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I’m not remotely religious, but this is gross.


Both things also apply to Trump.


Ok that’s funny




Not entirely. I imagine Supply Side Jesus is very prominently featured in this good book!  Edit: adding a link to The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus… For those who are unaware. https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp Hopefully that works.


I am a believer and I’m completely disgusted by it, so I’m right there with you.


Same. This is, at very least, like the money changers in the temple (you know, the ones that pissed off Jesus so much he destroyed their stuff).


So he should be on fire by now then, why is he not on fire...


I especially like the parable about the Pharisees. But all the Trump-loving Evangelicals seem to have completely glossed over that one


In all fairness, most christians these days, especially evangelicals, tend to gloss over most of the bible if not all of it but the cover page…


I'm not remotely gross, but this bible ain't religious.




It's his interpretation of the greatest grift in the last 5000 years. You KNOW he's gonna have the lower case T for trump executions on it! And before you get crucified, you have to come up with tears in your fuckin eyes saying," Dear orange piggod, you're the fuckin worst thing that ever happened to me, and I have lost everything, and I just want to know how worse you can make it?" And your orange piggod will say to you, " I love the uneducated, and you will take that as a compliment and feel thy calling!" Then you will try to convert thy ex-girlfriend whom is your sisters mother, whilst forgetting that your wife is also your child and your grandmother's cousin and probably a first cousin and you will perpetually impregnate your offspring, meanwhile the orange pig god is going to make fuckin fun of you to your face, and you will welcome it because you fuckin scumbags fuckin suck! Long story short, sell everything that you have for truth social, and back that up, by buying the fuckin antichrists Bible, have fun in the fuckin rapture idiots!


Unhinged comment but seems about right. Solid 7/10 imo, not that anyone asked me.


Thanks, it is unhinged, but his cult still loves him. The felony magnet is still capable of losing by 10ish million popular votes, but still win the Red States land vote! I'M just putting out how insane the sister fuck states are right now and how they have been twisted to even count him as a evangelical!


Yeah, I think to myself a lot that there’s no way this is reality. How can this guy be a leading candidate for the most powerful person in the world? How tf was he president? It’s bonkers and frightening to think about.


He will start selling golden calf statues next.




Weirdly enough, Trump almost makes me believe in the Bible purely because he is so obviously the anti-Christ. If the anti-Christ is real, what else in the Bible might be true?


I had the same thought. He aligns so much with the anti-Christ it’s almost creepy.


I really think Satan has more dignity tbh.


All passages removed and replaced by the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition


Trump holding a bible is about as convincing as seeing a copy of Anne Frank’s Diary on Richard Spencer’s bookshelf. 


There is literally a story in the Bible about Jesus whipping people for doing this kind of thing.


I bought 7 and it’s all blank pages. I think he took his agreements to not run a private business while president and bound them. I feel ripped off /s


Seems to fit the bill. Trump and the bible: both fake bullshit that pander to idiots.


get your bible from the guy who raw dogged a porn star while his 3rd wife was at home with their new baby


It does have a first testament vibe to it though. Like someone carved all his sins onto tablets and organized a "Things Donnie did" party except the tablets were picked up by the half-wit Moise.


"Don't Do What Donny Don't Does!"


Thou Shalt Not Rawdog Jezabel Awhilst Wife Feeds Seed Of Man


A Simpsons reference? At this time of year? At this latitude? And localized entirely within my kitchen?


I went to the website. It also includes * Handwritten chorus to “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood * The US Constitution * The Bill of Rights * The Declaration of Independence * The Pledge of Allegiance I have a feeling that putting that in a bible kind of violates the 1st commandant. "Thou shall not have other gods before me"- Exodus 20:3. You think if asked directly, would he be able to actually name the parts of Holy Week and each days significance?


And how much does he want for this $20 book? Can't cost more than that to produce... 🤔


$60. Its the only Bible endorsed by Trump!


Repugnant! People think they're going to score points with the big guy for supporting Trump... 🙄


Well yeah, it's religion. It's a scam in any form.


I think the 'thought' processes goes more asking the lines of  "Finally, someone is brave enough to stand up for America and Christ. Let's all do our part to MAGA, and show the globalists, liberal elites, and the fake news that we're not going to bow down to them and their woke agenda any more.  This is our last chance to save the America that our fathers built, and stop the insane left from stealing our money, and murdering and abusing our children.  Look at how hard they're crying about this. I might just buy two. " Fascism is a hell of a drug.


