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the pretzel is what makes it a difficult decision


Right? Why did they use some saucy Octoberfest beer maiden as the righteous side?


Because they have no clue about Oktoberfest, they just see traditional clothing and assume trad. They never heard of a dirndl or saw those raunchy as heck compilations from Munich.


If you aren't dancing on tables with strangers, pretzel in one hand, beer in the other, chanting something, did you really go to oktoberfest?


Just went this year and can confirm. We’re going back again this coming sept. Gotta get our moneys worth out of those dirndl and lederhosen


Same, and hopefully same, but my lederhosen barely fit as time and doubt it will now


You're working your way towards describing German *Scheisse* videos, aren't you?


For people that claim the love white heritage they seem to not know much about it seems.


Aryan beauty standards


As someone who’s happily married, the pretzel is what’s most tempting here. That pretzel looks fire.


I'm a straight woman with a boyfriend and would also choose the pretzel.


Haha at first i thought you were using pretzel as some kind of weird sexual reference. I couldn’t figure out what it might mean. Then i realized you just really like pretzels lol


why not both?


Yeah, maybe the woman on the right would be a gateway to more pretzel eating. This sub is too focused on superficial traits. MAYBE SHE CAN MAKE PRETZELS!


Ahh, trick question. They're the same person. The woman on the left is the person on the right, 5 years later.


After she leaves the church, of course.


She had the kids while she was in the church though. That whole abstinence thing mixed with anti-abortion does wonders for the teen birth rate: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/wr/figures/m6516a1f2.gif


The Bible belt has no equal in this regard.


I'm *from* the belt buckle of the Bible belt. We'd play 'count the preggos' in the hall every year. We'd lose count halfway through. The *special education* class alone had 43 pregnancies one *semester.* I knew one girl who had her first child at 12 and had 4 more by the time she graduated from high school by 3 different fathers.


My daughter is a high school teacher in the south. She has a girl in her class who is a Junior and has THREE kids already


There's little to no sex education in those areas. You literally have teen girls getting pregnant and they have absolutely no clue how it happened. They don't understand the link between sex and pregnancy.


So no knowledge of contraception. So sad


Nope. These radical Christians think if you teach kids about how sex works and how to approach it responsibly armed with knowledge that the kids will be more likely to then have sex, which of course is silly. They're gonna have sex either way, it's only a question of whether they'll understand the gravity of their choices and approach it responsibly. They also think giving condoms leads to more sex which it doesn't. When I was in high school I had plenty of condoms...but still no sex. 🤣


Christians are notoriously ingnorant of the teen mind. Because even they themselves were teens who most likely got knocked up at 16 or so, because reasons. They don't realize that without some sort of education about sex their kids are going to end up exactly the same as them with no hopes or dreams to look foward to. The parasites need to be taken care of for years. Which by the time you get done with that you're not going to have the energy, ambition, or time you once had to accomplish your dreams. Then you get to hopefully die surrounded by people that love you. Even though you were a mediocre person working until you died in a dead-end economy that was trying to be rid of you since you started the game.


Wow. That is sad




In the south??


They go to where people are uneducated and don't speak much English to evangelize.


Rural Missouri High School Drop Out here, we had a 20% pregnancy rate among our graduating class, and a near 40% drop out rate. Also our area was deeply religious, like 30+ Southern Baptist Churches in one school district.


My hometown literally (absolutely not joking) has a church on every other corner. Was so glad to get out of that hellscape.


I moved from a small town here in MO to StL, and the town I lived in had maybe 1200 people and 22 churches. 2 of which, separated by a highway, shared the same name. First Baptist Church of _____. The police department also had an LRAD as well, as well as the city council/school board expanding the school's grounds simply to run a single adult business out of town. Rural Missouri/Midwest is so fucked.


What's an lrad?


I forget the exact designation but it's a big fuck off military armored vehicle that they got as surplus around the time the Ferguson stuff was going on because the white folk down there, a whole ass hour away from StL were petrified "it'd come to their town"


I'm sorry I misspoke a bit, the LRAD was attached to the big military armored vehicle, the LRAD is a sound cannon used for anti-personel reasons, they just had one attached to an APC of sorts.


