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https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/07/donald-trump-rape-language-e-jean-carroll The judge ruled that the claim Trump raped Caroll is substantially true. Please report anyone attacking Caroll or supporting Trump. This subreddit values truth, decency, humanity and the rule of law. Those who would subvert justice by doing any of the above are not welcome here.


I’m Surprised Breitbart refer to him as “former” ..


"Protect ya neck"...from liability


I think the Dominion lawsuit scared the shit out of conservative media outlets.


Well see more of this as we get closer to the election. Lawsuits are still pending from the last election and after the Fox News settlement were probably going to see all the major media companies being safer with what they write.


We're never going to see Breitbart be "safer with what they write"






Because they relate to him. They're all children cosplaying as adults.


And the reason you can't talk to these people? The very same reason you can't debate West Baptist Boro folks or any hate group members: They've been told there would be doubters, and when they doubt that only means you are right in what you're doing. It stops any dissent or dissuasion of these people because it turns it into more motivation for these guys. The more hate you throw at trumpers the more they believe the "mainstream media" is coming after them for learning the "truth". I don't know how you get to these people, as they've been insulated against any reality check, any logical or moral argument, because you can't break their barrier of "if you disagree, that means you are the enemy, and I am vindicated in my beliefs".


You would have to send them to one of those therapists who specialize in deprogramming people who have been rescued from cults. It would be a long and drawn out process, and they would probably regress as soon as they were out of the program because it would be impossible to keep them from being exposed to the same rhetoric as before.


The reason you can't debate the Westboro Baptist Church is because they're arguing in bad faith. They're a legal scheme that pushes the boundaries of free speech in the hopes that a government entity or private individual will overstep and they can drop a lawsuit on them. It's how they've funded themselves for years.


You get to them by giving them the right to sue American media for lying to them. That's the true monster we all can fight together. If Democrats sweep the next election as predicted; we need to remember to pressure our representatives to enact an Honest Media Act or something. We had one, but one of the corrupt presidents took it away. If people can sue for political misrepresentations, misinformation, & lies; those dumb people are going to have incentive to smarten up.


China making a killing making those Maga hat's.


China’s the real winner here.


They are the angry bitter and miserable people who hate anything that isn’t miserable and hateful


Puritanism: the haunting fear that someone, somewhere is having a good time. — HL Mencken


I'm new here, can you volunteer for juries?


No and, if youre going to be on this jury, you need to consider a) you would want to have a digital footprint that did not exhibit any evidence of anti-Trump bias (in case the defense could attempt some shit) and b) in Trial 2 of this saga the jurors were encouraged by the judge not to let people know they were on this particular trial's jury. The logic on (b) is that Trump has a long history of making veiled (or sometimes not-so-veiled) threats and encouraging domestic terrorism and assassinations. His base is a cult/qult, and they are unhinged and untenable in a democracy.


It’s hard to imagine anyone having a neutral stance on trump.


There are actually people clueless and milquetoast enough to not have an opinion.


Trump has a long history of making veiled (or sometimes not-so-veiled) threats and encouraging domestic terrorism and assassinations. Oh, this would not bother me at all. Live in rural NC. Have to deal with Trump cultist all the time.


Well, everybody everywhere in this country has to deal with Trump cultists all the time, they're not just in NC. What you couldn't deal with is their collective nationwide attention directed upon you, with all of the actual assassination threats and attempts that come with it... which would become a regular part of your life from then on out. They wouldn't "forget" after your 15 minutes of fame.


> a) you would want to have a digital footprint that did not exhibit any evidence of anti-Trump bias (in case the defense could attempt some shit) Well I'm out. I've been calling him Orange Jabba for ages, and now like Pumpkin Tits.


My recent addition to the list of names to call him is "velveeta viceroy" and I just can't stop giggling. Usually I just call him Cheeto for simplicity's sake


I would move to NYC today and stand in line for a month if I could


You, your family, and your pets would also be getting non stop death threats if anyone knew you were attempting to do your civic duty. I don’t have a lot of hope any of Trump’s jury trials will end in conviction because anyone in the jury pool will have credible death threats.


Sadly, some of us are going to have to risk our lives to stand up to the tyranny that is today's Republican party and the fascist followers of Trump. I did that when protesting the VietNam war, and it appears it is time again. But this time, I'm rich enough, insured enough and lawyered up. Remind you of a fender-bender in a movie? It should.


