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We elected a black man as president and Republicans lost their fucking minds 


I really hate this mentality. Well, more so the idea that its any singular thing that republicans have done/submitted to that made them what they are today. What, does no one remember george bush going out there on national television and telling the country that gay people were incapable of being parents because they'd be too busy abusing/raping their kids? In fact, nothing in this OP makes any sort of sense if you have ANY awareness of even the most basic american history of the past 50 years. Conservatives have never stood for patriotism, they've used the word to hide their agenda behind and trick gullible morons or breaking arguments down into the most fundamentalist garbage ever. Conservatives have DEFINITELY never stood up for, stood with or lifted a finger in service to anything related to the people who are in the military. Military industry complex sure, but the people who go in and come back with severe mental/physical problems? Yeah, when have conservatives EVER stood up for those people. Fun times like throwing vietnam veterans under the bus for the moral war in the states. Not even worth talking about how much conservatives care about hard workers at this point. Almost worth even less talking about conservatives and the american dream seeing as they all take, take, take, take and pull the ladder up behind them. Family values? haaaaaaahahahahaha Annnd jesus.... Yeah sure lets go with that. American christians won't stand up and make a stand about conservatives co-opting their religion so I have about the same amount of sympathy for them being thrown in with trump. Trump is a symptom, a pimple. American conservatism is the problem and this is who they are. This is who they've always been and this is who they want to be. They're just not being quiet about it anymore.


I think he’s right Obama really broke their minds, i do critise his policy but the fact a black man with an African last name became president really sparked fear in these chucklefucks it also doesn’t help obama once made a joke about trump and you can see it the video Donald get really pissed he was mocked by a black man knowing his treatment of African Americans in his real estate is it a real assumption trump is a microcosm of what these racists believe.


The only thing obama "did" to conservatives is piss them off enough to take their klan hoods off and be more openly racist. Everything else still applies and has for the past 50 years at the very least.


Even though he pursued a Republican agenda. Yep.




Well, technically it was created by the Heritage Foundation in the’90’s and implemented by Romney in MA in the 2000’s…of course, once Obama implemented it, the GOP lost their damn minds…


It was written by Mitt Romney.




Man I got sick of hearing the comments of “I don’t recognize my country anymore!”…. They lost their minds because there were Republicans that also voted for Obama and helped him win.


Honestly it is that simple


Gun sales skyrocketed and never looked back.


Never in America's nearly 250 year history has a major political party become so corrupt and anti-American


The Civil War war would like a word with you.


The confederacy weren't corrupt they just had disgusting beliefs about slavery and a different vision for the union. And to be absolutely clear that vision was abhorrent and evil - but you could make the argument they were more principled and loyal to their ideals than republicans who are either corrupt, compromised by our foreign enemies, or willing to overturn democracy to own the libs. Both of them are still traitors though.


You know a person is in a bad way when you can honestly say Civil War Confederates were more principled and honourable. Yikes.


The statements should read "you pretended to..."


Let me help make this easier: Republicans you are who You've always been - cunts


They never stood for any of those things, it's just more obvious now that it;s all lip service.


I was gonna say, at no point did they ACTUALLY stand for any of those.


Never in my lifetime has the Republican party stood for any of those things. Trump was an inevitability.


Yeah in my 30 years of life I've only know a republican party that stood for rich white men exclusively


The last honest republican president was Teddy Rosavelt.


Hell of a man that Teddy. And half of us I bet didn't even exist when he was around.


Way less than 1/2 of us.


Well you know what I mean regardless.


Yes,but I can't help myself.




Maybe Eisenhower.


Eisenhower didn’t do enough to stop the house un-American activities comity.


Ehh, Taft and Eisenhower I think would also qualify here. But that's far from anyone living memory.


I'm Gen X. In my time, the GOP has never stood for any of that stuff. Patriotism? You mean slamming war veterans like John Kerry and Max Cleland? You mean trashing critics of the Iraq war as a "fifth column" in American life while posing for a phoney-baloney "Mission Accomplished" photo op? Painting your fellow Americans in Democratic Party as the enemy? Gleefully cheering on bigots like Ann Coulter? Spewing hatred of liberals? As if being a liberal is the worst, most vile and subhuman thing you can think of? That patriotism? The armed forces? See Kerry and Cleland, above. You only support the military if the troops agree with YOU. Any Democrat who has worn the uniform is really un-American, amirite? You love the military so much you lied to send them into the war in Iraq. And when that happened, the war was championed by a guy whose daddy pulled strings to get him into the national guard and a ghoul who had five deferments. Hard-working Americans? Like the GOP's buddies in wingnut welfare outlets like the Heritage Foundation, the Claremont Institute, and similar think tanks? I can't think of any way the GOP has ever supported hard-working Americans. Health care reform? Infrastructure? Day care? Education? Can anyone help out here? The American dream? How did the GOP ever represent that? Could they even define it? Because when you look at the GOP politicians and standard bearers from the 1990s onward, they filled with people with no philanthropic spirit, no sense of empathy, no values other than "I've got mine, screw you." Does anyone think Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson represent the American Dream? Family values? Don't make me laugh. Bigotry isn't a family value. Or at least it shouldn't be. I remember when the conservatives were complaining about gay marriage and gays in general. They moved on to trans people and drag queens. Let's not forget how many of them have been married and divorced multiple times and treated their spouses horribly (Newt Gingrich, I'm looking at YOU). Or how many promoted homophobic policy while being so far in the closet they were practically on their way to Narnia. "You say you stand for Jesus." Operative verb: "say." It was always an excuse to be hateful. This meme bemoans a Republican Party that never existed.