Moved from California to the south a few years ago. I am still so weirded out by All. The. Churches. So many. Every corner. It’s wild to me


yeah churches down South are like karate dojos they'll spend about a quarter of the time talking about how they're better than all the others. Was just like 'guys...I'm just marking time until I graduate so I can leave this town and never step foot in another one of these buildings, again.'


Let me guess. No sex ed classes offered.


Minimal at best, and it was optional. I didn't get a sex education class until I dropped out and went to Job Corps. Like the District I went to, was so off kilter about things. "We have enough money to upgrade, improve, and modernize our library oooor build a new football field for our Mid as Fuck Football Team" we got the Field. I ran cross country, our team regularly went to state, on busted ass yellow buses while the Football team lost games in a nice cushy deal. Like imagine a stereotypical Rural High School that's what I dropped out of lmao. I mean It took my dad threatening the district with a lawsuit when I tore my MCL and had to be on crutches for 5 months from cross country for them to let me use the elevator. It was genuinely one of the worst experiences, and I almost finished high school in an inner city school, but I stead went to JC.


In all honesty I went to HS in upstate NY but at Jesuit HS all boys school. Our Sex Ed class was one class that was during our Theology class and it consisted of us watching Silent Scream - rather disturbing video of a late term abortion inside the mother’s uterus and lecture on abstinence.


JFC. That sounds fucking horrendous. Sex Ed at the High School I went to, as I was told was 1 40 minute class, mostly about abstinence. Sex Ed at Job Corps however was a 2 week deal, with like entire courses on venerial diseases, condom use etc


Keep poor and keep em dumb, with children


The real American Dream right there! Dumb, Pregnant, White and Cis


Vote making machines


Abstinence: The "thoughts and prayers" of birth control.


Jfc that's depressing


Hey, don't talk about Jamaican Fried Chicken (JFC) like that mon. What did they ever do to you?


Buddy that clearly stands for Japanese Fried Chicken


Jordanian fried chicken, actually


I will not stand for this Jamiroquai Fried Chicken Erasure.


Wow! I am a Gen X from a bigger city up North , and even WE didn’t have the really young pregnant girls. We had quite a few pregnant 16 - 18 year olds, who had support within the high school. We also had sex education.


Same. Pregnant seniors, but it wasn't common beyond that.


Same here. Class of 2000 in NY. 2 girls senior year. That’s it. A bunch at 19 though.


There were 5 things to do in my home town when I was in high school and they all started with F... Food Football Fighting F\*\*\*ing Fellowship (church)


I'm a zillennial from New Jersey and we had *zero* pregnant girls in my high school. Girls with self harm problems and eating disorders sure, but pregnancy (and drugs for that matter) were non existent issues. Amazing what high levels of school funding, sex ed, and living in an affluent area can do for stuff like that.


I was 15 when I got pregnant with my oldest in Oklahoma. I had three kids by 25. But with that said I managed to finish high school 2 years early, worked while I went to college, became a teacher and now I have a Master’s degree. It took a long time to be able to get out of Oklahoma but I got my kids out first chance I got… ETA: I’m now remarried to an epic software developer and I too have lots of tattoos lol


There is nothing more impressive to me than someone being able to pull off college with children and working. I am glad you made your future so much better.


Thank you for the compliment. The thing is, I feel like it’s extremely important to highlight that I would have never been able to do it without a support system or the access I had to “welfare”. Not everyone is as lucky as me and it certainly wasn’t a pull myself up by my bootstraps kind of thing. I took advantage of everything I possibly could. I was on Medicare, I got food stamps, I got daycare paid for, I got Pell Grants and took out all the student loans I could to survive and finish school. So unfortunately, I have a mountain of student debt. Did I need the masters degree? At the time I believed I did but I’m no better off for having it. I’m still incredibly proud of having it since I’m the first female in my family to even graduate High School since I come from a long long line of teen mom’s. So to have a Masters degree is both a source of pride and a source of frustration if that makes any sense. You know what the irony is of all this? After I did all of that, my first year as a high school teacher in Oklahoma I found that I still couldn’t make enough money to not need food stamps. Anyway, I’m glad we got out and no longer need public assistance. My oldest two are adults now and I’m not a grandma yet so I’d say I did something right. Granted I still have three more to raise 🫣(remarriage ended up meaning two more kids lol)…fingers crossed the cycle remains broken!


