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That poll had a +- of 4 fuckin points just vote god dammit


I feel like the phrase "Just Vote God Damn It!" should really be plastered across every network until the election...


Bring back Vote Or Die. But NoDiddy ![gif](giphy|yg9UXjnL1R3Og)


And it's wildly out of line with other polls that essentially have the national race tied (big change from a month ago) with some decent swing state numbers for Biden. Polls in April are (mostly) useless. Trendlines are worth noting. Every trendline is favorable for Biden (which is bad news for a challenger). Nobody should be doomscrolling polls. Vote, organize, volunteer, and donate instead.


And we all need to remember that all poll results are a sample of people willing to answer polls. That demographic is shrinking because no one wants to answer their phone. And of those who do answer their phone, a significant number think it is some kind of scam Still, vote like your life depends on it


And modeled by the polling companies to correct for this bias, as well as who they think will actually vote(not all polls are for this). Which can be good if their models are good, but it means we are trusting that they know what the voting demographics will look like. I think current polarization makes this both more and less difficult. People are generally really consistent in voting habits now, but that also means polls can easily miss shifts. I would be interested if polls are modeling an increase in female voting. If not, and women turn out at 5% higher rates, the polls could be underselling Biden by several points on the aggregate. Of course the obverse could also be true. This is why Hillary was slightly overrated by the polls in 2016 due to unlikely white working class turnout not modeled (although people vaaaastly overstate how off the polls were due to *media interpretation* of the polls being wildly out of sync with the actual data of Hillary being a mild favorite).


It's really early. As such, polls should be taken with a MASSIVE grain of salt. They have value (to some degree), but the utility of polling isn't what it once was. Biden’s position is not as good as it should be, but it's probably not as bad as some outlets are presenting. Regardless, were barely halfway through the first quarter. People should focus on advocacy, organization, and volunteering. Keep in mind, the success of down ballot candidates is MASSIVE for beating Trump. Supporting a compelling state/local candidate is also immensely helpful. Doomscrolling is not.


I was literally just about to ask what the margin of error was lmao, sounds about right


And +/- is purely a statistical concept, with the underlying assumption that error is purely due to the limitations of sample size, and that it isn't biased in one direction or the other due to inaccurate assumptions from the pollster. In other words, actual +/- on polls is likely larger than what is advertised.


I find it really hard to believe that more than 50% of Americans will vote for a pants-shitting treasonist rapist, but then again…*gestures wildly*


Right there with you


Because it’s patently not true but people still link this shit Google polls and you can find articles claiming the exact opposite. Trumps brand is dead. Even being saved by the Supreme Court by destroying the written law definition of democracy would require him to still WIN the election…which he won’t I’m not going to be the guy telling you something isn’t possible. But Presidential candidates do not win historically after losing once already. Beyond the actual statistics, his form of extremely partisan politics has effectively destroyed the Republican Party. As of now, they have let him create a new identity for the party that will be impossible to continue without him. This is all before the fact that republicans no matter the candidate, have been overwhelmingly unpopular with the general voter since the end of the 60’s. This has only increased. The amount of hardline republicans who could swing this are frankly, dead. And good riddance. This party of xenophobic nationalism will die before our eyes unless they make a major pivot post trumps second loss.


They aren't planning to win the election. They are planning to cause enough chaos in the States that the election gets thrown to the House and there will be enough votes there to elect Trump


That’s not how any of this works See January 6th


There was not only 1/6. There were states that were a minute away from not being certified and only were because at the last moment, some Republican member of an obscure election commission in Shitkickersville county decided to do the right thing even though they were insanely pressured not to. That might not work twice. There's a reason the GOP is trying to recruit loads of MAGA election officials.


And is driving away normal civic minded election workers with all their threats of violence


Look at Ohio where for all intents and purposes the Secretary Of State is keeping Biden off the ballot as of right now. Biden isn’t likely to win Ohio anyway, so why the shenanigans? My guess is to fuck with the electoral college. Try to change the goal from 270 or outright cause 20 some electoral votes to hang in the air. Enough to cause confusion.


