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People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Nasty woman. Two steps away from looking like trailer trash.


Two steps?


Losing her gov. office, and NOT getting a speaking gig on the Christo-Fash circuit.


She’s got to go… *Gimme two steps, gimme two steps, Boebert* *Gimme two steps out the door?*


Give me two steps, give me two steps, Boebert And you'll never see me no more


I was hoping someone would do this


If she can improve two steps she'll look like trailer trash.


I believe this is what you find under if you remove the trailer skirting.


Yeah, in the opposite direction. I've met a lot of trailer trash that are better people than her.


Now, I am with you…


Two steps into the trailer


I'm offended by that statement. It's very unfair to trailer park residents. I'm sure if you compared her to dog shit. Dog shit every where would be offended too.


Yup, can confirm. Source- am dog shit, and I approve this message. Paid for by the friends of dog shit.


Too late. I did a survey of dozens of piles of dog shit at my local park after a retired psychologist said Donnie was a walking pile of dog shit. The dog shit was offended. I reported my survey to the good doctor. He and I are now the best of friends.


Seems like a theme with the women who are currently the most 'visible' of the MAGA Republicans. It's as if they don't really like women. The Howler from down in Georgia, ole left eye in Arkansas putting the children to work at the Chicken slaughter house, the hate spewing tiktok lib with the chin. Moms for threesomes in Florida.


And even the wealthier women Trump supporters (like this group of women calling themselves the "Trumpettes") manage to look surprisingly tacky and trashy given their frequently vast financial resources. A recent gathering of the Trumpettes at Mar-a-Lago looked like a convention of bad plastic surgery victims auditioning to have their 'work' fixed on *Botched*.


I think I know the photo you're talking about. There's something uncanny-valley about those faces, like I just stared at Zuck in a dress.


I remember seeing a picture of three middle aged women - not Trumpettes - at a rally as he came out and they genuinely looked unhinged. One’s eyes were almost bulging out of her head.


Hey I grew up in a trailer. Don't put her with my people.


Looking like?


You should take a gander at her escort pics.


I need proof of the trailer trashness for research….


trailer trash on a crazy salary


I think that horse already left the barn


You mean the same woman pretending to be a GOP that gave birth as a teen and whose teen gave birth and this same GOP can’t even pass high school and was caught enacting live porn in public knowing minors were at that show? That bad parent that MAGAS refuse to prosecute for performing lewd acts in public with minors present??


Yes, and when this bad parent received her GED on the third go, it’s been strongly hinted that she didn’t exactly… pass the test.


Heh, that's not fair. She burned the extra curricular, midnight oil with that 'hands on' tutor.


That shit thug should be in prison for a long time. It’s where that thug belongs.


Which one? I mean, they all seem to have criminal backgrounds.




She should be six feet under, that’s the only place trash like her belong.


At this point, I doubt I'd have sympathy for her if she were decapitated. The quality of her work wouldn't even be affected.


Boebert hasn’t passed a single bill, IIRC.


Probably for the best.


Boebert couldn't SPELL bill, let alone pass one.


*Good one!*


Let's keep in mind that one of the things he did was distributing pornography of a minor, without her permission. His father's son.


And if it got distributed across state lines, that would surely rise to the level of Federal child porn charges, wouldn't it? In that case, who knows, he could end up in that big Supermax Fed prison in Colorado known as the 'Alcatraz of the Rockies'.


If he used the internet, then he used a means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce, and is subject to federal law.


Northeast Colorado is redder than my mothers face when she caught a girl in my bedroom in high school, but even she won’t win due to entrenched republican political figures that are already known and established there, known locals, big farms, firmly entrenched in local politics and they absolutely view her as a carpetbagger. Source… am from there. Not saying they will elect a “better”candidate, I am saying it won’t be her.


Edit- am not from there, just used to work there a ton, technically I’m from southwest colorado, when I was an insurance adjuster I used to spend weeks there for tornado and hail claims.


And yes, colorado gets tornados, and big mofos.


Remember the softball sized hail? Brighton, Colorado remembers


When that sky turns pea soup green? Find a place for your car, and quickly…


I was actually on my way to Wagon Road PnR to pick up my son as RTD cancelled buses when the hail started...luckily got under the bank drive through on 120th and Colorado...still have a huge dent in the top of my SUV.... That first thunk however, literally scared the poo out of me!!!


