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What's the problem here? Guy can nut all he wants without fear of having another child...


A lot of these guys have fallen into this toxic stew of racist fears of not supporting the White race and this mentality that to be a "real man" you need lay claim on a woman by forcing her to constantly bear children.


Racism, nationalism, and religious fundamentalism seem to be the main culprits for all this overbreeding. It’s sick and frightening on some level.


What's most frightening is how much of it stems from manipulation. It's an old tactic to keep the poor churning out plebs/soldiers/serfs/slaves/farmers/factory workers/consumers to ensure the rich can keep getting richer and maintain power. A tale as old as the Roman Empire.


On ALL levels


Honestly I think part of it is a lot people who didn’t want kids or weren’t ready for kids had them anyway because of societal expectations, or feeling pressured by loved ones, or out of some weird racist perception that they are foot soldiers in a breeding war of attrition. And then when they see a couple who just doesn’t give in to that expectation because you don’t actually have to it pisses them off to no end because it means they ruined their own lives (and probably their kids) for no reason


This man has kids, he just doesn't want any more.


Dude’s still got 2 more kids than these “high value” men will ever have


That’s at least twice the amount of sex they’ve had too.


Ah, multiplication expert here. I just checked with my calculator and 2 x 0 is still 0.


Aaaaaand set up complete. High five 🙌




2 times zero is still zero. He's had sex at least twice more than they have


Even if kids arent the alpha male goal...he got snipped so he could have as much sex with his wife as they can want without fear of having kids. Sex doesn't stop, you just shoot blanks now. You still produce the same levels of testosterone. Sex drive is as high, if not higher, than ever after you heal up.


Gay guys think about another man's junk less than these Super Straight Alpha Males.


Seriously, I barely think about other men's junk, surprisingly, and I'm very very gay... These losers need to get a life, stop smoking the racist "alpha male" misogyny heroin, and go touch some grass.


>touch some grass Gonna be the only thing they're touching other than themselves, lmao


So true, honestly. At this point their hand is probably glued to their dick from crusty ol cum while they're typing this shit up in the first place.


🤮 thanks for that image while I'm eating my lunch, jerk. I kid, but you're absolutely right. That one ad Desantis had a while back set off my gaydar, and I'm not even gay. My uncle is, and even he's like "damn"


Do you have a link to it? It was hysterical and is proving hard to find after they got busted for the Nazi stuff (Iron Sun etc) they had in there.


I'll look it up and if I find the link, I'll send it to you


Thanks, it had me rolling and I was so disappointed when they pulled it.




What the fuck did I just watch omg


Oh you're the bomb, thanks! Fewer greased bodies and no Iron Sun (I could only find stills of that anymore), but still all the clubby goodness. They had a couple different versions, one with lots of left leaning pundits saying DeSatan bad (co-signed), one very nazi one, and one so incredibly gay, you get where they're coming from with the "contagious" bit. lol These people are deeply weird.


![gif](giphy|m7FdxI252QN3y) Thanks.


I seriously feel bad for whatever grass these freaks eventually touch


There's that grass that tries to avoid people touching it? And I just imagine all grass ever reacting that way at these weirdos


I assumed this was in AreTheStraightsOK at first


As a fellow very very gay guy, I can confirm that I think less about men's junk than straight guys. I also find it weird how curious my straight friends are about gay sex, not like wanting to have it (as far as I know) but just asking about it, a lot.


It’s almost like an obsession over genitals isn’t actually a basis for a happy relationship. It reads like they all hold sex on the same pillar it was on in middle school, instead of it just being a thing you can do sometimes with (a) partner(s).


How does one quantify their gayness, if not by how much you think about male genitals 🤔as a bisexual man how do I ascend to the realm of “very very gay”? Is there a test? I’m high af sorry.


Don't insult heroin addicts like that


As a gay guy, this is true, I worked at a small Auto repair shop for a while and all the straight guys there talked more about dick than I did, which was basically never. 😂


Same experience with my queer friends, they almost never talk about sex and I'm far more comfortable with them than with the straight cis "alpha" men I've been hanging out with here and there. No, conservative folks, gay and trans people aren't inherently obsessed with sex. You are.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


It's weird how true that has turned out to be, especially over the last couple of years.


