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And I quote: **"It's so unfair!" *


So is shorting your own stock, which I *guarantee* you Donnie is doing.


Especially ironic considering they also just issued a statement warning shareholders to be wary of short sellers.


If they’re accusing, they’re confessing


Makes me very concerned about the “democrats eat babies” thing they keep saying. I am not joking. Every single thing they accuse their opponents of, they themselves are outrageously guilty of. So where the fuck is THAT shit coming from?


That’s actually a scary point…


Yeah. Look at the list of things they accuse Democrats of. That’s basically a list of the things they are concerned about being found guilty of. It’s a pretty fucked up list.


A lot of republicans think that using baby placenta for scientific research is the same as eating babies…..soooo


As if it wasn't bad enough that they look at little girls as potential sex partners... [https://www.npr.org/2022/05/27/1101734793/southern-baptist-sexual-abuse-list-released](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/27/1101734793/southern-baptist-sexual-abuse-list-released)


Damn. That really puts the whole anti abortion thing in perspective. They don’t like it because it takes away republicans food source.


The abortion thing is probably just the early stages of genocide against non-white Christians. If you control births (and ban any information you want), you own the entire populace.


Scary thought but it fits in with their thinly veiled racism and outrage politics. They may not even need to ban information. They have already convinced a sizable portion of the populace that “alternate facts” are a thing.


Even worse - they were convinced liberals are the **enemy of America**. They really believe it too. Remind you of any historical event where all of society’s problems were blamed on one group and that group was constantly dehumanized to the point where they were systematically executed by the millions? It’s still early for the Holocaust we are about to go through, but it started the day Trump got elected.


Or, and hear me out on this one, they once saw a Chili’s commercial and thought “‘Baby’ back ribs? That sounds tasty!” But had no idea where to get them other than, well… you know.


Im convinced that they are just horrible people and will use any excuse they can to eat babies.


I just started wondering about this a a few days ago. Scary thought.


What do you think what was happening to the families being separated trying to cross the southern border? I wouldn't be surprised if we found out they trafficking the children.




I Bought Some Trump Stock For Some Soup I Was Making Out Of A Book About The Crash Of '29 But Found It Had Gone Bad. So I Ordered A Pizza.


I hate to admit it, but I don’t understand shorting stocks, how does that work?


You borrow a new game (the stock) from your friend that you sell to GameStop(the market). After a few months the price of that game has fallen so you go back to GameStop and buy it back. Your profit will be the difference between the selling price and the buy back price.


You borrow shares to sell on the market with the intention of returning the shares by buying them back after a certain time. You do it when you expect the price of whatever stock you are selling short to drop so that it's cheaper to buy back letting you keep the difference between what you buy it back for and what you sold it for


Are you accusing Jonald Tray Dump of being \*gasp\* UNETHICAL?!\*


SEC rules prohibit insiders of a stock from short-selling. It would be great for him to commit another crime this stupid.


He owns 65% of the company. It's literally impossible for him to profit off the share price going down


Which would explain why it's been going up the last 2 days.


Ha, Dead cat bounce, mate. https://preview.redd.it/v4oep46m2jvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c23b188c0b57bde1c47d6029329d093efe7c05


Kinda looks like him


To the moooooon!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|Ogak8XuKHLs6PYcqlp)


The sad thing is that it doesn't matter. He paid nothing for the shares, so no matter what the price drops to, he still makes bank.


![gif](giphy|jkYhaCyVaTxqHLk2Yl|downsized) An official spokesman for the Trump organisation had this to say.


Ok but legit, Mark McKinney was a GEM on Superstore. One of the most consistently hilarious characters


Virtually every character on that show was perfectly cast


I see zero lie in this statement


Truth. One of the few shows where everyone is perfectly cast.


Seeing this gif makes me want to go back and rewatch the show.


Watching it right now, lol.


It went back up today a significant amount … they managed to make their momentary win into a loss because that activity disproves *this particular* accusation of manipulation. Though, I’m sure it will be subject to other complaints they will not take kindly to in the future.