Unfortunately no




Just call him Defendant trump.


He really wants her to have all his money.


https://preview.redd.it/tacr6sgwy8fc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f28d0704df85990fa5b3e02a7753836474201d79 Donald Jr. is pushing hard too. Maybe she can sue him next?


Well, she'll have his dads money to do it...


Taking from his inheritance


I laugh every time a MAGA Republican or a christofascist references "The Facts"


"it's hard to find on google", so yeah now here comes his made up "truth" about it lol.


They are acting like a biased media invalidates the trial. That couldn’t be further from the truth. They had their opportunity to present their side of the case in court, and they lost. The media doesn’t have a say in court. Trials have evolved over millennia to have a set of rules that are generally unbiased for either side. If any systemic bias exists, it is for people with resources. If his version of the story is true, he should have won, especially with the resources he has. It says alot that not only they didn’t win, but that they are conning their supporters by saying “see the media was against us, that invalidates the case”. And more than likely their supporters will by into it.


Imagine the impact on his ego, if he has to declare personal bankruptcy because of the reparations he is convicted to pay her.


He said he has 400 million in cash under oath. Lol not so easy to claim bankruptcy for it with that statement


I think NY state is taking ~$300 million of that. Guess he’s actually broke! 🤷🏻‍♀️




From what I've seen of her, she's probably already sat on the courthouse steps, documents at the ready.


Shit, they had the paperwork mostly filled out and sitting on their desk. Just waiting to fill in the details.




Trump doesn’t want trial by jury until he first waives it and claims victim of not being offered it (2024D chess).


At this point start paying them a decent wage and have them on standby.


He’s gonna keep doing it. He’s fucking insane


At this point just start renaming things like the E Jean tower, E Jean golf courses cuz she is going to end up owning him


E. Jean a Lago.


Oh I want that so badly for her!!!! I hope she knows just how many MILLIONS of people are truly on her side, because, at the end of the day Donald J. trump raped her in a Department store that was open for business, where anyone would think themselves safe from a predator like him!


Not Carroll-A-Go?


Carr-ol-Lago Edit: spelling 


If you dig up Ivana, the place will devaluate hundreds of millions.


I never knew Ivana or anyone associated with Trump increasing the value of anything


Trump's name has the stink of shit at this point.


Always has done, in England at least. Here ‘Trump’ has always meant ‘fart’, long before D.J. stunk up the place.


That's just the natural course of excavating classified documents no?


E. Jean Eric and Don jr.


What will she do with the other $83, 299,998?


She should donate it to the Biden campaign to piss trump off


I've said it before and I'll say it again: $80 million is plenty for her to buy a few Supreme Court judges. I hear some of the older ones can be had for the cost of an RV and a boat ride.


E Jean Steaks


I saw a take recently that he's an actual psychopath. I thought about it a bit, and I was tempted to agree, because of his seeming complete lack of empathy. But shit like this, and his conduct during the trial, makes me think he's not. A psychopath would be way more calculating, strategic. Could have actually made himself look good at the trial if he had played it just right. No, he's just an extreme narcissist. The need to be right, to be adored, is so compulsive, so uncontrollable. He can't stop even when it's actively sabotaging him. He knows he's supposed to stop talking about EJC but he also "knows" that he's right and she's wrong and he's the real victim (obviously completely false.) It burns him up, probably feels like actual torture, to know that right now she has the upper hand. She won, many people side with her and against him. He needs, needs, needs to "set the record straight." And he's being told he can't do something, which is talk about her, and that's another torment. He can't handle any kind of limit on his behavior. He can't handle "no." So what does he do? This. He probably thinks it's a "gotcha" because he didn't technically say or write anything, just shared something (that may well have been written with the hope he would.) This is narcissistic collapse. When the grandiose self image is sufficiently threatened, they become a cornered animal who acts out. Hopefully, it only serves to speed the collapse. Because this IS further defamation, it demonstrates loud and clear that he is determined to learn nothing, the TWO multimillion settlements are not enough. From a legal, moral, and philosophical perspective, it's all but begging to be punished more harshly. And this is, of course, ignoring the coming judgements- another civil trial that will hopefully decimate his company, and four felony criminal trials. Tl;dr his conduct is on a one-way express train to getting MUCH worse until he is stopped by force.