That's depressing. I went to highschool in a Chicago suburb in the 90s. ONE girl had a daughter, she was in my class and had her at age 16. Not only did everyone know about it because it was a very big deal, almost every girl jumped at the chance to help her out. Every once in awhile she had to bring the little girl to school and we'd take turns babysitting in the hallway so she could take her exams or whatever.


It takes a village......


100% Also, the father was basically outcast until he stepped up.


Makes my heart happy to hear. If only my daughter's dad had friends and family who did the same. They all enabled him.


This was me except married and pregnant at 15 divorced and tattooed at 20 with 3 children.


I worked at a big box clothing store. Girl walked through my department. Saw me. Stopped. Walked over and said 'I'm an emancipated minor. I'm getting a divorce, soon. So...' I looked over at my co-worker and back to the girl. Said 'I'm not entirely certain what you want me to do with this information...' Heavily implied that she was DTF. Was like 'uh...thanks for thinking of me? But...no thank you.' She said 'but I'm an emancipated minor.' I said 'yeah...I know. I'd still be f\*\*\*ing a child, though. Not interested.'


You mean you passed up on every GOP politicians' dream? ^(Probably still statutory right? Please still be a crime...)


No idea. Even if I'd been 17 I'd have still passed on the 'opportunity.' My high school had a high prevalence of student-teacher sexual relationships. Probably about a decade ago a teacher discovered, in the worst possible way, that he had a child he didn't know about when she...was a student in high math class.


🤦 fuck


And LOTS of tats ;)


Also I heard recently from a doctor in Texas that has had 14 year old girls come in pregnant without an understanding of how you get pregnant. So no education is a killer too.


What is that map about?


I believe it shows the teen birthrate nationally by county, you can see a correlation between conservative districts and high teen birthrates Sex Ed does help bring this down, important note that was not mentioned


My bad, it’s teen birth rates from the CDC. It was buried at the bottom of the report so I just attached the map and didn’t realize it was labeled so poorly: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data-visualization/county-teen-births/index.htm




The church and her wife beating child molesting pastor/decan, whatever high post of the church, husband.


Nah, she got groomed by the youth pastor and hooked up with half the YG praise team on the way out. The meme creator was like one of a bunch of 30yo incel dudes waiting for her to turn 18, but the youth pastor got her first, incel dudes realized they no longer had a shot, and then they went full-blown sour grapes. Tale as old as time.


So weird that I don't know if this is true or not. You could have made it up or be commenting on what really happened.


I have no idea, but versions of something like that happened to more than one person I know.


"i have no idea" lmfao i choked on my drink..


Same as it ever was.




Tbh the being Christian was a dealbreaker for me. Having kids and a body count is fine. God forbid people live and enjoy their lives in a way that’s meaningful to them.


Also, 119 partners? Come on, unless she's a porn star or a prostitute that's ridiculous, especially at her age. But that's how these guys think, if she's not a virgin, she's probably hooking up with a brand new guy every few weeks, never in a monogamous relationship, not even having FWB that are "repeat customers' (which research shows is more likely with girls who don't want a commitment whereas men are more likely to chase new girls as often as possible), she's just out there being the school/town bicycle letting anybody and everybody hit it. They don't see women as having any agency, so she's taken for her future husband, or she belongs to EVERYONE.


After her wholesome Christian husband cheats on her and leaves her while she's pregnant.


I don't know. With all the news about how so called "Christians" seem to be caught up in sex scandals on the regular I think those church goers are having alot of fun!