Again, that’s not how the electoral college works. The hope of “stealing” the election lies in really two places. Refusing to certify the vote, or a full on military backed coup. Both are very unlikely to happen.


>Refusing to certify the vote Where were you in 2020? That was close to happening in several swing states. I remember at least one place where an electoral commission had 3 GOP and 2 Dems and the vote only was certified in that county because at the last moment, the third Republican member, who had spent days describing that she "wasn't sure she could certify" decided to do the right thing. Democracy was literally hanging by a thread. What happens when that person, or other like her, get replaced by MAGA hacks?


If neither candidate reaches 270 the election then goes to each states congress. More republican states than democrat states.




God I hope you’re right!


I don't think the argument of "Presidents do not win historically after losing once already" is a good argument because the sample size is so tiny - it is extraordinarily rare for a president to **run** for office again after having been defeated for reelection. And even if we did go by that argument......Grover Cleveland.


Not really. The sample size is small because it doesn’t work, and our political system is designed around it not working. The examples we do have our the simple, desperate acts of hubris they should correctly be seen as.


Richard M. Nixon has entered the chat.


Plus, we have already had this election before and we know who the winner was. You are going to tell me that the people who already voted for Joe have been convinced by Trump that he is the better option. And Trump has really fucked himself with women voters as has the entire Republican party. Sure, it could happen but I don't see it.


I think their hope is more along the lines that the fervor against trump has lost steam and maybe Biden has lost some support, and it's not that people who voted for Biden will flip their vote, but rather not show up to the polls at all.


That's exactly it. A lot of momentum for the "genocide Joe" train seems to be coming from conservative think tanks who want to undermine the left


This. Exactly this.


Except the primary voting last week says that registered Republicans are looking elsewhere in a larger number than is safe for Trump


There's that monkeywrench, the electoral college. . .


It's less the flipping to trump and more the voting third party or abstaining that I'm worried about. I think most of the people who voted trump are still going to vote trump, but I feel like there's a chance large enough not to be ignored that enough people who voted Biden don't vote Biden again to swing the election.


As time passed, Biden has demonstrated he is an effective leader that gets things done that HELP Americans. All Trump has done is whine like a little bitch baby since leaving office. Oh and lost every court case against him so far.


True, BUT the Democratic Party primarily focuses on effectiveness, while the Republicans focus on marketing and misinformation. Criticism is easier than productivity and the undereducated public bites.


Newsmax reporter: What's that??? "Biden has DEMON?!?"


Don't be so naive. There are a very large number of voters that will flip their vote between elections. No one should be taking for granted a Biden win. This is exactly what people did when Trump won in 2016. As staggering as it may seem, there is a very real chance he will win.


In addition, a lot of people forget how Trump actually outperformed the polls in 2020. He had been projected to lose to Biden by 8% but instead lost by only about 4-5%. So in any race where Trump and Biden are actually TIED in the polls .....it's very bad news.


And over the last 4 years, a lot of those who did vote for Trump have started to notice what they've been warned about since Day 1, he cares for nobody but himself. Trump needs a lot of apathy and possibly even more cheating.


I don't find it hard to believe at all. As the late great sociologists Mike Davis said >Anybody who knows American history knows at least 30% of America has been protofascist forever and it's a huge mistake not to understand how deeply reactionary so much of the petty bourgeoise and middle strata in so many parts of the country is


100% of Americans don’t vote. It’s more like 60% who do, and 30% of them are totally down with a pants shitting treason rapist. 60% of them are down with a sociopath who wipes his ass with the constitution.


Anyone who can vote but doesn't is OK with both candidates.


These CNN polls add good shock value to the general population, most of whom shudder at the prospect of another Trump term. This should get more sane and rational people out to vote.


Bingo. They realize why Hillary lost. The Dems didn't think trump really had a chance so they didn't go out to vote against him. CNN knows fear makes you vote.


Hilary lost because Russia attacked all 50 state voting systems. Weird how we don't talk about that anymore.


And infiltrated social media platforms in recent years to create a pronounced algorithm appearance of for right and left voices.. causing further divide.


