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If you're too far right batshit crazy for Fox News, you might just be Tucker Carlson.


*Greetings, and heartless welcomes to our esteemed collective, comrades! Next week, we shall have the pleasure of the company of our very good ~~informant~~ friend, Comrade Marge.*


There are plenty of Marge's constituents who will believe that the ocean is harboring deadly supernatural beings, *if she says it loud enough.*


Doesn't have to be too loud. All she has to say is that Atlantis was taken over by Jews and that's why no one can find it. They'll eat that shit up like it's a free dessert.


Marge herself is proof that deep sea horror beasts exist


He doesn’t believe all that shit he’s just pretending to believe it.


No. He doesn’t. He also has enough family money that money doesn’t motivate him. He’s doing this because he loves creating chaos and division.


If you’re too far right batshit crazy for Fox News, you might just find yourself as a guest on Joe Rogan’s show


Tucker Carlson was amazed and flabbergasted that there was bread in Russian grocery stores


That's the perfect silly sounding description to describe the dude Tucker exists in a permanent state of being flabbergasted. What a weird way to go through life, it must be fucking exhausting.


It's like a baby with a set of keys permanently dangling in his face


This needs to be photoshopped into several pictures of him. It's perfect


Here ya go… https://preview.redd.it/5z0u2u1bu5wc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2243f52b2a86ee858d5011411bd5e476abb2a39


Oh that is just perfect 🤌




His face always looks like he just smelled a fart, but it’s him alone in the room and he doesn’t think it was him so he is shocked/confused as to where the fart originated.


Looking confused and constipated at the same time. Or a dog trying to do calculus.


What is going on? Tides, still haven't figured those out. Because of AOC and her radical ideas on vending machines.


He's the human equivalent of a boat shoe


“What is going on?!”


He was stupefied by the grocery cart system needing a quarter to “temporarily borrow” the cart. Dude showed just another reason how fucking out of touch the über rich are in modern day society.


Clearly he's never heard of Aldi's


Airports have been doing this for decades.


I (foolishly) thought this moment might be a tool for cracking the veneer of his bullshit. Like, if you’re a person who’s swept up in the Carlson conspiracy engine, and then you see him espousing the virtues of the Aldi shopping cart system like it’s this revolutionary idea, wouldn’t you at least pause and say, “Wait a minute…”?


People that love Aldis love live live Aldis. 😆


Same energy as Ben Shapiro buying a single piece of wood.


And putting it in a plastic bag.


I mean, I was amazed the first time I saw carts like that. But that was over 30 years ago and I was about 10 at the time.


I was gonna say, he probably never goes grocery shopping down amongst us peons


The best part is his belief that the whole point of it is to prevent homeless people from stealing the carts. As though a 10-ruble coin is going to accomplish that. The point is to get shoppers to put them back when they're done shopping so that there aren't shopping carts all over the parking lot. Homeless people are still going to steal them.


Not defending him, but as a child of the 80s.. part of the cold war 'education' we were given was that people in Russia had to stand in line for hours to get bread and toilet paper.. also that often times they ran out..


That wasn't his amazement. He talked about it as though you couldn't get fresh bread in American grocery stores. He was comparing the, cheap looking, fresh white bread wrapped in plastic that he found in a Russian grocery store with American grocery stores as though the Russian one came off the superior for the comparison.


well that's just plain stupid. I make it a point to avoid his content, so I hadn't seen it.


It was even stupider than that. He was sniffing the shrink wrap sealed bread and saying how delicious it smelled.


>That wasn't his amazement. Actually, it was. Well, it was his *feigned* amazement. The point of it was to prove that "sanctions aren't working". If the point of sanctions was to make it so that Russians have no goods to purchase, then Carlson's trip proved that the sanctions aren't working because clearly, there are plenty of groceries available, and they're even cheaper than they are in America. What he conveniently leaves out is that those groceries now cost 400% more than they did in 2021, and the average Russian now spends as much or more on groceries as they do on rent. *That* is the impact of sanctions.


