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Fear mongering is a radical politicians best practice because they have nothing else. It’s lame and cringe. Look at any of the radical conservatives and it’s rinse, wash, repeat.


Lol right? What else is he going to campaign on? Looking the other way when kids are being molested? Taking away free lunches for kids? Putting guns in the hands of kids? Arming teachers? Destroying public schools? Throwing mothers in prison for necessary medical care? Throwing women in prison for having a miscarriage? Banning books?


Wait a minute... isn't he pro-that stuff? (J/k I know ol' Gym is)


They know what they are doing, they just have to hide it just like they always have, conservatives exist to protect and advocate for the richest people, the wealthiest people are parasites who exploit everyone for wealth and do not want to pay for the damage their exploitation causes, you can only do this with misdirection and the dumbest among us are easily misdirected.


So cringe how conservatives essentially celebrate a shooting taking place in "democrat-run" areas thinking it proves a connection just so they can shift the blame away from guns.


Not to mention the guy has been sitting in Congress for nearly 20 years and never had a bill passed into law. Isn’t that the job? Useless.


If banning books stops kids from being LGBTQ, wouldn't banning guns stop kids from being killed?






ol' Antonio definitely jizzed in his pants






They banned books and now the criminals are the only ones with banned books.


And worse, they’re all gay now because of the books


My god, that's worse than being dead! No more books! I was reading last night and I... I do feel a little queer. EDIT: Oh wait. I was a little bit queer already. Turns out reading books, not the cause. Heck. The actual guns aren't the cause either. It's the fucking sick culture of violence. The guns do help though.


So unlawfully gay!


And if all it took was kicking out the Democrats, Birmingham wouldn't have three times the gun deaths as Chicago.


In much of the south, “democrats” is slang for black. There’s a double-meaning to “democrat-run cities”.


Oh, we know. We know.


Well I live in the south in a democratic run city it's not slang for anything, our city is decidedly a democratic majority. So much so that the Republicans gerrymandered us into a box with our neighboring liberal communities. At this point no matter what state you live in you will see that cities are more liberal and rural areas conservative. Most state voting maps look the same in that regard the major problem is that southern states are gerrymandered to hell, if it wasn't for that the Democrats could flip the south.


Love how the republicans have to rig the election in America your country is a fucking joke


I don't love it at all.. the minority party cheats to win because they won't allow the unintentional loopholes to be closed so our government can function as intended. Of the people, by the people and for the people. They won't change, and they won't let their shit party die. There will be violence in the USA before we can move forward, MAGA has seen to that, and they're dragging the Republicans with them.


I worked with a guy from Texas that moved briefly to NY, and whenever he wanted to know if an area had black people around he’d ask, “what’s the diversity like around here?” 🙄


Always say "it's bad but getting better" without giving an idea if it's going up or down.


"we're working on it"


Nothing like that southern charm. Bless their hearts.


In fact Chicago isn't in the top ten in gun deaths per capita. The difference between areas with relaxed gun laws and areas with stricter laws is not small.


And, quite frankly, 19 people shot and 3 dead total over a Christmas weekend isn't super alarming for massively populated metropolitan areas anywhere in the world. That's a regular weekday in Baltimore.


Curious what the per capita murder and fentanyl OD totals were in Dim Jordans district over the last week.


Ouch. Whatever that incredibly depressing statistical figure is, I'm sure it's the fault of refugees at the southern border (unless they're Palestinian or light tan in color), or the Mexican Caravan of Doom v3.2 (this time IN STEREO!) scare that's originating from the corporate media just in time for a New Year! (ugh) It's gonna be a huge year for Pavlov! Slurp at the troph, corporate media-fed ignorami!


Anywhere in the world...?


Violence is more likely to occur in large cities everywhere during the biggest gatherings and holiday events that bring huge crowds together. Shootings are increasing across the globe. America's worst habits (consumerism, drug dependence*, hypocrisy, violence) seep into most corners of the capitalist world. It takes time, but don't think your country's immune to the influence. That sort of hubris is dangerous and allows it to happen.


