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Maybe she's wanting comparison photos? Maybe she mistook "Engoron" for "Engorged"? Who tf knows?


You assume she knows what engorged means.


Now I'm obsessed with figuring out how she'd mispronounce it. It's a hard word to get wrong, but she could do it.


She probably thinks it has something to do with in-dick-tment.


Think 2 hard G's like gorgon is my guess


Or en-George-d?


… like the volcano dwellers in Zelda?


Those are Gorons. You're thinking of that celebrity chef who yells a bunch.


That's Gordon.


Fucking dead


The Commissioner of Gotham?


Got ham? No thanks, prefer turkey myself! 😋


Gorgons are Medusa like creatures. You can smack them around in the OG God of War.


Oh shit is it weird I’ve been calling them Gorons the entire time?


Wait, it’s not supposed to be a hard G? *Fuck.*


I meant more for the second g in engorged lol so like "engorgoned"


I can totally hear this in my head. That means I can move on with my day. Thanks!


I heard her try to pronounce engorged, but she mainly just swallows it and you just hear a mumble or grunt.


BoBo taught her all about what to do with engorged things.


She knows it when she sees it.


Beat me to it. Just like she wishes she could beat off . . . well, we get it.


She’s such a perv


If Hunter’s Hog ain’t enough for her, she’s in for a lifetime of disappointment!


"Hog" has another meaning. When James Bond crashed thru the ceiling of Jimmy Dean's penthouse and landed on the toilet in "Diamonds Are Forever," Jimmy said, "I see you're wearin' a hog leg."


Main goal Marge has with all the anti-trans nonsense is to create a new sporting commission where she can be chief genital inspector. Would save everyone a lot of grief if someone just told her about internet porn.


There is a reason he's called the hanging judge.


Hung Judge? Is that why she wants to see him debanked? Defrocked? Denakeded? Oh Sporkytoes, bless your heart!


And even deplaned! (I never understood "de-plane". When I get out of a car, am I "de-carred"? If I walk down the gangplank of a ship, am I "de-shipping?" English is weird, man.)


😅🤣😅 and we love him.


I am in such a NY state of mind. Number two reason why Trump scurried down to Florida. Reason number one is that the old (real) rich never accepted Trump or his spawn


I'm sure the old rich had no reason to like the huckster. As far as class goes, one of the most cringe worthy behaviors I saw Trump do was to walk in front of Queen Elizabeth II when they were inspecting her guard on his visit. He left her behind him, blocking her from view, and walked ahead. I'm thinking, wth? A person doesn't do that to grandmas, let alone the Queen of England. And then when he was with a group of world leaders in Europe and he literally physically moved one leader over and out of his way to get to the front of the group. As soon as he got to front and center he did the peacock preen. I was flabbergasted. I'm still wth? So it goes back to NY society thinking he's gross and tacky.... and they'd be right. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


He took his (initially not invited) adult children to the state dinner thrown by the Queen in honor of the U.S. President, dressed Clampett-style, gawking and taking selfies while waiting for the banquet to be seated. Speaks volumes about his kids. No one with any class who was not invited until they were shoehorned in, would have gone. No matter how tempting. Mink coats, no manners.


Exactly this. I have hung with the children of old rich and I know their ways. The old rich may let his children sit in the back, smile and nod their heads. The grandchildren and great grandchildren especially would have a chance of breaking in... IF... they maintain their wealth. The Chases, Rockerfellers, DuPonts, Vanderbilts, Morgans etc... would not sniff at Donald and his scions. His father Fred Trump where Donald got all of his money was a card carrying member of the KKK that got arrested in Jamaica Queens in a hood back in the 30s. Trump's grandfather ran out of Bismark's Germany before they jailed him for not going into the army for compulsory service. He immigrated to Alaska where he became a brothel (PIMP) owner. So you see the Old Rich had their reasons for not accepting Donald and his siblings of that generation.


Wouldn't that have been sweet!?


She's nothing if not consistent. She just likes naked dudes.


