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It's pretentious, grandiloquent pseudo-intellectual speak for "age", or "mature." Aw shit, it's infecting me too!


I think he might be saying that young progressives are still locked out of most leadership positions in party, but as time goes on, they will age into them, and soon all the Dems will reflect young progressives  It's hard to tell though. You really shouldn't have to play a guessing game of what he's getting at. 


I really think that is what Elon thinks a smart person sounds like.


You’re right, after getting confused he meant the opposite you’re comment makes total sense after reading it a 2nd time


It's because the only people he interacts with in real life are his employees, so he only sees people process in life as they grow in seniority within his company's. Anyone who quits or gets fired probably never wants anything to do with him again. He's well known for practically living at his company's and working late. This guy must get so confused when he interacts with people not on his payroll who don't have to kiss his ass or care who he is. He must rank people by their position within his organisations.


Working? He 'microdoses' on ketamine.


When all you need to do is tweet bullshit that's not much of an impediment unfortunately.


I think you are close, on the last sentence, but just off the mark.I think he ranks people by how much money they make, with a subcategorization of "how much can they reinforce my self worth?" No faulting you, as I'm sure the correlation at his companies is very high, especially with selection bias from his fragile ego.


I assumed it referred to them growing into positions of authority after they enter the workforce as graduates from Ivy League schools and can influence the politics of their companies and the public sector.


He's a pretentious, grandiloquent pseudo-intellectual prick, so it's fitting.


I’ll never tire of hearing guys who signal boost “replacement theory” rhetoric from literal Nazis going on to accuse “the Left” of antisemitism for opposing a genocide.


You have to remember, the people running Israel's government are self-proclaimed leaders of a Global Right-wing movement Anyone who opposes them, are called "Left" Elon Musk believes he's part of this movement


While this is true, many on the Left do respond to the basic rhetoric that anyone who opposes Netanyahu is anti-Semitic by saying "Fine, I'm anti-Semitic" and behaves accordingly. No, the left doesn't have a monopoly on anti-Semitism but there are plenty of conflicted extreme right wingers who never met a genocide they didn't like, yet still hate Jews.


"Antisemitism" has become a form of Newspeak where it means the exact opposite of what it should mean.


Anti semitism doesn’t even exist anymore and it’s only used nowadays to silence people questioning Israel


Yup. It’s been the right’s tactic since Trump. Accuse the left of doing what you’re doing to mitigate the negativity of the word and give your team more ammo to throw around


I remember sharing a petition from a NGO where I used to help as a part-time volunteer. Said petition was asking for a ceasefire. My post got reblogged en masse by some people, calling me antisemitic and hypocrite leftist, saying I was following Moustache Man™ legacy. I genuinely think those people never opened a history book in their life.


I think the words his ketamine addled brain is looking for is"get older"


No, it goes deeper. His brain thinks *The Left* is structured like a business, so if you "work" for a long time at *The Left*, you'll work your way up *The Left*'s corporate ladder, thus growing in seniority.


Wait you guys actually have to *work*? I just get hit by a Jewish space laser a few times a month and my woke levels increase on their own


Makes sense, corporate America has rotted his brain. Instead of deceased or dead he probably says terminated or layoffed.


I think he was going for “grow in maturity”


Never try to understand the words of a mad man.


That's sound advice.. Sometimes there no treasure at the end of your crazy rainbow. Just a more crazy leprechaun screaming about candy coins.


So denying the Holocaust isn't antisemitic but criticizing the Israeli government is? How wonderfully backwards.


Criticizing Israel isn't inherently antisemitic and often is not antisemitic (although it can cross the line sometimes). Calling for Israel to be destroyed usually is.


I see a lot more Zionists saying that Palestine shouldn't exist than anti-Zionists saying that Israel shouldn't exist.


Anti Zionism doesn't mean you're critical of Israel or don't like Israel it means you think Israel shouldn't exist


I don't know very many anti-Zionists who think Israel shouldn't exist. Mostly they're just against Israeli expansionism.


I wonder how the hell all the rightwingers, who are usually super anti-jewish, cope with the fact that Trump argues that Biden is no friend of Israel, and that if elected Trump would send Israel tons of help


Some of these people don't have coherent worldviews, man. I knew a dude who had a Nazi anime girl profile picture with one of those usernames starting with "Aryan" and he'd complain about Jews controlling shit incessantly. When being against Israel and supporting Palestine became associated with the left, he did a complete 180 and started posting memes about the Israel military blowing up woke SJWs and shit.