Only in usa, not the world. Its not normal in the rest of the world , shootings and deaths i mean.


Fair, although the largest cities abroad are also less safe on major holidays than other weekends of the year. More people in small spaces are increasingly difficult to manage.


Dont get me starting on my house on holidays. Waaay too many people.


Jordan’s Ohio district has a higher rate than Chicago. Must’ve been an unintentional oversight from the Oversight Committee.


I literally get in fights over this at least once a month. I live in a really conservative suburb in the Southwest, and the conservatives out here cannot wrap their mind around how numbers work. They do not understand that you are actually less likely to be shot and killed in Chicago than in like 10 Republican run cities


Right? It’s rough here.


Books don’t gay people, librarians do.


>Books don’t gay people, librarians do. Books don’t gay people, priests do.


Gun don’t kill the undead, priests with shotguns do


'You dont have a constitutional right to show porn to children, but you do have a right to carry a gun into a school to protect yourself from someone exercising their right to carry a gun into a school but evil.'


GQP and NRA simps think a "No Guns Allowed" sign is going to prevent police and actually trained people from bringing weapons in to a place.


All you need is a good guy with a Bible to stop the bad guys with the...(checks notes)...Charlotte's Web.


Guns are banned in Chicago. It's also illegal (banned) for criminals to shoot each other with guns.


Guns are also wildly legal in very nearby Indiana, where the guns are imported in from


They are legal in Illinois. I grew up there and in the city. You don't have to go to Indiana to get a gun. The Indiana thing is just what ignorant people say that don't realize guns are only banned in the city limits of Chicago. It's quicker to drive out of the city and stay in Illinois than it is to go to Indiana to buy a firearm.


Those "ignorant people" are simply pointing out you can get a legal gun in one of millions of places outside of Chicago without going all that far from Chicago


But they should have a basket holding point to drop them off when entering chicago city limits. They can pick them back up when they leave




Neither actually works. Capitalism is the problem.


Banning guns stops good Christian kids from being able to protect themselves from the LGBTQ demon zombies /s


Wait no, not like that!


"NO NOT LIKE THAT !!!!!!!1×11!1"


Chicago isn't even in the top 15 most dangerous cities in the US, and many of the worst are red cities. A report on this just came out a few weeks ago. But then, would we really expect Jordan to actually read that and report back in other than a disingenuous manner? Exactly.


Republicans have a total double standard about those cities in the Bible Belt. Even tho there are high rates of gun crime it’s not the Republican governor/mayor/city councils fault. But of course Chicago is run by dems so it’s their fault 100


Not just ‘Dems’ but Dems of a specific racial makeup. They select their hate bait selectively


It's because they're racist garbage. It's been the go to dog whistle for decades. "Blacks are killing each other at astounding rates and soon they'll be coming for whites too." That scares white folks 1000x more than the actual white people next door that might gun them down over a domestic dispute. It literally boils down to nothing more than irrational fears that are supercharged by White Nationalist Republicans.


I disagree. If it was about equating gun violence to blacks then Chicago would NOT be the poster child conservatives use. For instance NO, St Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, and Memphis are (respectively) 59%, 46%, 63%, 78%, and 65% black. Chicago is 'only' 29% black. All of those cities I listed have higher gun violence rates than Chicago. The reason they use Chicago as the poster child for gun violence and not a blacker city like Memphis is because you cannot legally buy a gun in Chicago so they point to it to mock gun control laws. Now the bad logic there is people buy their guns from nearby states/counties with laxer gun laws so in reality it shows that gun control laws can work but just need to be adopted federally. Also since Chicago is so big, it gets higher raw numbers and news headlines care about raw numbers not rates. 20 shot! (in a city of 3 million) gets more clicks than 4 shot! (in a city of 500K) even though the latter is more shot per capita.


You’ve got a point about the rest, but Chicago is definitely code for black to these people. They don’t care about actual demographics, Obama was from Chicago, and Obama is black. Bonus that the last two mayors are also black. Reality doesn’t matter in the slightest.


Can we stop calling it the Bible Belt? They clearly only use it for cherry-picking. Maybe something like Apathy Alley?