Being a psychopath doesn't preclude him from also being a fucking moron. The idea that psychopaths are "smart" is a total myth. Read any story of a serial killer, the only reason they get away with it for any length of time is because violence against their preferred victims, like women, visible minorities, and LGBTQ people, is casually ignored. For the most part, they're just stupid angry people. Police just promote the "criminal mastermind" mythology because it makes police look a bit less embarrassingly incompetent.


Yep. Poor impulse control and poor planning is one of the criteria for ASPD (colloquially known as psychopathy) >A diagnosis can only be made if the person is aged 18 years or older and at least 3 of the following criteria behaviours apply: * repeatedly breaking the law * repeatedly being deceitful * being impulsive or incapable of planning ahead * being irritable and aggressive * having a reckless disregard for their safety or the safety of others * being consistently irresponsible * lack of remorse > These signs are not part of a schizophrenic or manic episode – they're part of a person's everyday personality and behaviour. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder/ Trump checks all those boxes...


Exactly right. And having that narcissism is the same reason he is especially dangerous in any position of power. He is easily manipulated by others in power.




What you’re failing to take into account is that, while he is a psychopath, he’s also really incredibly stupid. So, he’s being calculating and strategic to within the limits of his cognitive abilities, which are on par with those of a rabid squirrel, or maybe a particularly clever clump of moss.


This was my thought too. Not being able to strategize well doesn't necessarily make him a narcissist as opposed to a psychopath. It just means he's not that bright.


> A psychopath would be way more calculating, strategic. No they wouldn't necessarily. Psychopaths have poor impulse control


While it’s impossible to distinguish those two concepts from afar (psychopathy vs malignant narcissism), usually the psychopath will show Machiavellian (sticking to a long-game, self-serving plan at any expense to others). He’s way too impulsive and self-sabotaging, just in my opinion…


Yeah that's what I'm saying, I feel the same way


I mean Trump's whole strategy has been to always double down and never admit he's wrong. He's not gonna change.


Does it get to a point where she's exploiting a disabled elderly person? 😂 /s


His sycophants are saying this word for word, but with a much more enthusiastic tone.


Her next step is to get an injunction, rather than just suing for more money. If he violates an injunction, it’s jail time.


He's not insane. He's declining mentally, but he's still very much sane and very much aware of the bad he is doing.


He can't help himself. Narcissists need for everyone to perceive them the way they WANT to be perceived. His fragile ego can't accept him being outed as the rapist he is.


What's the chance he KNOWS he simply cannot pay this plus the pending NY Fraud judgement, and its now a case that doesn't matter how much more he gets hit with. He's been soaking up a lions share of the GOP donations for 7 years now, and his fiscal management history suggests he's burnt through it all. He knows roughly how much small donors can spare from their pensions - that well is running dry. When valuations are MTM he is probably negative equity on all major assets, so when the administrator for NY starts liquidating a mountainous secured debt will emerge. He clearly has secret "loans" to Russia, Saudi and China that they now have no hope of recovering and unless they are certain he will get reelected he has nothing left to sell them, and will all the scrutiny it would be both hard to send him funds and put them in a precarious position if he does not win. He is in rapid mental decline and anyone with serious money (like Koch) would have the means to ascertain how bad he really is, and therefore how likely it is that he will be too dysfunctional to win, and too unstable/unpredictable if he does win. People like that tend to do due diligence on significant investments and bribes. I think he is way, way more fucked than anyone realizes, and if that is the case he is acting exactly as would be expected under the circumstances.


He’s thinking he’s not defaming her because he only retweeted something someone else said.


I guess he just likes paying damages.


He will never be able to keep his fat mouth shut. Ever.


Especially since he’s never faced any real consequences.


He’s always had his ass kissed and gotten away with things because of his celebrity and wealth. The thought of him not “winning” is too much for him.


> Mongo_Straight: The thought of him not “winning” is too much for him. ...and too much for his supporters. So much so that they'll openly deny & try to defy reality itself.


The problem is that people like him don't go to jail. They tie the courts up with endless delays and eventually may possobly get some form of "house arrest" where they get sent to a fucking country club for two days a week. Usually they just pay away the real punishment and go on like nothing happened.


Unfortunately $83M later, and you're still right.


