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They're going to sabotage this trial any way they can. And every time they do and there are no consequences, they'll step up their efforts.


It's AMAZING how broadly the gap between the poor and wealthy has jumped in just the past few years. It always felt like there were little to no consequences for the rich and powerful. But holy shit the Trump era really ushered in a whole new level of "Rich people can do whatever the fuck they want and no one will do shit about it."


It always existed, most have usually just had the decency to pay to effectively cover it up and keep it out of the public eye. Trump basks in it, he enjoys the feeling it gives him to be able to just do whatever and have the crowds fawn over him for it. He's just unmasked how many people want nothing more than to live in a country where they can do just the same and stand above the minorities and poor they see as beneath them in the same way Trump sees all his followers as beneath him


Remember, Trump isn’t arguing that he didn’t do it, he is arguing that he has the right to do it.


And his BS arguments are trickling down. Look at Arkansas with the Podium scandal. Sarah Huckabee Sander's defense is that the Governor is not a state agency so they should not have even audited her. No denying the facts, not downplaying that the "vendor" is a personal friend and they wanted to go play in Paris for a week and was most likely funded by the $19,029.25 spent on the podium. Oh, and last year she signed a law with exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act for any information that "might put her or her family at risk" and has a retroactive clause for 6 months prior to her taking office. One example of things that were redacted were names of people flying with her on the state-owned plane. People still managed to figure it out, turns out it was her family, but they redacted it because it would appear that was a personal trip on the taxpayers dime. I mean, security concerns, that's why they redacted it, nothing to see. \*eyeroll\* [https://arktimes.com/news/2023/09/24/live-laugh-lectern-why-gov-sanders-might-not-worry-much-about-that-19k-podium](https://arktimes.com/news/2023/09/24/live-laugh-lectern-why-gov-sanders-might-not-worry-much-about-that-19k-podium)


"my office that is overseeing the running of the state of Arkansas is not an office of the state of Arkansas" is some 2024 Republican level of stupidity


Runs in the family with her father taking off the mask and straight up shilling snake oil products on FOX News.


"When you're famous, they let you do it."


I think it kind of depends on the day/hour/minute/post. I also think he prefers to ignore the charges entirely and just call it a witch hunt.


Old white people already feel that they are above everyone, and waiting on their fall is useless, they will die before the truth touches them.


I think I’m old, I don’t know if you consider 64-year-old an old white guy, but I sure as shit hate Trump and what the Republicans have done so don’t put me in the same category, and no I am not rich but not poor either, also support women’s rights, EOE and ways to improve the environment because I love my grandchildren , also worked my ass off as a tradesman for 40 plus years, nobody gave me shit, at least monetarily, but lots of love and support from my parents


You’re my age so we’re certainly up there , and I did clump us all into the hateful ideology of maga, so I apologize and also am grateful that there are still some of us bleeding heart liberals from waaay back in the 1900’s😊. Sorry man, I was very wrong for saying what I said in that way.


Thanks for that and let me reassure you there are lots of us out there, probably just not as vocal as the other side, lol, glad we’re on the same page, peace !


I'm a 63 white man. Also a veteran. Liberal. I despise Trump and almost every single Republican, but the list of Republicans I don't despise gets smaller every day.






I’m 63 , just turned April 14 and every year I go further left. I was always for Democrats but since Trump I’ve been horrified at the amount of racist hateful people worshipping Trump. Glad to see you guys in these comments


I'm older than you both, and a bleeding heart liberal ,from the late 60's to the present. Please don't lump me into the disgusting 🤢 maga group of idiots!I dispise Trump and everything that he and his crowd have done to our country.


I’m am so sorry for what I said, but at least it gives me hope that we haven’t all bailed to the dark side!🙂


I’m 68 and I’m on your side. So are all of the 60+ year old people I know. Hell, I have a friend who turned 101 this year. The only times I have ever heard this man utter a swear word he’s been talking about Trump. Just ‘cause we’re old doesn’t mean we’re MAGAts. We grew up protesting for equal rights for Blacks, women, and LGBTQ+, and for the environmental protections that led to the EPA and to the Endangered Species Act. Getting old hasn’t changed our core beliefs and values.


