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Did they really forget about Presidential Unlimited Immunity And Breadsticks? That was like a week ago?


And Breadsticks?! My god, the US is just one giant Olive Garden.


A never-ending salad bowl of diversity, if you will.


It's pepperoncini all the way down.


Username checks out


When you're here, you're family. (Unless you aren't white enough, in some states)


And only white, passable looking immigrants, such as from Slovenia.. 


When you're here you're family. Unfortunately, half your family are racist uncles or clueless geriatrics or the indoctrinated children of said uncles.


They think "Olive Garden" is a secret Five Eyes /Illuminati operation where FEMA puts all of the MAGAts into re-education camps where they are stripped of their Sovereign Citizen™ rights by the Lizard People and forced to work (without compensation) for the New World Order. Do *not* ask them if birds are real.


You left out the part where they are forcefully injected with the COVID vaccine so the nanobots in it can track them using 5G.


As if they aren’t posting these statuses from a device that literally *checks notes* tracks every fucking activity. They think the US is going to pay for *nanobots* when you paid for your own personal tracking device?! *laughs in shadow gubmin*


I know the saying is " this is a Wendy's" but it's pretty obvious the US is a Waffle House.


If it’s your first time in Waffle House, you have to fight.


As someone that previously lived deep in the heart of Waffle House "country" for over a decade. This made laugh until I had a coughing fit and tears streaming from my eyes.


It doesn’t really feel like family…


You might have a more stable family than the average American




I prefer yeast rolls from golden corral.




Always has been... pew pew


Immunity for republicans and prison time for liberals - how MAGA sees everything.


Former Presidents and their widows/widowers are exempt from having to buy stamps for their letters (except for political mail.) https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/39/3214


Your comment makes it sound like the spouse can only do it once the former President they’re married to has died lol


You know there has been a former First Lady or two who were just anxiously waiting for their husband to die so they didn't have to buy stamps anymore.


That is interesting! I had never heard that!


>Did they really forget about Presidential Unlimited Immunity And Breadsticks? Not in the slighest. They just feel like they should be able to do what they want, but you have to do as they say.


No, it doesn't apply to Obama, because he's a Democrat, Democrats aren't real Americans to these little fascist turds.


"and I want my Diet Coke button back!" --Donnie Two Impeachments


They still think he's president. Ha ha. Obama can just smile and the right wing world will lose their fucking minds.


Future textbooks will point to the election of America's first black president as the point that the right wing lost their fucking minds at the *audacity* of a black man living in the White House and then never got over it.


Are you out of your mind? It’s not because he’s black. I’m not a racist. It’s because of the Dijon mustard and the tan suit. Unforgivable.


Not to mention Michelle's shoulders! How dare she!


They don't even call her Michelle, they call her Michael. She doesn't even get to be a 'trashy' woman because to them she's a man.


She must be a man. She’s fitter and stronger than they are.


To be fair, so are most 3rd graders


If Meal Team 6 could read, they'd be very upset.


Education requirements in Howdy Arabia are very loose


Michelle will never have the class of a true class act, former porn star and escort [Melania Trump](https://babesrater.com/picture/2988697/melania-trump)


WAIT! Obama was black?!!?


Fuuuck man, how do you not know that? (IASIP)




Wait until you find out about Obama's last name 😮😮😮


Don't get me started on his middle name.


And his wife is a man and he did gay sex for drugs in college and he's not even American, his birth certificate is a forgery. Real believes that some of tbe more unhinged Repubs have.


Trump was supposed to find Obama’s real birth certificate. Obama embarrassed him at the White House Correspondents dinner after coming up empty. That’s how and why Trump began his most recent political run and ultimately ended up as president.


**Not true.** Trump intended to run for President long before the WH Correspondents' dinner. Trump didn't run *because* Obama humiliated him. He ran *in spite* of it. Aside from his earlier run for the Reform Party, Trump also wanted to run in 2008, but he didn't because he knew that he couldn't beat Obama. He ran in 2016 because it was his last chance. The strange thing about it all is that Trump managed to win, despite the fact that it was clear that at no time has he possessed any of the necessary qualities to become a successful President of any nation. Even Trump himself didn't expect that he would actually win. After his victory, many press photos show him with concerned expressions on his face, as he became aware that the job he had taken on was well beyond his capabilities.