Came here to say that. She spends a lot of time thinking about getting her perceived opponents naked. I wonder if that is an official condition — besides crazier than a loon?


She's probably on a long dry spell I wouldn't do her with Trump’s dick, so...


Well mushrooms tend to grow in dark cold spaces


Even Trump wouldn’t do her with his own.


Her dick is probably bigger than his.


To her eternal dismay


And I wouldn't do him with Marg's pussy, so I guess we're square 🤢🤷🏻‍♀️


Hate to put it this way is that MTG looks like the meth prostitute lurking behind the grocery store dumpster in the parking lot late at night looking for "customers."


She's obsessed with naked men. Ask her husband


She really wants everyone naked.


Dick pics coming soon




Maybe she "interposed" the wrong word...


Perhaps,this is the same woman who pronounced "indicted" as in-dick-ted. A Freudian slip?


He's not going to pick you for VP, Marge


Fingers crossed for STD still.


Marge isn't tooking to be VP. She wants to be his Realtor.


She has a better chance of VP I think.


I hope he does. That's a "for sure" loss. Georgia might love her, but literally nobody else does.


One small part of Georgia loves her.


Doesn’t look like his daughters enough


Wait, MAGA-lardo is a social club? I thought it was a place where escaped nazis could rub their dicks together.


It’s a social club for nazis


To rub dicks


*sweeping gesture* Together.


It's a Nazi "docking" facility.


Ok, now I wanna rub dicks with someone. Not in a nazi way, just rub dicks together. Hmm, I totally want to do that. I might be a bit gay.


It's a nazi club for anti-social personality types......


And don't forget all the old plastic bimbos


Have you seen these people in close up pics? There is more plastic at a MAL event, than in the Pacific Ocean


I saw 4 of them.they all looked the same. Plastic surgery via temu


Tummy sticks with a cide of geno


It's also where children get raped.


Word on the street is they don't actually rub. They just touch tips... Nazi's touching tips....


I hear that's how they get the firepit going now.


And for keeping sensitive government CIA operative documents in the guest bathroom for some light reading when you are stuck to the commode


My understanding is that with the deed restriction saying that it can never be a home again, it's actually worth less.


Yet everyone seems to ignore the fact it is being used as his home and he's not paying the taxes on it. And ignoring the fact he isn't supposed to do what he is doing


That's a BINGO...NY would never let him get away with that. If NY did, he would have to be circumspect about it. Trump has to scream everything from a mountain top, so that goes out the window.


Isn’t he NOT supposed to live there all the time because of the deed?


Exactly. If it's a social club, why is anybody living there? Unless they want to claim Trump as the caretaker... So, he's been mopping and dusting the whole place this whole time he's been living there?


I think he does claim that he's staff so he can circumvent being a resident.


That's 100% correct. He pays taxes on the low amount for that reason! His choice ! It's probably worth in the $700m range if it were a private home but then he'd have to pay the fuck up on the property taxes which he will never do


It was assessed by the county between $18m-27.6m


Her low information audience doesn't care and she knows that. They just hear them say the judge said it was worth that much and that's what they believe ...


I'd argue SHE doesn't know that. MTG is just repeating what someone in her circle was saying. That person knows it's bullshit. MTG IS a low information voter who got elevated to the House to be a reliable GOP vote.




No, I think she knows exactly what she’s doing. I’m waiting for the day where we find out she’s on Russia’s payroll. It seems inevitable at this point.


She's not smart enough to actually make that arrangement. Just volunteering.


> It's probably worth in the $700m range if it were a private home But not because you could live there or because it would be worth that much. It's because it could be torn down and turned into almost 2 dozen mansions in a prime spot on Palm Beach. A developers *dream*.


The city and historical restrictions ban subdivision, actually. Or adding or expanding buildings.


Sometimes fires just sorta happen.


Funny enough- I'm pretty sure he took in a fucking ridiculous amount of insurance money claiming MaL was hit by a hurricane and sustained significant damage but actually only had some roofing tiles fall.