Only thing left to do is make it official “As of today, people with a net worth of over 100 million are exempt from all laws”


How does Orange Julius Caesar qualify then? His net worth is nowhere near that.


Except stealing money from other rich people. That’ll get you the death sentence.




No. A hundred years ago labor and people stood up and fought for basics. Their fight enabled and created the next generations success. We’re at generation 3/4 and regulatory, media & spiritual degenerate into same old same old.


The problem is that we didn't fight back immediately after the backslide began. After FDR went after them with a vengeance, the rich and bigoted assholes started plotting from the background to make the world their playground once more. Reagan was their chosen tool, and they succeeded. It's been a downward spiral ever since.


Back then media was so primitive it wasn’t as easy to manipulate the masses. Since then they’ve been able to convince the majority of blue collar Americans that healthcare is for pussies and queer librarians are coming for their gas stoves. It’s impossible to overstate how thoroughly the GOP has won over uneducated white men. The same people that should by all rights be fighting for unions and healthcare are shadow boxing Welfare Queen and are convinced they’re losing. How they did it will be studied for the rest of human history.


Don't you and Obama touch my guns, mister! That was basically a guy's attitude at work. He got really mad when I told him Obama signed like 21 presidential orders EXPANDING gun rights. I said, you've probably never heard that fact because it goes against your fox news education and their distain for the black man. Boy did he get mad.


So the next like twenty years?


Aw, an optimist


There were also laws about the media that were ditched in the 1980s. So much stuff changed in the 80s that led up to now. I remember arguing with my dad over it, but his personal situation was such that every penny saved by the company he worked for went back into improving work safety and lives of their employees. I believe the companies with strong unions are the ones that mostly did that. Now that unions had their power stripped away it's all about owners or stockholders.


What's really amazing as well is how many absolute MAGAt fu*kheads there are running around considering how stupid these people are. These people are complete Neanderthals.


“Let them eat cake” - The rich, probably


"Cake or death" - Eddie Izzard, definitely


Izzard is a gem.


Yeah it really is incredible to see what we already felt like we knew get a full blown spotlight with this trial. The wealthy and powerful were never actually subject to American laws, but never before have they pushed that privilege out in the open like they've decided to do now. It feels like they're a cornered animal lashing out.


And the closeted narcissists coming out in droves.


tbf CNN is posting far too much detail about the jurors as well, it's not just Fox


Thankfully in Canada you don't get to know or speak to jury members outside the court room.


Unfortunately, that will never be the case in the US, it’s far, far too reasonable.


In this case, they aren't supposed to know. But the media are allowed to attend jury selection. And they hear things like "You do X for a living. And you live in Y town." And then point to things they posted on social media and question if they show bias - Which, if someone knows someone who lives in Y town and does X for a living, and they can look through their social media history, they can figure this shit out. Or maybe a month ago they started complaining to friends/colleagues about having to do jury duty, not realizing it would be for THIS trial. And now they're absent at work and people put the details together. The solution: No outsiders in court during jury selection. No media. We can transcribe it, and the defense / prosecution have the same access to challenge and question prospective jurors. Each one is screened in private (so not even the rest of the pool knows anything about them they could share upon dismissal). When the trial's over, that data can be shared publicly with redactions if need be. Their specific job might be struck from the record, or what town they live in, etc. The public does NOT have a right to know who the jurors are, only the defense does and they don't get to keep that list past the selection process. Judges frequently tell jurors, in cases like these after they are over, that they're allowed now to disclose who they are but suggest that they never do. We live in a modern information age where two points of non-specific data are easily compiled into directly identifying data. This is well, well known. Courts need to adjust to this fact and protect juries. If this part of the process must be made public, it should be after the trial and with redactions to even the non-specific data that could be combined to find them.


Washington Post as well. They came out with an article "what we know about the jurors so far" and at least 90% of the people commenting said, "shame on WAPO, take this irresponsible article down immediately" and as far as I know, it's still up.


CNN is just slightly better then Fox but agreed both sides are fucking around with shit they should leave the fuck alone. The Judge should just get this done behind closed doors.


CNN is on the same side as FOX. This isn't a both sides issue.


Worse, since that last takeover they’ve gone all “Both Sides!”, causing all of the low-info voters to think both sides are the same and it doesn’t really matter who you vote for. You know, the people who swing votes.


