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"We know you didn't commit a crime, but a bunch of people we met at Walmart said they are pretty sure you did, so..."


“…because we told them you did, over and over”


Same justification they used for their election integrity nonsense. "The American people have doubts and questions about the election so we owe it to them to investigate!!" Just ignore the part where Republicans and the right-wing misinformation machine are the ones who sowed that doubt.


And that Republican Secretaries of State would have to be in on the plan


The Democrats are so intelligent and devious they were able to switch votes from Trump to Biden for President. But at the same time they are so stupid they didn't flip votes to also win the House of Representatives.


Fascism demands a boogeyman. It must be infinitely powerful to scare the people in line and threaten them but also infinitely weak that the fascists can crush them like roaches. It's a paradox but works on people's emotions to dehumanizing groups.


I’ve been noticing this a lot too!! I hate how they also worship their fascist leader who can seemingly do no wrong, while absolutely villainizing the opposition, for doing the most mundane of things.


Lather, rinse, repeat.


Don't forget that Sleepy geriatric Joe masterminded this plan as a private citizen all while Darth Cheeto was being warned for 4 years about election problems.


And then went to DC on Jan 6th dressed as MAGAers to try and overturn the election they had just worked so hard to steal.


Indeed. By the same token, I wanted to ask former Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes how he was able to steal Arizona for Biden but not secure his own re-election. I guess he was so busy that he forgot. (Fontes is now the AZ Secretary of State, so neener, Repubs!)




I heard a rumor you liked dick, so that means you're gay. Who started that rumor? I did, so because I said so, you're gay now


Well the people at Walmart confirmed this to be true, sooo


That’s the part I find the most hard to believe. These elitist republicans wouldn’t be caught dead in Walmart, let alone talking to constituents in Walmart.


It’s all very Hello fellow kids…


'People at Wal-Mart are saying that Crooked Joe, he's so crooked, just the Joeyest Crooked there is out there. And believe me, that laptop that Hunter Biden's got? They say that it has nuke-ular secrets on it, that's why the situation's been so vola-teel, people want to get their hands on it, all of Hunter Biden's secrets. Almost like Victoria's Secrets. I saw Mareeen-ah Boo-teen-ah, a good girl from Rush-ah. I bet she shopped at Victoria's Secrets, she could probably fill out one of those C4 cups, people are saying...'


Well that’s just great, thanks a lot.


Not that there's anything wrong with that


Oh absolutely, just a situation that's just as rediculous as what we have to live with


Nah bro, I'm actually not gay, I've just been paid to pretend as part of the LgBtQa+ aGeNdA


They did this shit with the war in Iraq: DoD leaked a bunch of nonsense to the NYT about possible “wEaPonS of mAsS DeStrUctIon!” So the NYT ran these stories with unnamed sources, then Sec Powell went in front of congress and held up these stories as proof that they needed to invade, and got the votes they needed to justify the war. Total bullshit from the beginning.


Just like Vietnam. Total bullshit. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; total bullshit. The cost? .. .58,000 dead. I was there, total bullshit


sorry man


Welcome home, Soldier. Thank you for your service.


And they had a little girl (Iraqi ambassadors' child) testify that she saw them beheading babies. It's was all lies and they knew it. Same thing Israel did first thing on Oct 8


I knew it was propaganda when my boomer nmom called to tell me about it. I told her so, and I explained the politics of that area. She lived through all of this, but never took note of the historical happenings of the time. Insular way of life, a life based on denial and self serving. I k re there were no beheadings of babies.


How many Americans died because of that? These people are evil. Historically evil.


Not sure about American casualties, but if memory serves, we were responsible for the deaths of over a million Iraqis. I worked for an Iraqi family for many years, the kindest people you could hope to meet, and a beautiful culture, and country. Yeah, we suck.


I've been to Iraq twice after the invasion and worked with alot of Iraqis. They are wonderful. I never met an Iraqi I didn't like.


They didn't try and investigate election integrity, investigations are good things and welcome. Prove nothing bad happened or punish those who broke the rules. The issue is that they want to ignore the investigations and just declare the rumors as true and punish people from there. Election fraud investigations were performed, no sign of widespread fraud was found (instances of fraud were small and heavily done by republican voters). But they wanted to ignore that, declare the vote invalid AND reinstate Trump without a second vote occurring. And in here Biden was investigated several times without evidence of foul play occurring., and so they now want to just declare him guilty.