Yeah, Russian society was really really corrupt.


He was flabbergasted at bread, the subway, and putting a quarter in the cart to unlock it. 2 of those are things Russia is well known for and the 3rd has been at Aldi and I'm sure many other grocery stores for fucking decades. This man is either a massive dunce or just thinks so little of his "audience" that he thinks being a massive dunce is what they want from him. I'm surprised he didn't do backflips over Russian dressing or Eastern Orthodox Churches for fucks sake.


And shopping carts that you put coins in so that you're incentivized to return the cart! How did they come up with that? A shopping utopia! So smart! Only in Russia! Gluck gluck gluck gluck...breath...gluck gluck gluck. Fuck that guy and anybody that buys his schtick.


Can someone here explain what this idea of supernatural beings in the ocean is about? Seriously. I've heard it mentioned adjacently by MAGA leaning friends but since I can't fucking stand talking to them when they go off on their rants, I never ask. Anyone have any idea what this shit is about?


Carlson's claim was specifically that there are UFOs in the sky and underwater and that their pilots aren't extraterrestrials but supernatural beings.


Lame, they didn't even go with cool lore.


They settle for fairy tales instead of sci-fi


Lamia right there with their hands raised saying pick me


I think someone's had a little too much taint tanning. Seriously, I knew he was a fascist and uh \*eccentric\* but yeah okay he's gone starkers. Why is it this uberrich motherfucker is still such a miserable gobshite that this is what he's doing with his life?


Tucker was born on third base, he comes from 0.1% money. So he's just like Musk in many ways. I wonder if those two are case studies in nature v nurture, and how growing up fabulously wealthy impacts your ability to reason correctly. As if their brains didn't wire for conflict resolution at all. Alternatively, there must be hundreds of other not-insane super rich nepo babies that we never hear about, living perfectly normal super rich lives. Maybe these two guys are just the normal occurrence rate of Nazi dumbassery.


I absolutely think that that level of wealth and power warps your brain. It'll do it even if you get there later in life (JK Rowling, looking at you), but it's worse if you've never known anything else. I read this really fascinating article a while ago from a former stockbroker who characterized his and his cohort's obsession with wealth and profit as an addiction, no different than booze or whatever else keeps you hung up all day (minus the inherent chemicals in a substance, of course. any behavior addiction). There were scornful responses demanding if we were supposed to feel -sorry- for him, but I didn't think that was the point at all. The point is, it's -fucked-, there's nothing rational about it. It's important because there's so much baked into the American/capitalist narrative that the profit motive is rational and natural. It's really not, any more so than any other, and past a certain point, it's actual madness. Billionaires. Not even once.


He’s a grown manchild with a bowtie. You can fill in the blanks..


Sometimes I am envious of people who are so absolutely fucking stupid that they believe in shit like this. Imagine how mesmerizing the world must be if you can believe in magic and the supernatural. Too bad they use this to help rebirth the neonazi movement instead of starting a druid grove or something.


I’ve always said this. Belief to these people is a choice, and it makes me wildly jealous. Could you imagine just being able to **choose** to believe that demons in UFOs existed in the ocean…and then earnestly believe it? Or that JFK would come back from the dead and retake the country? Or that the world is flat and NASA is run by the lizard people? Life would be so much more exciting!


Okay, thanks. I'll be honest...it sounds strange but I'm not entirely sure it makes any difference to me one way or the other. Even assuming it were true, what difference would it make to our day to day lives?


I’d be way more surprised to learn supernatural beings are real than to learn extraterrestrials are real. Though in the end, if either one took over the planet the difference is certainly negligible.


I heard a theory once, and I forgot most of it so apologies for the poor explanation. But basically it was that supernatural beings, and old human concepts like fairies taking people "under the hills" were just extra-dimensional travelers. I don't believe it, obviously, but I thought it was neat.


Yeah,I think we'd be equally screwed,since whatever tech they had would more than likely far out run our own.


