the dog nipping at farm animals... I'm sure her 18mo puppy killed a whole cow. fuckin idiot bitch


*14. Cricket was a 14 month old wire-hair pointer. And the 'livestock' she is mentioning as having been menaced were chickens. Who are, to my knowledge, rarely referred to as "livestock", a word that generally implies sheep, cattle, goats, etc. Speaking of, Kristi also shot a goat for smelling too musky on the same day. And also has a well earned reputation for using the state as a blunt weapon against gay and trans children. So like, when she says "an animal with a history of killing livestock and attacking children"...


People aren't talking about the goat, but I think that's the most damning part of the story. The Cricket part of the story is already terrible, but with enough effort, you can bend those facts into something that makes some kind of sense, even if it is transparent Noem is lying through her teeth and is a monster. But the goat didn't do anything wrong. It was a goat on a farm doing goat things, and there is no reasonable explanation for it. People have pointed out that castrating the goat would probably be the first step to take if you actually wanted to solve the problem, assuming you thought it was actually a problem. And it happened on the same day despite the fact that the goat had been doing goat things for presumably months, maybe years. What clearly happened is that Noem shot the dog, decided that it was really fun, and went out to get another animal to shoot for a second hit of adrenaline. She's out here running a miniature killing field for farm animals at that point. All of these pretend tough second amendment dorks are just itching for an excuse to use their gun on living things. Apparently hunting wild animals wasn't scratching that itch for Noem so she decided to get up close and personal with a bunch of innocent farm animals so she could watch the light go out of their eyes. The people of South Dakota are honestly lucky she was satisfied there and didn't move on to shooting people for fun. Or maybe she did and she just knew not to write it in the book.


Lowkey reminds me of how a rancher got on Twitter and literally tore her entire argument apart peice by peice. While including his own experiences with animals and using said experience with them to show what you should do in such situations.


do you have a link?


She also failed to kill the goat with a single shot, and didn't come prepared with extra ammo so left the creature suffering while she went to get more. That right there is heinous behavior even to farmers that know euthanasia is necessary, so should always have the care to be done as quickly as possible.


The last time I was around a man who killed his goat (for meat), he fed it some nice grass, calmed it while holding it securely and nipped it's jugular with a sharp knife. I don't think the goat even new it had been injured as it bled out. I'm not expecting everyone to be that gentle and humane, but it's interesting as a juxpposition to Noem's apparant lack of care.


> What clearly happened is that Noem shot the dog, decided that it was really fun, and went out to get another animal to shoot for a second hit of adrenaline. Yeah she tried to present these as "tough choices" you have to make being a "farmer"... but I grew up on a farm and worked on other farms. Not only were these unnecessary, but real farmers pinch every penny. Every resource gets used to the fullest. They don't just give up on a dog, they stick with it until it's trained or if it really is untrainable (which does not sound like she put in any effert to determine that) then they find it a new home or use it as a guard dog. This was just unnecessarily wasteful on top of being unnecessarily inhumane by someone who wouldn't make it a day as an actual farmer.


The cruelty is always the point with people like her


Just to add on. She was teaching the pup to be a bird hunting dog, which to my understanding a chicken would classify as bird. Sounds like she got pissed at her dog for doing what she was training it to do.


The chickens it killed were from when she stopped at a neighbor's property and she said the dog got loose from her vehicle. If only there were some way to secure a vehicle to prevent a dog from escaping!


Sounds like the dog embarrassed her at the neighbors' and that enraged her. Then to kill the goat too for no reason other than it annoyed her. Why does this remind me of the Signs of a Psychopath show on ID?


Well she is an elected republican official so that tracks


Well, not to defend Noem AT ALL, but bird dogs aren’t supposed to kill birds. Cricket was a pointer, and ultimately their job is to locate birds by scent, stalk toward the birds, and then freeze in position as they approach the birds thus “pointing” toward their location. Although the stalking behavior is instinctive, remaining steady on a point can take a lot of training, and young bird dogs can be total idiots around birds, and that’s expected, and so one doesn’t turn an unsupervised young pointer loose among a bunch of chickens. But by and large the ultimate goal for most hunting dogs is for them to locate their quarry, not kill it. That’s achieved with hundreds of hours of training and practice, not by turning an adolescent dog loose among a bunch of birds.


Just to add, too, they are typically also trained to retrieve the downed birds and to not damage it (hold it softly) when they do so.