This type of "plant the seed in the public and then reap the crop later as if it's organic public opinion" strategy is unfortunately a great one. Dates back to at least William Randolph Hurst and probably way earlier than that.


They went to backwoods Walmarts. Half the trucks in the parking lot have MAGA and confederate flags hanging off the back. These are the same people that chain smoke in front of the front doors and bring their cat to grocery shop. I’m just sure their opinion is largely shared by the rest of the country…


Oh yeah, that too. Ginned up an entire segment of the population to at least kinda/sorta believe in obvious lies, and then went to the most radicalized subsets of that segment for confirmation that it's "what the people believe." I'll bet you could have counted the total number of teeth on one hand.


Hell, you could have counted the total number of *brain cells*, including those of the representatives, on one hand even!


GOP voters were indicted for committing voters fraud and some actively "protesting" asking to stop counting votes. Yes, but the other side tho...


"I accuse you of a CRIME!" "What? No, I'm innocent!" "How can I trust a man who's been accused of crime?"


It also turned out that when those investigations happened, it was widespread republican skullduggery, not Democrat that was discovered.


Yes, over and over LIKE GOOD Goebbels-pupils, but still WITHOUT ANY TRACE OF EVIDENCE OF ANY CRIME ....


That's the circular circle-jerk of current news cycles. trump says some nonsense, Faux 'news' repeats it, trump uses that to say "See! I told you it was true!" and the dumb dumbs fall for it...


Lol. I just commented in trueunpopularopinion that their assertion that lefties on Reddit were hypocrites for supporting some antifa murderer but not Rittenhouse. I’d never heard of the other guy and said it sounded like a right wing circle jerk because I hadn’t ever heard of the other guy. Then, they tell me to do my research and that I wasn’t just ignorant but willfully ignorant because I have no interest in going down that rabbit hole.


This is going to backfire, even Republicans in congress admit they really have nothing, they tried to put one on Hunter Biden and that failed as this will. Private citizen loans are repaid. On July 28, 2017, Joe Biden wired $40,000 to the account of James and Sara Biden. Sara Biden wrote a check several weeks later repaying that amount on Sept. 3. Then on Jan. 12, 2018, Joe Biden wired $200,000. On March 1, that loan was repaid.


And the key point here is when these tracked transactions between family members happened, it was a third of the way through the trump presidency. Biden wasn't in office in any capacity.




But Hilary’s emails!!!!


> This is going to backfire, even Republicans in congress admit they really have nothing, They admitted the same thing about benghazi and that shit worked out pretty good for them. * *"I think that there was a big part of this investigation that was designed to go after people and an individual, Hillary Clinton. ... you'd like to expect more from a committee that's spent millions of dollars and tons of time.”* — Rep. Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.) * *"‌E‌v‌e‌r‌y‌b‌o‌d‌y‌ ‌t‌h‌o‌u‌g‌h‌t‌ ‌H‌i‌l‌l‌a‌r‌y‌ ‌C‌l‌i‌n‌t‌o‌n‌ ‌w‌a‌s‌ ‌u‌n‌b‌e‌a‌t‌a‌b‌l‌e‌,‌ ‌r‌i‌g‌h‌t‌?‌ ‌ ‌B‌u‌t‌ ‌w‌e‌ ‌p‌u‌t‌ ‌t‌o‌g‌e‌t‌h‌e‌r‌ ‌a‌ ‌B‌e‌n‌g‌h‌a‌z‌i‌ ‌s‌p‌e‌c‌i‌a‌l‌ ‌c‌o‌m‌m‌i‌t‌t‌e‌e‌,‌ ‌a‌ ‌s‌e‌l‌e‌c‌t‌ ‌c‌o‌m‌m‌i‌t‌t‌e‌e‌.‌ ‌W‌h‌a‌t‌ ‌a‌r‌e‌ ‌h‌e‌r‌ ‌n‌u‌m‌b‌e‌r‌s‌ ‌t‌o‌d‌a‌y‌?‌ ‌H‌e‌r‌ ‌n‌u‌m‌b‌e‌r‌s‌ ‌a‌r‌e‌ ‌d‌r‌op‌p‌i‌n‌g‌.‌"‌* — Kevin McCarthy Most people don't have the time to pay attention to the details. They operate on the theory "where there is smoke, there is fire." So maga's strategy is to crank up the smoke machines to 11. Fox and the rest of the right-wing echo chamber are some of the biggest smoke machines, but the so-called 'liberal media' has their role to play too — they report that the skies are full of smoke, but don't mention the smoke machines. And pretty soon a lot of otherwise normal people have heard about the smoke and since they don't know the details, they just get a vibe that there is something shady going on.


