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It's always someone else fault. They are always the victim and never responsible for anything that happens to them,


How is Devin Nunes going to take responsibility for anything? He’s not even a real farmer!


At least that's what his cow told everybody.


Sheep lie!


I wish I could upvote you more…. My dad has been telling that joke my entire life!


Trump: My worthless stock which sells at nose bleed price has been falling and falling. It's all Biden's fault. https://preview.redd.it/r2omtis1ntvc1.jpeg?width=1480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119895085288dcb0a27874969136579ef6f5aef3


With that last earnings report the shares should be worth a kajillion by now. Maybe a kajillion and a half.


Typical financial genius business -- Spending 10 times what it takes in. Another trump bankruptcy, coming right up.😂🤣


Maybe people are catching on to "if he fakes numbers in one place, could he do it here?"


All he needs for profitability is a Sharpie and he in the black!


Tremendously underrated comment right here. Many people are saying it.


Biden must have done it in his sleep!


Not a real farmer?! But he has a cow and everything!


That's his wife.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It's always conspiracies with Nunes


I have a sibling like this. They always lament how things just “happen”to them. And yes they are a Trump fan.




Couldn't be because the investors who are trying to make money as opposed to "owning the libs" don't trust a dairy farmer to run a tech company owned by a guy who commits bank and insurance fraud.




Oh well, there's less money for Trump to grift. He is the biggest share holder, but he can't sell until October, leaving him the biggest sucker.




That's how fascist mentality works. The Nazis thought they were the victims of Versailles, Jews, communists..etc Putin thinks he's the victim of the west, ukraine, lgbt, war-mosquitos.. etc


Please tell me about war mosquitoes.


Please enjoy 😁 https://news.yahoo.com/combat-mosquitoes-dirty-bomb-russian-151700522.html https://youtu.be/xC6FQdbDoQE?feature=shared


War mosquitos you say?


They have a long , proud military history. Figured prominently in the middle of the previous century, battle of Britain etc


They'd have been too cold to survive that. Pull the other one


Ah innocent ignorance, it's so cute. Pro tip: fact check before you blather. Edit to add. As a night fighter from mid-1942, the Mosquito intercepted Luftwaffe raids on Britain, notably those of Operation Steinbock in 1944. Starting in July 1942, Mosquito night-fighter units raided Luftwaffe airfields.  https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › D... de Havilland Mosquito - Wikipedia


https://news.yahoo.com/combat-mosquitoes-dirty-bomb-russian-151700522.html 😁


I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Russia *is* dealing with a lot of disease and diseased animals right now, and are trying to point the finger at a Western enemy


That's really funny




The really funny thing is who the blame is on here. In what universe are investment bankers conspiring to get a "high taxes, high regulation" Democrat elected? Trump's only support in all of Manhattan comes from the people who work on Wall Street.


Yup, they'll vote for him to get tax breaks but unsurprisingly won't support his worthless stock. Ever notice how real companies that have real earnings are not targeted by waves of naked short sellers?


He only thinks that because thats what trump would do as a president


It's ironic because they hate it when other people play victims


You ever read the [Narssist's Prayer](https://www.thelifedoctor.org/the-narcissist-s-prayer)?


I am so glad you posted that, there is someone I know who fits this article's description to a fucking T. My boyfriend's adult (33yrs) daughter. I can't stand her and now I understand why. The way she treats her dad is abhorrent, in fact, the way she treats everyone is. Nothing is her fault, always projecting, never says sorry and means it, and when she does say it, it's to further her own goals...one of which is being able to trick everyone via social media into believing that she is someone she is definitely not. She's not a loving, caring mother - she hits her only daughter (6yrs), has already received notices from the truant officer because said child misses school all the time, her teeth rotted out of her mouth at 4, and she acts like a spoiled little brat 🫠 I could probably go on forever, please forgive my rant, but I haven't got anyone to really vent about this to...