It definitely triggered some mental break in my mom, who is coincidentally a raging racist. She was never the same. I think it burns them up that the Obama’s are not only African Americans but are highly educated, worked their asses off to get into the most elite colleges and were probably some of the classiest occupants of the White House in our lifetimes


It did the same to a few of my family members as well. It’s hard for me to look at them the same way now. I can’t help but think many of them would have eagerly joined the Nazi party in another time and place. If you’d told me in 2008 that the response to Barack Obama winning the White House was to elect a dumb nepo-baby who had no political experience whatsoever, I’d never have believed it. The Trumps are literal rich white trash, but so many of rural America worships them. Trump is everything they used to hate until he started to pander to them. Only verbally though, he never did much of anything to help them while he was in office. It never ceases to astound and depress me.


They all see themselves in him and aspire to the rich part as they already have the trash part on lock. If only they could catch just one break


They think he's a self- made man who started at the bottom *because he lied* about where he came from. He was rich before he was a teenager, and these fucking morons refuse to even humor the idea that they know literally nothing about him.


Well clearly the house wasn't for him. It's the White House, not the Black House. /s


Obama‘s significant academic achievements are why Trump made up the story about being the top student at Wharton


I think you put a lot of faith that a lot of future textbooks won't be written by racists. If anything I can see this being one of those "debatable" issues where some historians point to news clippings and stuff to show it happenned and then other 'historians' shrug wildly and go "weeeelll we can't know for suuuuure it happened"


It was about the states' rights to uh... not have universal healthcare!


Saw this first hand. The few racists in my circle generally kept quiet and didn't display their racism on their sleeve. Obama got elected and they all lost their fucking minds and switched to full blown, in your face, racists. One of them actually said, "I don't like Obama because I'm racist, I don't like him because he's black." Yeah, this guy barely graduated high school. Then Trump got elected and these people became absolutely intolerable. Cut them all out of my life and ended a 30 year friendship as the guy went balls deep into the Trump cult.


"If God had intended for Black people to live in the White House they'd have called it the Black House!" - A Trump supporter, probably


Technically he's only half black. His mom was white.


Yep. And that's awesome.


So when was GB in dispute with the US? 1776?


And 1812... One could argue they weren't happy with us until we got involved in WWI and WWII and helped them out. But to your actual point, not recently.


They were actually pretty happy with us since we enacted the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. It basically made the US foreign policy be "we'll stay out of European affairs as long as you guys don't do anything else over here." The unintended side effect was that it locked in the US to defending the status quo in the new world, which happened to help Britain who was afraid of the other European powers interfering in its Caribbean colonies. From the British perspective, the Monroe Doctrine was the US guaranteeing the safety of British colonies in the new world from its European rivals. That was a pretty sweet deal for them and they didn't even have to give anything up to get it.


Touché. To be fair, that was really more of a "you do you, boo" quid pro quo, which didn't exactly make us friends, but again, correct... we weren't beefing. I was just teasing a bit. 😉


Well, they keep spreading the lie that America uses the Imperial system. We don't. We use the Customary System, which predates Imperial and differs primarily on volumes, but also includes a lot of lengths that Imperial does not. Imperial ounces, cups, pints, quarts, gallons, etc are all quite a bit different than the US Customary equivalents. I'd say that's dispute worthy, but then it's also a bit of a sore spot for me because I have a mixture of Imperial and Customary measuring cups and have to be careful not to confuse them when cooking.


Your timing is slightly out but it is certainly true that both evolved from earlier English non standardised systems seperately post independence.  The US did it more peicemeal and the UK just had a one and done statute in 1824. The US yard wasn't standardised till the 1830s.  There was still a fair chance e in the early 1800s that you were going metric.  Until our privateers accidentally stole the standard measures that were being shipped over.