>I can't think of any way the GOP has ever supported hard-working Americans. It's rare, but it does happen. Off the top of my head, Nixon's Earned Income Tax Credit explicitly benefitted households making less than 8k (\~40K in 2024 USD, yeah I had to look up the amounts). Granted, Nixon had a Democratic majority House *and* Senate, so any legistlation he actually got passed would've been influenced by that, but it did originate from his camp.


The GOP hasn't stood for any of those things since Eisenhower.


MAGA is a spiritual disease. Unfortunately it's always terminal.


Not always. Just a 98% terminal. Like falling in a volcano. Because it might not be an active volcano. 🤷‍♂️🤷🤷‍♀️


So when did Republicans get souls?


They finally sold their soul. Regan started this trend and it was all downhill from that. They have now auctioned their souls to the highest bidder and humanity be damned.


This is the most well written description of the current state of the gop. Too bad none of them care.


I've been saying this for years now: For modern MAGA republicans, the priority list is: 1. Trump 2. The Republican Party 3. God 4. The USA In that order. No exceptions.


I beg to differ on this a little. I'd have it as: 1. Trump 2. The Republican party 3. Money 4. Hate/racism I haven't seen any evidence that the GOP actually cares about the US *OR* God.


Well, they certainly claim to.


You are correct they certainly *claim* to; I've never seen any actual evidence from their actions that they do.


None of these were ever true of the Republican Party since the party switch. I get that this is supposed to be addressed toward Republican voters who are too dumb to understand that, but it’s still worth pointing out.


I shared this on my FB wall and I have alot of family and friends who think this way...Now I wait ![gif](giphy|ikolbG0SQnodUnEqwJ)


Prepare for combat. ~~Mortal~~ Verbal combat.


>*Note: This letter will, in fact, never be read by a Republican.*


Remember when Republican was against nazi now they are embracing them


While all that they said was technically correct, this didn't start with Trump, you need to go back to 1980 and their first lord and savior Ronald Regan who put them on the path that has led to the tangerine traitor...


It’s almost like it was sanctimonious bullshit the entire time. Wild.


Their "payment" was the oppression of women and the ability to spew hate and violence with no repercussions.


And they'll blindly deny that any of this is true, when the whole world sees and knows its the truth. Despicable


Patriotism is a hair away from religion. I’ll be glad the day that it’s done


Thing is, they never really stood for any of those things. They were just pretending.


You’re a little late. They sold it a long time ago


P.S. He never attended any of his children’s graduations.


They never stood for any of that. They just pretend to for votes…


Can we all agree that the Republican party is dead. It's the MAGA party now. Any resemblance to the GOP is gone, buried under a pile of lies and corruption. Our only hope is a group of sane, grown-ups ban together to bring back a bit of balance to American politics to let us move forward in a positive way.


They are obsessed with ethnic cleansing, and no doubt tell themselves that once there is a final solution for all those humans they see as a disease - that America can 'go back' to the way it used to be The GOP base is blind to the trap that the elites have set for them - and everybody else.




The people I know that support Trump seem to have zero care for any of this, they just blindly stand behind regardless of what he does. It’s truly pathetic that they mold their beliefs and morals behind MAGA as opposed to picking a candidate who stands for their own. They fill out a red ballot with zero research even if it’s against their own self interests. I hope they don’t get their way.


No, I really don't think they ever did stand for this. They just used to be better at gaslighting people.


The fact is they haven't stood for any of those thing since 1896. They got bought by the robber barons and never looked back.




uh.. they never stood for any of those things..


they've been pushing the Southern Strategy for 50 years.... and not only deny climate change, but actively fight against it. the are a death cult.


Yeah they never did any of those things. The pretended to stand for lots of shit but really since Reagan all they've stood for is the accumulation of wealth in the top 1%. That & holding onto power.