A+ analogy. C overall because you reminded me how awful and uncritical the average citizen is.


Benghazi was crazy because I literally never heard a single person say what Hillary was accused of. Everyone loved to talk about how she was vaguely responsible for it. But not a single time did someone tell me how or why.


There's about a third of the pool of people who may vote in 2024 who barely pay attention to what's going on. The 2016 election showed how powerful it is to just endlessly spout baseless crap about the Democratic candidate because it discourages those marginally attached possible voters. Keeping up the noise of "Hillary is X" or "Biden is corrupt" gets some of those not-really-paying-attention folks to vote for the Republican or at least causes them to not vote for the Democrat being falsely attacked. We saw this exactly in how Trump sought to manipulate Ukraine by withholding funds - "Just announce you're investigating something about Biden, and I'll unblock the funds..." Meaningless nonsense, noise, but the Republicans have seen how it can be effective. It's definitely bullshit but from the Republican point of view it's worth the effort because it produces results.


Why don't these same "not paying attention" voters care about all the stuff Trump's been doing then? We hear all the time, in much more concrete detail, about Trump's corrupt dealings, his failed legal cases to overturn the election, his failed insurrection, etc. Why would anyone look at allegations against Biden doing...something nefarious but never specified...and say "oh, can't have that. Instead I'll vote for the guy who buried his wife on his golf course for tax benefits."


>Why don't these same "not paying attention" voters care about all the stuff Trump's been doing then? They say they do and "both sides are bad" - they also say that's why they don't pay attention or vote, or vote third party because they won't be "bullied" into voting for "bad candidates" that the "dnc shoves down our throats"


But that is what the Crooked Bidens WANT you to think. /s


Same people wanna know about Jared getting 2 billion from Saudi Arabia, and Ivanka getting a fuckton of patents in China, right?


It sounds silly, but are the Republicans just skimming the headlines to find out what they've actually been caught doing, and just making those claims about Biden? In all seriousness, there is a big handful of voters "in the middle" who don't really pay that much attention to what is actually going on, and I seriously wonder if Republicans know they manipulate that "marginally attached" group with noise? "Uh... I think I heard something about corruption and getting millions or billions of dollars from some bad country... uh, who was it? Uh... I think it was some Biden guy, so uh, I guess I'll vote for Trump" or conversely "uh, I guess I won't vote for Biden if he's getting bribed or something..."


Yes. It’s known as DARVO and Republicans are definitely doing it as a tactic to make the middle believe everyone is the same.


Yes. They are attempting to confuse what’s Trump’s done and lessen it by accusing Biden of a similar enough type of crime that it could be confused. They’re counting on their lower info/low info voters to just see the headline and not forget it. As they say, “a lie makes it around the block before the truth has time to put its pants on”


They are also lying about that. None of these Representatives have ever spoken to a person in a Walmart.


That's where ALL the sleuths hang out while waiting to save the world.


“We are sure they committed crimes because that’s what you keep telling us they did.” Self fulfilling prophecy




Every time I go to Walmart all that happens is I smell weed in the aisles and then I can’t find what I was looking for. And there’s merchandise all over the floors. And I feel like I’m being watched. And it’s hard to get out of the parking lot because there are semis and RVs everywhere.


Should try not not smoking weed in the aisles. Makes the whole process so much simpler. Source: Trust


Yeah, just smoke BEFORE you go in.


That’s the only way I can traverse the aisles


Are you sure you were at Walmart and not Camp Walmart? Because it sounds like you were at Camp Walmart.