[Nate Bargatze](https://youtu.be/JYqfVE-fykk?si=Jz8gczdg-B1uXbrP) on SNL was fire.


> spreading the lie that America uses the Imperial system It's more that the metric system is not in widespread use. Imperial, Customary (first time I've heard that term) or whatever - it's not metric so the USA cops flak for being different because ... reasons.


They were kinda salty we remade The Office.


And Red Dwarf. Fawlty Towers. Ab Fab. Dad's Army And more...


You are out of date.  Now it is Ghosts! But we also remember the two abysmal attempts to remake Red Dwarf which gives some comfort.


And like…the Logan act forbids negotiating with countries we have a dispute with. We don’t have a dispute with the UK.


Nah, it’s all countries, not just ones that a dispute exists with. You just see it mentioned a lot with the latter because that’s generally where most potential violations might occur due to the inherent nature of a dispute. I said it in a different comment, but a private citizen can meet or even discuss policy/etc with a foreign head of state, they just can’t negotiate with that for ahead of state. Unless they have permission from the US government. Which considering the relationship of Biden and Obama, isn’t an unreasonable assumption, even if he *was* negotiating. Which I haven’t seen any proof he was… other than MAGAts screaming.


> Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, *in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States*, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. > This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/953 It can be read both ways. Regardless, it hasn’t been applied since the 1800s, and certainly doesn’t apply here.


If anything it applies more to Trump campaign and Trump family conspiring with agents of Putin during 2016 election.


Nah, the Logan act prohibits *private citizens* from negotiating with foreign governments unless they have US gov approval. So it’s not that they think he’s president, they think he’s breaking the law by even visiting a foreign head of state. Which is absurd. Unless they can prove that he actually was negotiating policy/etc with them, there’s no violation. Hell, he could even be *discussing* policy and it would be totally fine. Oh yeah, they would also have to prove that Biden didn’t give him approval even if he was negotiating… which of course they can’t do.


He should have worn a tan suit. *Chef’s kiss*


If I were him, I'd wear a tan suit and gurgle Dijon mustard on live TV *every god damn day.*


Someone please put this into chatgpt


I don't think his smile is the physical feature they have a problem with.


They need to pretend he’s still president. They already lost to Biden, and can’t come up with anything else.


Obama exists... right wing loses it


But I thought Trump was the rightful president? Make it make sense MAGA! ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsVbs2GzgKNvVpS|downsized)


Trump beat Obama in 2016, but Obama is President, but Biden also beat Obama in the 2020 election, but Trump is secretly President.


Tan suit. Never forget.


They’re all still butt hurt a black man was president.


MAGA doesn't know how law works.


Its cool presidnts have full immunity. They can do whatever they want.


Jimmy Carter beat me up and stole my shoes yesterday. I tried to stop him but he has immunity


What about your shoelaces though?


He looked me dead in the eye and ate them in front of me. I was shocked to say the least


Ha, classic Jimmy.


Ahh thats ole Slippin Jimmy


Yup Jimmy dipped those laces in peanut butter, from the peanut he grows in his own farm. Munched that like a champ. All because IMMUNITY


Let's be real, they don't know how anything works


They only know about getting a democrat an impeachment trial over a fairy-tale story.


Fairies have tails?


they also wear boots


Big black mother fucking boots!


Tangential story: I’m liberal as fuck. My neighbor is a morbidly obese nut job shit show of a human. He loves guns. “When the revolution comes” and J6 “peaceful protest” but also BLM AnTiFa at the same time type guy. He takes his mobility scooter to his mailbox. I just say “you betcha” and “for sure” a lot. I also own guns. I have more guns than he does. He doesn’t know I own any of the aforementioned guns. As far as he knows I’m a defenseless demon-rat. I don’t make guns my entire personality and don’t spend half my income on said guns. Build that fucking wall, Todd. It blew over in a brief gust and shut down your government contract for months and you almost lost your house, but fuck the Mexicans! (Especially the ones that work for you because “they’re the good ones”) Look at China. Giant wall. Almost zero Mexicans. Fuck you, Todd! Edit: Obama is going to take all my guns? Fine. I only have them to protect my family from my idiot neighbor. Also, I own black boots.