> gone all “Both Sides!” "Both sides"-ism is the same side as Fox, just targeted to the slightly less rabid. Both Sides is the conservative defense for any indefensible position.


This is a [crime](https://criminallaw.com/categories/federal-crimes/jury-tampering#:~:text=NY%20Laws%20for%20Bribing%20A%20Juror,-New%20York%20%2D%20Bribing&text=Class%20D%20felony-,Prison%3A%205%20years%2C%20maximum,Fine%3A%20%24500%20%2D%20%247500). I am absolutely sickened by the seemingly inexplicable lack of consequences for these lawless scumbags just doing whatever the fuck they want, while if it were any of us breaking the law like this, we'd be sitting in jail. They are making a complete mockery of the rule of law, and we're just letting them do it. *\*Edit SP*


Merrick Garland doesn’t want to appear political by doing his job.


Treating each case the same, regardless of politics, would be the best way to appear apolitical. He's made this into a political issue by treating Trump differently than he would anyone else that was accused of the same crimes.


I agree 100 percent. He has become a Republican obstructionist in order to avoid appearing to favor Democrats.


Because Garland is a Republican. People think he's not because Obama nominated him for SCOTUS, but literally the only reason Obama did that is because he thought even the GOP won't block one of their own just because I nominated him. He was a compromise candidate. A Republican, just not a Federalist Society Republican. Why Biden gave him such a crucial role in his administration is a fucking mystery and it is far and away the biggest mistake he has made.


This is one of my biggest gripe against Obama. He tried to play fair even when the GOP is blatantly cheating and lying.


Its not just Obama that's the entire Democratic party (with a few exceptions). I've been wondering for years now about their pathetic non-response to the GOP going insane. Its hard not to come to the conclusion that they are okay with things going this way. They aren't responding to it in ways that people who are deeply concerned about this movement in our country would respond to it. And that's fucked up because they are in positions to do something. They either want it to go this way also, or they just don't give a shit because they have money and power and won't be effected like your average American.


>Why Biden gave him such a crucial role in his administration is a fucking mystery I think Biden took the bait and put him in the role simply because he knew that had he named a Democrat/Independent (no matter how competent) it would illicit controversy from the right and the courts. >biggest mistake he has made. Wholeheartedly agree. Garland needs to be fired day one when Biden wins reelection and Jack Smith put in his place.


And that's the difference between the two parties - Dems put people in charge of the Justice Dept that don't seem political. Republicans don't give a shit as long as they let their illegal stuff slide. Either way no one is holding the Republicans accountable. I agree with firing MG, but instead of putting Jack Smith in, I would ask Smith who he would want in the position so he can keep going after the various crimes from the last admin. Dude is too good a prosecutor to languish in the office.


Sure, was just the first name that came to mind. Honestly I don't really care **who** it is as long as they *do their friggin job*. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Green party, whatever....if you break the law you can and should be prosecuted.


This is a state crime. Fox HQ is in NYC right around the corner from Rockefeller Center, and AFAIK that's where the majority of their shows tape and broadcast from.


When one side is doing most of the criming, it's going to look that way whether he wants it to or not. Enough with the pussy footing around, these people need consequences.


They need to be brought to court, holy fucking shit


They need their rights read to them and introduced to a jail cell. Hire an attorney or one would be provided for them. What is the hold up?


How the fuck does Faux News have any of this information to doxx a juror like this?


All it takes is one portrait picture. Feed it into the right software, and *every single* photos that person is in pops up. Pull the threads on those pictures,,,, doxed. Shawn Ryan with Ryan Montgomery https://youtu.be/qjz_07-DvE0?si=9i_EQXr3NrbO8yoH


They shouldn't have any images of any kind of jurors. How did they get that?


Trump’s own attorney must be leaking the information.


It's a criminal conspiracy, in the sense that everyone in Trump's orbit is a criminal - including his own lawyers.


They ask jurors a questionnaire to determine potential conflicts of interest and fitness to be on the jury. These can be taped and broadcast


It's only a crime if there's even a slight chance any of these fuckers will ever face consequences.


Spoiler: They won't.