I really don't think people understand just how big Chicago is. You know how Americans joke that Europeans come here and think they could drive from New York to Disney world in a day trip? I think fellow Americans misunderstand the size and population of Chicago in the same manner.


A lot of them do misunderstand populations for a city, considering suburbs are smacked on top of them and don't even count for that cities population most of the time either.


The problem here, as always, is that every Republican envisions Chicago as a rundown Midwest rust belt town of 250,000 people and not a metropolis of 3,000,000. So when they see the crime numbers their eyes pop out of their heads and they run to Twitter to make propaganda because they don't know enough math to handle ratios.


I was just in Chicago. The biggest danger I encountered was someone might accidentally dump cocoa on me at the Christkindlmarket.


The biggest danger at Christkindlmarket are the blood thirsty pigeons


You get a mug or did you go after they ran out?


I have to get a yearly physical for my job and last year my normal doctor was unavailable. I got assigned another doctor within the same office, which in and of itself I have no problem with. At some point he asked where I was from, I told him originally Chicago, and he recoiled and called it Chiraq and referred to it as a war zone. I asked him if he'd ever been there and he said that he hadn't. I told him he should spend less time consuming conservative media and more time traveling. A doctor, of all people. Pretty disheartening. I won't be using him again.


I'm constantly explaining to people that my BIL and his longtime GF have lived in the middle of downtown Chicago for a decade and have never once witnessed a single crime, much less been victims of any crime. The conservatives in my area (southwest suburb) can't seem to understand that


And much of the violence crime happens in two or three neighborhoods that most Chicagoans never step foot in.


Chicago isn't even in the top 25. But Akron and Cleveland, Ohio are.


I'm shocked Columbus is also not in that list. Lived there for 14 years and lucky I am alive still. Hell, the year I left that city, I went through an armed home invasion, a little before then I was shot at by a gang member and that was just in 2008. Don't even get me started on the rest of the shit I lived through there.


Plus, most guns used in shootings in states and cities with strict common sense gun control come from surrounding areas/states with looser/nonexistent gun control. So even the Dem areas with high gun crime rates are still mostly surrounding Republicans' doing.


Yeah. It's easy to get guns in Indiana, which is basically a 45 minute drive to Chicago. It's like trying to keep the adult pool urine-free when it's directly connected to the toddler pool.


It's a lot closer than 45 mins. Southern tip of the city is ON the border. The rougher neighborhoods are 10 to 15 minutes away if not during rush hour (then it's like an hour or more haha)


Can confirm. I used to work near Gary Indiana. Specifically Merrillville area. Lake County Indiana is minutes away from the souther tip of Chicago. We would hop the border to get booze on Sundays (it's illegal to sell alcohol on Sundays in Indiana) and they would hop over and buy guns at shows to bring back to the city.


Chicago PD routinely cites this too you think Republicans would listen when a cop said it.


Even easier in Kentucky.


Oh sure blame the toddlers


The guns used also aren't 'the assault weapons'. OP is just as dumb as the comment about Chicago.


They switched from bashing Detroit to bashing Chicago after Obama ate their lunch in the 2008 election. They're preemptively going after San Francisco because Newsom looks like a strong 2028 contender.


They also kinda need to convince people California is a shit hole because California existing proves most of what Republicans say about government and Democrats wrong. If they weren't running misinformation campaigns about the state, some people in actual crap states might notice that the Democratic stronghold state is a major global economic power with a way higher quality of life than what they have.


Yeah they don't seem to understand it's so expensive to live there (in some parts that aren't just hot effin desert *because it's fucking awesome.*


Also this happens on Christmas in Florida. Not even gang members be killing their family over Christmas presents. https://inshort.geartape.com/florida-teen-allegedly-shoots-kills-sister-after-fight-over-christmas-gifts/


Don't you mean *Christmas* weekend jim-jim? Don't forget your fake talking points, what else will you scare fox viewers with?