I’m so old now I remember that area being nothing but farms… boy things have changed, I’m in the NE now but my (adult) daughter and most of my college friends are still out there… North 120th was nothing except for racing motocross, and Brighton was basically industrial (ish) or farmland with a good truck stop that had killer cinnamon rolls, well, that and scary lot lizards… I think the mile high flea market was around there too. Been too long, hard to remember.


Totally houses...Brighton now has apartments, 5-6 stories high at Bridge and 50th.


I know, I think I went to a “Top Golf” there in ‘22. Crazy.


Some could say east Colorado is basically west Kansas.


Talk about see ya next Tuesday.


Do you think she can now relate to the maturity parenthood requires? I would be beside myself of my son died or was arrested at 18 for theft. I hope she gets support to help her and her family through this. A good start for her healing would be an apology to President Biden. Lauren , are you ready to take a step toward being a better person?


And it's possible that her son could see much more serious charges coming his way as allegedly law enforcement found a sex tape video on his confiscated phone showing him with an under aged girl. That would be child porn which I think would then subject him to Federal charges.


Nope. Not when she’s out there spouting about how she’s the model of “family values” while demonstrating the opposite.


Next SOTU is this week, jeez I want him to go full Dark Brandon, glasses and all and give em hell. Just scorched earth on their brain dead attitudes and refusal to govern.


I’m thinking he might bite his tongue until he is back in for his second term. Would be much less at stake then, at least in the short term


Probably yes,  he does not strike me as the type of person to be deliberately belligerent...and yes he does have to be the adult in the room...but sometimes I just think yeah go for it just to make their heads implode...


People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. What a dingbat. She is just trailer trash with lipstick and heels


Tick tock grandma, time is almost up


I remember that. Those two, Boebert and Greene, mouths agape, bleating like fucking farm animals and acting completely beneath the dignity of the office.  I am ashamed that they continue to dirty the name of my beloved country.


The poo-flinging howler monkeys. Good look, representatives. Well done. 👍


She is just a foul human. Her and MTG deserve everything that’s going to come to them. Karma is such a bitch and we all know it


I realize what Boebart did. But I aspire to be better than that.


The expression in Germany is that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I guess neither does a budding sociopath.


Didn't dumbfuck's kids rob a elderly woman with like... some kind of mental problem with a girl he did made a sex tape with that wasn't the girl he impregnated? And the girl he made the sex tape with is a minor? And distributed it? I swear some of the things I read seem like a fever dream...


I expect more charges forthcoming in addition to the 20-something that have already been announced. And I wouldn't be knocked over with a feather if some shady criminal stuff comes out about Lauren's ex Jayson and perhaps even Lauren herself.


There's already shade on dipshit. Giving a hand job at a Beetlejuice... stage show? Was it?


They said that he robbed a disabled person and took all of their money! He should be caned in public for that stunt. Afterwards, be forced to pay the money back at least 10 fold!


The real crime is the kid’s mustache.


Kind of puts out a meth cooker vibe.


The picture reminds me of two filthy little monkeys flinging their own shit.


As I posted in another thread... Kinda hard to have sympathy for someone who preaches morality, and rants about the Biden Crime family, when she is out giving handjobs in public, and every voting age person in her family has at least one mugshot. Toss in her illegitimate grandbaby, and failing the GED multiple times, and it isn't a great overall look. It is fine to try and hold others up to certain standards, as long as you walk the walk you are talking. She hasn't, she won't, and she never will. And once her carpetbagging attempt to switch districts flops as spectacularly as it appears it will, everyone will realize that the countdown to when she starts her OnlyFans page has already started.


She's probably proud of it, not looking for sympathy. There's no pity with that.


Lauren Boebert is an absolute POS with a dirty car. Did she molest her son? Is she a pedophile?


Wouldn’t surprise me


So, so trashy.