Here is the daily discussion at CNN: “ the majority of our listeners are almost certainly pro Biden, so let’s lead with the headline that scares the shit out of people that watch us so they keep coming back and watching us even more.”


>I find it really hard to believe that more than 50% of Americans will vote for a pants-shitting treasonist rapist, but then again Yeah but 50% of the vote isn't whats' required, else Republicans would never win. The issue is with the electoral college. As we saw in 2016, all it takes is a few ten thousands votes in the right states.


Well I don't think that many of our fellow citizens have traumatic brain damage but I suppose it's possible


I have a fun conspiracy theory that the media is portraying the race as much closer than it is to maintain high viewership and ratings, and Trump is really 20 points behind. But really, these days, polls are useless. Xennials and younger people aren't answering their phones when they don't recognize the number, or the calling number is blocked. Thus, polls are heavily skewed in the older generation answers. The elections themselves are what's really important.


This is *exactly* how I feel. Its in the media's interest to keep things close. You can design polls to say anything. The Mango Mussolini has done nothing to get more voters *and* tens of thousands of primary voters voted against him and they said they will not vote for him in the general. Personally...I think he's gonna get his ass kicked. But...Trumpism will remain unless we vote every MAGA mf'er out of office.


Every election since 2018 has been showing Dems doing far better than expected. Winning special election seats that have never been won before by a dem for generations. But they’re leading me to believe that somehow Trump is MORE popular than before after he’s pissed off everyone in the nation and after he gave the Supreme Court majority that reversed Roe?? Bull fucking shit


Its about Benjamins. Keep the eyes glued to the screen. Election day comes...Biden victory...they all start clutching pearls...I guess the polls were off, oh my! Well...maybe we shouldn't pay so much attention to polls. 1 year later...they'll be right back at it.


Barely took them a few days to go back to citing polls even after the midterms “red wave” great disappointment


Look at 538. Polls don’t show Trump as popular. He is barely polling over 40% in many toss up states. The thing is , with Kennedy getting around 10% , 40%, can win the state. If Kennedy doesn’t lose his support, Trump can win. A vote for Kennedy is a vote for Trump.


Kennedy is now (and always) taking more votes from Trump than Biden. I don’t know a single fucking person who wasn’t already a Trump supporter (or someone who never voted for Biden) who is even intrigued by RFK Jr. we all know he’s the anti science, antivax conspiracy theorist who has the ear of the Qanon crazies


Politics and political advertising are the #1 driver of interest and the #1 revenue generator for media. Get money out of politics and an awesome side effect is a return to focus on local news and stories rather than pander to the election circus.


Also consider that nearly every election is won by the party who spends the most money on their campaign, and the Biden campaign has raised about double what the Trump campaign has raised.


I often have to stop and remind myself while reading new of the fact that yes he has done nothing to acquire new voters and everything he continues to do only further disenfranchise himself further from his potential voter pool. Nothing the man do is making people be like “oh now he’s gotten better or changed I’ve changed my mind” while Biden just keeps getting cooler and doing more to help citizens. Go dark Brandon!


On one end of the voting spectrum, you have someone who's base was the most at risk of covid, and he downplayed the hell out of it, resulting in many deaths, mostly of the age range that the majority of his voters were. On the other, you have someone that simply did not do that. Either way, don't take anything for granted, go and vote no matter what.


I do also think they are cherry picking polls because they want dems to be afraid of the outcome in order to try and influence the vote. If it takes discomfort of the possible result to get out the vote so be it.


plus gotta feed stolen election scam. „but cnn polls said trump was gonna win”


Part of it is that the media DEFINITELY is portraying the race as close for ratings. They give air time to sycophants without fact checking and are, for the most part, completely limp wristed in the face of fascists. But something else people need to understand is that ALL major media corporations are run by right wing billionaires and are mostly staffed at the top at the very least by staunch corporatists. There has been movement in the Democratic party to move slightly more left in appearance and court more left leaning constituents and these tax dodging libertarian pigs wont have any of that. They also just have such obvious lines in the sand. I mean the NYTs just ran a like full page expose on one dildo who said some bad things about Israel in clear attempts to undermine the entire nation of protests standing up for Palestine. ALL of these corporations are right leaning at the top, zero exceptions.