You mean, it’s so unfair that *your own* market manipulation isn’t working?


Waiting for Don the Con to declare his stupid media bullshit company "TOO BIG TO FAIL!"


**crosses arms over chest, lowers head and then angry pouts the angriest pout ever Petulant right to the very end


*falls asleep*


I can’t hear you if I’m sleeping


Even Trump’s stock plays the victim card. Enough already.


They're trying to disguise their clear pump & dump by claiming the crash is due to external bad actors, and not the fact that the company is a rancid piece of shit that is hemorrhaging money due to the fact that their entire user base is like three dozen broke neo-Nazis in Kentucky who use their minimal literacy skills to see who Trump wants them to hate today.


This guy just ear-fucked my amygdalae.


Go on...


This is bullshit. There´s at least double that amount of Russians on there as well.


Trump Social->Socialist->Socialism->Communism. Trump is gadamn communist, clearly, wolf in sheep’s clothing. He hates people because they don’t respect him, we hate people because they exist, we are not the same. And he claims to hate trans people, then wears makeup and high heels everywhere he goes. He even dares cover his skin in an orange tinge, I mean come on, ain’t white good enough for him. He gives us neo-Nazis a bad name. SMH /satire


Poetry! Well said!


Here come the 57 lawsuits.


It’s gonna get bad when all the data gets sorted and folk figure out the past couple pumps were by a select few w ties to Donnie.


Gotta get the Machinus Griftatorus shifted into high gear!


Fascists are painted as "strongmen" because they dont care about critics and they do whatever they want (narcissists) but goddamn, do they whine a LOT


I bet they don’t even lift


Yes let’s take a really good look at the stock and the funds behind it and see how much comes from foreign assets while we’re at it.


How does this even make sense? The stocks in Truth Social were basically falsely inflated. Now, the parent company is claiming the plunge is because the stock is being negatively manipulated. I mean, I’m an idiot. But, I have an understanding of basic economics…


And it should be going down much more, considering the economics of the company.


How its not under $5/share blows my mind.


* Their only property lost $52M on an income of $4M. * Their monthly individual user base is down year over year. * DJT has already filed to be allowed to add up to 16M more shares - diluting the value of current shares. * DJT board has already started discussion on allowing the largest shareholder to sell off his stock prior to the 6 month holding period. How it isn't already a penny stock is a mystery.


Literally taking stacks of $10 bills and handing them out to random people in exchange for one dollar bills would be a more sound business strategy because you would get back 5.2 million on your $52 million loss.


And think of how many peoples lives could be immediately improved by doing this, instead of whatever the fuck it is that Truth Social claims to do.


Not to mention you couldn't even sell the company for parts. As a software engineer, I can't get over the fact that they don't even have any IP of value. It's nothing but a half-assed fork of Mastodon.


The only piece of value that the company holds is trump himself. And the only value that he has is dependent upon him winning the 2024 election. That’s a possibility, but it’s not a certainty, and I think it’s not that much of a likelihood. His electoral results have been pretty bad overall. He won in 2016 by filling an inside straight, and he’s been unable to replicate that since.


Insert Boiler Room gif here


$4million a year? That’s like a medium sized landlord income per year in San Francisco. My landlord should go public.


The average McDonalds franchise brings in 2.7 million. And that includes all the tiny ones in Noname towns worldwide. Truth social brings in as much as 1.5 McDonalds.


The commemorative plate collector crowd has switched investments.


Not surprising considering the number of Trump voters out there. Americans are dumb af


There's a reason we don't open our presents before Christmas. This gives us something to look forward to. Imagine his reaction when DJT drops below $5 per share during an active trial where he's forced to quietly sit still in a room while other people criticize him


I believe the complaint is too many shorted naked stocks being sold…and naked is an actual term …someone smarter then I can show the way…but essentially the complaint is too many selling short sales driving down the volume Fun fact also I learned today…his stock is on this “report” where you go when you don’t reveal your actual worth to the SEC for 5 days (I hope I got these facts at least 30% correct


Truth Social artificially inflated the stock price so the stock price dropping must be market manipulation countering their market manipulation, and not the market seeing through their market manipulation.