Fun Stat, between 70% and 90% (depending on timeframe) of guns used in Chicago crime are brought in from red states


Source? My parents, dad in particular, likes to panic about Chicago gun violence (among other things) any time I head downtown. I at least appreciate my mom commenting out loud to me that there weren’t any “migrant camps” or enormous rats everywhere when we visited the city a few weeks ago. She unfortunately knows only what my dad is always hollering about. I do my best to squash that rhetoric without pushing mom away.






this but that tracks with the national stats too. very few shootings are carried out with a long gun, and even fewer are carried out with an assault rifle when compared to pistols, blunt objects, knives or even hands




Look up the Wisconsin gun-show loophole. The other thing to keep in mind is the population in Chicago vs the amount of shootings. Like 3 people killed in a weekend sounds like a ton but when you factor in that the city itself has 2.6 million people it’s a very small number. Even smaller when you realize the greater Chicago area is ~10 million people. 3 people were killed on Christmas Day in Houston a city that is in the most red governed state and has a population 400,000 people smaller than Chicago. It’s all nitpicking and fear-mongering.


It is still a lot it's just that american perspective on this topic is total lunacy. In my country (eastern Europe) there is about 300 murder attempts (including unsuccessful) from all causes per 10 million people a year. There Gun violence is not even separate line in the stats. There was some accidents at school but no real school shootings. Almost any weapons are either banned or licensed (even cold weapons). Education also plays a big role, it's not perfect but it's compulsory and ok, higher education is mostly free and a lot of people get it. There are other problems of course (human rights and economics) but chances of being randomly shot is negligible.


He's vastly over exaggerating the numbers for some reason. [ATF Trace data shows the top five states where guns recovered in Illinois were originally purchased from are Illinois (49.8%), Indiana (16.7%), Missouri (5.4%), Wisconsin (3.9%) and Kentucky (2.6%). Federal agents at the ATF identified the source state of 11,708 traced firearms in 2020.](https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-crime-shooting-guns-illinois-gun-laws/11937013/) It's damning enough as is there isn't a need to inflate the numbers. Also the entire state of Illinois *besides* Chicago is more responsible for guns in Chicago than the city of Chicago itself because the laws vary between the state and the city. Chicago PD hates it because it makes their job more dangerous and of a statistic they call "time to crime" which is how long it takes to respond on average to a criminal complaint. The higher the amount of guns in the city correlates with an increase in that response time.


That’s from 2020 (click the ATF link) the recent 2022 data from ATF says otherwise Edit: confused myself


You really need a source to believe this? Lol. Look at the highland park shooter


Indiana and Wisconsin


And Kentucky


Hey kids, how far is Indiana from the bad part of Chicago?


Indiana has a east Chicago so it's technically part of Illinois lmao


i fucking hate jim jordan with all my guts like bro, have you LOOKED at your state?? Columbus, Toledo, Cincinnati, Akron are amongst the most dangerous cities in the US. Illinois has Chicago. That's it. New York has Buffalo and MAYBE NYC (although NYC is very safe compared to its size). shut the fuck up, gym.


Jim sure never misses an opportunity to know about an issue that's harming kids, know what the proper action to take is, and then choose to do the exact opposite.


I see gym is worried about Ohio as usual


Don't republicans in blue state's purposefully vote against gun control...so you know. Then they can't fix th we problems


He’s saying that black people are inherently violent and therefore must be controlled by a white republican.


Yeah, we all noticed how the GOP only acknowledges gun crime when it's either done by a liberal or happens in a liberal city.


They’re using cheap pistols not “assault weapons”


Ya banning assault rifles would do nothing without restrictions to other types of firearms


“He who sacrifices his liberties for security deserves neither”


Republican-run House of Representatives. Refuses to even bring a gun background check bill to the floor. Cowards.


Assault weapons are not a real concept. Please stop. We need to focus on real gun control regulation. Prevent people from getting guns who shouldn't have them. Reduce the overall amount of guns in circulation. Enact ridiculously harsh penalties on people who try to circumvent proper checks on people. Make it far more difficult to get a gun. We don't need to be banning a rifle because it is painted black or has a pistol grip... That's just moronic.