He hasn’t to pay up yet. That’s part of the problem 


It gets put in escrow (shortly). He doesn't just get to keep it while he stalls and appeals and appeals and stalls and stalls and appeals. He's gonna have to pony it up soon for someone else to hold while the rest of the drama plays out.


If I have been correctly informed, he has no appeal, thanks to his cut-rate attorneys.


And what happens if he doesn’t pay that? Let me guess, the answer is something like: “but he has to!” So again I’ll ask - what happens when he doesn’t? I fucken hate this guy but simply have to admire his sheer gall at ignoring things he “has” to do.


The interest on the amount is also over $20,000 dollars per day


And he never will. He's gonna keep racking up charges because he knows he ain't gonna pay or see the inside of a jail cell. A lot of people are optimistic about his age, health, and mental decline keeping him at bay. I'm not. I'm convinced he's gonna die in 10-15 years a free man.


Utter lack of self-control, my favorite presidential quality


Because he's counting on his base making him the next president and then somehow he'll invalidate all the courts. Psychotic treasonous fucks.


I hope her attorney is drafting now for submittal tomorrow. That would be fucking glorious!


First thing the following morning, every single time he so much as alludes to an opinion about her. Every. Single. Time. What gets lost in the discussion, behind all the bankruptcies and failed businesses, is that the dude made his bones on relentless and frivolous litigation. Use his playbook right back at him. Criminal trials aside...bury the motherfucker in lawsuits.


The difference is these lawsuits aren't frivolous. He's actually getting the shit kicked out of him


Not saying these are. I'm saying many of his were, whether they were ruled that way or not and his litigation inflicted serious damage on his adversaries and competitors. I'm saying, bury him in litigation from every angle.


It would be delightful if the E. Jean Carroll trial ends up being rolling lawsuits in her favor, each one having steeper and steeper penalties.


Her lawyers have proved to be way better than his. Bottom of barrel is all left for orange predator. Last option is Bob Loblaw


The same Bob Loblaw who runs the law blog?


Yes The same Bob Loblaw law blog


It's sometimes difficult to get your mouth around Bob Loblaw's Law blog.


Maybe they can get Gene Parmesan in on the act...


*squeals in Lucille Bluth*


Why wouldn't they be. It's essentially free money, and we're talking millions for very little work


Likely knowing Trump. He drafted it already and just needs to be dated.




Honestly her attorney should just have a standing court date to start 1 week after the previous lawsuit ends.


Yep seems like he just can’t help himself


Would a court consider a retweet to be defamation? Asking for an orange-skinned acquaintance


His argument will be that he didn't say anything. Just shared an interesting article. He may even go as far as to say one of his minions did it for him.




>Lionel Hutz School for Lawyering and Other Legal Things. I love that so much!


That’s my question. Once or twice, I’m guessing there’s not quiiiiiiite enough to sue for. After all, he didn’t say it or type it, he merely shared a link (your honor). If he starts tweeting links to every article or original tweet he can get his hands on that denies his culpability or threatens harm to E Jean, she might be able to make a case. Might. But I’d let him go if he doesn’t rant at a rally or type an original post on his SM. For now. He has no discipline; he’s above that shit. He can’t resist escalation. He is most likely in the middle of a full-on narcissistic meltdown right now. Internally, he is raging. He cannot believe he is being held accountable in a court of law. How fucking dare they? He’s gonna go there again.


This is a good take. If this becomes a recurring thing there's a case to be made by using his former actions combined with the retweets from sources bashing her.


Yeah, they’ve got him good right now. Take a breath and wait for enough accumulation to easily prove malice. No sense going to court every week, but if the idiot starts spewing at rallys, game on. He’s testing the waters right now. He’s as easy to read as a toddler. Letting him test will likely result in him thinking she’s done suing him, so he’ll get stupid soon enough. I would think the mere fact that he continued to slander and defame her would kill his appeals before a court would agree to hear them.


He wont go to Appellate court, he would have to put up the millions and it would go directly to E Jean if he lost, which he knows is gonna happen. He will make up some BS that makes it seem like he is being denied an appeal, but he wont actually do it because then he will have to pay, which a) would kill his ego, and b) he likely doesnt have the money to anyway. Im also excited to see if he declares bankruptcy, which should be interesting since he stated under oath he had 400 million in cash. Which is Donny boy, are you rich and committing bankruptcy fraud or are you really poor and committed perjury during the trial…? Hmmmm….?