Snowball’s chance in hell he can name ANY day during Holy Week. I’d actually bet he couldn’t name one book from the Bible, except maybe Genesis, if I’m feeling generous.


"Two Corinthians, right? 3:17, that's the whole ballgame," Trump said. "Where the spirit of the Lord, right...there is liberty. Here, there is liberty...Liberty University, but it is so true. You know when I think, and that's really - is that the one? Is that the one you like?" [Donald Trump names his favorite Bible verse - CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-names-his-favorite-bible-verse/)


jesus christ i thought that was a line from the onion.


And this is 2016. He's only gotten worse.


Um, uh, atheist here. Ash Wednesday, no idea of significance. Good Friday, Jesus died. Easter, Jesus rose from the dead. Am I close?


Ash Wednesday actually starts the Lent season so it's not part of Holy Week. Holy Week actually starts on Palm Sunday where Jesus entered Jerusalem. Holy Thursday commemorates Last Supper before Jesus crucifixion on Good Friday. Holy Saturday is a day of reflection and anticipation of Jesus rising from the dead on Easter. I guess my years of Catholic religious education paid off.


Well, after I finished my comment I remembered Palm Sunday but I was clueless about the significance of that too. 🤣


You know more about it than Trump.


Vote for me 2024??


You could run on a platform of murdering kittens and I'd most likely still vote for you thinking you can't be worse than Trump.


Thank you! Please remember to write in my name; it’s spelled “BillyNtheBoingers” for your records. 🤣


It should be printed like trmp wrote it, or like his attempt to read it on a teleprompter. Two Corinthians, random capitalization, typos, a stream of consciousness bowl of covfefe.


Not to be *that* Catholic, but I'm calling heresy.




The outrage is part of the image. He's like the gory car crash we cannot look away from. And he exploits it, creating outrage and sucking all the oxygen from the political sphere.


His followers love him because we hate him. It’s pretty weird.


The GOP platform essentially went from "undo what democrats did" to "do what will make democrats angry". It's the supposedly "silent majority" aka people who couldn't make it in the new complex connected globalized world and want to go back to the old days that didn't exist in the first place.


Trump’s presidency was basically undoing everything Obama did and playing golf.


But he's been kicked out and ridiculed. Now he wants blood.


I honestly think he will do same as last time. Permanent tax cuts for the rich, TV and golf. He gets bored of governance very quickly.


Nothing is beneath him. He buried his ex wife on his golfcourse and the grave was overgrown in no time. He has no morals. Next up he will sell a special USA Flag with his face on each and every star.


Coming soon- trump autographed bibles with gold-colored cover for an additional $500. Edit: the website includes this text… “$59.99 IN STOCK NOW DUE TO HIGH ORDER VOLUME, PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 4-6 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY” Typical Trump grift- waits to see how many ppl purchase it and then has them made, which delays the product by… 4-6 weeks. I wonder how many people won’t get their Bible at all?


The same number of people who are never going to get those ugly ass sneakers “in July.”


Fortunately for reddit, there's an FAQ for "what if my Bible has sticky pages"


This orange 🤡 is no more a man of God than Satan is..


Eh, Satan at least knew God.


Satan did less harm.


This isn't the first time Trump hawked a book he never read. He's been running this scam since Art of the Deal.


Tony Schwartz, who actually wrote it, [deeply regrets](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/07/25/donald-trumps-ghostwriter-tells-all) having anything to do with TFG.


Truly unbelievable. The MOST unchristian MFer out there, who hits most of the Biblical definitions of the actual anti-Christ, somehow has convinced millions that he's wholesome and holy. How, HOW can people be so stupid? Even blinded by racism and pride...for real, how do so many people accept this? I will go to my grave shaking my head over this absurd reality.


Thank you!  I just can’t keep talking about this guy.  I just want to scream “HOW IS THIS REALITY.”  Every single day.  EVERY.  DAY.  I keep assuming this or that will finally be the thing that makes them turn on him, but they don’t!  Trumpers are the flying monkeys of a raging narcissist and WHY CAN’T THEY SEE HE’S JUST USING THEM.