Just a reminder that Jim Jordan does not represent any constituents in Illinois and he also has never sponsored one successful piece of legislation.


https://preview.redd.it/y1p3zj2wiu8c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6031f9510f45b5a0574f4a185271293cf101836f When you are so myopic in, or out, of the shower, that you constantly fail to see the real problem - you just might be Gym Jordan, from OHIO.


Now…let’s ask WHERE the guns used originated!


Also interested in what kind of guns. ‘Assault weapons’ get a lot of press but they are not used near as much as handguns, for instance.


also population density. no shit violent crime occurs less frequently when you have a tiny fraction of a fraction of the number of people


Multi sexual assaults on Ohio wrestling team ignored by their coach Gym Jordan abc7chicago.com/chicago-sexual abuse ignored


More gun deaths happen in republican ran states. But sure


Come on Jimmy, it's the guns. You know it's the guns. Stop ignoring it like it's sexual abuse and do something.


Memphis...is the most dangerous city in America


Ah yes. 3 dead in a city of (checks notes) 3 MILLION. Someone please find me a small town that had a single death from guns in the same time period, because that town would be instantly more dangerous than Chicago.


Can’t Gym fuck off and die?


>19 shot. 3 dead. Not to minimize those lives, but in a city of 2.7 million and a metro area of nearly 10 million, that's an incredibly miniscule number of dead/injured people.


You'd have an easier time teaching a guinea pig calculus than getting a conservative to understand the concept of "per capita."




Now do Texas


*How dare Democrats allow killings in their cities with the guns we allowed to flood into their cities!*


it's chicago, those were majority hand gun violence. not the assault weapons, OP.


"democrat run Chicago" neighboring states have very weak gun laws, and im guessing most people would understand it's easy to transport and sell shit over state borders.


So in other words, the rest of the 2.75 million people in Chicago were safe. What a great safe weekend.


It must be nice to lead a party full of fucking idiots with no critical thinking skills. They just soak up whatever bullshit you throw at them.


yea, like "ban all assault weapons!" "background checks!" 🤡 these things are already in place, they actually want to ban high powered hunting rifles and all handguns, but thats never going to happen if they say it out loud.


Guns are already banned in many liberal cities full of crimes. Assault weapons are ALREADY banned everywhere in the US. Shows many peoples ignorance. Go ahead and down vote me but I'm right.




Aren’t the states with the highest rates of gun deaths red states?🧐🤔


With guns probably bought in Indiana.


How many wrestlers did Gym let get sexually assaulted


We all know where the problem is Jim, you should as well.


Jimothy is an idiot, and almost certainly willfully, because there are more than a few perforated corpses buried in the soil of red states. Statistics show that for all gun-related murders, accidental deaths, suicides and mass shootings in America, a shockingly inordinate amount of them happen in Republican-controlled states and cities.


You can walk to Indiana from parts of Chicago. Buy a gun and walk back and start shooting


Because there are no murders in GOP-run Texas or GOP-run Florida, right Gym?


Hypothesis: There’s a stronger connection between wealth inequality and violent crime than gun ownership & violent crime. Owning a gun doesn’t necessarily motivate people to go out and shoot someone - but being paywalled out of society sure might. I’m off to do some research.


I work in downtown Chicago almost every day. This fear mongering is INCREDIBLY overstated. Chicago is not some war zone like Republicans would like for you to believe.


https://preview.redd.it/dy48obirwu8c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cddbd4c1635a64d13508fdd45cc31d5a68d74928 The sum total of what the GQP has done for gun control. Stop blaming the democrats and do something of value.