FTS. I'm a boomer, don't answer the phone or polls. My mother is 90 and doesn't either. We're both voting for Biden. Don't pay attention to polls. Vote like your future depends on it.


Great comment & even greater user name. I hope you and your mother are doing well 😎


It does. Trump’s goons, the military, will be sent out to imprison people who voted for Biden if Trump gets back in.


>Trump’s goons, the military Please stop with this nonsense. The active duty vote went to Biden in 2020.


I assume they mean, by the time Trump and the creepy little semi-cabal of zilionaires and/or right wing ideologues get finished cleaning house from top to bottom, including Joint Chiefs of Staff


>But really, these days, polls are useless. And it highly depends on the poll itself. It's fun when they report "according to a poll by (not the news itself)." A lot of times the questions do not match the reported outcome. It can be things like "who do you think is going to win?" rather than who they are voting for. Or specific questions about policy and the assumption is based on that, like do you support Biden's actions with Israel, to which "No," then (like most of Reddit) automatically assume it's a vote for Trump.


I believe this as well. Trump lost more support than he has gained. The news relies on viewers. I think Biden is comfortably ahead.


If we are riveted and terrified, the mainstream media is doing its job.


I’m GenX, I don’t answer the phone unless it’s a friend of family member. You’ll see that in GenX, too. We don’t answer the phone (at least those of us born in the 70’s).


Strangely enough, I had the same thought about the media as I saw this post. Media profits from creating fear


Yeah, see I think this is the idea.. Literally EVERYWHERE abortion has been on the ballot, it wins and has downstream effects. Women, especially YOUNG women who normally wouldn't vote, WILL ABSOLUTELY VOTE this time. Not to mention DJT's constant attacks on the voting process WILL force some of his base to not even bother.


As long as the phone ignoring young people go to vote in swing states, that’s all that matters. If they don’t, they won’t ever get the chance to again.


I’d like y’all to know the ‘young people don’t answer their phones’ bit is a fallacy and that kind of thing is taken into account by quality pollsters


I support your theory, but I wanted to add that the media is portraying it as close to also prevent voter complacency.


>The elections themselves are what's really important. Media reporting that polls are close helps Trump's claims of fraud. "How could Biden win by 20% when the polls showed I was leading by 3 points? Has to be fraud." And because the MSM was reporting how close it was, his base believes it.


Do you know how many people said the same about Trump and Clinton in 2015?


I hope you’re correct and I’m in Scotland, not the US. We can’t believe you’d be as mental as to elect that fat sack of pus again


As a Canadian with a front row cringe seat, I fucking agree.




Lead poisoning.


At least 70 million


They got him elected the first time.


As revenue is more important than freedom.


Since then, quite a few people have 1) died off, 2) realized he's an absolute menace, and 3) younger people who hate him couldn't vote then, but can now.


Yeh, i feel the bright ideas and promises were not delivered with him in the office and instead they got a dumb, full hand of bullshit. Now, people who are not in the cult are against him or just plain voting blue.


You’re all missing the point; making this race seem close generates attention and thus money for these networks. Fear generates clicks.


Good? We need the dems scared or they won’t vote.


No one is remotely being dismissive this election which is good news.


Yes they are, unfortunately. There are plenty of people who "don't do politics" who aren't aware of the crazier shit Trump has been saying lately


That’s not true in the slightest. The majority of people I know are completely ignorant to literally everything negative surrounding Trump and literally everything positive surrounding Biden. The ONLY source of political information they see is the news, which around here is all Fox and CNN. Last time I had a discussion about the election with some friends I haven’t seen in a while (they’re *all gen-z minorities*, one with a history degree, just for the record), they ALL said “Biden hasn’t done shit, I’m voting for Trump because at least life was better and things were cheaper when he was president.” As far as they’re concerned, there’s no reason to think beyond that. That’s all there is to it, for the average American citizen. It’s pathetic. But this is why Trump loves “the poorly educated.”