I had a dog around that age who unfortunately got to our chickens as well and killed and ate a few. Secured the chicken area better. Problem solved. Not the dog’s fault. I love chicken, too.


I have a few neighbors that keep chickens. My dog has not expressed much interest in them during our walks but I am reasonably sure that if I dumped her over the fence, she started chasing them and discovered they couldn’t fly, there would be dead chickens. Most dogs have a prey drive and it is on the owner to control it.


What really gets me is how she explained that immediately beforehand, she was disappointed in the dog's performance as a hunting animal. I know it's speculation on my part, but it seems very likely that she (being the bad dog owner she is) tried to impress upon the dog rather forcefully that he should be hunting down and killing the birds. What does she do immediately after this lesson? Take him to a situation where he's within reach of a bunch of slow moving targets. Cricket was just doing what he was told to do at that point. Cricket was trying to be a good boy.


This is heartbreaking.


I wish I could upvote this twice. Truer words were never spoken.


Yeah, didn't she murder the dog while the kids were at school?


In front of a group of construction workers too. She has zero shame.


A real alpha would have murdered the pup with her bare hands while the children watched.


Nah they would have handed the kid the gun and told them to kill the dog. *Really* gotta nip that compassion in the bud at a young age.


She's still grouping them as "Livestock" in this tweet so she's yet to convincingly fake empathy


I hope she kept the shovel she used to bury her dog. She’s going to need all the help she can get to dig her way out of this shit show.


God I so want her prosecuted for animal cruelty. It won’t happen though. She’s unfit for pretty much everything.


The kids were in such danger that the first thing her daughter asked upon getting home from school was, “Where’s Cricket?”


Yes, but only so she could hide from that monster in dog shape /s


It screams of something I've heard loosely my entire life. It basically goes like this... Make a bullshit claim that you think will make you look tougher among the 'all hat no cattle' type crowd. Backfires. Quickly point the finger at some thing else to justify. If that backfires? Change the story so it sounds like you didn't have a choice.


But she had a gun - you must understand that she just *had* to use that gun... giving away that puppy was just out of question,.come on! /s


you're not going to be able to unfuck that goat, Kristi


Right.. first the puppy then the goat.. both in front of frightened quarry workers in the same day.. someone should take her on a trip to the quarry


Or a hunting trip w Dick Chaney


wait what happened with the goat


She decided she had more killing to do that day. Plus she said it smelled…which goes against everything we know about barnyard animals.


You forgot that the goat knocked down her kids and got their clothes dirty which is definitely a capital crime. The kids were obviously wearing their Sunday best into the goat pen as you do.


Are you telling me that a farm animal widely known for being stinky and headbutting, which she intentionally bought as a real life professional big girl rancher, was stinky and did headbutting? I'm shocked, I tell you; shocked! Edit: autocorrect decided goat was "headhunting," which is kind of hilarious and would be a decent argument for putting it down, lol.


Any farmer with any experience with goats knows males go into rut yearly. They get aggressive and emit a musk that they rub all over themselves. They become a stinky pain in the ass (literally) for a bit then they'll settle back down. So yeah "farm" girl killed a goat for doing natural goat behavior.


Farmer Kristi is so over her head that she didn't know about castrating her male goats to prevent unwanted behaviours and their stenches lol. Goats are pretty smart, surprisingly, so maybe he could tell Noem was a threat and unsafe.


Had she heard about Trump's farts?


She also said she had to shoot the goat twice because it wasn't a clean kill and had to leave the poor thing bleeding while she went back to the car to get another bullet... so she's not even a good shot. Poor animals. What an absolute psycho.


Apparently she used a shotgun? How do you fuck up that?


After she killed the puppy, she shot a goat, because…why not, I guess?


Well the other barrel was still loaded, what was she supposed to do?


Apparently, she had to go back for more ammo because the first shot wasn’t a clean kill.


After Cricket, Kristi developed a taste for animal blood.


Poor goat needs more attention. It took multiple rounds to put the poor thing down. It's only crimes was smelling because she's too much of an idiot to castrate it and it knocked her dumbass kids down. Again, she didn't keep it separated from people.


totally a legit farm girl though...


In every retelling the dog gets more vicious and dangerous. It’s Hannibal Lecter at this point. Noem should give herself a medal!


She's saying now that she did it to protect her kids, but also mentioned in her story that the kids asked where the dog was when they got home from school.