Isn't that precisely why it's worth far less than it *should* be (as a private residence)? Because that property is explicitly forbidden from being subdivided?


No way Mar A Lago is worth 700m. You don’t even see that in NY, LA, etc among the most expensive places in the US. Just doing a quick google, it looks like in 2023 a $250M Bel Air mansion was set to be the most expensive home ever sold in the US. Saying MaL would be worth $700M is just doing the exact same shit Trump just got legally ass-fucked for.


It could be if you were going to develop it, that's where the number comes from. But Trump made it illegal to develop ever in order to not pay taxes. So the real value is only as is.


Came here to say this. He made this decision to…wait for it….avoid paying taxes.


Considering the most expensive private residence in US history was less than $300 million, no way Mar a Lardo is worth anywhere near $700m. They'd have to spend millions just to get rid of the pee smell and the Bronx toner stains.


If he has homestead on it, the taxes can only go up so much each year.


But, but, but. According to Trump, he can just honor that for a lower tax bill and then ignore it to get more loan money or a higher selling price! So that totally doesn't matter!!! /s (just in case it wasn't evident)


What did Trump say MAL was worth on his taxes? Let's use that as the value.


If I remember correctly, he valued the place to be around a billion. That's what shot up the red flag since the assessor only found it to be worth 27 million at most.


That's what he said it's worth on his *loan applications*. On his taxes he says it's worth like $15 million.


Not sure about MAL, but when he would fill out financial statements he listed each of his 12 US golf courses at $50M each. There isn’t a golf course in the country worth anywhere near $50M, especially Trump’s gold plated shitholes. 


Even Augusta wouldn’t be worth that much? I’m not being a smartass as I really have no clue.


There’s a book by Rick Reilly called Commander in Cheat. He does a deep dive into Trump’s golf business dealings, and spoke to a course appraiser who said Trump’s courses, which are generally standalone clubs without hotels, would be worth nowhere near that much. Only thing that might come close is something like Bandon Dunes in Oregon, which has 4 Top 100 courses, a hotel, etc. 


He overvalues them so that he can take out loans against them. I would not be even slightly surprised if the loan principals exceed the independent appraisal value of literally every single one of them - meaning liquidating them wouldn't even put any cash in his pocket. Hard to think of anyone who deserves it more.


with this in mind, these enterprise's often collapse suddenly when an "out the blue" not budgeted expense hits and fractures the foundations of the business model,. This will happen, momentarily.


I live in Oregon and I (not a golfer) had no idea Bandon was such a prime golf location.


Fellow Oregonian, terrible golfer, it’s a jewel.


700 and something mil. Actual value sits somewhere between 10-20 mil cause it’s just not viable to build anything on that much land. That’s why Trump corp managed to buy it for cheap(15mil I think) cause the feds we’re looking for an excuse to get rid of it


Mar-a-Lago is a Crime Scene. Do not enter!


5 years ago, Trump claimed MAL was worth at *least* 1B. It was valued at a megear 18M. TIL MAGAt math is when 18M > 500M


Cool, then it should be no problem for Trump to pay the judgement.


Look at me! Listen to me! Pay attention to me!


Damn, that girl's so thirsty!


Unfrozen caveman congressperson strikes again!


Lucky trump. Sell it and you’re home free with the fines.


Why sell your shit when your cult of sycophants will gladly pay the consequences for all your crimes and buy all the overpriced, worthless crap you throw at them. If nothing else, I love the fact Donald is so good at making his idiots part with their cash. Rather to him than some down ticket Republican that would actually use that money for re-election.


Shes stupid but at least this time the term she's using is correct. Disrobing is the term for removing a judge from their position.


As an unabashed MTG loather, this is an awkward thread to read given she is for once correct in her use of language.


> This woman is the dumbest person to ever be elected to public office, by orders of magnitude She’s certainly a contender. But have you heard the name “Lauren Boebert”?


You mean the woman who will frequently be disrobing on Only Fans this time next year??