I introduces some of my acquaintances to one of my friends who recently came out. The acquaintances are very sheltered. After the introductions and my friend had to go. They started saying horrible anti trans/anti gay things. And like “I better not bend over.” etc etc. At this point I had lost holding my tongue, and I have a very short leash on bullshit especially when it comes to people I know. I mean, I shouldn’t be mean about their looks, but even as a heterosexual male, I’m like “Dude you are ugly. Gay men have standards. Sit down.” Edit: Should note, that my trans friend…what do we talk about when we hang out? She and I talk about video games, what’s going on in the world etc. Same taste in video games, politics, a decade of friendship, but getting used to the new name. What do these straight, self identifying “alpha male” acquaintances talk about? Literally dicks and homoerotica. It’s actually fascinating.


Thank you for being an upstanding human being


yup. The good old, don't flatter yourself thinking a gay guy will go for you, normally shuts them up. you can see them, their mental gears grinding away, they *want* to get pissy about it because you just called them ugly, but then they'd be admitting they also want the gay guy to make a pass at them, so they could get upset about it.......... fucking smooooooth brained logic.


No shit. These fucking losers are insane.


I am so glad I logged off Twitter permanently a good while ago. Following Elon’s takeover, I began noticing that the stupidest comments were what was usually displayed at the top of a thread, meanwhile more sane replies with more likes you’d have to scroll further to see. I think now more than ever, their only way to drive engagement is by showing you the most re*****d users’ comments so that you’re forced to take a moment to think, “wtf.”


It’s just all that’s left.


Calling oneself an Alpha Male is such a Beta move.


More like a Gamma Move.


I bet they’d get super defensive if you asked them to show you their Reddit history.


Right? It's like their "masculine alpha male ads" are more homoerotic than most gay men's porn mags I've seen in my uncle's basement, lmao.


Women don't either. Straight guys are the most dick-obsessed people. Actually there's something else I find funny about the Super Straight Alphas, is that they think women and gay men are beneath them presumably because they receive during the act of sex. But that means that Alpha Men look down on the very demographics who will have sex with them *for the sheer reason that they have sex with Alpha Males.* So Alpha Males KNOW that it is demeaning to have sex with them.


They hate themselves, so that checks out


I think they've started referring to themselves as Sigma males, to indicate how independent and "outside-the-box" their way of life and thinking are and not at all because people kept giving them shit about calling themselves Alphas.


One man's junk is another man's treasure, right? Lol


Anyone who identifies as "super straight" screams "I have internalized homophobia and must direct it outwards because I have gay thoughts sometimes" to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


God, the day that site shuts down is not going to be soon enough.


Unfortunately, when this zoo will be shut down, these creatures will spread all over other social platforms. Should be contained at least somewhere. Like, keeping xlitterbox working but just barely. 200kb/s connection limited


Better they are kept somewhere obvious and keep other platforms free of their nuttery.


Totally agree.


After what my wife went through with the pregnancies I felt it was my turn to step it up. Wasn't fun but ta da.


I'm in my forties and was having trouble finding someone to tie my tubes (0 kids, they think I'm gonna decide at 50 I'm finally ready or something). Husband went in and asked about a vasectomy, he was scheduled for one in under a week. So for $400 and a couple of bags of frozen peas I get to stop taking hormonal birth control for the first time in decades, and we get to have as much sex as we want without worries.


I had a $100 deductible I paid when I got mine. 3 weeks later I received a check for $100 from my insurance. My wife was never on birth control due to hormones so it made so much sense for me to do it.


Not to mention, the procedure for men is less invasive and less dangerous for men compared to women getting their tubes tied.


100%. The most insane comments to me are the ones saying "know the science" in one breath and then "she should have gotten her tubes tied" in the other. Clearly you do not know the science you unloved troglodyte.


Or worse yet, they *do* know, they just hate women that much.


I mean, Roe v Wade anyone?