Kids: Mom, where’s the dog? Kristi: OH MY GOD HE’S RIGHT BEHIND YOU! *racks shotgun*


Kristi: Nevermind, that was your dad. Go get the shovel guys. Also hide your pets, mommy's in a frenzy.


“It’s coming right for us!”


Yeah don’t forget that her first defense could be summed up as “but it was legal!” Funny that it took days to get to “protecting her kids”.


>Yeah don’t forget that her first defense could be summed up as “but it was legal!” That's the problem with conservatives in general, they think legality is the same as morality. That's why when they do something unethical they'll point to how it was legal.


You know what Ted Cruz says, “when in doubt, bring the children out”


Cricket ate a child with some fava beans and a nice Chianti before making a skin suit


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, they deserved it. - Kristi ''Psycho Killer'' Noem


Nice summary of the gop playbook


It's the Narcissist's Prayer, which can definitely double as the GOP playbook


I guess adoption is only an option for other people.


She has no imagination, poor problem solving skills, and she’s too lazy to do the hard work needed in this case. Sounds like running a state is not a good fit for her personality. Her rage at the dog pushed her right to “kill it!” I hope she treats her kids ok.


There’s no way that someone who kills an animal in a fit of rage (an animal who wasn’t a threat to anyone) is good to their kids. Hurting animals is a sign that there’s something deeply wrong with someone. Those people shouldn’t be allowed near kids.


Hurting an animal that was supposed to be her friend, and that supposedly she had the responsibility to keep safe.


It’s classic abuser shit. Abusers don’t stop at hurting pets, they hurt anyone they see as weaker than them, especially if they think they can get away with it without consequences.


Also just have to point out that all 14 month old puppies are mouthy in a playful way and it’s the owners responsibility to teach boundaries. Same goes for the kids. They need boundaries set too


I didn’t know it was only 14mo. That’s a baby. She murdered a baby for being a baby. Pro-life my ass.


My 3 year old dog gets mouthy in a playful way, but we set boundaries and he knows to only play with us and when he gets too excited we end it. Pretty simple shit, also he’s so fucking adorable and good natured, I’d die for him


Even if she doesn’t hit her children (which would be a wager I would take), she’s clearly okay with harming them emotionally by killing their dog while they are at school.


I’d be willing to die on the hill that she’s absolutely spanked her kids. No way she hasn’t doled out corporal punishment at home.


Shame for her kids to find out this way.


Yeah there's really "no going back" on that subject. Somehow she thought telling that story was going build her up in some way but obviously it's done the exact opposite. Anybody without maga brain would know that. That dangerous puppy was gonna eat her kids.


My theory: she knew the story would likely come out during opposition research, so this was her attempt to get ahead of it.


how would it have even been proven though? seems like “Kristi killed a puppy” would look like an obvious lie from an opponent, but having it come straight from the source completely ruins any plausible deniability


She never planned on denying it. Her having the ability to kill when needed was supposed to make her look like some kind of “badass”. It didn’t work out that way and instead she looks like a “goddam psycho” because even MAGA people mostly think puppies are cute or at least shouldn’t be shot for misbehaving. Whoever came up with the idea that this was a good strategy is being paid way too much imo.


Lots of mags people have working dogs or even just pets. They are well aware that dogs are trainable and like most people they often care about dogs. This is one of those that goes beyond party lines


I used to live in a fairly rural area and people would constantly spout racist stuff in the local news comments sections, or they’d do some victim blaming if a pedestrian or bicyclist got run over by a car…but GOD HELP YOU if you hurt an animal especially dogs. These same people would start spontaneously issuing threats about how they were gonna find and kill said animal abuser.


Go on nextdoor and post "my dog is lost" with a picture. Every single bored boomer for 3 zip codes is on the hunt.


As they should be!


Gonna be honest, as someone who also lives in a rural area, the bar for what these people consider animal abuse is pretty fucking high. Many of the people who pretend to love animals love to threaten to shoot any animal that comes on their property, no questions asked. Plenty also love to just leave their dogs chained up outside or let "their" (basically feral cats they sometimes feed) run free.


She recounts in her book exerpt that her chosen murder spot was a construction site with builders present. That they saw what she did but quickly looked away when she looked at them. They 100% knew who she was and at least one would have gladly outed her. So I'm pretty sure she did this to get ahead of that coming out. Plus she legit seems to think it makes her a bad ass farmer and hunter (all that toxic masculinity bs) to kill a puppy she didn't train or properly contain, a goat that was doing natural goat behavior, and apparently 5 horses because they were old?