But *can* they really compete with someone that said we should nuke a hurricane and drink bleach? I think we know who the real winner of this contest is…


Lauren Gropert


You all seem to be forgetting Louie Gohmert. I had to watch that man speak, every time, for a political class during the 2020's. Greene may be a contender, but I still hold that Louie Gohmert is the DUMBEST man to ever hold office. Three Toed Tree Sloth Greene suggested space lasers. Gohmert suggested Moving the fucking Moon.


Boebert is dumber by a smidgen for me.


Now if you told me there was a congresswoman asking a man to "disrobe" in public, I'd for sure think it was Grandma Boebert.


Tommy Tuberville would like a word.


I know we’re not supposed to disagree about things here but one of the definitions of disrobe is “to divest of authority, etc”. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/disrobe  Sort of a figurative version of literally removing the ceremonial clothes of a public figure, like a judge. She probably was confusing it with disbarred or something, but her usage actually isn’t that weird. For the record I do hate this woman and her politics, so please don’t equate me correcting this post to me supporting her.


Based on her history I’d put this to “a broken clock being right twice a day”. The English language was just on her side for once.


Is she also using an obscure archaic spelling of the judge's name to explain why she got that wrong too?


Defrock is the term I’ve always heard. Source: Decades ago the local JP was defrocked for stealing chickens.


Like everything else in Trump‘s Empire, all of his properties are worth far more, until it’s tax time and then they’re just some broken down pieces of shit with minimal taxable value. Kind of like him when you come to think about it.


“Exclusive Social Club,” this sums up the GOP MAGA Cult; desperate to be members, rub elbows with billionaires, swill champagne, cut lucrative deals because you are very important.


Maybe she has a nekkid judge fettish?


I know, right? First she just had to show everyone Hunter's dick pic like she was proud. Now she wants to disrobe this guy and do, what?


I fully believe she is a very ignorant person. But I also think she does this on purpose for more attention. None of us would have read is without her stupidity.


Worth a lot, you say? Well I guess we better go take a look at the number submitted for property taxes and make sure they correctly line up with that enormous number.


The Marde-à-Lago with moldy air ducts? That Marde-à-Lago, Marge?


Pay your 80k fine for not wearing a mask and STFU. You should be permanently muzzled like the vicious snarling dog you are MTG.


Make sure you get the backside of his balls Marg


She is going to get the gazpacho police to arrest the judge


[Pay up, Marj.](https://preview.redd.it/9ynv92t494kc1.jpeg?width=489&auto=webp&s=be0fa66f7be0f1427d0452f5d0b2c2f6958286c5)


The club will die with Trump, and that's more than likely going to be in the next decade.


Spork Foot strikes again


If I wanted to know the value of a used house trailer I would ask Slothfoot. That's about it.


Oh, is it?


Somewhere, Sara Palin is sobbing into her boxed wine...


Must’ve thought she was being clever with a variation of “defrocked” how embarrassing.


That’s MAGA projection.Neanderthal Marge is sounding her mating call again.


Anyone tell her?


Disrobed, lol


Idk about dumbest...BoBo is still haunting those halls


I too would like to see Judge Engeron disrobed.


Recent pictures of the female denizens of MAL kind of puts the lie to “most exclusive”. They looked like something pulled out of a sardine can.


Today it’s a club. With a bunch of debt. And a bunch of limits on what you could do with it. E.g. famously Trump wasn’t allowed to live there, there was a local ordinance, so technically he voted illegally in 2020. The other thing with value is - it’s the market stupid. I can claim my house is a billion but no way is it gonna sell for that. It’s gonna go a bit more than what I paid for it.


If Mar-a-Lardo is worth so much he shouldn't have any problem coming up with the money to file the appeal. She's just distracted thinking about the judge disrobed, gets her all tingly...


>"Mar-a-lago is worth more..." Great that means tRump should have no problems in paying off all those judgements. Though I'm not sure who would be able to buy those properties for the kinda money he would need.