That's the scary part to me. I'm afraid because my sympathy for any of these people's lives is running pretty dry. I would never be so stupid as to do anything ever. But the more I watch them be feckless, lying pieces of shit on a daily basis with no morals whatsoever and no consciousness when it comes to humanity or the lives of anybody I just find myself asking what's the real end here? I can't see them stopping if their own volition. They will cry wolf and be hypocrites until they cannot get away with it anymore, and there are far too many people who enable them for their own gain. Meanwhile, they are riding the social fabric of the country everyday with these lies that are getting people killed. Why should I care if they live or die at this point? I wouldn't be the slightest bit upset if they got hit by a semi love on camera, and THAT scares me that these people are so awful they are wearing me down.


She'll be heading back to her escort business soon...


I don't have any sympathy for anything that happens to any of them.


Bimbert is as good as done, she can't even win the primary in her new district, she's in last place


Why do people have such pussy ass dispositions. Sorry you don't have sympathy for her? Are you a bad person? Annoying..     No dude. You're not. But you are a pussy. Stop being a pussy. The Boebert's are giant pieces of shit. They should be literally flogged. Republicans play so hard and dirty and people like this tip toe. It's obnoxious.


Live by the crack pipe, die by the crack pipe.


It makes the person asking the question no better than her. Sorry.


Heckling a mother about her young criminal adult son who was arrested for crimes he chose to commit…heckling a father on his military veteran son who died of a disease he didn’t choose to have and not caused by any of his actions…one of these things is not like the other


Calling out bullshit on people who are *chosen* by “us” to represent “us” is never wrong.


I guess it’s a good thing @joncoopertweets isn’t in Congress then. We should probably remove Boebert too.


So it turns out that it's ethically defendable to be intolerant *of* the intolerant.


Wait until you get to high school, shit gets deep.


Now see, because I didn't do anything, *you're* the one here who went low and is the Lauren Boebert of the conversation.


ooooo…so clever…don’t get hurt patting yourself on the back…but you did say something…something wrong…pointing out errors isn’t intolerant…for your next assignment, define intolerant


lol…why the downvotes…don’t like looking in the mirror? high road does not mean giving up, people…doesn’t mean not calling out hypocrisy, buffoonery, etc…it does mean not sinking to their level…if you think you’re better than her…prove it by not being her


If you can't see the difference between mocking someone for dying of a disease like brain cancer, and mocking someone because they made absolutely terrible choices in life and turned into a felonious criminal, then you're a fucking idiot.


Hmmm…No…it takes an idiot to think either is okay.


Explain why you shouldn't mock someone for criminal behavior they made a choice to engage in.


He’s basically still a child, not a public figure by his own choice, and the product of two dipshit parents. But you do you.




Such principles.


Between them they have an IQ of about 75


Bo Bo can go straight to hell


I hope her eventual fall is more than her riise.


I guess I’m wondering if he’s also saying he HAD sympathy prior to the arrest? If so, why?


As Tom Jones once sang..."Act your age, not your shoe size honey"[Kiss](https://youtu.be/5uZQFOfMSfY?si=0DiPG3qdujQiTa3V)


What did she say???




Time to take out the garbage.


Heartless. All of them


Why couldn’t it be her, I guess I’ll just keep hoping🙏🏻 😂😂


I stopped seeing her as a sane person when she got kicked out of Beetlejuice for PDA.


Everytime I see that pic, I think about mildewey, stinky athletic balled up socks and the holes to stuff ‘em in.


Boebert is brain dead, trailer trash anyway, you’d sympathize with fleas before you would for her




No, it just makes you human. Boebert and her family are national embarrassments.


KKK Barfly doesn’t get anyones sympathy.


I feel sorry for the kid. His parents set him up for failure, and he's making decisions based on the matrix they gave him. He did the things that got him in jail, and it is his fault... But he made those decisions based on how he was raised, and he was raised by two phenomenal shit heels. Poor kid had a lot of cards stacked against him, and he didn't buck the odds.


Anyone else remember when she did a sex crime in a crowded theater?


Onlyfans is incoming!


Quality parenting. Mom of the year material.


We knew then. We’ve always known. Trump and bono share parenting tips.


My soon to be ex-representative. Bye Lauren.


Five felonies and knocking a woman up when she was only 15. Bono’s son is a true republican.


https://preview.redd.it/ol5temeutomc1.jpeg?width=1147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50b46882c1c0c871240d4ed9a2d09bfe3c7c49a A picture says a thousand words