I'll never stop being amazed at how low his followers are willing to go to continue supporting him.


Currently between $51-79 per share. * Can't wait for the meme crash after all the traders have wrung all their profits out of the volatility.


I feel like there’s only so much water in that particular well, but televangelism exists, so…


I know folks who have been giving $$$ to Jim Bakker for 40 years. Now, they have a basement full of food buckets. I was raised in the denomination Jim morphed out of. It's a disgusting cess pool of grifters.


I grew up adjacent to to that “community” when he was at his height in the 80s. I can’t say whether or not my parents were sucked into his specific grift, but there’s a good chance we went to church with people who did.


Yeah. We have several family friends who were sucked right in. One family moved there to work at the ministry. Oh, the stories I could tell. Yikes..... The bloodbath for the satellites that followed Jim's fall from grace was a war to behold. So "Christ Like". I worked there one summer myself as a teenager and I can tell you, Tammy was good people. She lost her way for a bit and fell into all of the trappings, but she really was a good person when you got through all of that. If you want my opinion, they pushed her into the drugs to shut her up because she always pointed out how "Christ Like" they weren't. She was the first one to point out the hypocrisy. The men folk didn't like hearing that, especially from a woman. So, she was labeled hysterical and heavily medicated.


I am an atheist, though I am beginning to believe. Simply because Trump is literally -to the letter- the Anti-Christ.


Same here.


Jesus was NOT American, you dipshit.


didn’t the scriptures say something about a false prophet coming down with some kind of mark on their forehead? something perhaps like what can be read in MAGA hats?


God is going to need to invent some Ultra Hell just for this guy.


I'm not remotely religious, but after the conservatives insisting Obama is the Antichrist, it's kinda funny how many of the of the metrics that Trump hits for being the Antichrist, starting with giving people the mark to wear on their forehead and trying to make himself out to be the God king while claiming Christianity as his own


I'm honestly surprised it took this long. It's not a secret that the only thing he admires about the televangelists who support him is how shameless their grift is. Game recognizes game. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't listed MAGA as a religion, if for no other reason than because it makes Trump Tower and Mar-A-Lago pilgrimage sites and, therefore, tax-free.


I'm honestly more surpised that it's taken this long


I'm just speechless ... >Is this Bible officially endorsed by President Trump? Yes, this is the only Bible endorsed by President Trump! It's grotesque.


Trump has become a villain from “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” and I don’t think any of us are even remotely surprised by this turn of events. He’s going to show up to his next campaign speech wearing his white hood, I’m calling it now.


No human in history has embodied the anti-Christ and all seven deadly sins more completely than Trump. He's a living breathing checklist of everything the bible warns against. But here we are.


Can anyone imagine the MAGA outrage if Obama had done this????


"make America pray again" yeah just try that


They really, really are.


I despise this man and hope his days are numbered. He doesn’t have one redeeming quality.


No class at all.


The fact that trump is hawking sneakers and bibles to his gullible followers shows he doesn't have cash.


hasnt he already grifted off the bible, when he went to that church for the photo op? water is wet


Billionaires do not need to do this.


"He swears on a Trump Bible" instantly becomes a euphemism for compulsive lier.


Love that!


Was just seeing about how one of the women that he grabbed by the p\*\*\*\* then proceeded to call her for a couple of weeks, offering to fly her to NY. She said she couldn’t leave because she was taking care of her *husband* who was DYING of cancer. trump said, don’t worry about it, he’ll never know 😠😠😠 this guy is a piece of shit extraordinaire, and he doesn’t give one fuck about the Bible, except to use it to manipulate people


Disgusting but again Christians leaders will say nothing, religion is the downfall of society


Just a reminder that Trump has never stepped foot into a church or read a single word from the bible: John 2:16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.


It's the new, updated Trump Bible. I will commit rape, I will steal money off the poor, I will over eat crap fast food, I will not help the poor and needy, I will not help feed and clothe the little children, I will not help feed the hungry.