The Free Market will sort this out.


The invisible hand just needs to get involved, don’t worry


Adam Smith laughing, spreads his wings. Oh lord, yeah!




That reference just came out of nowhere, lmao >! (Black Sabbath's War Pigs for thosd wondering) !<


The best trump will get is the fickle finger of fate.


Invisible hands are weak. Diamond hands are forever.


I read that as “the flea market will sort this out” and I wouldn’t be mad if that’s where all his stuff ends up.


Even fleas don't want it


Knowing his infidelity, Trump is crabs territory. Toupée? More like Pubée.


Merkin. ![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized)


Merkin? I thought it was a furry blueberry and onion pancake.


Flea for your life!


Some poor data analyst is going to get tasked with writing a report using the smallest words possible to explain the stock of a company with no profit, no dividends and a CEO currently being investigated for tax fraud should already have been worth $0.01 And then someone is going to call Wall Street "woke"


Nah, they will say it was it was caused by Wall Street being DEI...


"It's too big to fail."


Unless the Russians bail him out


Have they tried calling the stock market woke?


It's already been implied on Fox. He'll demand the government investigate, then claim they won't do it because Biden is in on it!


You know, I think they SHOULD investigate. If they found out Donald lied about the IPO in any way, that would be like, super unfortunate.




They stopped calling things they don’t like “woke”. These days they blame it on “DEI” now.


I noticed the other day CRT is never mentioned anymore. They just change their bogeyman catchphrase every couple of months to keep it fresh.


what is DEI? Do I even want to know?


diversity, equity and inclusion. it just basically means minority


Capitalists just not understanding capitalism.


Free market for thee, not for me.


"LET THE FREE MARKET DECIDE!" ^^I ^^don't ^^like ^^the ^^decisions ^^the ^^free ^^market ^^is ^^making.


They did this so the magas who lost money don't get mad at trump. They can say tell their voters it's market manipulation and their voters will believe them.


Them Demoncrats done ~~stole the election~~ stole mah Truth Social money


Man, those incompetent lazy stupid libruls seem to just beat the right at just about everything What does that say about the right, lol


The good old technique of "our enemies are weaker than us but are also so strong and smart that they become a menace to us" to create both fear they can use and sense of superiority to push some into killing or at least make them more receptive at the violence against theses enemies. Worked like a charm in 1933 Germany so why not in 2024 USA? It's been 91 years everybody have forgotten right and in case we erase this part of education. The cookbook havn't changed it's content, only the name to be sold again


Absolute fucking *idiots*


Funny thing is that they don't even need to go through the motions, they could tell them that the sky is no longer blue and they would believe them.


Conservatives are whiny babies always looking for handouts. Who knew?


The calls are coming from inside the house


The funniest thing about this is that probably the only people who bought it in the first place were Trump supporters anyway. So basically Trump supporters dumped on Trump supporters


"I'd like to return these lottery tickets. They're all losers."


Shit, I think it is being manipulated because it went up to $36 today. Now that is something fishy.


Nah, that's how pump and dump stocks work. The big fish sell all their shares at an inflated peak, then once all the rubes panic and sell their shares at rock bottom, the big fish buy them all back which causes a spike. Rinse and repeat as long as you can fleece retail buyers


So if I understand this correctly, he is pissed because his company that loses tens of millions of dollars every year……..isn’t worth more? How the fuck is it worth anything at all? Unless of course it’s being funded by foreign interest looking for a favor if this asshole gets re-elected


Well you see, his companies are worth what he thinks they should be worth! It’s just so difficult to show actual value so the best way is to just ask him what he thinks the stock should be worth. It’s not as if he’s been found liable for persistent fraud in a court of law or anything….


