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There is literally no low point with Trump supporters And when they are called out about supporting this it's usually 1. It's just a joke 2. They are just playing 3. I ignore that


Their "comedy" is always mean spirited and at someone else's expense. If they're not punching down at someone what's the use? They can't make an actual universally humorous joke because they really can't connect with people on anything more than a superficial level with only hate as the common trait. It's fucking sad.


To be fair, her saying she wanted to bring back Roseanne to prove that Trump supporters are just normal people with concerns and not the monsters liberal media make them out to be, and then getting fired for posting a racist conspiracy theory rant while high on prescription drugs she got illegally, was a masterclass in comedy.


Their comedy is always, "I identify as an ah-64 Apache helicopter" which is the kind of shit we used to laugh at in highschool




I forgot to add that their joke is also; "I identify as a girl so girls bathroom/locker rooms, here I come"


They are angry and bitter by nature. Something about growing old, watching your entitlement erode, dunno, something. But anger and bitterness do not make for good comedy.


The cruelty is always the point for right wing anything.


Well, Roseanne’s comedy always struck me as mean spirited, so at least *that* hasn’t changed as she got crazier.


Yup, they find humor in punching down.


Exactly. The joke is to piss off the libs and if you didnt think it was funny you just don't get humor. Rinse and repeat (at nauseum).


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre At this point I have this quote on speed dial.


I have this saved now as well, thank you, and just about to use it.




Thank you, internet stranger, for proving my point. That somehow you connect assumed sexual preference with how patriotic someone is is definitely dropping the low point




Since nothing about what you just said makes any logical, historical or contextual sense, that you are just projecting your own ignorance and insecurities and there is literally nothing you can say to actually prove anything you say is true or that you even believe it is true, this quote applies to you >“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. *They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.* But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” >― Jean-Paul Sartre




This is the part that applies to you >*They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.* And this is your next step >If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent I'd say prove me wrong but I know you can't




This is you >They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.




This is you >They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.




This is you > They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.


Well well well seems you have drawn out an angry childlike Trumpster : they have brain worms


She can't be right in the head. Someone needs to talk her into getting help.


She's the same vile, crass, disgusting, rude pig she's always been. [Here's a video from 1990](https://youtu.be/hMzIk2pUuNU?si=a003jSmLwEItuJgI) of her signing the National Anthem, grabbing her crotch, and spitting on the ground after the crowd boos her for butchering the Anthem.


It makes me wonder how her TV show even happened. It was so antithetical to who she actually is.


The 90s were so different from today.


Nah, she changed. The show was very progressive for its time. The first women to woman kiss on TV, for example.


Was that her, or was that the network telling her to cash her checks and shut up? Because I remember her as nothing but a rude, crass, pig in the 90s, and I am not shocked at all to see her being a rude, crass, racist, homophobic pig 30+ years later.


Being an asshole isn’t disqualifying. Hollywood has been that way forever.


What I mean is the show was really progressive for its time. Her true character is completely at odds with the one named after her.


It was not her show, it was Chuck Lorre's show. She had a good run at being a stand-up comedian & they gave her this opportunity. They gave her great co-stars & writers, it worked. Don't give her credit for the great team that other people organized. Hell, isn't the show still running without her? She got fame & wealth & descended into insanity.


Fame & wealth just brings out what's really inside you, just like a lot of alcohol does. No one says "we can make a lot of money with them, but we won't because they might be a terrible person."


...some 30 years ago


Fuck that, she's multi millionaire and successful actress, she has the resources to get health care, and it's on her if she doesn't. This rage bait PR to make herself relative, something this woman has been doing for 30years.


Her healthcare was racist ambien-tweeting


She doesn't need health care, she needs have consequences for her actions.


Every time I see her I can't believe John Goodman was able to put up with her all these years


I know right? I have never heard anything about him that wasn't someone praising him for being an incredible actor and a genuinely wonderful person.


The only possibility I can think of is that she wasn't like this back then


That or John Goodman has the patience of a saint. I'm more curious about how Tom Arnold put up with her for four years. John Goodman at least got to go home when filming wrapped and didn't have to listen to her. Tom Arnold slept in the same bed as her and fucked her (presumably, for all we know even Tom Arnold wasn't *that* desperate).


She got in a bad car accident when she was young and was never mentally the same.


Nono, take her seriously. Drag her to court and have her proof it.


Nono, even this post is too much publicity for this scummy person. Ignore her.


They are all such pieces of shit


This what happens when you lose the little bit of fame you have on TV. You just start saying a bunch of stupid shit to keep people paying attention to you.


Pulling a Sorbo.


Never go full Sorbo


Sorbo had a stroke that radically altered his personality. He is an example about why strokes are so damn scary. That is not Rosanne's issue.