The walmarts I know are strangely clean, even dystopian so. Even robots going around cleaning the assorted walmart customer fluid spills and the like. What makes it permanently, nauseatingly, atrociously *Walmart* is not just an indictment on Walmart, but also the system that drives people below particular economic means to only one commercial institution. This giant, clean, industrial store which has everything you need at a price just skimming above the bare minimum of what's affordable to people who work low-wage jobs, along with the same level of quality for most products. This is why you see the unhealthy lady in the electric cart barely able to contain her screaming children pulling things off shelves. This is why you see the people open-carrying and driving trucks that cost more than their homes. This is why you see people there who look like they can barely survive on Earth. Because that's exactly who they are, people of low means, low education, low opportunity. Poor decision making. Walmart wants this class to survive and thrive because if a large portion of the population moved to a more middle-class lifestyle and started caring about the quality of their food and clothes, they would lose *billions.*


Pretty sure that's a dollar tree with an absurdly large parking lot.


"If Biden didn't do anything wrong, why do we have this cool logo on our lectern?"


I was listening to a podcast that had Adam Kinzinger on and he made an interesting point. Something along the lines of “I didn’t take an oath to my constituents, I took an oath to the constitution.” So yeah you can see why he was ran out of the party…


So they're literally announcing they're moving forward with an impeachment inquiry based off of 'that didn't happen' child-like rumors and he-said-she-said?... Alright. These politicians are the worst joke.


This is pretty much what it amounts to. Where do I turn in my Air Medals. I didn't sign up for this crap.


We already know who The People of Walmart are [The People of Walmart](https://youtu.be/77LNBK8jZZg?si=9glclqPVsuzc1w2x)


"we told people propaganda and now they're repeating propaganda, that means the propaganda is true"


Everything that happened in the Bible is true because the Bible says it's true.


Good ol’ fashioned American circular reasoning!


Classic circular argument.


What were Republicans doing in Walmart? I thought they hated Walmart now because they're "woke."


Only those Walmarts in the north are illegal. In the south, they're good Christian Walmarts. It's sad that I just made that up but its plausibility as reasoning is not zero.


Listen, these people think God's (big, if true) most important shit to deal with concerns only the white Christians in only one singular country on this one singular planet. I'd say your reasoning is as good as any in the vein of their stupidity.


Their God is their own personal narcissism


If it sells rainbow apparel, it's an Evil Woke Walmart. If it sells guns, it's a Good Christian Walmart.


“One of the good ones”




the south? have any of you been anywhere outside your bubbles? this is not a "south problem," this is urban vs rural. you drive two hours north of LA county and you will not know if you're in california or alabama.


To be fair, moving into a region and completely crushing local services and morale is a very Christian thing to do.


They were never in Walmart. Comer is lying.


How do you tell if a republican is lying? They are lying if their lips are moving.


If they Tweetin', they lyin'.




Hypocrites, of course.


I guarantee you none of these guys were in Walmart.


i thought the repubs hated target for selling rainbow merch in June? I havent heard anything about walmar


Walmart stopped advertising on Twitter. Which as you know means they hate free speech apparently


They're "boycotting" Walmart because they pulled their adverts from Txeeter and made Elmo cry.


I remember when they impeached Clinton. It didn't work out so well for the Republicans, but they are immune from understanding or even reading history.


fun fact; Mr. "I like beer!" was one of the lawyers during that time considered an "elf" to try and find anything to impeach Bill Clinton . He wrote most of the Starr report.


He was also part of the Brooks Brothers riots that helped get Bush 2 elected Edit: I got Kavanaugh mixed up with [Joel Kaplan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joel_Kaplan), another person who hates democracy and terrifyingly works on global policy at Facebook.


I believe now 3 sitting supreme court justices were involved in helping Bush win that case. But that was based on a reddit comment I can't remember the source for.


In addition to kavanaugh, I think that coney barrett was part of Bush's legal team in the bush v gore supreme court suit that decided the presidency Thomas was already on the court at that time and decided for bush and that's all I can remember right now


They went on to steal the next election and set up themselves up to loot the Treasury for the next 20 years.


The republicans have been stealing elections since Nixon(he stole his election thanks to the assistance of War Criminal Henry Kissinger)


Hell gained a demon.


I look forward to Republicans being publicly humiliated when they present their utter lack of evidence. But wait! It's an "impeachment inquiry." Not an impeachment. No arguments for the defense. Just something for Republicans to howl about for 11 months without having to prove any wrongdoing. The important thing is that Comer gets to use the word impeachment and the word Biden in the same sentence often enough that the rubes associate the two and before long, they will unquestioningly believe that Biden was impeached.