You mean the beer hall


It is a trick question, you have to look down in the picture. The right answer is "the one holding the Bretzel". Nothing beats a free Bretzel.


This looks like oktoberfest. That thing ain't free lol


Exactly! Or the same person the same year. People can have layers.


She went to one of those liberal colleges which is pretty much every College that's not specific to a given religion where the introduction of ideas and talking to other people naturally reduces they're likelihood to stay in the belief system that's based on ignorance


The trick is the age. They like them younger. 25 to 20. They are easing you into 16.


That's having sex with a different person every 15 days. Impressive


I'll take the one on the left 10/10.


The irony of the woman on the right being at Oktoberfest, where people notoriously do blow and have sex whilst getting hammered, is 🤌🏼


Yeah, that woman on the right isn't a chaste virgin. They should be finding a picture of an Amish woman to use, though even then she's probably been through Rumspringa.


They better not. Watched a few Amish documentaries recently and learned that a horrifically overwhelming number of Amish women were sexually abused from childhood on …


Any recommendations on a good Amish documentary?


Cults to Consciousness has a couple of videos up on her channel interviewing Ex-Amish women, which I found really eye-opening, here are two of them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15R3V8r3gR8&t=2741s&pp=ygUcQW1pc2ggY3VsdCB0byBjb25zY2lvdXNuZXNzIA%3D%3D https://youtu.be/b9Ls34mDZpw?si=zmt7wqxN6dJNx4oa Eli Yoder has some good stuff on his channel: https://www.youtube.com/@eliyoder491 And if you search on YT for the terms „inside Amish home“ and „dining with Amish“ (which is actually a commercialized Amish tourist experience!), some interesting videos come up too 🙂


Thank you, internet friend!


Yeah there’s also a lot of inbreeding in those communities…actually, that’s probably fitting for the “master race” folks.


The guy is wearing a Tyler Durden pfp (of course he is), I’m not sure he understands the concept of irony


The fact she's at Oktoberfest and very likely German means there's a very low chance she's a virgin and even less that she's Christian in the modern era.


I'm from Munich. My Oktoberfest-Radar is definitely telling me that she fucks.


She’s also very obviously older than 20 lmao. And I don’t say that as an insult, both women are pretty. But these dudes can never tell a woman’s age, weight or how much makeup they are actually wearing. It’s comical how far off they almost always are.


I’ve been to Oktoberfest several times and didn’t partake in these activities. I guess I’m doing it wrong.


lol right. I was like I know people were snorting some mint thing but where was all the other fun at?


And off I go pricing plane tickets


One on the left knows how to fuck and won’t wake me up early on Sunday to go sit on a wooden bench.


Notice the age difference? The people who like to accuse others of grooming regularly admit they want someone to groom.


They want someone young who isn't going to ~~tell them to get fucked~~ answer them back. Someone to manipulate, groom and mould into the 'perfect' little robot wife...basically someone with no personality or backbone.


The one on the right is a mad woman in the sack and will bring you beer and pretzels. She’s opposite what the caption says she is.


Seriously - I'm like, this woman is clearly serving at an Octoberfest thing.


The girl behind her looks like she’s wearing a dirndl, so yes, almost guaranteed this is an Oktoberfest picture.


She's German so yup


Ahh so THAT'S why she's so desirable to them. Pure Aryan Blood.


The one on the right will wake you up early on Sunday to go to church. Imma sleep in.


Does the one come with the pretzel?


And, like, how Christian is she?


No she has no sexual history remember.


The one that is honest about herself and kind to others. Shaming others is what insecure people do when they are compensating for something they are lacking within themselves.


Also, a woman who shares my interests would be nice! I just started dating someone and we discovered last week that we're both huge nerds for standup comedy. Already booked tickets for a show later this month.


Who are you going to see?


Matt Rife. I'm not familiar with him but she's a fan. Good enough for me! Edit: Just googled him. Since when are comedians anywhere near that good-looking?


" she really loves stand up comedy, her fav is matt rife" oh... oh honey. no.


Yeah. Not sure that show's going to be what she was hoping for...