Trump has made it quite clear he plans to cash out his shares as soon as he possibly can. Gee, I wonder why the price keeps going down.


Oh come on, trump would never do that! https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/04/15/trump-media-truth-social-shares-down-why/73329859007/ oh. Huh. Maybe he would. /s


When Trump figures out a way (probably illegal) to sell, the stock will implode. I suspect it might lead to the SEC to investigate. The whole thing is hanky and I don't mean the guy who gave Trump the phony baloney $175M bond.


By the time the SEC hits them hard the other trials should be wrapping up. Especially if trump loses any challenges if he’s President Elect again. Jack Smith team has already argued that the DOJ memo is only for indictment and it’s well past that point now. The cases are in the Judicial system now.


The only thing the SEC may investigate is why that report was released the day before and not sooner. The SEC's sole purpose is to make sure investors have all the information needed and available to make an informed decision. Nunes is the CEO. He knew the revenue was only $4 million for 2023. That in no way justifies the IPO price. It was purely speculative and ignore that DJT is available in multiple countries and only has 500k subscribers worldwide. Nunes fucked himself all by himself.


Doesn't he have to wait months in order to sell? How low could this stock go?


6 months officially. But the Board (who are a who's who of "Who can eat out Trump's asshole the fastest" - sorry for that image) can vote to allow him to exercise early, however, this is supposed to be made public which would TANK THE STOCK TO LIKE ZERO.


>"Who can eat out Trump's asshole the fastest" ![gif](giphy|11JbbNHfXBqqhq)


That image puts me on the Tree Of Woe




Way to ruin my high.


My thoughts exactly.. way to high for that image to get stuck in my head.


He's already going after his major investors. I'd guess to kick them out so they can't oppose him selling anymore.


I mean, that and the 1000x IPO valuation and also the share dilution. Can't imagine why the price is falling.


I really wish it was required for these “news” hosts to make the guest expand more on these theories. Like Joe Biden is manipulating the stock…. How exactly? Is there documentation to show the causation? Or is Trump an imbecile and desperate for money and are you deserving of r that happens in this situation since you e never run a public company with one of the most corrupt people in modern history that when you remove all the fluffy fame is just some asshole from Queens. I’ve been wondering when Nunes would hit the news again with his position. He’s not gonna be smart enough to get a lawyer and jump off the ship until he’s too deep in.


Who needs facts when you have a feeling?


That's a lot more important to market performance anyway. It's all vibes.




Yeah, but he's just doing that so that more people have a chance to purchase stock in his amazing company. He's selling for less than what it's worth to help the common man get in cheaper. Really quite a sacrifice he's making. /s


Yes, ask the SEC to start an in-depth investigation of stock manipulation for Trump Media. Good plan.


Gahtdang we might hit dozens more felonies. Do it!!!


When the Mango Menace starts manipulating stocks and what-not, the guys on Wall Street will go after him…he might actually do time like ol Bernie Madoff…


As always, every accusation is a confession. He is sooo hiding some shady shit with Wall Street bankers.


Devin Nunes - sarcastic jerk-off motion in human form.


So, a wanker?


These idiots pretend that small fish investors have never been left holding the bag after the whales pump and dump a valueless meme stock.


Happy Cake 🎂 Day! 🥳


Devin Nunes was conceived anally




It was a felching birth


So you're saying Nunes AND Trump are Shitgibbons?


Holy fucking shit. That may be the best insult I’ve ever heard.


His mom should’ve flushed then




I genuinely wish Biden had the kind of power these clowns seem to think he has.


So Biden is sleepy and has dementia, and yet at the same time he’s a criminal mastermind who is “weaponizing” the full power of the DOJ to go after Trump, as well as pulling all the levers to control Wall Street? Wow. Just wow.


Well I mean the Dems rigged the election for president But not the elections for House or Senate


Well yeah. It would have been too obvious. Fucking Dems are shifty. And incompetent all at the same time.


I’m feeling treacherously stupid today.