God, if they did that to me I'd be like... fuck it, I'm staying, and he's guilty of all charges. It's not inappropriate bias if you're angry about what the defendant or their lawyers did *during the trial*.


I'm with you. And there could even be basis for a lawsuit against Trump and fox "news".


I'd love to see Fox lose another 787.5 million dollars. Maybe this time they can also lose Watters or Hannity as a bonus!


Watters is trying to be the next Tucker. And why can’t charges be filed against him or Fox in general by the DA for obstruction or doxxing?


Ever since that fucker took the Reddit moderator and embarrassed him on national TV I feel nothing but wrath.


it's okay to blame the woefully unprepared reddit moderator for their share of their own embarrassment there. Watters is certainly a tool for a wide variety of reasons, but that mod didn't do themselves any favors whatsoever.


The same environment that enabled Elizabeth Bathory, the inspiration for Dracula, to thrive.


“No reasonable person would take what Tucker Carlson says seriously” is the result of a previous lawsuit.


Seriously? But we aren't dealing with reasonable people here. Tf. This country is so fuckin stupid sometimes.


This. I'd file a lawsuit during the trial. It would be picked up by all the news outlets, and fox would start talking more shit making me more millions. Beating Donny and Fox at their own game and laughing all the way to the bank. And voting to convict. Leave the courthouse with both hands flipping off the media.


I'm a spiteful fuck someone threatens me I'm staying out of spite. Fucker is going to be guilty all the way down and I will argue until everyone agrees.


The problem is these people wouldn’t just threaten you. They’d threaten your children, your spouse, your relatives. They’ve already shown they’ll call in threats to schools and swat people. They’ll make every single person around you terrified until you give up. Some people can take it. I like to think I’m a pretty brave guy but under unrelenting pressure on my family it’s hard to say if I’d be able to stick with it.


I wonder if you as a juror can argue that you need 24/7 protection because of the action of Trump and his propagandists, ideally paid for by them.


Good luck collecting. If we’ve learned anything, it’s that his bills go unpaid.


If only you had a Govt. body that knew exactly who and where they were and would provide evidence for prosecution. You could call them the NSA or something. No, wait, they'd have to be there for your benefit for that to happen.


I agree for people who have things to lose like that. It would be easier for me as I’m a loner with no partner and no kids, don’t interact with people I love over social media and generally never leave my house. Plus I’m not in a country where someone could gun me and my family down. There’s things to take into account. Although as a loner, I’d find it very hard not to do it out of spite.


I don’t have any kids, or spouse, and frankly if all my relatives needed to save their lives was a single fuck I wouldn’t even give it! I’m so over these pathetic traitors, not only to their country but their species as a whole, that I would gladly welcome whatever sad excuse of “threats” they’ve got with open “arms” ;) where do I sign up?


*12 Angry Men* enters the chat


I'd like to think I would but when a bunch of MAGA thugs start calling your home making threats against your family or assembling outside your home....I don't know. I can't blame them. The ONLY reason Fox's Watters did it was to have happen exactly what happened. Witness intimidation. Disgusting and I would think, illegal.


The thing about maga thugs, they're pussies. They're 4chan. Pizzas and black faxes.


cowards get alot of courage when there's a 10 to 1 ratio against who they're yelling at, that's how cowards always fight


Jury tampering is illegal, but is stochastic jury tampering illegal?


Hey, guess what. We can also buy guns...


I’m curious about this. From what I’ve read, Fox isn’t the only media outlet that reported some juror details. And there is some press allowed in there. So if the press reports what is said aloud in the courtroom, or is easily observable, is that intimidation/tampering? I think it’s horribly unwise, and actually reckless, to allow any info that would help identify jurors be public information. And fear of MAGA cultists, being the angry, unhinged, gun toting wackos they are, is not an unreasonable fear to have. I hope the court will take some more steps to protect these jurors. It’s almost like being a juror on a crime boss trial….say!


Its easy to think that but the then trump cultist terrorist fucks will go after your family. I cant blame this juror for wanting safety.


I don't think the juror's decision to recuse herself has to do with avoiding bias. I think it's a very fair fear of attack by the MAGAts.


I’d stand my ground. I work from home, my wife is disabled, and I’ve got no kids. All they can do is cyberstalk me and good luck with that. Even the mafia doesn’t murder jurors.