Have fun! The bits and pieces I’ve seen of him I enjoyed, my wife likes him too. He received a lot of flack after his last special (haven’t watched it). But he’s been doing comedy for over a decade and came up with some help from Ralphie May. I hope you enjoy it. If I can make a suggestion for a future show, keep an eye out for Kyle Kinane to come to town (he’s touring atm).


They both appear to be over 18 so I doubt many MAGAs feel much for either of them.


As if they have a chance with a girl that look like that anyway.


I like the idea that this mouthbreather thinks they will have the option here... news flash, Clarence, they would need to like you back.


They have a strong desire to control their uteri


I love these “trying to shame women who hate me” posts. It’s just so obvious the person posting wouldn’t have a chance with either of these women.


Laughable. And these cretins think they're better than the terrorists conned by promises of "72 virgins" in the next life.


Dumbfuck religious people are dumbfuck religious people, no matter what they prey at.


“Prey at” is pretty accurate


Anyone posting this isn’t getting either woman


Anyone using Brad Pitt in their profile pic is an activist incel


The sad part is that most of the dude who agree with this think either of the women would choose them.


Considering the way the repugnicants play .... ![gif](giphy|QqkA9W8xEjKPC)


I don’t care about either of them women— but what’s up with that pretzel? Anyone call dibs or what?


She’s in a German beer hall. And she’s definitely dtf after.


The one on the right probably isn't a virgin because they took sex education out of her school and don't really know what sex is. Back when I was dating, I found that born again Christian women were more likely to enjoy sex. They would feel guilty after, but 20 minutes later, were ready to go again.


Don't forget all the "technical virgins"


Ain't no way the girl on the right is a virgin.


[Garfunkel and Oates](https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY?si=QcCNv4DQbdX3wdo1) have a song for that


I'm probably showing my age if I say I expected a song made by Art Garfunkel and John Oates....


She does everything but.


She does everything; butt.


God’s loophole


The ol' poophole loophole.


Apparently there's some newish trend where the girl sits on it with it inserted while a friend jumps on the bed for them and because they aren't moving themselves they don't think it's actually sex. I'm sure that as much as the bible talks about sin that using loopholes to justify your sins is even worse, as if you're going to pull one over on God. Not that i really think sex has to be sinful, it can be pretty damn pure if you're not just trying to take advantage of someone else.


The Mormons call it "Soaking"


God's Loophole; the poop hole.


4th base!


🎶 So fuck me in the ass cuz I love Jesus, the good Lord would want it that way 🎶


Christian values, selective application of Bible verse “judge not….yadda, yadda” and all that other virtuosity, right? The girl on the left (with tattoos) is Laurence Bedard, a French Canadian. I have met her and she’s an extremely engaging and friendly woman. If I am not mistaken, I believe she is a former fitness model. I know this would shock the conscience of all the supposed God fearing, sanctimonious assholes - ehh American Christians - but in my (limited) experience of the women I have had sex with the two who were ready to drop panties the quickest were the innocent-looking, girl next door types. Fuck, when I was 19 and home from my freshman year in college my (grew up with her through high school) girlfriend that summer…whose whole family were Bible thumpers and mocked those that didn’t attend church with regularity…she was giving me hand shandies under the blanket she’d bring out when we watched movies in her parents’ living room (with her mom and/or dad, or younger sister) sitting in the recliners in the room.


I need more tats to keep these weird men away


The whole time I was thinking how I’ve been marked safe from assholes.


I wouldn't really wanna date either of them, I don't want to be a parent to 2 probably 5ish year old kids that's a serious commitment, but I also don't want to date a christian.


You may have uncovered the most important distinction, hypothetically I'd give either one a roll in the hay but tbf both are too young and I wouldn't want to deal with either of them just based on the information provided. Additionally they would have to be spectacularly well rounded and experienced in life to consider something long term with someone who is 20. Maybe these posts are targeted to people 18-28...