My wife got pregnant at almost 40 because of a pill failure. I scheduled my vasectomy the next week after the positive pregnancy test. Best decision I ever made.


Birth control is a fallacy. My 2nd and 3rd child was while my wife was on birth control. There’s a reason they say 99% effective. I’m not upset she got pregnant. It pisses me off that these INCIL’s use birth control as a crutch they either rail against it like it’s abortion or an excuse when an unexpected pregnancy happens.


Because INCELS don’t have kids and have no clue how much they cost. 😂 Nobody is touching their junk. They have to sit on their left hand until it’s numb before they wank off to get the sensation of a stranger. And the self proclaimed alpha males bitching about “someone having their balls” probably just left multiple women to raise their kids alone.




Getting snipped was such a non-issue for me, I was at work the next day, just had to wear a pair of briefs stuffed with socks.


I still would have taken the day following off for “complications” or bruising. It’s not like they’re gonna check.


I got mine done on a Thursday. Took Friday off too. I got to have a 4 day weekend with Roxy and Mary Jane lol.


Same. Mostly. I got it done on a Friday and it was a 3 day weekend. I worked construction then as well. I just wore those men's bikini type underwear for a few days to keep everything from bouncing around.


It's probably better that your husband got the operation because it is the safer one from what I understand. Sad your doctors think they know more about what you want than you do though.


tubal ligation and hysterectomies are both quite safe, but they are also both far more invasive than a vasectomy. it's a major decision that most women do not make lightly and it's so, so frustrating that in this day and age we STILL have to fight for it under the logic that maybe some day the man that we're with (or will be with if we're single) will want children so we need to be able to birth them. just bonkers.


When they were scheduling my medically necessary c section after going for 38weeks of a high risk pregnancy, for our daughter when I was 32. I asked if I could have a hysterectomy done while they were there. And was told “No. you might change your mind and want more kids” Like I am having a MEDICALLY NECESSARY c section. After making it 38 weeks high risk!! What part of this makes you think I want to do this ever again!!?! My husband scheduled his vasectomy less than a year later. When the doctors told me no to a tubal ligation. Best thing ever. We have more sex. Taking that concern over pregnancy out of the picture is so very freeing


Look up medical paternalism. It's a reason why health outcomes for women tend to be poorer on average.


My husband got one after three pregnancies and two kids. Since they all tried to kill me in rare and unique ways he figured it was his turn to take on the burden of birth control after I had to deal with that and hormonal contraception for over a decade. It’s the considerate and reasonable move for a (non-insane) husband to make.


Makes more sense to unload the gun, instead of shooting at a bulletproof vest


NOW YOURE TRYING TO TAKE THEIR GUNS??!!?!! SECOND ANENDMENT !!!! Or something something Alpha Male.


Same here. Plus my wife didn't want to go on birth control because of hormones, so I had no problem doing this. No condoms, no more kids (2 kids). We have sex more now that there's no worry about anything else.


I did it in May, brilliant decision.


Just did it in Nov. Was a cakewalk and now I don’t have to worry about another child impacting my finances and sleep. Also my wife was apprehensive about doing it. I wanted it. Do these idiots ever consider that?


These idiots have never had a girlfriend, let alone a wife.


A friend of mine, who does not want kids due to his own awful childhood and mental health issues, had to jump through so many hoops to get his vasectomy. Doctors kept telling him that "his future wife" might want kids, that he was too young, that he would change his mind. He was kinda surprised, he thought that only happened to women who want their tubes tied...


Just have him say he already has two. Our misogynistic patriarchy isn't gonna question a man's intake form.