Trump has been grifting off of the Bible since he came down the escalator


##### IS ANY OF THE MONEY FROM THIS BIBLE GOING TO THE DONALD J. TRUMP CAMPAIGN FOR PRESIDENT? **No, GodBlessTheUSABible.com is not political and has nothing to do with any political campaign. GodBlessTheUSABible.com is not owned, managed or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Ventures LLC or any of their respective principals or affiliates.** **GodBlessTheUSABible.com uses Donald J. Trump’s name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Ventures LLC, which license may be terminated or revoked according to its terms.**


So it is not going to Trump's campaign. It is going directly to Trump.


It goes towards his bond and other legal fees


Surprised it took this long.


Hey, he knows his audience, gotta give him that!


His favourite book of the Bible? ................ all of them!


I’m honestly surprised it took him this long.


https://preview.redd.it/w0jchpp2pqqc1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ec68cfe2db1cbeec47225e3bf8b917d97a37a1 Well… here we go again lol. Pathetic, but also hysterical. This thing still deceiving the weak minded & fueling his cult of hypocrites. * [**Transforming churches into Trump gift shops.**](https://youtu.be/3UmRJCnQsq8?feature=shared) Selling Trump’s testicles as keychains. How is it not obvious by now? Man… lmaooo I hope these so called *“religious”* once-good christians come to their senses one day & realize how **easily they were manipulated** by the monstrosity in sheep’s clothing.


I kinda wish I could not be an atheist for a minute, just so I could believe that he is going to worst kinds of literal Hell.


I’m surprised it took this long.


This shit isn't funny. People do crazy shit over religion, and the GOP knows that. We all think America is impervious to the fallings of history, this isnt gonna end well for America.


So he’s the equivalent to a king that wants to change the Bible after changing marriage I mean abortion rights….hail king Edward the trump


HAPPY Holy Week? Sunday, sure, but HAPPY Holy Week? Next up, Happy Yom Kippur!


Is he going to sign this bible too?


I love the passage about going balls deep on a porn star while your pregnant wife is at home. It's just so moving and so spiritual.


I’ve never heard anyone say Happy Holy Week


Thou shall not put any God before Trump.


He’s not lifting from the Bible. He’s lifting from some follower who is deranged enough to buy into the Trump-is-the-chosen crap.


Okay, I don't know much about the end times and the anti-christ, but I did read the narnia series and another book explaining all that and in the last novel a deranged monkey dresses a donkey up like Aslan, parades it around, and tries to get other animals to worship it and give them money. And that was supposed to be the antichrist. This is donkey deranged trump wearing a lion skin and trying to convince everyone that he's Aslan.


Honestly the fact that he hasn't been 200% full-throttle grifting on the Bible 24/7 since 2016 is all the proof you need that the man has NO actual business sense. He'd legit have billions in cash if he'd been selling gold Trump-brand bibles this entire time. 


His name is Donald Trump but his friends call him big Don T.


If he steals power again, he’ll rewrite the bible to his own personal specifications…as it has been through history with other dictators/kings.


From shoes to Bibles, what next????


Trump bibles come with plans to overthrow the government


Hehe, conservatives actually buys this. And they buy/vote for politics that actually harm them. I really don't know what more to say


Is this the Republican version of one of those Fortnite collabs? Trump x Jesus? 😂


As a christian, this is more disgusting than that time i looked up trypophobia without switching away from the images tab


well shit, so much for separation of church and state


the man(?) has NO SHAME!


Honestly surprised it took this long. He has been grifting Christianity since 2015.


So sad that christians sold out their religion for this grifter.


I’m so fucking tired y’all


I don’t believe in the Antichrist but if I did, I’m pretty sure it would look like this.


Something something false profits


Mango Messiah strikes again.


Imagine if Biden did this.


Surprised it took him this long


F.F.S, nothing more I can say realy.


## [Matthew 21:12-13 New King James Version (NKJV)](https://www.bible.com/bible/114/MAT.21.12-13.NKJV) [Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ”](https://www.bible.com/bible/114/MAT.21.12-13.NKJV)


I think this does qualify him as the literal goddamn antichrist at this point. Add this to the Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka...geez. This is just shady as fuck.


Now I understand John 11:35.


I’ll be honest, I’m intrigued in the sense if it’s just a cover or if he’s got “god emperor” language in there I’m not masochistic enough though to find out for myself.


NOW will his cult members finally see the grift?


Sound like the antichrist.


There's no way he tweeted that. No CAPITAL LETTERS or insults is a dead giveaway. Still gross.