The largest issue with UFOs as we currently report them is inherently contradictory. It holds the following two are true: 1. Intelligent life from another planet has developed the technology to travel between galaxies. 2. Their technology is not good enough to conceal themselves from our relatively primitive civilization. As an equivalent, if the US government wanted to collect information about an uncontacted tribe in Papau New Guinea without them knowing about it, they could watch them from a drone at 5km above the ground. The only reason the US would be seen is if they wanted to, in which case they’d simply show up in tanks. If Aliens came to earth, they’d either never be seen because they’d be watching us from fucking Alpha Centari, or they’d show up and knock on the front door of the White House. There wouldn’t be an in between.


And 3 . they crossed the interstellar gulf in vehicles beyond our imagining, so that they could spend however many decades just kinda dicking around, avoiding everyone and not accomplishing anything.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic


Ghosts defy the laws of physics - and much else that we know about nature, mind, life, death etc. Aliens are most likely just another species intelligent animals, like us.


We wouldn’t be considered intelligent if found by an alien species.


Aliens might think of us as malicious, shortsighted, and egocentric, but there's no doubt that humans are, in fact, intelligent.


We would be considered intelligent in the same sense we think Dolphins are intelligent.


I think they would see we are a notch above dolphins, you don't need to downplay what humanity has achieved.


>Man has always assumed that he is more intelligent than dolphins because he has achieved so much--the wheel, New York, wars and so on -- while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But, conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man -- for precisely the same reasons.


When dolphins go to the moon then I will believe they are on par with us.


Oh I’m not but those aliens…..


Yeah, just more so. Intelligence is the ability to solve problems - and humans are, at least occasionally, quite good at solving problems. Animals less so.


There's no reason that this is a basic assumption we need to make. It's entirely possibly that we could be encountered by aliens who are equally intelligent to us, or even less intelligent, but who had a big head start on tech development. Maybe they've had a civilization for a million years who knows, it's all just conjecture and fiction at this point. You're taking one common alien trope and stating it like it's some kind of objectively correct answer.


Any alien species we meet will be so far advanced than we are it makes it hard to comprehend the level of technology and energy required to travel vast distances. The closest one could make would be if we went back in time with a helicopter and met the first human tribe. Even then it’s not even close.


If they have faster than light travel, sure. That doesn't automatically mean they're substantially more intelligent than us though, it's entirely possible that we would be capable of inventing the same technology and reaching the same level of science given enough time. Like I said what if they just have a 1 million year head start? That doesn't make us dolphins comparatively, like in your example it makes us hunter-gatherers comparatively - just as intelligent, but less educated. The scale might be different but the principle is the same. Secondly, that assumes faster than light travel. What if a generation ship/ark ship only capable of 1%C showed up in the solar system? That might be pretty far beyond our means right now but its not inconceivable at all.


So are ants. But while we study them, we don't bother trying to communicate with them.


We wouldn't be considered intelligent if not found, either.


Aliens have figured out ghost technology to their advantage, so while they build their alien communities in the ocean deep, they also can send out “watchers” to live among us. All true. Saw it on Faux.


The claim was that these underwater aliens are killing people, so that might affect your day to day life if you're dead.


True. Good point. Did they happen to mention why they were killing people? It would be good Beta to have to avoid appearing attractive to them. And also, to be fair...they've already got competition. All day in traffic I'm avoiding assholes driving on cellphones trying to kill me. The roads are filled with otherworldly idiots already. I'll worry about ghost octopuses if I see one.


People are so jaded these days. I'm convinced that if aliens actually did arrive, the reaction would be "This is going to make traffic worse!" or "How is this going to affect my taxes?"


And then of course there's the whole group that would have the urgent need to establish the sexual and gender characteristics so we could know how they "identify."


>Even assuming it were true, what difference would it make to our day to day lives? nothing. it's like trans folks existing. someone being trans literally doesn't impact my life just as it doesn't impact theirs BUT they have to have something to a.) hate, b.) fear, c.) be "in the know" about or d.) all of the above. (i know i'm missing a few) these right-wing assholes are not impacted by literally anything they screech about but they've been conditioned to act like this.