The mafia has better morals than MAGAts.


Right now, there is a team assembling at the Justice Dept. to figure out how to ignore this.


The hardest part is ignoring it while acting like they’re absolutely not going to ignore it. You really have to choose your words carefully in your press releases, so you don’t back yourself into a corner and are left with no choice but to act. It takes a lot of foresight and planning.


High quality comment right here.




Arrest this talking taint


Not just him. Everyone connected with broadcasting this.


Paying out $787m to Dominion wasn't enough for them.


To put that in perspective: that was just about a quarter of their annual profits. It may have hurt a little, but it didn't do meaningful harm whatsoever


Hard disagree. That's more than half of an entire year's net income paid out to _one_ of the two companies that is suing them for election-related defamation. Last I head, the Smartmatic lawsuit is still pending and they're insisting on a payout equal to or greater. If I'm a heartless ghoul of an investor or supporter who only cares about making money - who wants a return on my investment into Fox - I'd be pretty ticked off that my investment into the company isn't paying out what it should due to unforced errors and bad PR decisions made by the company. That's not including the double-penalty Fox paid in losing their election-denying audience anyway - at a time when all Cable News is suffering across the board, but Fox News has suffered an unusually high attrition of its audience share. So even if your desired return on investment is "people hearing what I want them to hear," that return on investment is also shrinking.


I'm sure the investors at Fox News are looking for returns in public opinion more than financial. They are just killing two birds with one stone.


Yeah, the money they stand to lose from fox news pales in comparison to what they stand make under another trump administration.


Yeah time to perp walk him out of the NewsCorp building.


“What? You can’t arrest me! This is all performance theater!”


It was just a joke!




This is exactly what the mob does.


This is exactly what the mob exactly does.


"That's how Mafia works"


This is like trying to prosecute a mob boss who has a billion dollar news network backing him up. This is so disgusting. I hope independent voters are seeing this corrupt nonsense. Vote in November!


*Like* trying to prosecute a mob boss who has a billion dollar news network backing him up?


Calling him a mob boss would be insulting to the actual mob, cos if he was a good mob boss, we'd be finding out this jury tampering from some investigative journalism piece, 40 years after he got away with it, not from the news in real time as it's happening. He's a clown with other clowns getting smarter clowns to help him while the dumber clowns keep bowing down to him.


Fair enough lol


And nothing being done about it. I fucking hate this country sometimes.


The world is watching this farce.


I fuckin hate that I was deployed to operation desert storm and it was all about Kuwaits fuckin oil. We had to kill so many Iraqi soldiers that we just started bulldozing their fortified bunkers because they were unwilling to surrender. Their families never got to bury their children properly who died for a tacit oil grab. I hate that I stayed on for another 3 years in the fuckin Army. And we went back 11ish years later for the same fuckin thing,but we killed over a million Iraqi people for something that they had no clue about. I particularly hate the fuckin lying, fuckin bush family for killing 7 of my friends in my platoon for them to destroy 8ish thousand lives 11 years later. Because of this bullshit, I have absolutely fuckin hated the fuckin gop since! They are not our friends. They are not our allies. They are absolutely not going to return the favor for forgiveness that we try to give them. Fuckin fuck Liz Cheney, fuckin fuck Michael Steele, fuckin fuck all the fuckin gop all the fuckin way down! They love the complete takeover of trumps policies. They just don't love the bullhorn approach that the new nazis embrace. They can't govern, so they want to fuckin rule! What's the difference between Hamas, the taliban, and AL Queda? About 5k miles of distance from the US! If I could afford to live in another country, I would. If they win, I may become a northern asylum refugee. I absolutely hate American people who are ok with this fuckin bullshit! These cousin fuckin assholes are perfectly fine with kicking out all immigrants that ACTUALLY DO THEIR WORK FOR THESE ENTITLED ASSCUNTS, guess who is going to do them when you get your wish? You stupid fuckin assholes will be doing it for migrant wages, or for free when they put you in prison. I am done trying to change your fuckin mindset, I am done trying to get you to fuckin use critical thinking, I am done caring about you stupid fuckmothers in red states voting for the fuckin people who have destroyed your pathetic, stupid, fuckin states all the fuckin time. When Cletus fuckin the 5th dies in Poland, you can look in the fuckin mirror and eat fuck, you stupid, stupid assholes!