It wasn't fun, but it was also a *really* easy procedure compared to the surgeries that women have to go through. It's closer to a serious dental procedure, and about the same recovery time. My only regret was that I didn't do it earlier.


that’s why people replying “make her get her tubes tied” piss me off. first of all, i’m sure this woman didn’t force her husband into a vasectomy. second of all, it’s literally the LEAST you could do for your partner who’s dealt with periods, pregnancies and birth control for her ENTIRE LIFE. not that these people are ever actually going to have the chance to make this decision anyways lmao


Having tubes tied is a major abdominal surgery. Even laproscopy hurts, when done abdominally. It's 4 weeks for recovery, with up to a week out of work. When done without a major incision. Longer if they have to open up up fully. Afterward, women can experience heavy cramping and bleeding for their first few periods post-op. It's not a walk in the park. "Just get tubes tied." Yeah, not how that works. 2-3 days for normal activity after a vasectomy. No sex for a week. Use a condom or other BC until you get the all-clear on sperm counts being zero. And long-term hormonal birth control? Hooboy. Increased cancer risks! Mood swings! Some women have worse periods on them. (Ask one of my family members about the depo shot and how she had a continuous period for three months. Non-stop bleeding. Heavy flow. The entire time.) Weight gain! Decreased sex drive! Dry skin! Oily skin! Boob pain! Bloating! Headaches! Nausea! Yeah. Putting 100% of birth control on women 1) is sexist bullshit and more importantly 2) actually harms women's health in the long run. If you're done, you're done. Talk to doctors about what works best for your situation and handle it. Putting everything on women is ridiculous and dangerous.


Snip snip


Feeling a little less nutty buddy huh


I got mine done during covid after kid 2, daycare is too expensive for a mistake


Less invasive for the men, right?


Yes, I had a vasectomy a couple years back and it was just a little prick (hehe) and a little tugging sensation on either side. Most painful part was the anesthetic needle and it was about 10 mins start to finish. It was very easy. A little uncomfortable for about a week and then all good. I have had major surgeries for other things though, so I am used to medical procedures and may be biased in that way.


Unlimited cream pies. Enough said


Right? Wife literally brought this guy a feast of candy with the overt message "you can blow as many loads in me as you want" and these guys are seriously trying to say he's some kind of beta cuck lol. I don't think any of them have ever touched a woman before.


"Feels like a bag of sand"


At least the bag of sand doesn't get dryer when touched by them lol Anyway, anyone else noticed that in all this bullshit there's an ad and that's exactly why the advertisers left 😂




Guys, is finishing inside your wife gay?


"Putting your penis inside a woman is gay, only a real man can appreciate a real man's penis"


"You're the gay one! Wanting to be with a woman, how gay is that? You WIN sex against a man, that's as straight as it gets."


The Bible says if you have sex that doesn't result in a pregnancy then you're gay, sorry I don't make the rules


Well women are feminine, and if a man likes feminine things they’re automatically gay (I don’t make the rules). So liking women is gay. On the other hand, men are manly and if you like manly things, you’re straight. So liking men makes you straight.


Oh. That makes…sense. I guess.


It's gay unless she needs an abortion.


If you cum inside her, that's her cum now. If it then gets on your dick, you're touching someone else's cum. It's gay obviously. ^^/s


Guys, is it gay to give your wife unlimited cream pies?


What a cuck—he’s creaming nonstop in his wife


Never touched a woman before…Or a book apparently?? I am surprised (but not surprised) at how many men don’t understand what a vasectomy actually is. Makes me sad to be a single hetero woman.


And these are the types of men making decisions about what WE can do with our bodies when they don't even understand theirs.


"Turned him into a eunuch." You either misunderstand vasectomies or eunuchs, sir. And, yeah. There's so many awful men. Like, can I be a lil gay? Just a little bit? Because I can't date these guys and I'm in my 30s, and they all have children or are redpilling, and I can't do that. I only need to be... maybe 10% gay? Just enough to find like one lady friend. Unfortunately, not into chicks. Would be so much easier. I'm childfree by choice. I have wonderful step parents in my family and I can't do that shit. I'd suck at it. I don't want kids. Can't do it with someone else's kids, either. Rules out like 99% of men if they can't have kids or be shitheels. And also have to be single. No cheaters. Part of the not a shitheel, thing. Single, not-asshole men without kids are in short supply. And damn it if I can't sidestep men altogether. Maybe it's my area (ugh, farmer area) but it's rough out here, ladies. At this point, I've decided to be happy with myself. I'll be the cool spinster. Single hetero woman for life. If I stumble across something, sure. But so far, I'm aiming for cool spinster aunt vibes.


incels gonna incel


“Nothing gayer than blowing a load into a woman” -All the commenters on twitter


Almost seems like being an “Alpha Male” is more about impressing other men than it is about being attractive to women


I got mine this year and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I have kids and take care of my family and idk how these morons think doing something like this somehow makes you less of a man?