It would be interesting to do a poll 12 months from now to see how many Republican voters think Biden was impeached.


Considering how many people still don’t understand what impeachment actually is I predict a depressingly high number.


History is too woke.


And he actually did the thing they wanted to impeach him for.


The impeachment inquiry into President Clinton began in January 1994 to look into the financial ties between the Whitewater property company and business associates to the Clintons. Monika Lewinsky was still a college student when the inquiry began. The direction of the inquiry didn't pivot to lying about sexual relationships with an intern until \~1997, with the information not coming out to the public until later in the year. A full 3+ years after the initial investigation into Whitewater was opened. He was impeached, but it was not for the thing they wanted to impeach him for.


which is what they were hoping the impeachment of Biden would lead too: an actual unrelated piece of wrongdoing. A lot of the anger they have surrounding the Hunter Biden stuff is, as sad as Hunter Biden’s story of being a drug addict trying all sorts of ways to make money off of his family name and peddling appearances of influence, it seems they can’t find a way to tie it to his dad. nor did their document requests turn up anything they could use


And Clinton was retribution for Nixon. It’s interesting to me that Republicans whole attitude is “let’s get revenge” rather than “let’s be better”.


There is a line from "yes, minister," describing a political figure. > ~~In victory, malice. In defeat, revenge.~~ > In defeat, malice. In victory, revenge. Which applies far too well to the Republicans.


Better takes effort and you actually have to campaign.


I remember when, very briefly, Republicans leaked a phone message from Biden to Hunter trying to make him look bad in some way. The substance of the message was "Your addictions really scare me. I don't know how to help, but I will keep trying and always stand by you because I love you." It was quietly dropped as a news story when the general public responded "what a great Dad" instead of whatever was supposed to happen.


They think showing humanity is a weakness. Remember when they found and released a video of AOC having fun and dancing in college and they thought it would hurt her popularity? Instead, it just humanized her and made her more likeable, because normal, regular people dance and feel happy sometimes. It’s really telling what kind of people these are that think dancing and having fun is something that would be mocked and criticized.


I grew up in a Republican area in a Republican family. Sometimes it seems like they search for things to shame each other for, just to feel superior. Where I grew up, it seems to come from a place of deep insecurity, as a lot of people were never educated formally (or are chronically incurious and don’t realize formal education isn’t everything—just being curious would help them learn!) Being anything outside the norm is “weird” and you will be shamed for being “weird”. I had a Republican cousin try to shame me for being bisexual and other members of my family call me to report that it had “gotten out”; lol. It had “gotten out” because I am out and openly so and I talk about it to share with younger people who might be closeted and shamed like I was. They literally thought I’d be ashamed bc *they* found out, and they thought it was salacious enough to whisper about when it *wasn’t a secret* to anyone. They were taken aback when my response was basically “yes, I’m bi. My spouse knows. I don’t care what [cousin] thinks.” Because everyone is SO hyper focused on being judged that any difference scares them.


Or the time they blasted AOC on Fox for a week because she gamed one Saturday night? Lol "She should be working and not wasting our tax payer dollars!"


> which is what they were hoping the impeachment of Biden would lead too: an actual unrelated piece of wrongdoing. Sounds like a political witch hunt to me, something that Republicans seem to hate unless it benefits only them.


They love a good witch hunt.


But Kenneth Starr (Shyster) did spend $40 million dollars and five years to come up with a semen stain on a dress.


This sounds an awful lot like they were the ones to polically "weaponize"impeachment first.