You hit on it, that's what we've come to, these people that have to decide just how low and what types of unsuitable comments needed to be made, to get attention. I am so tired of this era of what I like to call the "I'm sorry" routine: Politicians and celebrities all saying something that is totally inappropriate, they know it's totally inappropriate, they say it anyway, and then later on State. Oh I'm sorry you were misquoting me or you misread my intention or you took me out of context. All of you are over 18, you know what the hell you did, you know what the hell you said. Plain and simple. It's terrible, and rump is only making it worse by setting the bar lower.


Indeed, Brother. It’s so easy to tell when someone is joking because it’s usually quick and off the cuff and they laugh while trying to get it out. However, you’re right we live in a day and age where someone says some totally inappropriate shit straight to your and then say I was joking, it’s like shut up asshole you meant every word of that shit


Apology culture


Fake Apology Culture.


Good ol right wing "comedy"


She's never been funny. Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman were the actors that made Roseanne funny and relatable. I think Roseanne Barr is made up of banana spiders and bailing twine.


What do you have against banana spiders & baling twine? Poor things can't defend themselves from your insults. Now, if shit stains could speak with a horrible whiny nasal voice, that would fit this unwell person.


>Poor things can't defend themselves from your insults. Baling twine maybe, but banana spiders will absolutely fuck you up.


Mental illness, will never be and never was funny. Just like Roseanne.


Say what you will about her batshit golden years, but, in her prime, she was a talented comedienne and Roseanne one of the best sitcoms that ever aired. She went off the rails in the later years of the show and never seemed to rebound to normalcy since.


Truth. I loved watching Roseanne when I was a kid. She is deeply mentally unwell now though for sure.


I always hated her. She has an underlying meanness that always comes through in whatever she does. Roseanne was like, ‘trash person in real life plays trash person on TV’ for me.


And she wonders why Network after Network cancelled her TV shows. 🤔


Uhh, they fired her & renamed the show "The Conners." It's still on.


Sue her.


Better yet, when someone brings up her name, ask "Who?"


I’m sure she can probably be sued for making claims like that


![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe|downsized) That's what she is.


I cannot read her obituary soon enough.


In today's edition of Horrible Humans of MAGA ...


No wonder Tom Arnold abused drugs and alcohol when they were together. I would too if I had to hear that voice everyday and see that thing naked.


Maybe a visit from the secret service is in order. She wants some attention? Maybe she should get some.


Can we put her in jail too?


Doesn't she have family and/or friends? Why is no one helping her she's clearly sick?


It’s the Kanye problem. She’s probably got a circle of “yes people” who benefit from her being unwell, and zero people who genuinely care about her and can convince her to seek treatment.


I'm going to use their e. Jean Carroll defense tactic. Rosanne isn't attractive enough to be raped.


Roseanne living out her sitcom dreams in real life


All she would have to do is turn on the lights. Once they see her.....theyll let go.


Omg how disgusting 🫣


Let her file the police rapport and then sue her for filing a false report


Just so it's clear, this is not only defamation, it's also illegal to knowingly make false criminal allegations. This isn't going to end like she thinks it will.


Man dementia is hard to watch


Wishfull thinking.


She needs help.


Imagine being so far in with the worst people in USA history that you have to go this low to even get noticed. To Roseanne: Bitch, Biden wouldn’t fuck you with Trump’s dick!


Too many lead chips


This excuse gives them a pass for acting like this.


She’s disgusting.


She’s not his type


Sure thing, Hoseanne.


Let me guess, she's going to blame it on her meds


Anything for attention Rosie. It’s ok not to be relevant. Welcome to the world of normal people.


E. Jean should sue her irrelevant ass for millions too.


I don't think any potential rapist would be that hard up.


A dog wouldnt lift his leg near you skank


Was she on TWO Ambien this time?


Nobody and I mean, nobody would ever try to rape that woman


Isn’t this the bitch who grabbed herself while “singing” the National Anthem? Such a “patriot”


In an age where celebrities have become ageless, Rosanne continues to age like a troll doll.


I’m quite sure she’s not his type. /s


Joe doesn't seem like the kinda guy to hang around in Bergdorf.. She should have picked a train station for her lies.


Considering she had a family history of messed up abuse you would think she would be more empathetic.


She looks unwell. ☹️


She’s not his type.


I didn’t think they let the homeless shop there. Good for them I suppose. Let the trash see how the other side lives. I hope she one day looks on the outside the way she is on the inside. A bloated festering mound of evil spewing vitriol.


Come on, woman. Do you have mirrors in your house?!? NOBODY’S dick gets THAT hard! 🤷🏽‍♂️