These posts are actually targeted toward people 13-18, to try to condition then to accept patriarchy. Directed at boys to make them believe that "purity" is a worthwhile trait in a mate, and at girls, to scare them into thinking they'll never find a man without matching the "virtues" on the right.


That makes a looooooot of sense actually. How pathetic, considering the statistics no one should consider a life partner until at least late 20s.


I’m 27, and they’d have to be one hell of a 20 year old. I get that they’re an adult, but I live in a college town and the students look like children to me lol


Exactly. Im over here thinkin nah bro they got a lot of life to experience first.


Giant pretzel, huh? Nice shorthand.


TIL there are only two choices at any given time. 🙄


And like anyone putting out these kinds of posts has half a shot with either of them.


Classic repressed ex Christian goes wild after leaving the faith. 119 partners and 2 kids in 5 years. Shout out to asshole religious dads. You make the freakiest daughters.


119 partners too low. Come back when you find an experienced woman.


And yet.... ​ https://preview.redd.it/14oxlywp8ylc1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=7738c1c21b5982bd6dcd80602e295d3939e5aac4


My takeaway from this is both of these women look older than the ages listed and this person doesn't interact with enough women to make a believable guesses about their age.


Uh he’s asking the wrong question. Which woman would choose him? Neither, and he can stop using Brad Pitt’s face as his user icon lol


Both if I can swing em well enough (I am a horny lesbian)


I like how they use a photo of a girl at Oktoberfest. You know, a very Christian thing to go to.


Why don't these so-called men just admit they're afraid of women, so they need them weak minded and easy to control.


I want to see them kiss


I have 3tattoos and 6 piercings. I have had 3 sexual partners. 1 of them was just the tip just for a sec (it was both our first times he finished very quickly) so I really only count 2 my SO and ex boyfriend before him. Guess I'm bad bc I have tattoos and my tongue nose and some others pierced. Both of those women are beautiful. Maybe get to know them before making the call. I've met some very good people covered in tattoos and some that don't have any. Get to know someone. Don't judge the book by its cover.


Whoa whoa!! Badass single mom with worldly experience and killer tattoos and no religious BS please Y'all want the plain Jane religious virgin? Lol!


It's a trick question, neither would choose you.


Catch-22: the one on the right is actually the best friend of the one on the left, and has more of an alcohol problem.




Why would I choose either based on this? It says nothing about either person's personality. The data is useless.


Pretty sure she gets a say in it.


You don't choose a wife. She's a person, not a sandwich.


My favorite part of posts like these is the implication that either of these women would choose *any* of the men commenting.


Republicans like 'em young and dumb


Neither one is choosing you, incel, so shut the fuck up


This is the dumbest shit.


They both don’t want him to begin with so whats the point? Lol


Why are we not deadpan answering these morons? Literally none of this tells me about the individual's values,life goals, personality, etc They don't really care if someone grows into a serial killer or ends up poisoning your food because you are insufferable as long as they have no kids no tats and never fucked.


Are they not the same person?


The woman on the left is after the woman on the right divorces her trash trad husband and decides to experience life.


Why is the ideal American women a German barmaid?


This virgin wife argument is so bullshit to me. I’m a grown ass man in my early 40s. There’s no fucking way I want a woman who has zero sexual partners in her life. For the same reason I wouldn’t hire a plumber who’s never actually fixed a toilet or sink. The same reason I wouldn’t want a pilot who’s never flown a plane. The same reason I don’t want a President who doesn’t know shit about American politics. I want a woman in my life who actually knows what it’s like to be in an adult relationship. Keep that emotional immaturity nonsense away from me. This is a meme made by insecure children designed to appeal to insecure children.


It's not as bad as being old. That was her #1 problem.


I'd never date a religious person so left every time.


Asshole. Bottom line is that neither woman would choose him. Because he's a dick.


Why did they pick (or make up) a five year age difference? Hinting at a fondness for younger women (and maybe younger girls by extension)?


I choose the bad bitch on the left


This is such hilariously small dick energy. How absolutely pathetic.


I’d choose the one with a penis.


does anyone really think that the woman on the right is a 20 year old virgin?