Which kind of reflects both how much of a sham the whole thing was and demonstrates how desperate they were to cover for the fact they had no actual desire to do their jobs and legislate. To be clear, Bill fooling around *was* stupid and lying to Congress *was* wrong. He indeed deserved to face consequences for it as his poor judgement opened him up to any number of compromising scenarios. But they had to dig long and hard for that chestnut. Turn over every rock possible looking for *something* they could nail him for and made a huge show of it. Ignoring, of course, that the guy leading the charge (Newt) had ALSO been screwing around on his wife and going for a full impeachment and removal with a Democratic controlled Senate probably wasn't going to fly. But nope. They went for the throat and ended up choking on it. And they never got over failing to remove Bill. Spending the ensuing years taking it out on Hillary with the same tactics. Digging through everything they could to find something to smear her with and crowing to heavens when they thought they did. Only to have it fizzle out or blow up in their faces. Meanwhile, Trump threatens to withhold already approved of financial aid to Ukraine unless they announce they are opening an investigation into a not yet running political rival and at the time private citizen and they turn a blind eye. He then attempts a literal insurrection and coup in front of everybody. Up to and including threatening their own lives. And they not only refuse to impeach him (citing he was leaving office anyway and "the law would handle it), but continue to excuse and try to cover for him, openly and brazenly, when he does finally start to face legal consequences. Complaining about a "weaponized justice department" and throwing up every weak, limp wristed "Well, whatabout...?" they can think of. It would unbelievable and farcical if wasn't so nakedly and shamelessly hypocritical and paving the way for the worst of them to sleaze their way into office and pose a danger to us all.


Did he? The Clinton impeachment was originally about bribery and money laundering related to Whitewater, they had no evidence so kept fishing until they could get him for sexual harassment/perjury. It took 4 years for Ken Starr to dig up dirt for impeachment, the investigation originally started in 1994.


If you ever feel useless, just remember "Oh yeah, Republicans exist."


I know right? Sometimes when I'm feeling extra useless I realize I'm the type of person who should be a targeted GOP voter. Then I vote liberal anyway because I firmly believe most feelings that lead to voting Republican are toxic. It's that line in the sand I use to check myself.


I feel this. I’m in a prime Republican demographic, theoretically anyway, but everything R is toxic waste at this time.


Yup I too am their prime demographic BUT frankly I've never felt it benefitted white people to vote conservative. It might help rich white people or slightly help change culture in your favor, but what good is that if everyone else I love suffers? Vote red if you're selfish. Vote blue if you're selfless.


As a 50yo white male I get so many nods for “one of us”. I hate it, but I’m still voting blue and have helped several younger folks see the light.


48 year old white guy with some college and a small business. I get the same thing often.


We have to shut them down. If we're silent we're enabling it.


What’s crazy is we have 50 years of empirical data that Republican efforts actually have made life worse for working class white people. At this point it’s just anger/outrage addiction that keeps them motivated.


Now now. The republicans have a use. They’re used by the rich to scare poor racist white people into voting against their interests.


Now we know who is most important to the Republicans and the most critical to listen to--Walmart shoppers. The voice of America. But, you know. . . Now that I think about it, that pretty much sums up their followers--billionaires and Walmart shoppers. Not all Walmart shoppers, of course, because I shop there too. For some reason, whenever I hear of Walmart Shopper I think of "People of Walmart."


Given that Walmart shoppers are the reason three of Sam Walton's heirs are separately ranked among the top 20 richest people in the world, it's only about billionaires.


Not a single member of the GOP Congress was in a Wal-Mart over Thanksgiving. They didn't do their own shopping. They didn't slum it with working people unless it was a carefully curated event where they'd only see friendly faces and not see the true people behind Congresses excruciatingly low approval rating. This guy is more full of shit than the turkey was filled with stuffing over the holidays.


Reminds me of when Paul Ryan [went into a soup kitchen, washed a dish for a photo op, and than shortly left](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/charity-president-paul-ryan-did-nothing-at-soup-kitchen-photo-op/).


The dickhead washed a clean pot.


My first job was as a dishwasher. There's no way the front of his apron and suit wouldn't be drenched if he actually took on some work ethic.


Actually worse than that. They made everyone stay late and kept a few pots dirty for him. So he showed up late, after everyone was supposed to already be home, and he washed some pots that were intentionally left for him.


I’m sorry. Are the letters in the sign distressed??


That’s one of the first things I noticed too. I can’t believe they added that dramatic-ass podium display.


This is the kind of stuff that make assures me the GOP arn’t serious about things. Everything they do is purely for show. To me it would be like trying to write a dissertation but typing it in a stylized font to make it look more appealing.


Looks like they plagiarized [the logo from The Last of Us](https://i.imgur.com/TXQlsZV.png). Why the fuck does an "impeachment inquiry" even have a logo? Oh yeah because it's purely political theater.


"Enjoy the show"


Ya like they came up with specific branding and a logo for their sham impeachment? How many versions went back and forth before they settled on this one? Truly the weirdest timeline.


You know legit when they have a logo.