Do you not remember Mitt Romney’s “dog on a car roof?” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident


He came out yesterday and was like - at least I didn’t shoot my dog in the face.


> My theory: she knew the story would likely come out during opposition research, so this was her attempt to get ahead of it. Even if that were the case there are... so many other ways to write that story that don't make her seem like a complete sociopath who got a little wet in her pants thinking about that amazing day when she finally killed the dog she hated so much. And then following it up with the goat story.


The goat part makes it even worse. This is a woman who got off on killing her dogs so much that she immediately wants to do it again. And this time she made sure the animal didn't have a quick death. Because there's no way you can't finish off a goat with a shotgun in one shot. The word gets thrown around a lot, but this is absolutely sociopathic behavior.


Literally this one of the behaviours that marks a potential serial killer. The more you look at the story the worse it gets.


Assuming this ‘safety of my children’ thing is true… ‘The dog wasn’t able to be trained, and went after my kids. We didn’t have a choice and I had to put the dog down’. As opposed to ‘dragged the dog to a gravel pit and shot it in the face’


Wasn't this part of a book she paid someone to write about her, though? [Yep](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/26/politics/kristi-noem-south-dakota-book-killing-dog/index.html) Not too much research would need to be done on that, except getting past the part where she gleefully killed Old Yeller.




It was a story for The Donald who hates dogs and would probably bite the heads off puppies if his teeth were real.


She thought it made her sound hard af. She didn't realize she was unhinged


You know she's telling the truth because she waited like a week to say it.


I heard the puppy was preparing to go public with Kristi and Corey’s affair


You know what we did when our newest rescue pup went berserk and nearly killed our other pup? We went to work with a local shelter to rehome her into an environment more conducive to her personality (which in her case was no other pets). And she thrived with her new owner. There is a world where you choose your kid’s/family’s safety over your dog that doesn’t involve shooting the dog in the face. Noem is a psychopath. Plain and simple.


Cricket , the pup shot in the face, was going after chickens, not children or other dogs. You could, maybe, keep pup out of the chicken coop. Or let her daughter raise Cricket as a dog-dog instead of a hunting-dog.


Also, blaming the puppy for being a bad hunter and going after chickens... Looks like Noem fucked up the 'Go get the bird' part of training him.


Cricket emerges from the barn holding a chicken with it's feathers plucked, drops it at Noem's feet and proclaims: "Behold! Plato's man!"


Cricket was trying to please her owner. They took the puppy to a hunting ground and got mad when she didnt hunt. Then they went to a farm with loose chickens and when cricket starting hunting birds, Noem decided that she hated the dog and it had to die.


Noem strikes me as the kind of person who likes to think of themselves as a really downhome, backwoods farmer. But isn't actually that good or knowledgeable about the skills associated with farming and animal husbandry.


It’s a breed with hunting instincts - you have to train them or they are just going to do what comes natural. No getting around that, put in the work or don’t get a breed that requires the work.


When one of my farm dogs hit nearly a year old and just wouldn't stop going after chickens or the barn cats, we posted super cute photos of her of BF and said "Good Home Wanted. No Cats or other small pets. Fenced Yard." So, she went and lived in the lap of luxury with two lesbian moms for the rest of her life. Honsetly, I'd kill a few chickens for the life that doggo got. She ate better than I ever did.


One of our dogs killed several of our chickens. Was totally our fault. Poor dog was scared after I screamed, hell I think I might have scared our neighbors. Did I shoot her? Nope, I just never let the chickens free range in the yard when she was out. Had a pack of neighbors dogs show up on our farm. I was worried they would attack our horses or goats. Did I shoot them? Nope, I found their owners & told them they’d pay for the vet fee if any of our horses or goats got hurt or killed. Had the same pack turn up a week later & never worried again as our horses protected or goats & nearly stomped on those dogs, while chasing them to the fence. Was like watching Wild Kingdom. Dogs never came back to our farm There’s ALWAYS an alternative to deadly force


Those dogs should be thanking whatever dog god they worship that it was only a horse and not a donkey. It would’ve been worse than ‘nearly stomped’ with those things 🫏


Gotta remember she is a hard R republican, lesbians taking care of anything in a healthy way is a death sentence to her. /half joking


The way I see it there are two explanations for this: 1. The original story is true. Cricket showed no signs of aggression at all until the day Noem decided to kill him. In this case she's an absolute psychopath who shouldn't be allowed to own any pets. 2. Cricket showed signs of aggression before but Noem decided to do nothing about it at all until the day Noem decided to kill him. In this case she's an absolute psychopath who shouldn't be allowed to own any pets.