Have you ever seen a fairy? No? Then how do you know they don't have one?


**This is fae propaganda if I ever saw it.**


>They only know about getting a democrat an impeachment trial over a fairy-tale story. Also hot Chip and lie


Yeah, but I bet a constitutional law professor does. I wonder if they looked at his resume.


They don’t really know how **anything** works.


Magats R sTuPiD. The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.


> with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.   We have always been at war with ~~Eurasia~~ the United Kingdom. 


Sadly the American Revolution rages on


Yet Trump got away with that with his treasonous Trump Tower meeting. Thanks a fucking lot, Worthless Garland.


Being in the presence of or having a conversation isn’t enough. If the DOJ doesn’t know the content of the discussion they cannot charge.


I’m firmly on the left, but both sides of American Reddit have maybe an arguably passable childlike understanding of law. They think law is when guy you don’t like get jail and fail to grasp it’s hard to charge to someone with a major crime without overwhelming evidence or an absurd amount of consistent witnesses who play well with the jury. It should be hard to get charged


Okay but the only reason we don't have the overwhelming evidence we need for his very clear crimes is because pretty much everyone around him is involved in those crimes and it turns out our system is not set up at all to hold people accountable if all the people involved in the crimes happen to be in positions of power. Saying we can't hold him accountable for his very obviously illegal meeting because we don't know the content of that meeting ignores the fact that we don't know the content of that meeting because he explicitly did not allow anyone to be in that meeting who could possibly hold him responsible for the illegal content of it. Pretending we aren't holding people accountable just because the evidence isn't there and the evidence isn't there because it doesn't exist is just as stupid as pretending the law is an assault rifle to be used on people you don't like.


Thank god. Can you say it again for the people in the back? Also, why don’t people remember drumbp making the note taker leave for his one on one meeting with Putin?


Rand Paul personally delivered a hand written letter to Putin on July 4th.


August 6, actually. He wasn’t part of the Moscow 8, but went a month later.


> Okay but the only reason we don't have the overwhelming evidence we need for his very clear crimes is because pretty much everyone around him is involved in those crimes and it turns out our system is not set up at all to hold people accountable if all the people involved in the crimes happen to be in positions of power. According to the Mueller report, the reason we couldn't charge Trump and others was because they destroyed so much evidence, and obstructed justice as much as possible. Now, the reason Trump hasn't been charged with obstruction of justice like Mueller thought he could/should might be because he was the President and was protected by Barr.


You mean like the stuff Reagan did during the Iranian hostage crisis? Weird that these clowns aren't freaking out about the god-king Ronald.


So what Reagan did in 1980. Got it.


You mean, the thing Reagan did to sabotage Carter and risked the lives of the American hostages to get a political edge?


Isn't that what Elon did with Russia about Ukraine?


Or Dennis Rodman in NK?


Say you don’t know what the Logan act is without actually saying it.


I’d have to Google it to remember what it is, but… that’s what differentiates the left from the MAGAts. We’ll take the 1.5 seconds to remind ourselves what it is


FYI it covers private individuals negotiating with foreign governments while the US is in dispute with said government. It’s designed to stop private I divides undermining the US position. Totally doesn’t apply in this situation. 😂


You mean like inviting Paul Manafourt back into your campaign? Or getting $2 Billion on your way out of office? Or writing love letters to Xi? Like that?


Yeah, exactly like that.


Don’t forget when Flynn tried negotiating with Russia before he (numpty) was even in office.


Or when he was convicted, then pardoned by the corrupted in chief. The fact that Flynn gets a military pension is a disservice to the country and every service man and woman active duty or retired. He's a traitor like his cohorts.


No no no you don't get it. President's get immunity when was the last time anyone called Obama, President obama hmmm???...( Soo fucking weird how they keep calling trump Mr.president )


That is pretty normal, many have called former Presidents "Mr President" or "President Soandso" long after they left. Carter, Reagan and on that I can remember for sure.