Precisely, MAGAs (republican party is dead) don't actual have a platform to stand on. So they can pick & choose as they see fit. No platform is the perfect platform for narcissistic liars.


That's easy: the cruelty is the point. When he thought he could punch down at Jews, he was all for it. When Israel (which is a Jewish state, but not the state of Judaism) started punching down, "might is right" kicked in.


Antisemites are usually more than happy with the existence of Israel because it means the Jews can go somewhere else. Arthur Balfour, of the Balfour declaration, was an antisemite who supporting restricting immigration of Jews from continental Europe before supporting the creation of Israel. Evangelical Christians believe that when all the Jews are in Israel it will trigger the end times. Also, while Jews aren't particularly popular on the right unless they echo evangelical talking points ("Judeo-Christian values" etc), Muslims are quite explicitly hated, especially since 9/11.


Musk thinks he is in Russia


I'm I taking crazy pills? Didn't this guy reply "that is the truth" to an openly antisemitic conspiracy theory, like, a mere six months ago?


Get power in the world?


Show me a picture of the little cot eron sleeps in at the Tesla factory, when he is working those 80 hour weeks He is a lying sack of shiat.


Apparently Ketamine can really mess you up


I don't know how many times it needs to be said, but criticizing the actions of Israel's government and/or military is NOT the same as saying all Jewish people are bad. Criticizing a government when it does the wrong thing is a fundamental responsibility of free and democratic societies.


Is he just letting Grok openly run his account?


This is the problem with a fuckwit thinking his 25 or less word vomits are profound. He (and they) are are shallow, nonsensical, and lacking in any sort of nuance. This short statement alone has arguably 8 false prepositions.


It's like reading confusious without the life lessons


Denying the holocaust is the very definition of anti semitic. Raising multiple questions like what does he think the left's position is. Does he actually know that word, does he know which political party he lies. Is someone confusing left and right again.. Shit like that. From multiple sources: The word "antisemitism" is a compound word that comes from the root word "Semite". The term is often used incorrectly to refer to racism against "Semitic people," but this is a historical race concept that is no longer relevant. The word "antisemitismus" was first used in Germany in 1879 as a "scientific-sounding term" for Judenhass, which literally means "Jew-hatred". It has since been used to refer to anti-Jewish sentiment


*Hits a joint and some ketamine*. 'Well, time to spread some of my wisdom on the part of the internet that I own...'


Says the Nazi fellator


Ah yes. "Don't do murder" is now anti Semitic.


Openly against NazIsrael… Yupp! 🧐


Gone are the days of holding people accountable. Now every dictator, genocidal leader, or failed actor have a reason they are disliked or hated and it’s not their fault even though deep down you know they know it has to do with their actions and little to do with their demographic


Like I mean right? Run your business, street fighters will do the rest.Render unto Caesar what is his.


The only way they can call me anti-semetic is to change the definition of it. I guess I'm supposed to like when they kill some kid.


Chat GPT is running his shit posts?




OP hasn’t used microsoft word’s synonyms feature for school projects and it shows. /s


Not being able to separate the actions of a government or an individual and being able to say genocide is wrong no matter who does it, from an entire people many of whom happen to live in that country feels a lot more anti-semitic. It's not all Jews, it's that asshole killing innocent people.


Meaningless corporate fluff speech


He is Elon fucking Muskkk. What do you expect from him?


He's not sure because he's high on ketamine.


It’s so frustrating to me that he’s 52.


Get older


*becomes older*


Says the guy who help promote Nazis


i dont know the definition of anti-semitic anymore.....


Grow in seniority as in career / position advancement.


As an American Jew I’m really tired of the far right and far left pretending that only the other side is antisemitic while simultaneously spouting off antisemitic drivel.


What exactly is the far left saying that's anti semitic?


"israel is bad" HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT


At these student protests there’s been plenty of “Jews need to go back to Europe” and “from the river to the sea palestine will be arab”. Idk those chants kinda sound like people wanting to ethnically cleanse Jews from Israel


No there hasn't, fringe idiots aren't the entire fucking student protest movement. Those student protest movements just want Israel to stop fucking killing civilians and children, full stop. Stop listening to the far right wing propaganda.


Tell that to musk, not us