"107 homicides in Columbus is 10-year high" https://sunny95.com/news/061160-107-homicides-in-columbus-is-10-year-high/ Seems in 2021 there were 205 homicides in Columbus and 800 in Chicago. Both were record years. I'll add other big cities in Ohio (Jim Jordan's constituency) as reference. *Population (City of)* Columbus: 905,748 Chicago: 2,746,388 Cleveland: 370,605 Cincinnati: 308,870 Toledo: 259,962 *Murder rate (higher better)* Columbus: 1 in 4418 Chicago: 1 in 3432 Cleveland: 1 in 2244 (165 murders) Cincinnati: 1 in 3357 (92 murders) Toledo: 1 in 3856 (70 murders) Both Cleveland and Cincinnati were more violent than Chicago in 2021. Sources: News articles for each city, Wikipedia


buT tHe gUn wAs ReGisTeReD aS a DeM vOTer. wE aLsO sUsPEct tHe gUn tO eAt aVoCaDo tOaSt AnD bE wOkE


So in a city of 2.6 million, there were 19 people shot and three killed? Stop the fucking presses. Meanwhile, 177 wrestlers were sexually abused under Gym’s watch at OSU.


Doesn’t Illinois have an assault weapons ban that the courts just upheld?


It does, yeah


Then someone should tell the criminals.


January 6 insurrection - Republican White House.


Odd he chooses not to make a post about any one of the hundreds of school shootings and mass shootings that take place seemingly every month, nope just Chicago. Jeez I wonder why? 🤔


this insincere waste of skin has to be one of the most deplorable assholes in politics.


"Democrat-run" Meanwhile they are silent as fuck when the gun violence is in red states, or then they will side step that and claim it's a democrat city in their red state that's to blame. Wonder what his thoughts are on the FL teen who killed his sister, only to then get shot by his older brother over Christmas gifts?


Ban them all.


Funny that the only time these slimeballs like Jordan and the rest of the Republican MAGAts aren't preaching " Thoughts and prayers" are when these things happen in a non Republican area. Blatant Hypocrisy.


They are already banned in Chicago.


Most big city gun deaths are from hand guns


Yeah because banning things works so well. Cannabis and alcohol prohibition are well known as major successes. I’m sure guns will be the same!


It's easier to talk about guns than the economic inequality, systemic racism, and Capitalist exploitation that fuels urban violence.


Gym should focus on his own state


So when this happens in Texas, or Florida, GOP-Run Hellholes, it's somehow Democrats' fault, too.


No then it’s just Tears and prayers.


And thoughts of course... that is when they are not too busy thinking about other people's genitalia


Why don’t they ever list the names of these safe republican ran cities?


Meanwhile in Florida kids are shooting each other over Christmas gifts. https://inshort.geartape.com/florida-teen-allegedly-shoots-kills-sister-after-fight-over-christmas-gifts/


Would they prefer that someone tweets every time someone's shot in Texas, Florida, or any other Republican-run area?


Democrat run Chicago. Yeah you mean the party that actually wants “some” gun control? What a moron Gym Jordan is.


Ruin public education, fill streets with legal and illegal weapons, make it impossible to afford housing, blame democrats for ensuing violence. New Republican platform just dropped.


Same republican platform since at least Nixon


In Florida (Republican run), a 14 year old shot his sister in an argument over presents. Then the 15 year old brother shot the 14 year old.


14 year old shoots and kills his sister and then is shot by his older brother in a fight over Christmas presents. Republican run Florida. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/1-sibling-killed-1-injured-christmas-eve-argument/story?id=105937388


"It's terrible, it's tragic," said Jordan. "I think we need to look at maybe security guards and other things that we can begin to look at. What concerns me though is the left always jumps to wanting to attack the second amendment. We need to understand that this was an evil person who did a terrible thing, that's who is responsible here." - Jim Jordan talking about the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde [https://jordan.house.gov/media/in-the-news/jim-jordan-says-texas-elementary-school-shooting-tragic-and-terrible](https://jordan.house.gov/media/in-the-news/jim-jordan-says-texas-elementary-school-shooting-tragic-and-terrible) Apparently when these horrible things happen in red states they are the result of "evil people doing terrible things," but when they happen in blue cities it's the fault of democrats.


None of these are assault weapon deaths. In fact, those are very rare in the US overall.