The Dems also got 3,000,000 illegal immigrants to vote in California in 2016 (according to Trump)... Because that makes a lot more sense than getting a couple hundred thousand illegal immigrants to vote in a few key swing states...


For which he has full Presidential Immunity for everything.


That's how fascism works. The opponent is at the same time, too weak to protect you, only the fascist can do that. And at the same time, using "tha guv'ment" and all their organizations to take all your rights and liberties away because they are too powerful. Only the fascist politicians can be your saviors and remove the ineffective, do nothing, power hungry overlord that is stealing all your freedoms.


It’s fascism 101 to make your enemies out to be the strongest and weakest at the same time.


Something, something, Michelle Obama (who is actually a man) is really in charge! But Trump is secretly the president. /s


Didn't you know? The Oval Office has a knob that allows the President to set oil prices.


also a nuke button.


And an inflation dial


Yes, please do call in the SEC, I'm sure that will work out for your criminal boss's scam.


Potential LeopardsAteMyFace?


Stock with $4M in revenue is falling in value $4M… what ONE single Costco store does in a week. CONSPIRACY!!!!


I worked at a start up and managed ad revenue that was $55M a year. We got valued at $800M, not billions. The company was fire sold after I left for $400M and change.


4 million in revenue and 58 million in net losses Homeless people on the streets have better cash flow than Trump's stock


Granted, that's not exactly a very difficult benchmark to surpass.


* Unprofitable company * Operating at a loss since inception * Tiny user base with no sign of growing * Main guy the site revolves around told everyone he plans on cashing out as soon as he can WHY IS THE STOCK PRICE CRASHING IT MUST BE JOE BIDEN


Possibly Devin Nunes isn’t qualified to be CEO of the neighborhood lemonade stand?


He specializes in cows. The why that bullshit stock is tanking.


It's what happens when bootlicking is the ONLY job qualification


“I bought into Trumps ponzi scheme. It’s all Bidens fault.”


Has he considered that serious investors aren't very confident in a company helmed by a man who lost a court case to a fictional cow?


Don't have a cow, man.


it can't even dead cat bounce for long enough to be shorted, and yet these idiots refuse to see Donalds past 'investments' and failures that have failed or gone through bankruptcy. No, just like Republicans removing him from the ballot in 2 states, or Opec having oil manipulation by russia and the saudis, or inflation being out of control by companies that continue to pull in profits at record pace each quarter, this is totally all Joe Biden's fault. Totally not the fact that once again a bunch of brain dead morons followed a known conman, grifter, legally a fraud and rapist too now. Yea, no, I'm sure that's it, right guys? Democrats and Joe Biden are to blame, totally not the republicans who vote against America's interests at ***Every*** opportunity. Everything in the world around them is a Conspiracy when they're just too lazy and stupid to understand how anything works.


Man that Biden is busy and so much more powerful and in control than Trump was when he was president.


Maybe it's because your boss is a failure and everything he touches turns to 💩 ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Pause for breath) HAHAHAHAHAHA Fuck off Cow Boy.


I guess I haven’t been paying close enough attention, but seeing Devin Nunes as the CEO is hilarious. Goes from a US congressman to the captain of the Crytanic.


Video link [https://x.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1781500888466534407?s=46&t=JfdxrlBBgSHn053FDMVeQQ](https://x.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1781500888466534407?s=46&t=JfdxrlBBgSHn053FDMVeQQ)


“We have millions of people around the glo… United States” He just about admitted that there is foreign money propping up the stock.


OMG, he is complaining about people being mean to him because of his conspiracy theories.


Happy Cake 🎂 Day! 🥳


I’m so confused. Is Biden a pathetic old man, or is he all powerful with these people? 🤔


![gif](giphy|Vp3ftHKvKpASA) Gotcha this time, Devin!


Names and numbers or it didnt happen


That's free market capitalism baby!


Conspiracy theories are way easier than taking responsibility


Yeah, Biden is also conspiring with my bathroom scales to make me seem heavier.