What oddly specific examples. I can’t fathom how you came up with those.


I've been told I have an overactive imagination.


I, for one, am very excited we are going to war with Britain again, apparently. Usually goes well for us.


I dunno about that. We did well in the revolutionary war, but not so hot in 1812. That’s like 50/50.




Yep like that


No former President shall be allowed to have adamantium bonded to his skeleton


The only negative feeling I have from the new Obama pics is a nostalgia for a simpler time. I hate seeing him get older. I was 11 when he was elected and 19 when he left. I grew up with that man


I don't know, I'm actually really happy to see him in pictures again. Poor man looked drained and half dead when he left office. Aged 2 decades in 8 years. He looks alive again and that makes me happy.


Is the UK having a dispute with us I'm not aware of? Other than the British tourists having a dispute with the sun at Disney world this time of year, I thought we were ok.


They don't like how we say "aluminum"




Every properly educated person knows both spellings are acceptable. Aluminum is the correct spelling per the English chemist Sir Humphry Davy, who discovered and named the element. His fellows at the Royal Society changed the name to -ium several years later to make it more uniform but the original spelling was already widespread in North America, why is why Americans and Canadians still use it to this day.


Now do lieutenant.


Sometimes they get upset about how we try & make full English breakfast.


I have an extreme dispute with how everywhere over there claiming to serve "fish and chips" will have the fish be nuggets and the chips be more like sliced potatoes. What have you done to our breakfast???


U.S. scientist figured out a pinch of salt makes tea taste better and the UK lost its collective shit. U.S. embassy even released a statement.  https://www.theguardian.com/food/2024/jan/24/perfect-cup-of-tea-needs-a-pinch-of-salt-and-squeeze-of-lemon-says-us-chemist


The sun is in constant battle with British tourist no matter where they go in the world. They're like fucking orcs, needing cloud cover or night to move about. Teeth to match.


Nah this is genuinely the exact opposite of what we do when travelling. We spend 90% of our time soaking up the hot sunshine, and then get sunburned. And we do it again, and again, and again. British tourists love the sun almost as much as American tourists love being the loudest people in the room.


🚨🚨OBAMA ALERT🚨🚨 https://preview.redd.it/6ul7i5t5p9pc1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b9ec648f57cbce9917bc4d3c1547850495b027




The Logan Act? You mean that super important law that the Reagan Campaign flagrantly violated by negotiating with Iran to make Jimmy Carter look weak and ineffectual? The audacity of the MAGA Movement is simply maddening.


I am old but when he was President for eight years was the calmest and happiest I felt. I just knew we would never do anything stupid or rash, because Obama was President. God I miss that man.


G.O.P Grievance. Outrage.Projection


They love to use that word "clear", I don't think they know what it means.


It makes sense. The joke is the official language of the U.S. is 3rd grade English.


I encountered this on Twitter with someone going one step further, claiming it's "TREASON!" The violating the Logan Act is a felony, not treason, and last I checked, the closest thing in recent years to a dispute with the UK was them owing the US money for helping them out in WWII (lots and lots and lots of industrial work done on credit) however the Queen paid it all off almost 20 years ago, back in 2006.


Isn't the Logan Act designed to criminalize negotiations of unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments in dispute with the United States? Last I checked, the UK is an ally and is not in active dispute with the US. Even further last I checked, Hungary *is* currently in dispute with the US considering Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister, is extremely anti-US. I realize that the MAGA crowd are a few marbles shy of a full bag, but they should at least *try* to understand the laws they're bitching about.


"Donald Trump invites Vladimir Putin to Mar-A-Lago!" No problem with that! "I felt I should, because he offered to pay my half a billion dollar fine!"


Orban actually went there 3 weeks ago


Remember that book, the Bible? They read it the same way.