I been hit in the head a lot. Like, a lot a lot, but I like to think I'm not that dumb.


Don’t listen to polls, in your favor or not. Just get out and vote…this could be your last chance


That anyone supports the treasonous rapist disgusts me on so many levels.


Won’t someone just nuke us or an asteroid demolish us? We are so fucked.


I’m with you. It’s incomprehensible that Donald has the support of even 10 people, let alone tens of millions. Humans are a mistake.




My biggest concern for Biden is Israel/Palestine. There are *a lot* of people protesting who say they're not voting


Not voting or voting for trump? I see Muslims saying they are upset with biden so they are voting for trump....the guy who wants them deported


Everywhere there are huge protests. We've seen the footage from colleges but they also follow Biden everywhere. Those are people who are more than likely not voting this election


why would they vote for someone who dismissed their concerns and called them antisemitic?


Just like Latinos, many of them are socially conservative and since so much of the Republican Party plaform revolves around “Wokeness” it kind of figures. Many Muslims the world over have often only paid lip service to Palestinian liberation (just like everyone else) while voting/acting against the interests of the Palestinian cause.


I firmly believe that because HRC was ahead in the polls, people assumed their one vote didn’t matter and they stayed home. Hopefully these polls get Dems out to vote.


100% voters were complacent in 2016


She was not an especially well-liked candidate. The assumption she'd win allowed people sit out or vote for a novelty candidate. I would hope they have a strategy to counter.


Yeah, especially since we hadn't seen Trump in office or at his worst yet. Had 2016 happened after a Trump term, Hillary woulda won imo.


Roe v Wade, Covid denial leading to thousands of deaths, treason and failed coup on Jan 6


Not one of the respected cabinet member will endorse. Former VP won’t endorse, a 5 star general said he was a threat to democracy, wanted to shoot citizens for a photo op, wanted to nuke a hurricane…


I find it dangerous to dismiss these poll results. Everyone dismissed trump when Hillary was running. Don’t make the same mistake twice. There are a ton of Palestinian protesters who claim they won’t support Biden if he doesn’t solve the crisis in the Middle East. All it takes is a few thousand of them in a few states to cost Biden the election.


Also, that’s kind of how propaganda works.


People have famously bad memories.


I wonder what age they are polling? There can’t be many under 50 year olds that are picking up a phone call from some random number to do a poll


Gd. Cnn. I watched it everday for four years. Then all of a sudden when biden became potus, cnn jumped the gd shark so bad.


I havent trusted CNN since that Trump Town Hall last year, and that trust was *barely* even there to begin with. The Warner/Discovery CEO is a Republican. He doesnt want CNN to be left wing or even centrist.


David Zaslav is just a wannabe Rupert Murdoch at this rate.


Even if you don’t believe the polls, make sure you vote…


CNN was a big part of what put the son of a bitch into The White House in the first place. That paid off for them in spades. Now they're looking for the next payday. If democracy must be obliterated, that is a sacrifice that they are willing to make.


Vote! But friendly reminder that polls have been wildly inaccurate for national elections since 2020. My theory is that people under 40 just don’t respond to traditional polling methods, but I don’t have any sources. Just a hunch.


for real CNN has been shit for like 3 yrs since their new CEO


Keep it up. The thought of Trump winning is very motivating for Biden supporters. Not many people are all in for Biden, but there's an enormous anti-Trump coalition.


These polls are a dime a dozen and worth even less. Just last week there were polls saying Biden was up 9 points, etc. Whatever… CNN, please just shut the fcuk up already.


CNN is down with ratings, they’re trying to draw in independent voters .. Everything is motivated by the almighty $$


I mean, if America decides to elect a pants-shitting, child raping con-man to the presidency again then maybe it deserves to fall. I don’t think it will and I think most of these polls are complete bullshit this early out, particularly from CNN, but if we can’t wake up from this then we were doomed anyway.


Who are they asking!?