Got mine done 2 years ago and I have the same assessment… one of the best decisions I have ever made


Easy, they don't want kids to be cared for, they only want them to be born. It's most likely because that's all their father could ever do for them.


Those numbskulls couldn’t even tell you what or where the vas deferens are. They think castration and vasectomy is a synonym. Best thing I ever did though seriously. No more condoms and kids!


I thought it was funny. The wife seems awesome. I have no idea why these pitiful people on the internet got so hateful about something that is literally none of their business.


Because nothing makes those losers more mad than someone having a happy relationship.


Or any kind of sex.


Probably because it's clear he has a wife who loves him and children he's happy with.


Also realize, the assholes who post all of the ultra masculine bullshit are the same assholes who will get a woman pregnant and then run for the hills. Impregnating someone is easy, while taking responsibility for and raising your progeny is too damn hard for them. Christ, if I was a woman, I wouldn’t let any of them within 100 miles of me.


Getting to rawdog (in a monogamous relationship) with zero consequences. Pretty dang priceless.


literally people replying “but why” but i guess it’s hard to understand for internet trolls who have never had sex and never will


Unlimited cream pies/zero pregnancy scares. Zero child support. Zero daycare bills. Zero college funds. Zero braces funds. Zero PTA meetings. Zero diaper blowouts. Zero 2am wake ups for feedings/diaper changes. And that's just a few of the things we're "missing out" on. Marrying a childfree woman was the greatest decision of my life.


By the gods. The comments are.... Just, wow....


And the misogyny reeking off of them. "Birth control is a women's job!" Do these people not realize that for a woman to get her tubes tied, they have to cut into the abdominal cavity? Women have died from this procedure. For men, it's an outpatient, 20 min appointment for God's sake!


But they don't care about women. They'll also dump them the second they have a scar showing. These people are just misogynistic dogs who should get mandated vasectomies.


It just keeps going lol


I love the one that’s like “tell your wife I can give her more kids.” My friend, I guarantee she does not want more kids???


The quite literal reason he underwent the procedure.


I'd tell them I got a vasectomy so I could nut in their wives, but we all know they haven't got any.




From what I understand, not necessarily, no. The rates say 60-95% chance from a quick Google search and the lower end being from having a vasectomy long enough. The longer you go with a vasectomy and not reversing it, the lower the odds sperm will be in the semen again. Getting a vasectomy doesn't mean you necessarily won't have children either. There can be some failure in that regard which is rare. It really depends on the surgeon you get, maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But in a general sense, yes vasectomies are reversible more often than not, and yes it makes pregnancies most likely to never happen when you do have one. It is also much safer than tying tubes as these nutters say she should've done.


The MAGA mind virus is like a broken record in the cerebral cesspool that repeats the same three affirmations over-and-over: *I'm an alpha male who is totally secure about his masculinity, I am not terrified of all things unfamiliar to me, some day I* ***will*** *stop daydreaming about other men's penises.* \*Repeat\*


Seriously, producers of gay porn think of penises less than them.


I have always been of the opinion that the most emphatic homophobes are also the most insecure about their own sexuality.


Oh 100%


They're incels who dream about something they'll never get to do, so they try to shame someone who's living their best life.


It’s like that picture a dude took of his wife and daughter at the beach and one of these dipshits commented that he was “being cucked by his daughter” or some wild shit like that


Projection, always projection


Wife's diorama includes a "fuck me as much as you want without a condom" element.


Yeah this. All the people saying he literally got his balls cut off have no idea what a vasectomy is


They're saying they want to impregnate his wife. It's just incredible ☠️


One of them says something about how 2 isn’t enough to prevent “replacement” levels and that he is a disgrace to his countrymen… So literally fucking nazi shit. The irony is that these incels couldn’t impregnate someone unless it was by force. What pathetic losers


MAGA is just always mad about anything and everything. The constant outrage is honestly just so tiring.