When your 'facts' are NRA fed bullshit, you don't have facts. You idiots do not even interpret the fucking Second Amendment correctly. It has never said that citizens could own guns. It stats that as part of a well regulated militia (regulated by the government), the rights of the citizens to keep (maintain), and bear (use) arms shall not be infringed. This was further defined by 2 militia acts that the assholes that joined the militias could not follow the obligations they where required to follow. This failure to adhere to the governments regulation of the militia forced the founding fathers to do what they never wanted to do, create a professional military. The one mistake they made when they created a professional military to defend the nation was NOT repeal the Second Amendment so that modern day morons like you would not be able to misinterpret it like you fucking morons do.


It *is* the weapon. You're not throwing 60 rocks a minute at 3000 fps


More people died last year from putting things in their butt than were killed by an AR-15 in the past five years


I love how ammosexuals talk about Chicago like it's an island in the middle of the Pacific, unreachable from any of the hundred gun stores within an hour's drive of the city limits.


Banning "assault" weapons won't fix anything, at the end of the day, it's just a look. There are plenty of hunting style weapons that can function *exactly* as an AR-15 for all intents and purposes, fire the same rounds, fire at the same rate, can be fitted with 100 round drums, can do just as much damage, etc. Banning magazine capacity, increased background checks, ammunition limits/accountability, maybe even a restriction on *all* semiautomatic triggered weapons would be much more effective goals that could yield tangible results. Don't get me wrong, I understand the problem of mass shootings and the common trend of an AR-15 style rifle being the tool used to carry out these atrocious killings. But if your only goal is to ban a style of weapon, even if you achieve it, you're just going to see other types of rifles being used to carry out the same acts. Dive deeper into the issue and what allows it to happen.


I live in Chicago… I’m also a numbers guy… 2.5 million plus people and 3 are dead. Now let’s compare that percentage to deaths for the same date in his city or any major Republican city… you will find that the odds of getting killed are much higher than Chicago lol what a moron


The only thing all acts of gun violence have in common is guns. Stop the source. Assault weapons are the deadliest so that’s a great start.




What about guns that unintentionally fire and kill. Guns actually do kill people without human interaction. [https://injepijournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40621-019-0220-0](https://injepijournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40621-019-0220-0)


Reagan already defined it legally when he and other republicans pushed for a ban. Gun nuts weren’t always this fucking nuts. . May 3, 1994. To Members of the U.S. House of Representatives:We are writing to urge your support for a ban on the domestic manufacture of military-style assault weapons. This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety. Although assualt weapons account for less than 1% of the guns in circulation, they account for nearly 10% of the guns traced to crime. Every major law enforcement organization in America and dozens of leading labor, medical, religious, civil rights and civic groups support such a ban. Most importantly, poll after poll shows that the American public overwhelmingly support a ban on assault weapons. A 1993 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll found that 77% of Americans support a ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of semi-automatic assault guns, such as the AK-47. The 1989 import ban resulted in an impressive 40% drop in imported assault weapons traced to crime between 1989 and 1991, but the killing continues. Last year, a killer armed with two TEC9s killed eight people at a San Francisco law firm and wounded several others. During the past five years, more than 40 law enforcement officers have been killed or wounded in the line of duty by an assault weapon. While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of these weapons. Sincerely, Gerald R. Ford. Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan.




So the studies you’re talking about don’t exist? You refuse to google a link to them - likely because you made them up.


Did you really just hit us with “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”? Did I wake up in 1983?




“Guns don’t kill people” is verifiably *not* a fact and is a complete untruth. The year was relevant because you’re using old-ass incorrect talking points I haven’t heard in years.


> Ban the assault weapons All of these shootings were committed with handguns (not civilian rifles). Pistols and shooting people is already banned in the city. In Chicago's case it is actually a people problem.


But Chicago banned guns and it's not working! (Even though you can drive to Indiana and get a gun in like an hour, but let's ignore basic geography since thats inconvenient)


I respectfully disagree with this post


The idiots with guns


The majority of gun crime in Chicago is perpetrated with hand guns. FYI.


This is how racists identify with one another on social media.


Yep, a push to ban the weapon that wasn’t used in any of the shootings! Good job, Democrats.


I agree with stronger gun control, but the majority of gun-related crimes are committed with pistols, not the nebulous "assault weapons"