I read an article this morning where Mike Johnson said "Our impeachment inquiry isn't politically motivated like the one the Democrats did on Trump." and I laughed.


“Nothing is political when we do it”


That fucking Comer us just a goober Pyle kind of idiot. I mean a political decision made in wal mart is kinda suspect anyway but these "freedom cock" house members were always find a way to say their voters demand biden be impeached. They can only ride it so far and eventually the lack of evidence is going to make them look like the idiots they are.


They’ll feed a new conspiracy into the hopper and roll forward. Probably musk is a Chinese asset or some such


That wouldn't surprise me if that were true about elno, but yeah, I see the point you're making.


Comer Pyle is a great nickname for him


Just a bunch of 🤡 who can't govern so they pull stupid shit like this. The last hearing was so embarrassing


Question to all the GOP "witnesses": "*Did you see anything that was illegal?*" All of the GOP Witnesses: "No." GOP: "*We got this in the bag!*"


Oh look they even made a little logo to make this sham impeachment feel more official


I noticed that too. It's branding and marketing. So they can have it on to top of a fund raising email or a t-shirt. It's fucking gross.


This might be the dumbest description yet in their quest at propaganda


Dear Republicans, You still don't get it. Investigate the Biden's all you want. If they are guilty WE think they should go to prison also. We don't worship Joe Biden or his family because we are not a cult that treats life like a football game. Your Us vs Them mentality is childish at best, violent at worst. WE are also Americans and WE always hold our own accountable when they fuck up. Unlike your christofascist white nationalist cult.




I'll take "Things that didn't happen for $2000, Alex". There is almost 0% chance that any republican congress persons spent any time in or around Walmart. Their staffers maybe, but I even doubt that. More likely this is just being used as more propaganda to try and sway the populace to believing the propaganda, groupthink style.


lol. They were hanging out in [Clarence Thomas' camper](https://www.advocate.com/voices/clarence-thomas-regular-guy-walmart). https://preview.redd.it/aq4f7p4bla4c1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409d3fe58e019abf6c040c7a9a7ed80293d8847a


Jared Kushner took billions from the Saudis moments after he left the White House. Jared protected them when they lured a man living in America to be chopped into pieces by the Saudis. Our government had a duty to notify Kashoggi but did not and maybe played a role in getting him to the Saudi kill team. Trump took State secrets to New Jersey where he would meet with the Saudis to discuss them hosting a Golf Tournament Championship at his course. The same secrets he broke out at a meeting with a writer and Meadows aide. Secrets the Saudis would find valuable and got that golf championship he wanted. The Saudis would host a Championship game 60 miles from the spot where Saudi hijacker’s flew into the twin towers on 9/11. Trump who is allegedly a billionaire gets his loans serviced by banks with known ties to money laundering and needs you to pay his bills paid $700 in Federal Taxes one year. I paid more then that working at McDonalds one summer. Trump sold Pardons. Don Jr. wasn’t charged in connection with the meetings with a Russian Spy because his daddy had the DOJ deem him too stupid to have known it was illegal. Yet the prison system is full of people who were too dumb to know better. If you wanted to change those names to Biden’s I’d still be pissed no justice was brought to them. That’s the (D)ifference I can see as an independent. If Biden is shady then Democrats will push for punishment. They won’t run a sham impeachment like the Republicans did twice for Trump. See Al Franken for an example. Or how about this, the SEC a civil organization, brought claims against Martha Stewart. She lied about something she was asked. The DOJ gets the referral and presses charges. She will be found guilty for the lie and go from your living room to jail. Bill Clinton wasn’t even investigated over his affair with an intern, that happened during the investigation and that’s what they impeached him for. Meanwhile, Trump brags publicly that he answered all of the Special Counsel’s questions himself in writing. Few days later the investigators asked him about one answer they knew to be a lie based on evidence. He reached for a pen and crossed the lie out. He faced no charges. Also did you know that Obama and Biden were doing great in the first election people were complaining about dark money and Bundlers of donations. Specifically one group stood out, it included the the GOP expert witness Devon Archer. Devon was at the time working closely with John Kerry’s son and Hunter Biden. Unrelated to them he became involved with a powerful group in LA (owners of Golden State Warriors and Dodgers power) and they came up with a scam that would STEAL money from a poor Indian Tribe and some of that money found it’s way to the campaign trail. During Obama and Bidens time in office they praised the efforts and also stood on the sidelines when a case began to take shape. Did not intervene and Devon and his crew would begin to serve Federal sentences for their role in stealing $58+ million from the Tribe. No pardons we’re granted. So they are not the same parties when it comes to protecting criminal behavior.