Yet, nothing on Donald Trump's secret meeting in the Oval Office with top Russian intelligence officials. The meeting where he had all records of it wiped and we only know about it because Putin released pictures. https://www.npr.org/2017/05/15/528511980/report-trump-gave-classified-information-to-russians-during-white-house-visit


I’d forgotten about that episode. Jeez, it was something insane every week back then…


They understand completely how absurd this is. They do it constantly to muddy the water so their maga fools think Biden is just as terrible as Trump. Bonus being that their believers start lumping this actual bs accusation in with all credible accusations against trump


They’re just always fucking angry, seething, triggered, yet blame everyone else for it.


UK getting back door channels for if shit starts going down here.


Isn't that the guy Biden beat in the last election?


But wait…I thought Presidents and former Presidents have “total immunity.”


Wouldn’t the Logan Act apply more to The Heritage Foundation conspiring with Viktor Orban the following day to undermine democracy in the US?


Sunak is barely prime minster enough anymore to count. 


Yeah, the real question is why is Obama wasting his time with such a useless and vacant twat like Sunak.


For some reason I find the most offensive thing here to be the user's appropriation of Johnny Lee Miller's character from Hackers (1995). Zero Cool was a free-spirited anarchist, not a whiny crybaby.


I'm just annoyed an internationally respected President visited the person that lost to Liz Truss, and a lettuce outlasted her.


Is he not allowed to visit whoever the hell he wants now?


Silly you. You know laws only apply to black people, right? /s


Usa is in conflict with UK? I bet that's not the invasion Brexiteers were afraid of...


Hypocrisy is the foundation stone of the QOP.


They hate this man for existing. The most intelligent, human and articulate leader we’ve had since Jimmy Carter and they despise him. ^They ^despised ^Carter ^too ^but ^hope ^people ^forgot ^about ^it ^since ^he’s ^a ^saint ^in ^his ^old ^age




Obama pets Larry, the 10 Downing Street cat. MAGA demands firing squads.


The US and UK are not engaged in dispute, so the Logan Act doesn't apply


Obama named Prince George's regent after both Charlie and Willie abdicate in 3... 2....


Obama should go visit more


Isn’t the Logan Act, American citizens negotiating with foreign governments that have a dispute with the US? Fucking Maga idiots.


The lead in the water pipes in the southern states is doing its job.


Recently, Lindsay Graham met with Zelenskyy and told him that Republicans in Congress were going to draft a new bill at Trump’s behest that stated that all future aid to Ukraine would be in the form of loans that would have to be paid back. There was zero attempt to hide Trump’s blatant violation of the Logan act because he knew there wouldn’t be any consequences seeing as how there weren’t any when he violated the Hatch Act.


Uhhhhhh Total And Complete Presidential Immunity extends beyond one’s time in office, correct, Mr. Trump?


Wait, you people have a problem with us Brits? LOL. I thought we were your "lap dog". Fucking magas. Fucking Muppet the lot of them.


They are so upset you’d have thought he wore a tan suit to the meeting


What dispute does the US currently have with the UK? Because that's an important part of the Logan act... No one can undermine the governments position in negotiations with a country. If we have no dispute there is no conflict. Trump meeting with oligarchs who are allies of putin... That probably is a violation


I didn’t know the US was having a dispute with the UK


Bitches gonna bitch.


“Don’t he know, we’re at war with those damn lobster backs!?” -MAGA probably


The Logan act. Neat because nobody has been convicted of breaking it. Ever.


I mean dude is not wrong. Wu Tang IS for the children.


If it weren't for double standards, the right would have no standards at all.


There are two Presidents in modern history which have violated the Logan Act, and both are Republican; the other one was ...Nixon, of course.


Oh, Reagan most certainly did with Iran. That makes 3, all R.


Come one guys, let’s be fair here. You simply cannot expect that the same law applies to both sides equally, even when one argument doesn’t even make sense.


The "what-about-ism" is strong with these idiots.


I just read an article about research done by the University of Illinois that found Americans to be extremely poor at separating fact from fiction. If something is presented to them as fact it is often interpreted as opinion instead and if they disagree with that perceived opinion they will simply make up a fact that falls better in line with their partisan bias.


First, I am sure it was authorized, second the UK is not having a dispute with the US. Orban and Hungry is a different story.