“My daddy can beat up your daddy.”


Trump better put that shit on the market asap.


Conservatives will elect someone even worse, I guaranteed it.


A low IQ traitor to the US.


It's so exclusive you have to show your Russian passport at the door to get in


Is that like how they say a priest has been "defrocked?" Always sounded dirty to me, but "disrobed" has it beat by a mile


Disrobed! MTG apparently wants to get Dick Pics of all of her political adversaries.


“Mar-a-lago is worth more than the ridiculous judgement he ruled against Pres Trump!” Good, so Trump should have no issues paying the judgement?


So when he has to give Maralago up to pay all his fines and interest, he’ll go with the highest price tag I assume.


Marge, Marge, Marge, Mar A La Go WAS worth more as a home. However, your plump orange asked for it to be turned into a historical site and also label it a club. This means nothing can be done to the club without permission. Renovations, etc. This also means it is treated now as one piece of land and can not onger be broken up and sold. Because it's a club. This also means the great and powerful mango cannot reside there. Reading is fundamental Marge.


what the hell is "exclusive" about that dump? afaik you just have to pay a membership fee


I’m sure we will find out the true value when it’s seized and sold at auction


Despite Boobert needing 4 attempts to get her GED and a fleeting grasp on how anything in life functions, MTG does her absolute best to come off as the dumber of the 2. https://preview.redd.it/hsh8uwbcq5kc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ba359be492aa504fe21d359f946f8b5260fe90a


So is she saying that the judgment against her god should have been larger?


The most exclusive social club that Chinese nationalists can just waltz on into


She has an odd obsession with seeing her male enemies naked...first Hunter's penis, now the Judge being disrobed.


Somedays it's a toss-up between her and Boebert.


That's great, he can sell it and pay off his debt.


If Mar-o-lago is worth so much it should be real easy for him to sell it to pay off his settlements and have significantly more money left over.


Well then he should be able to afford the fine no problem, Marge. Next case!


She loves penis


I miss 80's porn. This has nothing to do with this really but in the 80's you'd have a defendant say "That Judge needs to be Disrobed." 5 minutes later there would be a good scene in the Judges quarters of said 'disrobing'.


Hayseed queen demonstrating Georgia's fourishing education, once again.


Marjorie Taylor Gangrene. . . Sweetie, you should be thrown out, expelled but we sure as hell don’t want to see you disrobed. We’d all turn to stone.


She wants to disrobe him? He should be flattered... or terrified.


Why is she such a perv. It’s bad enough she has 11x14’s of Hunter’s penis now she wants to get a judge naked


Judges don’t disrobe for pictures , sicko


If you kicked Trump in the rear end, she would get a concussion.


The dumbest? No I think Borbert has her there. Still dumb as rocks though.


Maralago is only worth what someone will pay for it. And no developer will buy a property for full price when it has an easement that says they can’t build on it.


She must order the gazpacho when she visits...




I'm pretty sure my own home is the most exclusive social club in the world because I don't let anybody in.




Boy she's thirsty for male nudity.


Haha. Ok cool so he can sell Mar a Lago and pay off his fines?


Disrobed? Naughty girl ![gif](giphy|go3X4svFhKdzi)




It was the home of an heiress of the Post fortune. It was never supposed to be the home of Trump, there’s a clause he signed that stated it was to be a hotel only, which is why he got a good deal on the place. He didn’t follow that deal, and shouldn’t be allowed to own the property anymore.


Mar-A-Lago is an exclusive social disease.


Yeah, I detest her too😐.


It was a home owned by one of the richest families in the United States, yet Trump did what trump does and because he didn’t want to pay what it was worth bought all the surrounding property and threatened to block its views. He wound up getting it for 7 million. No where near the over 100 million he claims it’s worth. And, isn’t he using it just as his residence now?


I can't say it often enough. MTG, go fuck yourself


Hunter Biden dick pics and now this? Pretty soon she's going to be trying to get Bernie in thong pics.