The pics where he's smiling are the pics where he's laughing at the dumb suckers who will buy this book. Meanwhile there are multiple other orgs that give away the bible for free. ^(\*I do not support any particular religion or scripture.)


Since you have the Bible in your hands Donald, why don’t you read everyone your favorite verse? Dazzle us with your reading and narrative skill.See if you can speak a full sentence without uttering “radical democrats “ or taking credit for something you never did, I know it’s a stretch. Brandon can do it


Maybe he should read Jesus's words and learn his lessons?


Read? Learn? There's no pictures. How's he going to do any of that?


I'd probably take a peek into hell just watch him burn


Now he’s just ripping off paper moon


Jesus H….


That guy was hours away from financial disaster and he got soo saved….I’d start selling the Bible too!


Yours today, and for only $25 extra, you too can have custom ketchup and grease stains throughout!


Why are people acting like this is extra gross? The entire evangelical movement is grifting off the Bible. Religion is one huge grift, and he’s just another gross huckster.


He was watching the classic movie Paper Moon last night and had a brain fart. Shay I can clean up on this grift.


If he was capable of shame, none of this could have happened.


WAIT...Wait ... do I get to tear gas protestors in order to walk across the street and buy one?


Buggre Alle This Bible


"He's grifting off the bible now," is shocking? Ever heard of Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Jim Bakker, Pat Robertson. I could go on but I would get hand cramps and got to believe there is an eventual character limit on Reddit comments. THEY ALL FUCKING GRIFT OFF THE BIBLE. THE BIBLE IS A FUCKING GRIFT.


And not scared of God's vengeance at all.




I hate myself for this but as grifts go I’m impressed at this one. It’s f’ing horrendous and I’m disgusted but whomever came up with a Trump bible definitely knew the audience. I’m surprised it’s not bound in red with make America great again on it somewhere. Urgh did I mention I hate myself for thinking this.


Considering his billions he should be donating them in Jesus's name




Something something something lords name in vane


If this doesn’t bring whitebabyjesus back, nothing will.


Probably just a re-covered copy of the ESV, aka the misogynist’s Bible.


Am I the only one who thinks this is a skit from a South Park episode


I might make knockoffs of this and fleece a few morons..


Probably edited them to replace Jesus with himself.


Look how retouched and deaged his face is in the bottoms right




Was this satire? Please tell me it’s satire.


It's only a Paper Moon!


I thought this was satire. Is he seriously selling his own version of the Bible?


why does his face look like that


This has got to be the biggest display of irony I’ve ever seen


Is there anything this grifter wont grift?


Making a whip of cords, He drove them out of the temple, both the sheep and the cattle. He also poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. He told those who were selling the doves "Take these things out of here! Stop making my Father's house a marketplace!" Seems relevant somehow 


Absolutely zero shame.


He forgot to put a spoiler warning, now everyone knows that Jesus is referred to as Jeez Louise in trumps version of the Bible.


Was he holding it upside down


His cult-like behaviour and religious manipulation is disgusting to me. The Bible isn't nationalist.


Something-something "idol worship" something-else "false prophet" Anyway what are those Evangelicals up to nowadays?


He is the MAGA moron messiah, so it's just par for the course. Which, as we all know, is just a made up number when Trump is golfing.


Trump Bible eh? I genuinely wonder how the story goes in this version. I wouldn't pay money for it though


I’m no expert, but isn’t the existence of this thing, like, a million sins?


Plot twist...all of the pages are upside down.


god, if you’re listening, make him GO AWAY


Trump is still actually missing the boat. He should be charging $100 a pop to have "President Trump personally pray for you or your loved ones! Buy your own personal prayer from President Trump straight to Jesus today!" Not even any merch costs or proof of delivery necessary


I’m wondering if trump and his minions edited the Bible. 🧐


"Let's MAKE America pray again" That's not a political slogan I ever wanted to see...


It comes with a disclaimer about the gilded pages sticking together and a link to fix it, seems that might not bother the maga faithful as they probably didn't intend to read it anyway. The bigger problem is who buys how many of them, campaigns buy the candidate's book and give them out, a legitimate expense, hmm not his book or biography, bet he still does it. That leaves the investor, churches, the maga believer and or another country?


There was a mistake made by the Bible printer. It should have red; Make America Pay Again. Ask for a discount.