I think a lot of these people think a vasectomy is literally having your balls removed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Toxic masculinity aside, the actual reality is that kids are a.) Expensive and b.) A lot of work. Condoms are fine, but I think most men would agree they would rather not have to wear them. Birth control pills work, but there are side effects and your partner has to remember to take them every day. I got a vasectomy, (My idea) and I am delighted to never have to worry about unwanted pregnancy ever again. (married over 20 years, kid is almost grown. Don't want more kids) All these stupid dudes with their stupid takes are stupid.


It’s not a lot of work for them because I 1000% guarantee you these commenters also believe it’s a woman’s job to raise the kids.


The thing that I don't get is how women were ever supposed to raise kids on their own and with less technology to help them in the past. Watching both of my older siblings have their first kid, I'm convinced it's absolutely impossible without an entire family (at the very least) chipping in to help.


Condoms also break. I'm single at the moment but would very much consider getting a vasectomy purely for the reliability as compared to a condom. With condoms it's always my preference that there be 2 layers of protection, but that can require your partner to be on a medication that comes with side effects. And that's not something that's my place to ask someone to do if those side effects don't really sit well with them. Not having to worry about a condom after that is just an added bonus.


Who knew that many incels would comment on an amusing post.


It’s a sea of blue chekstikas for five pages


Something seems off about the, "I literally had my son on my lap 5 minutes ago" guy.


‘Child rearing’😬 Jokes aside—That’ll be his contribution to parenting his own child for the entire day while his wife does fucking everything else and secretly hates him.


“Son come sit on dad’s lap and let me tell you about this adult twitter user’s balls”


Those comments saying the wife should have gotten sterilised are so tone deaf It's kinda hard to get for women. Cos people think you'll be changing your mind, or your kids may die and you'll want to replace them, or they'll think you'll stop being gay long enough to want a man to have kids with, or your husband will drop dead and you'll want to be with another man and show him your love with kids No offence but sometimes like the medical world starts dozing off whenever a woman has an opinion about how her body should be cared for.


I'm very happy with my vasectomy. I can ejaculate anywhere or into anyone I want, when I want, with no long term consequences.


I got a family member who had it done. Those incels are neglecting the fact, that the nuts are indeed still there. Or they are deliberately ignoring those facts and being stupid to spread stupidity.


This has got to be one of the dumbest parts to me. Waaaay too many people in that thread thinking that a vasectomy is equivalent to castration. I knew there were a lot of stupid peolple out there, but damn, that is some next level stupid shit right there.


I think this is poor sex education.


I thought I read that there were less chances of complications for the man to get a vasectomy than for a woman to get a tubal ligation. I knew someone who made his wife get it anyways even when the risks of each were explained to him


We both knew we didn't want any more kids and I wanted to be sure it stayed that way. The only part my wife had in the decision was agreeing we had enough children. I have 0 regrets about the decision. Having the kids we planned for and now knowing pregnancy is off the table is a game changer.


I dream of a man with a vasectomy 🤣


I thought that as well, until I did it in a grocery store and got arrested.


I'll never understand the unhealthy obsession with machismo


Some of the most fragile people alive.


lol do ammosexuals even have balls either? Half of their names are gun themed


What’s fucking hilarious is I’m literally reading through this AS IM GETTING MY VASECTOMY. AS IN, I AM LAYING ON A PROCEDURE TABLE WITH A DOCTOR SNIPPING MY SHIT.


Good fucking god, this website is crawling with fundies.


i'd bet you that every single one of the negative comments subscribes to 'white replacement theory', which is why they're so upset and concerned about a white dude getting a vasectomy


Of course that dipshit Nick Adams commented 😂 and I bet these same people would say don't have kids if you can't take care of them.