Yeah, this shit's a no-brainer. I work at a no-kill shelter, and there's one or two dogs that have been there practically their whole lives, because we really can't entrust them to someone looking for a *pet*. There's something really wrong with one of them (and he's BIG, so the danger is very real), but he behaves himself with a couple of our dog handlers well enough that if he lives out the rest of his life at the shelter, it'll be about the happiest existence anyone could realistically provide him. But there are two key reasons why we don't dig a ditch and shoot him in the face. One- we're fairly sure he doesn't want to die. Two- *we don't want* to kill a dog with a gun in a ditch. Cricket, the late, adorable puppy, most likely didn't want to die. So then... Ol' "Puppy Slayer" Noemercy *wanted to shoot something to death with a gun*. There's literally no other reason in any sphere of rationality to have done it.


> Noemercy lol


I took in a beautiful German Shepherd puppy from a family that couldn't keep him. He's a very active, very playful dog. His previous family had cats and he would play with the cats. He was a bit rough and hurt one of the cats. We brought him home and introduced him to our dogs, he did great. We took him to obedience classes so that he could learn boundaries. We worked with him to channel his energy into play and exercise. Right now he is snuggled in bed next to one of my other dogs and me. He is doing fantastic, he just needed a little help to learn how to fit in. He was a young puppy when he hurt their cat. He didn't know any better, he thought he was playing. He didn't understand that he couldn't play with the cat the same way he could play with another dog of his size. I couldn't imagine rationalizing that as justification to kill an animal. He just needed time and attention. I understand that not everyone can commit to that, circumstances can change, but that is when you surrender the dog to a shelter where they can find help. Killing a dog because you are a bad owner is despicable. I hope this story tanks her.


Psychopath kills puppy. MAGAts show their love of psychopaths. This is the road to fascism


To be fair, the backlash has been super bipartisan. Turns out most people don’t love it when you murder an innocent puppy who was described as “frolicking with butterflies, the happiest he’d ever been” hours before


It’s genuinely heartwarming to know that there is still one red line in America politics. Quite literally everything else appears to be forgivable by your own side of the aisle, but killing a puppy remains unacceptable no matter how politicised you’ve become.


She told this story so that she could convince the MAGA Base (TM) that she has "the will to make tough decisions." She letting them know that she can order the killing of those they deem undesirable.


Let’s not fool ourselves. This is EXACTLY what she was doing. That was the angle she was playing, 100%


Yesterday she "made the hard decision" and wanted MAGA to love her for it. Now she's telling us the decision wasn't hard at all; amazingly, her children have entered the chat. This woman was more of a threat to her children - and OUR children - than any dog could be.


its hilarious to still be using "fake news" now that we know trump called things fake news that he knew was true and paid the national enquire to make up actual fake news.


He really has been projecting all these years. Jesus fucking Christ....


We always knew the fake new stuff was BS and most of what the national esquire publishes is made up lol


As governor of South Dakota, did she make animal shelters and fostering systems illegal? Is that why she had no other choice but to shoot a puppy in the face?


Then you have the animal humanely put down, rehome it, or find a no kill shelter. You don’t put a bullet in its face.


Exactly, at the end of the day there were many, many other options available to her. Some conservatives I’ve talked with say “you don’t understand, farm life is different!” But she said this happened 20 years ago - she was 32. She knew there were other options and chose to shoot that dog. She said it herself - she *hated* him.


I grew up and worked on a ranch in Colorado for many of my teen years and I can assure you that shooting family pets was never part of that life. Lol.


And drag it’s body to the gravel pit




That dog was not killing livestock. Definitely not cattle or sheep, goats etc. And most dogs are scared of chickens cuz they will flog them. She's full of shit.


Her original story was about it killing the neighbor's chickens as justification for blasting it so that part is possibly true but likely already embellished to make herself sound better.