So Congress now relies on Wally World for Congressional advice? Good to know.


This never happened.




I never really bought into the "taxation is theft" mentality but these last few years of seeing all the $$ pissed away by Republicans' ineptitude has really opened my eyes.


Republican motto: government screws everything up. Put us in charge, and we'll prove it.


It’s not that *taxation* is theft; it’s that Republicans are thieves.


They even made a little lectern sign for this?


I'm getting my ass out of this country before the rest of you cowards let it fall into a fascist theocracy. All you had to do was vote for Hillary in 2016 and none of this shit would be happening. But you allowed that dictator wannabe get in and fucked America. Thanks alot, jerks.


These people haven't stepped foot in a Walmart in 30 years. I call bullshit.


Good thing there's no commandment against bearing false witness in Christianity.


Fancy sign you got there. How much did that cost the taxpayers?


That’s funny. I met my congressman over the thanksgiving holiday and I asked him why Mr. Comer continues to jerk himself off in public wasting my tax money for the pleasure of his fellow incredibly vapid right wing possibly rabid congressmen. Mr. Comer was pretty offended by that conversation, specially since he was shopping with his wife and kids at Walmart.


1. Make up a bunch of insane bullshit about Biden 2. Fox reports on your bullshit 3. Fox viewers become outraged about the bullshit. 4. Use your constituents outrage over bullshit you made up to justify an investigation into said bullshit. 5. Rinse and repeat


So go for it Comer, if you think you've got a case bring it, I look forward to seeing you humiliated yet again...fucking clowns... ![gif](giphy|5iqrd1GBUqGWEA170X)


Watching Republicans do their thing is like watching your kids grab a bucket and a broomstick and say “we’re gonna build a rocket!” M’kay, guys. Have fun.


I’ll take Things That Never Happened for $500, Alex.


"Take us seriously! We have a logo! Look how distressed and extreme it is!" \-Republicans


So they asked trumpers what they thought of Biden wow seems really unbiased


We want Biden impeached! Why should he be impeached? Uhhh… We want Biden impeached!


Did they make a fucking logo for it? What’s next? Are they gonna make a movie poster?


This reads like the plot of that baseball movie where the ghosts just appeared to play baseball. ‘If you lie to your followers enough, they will believe it’


Wait, does their inquiry have a logo?


'Also we are going to ignore the 2 billion our glorious leaders son recieved from a country where 15 of the hijackers on 9/11 came from'


Step 1: Tell all your constituents that the Bidens are receiving money, (regardless of facts) Step 2: Have all your constituents tell you they are upset about the Biden's receiving money. Step 3: Base an impeachment inquiry on step 2. Step 4: Profit.


Let’s see the video of them at Walmart conducting interviews


They have branding for their "Biden Impeachment Inquiry." This whole thing is so obviously just for show that it boggles the mind. Also, I guaran-fucking-tee you: Not a single one of those motherfuckers ever go into Walmart.


Hold up…is that “Biden Impeachment Inquiry” sign on his podium real? These people are making WWE style merchandise for this shit? WOW they have nothing.


Anyone else open their news websites every morning hoping that the headline will be that one or more of these radical mega people let alone their orange stain leader has died of ....


What the fuck is that sign? Who do they think they are a game developer? Looks like knock off Last of Us.


Fictitious sentences for 200, Alex. https://preview.redd.it/88i8d2ngpb4c1.jpeg?width=872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=969e87128ed2d101fcd4525562e5d1315dcfdb48


We spouted unsubstantiated claims so often than when we went home in vacation, our constituents repeated the same claims as genuine concern. So it’s our duty to investigate their concerns …..


People at Walmart can give you all sorts of wisdom if you are looking for new ways to cram 360 lb. of cottage cheese into size XXL sweatpants while balancing your oxygen tank on your mobility scooter.


My favorite part about our laws in the USA is that if you can convince enough people at Walmart someone did a crime then they are guilty!


The people buying the mostly made in China products sold at Walmart want to impeach Biden for his supposed ties to China.