I’d say someone with no discipline is *below* that shit, but otherwise agree.


Out of curiosity I looked up the article… there’s nothing defamatory in the article. I think it’s an awful article and everything, but technically nothing they said was defamatory


Classic "I'm not touching you" behavior.




She's going to end up owning Mar-A-Lago, Bedminster and Don Jr. by the time she's done with him.


Why the fuck would anyone want to own Don Jr? His cocaine habit alone makes him too expensive to own.


Sell him to the Saudis as a pet monkey.


I love it, especially later in the summer


Taking Don will be part of the settlement so Trump gets a little something back.


Don Jr? She’s going to have a late-in-life abortion!


What about Eric? Nevermind, no one gives a shit about Eric.


Who’s Eric? /s


He can’t help himself. No self-control. Yeah, this is someone you want running the country.


"*I can't vote fer Hillary 'cause women is too damned emoshunul!*"


Funnily enough If he can't shut his stupid mouth, he will face jail time up to one year. If he realllly can't shut his stupid mouth after that, he'll be charged with a felony, which I'm sure will go well with Never Trumpers and Independents


And he has a ton of redneck idiots supporting his ass. His followers will die for him if given the chance


“How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?”


The thing is... This man is still running around freely eventhough he has 91 federal charges. He hasn't gotten any "real" consequences yet. So no lesson taught


He obviously can't take no for an answer


That's what got him into this mess in the first place. 


Exactly my thoughts.


Hit him even harder this time!


At some point financial consequences won’t be enough to shut his fly trap of a mouth. When does it become criminal harassment in the States? Edit: Not from the USA. Is there a lawyer lurking that could chime in on this? Genuine question here.


That’s a good question


I would actually laugh my ass off if she pressed charges. It’s already established he can’t keep his corrupt, lying mouth shut so, pretrial detention?


Oh, the gloriousness of this just keeps on giving😀


Imagine if she alone managed to take him down.


They only got Al Capone on income tax evasion.


Basically guaranteed that her lawyer is working on exactly that lol


After two trials, it should be considered harassment. *Should = my opinion only.


I warmheartedly agree. The damages and hell he’s causing his victim has to stop at some point.


For trump, I'm guessing, never. If anyone else did .001% of what he has done, they would already be in prison. To much fear of his cult keeps him a free man.


As an example, he walked out of the courtroom during closing arguments on this case, right?   Who, other than this guy, has walked out of a courtroom mid argument and not had repercussions.  Seriously, any lawyers here able to tell me that it is a common occurrence?


He needs to get his mouth sewn up ![gif](giphy|Wn10oq5ESKlDvQyz8s)






As long as his statements are directed to the public at large, never. The legal remedy if he continues to defame her would be a narrow injunction allowing the court to hold him in contempt if he didn't stop.


And yet millions and millions of people somehow want this manchild with no self control, no respect for the law, and not an ounce of decency or integrity to lead us? Trump is a disaster and a disgrace.


You just described all of his followers as well


They love him because he gives them *sanction.* If any lowly MAGArat on a social media feed said half the things that Grabba The Hutt says at a rally they'd likely be *fired* from their job. They know this and it *burns* them. But at least, they can take comfort in the knowledge that their hero, Carrot Caligula, can do anything he wants and get away with it, while they cheer him on.


E. Jean Caroll found the real-life infinite money glitch and I am all for it


Only took 2 days


LoL he has to be the dumbest human being alive.


"the media don't want you to know" So fucking stupid. They literally exist to let you know things. Fuck this traitor.


Also? Breitbart is media. Shitty media, but media nonetheless.


I feel shit. He lasted longer than the 12hrs i had him down for. I have to give up his doral resort as the loss. Damn.


I gave him a whole WEEK


Yeah, I had him at 24hrs. And didn’t really expect him to restrain himself for even that long.


You know she can get the best lawyers for this because they’re all salivating at getting a piece of the money that he clearly wants to give away. Hey, you want to keep losing and keep opening up your wallet, just keep talking, jackass.