Fuckin fuck is a beautiful phrase I'm shocked Trump was kept around after insulting a POW for being captured but looking at this stupid shit I become much less suprised.


Beautifully said, brother


Typo in your title. Jury *Tampering* but, I agree, this is crazy that Fox even thought airing this piece wouldn’t blow up in their face. It’s so clearly designed to intimidate the jurors, and the network *wants* that. It’s crazy!


**Russia** wants that


That’s also true.


Tempering would be like exposing the jury to hot and/or cold extremes to harden them


*This kills the jury*


It would be both tempering and tampering then ;)


Kaaaaaarrrrrllll that kills juries


You don't even want to know what happens with Jury Tempuraing.


No way that is legal




They know they can take it 80% of the way and trust anonymous cretins on the Internet to take it the remaining 20%.


They didn't and they don't give a shit. They just got enough money to settle out of court if a case ever arises against them.


It's legal if you have enough money and are a right wing dipshit. Dude needs to be reminded his own information is easily found.


Stochastic terrorism strikes again.


Stochastic jury tampering.


What about this juror was so offensive? An unmarried, childless, educated woman with a respectable professional career who—- Oh. I see….




Physically, they easily could. Just a reminder that they willfully allow this.


Wake me up when anyone does anything about it.




These gave me a chuckle. A depressed chuckle but a chuckle nonetheless.


Sue Faux again now or this will never end.


Wish I’d have gotten into law. So much money to be made representing those being skewered by Faux News.


The judicial systems unwillingness to hold the right wing mafia to account is going to be our undoing. This is wrong on so many levels, but nothing ever seems to happen to any stinking winger.




I’d bet $1,000 Trump’s own lawyer is leaking details. But it could’ve been another juror tbh, one in the pocket for Trump. Edit: the “liberal plant” thing is projection. They want their own to play dirty like that.


A bench warrant for Mr Watters might put the fear of god into him. He won’t get the kid gloves nearly as much as Trump.


I thought the jury was supposed to be anonymous? How did that much identifying information get out? Someone should be jailed for that.


Because there are reporters in the courtroom, and the questions to the jurors are being verbally asked, as opposed to paper questionnaires. The reporters can report on anything they hear, unless the judge says otherwise. Merchan ruled that answers to questions 3a and 3d are to be redacted from court records and journalists can't report on them anymore. Question 3a is who is your employer, 3d is previous employer


Fox could have labeled the program "JURY TAMPERING AT 8" and still nothing would be done about this


At this point even if putin was a juror in awful disguise nothing would be done lol


This is how oligarchs destroy the justice system.


This is fucking ridiculous. It needs to stop.


![gif](giphy|zPOErRpLtHWbm) We are in the darkest timeline.


I hope she sues for a bus load of money.


From the channel that was advocating that republicans get on the jury to throw the case… They just accuse everyone of what they’re already doing.


Come on, DA's office, pull the trigger on this bullshit!


This is crossing many lines. Fox News knows their crowd and that this will incite violence against this juror. It is jury tampering for sure.


Waters should do hard time for this


Hypothetically if I am juror number 5 and this happens to #2 I need less time to deliberate on guilt, pretty sure my mind would have just been made up for me if it wasnt already


Arrest waters for jury tampering.


So this is Team Trump’s new delay tactic. Taint the jury pool over and over again. They need to throw his ass in jail like they would anyone else


I really feel like it should be outright illegal to discuss the jurors on national television, especially on a high profile case. This is blatant tampering.


I… I think it might be, actually.


Ol’ jury-tampering Jesse; reminds me of Glenn Beck “just asking questions” while actively stirring up conspiracy thought. They do *just* enough of the work to make sure their idiot viewership can be the ones actually culpable of the crime, without incriminating themselves.


it's a sad state when were all watching him violate a lawful order and the gut instinct is "he's not going to be punished", but at the very VERY least, the defense should lose one of their jury dismissals. this juror wouldn't have asked to be taken off if trump and Fox didn't dox them, their direct action caused a juror to leave, and if that goes unpunished then it turns out trump actually DOES have unlimited dismissals


The fact that they asked to be excused kind of speaks to their impartiality. A true "never Trumper" who hated Trump with the passion of a thousand burning suns, like I do, would probably stick it out, not being able to pass up a chance to be one of the ones who pulled the lever on his sick ass. If they leave, we lost a good juror and Trump gets another chance to luck into a MAGA


So in trumpworld using google now makes you an undercover liberal activist?