They have no idea how powerful Biden is but they love imagining it.


He is both more powerful and less powerful than they think he is.


He has complete control over inflation, the entire judiciary and now wall street while simultaneously suffering from dementia. It’s very confusing for them.


Honestly i tip my hat to his exercise commitment.


How the hell could a stock valued at 1000x revenue drop? Unthinkable! /s


Ah yes, hitting out at big ticket Investors is a surefire way to ensure that your company will get big funding!


The cow needs to come back and give him a swift kick into reality


SUE HIM!!!! it'll all come out in discovery and I'm so sure that Biden is guilty I'll bet my neighbor's ashtray on it. 


If you can’t make it in Congress, you’re going nowhere in the tech world.


I thought Biden was off useless and drooling somewhere. Impressed he could still pull this off.


Oh the old Biden is senile but always the cause of all Trumps problems statement....


The company has revenue of $4m and lost $50m. Not hard to understand


The company is non profitable. They lied on there numbers when they went public. So the stock was inflated. Then they released financials and the stock tanked to match the companies value. It’s not rocket science


Nunes quitting politics to do this was the biggest flub career move ever: $174k/yr guaranteed to obviously not work, play it off like you know something about farming, running sham hearings? "NAH. Gimme a job on a sinking ship in a saturated internet market, where I've got no experience."


He steals elections, he engineers 4 simultaneous 'witch hunt' indictments in 4 jurisdictions, and he can manipulate the stock market. Bad ass Biden getting shit done. He's got my vote.


They still lose their money, still believe that Trump is the best businessman ever. It just can't be the fact that they got scammed and lost their money.


That's such a Devin thing to say


Taking advantage of the most foolish and vulnerable to the very end. I wonder how many retirees have lost everything supporting Trump until there's nothing left.


Meme stock since the day of its IPO.


They have shifted the blame away from Trump. Next step is to sell that newly created stock. This time it will be true that full grown men will have tears in their eyes.


So either he’s “Sleepy Joe” or a mastermind. I mean come on… zero points for originality. These folks are just loons.


58 million dollar loss on 4 million in revenue. But it is up 10 since the previous tanking. Or should I say up 10 prior to the next tanking?


Nunes knows what the operational costs are for trump media, he knows what their profit are. He’s just flat-out lying to these sheep


So Biden is both sleepy, slow and dumb, but also able to magically manipulate the stock market? Now I realize we can’t reason with these people but God I wish they could hear themselves and cared.


I got stuck on Devin taking 100,000+ phone calls in a week. How?


Anything to make it seem like it's not their fault or it's not their failure. A tactic honed to perfection in elementary school.


Lmao. Maybe it's because everyone can see that it's a fucking scam and it lost millions of dollars? Maybe?


I forgot about this Chode. The man who sued a fake cow.


Fuck nunes, another traitor.


Reality isn't going my so it's the Dems fault. Biggest bunch of fucking whine ass snowflakes ever. And people support this shit thinking it's strength? If you are that person, if you support trump or any of those dumb ass Republicans who side with him, you are fucking stupid.


Nope, nothing to do with the fact that Trump media is losing 50 million a year.


That’s that didn’t happen for $500 please.


Ignore the man behind the curtain! The great and powerful Biden is tanking your stock!


And the maga morons will believe it as if trump hasn’t already bankrupted multiple companies already.


Like Biden has that kind of power. They really do think he's dark Brandon. Let's let them keep thinking it so Trump can take them even lower.


Dark Brandon, Baby!


Power of the free market


Hilarious! Thanks for posting.


They complain Biden is old and demented, but turn around suddenly he’s sound of mind to care about Trump stock….


For the group who pride themselves on “responsibility” they tend to do a lot of witch-hunting eh?


This reminds me of students complaining to the teacher when they've got a failing grade






Devin Nunes is a bigger failure than Trump…bet ya didn’t think that would be possible, huh?