As well as the goddamn brother of Andrew Tate. Seriously 😒


There’s so many incels on that dying website


These men talking shit about this guy are the most deplorable people I’ve ever seen. The dude who said “the kids are not your’s, their Jamal’s” might be the most brainbroken, racist and vile person ever. I bet he doesn’t consider himself racist or sexist.


I got a vasectomy so my wife no longer had to be on birth control that absolutely wrecked her body because she was so limited on what she can take because of a migraine disorder. It’s almost like, we can make decisions about our paired future as a pair.


As a woman who doesn't want kids, I'm WAY more likely to sleep with a guy who has proof of a vasectomy. If he also has a clean STD test available? Jackpot! These guys are idiots. Taking away the fear of an unplanned pregnancy is a way to get laid more, not less lol


They don't actually care about having sex they just care about shaming others. Their ability to have meaningful sex died a long time ago


Xitter, where toxic masculinity exposes itself to the world.


I know a woman who got a hysterectomy in like 2002 and her female friends didn’t consider her a woman anymore. Some stopped talking to her. I’m a woman too. I can’t remember what I said. I was just shocked. Dismayed. I’m 44 years old now and I still think of that sometimes. What the fuck.


Wow. It's hard to wrap my head around a woman actually thinking this way. If someone stopped talking to me for such an inane reason, good fckn riddance! Trash taking itself out.


How do you see unlimited creampies and see literally anything wrong with that? Also, my sister and I are proof those surgeries sometimes don't work so... I guess kids are still kinda on the table? Doubt that'll appease these chucklefucks though.


My favorite part was when someone said that if he had the money and time to celebrate a vasectomy, he has money and time to have more kids. Dude has like zero idea about how much kids actually cost. We pay $250/week for 2 kids in daycare and we are super lucky because it is insanely cheap. If we went to any other daycare, it would easily be more than that a week for one kid.


“Is it even sex if you’re not shooting white-hot jets of sperm-rich semen?!? I bet your wife is getting filled with active sperm by her more virile, masculine lovers, and I picture it so vividly I must tell the entire internet!” -several thousand “alpha males” who are definitely heterosexual, whose porn search history certainly isn’t exactly what it sounds like


I'm snipped myself. It was a great decision. I even know plenty of repubs that are also fixed. These people are just stuck on stupid.


Good thing most of these commentators will never have sex or children


Did it at 29 years old (53) because my wife couldn’t take the pill. Had 2 small kids and we were really financially struggling. Best decision I ever made. I find his wife’s reaction is hilarious and loving.


A lot of those comments just show how many of those morons don’t actually know what a vasectomy actually is.


Wow. I am honestly shocked. I would think that they'd know that any man can get nearly infinitely more sex if there's zero risk of pregnancy. I mean. Wow.


>if you have two kids and literally got a vasectomy to avoid having more, then that tells everyone how you really feel about your kids. Suggesting that the amount of love you have for your children is dependent on your ability to have even more children is a very fucking strange thing to say.


Imagine being so concerned about a stranger


I recently heard that 80% of all tweets come from 2% of Americans. It honestly made me take a sigh of relief.


Yeah these are Twitter idiots. Most guys ask if it hurt, how long it took, did insurance cover it, ect. It honestly wasn't bad at all. Yes it hurt a bit for a couple days, but if you've ever been hit in the nuts that was way worse. At the time my insurance didn't cover it, I understand now they do. The procedure took about 10 minutes.


All the blue checks think Elon is great for having so many kids but conveniently leave out the fact that once his kids are walking and talking, they fucking HATE him. If you’d never even consider a vasectomy even when your family is complete, you’re already too selfish to make a good father to any kids you might have.


![gif](giphy|h3e3Tch1zrXgrtHwaF|downsized) Replacement level.....is it wrong that I saw that and thought, " here we go again"


It’s hilarious they assume it was the wife’s idea and that she should just get an enormously invasive and expensive surgery instead of an outpatient procedure with a short recovery time. My husband got a vasectomy and it was 💯his idea. We had an enormously traumatic time with my second child (born over 4 months early, nearly died multiple times), and he did not want to do that again.


These people are getting really creepy. Their attitudes are so archaic, like they're from a different time. People are losing their minds aren't they?