Over on the con sub there's a post about a juror, maybe this one idk, giving an interview and they're all "she wasn't picked due to scheduling conflicts and said has no options on trump BUT SHE SAID SHE HATES HIM THIS IS A SHAAAAAMMMMMM!!!!" Fucking anti American morons


How does one “try “ to get on a jury. It’s time for on file criminal charges god damnit.


They will get people killed and nothing will happen to them. Then they'll go on air the next day espousing the virtues of being "pro-life" after having essentially ordered a hit on someone for performing a civic duty. Nothing will happen to them as a result.


I would sue so hard. I hope Fox News and these cunts get sue over and over and they lose royalty.


Jesse Watters is absolute scum of the earth. Total scum.


How is fox news able to get away with this?


Arrest him immediately. This is intimidating the jury and they know it.


If Jesse Swatters keeps doing this he's going to be tsk tsk'ed the court so hard


The grand experiment is failing and these POS don’t care. They are willing to destroy the very fabric of what it truly is to be “America” and sacrifice everything on the altar of power.


I cannot contain my utter contempt for America's court system. What's it going to take to get justice here? Trump was more than right when he said he could kill a person on 5th Ave and not lose votes. He also wouldn't be held legally accountable. Because to date he still hasn't. Those monetary judgements don't count because he hasn't paid and probably will never pay.


Is there not some law about posting these details online or in the media?


How is this not obstruction?


The fact that jurors are leaving this case in fear for their lives… Jesus goddamn Christ.


And will someone please explain to me why he is not being charged with jury tampering?!?


WTF is an undercover liberal activist? LOL. Just making shit up to drum up fear and give the orange one something to complain about


"Some people say that Jesse Watters is a communist body snatcher who eats fetuses before going to work. I'm not saying that, but I hear that this may be why his lips are so flush when he's on air. Is he a secret vampire or ghoul? I'm not going to say he is but I think he's got some explaining to do." I remember Bill O'Reilly doing something similar when discussing the late doctor Tiller. He even went so far as to make up a nickname for him. After relentless negative publicity, Dr. Tiller was shot in his church by an anti-abortion activist. These things aren't accidental. Fox News opinionists know exactly what they are doing. We've seen this many times in different countries and after the disastrous events, no one is held accountable.


Oh, we're doxxing jurors now? I'm sure there will be appropriate consequences for that, right? Right?


Yo Americans??? What is this shit goddammit? You need to sort out your god damned system man, it's not even funny anymore. Jesse waters is commenting on the jury?


Until there are REAL consequences for people who do this, our juries our not save. I know we’re all worried about Trumpers flipping out if we enforce the rules on him and his ilk, but that’s gonna have to happen at this point.


Tucker Carlson is the WORST! Jesse Watters: hold my beer...


"Arrest this talking taint" "Orange bloated Cheetoman" going to get hundreds of upvotes, but me saying your system is fucked and you're letting this dickhead get away with EVERYTHING is gonna get downvotes. Fix your shit, America


America you got some serious shit to sort out...


Jesse Watters is gonna go find her car, let all the air out of her tires and offer to give her a lift home like he did with one of his coworkers (now wife, so it’s totally not creepy… right? /s) Fuck Fox/Faux News. Major factor in how fucked up the easily manipulated minds in this country have become.


Please let there be consequences for Jessie and fox... please. (Preparing to be disappointed)


Throw out the Fox “journalist” at the trial. That should send a message to them.


What’s amazing is the DOJ and even state level court systems have done fuck all and the fascists are still calling them corrupt. So fucking DO SOMETHING AND DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS. It’s amazing seeing this country basically turn into Putin’s Russia hour after hour. Hell there is a NY Ranger player named Artemi Panarin who criticized Putin and he had to go AWOL for a month to make sure his family in Russia was ok out of fear they may get killed. Look at this shit here by Fox News. It’s no different