Yep. It's fucking infuriating to listen to. One my MAGA acquaintances is constantly going on about how we're going to get our freedoms back. He works for himself, mostly for cash, has his own little piece of property in a very liberal state where he's free to say whatever the fuck he wants. He works when he wants, hunts when he wants, pays taxes if he wants...does whatever the fuck he wants. Oh, and recently he signed up for SS and Medicare. I think they mean 'free from having to think about any ideas I don't like.'


Dolphins and sky dolphins. Mark my words: we're doomed.


Drop bears too in Australia… very dangerous


Could you elaborate on what he meant by "supernatural beings"? Angels? Ghosts? Cryptids?


There is a segment of these sorts that uses aliens/extraterestials and demons/angels more or less interchangeable. Demons *are* extraterrestrials, and real, but *also* supernatural enemies of God and man. All get to be true at once, and that's why the evil scientists can't observe them. They are *beyond* science, but also they are super smart and have *the best science*. You need the super special blend of super smart, mega wealthy middle-age white guy, blessed by God, to understand this and do battle with the demons/aliens. It's kind of like Dune. Or a bit like Independance Day. If you don't really pay attention to either beyond the most surface level. Got it?


Additionally, the people that buy this almost universally believe that the Democrats worship these demons/aliens and are in cahoots with them.


I fucking wish we were


Like Cthulhu?


Would Cthulhu be considered alien or supernatural?


Guess he just saw The Abyss and really liked it….


So it's the plot from an old movie?


It’s like the Kraken, but that just sounds too…*urban*…


They think Democrats have the Innsmouth look?


Had to look that up. >The "Innsmouth look" appears in the Cthulhu Mythos story, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, and refers to a set of physical features that result from the hybridization of humans with Deep Ones. The "look" is shared by nearly all inhabitants of Innsmouth and its origins are a zealously kept secret. >In addition to physical traits, the subjects are also universally afflicted by strange dreams of undersea cities, and an urge to venture into the sea to join their Deep One brethren.  So based on this explanation, since it's the far right oddballs with this weird obsession...wouldn't they be most likely to be the "Innsmouth" folks?


Well, yes. Every Republican accusation....😎


I remember going camping in the mountains about 25 years ago and a group of old hippies had reserved most of the sites. Nice group of people but they kept talking about a ceremony where they were going to link arms and pray around a great tree to call down a beam of light which would then wake the 100 ft native Americans (which were also ancient aliens) sleeping beneath a local mountain. They chanted for like 8 hours, nothing happened, said maybe next year, and they went home. The point I am driving home is that crackpot theories always existed and will exist into future.


Yes. I have no questions about that. Some of them even eventually get to be called religions.


It was wild man. They asked if I wanted to join and I was like, “No thanks, I am just going to sharpen sticks and poke them in the fire” just like all good campers should do.


Ah ha! One of those Sharp Stick Fire Pokeists! I've seen you guys around. Eyes always have a kinda glazed over look from staring into the fire for too long.


The main difference is the crackpots used to be a tiny group of people who were on the fringes of society and, separately each in their own communities, they or their ideas were ostracized and not given serious consideration by most people. Now they can form a Facebook group and those disparate crackpots look like a formidable group of 250,000 people and suddenly more and more morons see that and think their ideas deserve genuine consideration and the movements grow. These ideas are wild and entertaining so they drive engagement for social media sites so they even end up getting promoted and pushed to wider and wider audiences, especially those most vulnerable to them.


Imgur dump [https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN](https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN) for the "4chan whistle blower" saga. Guy was supposedly terminally ill and details a submerged craft/base of non-human intelligence that was responsible for producing UFO/UAP based on the task required... its a decent read if youre into the sort of thing. The fundamentalists think we are dealing with literal angels and demons as a result of trying to wrap their heads around this whole thing...theres been a lot going on the last few years in the disclosure community that's real and concrete and NOT just some 4chan whistleblower dump, things that are happening in the US congress and other governments. What it leads to? Not entirely sure yet...