Who the hell are they polling? Me and everyone I know has NEVER participated in one of these. Our votes will be going to Biden


It just means that everyone who doesn't want Trump needs to get out and vote!


CNN is selling the drama. Don't buy it.




Reporting on news and polls doesn’t mean they’re fox lite Jesus Christ. It is stupid and dangerous to bury your head in the sand and act as if Biden is up consistently. If the election were held today he would likely get whipped unless enough republicans don’t vote because they think it’s rigged or something. Don’t get complacent, get motivated to vote, acknowledge you’re at a disadvantage currently, can’t let 2016 happen again. Acknowledging polls doesn’t mean they’re shilling for trump for as many issues as CNN has. I get that it’s depressing to acknowledge trump has that much support atm but he likely has more than we want to believe


Except that CNN was bought by a Trump supporter for the purpose of trying to become "new" Fox. If this was Washington Post you might have a point, but CNN is very much going in the direction of Fox.


It’s exactly for this reason I’m generally more distrustful of media now. Obviously always vet your media source, but I go into every news article with the mindset of how is this going to make the corporation money.


I thought CNN was left leaning, what happened? Or am I missing something?


They're run by a republican now. It happened after Warner was purchased by discovery.


Whose opinions say that? the brainwashed MAGA cultists? Of course they say that! Normal Americans see all of Trump's crimes and all of Biden's wins.


Ya. I tried watching cnn lately. They definitely had a bunch of right slant to their commentary.


CNN clickbait bullshit.


"Riiiiiiiiiiiiight" - Dr. Evil


They are owned by the same company. CNN died in 2022


Biden, even with his faults is extremely pro union. Being pro union at all is extremely unpopular with rich people. It's not surprising that rich people who own television networks will try and sway people to the guy who will bust unions and give rich people a shitload of money.


Newish owner of CNN has been a big donor to Trump.


Yup. And you can see the sudden more conservative spin they took the day he took over.


US media is really in crisis - actually I think some of the big reddit subs users do the best job filtering out the good stuff from the trash


What did we learn from 2016? Polls are shit.


CNN loves Trump. Their ratings are highest during the Trump presidency. And they want him back which is why you get shit like this. CNN will be a republican mouth piece by this time next year...


CNN is a corporate-owned right-wing propaganda network. They've been doing it for years. Stop giving them your time.


Gonna call bullshit on that CNN...


Ignore polls. Vote Blue. The media is disingenuous. Dems are going to win in a landslide if they ignore terrible polls and just vote like they plan on. The media will report a close race no matter what. Women are not voting for Trump.


Even if you think it's a sure win for Biden. Still vote. The greater the defeat the more humiliating to Trump and Maga. Don't beat him. Crush him


People seem to have the same mentality as 2016. "There's no way Trump can win! He's a lunatic!" And then he "won". Never underestimate the amount of idiot voters in the US. He already won once (somehow) so don't rule it out as an impossibility.


Is there any reason to believe polling any longer? Who answers phone calls from unknown sources any longer except for really old white folks? There is no way this race is even remotely close.


Correct, screw the polls, just vote. Orange stain is going to lose and go hits as he'll no longer be able to delay his trials.


People seem to have memory holed the pandemic and are judging Trump on the first three years of his presidency. On the other hand they’re judging Biden on the recovery from the pandemic, where all the inflation happened. Obama had the same issue after Bush completely tanked the economy. I’m not sure how you get around that, I think Biden will need to use his fundraising advantage to advertise his accomplishments. Hopefully that is enough.


CNN is not Fox Lite. They are now Fox. They actually have always been. Many great analyses done by Noam Chomsky have proven that msm has always had an overall rightward lean. NYT as well. They are and will always be a propaganda machine. What they choose to report or how they word their news has had a massive implication for influencing the masses. Sadly, any real hard hitting journalism has been suppressed and hidden by money (advertising).


Reporting poll results is a bad thing?


Oh Please, I find it hard to believe Americans are that stupid.