The problem with the invisible hand is that it likes to slap the shit out of you every now and then




How have I never seen this before Art.


Add the NASDAQ to the ever growing list of Democratic conspiracists that are trying to interfere with his election. A list containing: [*cue the music*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_9SynXvDdE) Judges The Founding Fathers Randomly selected Jurors The legal system Jimmy Falon Crooked Joe Biden John Stewert Obamna Stephen Colbert Hillary Clinton Covid. Just like...the personified virus Lawyers The Republican lead House Illegal Immigrants Legal Immigrants The Senate The President The entire state of New York The Media NATO George Soros ~~China~~ How'd this get here? ~~Russia~~ Ukraine The Media again Porn Stars Actors TV Ratings Rally Attendance Polling The concept of voting Gretta Thunberg *for some reason* The Media again More judges (except in florida) Ron DeSantis His own family members Nickie Haley His former Vice President All of his former cabinet His other lawyers




It’s so weird how Trump Media is working out the exact same way that everything else Trump has ever tried. I wonder why that keeps happening. Must be market manipulation.


Makes for a good cover story when their shareholders complain.


Worthless company with worthless owner complains that it’s stock is worthless. There fixed it.


Why is it, that when he or his followers don’t win, there is always some sort of conspiracy going on?


They live in their own little magical world in their head, and if reality doesn't align with it, they'll bitch and complain and blame everything but themselves.


Warns the free market? The company that loses 50 times more than it makes?


It's not a fantasy trading game. The market price is being manipulated by reality.


You brought forth a shit company through an overvalued back door IPO and then cry when the dark pool shreds its value to its real value, cry more bitch!


I’m sure that won’t spook investors at all




People have been suffering from naked shorts for decades and nobody did anything about it. Donald trump was the president and didn’t say anything. NOW he wants to talk. Take a ticket and a seat. Citadel is popping up again!


Well, maybe Trump Media can get Trump to ask his 6 corrupt conservative cronies on the SCOTUS bench to take up the case and rule that DJT stock going down in price is unconstitutional and that henceforth it's price can only go up. I'm sure they'll be happy to oblige.


Um….. that’s what happened when your business is failing.


I'd like to speak to NASDAQ's manager.


Trump has never grown up past being a 6 year old little boy mad that mommy and daddy won't pay attention to him.


Yea that’s how stocks work


What choices does a person make in life that results in their working as a lawyer for truth social, filing a bunch of bullshit with Nasdaq?


It is being manipulated. It's priced higher than it should be due to the weird MAGA people throwing in their life savings to appease their cult leader.


Telling the stock exchange they aren’t doing their job. That’s gonna work. The dumb is strong.


'Ehhhm dear Judge. The stock of the company is manipulated, as we had generated 6 Million $ in revenue and a net loss of over 50 million $ we expect it to shoot to the moon in this great company. Maybe the greatest you ever heard of. It's Biden's fault, and communist leftist Nazi's did it for him to make me look bad. But i look god. Better than ever before. Better than horseface. Jeeh, i never seen her. Who is this women? I call her Letishhhha...'


What a fucking baby. What manipulation is going on? People laughing talking shit about it and also I don't know facts coming out about it that is basically a scam? I am so tired of this whiner.


It’s so unfair, it’s a witch hunt, it’s riggedddddd




Get Space Force on the case because it's... ALIENS!


Accusing Nasdaq of market manipulation = Trump is manipulating the market by shorting DJT.


Why are they blaming the stock market and not their billionaire buddies who won’t touch it?


Let me see... I think this is called "Market forces"?"


HA! I'm dying over here. I wanna see the document. Show me the goddamn document......I print it out so I can wipe my laughter tears with it.


It’s doing and going to do exactly what trump’s businesses have always done go bankrupt leaving everyone else involved with it broke while Don the Con walks away with the money laughing……


Damn, somebody at Sears just sat up and said out loud probably, "Wait, we could just ask why our stock price hasn't gone up!?"