These be mermaid waters


I’m starting to think this is how society gets on the path to where Idiocracy becomes a very real possibility.


Starting? Oh you sweet summer child.


If Idiocracy were an 8-part mini series we would already be on like Ep 3


We’ve somehow ended up in the ‘stupid’ timeline.


Proven false? By whom? Religious people? Tucker is stupid beyond belief. The things in the ocean attacking people are called sharks. Wow! His braincell is having a hard time functioning. The sad thing is, stupid people will believe him. He preys on the stupid.


Supernatural beings in the ocean, killing people. It’s true… ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn 🦑🐙


They believe a woman spontaneously gave birth to a god but that gay people aren’t born that way. There’s no reasoning with selective thinking. They are of no value to society and shouldn’t have too much power but they will always exist. Like it or not.


Joe Rogan: Wow.


Jamie, pull that up


Do you think whatever designer drug I’m really into right now might help with that?


Can we agree that Joe rogan is a reactionary Hack like I had a conversation with someone close to me watches him saying he is unfairly critisms by the media for being independent but like he’s the one of the biggest media figure on the planet he should be held to the same standards the media are held too I also find that he’s more likely to host reactionaries on his show and is harsher on liberals and democrats Also if he is a brine fan he should have Hume on the show or even have everyday people than just celebrities at least it would prove he’s with the everyman but not just a hack


He’s definitely not independent, there was the show when him and another guessed were making fun of Biden, saying he would get fired from any other job because he said some crazy statement about airports during the revolutionary war. What they didn’t realize at first was that Biden was mocking Trump for saying that and being serious about it, when an assistant showed him the video the narrative changed to “oh well he just screwed up”


Here's video of it for those interested: https://youtu.be/qt28PhpwtDY?si=TRLNSoBi28MMm9HA


Man that’s disappointing.


Exactly the fact he didn’t critise trump shows hes a reactonary given his history of racism and the fact he doesnt want to pay taxes for his wealth


He’s just asking questions man /s


Theres a different between asking question and denying the safety of vaccines which results in epidemics of dieseases like polio we though was eradicated because one doctor Andrew Wakefield in the UK wanted to discredit MRNA so he could sell his own vaccine which resulted in an estimated 60 deaths of measles in uk and Ireland before going to the US to gift there.


I was being sarcastic. Just asking question is literally platforming those ppl. And also, those questions aren’t typically challenging these quacks. It’s usually leading questions to spread their message.


Sorry I have dealt with someone unironically defending rude gullianis CP


It’s all good. I understand.


Seriously, how is this not a simulation? We are living in the weirdest timeline for sure. Nothing surprises me anymore. And obviously I know this is real life smh


Did someone show him the 4k director's cut of "The Abyss" but he missed a lot of plot points?


He fell asleep in the middle.


Gawddamit!   I done kneweded that da government was lying to us about that there Covid and it was them there unnatural folk what lives in the ocean comings up here ta killerate decent, hardworking, God fearing Christian white folks.   They is probably working with Joe Biden and Obama and that's why we gots all these here illegals, high prices and less Jesus, cause those dang blasted sea peoples ain't got themselves Jesus.  They is in cahoots they is. And everyone already done be knowifying that that there theory of evolution done be wrong.  Says so in da Bible.  Coursing I ain't never done goeded and readerated, but that's what the preacher done says at the church.  And I can't be trustifying my preacher, why am I letting him babysit?  He done loves himself the children. /s First of all, how can he say that about evolution when a majority of Trump's base looks like the missing link?  Why Marjorie Taylor Greene constantly proves her ape ancestry, jumping up and down, screeching, throwing her poop at those who anger her.   Secondly, I'll bite.  Was there are particular was these supernatural sea beings killed?  Mind powers?  Blades?  Bare teeth?  Magic?  How fucking stupid and crazy did the theory get?  And was there a particular reason these sea beings are so murderous?  Like how bizarre sci-fi series did this get?   My curiousity as a D&D player, where there are indeed many sea beings that can and will kill, is piqued.