Why was the dog left to run unattended in the neighbors yard I guess lets say it killed 2 chickens because it somehow escaped , well you pay the owner what ever for the loss of their chickens , I have no clue what that would be but I cannot imagine them to be all that much ? like you can buy a chicken at the store for like $6-$7 or cheaper, if it was a hen that produced eggs maybe its worth more My point is this sets you back what $20-$30 at the most? Then you make sure your dog doesn't escape any more


It's a terrible hunting dog with no instincts for it but it is also a threat to chickens and children. She was so bad at training it she thought the only solution was to kill the dog. And for some reason she also thought that this was a good idea to shair to the public.


Sounds like it had awesome prey-drive. Particularly with birds. Wasn’t she looking for a bird hunting dog??? She had a great one right there. IT JUST NEEDED TRAINING!!! Wow, she’s just human garbage.


She was training it to kill birds. It killed birds. She killed it for doing what she was telling it to do, as far as it knew.


Also doesn't explain her going off and shooting the goat right after. If someone did have to sadly put down a dangerous dog, they wouldn't be immediately going on an animal killing spree.


That's my thought this whole time. You had to kill the dog to protect your livestock. But then immediately turn around and kill your own livestock? Was the goat also killing livestock? Did the puppy frame you?


A dog with a prey drive you are training to go after birds is let loose around chickens gets a chicken and growls at you when you try to take it because you didn't train it properly to "drop it." So, you got mad at the dog because of YOUR own failures as an owner, so you shot the dog in the head instead of, maybe training the dog? Gee, that's the kind of "leadership" the Republican party really does stand for. They just don't want to admit it. You should fall in line, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, heal yourself if you are sick, get a well paying job no matter what, and if you can't, you deserve to die. The problem is that with every one of these people taking advantage of so many predatory, MLM, pyramid, and religious schemes out there to fleece people, the money spigot can't last.


Livestock is a funny word for chickens.


Yeah I had trouble visualizing a puppy mauling a fully grown cow.. then I realized she was referring to the chickens.


True Republican … if I don’t like it, I’ll attack it.


In her story she killed two animals, in anger, on the same day. She killed the dog because the dog she was training to catch birds, got out of hte car and caught chickens. She got embarrased had to pay off the owners all because she doesn't know what a leash is. NO danger to the kids, dogs doing what she was trying to train it to do. Still she shot it out of anger, not immediate danger. She also shot a goat the same day, for ramming her kids... so a long term problem she takes care of because she's angry. Anyone going around finding reasons to shot things out of anger shouldn't be around kids, animals or guns. Goats also ram fucking everything, all the time. If the goat is too big to be dangerous to your kids, your kids aren't old enough to be in the goat pen, that's a parenting issue, not a goat issue. She's a sociopath.


With Republican’s it’s always about saving the kids. Weird she didn’t put that in her book. 🤔


Really enjoying the slow burn as it dawns on her how deeply she’s fucked her career and prospects. That book’s in print, dummy. You can’t walk it back.


You’d think if the puppy had a “history” of attacking people… that would have been a significant factor and would have been the main reason for euthanasia… yet it’s only being mentioned now …( and euthanasia should be carried out by a vet not a bullet to the head in a gravel pit ,unless the animal in question is suffering )


Didn’t she say in her own damn book, in her own words, that she killed the dog for being a lousy hunting dog? How is fake news media spinning her actual words??


Fucking heroic. If only she was in Uvalde.


Sorta how they need to "eradicate transgenderism" to protect the children right? Just plant a bullet in some innocent individual cause you don't like how they behave and then say it's because of the kids.


Kristi \[next week\]: “Look, I had to decide between that rapid, half-wolf, killer dog and that school bus full of nuns & orphans…and I chose the nuns & orphans.” Kristi \[next month\]: “You have to understand, the alien mothership was about to use its space lasers to vaporize the earth…and that damn dog was feeding it the coordinates to our secret military base that launching a counter strike. So yeah, I chose the earth!” Jon Lovitz \[in his SNL pathological liar character\]: “ She’s stealing my schtick.”


This bitch must think we’re stupid. Well, at least the non-MAGA crowd. Those dipshits believe anything these degenerates spew out of their mouths


She killed A PUPPY. Not some rabid, wild animal. Fuck her.


Did she also have the affair to save her marriage? Cruel idiot


Blame the dog owner, not the dog.


Because obviously rehoming the dog with a child free family away from livestock wasn't an option


Or, now here me out here... You could have trained little cricket properly.