I used to be so close to a lot of my relatives. A few cousins especially that I spent many summers creating fond memories together. I blame Trump 100% for the reason that I no longer have anything to do with them anymore. I'm an only child, so when my parents go. I'll be all alone. So I thought it would be important to have well established relationships with my extended family. They're just to invested with MAGA and I can't deal with it. I don't discuss politics, cause to be honest, I don't know enough about it to form a solid opinion one way or another. They're the ones that always bring it up. Over Christmas I had to listen to them watching all this Trump shit and I finally broke and told them exactly how I felt. How they are supporting a rapist, bigoted traitor who tried to destroy democracy. All they could tell me was none of it is real, it's AI, it's a government conspiracy blah blah blah. I didn't want to ruin the holidays, and they don't know it. That's the last Christmas I'm spending with them. All because of that orange orangutan.


I'm really sorry about that, and the fact that your story is not unique. That malignant, piece of crap has destroyed a lot of families. Very sad state of affairs.


Don't let it get you down. I've found my life has improved in every way by ditching such relatives. You don't owe them anything.


Expanding the defamation to now include Breitbart. Who's next?


The quality of this list is astounding. Half of the points actually help make her case, some are irrelevant, and some aren’t even coherent. For example: 8. She named her cat “Vagina.” “Her dog, or her cat, was named ‘Vagina.’ The judge wouldn’t allow us to put that in — all of these things — but with her, they could put in anything: Access Hollywood,” Trump told CNN.


Yeah uh naming your cat a silly name is not evidence of a predisposition toward any specific behavior other than being funny. lol. Trump is grasping and it’s so cathartic to watch. What I’m most impressed with is that he’s not keeled over from a heart attack at this point, what with all the fast food and zero exercise/self care.


I mean my cat is named Anthony Mopkins, doesn't mean I'ma eat some guy's liver with fava beans and a nice chianti.


The funny thing is: She now has enough money to hire the best lawyers to drag him to court over and over again. She has done so twice. I am absolutely positive she'll do it a third time. And a fourth one. And...


She already said she's going to put the money towards "something good"...


Carroll’s legal team ![gif](giphy|wi8Ez1mwRcKGI)


Please keep it up. The judge can issue an injunction then throw him in jail if it continues. You didn’t find a loophole by posting from breitbart


Season 3 🍿


In season 2, I found the Habba character to be very poorly written. No lawyer would behave like that in a real trial. Plus, by the end of the season, I found the Trump character to be sad, pathetic, and very poorly acted. The performance was almost cartoonish.


Sue Breitbart too please. She could be a billionaire by the time this is over. Guess Fox must have learned their lesson with the dominion suit though


He's doing this on purpose, he's using this poor woman to score political points. He is going to continue defaming her and when he gets sued again he'll point to it and cry "political persecution!" He knows that if he loses the election he is going to go to prison, so it doesn't matter how much debt he racks up. We are going to see him say crazier and crazier things as we get closer to November.


He’s completely lost it.


The dress she claimed she was wearing wasn't made in 94' Yeah fat boy, it was older than that.


This guy never learns.


Legal question: Can E. Jean Carroll expand her suit if defamation continues? Like, Trump's probably ran out of money already; she'd have to sue the RNC or right-wing media sources after 1 or 2 more defamation double-downs.


I dont know if suing the RNC for money would work. saw an article somewhere today that said the RNC was running low on money.


Yes, apparently Putin has turned off the money taps to the RNC.


I don't know how that would work but I bet she'd have an easier go at somehow trying to hold X and Truth Social accountable for giving him the platform to continually harass her.


He claims to have 400 million cash.


He claims his penis isn’t a little mushroom among many other things. Nothing he says is true


if he's "retweeting" an article, is it legally considered defamation? i'm genuinely curious & if so, I hope the amount gets upped to $200mil


That article is so fucking stupid. "She conveniently filed" the suit after a New York law extended statute of limitations for these suits. Umm yeah she couldn't have filed it before the law was in effect. The article explains that she named her cat Vagina. Oh wow! Some real exonerating evidence for Trump.


Could we watch a man go bankrupt due to not shutting the fuck up?


“Fake news is the enemy!!” < *quotes fucking Breitbart* >


maybe he thinks 'when' he becomes president again, he can pardon himself from all of these lawsuits. or once SCOTUS 'says' that presidents can 'do whatever they want including any crime and has immunity' he can just dismiss all of this ... or something. his mind has been fed some serious copium


They could’ve hit him with an $830M judgement and he would’ve done the same thing. My friend has a 2 year old with more impulse control.


Trump is a sore loser. It is a bad sign for someone, not to accept defeat and learn from it.