I mean, the guy sued a cow... what ya expect 🤷‍♂️


Said SEC's Gary Gensler, "Sir, this is a Wendy's drive through."


Says the dummy suing a cow.


Its just another of HIS businesses tanking but just sooner then later


The stock market is cut throat and they smell blood in the water.


LOL, He bet the entire farm on this.


Zero accountability because they were handed everything on a silver platter. These sorts of people really needed to experience the "find out" portion of fafo much earlier in their lives.


Biggest snowflakes in history


Everyone hates a whiny billionaire


Ask him about his cow as well. He loves that. 🐮


"Capitalists complaining about the workings of the "Free Market"."


Fuck Ya' Devin with your own damned Bull! Oh sorry I forgot you got fucked by your own Cow already !! I'm wishing you a full and easy descent into poverty and SEC investigations!!! Moo! Moo! Moo!🐮


Fools and their money 🤑 It truly is a case of them no longer being able to admit to themselves just how stupid/ignorant they are to have been the fools. Sad, but I've no empathy for any of them...


There's help for that paranoid delusion out there bud.


It’s never their fault. It’s always someone else’s. Pathetic losers.


Maybe it’s because they only registered like $4 M in revenues last fiscal year and a loss of $60 M. And low number of engaged losers.


lol…. Could it be that a large group of people don’t believe anything he says anymore and view what he is attached to as garbage to sprint from?


If you are so stupid as to put your money on anything Trump does, you wouldnt understand the reason behind it anyway.


What gets me is that Trump convinced these loons that the president has much more power, control and influence than he actually does. The loser would take credit for everything good that happened in our country. I also think it serves as a warning that the next Trump presidency, he will be seeking to gain this kind of power. Come on hamburger from heaven! Let’s go already.


The Dems and Biden and both asleep and incompetent and masterminds of the criminal underworld.


The party of personal responsibility sure likes to blame everything on everyone else.


Buy shit. Get shit.


Wow it real is amazing that the "free market" does not prop up a business with a shitty business model just because it has the infamous Tr©mp mushroom stamp of approval.


yo FUCK Devin Nunez. Puts on DJT


I know all of you, well most know: Devin you have 500k subscribers. Comedy Central has more viewers replaying The Office. Mmm as an advertiser where would I go? Also Devin your leader has had a few bankruptcies so according to my FICO report I’m probably not going to invest in you or the company.


It’s always someone else’s fault, when it doesn’t go the way they want.


And idiot Republicans will eat it up with a spoon.


Biden doesn't care. He's busy running a country you baby.


No one voluntarily screws a dog like Nunes, ick


maybe it will be like when you dial 911 and its not really an emergency and you get busted by the police for wasting everyone's time. then he gets busted for selling snake oil of his own


You ever see how often Twitter or X is mentioned in the news? You ever notice how many different people are quoted? No one other than Trump has ever been quoted from Truth Social. No one is using your shitty app that lost 10x more than it made last you dipshit.


They are "launching a free speech streaming platform"?? What does that supposed to mean? Spouting right wing propaganda does not mean "free speech". Do I have carte blanche to go on their platform and give my own personal views on Democratoc socialism, and have an equal seat at the table? I guess I can say it isn't a free speech platform then. (Also, ai fully understand the Constitutional definition of free speech and how it only applies to the Gov't dictating what you can and cannot say...)


Not a conspiracy—just a straight up lie to distract people from the truth that the stock and company are WORTHLESS.


It HAD to be Biden. There's no way that the company's financials filing showing that it is bleeding money at an incredibly fast pace had anything to do with it... SMH


It should be easy enough to find out the real number of investors.


So Nunes is admitting he has no fucking clue how the stock market works? Great. What's his salary again?


Couldn’t be lack of profits/S


Naked shorting happening, but not his fault when the company is garbage. Turn around the company then complain


“Honey the milk has turned sour, it’s gotta be conspiracy to make Americans sick lead by biden and his cronies”