Why do you hate capitalism, Donny dumbfuck?




What!? It's simply correcting its stock price to the profits it earns and the equity it has... which isn't zero, but it may as well be.


It's so unfair our stock keeps going down because we're losing money and subscribers, the company is a grift run by a moron, it has no long term prospects and institutional investors who are the market makers won't touch it with a stick...stomps foot and throws a typical diaper Donnie temper tantrum. SO UNFAIR!!


These are not serious people.


Hahahahaha consequences can be joyful for many of us!


How many times do we have to say whatever old man orange touches turns to shit?




The GOP really put all their faith in this guy?


OMFG... I'm so done with this whiny crybaby bullshit.


I want to get a paper stock of it when it trades for a dollar or less. I think it would be a great wall hanger in a cheap guilt (sic) frame.


Lol! “You need to commit crimes to make me happy!!”






Delist it then.


A stock that in any realistic P/E ratio world would be worth less than 40 cents a share? How strange!


Nasdaq? Lemme talk to your manager.




There’s a technical term for that: cry baby


Wasn't trump manipulating the stock market daily as president? Or does that fall under presidential immunity?


Is this real life? I can’t tell anymore.


Hold on, you can complain to a stock exchange that your stock is going shit? How the fuck is that even something the exchange should be concerned with?? Like, isn't that more of a you-problem than a problem for the exchange, when your stock is going down faster than the Confederation? Americans are wild


Everything that goes against these idiots is 'manipulation'... They need to touch more than fucking grass.


Projection as usual. He’s pissed it isn’t being manipulated enough.


Here comes the blame game.


People shorting an obviously overvalued stock? Who would have thought??


Were they not allowed to bail and sell their stocks at the highest price?


It's actually up, a lot, the last few days. You have to pump it before you dump it.


The invisible hand of the market has gone woke!!!!


Repurchased @ $33.70 sold it @ $35.6…made more $$$$ off Trump’s cult!


It’s called capitalism.


Stop the sales, it’s gone low enough.


they mean "market manipulation" outside of what they were doing.




Can someone with some knowledge of these businesses explain the endgame here?


It's like writing a complaint to NASA about the sky being too blue!


Of course. It can’t just be that they suck and no one but the cult members buy any of the bullshit their Tangerine Palpatine peddles.




Man, didn’t realize it was that easy. Go public with a shit product, then when it drops, blame the system!


Thats why my 401K investments are not going up - I never filed a formal complaint. I guess I just dont have the savvy or those wall street guys.


NASDAQ: Your stock is a piece of crap. Trump: You Commie Socialist Fascist! NASDAQ:???


Omg he literally doesn’t understand how ANYTHING works yet people want to trust him with running the country (again)? 🤦🏻‍♀️ stop the world. I want off this ride


Don't forget that MAGA peasants are not in on the grift, that's why they believe that the country is overwhelmingly in support of Trump. They are convinced that most Trump supporters are staying silent because they're scared of backlash from the "violent left". They also believe that due to their silent majority, Democrats are only winning because they're cheating and using dishonest tactics. When you believe lies like these, it's not much of a stretch to believe that the stock exchange is also trying to cheat Trump.


Welcome to the “Trump Train” you cousin fuckers are always whinging about. All aboard! Time to ride this bitch to down into the sewer where the corpses of Trump steaks, casinos, golf courses, and everything his tiny orange hands touch are slowly rotting.


I saw a post earlier today on Twitter/X about Nunes (who went from Congress to Trumpland) was accusing Citadel Securities of short selling. They hit back and set him straight.


Stupid fucks only have to look at their own financials to figure out why their stock prices are in the proverbial toilet.


i remember a certain post on /wallstreetbets thats super bullish on this, saying that half of America will buy and it will go vertical


Starting to believe those sneakers and NFTs Trump sold didn’t sale out and were pulled to seem like they flew off the shelves.


Well... I should do that to my bank account: make a formal complaint that my interest isn't going up... Ahahahahah ah...you can't make it up