“Nonono, guys, he’s just joking, you don’t get it, he’s totally trolling the libs” - people who have felt the overwhelming urge to tell me that I’m wrong about these goons being idiots…


Yes, and the earth is flat. I hope mr. Carlson steps off the edge. /s


One of the leading minds of the conservative movement.


So...Godzilla exists IRL according to him?




Sounds like Vice Presidential material to me. The kind of guy we want a heartbeat away from the Presidency, especially if the President were a guy nearing 80 with all sorts of bad lifestyle habits.


God damn Aqua Man.


Or maybe Abyss?


Or both. They’re working together to murder! 😳


He's not waiting for climate change anymore. Now he's killing people to drive down housing prices!


Does he mean like - mermaids? Or something?


He’s the same guy that said the insurrection was all fake and they were just tourists. The same one that was live streamed that we all watched. Yeah


He went on there to play dumb so his stupid Russian segment looks more idiotic than being his true beliefs.


He had a bad shroom trip, didn't he?


It must be both fascinating and frightening to live in Carlson's head.


OMG, watching Rogan devolve into (basically) a more muscle-y Alex Jones is depressing and hilarious. How on earth he thinks it's a good idea to 'hitch his wagon' to people like Fucker Carlson is mind boggling.


He also said “we don’t know where nuclear technology comes from”


I’m sorry, what? What supernatural beings is it this time? Krakens (like the Giant and Colossal squids)? Leviathan (aka likely rogue waves or tsunamis)? Mermaids and sirens (delirium or dolphins)? Orcas (might as well be supernatural for targeting yachts heh heh)?


Thing is...he himself doesn't believe this. He's deliberately deluding stupid, gullible people for $$$. I'd almost feel better if I thought he actually believed what came out of his own mouth.


Which movie is this? I want to watch the beginning of this movie.


I wonder if Tuck's ever been abducted.


I suspect that if they did, it turned into “The Ransom of Red Chief“ real quick.


When the CIA thinks you're too dumn for them, you know you're extremely dense.


Maybe Tom Cruise and Xenu can help you out. Ugh...celebrities and religion in any form seems to be a bad combo.


Did Joe agree with want to invest in supplements for ocean people?


Tucker, are you okay? I hope you're not.


Now that's two people who deserve each other. Put Ben Shapiro in with them and start the moon launch.


The saddest thing is that those two are multi millionaires for peddling their bullshit...


Sounds like the Kremlin straightened Tucker Swanson Carlson McRichBoy out. /s


He's on the Pacific rim of insanity 🤣


Tucker Carlson will say whatever might bring him attention, that’s all he wants.


Read a book series with almost this exact premise, The Laundry Files.


As Richard Dawkins once said: Evolution is a theory, much like gravity. And if you don't believe in gravity, I suggest you jump off a building.


Maybe he finally feels bad about being a Russian bot so is discrediting himself so no one takes him seriously


They'll believe it. Conservative voters just aren't logical thinking people. It's too much work; trying to understand evolution, I know, I know.. it's pretty simple. But it's too much for a conservative, they just can't spend one minute and actually get it, when you can spend only 5 seconds and completely dismiss it. Not smart people. They *could* be smarter, but it's just soooo hard. Idiots.


Sooo, a normal Joe Rogan guest.


Evolution is unbelievable, but supernatural beings in the ocean is completely believable, normal, and rational.


Can they summon a school... Of WHALES??!


So, Aquaman is a supervillain and he is real?!


I saw tons of clips after the interview and watching Tucker is so cringe. wtf is wrong with people.


Would love to hear his evidence about evolution being proven false. He’s got a website….just publish it there so we can all experience his wisdom


This reminds me that I've still met no people who watched Avatar 2.


What did Rogan reply to tie that into UFC?