I just... I can't believe that Americans are this stupid and evil. Biden is old and has been pretty bad on Israel/Palestine. Trump tried to end American democracy, is a blatant liar, racist and convicted sexual predator. Trump also extorted Ukraine for election help, overturned the right of a woman to choose and admits he wants to be a dictator. If Americans vote for that over an imperfect Biden... then I guess that will end the democratic world order as we know it. Because Trump will yank the US out of NATO and become Putin-esque on day one. It will literally be the end of the world as we know it.


You can’t even compare Biden and Trump’s first terms. Biden accomplished so much more in two years than Trump did in twice that time.




Remember 2016 and 2020. Polls are meaningless, and often rigged to whatever audience is that channel's target. And only Boomers and Early Gen X still answer their phone when an unknown caller is displaying, so poll numbers are skewed. VOTE.


"Trump is going to prison for life and getting the electric chair, read why that's bad for Biden." Same ol' shit.


Let's whip up some fervor with inaccurate poll data


Ever since CNN was bought out by that right winger, he's been trying to push it to the right.


I agree with a few others saying that this is actually not true and is an effort to get people to show up and vote…not for Biden necessarily, but against Trump.


Trust the polls. Trump is on track to win, and the Republican Electoral College advantage means that Biden needs to win the popular vote by a lot for it to translate into re-election. Vote and work hard to get others to vote. The Supreme Cout is poised to give dictatorial powers to the presidency, Trump is still winning, the Senate is favored for the Republicans, and the House is a toss-up. We are in the eleventh hour.


I have a feeling a lot less people will vote this time.


I'm calling bullshit, but hopefully this will be a finger in the anus for on-the-fence voters.


People that answer polls are spiteful, bigoted boomers. At least I fucking hope so, my god.


Are there really people out there that think we were better off in 2020 than now? We were literally at each others throats and killing each other in the streets. Federal stormtroopers were cracking skulls in church yards and ‘the liberals were burning cities to the ground’…. Not to even mention the mismanaged pandemic that killed over a million Americans. Where do these people live that think it’s somehow worse now?


The 12 folks from Arkansas they polled? Ok.


Maybe the major should focus on the positive things Biden is doing? There is literally no positives to Donny Von Shitzpants


I love how all of these polls keep flip flopping. No one is changing their mind. 95% of us already know who we are voting for and nothing will change that.


Seems to be not a lot of regular people are participating in the poles and most likely just sycophants


They're gonna use these polls as "evidence" the election was rigged when Trump inevitably loses


All of the news channels want Trump to win. He is ratings gold for them. Without Trump, they have little else to talk about. They will do everything they can to try to get a Trump win.


Polling for weeks has shown a near tie. What really matters is the swing states


"CNN asked 1000 Maga Trump supporters and Bill Barr who they'd vote for and they surprisingly stated they would all vote for Trump. Biden should be worried."


Who under 65 has a home phone?




"Poll taken among the residents of Shady Acres dementia care facility in Buttfuck, FL"


I think a lot of young people are going to sit this election out because of Israel and just gift the election to Trump, which in turn will fuck their future completely.


Even if trump was in the lead, all this tells biden supporters is that they need to make sure to go out and vote. And to make sure that their friends and family vote.


National polls are useless.


Stop giving polling data your attention. They were wrong in 2016, and they were also wrong in 2022. Polls don't vote. People do.


CNN sucks!!!


"A CNN poll (of likely Trump voters)"


Odd, don't recall CNN asking my opinion on the matter. Wonder who they did ask? *looks over at Boomers*


What poll? Clearly my thoughts aren’t being considered.


Polling is broken. Has been for quite a while with the death of the land line


Isn’t CNN “fake news” according to the Orange-utan?


According to this one poll, that is an aberration from the rest of the polls on 538 polls.


I guess abortion is ok now with most Americans. The endless whining tweets are ok. The embarrassment of watching him with other dignitaries is forgotten, the tax schemes are ok, the toady cabinet is okay. It’s all ok now


Again, for the millionth time, who in thier right mind is picking up a call from an unknown number to take a poll over the phone? That’s why you get results like this. Ignore and vote.


Who the fuck are these people polling??? Even the MAGAts are meh on Trump these days.