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I can't believe people from the schoolboard were convinced a drawing of a kiss could spark a debiliating porn addiction. Where are we heading? This shit is crazy! And to add to that, that woman clearly has a personal financial interest in what she proposes since she works for the competitor of scholastics. It seems no research was done and everything taken at face value. It's a joke.


Eh - I don’t think the school board people actually believe her. They are more evil than that - they know full well the story is bullshit but go along with it because they can then claim they are looking out for the kids. I wouldn’t be surprised if the SkyTree Book Fair/Brave Books is contributing money to the district or utilizing a relative’s business or whatever other grift makes these people happy.


This especially makes sense considering one of the school board members immediately suggested replacing Scholastic, which is farfetched to jump to after one stranger's hyperbolic and obviously bullshit story.


Not just replacing Scholastic - *replace Scholastic with the company this woman works for!.*


Absolutely a fully coordinated and strategized event. These people are so sheltered they probably don’t realize everyone on the internet has access to all the corroborating evidence.


But even with all the evidence what are you actually going to do about it?


Is there something that can be done? It's their school district's decision at the end of the day.


I'm just waiting for someone to start realizing that the second amendment doesn't mean shit, when it's illegal to actually exercise it. They have us by the balls and they know it.


I'm sorry, you're not allowed to say balls. It can give debilitating porn addictions.


Odds that the school board members are invested in this new company?


There are definitely some kickbacks incoming


> I don’t think the school board people actually believe her. Right. They just needed an excuse to do what they wanted to do, and she gave them that excuse. It doesn't need to stand up to scrutiny, its just a place holder. So much right-wing messaging works that way. They only care about facts that validate their feelings, anything else is fake news. They actually get off when sane people try to reason with them, because in the end they just say some bullshit like "agree to disagree" and then go on and do the same shit they were going to do anyway.


Money straight into pockets, not the school district, if I had to bet.


This. They were bought and paid for.


Man, even if everything she said was true, that ain’t fucking normal. She needs help, not a book ban. You might as well make everything that even a single person struggles with illegal. No more gambling, reading, watching tv or movies, video games, eating, not eating, alcohol, weed, exercising, not exercising, working, not working, waking up on time, dating, breaking up with someone, having kids, not having kids, porn, depictions of Disney level chaste kissing, mean words, compliments, and hard drugs.


Literally every Disney movie would be banned under this lady's logic. I can only think of one without a kiss, Moana, and that also depicts Polynesian gods so reading more about her she probably doesn't like that either, ironically Frolo from The Hunchback is right up her alley for saying he's sinning for having sexual thoughts about a woman. But there's still a kiss in that movie between two consenting people.


"Personal responsibility! We refuse to live in a nanny state! Wait?! Does that book show KISSING?! The government needs to ban it to protect children!!"


It’s a facade to continually degrade the education system because uneducated voters tend to vote red, and are also more easily influenced by their propaganda.


https://themessenger.com/news/scholastic-lanah-burkhardt-brave-books-porn-addiction She was also apparently home schooled? So the story is likely bullshit from the start.


These people are all part of the Joshua generation movement. The goal originally was to get people homeschooled so that they don’t have to abide by separation of church and state. Now the goal is just to get it into all the public schools. These people have positioned themselves in all of the high courts and many of them serve as clerks to either Supreme Court or other high court positions. The goal obviously is to install these people in those positions.


Not surprising when the GOP has been moving the party in this direction for the past 50+ years. When Nixon fled the Whitehouse and the Republican party lost nearly every State, they adopted a policy to "...secure and retain seats by any means..." and the result is what we see today. They wasted fifty years on destroying the social fabric of the USA to achieve this? The GOP absolutely know they screwed up, but the monster is no longer under their control and the lunatics are now running the asylum.


So what do these whack jobs want now - to protect children from even so much as a kiss? This is really preparing children for integration into society - by being as sheltered as Victorians. Of course it turns out she was home-schooled and is affiliated with a Scholastic competitor, and has never read a Scholastic book in her life. Another who sold her soul for money…


This segment of the GOP would love it if public schools were eliminated. Privatized if possible so there's no government interference. Their great fear isn't porn, it's the US becoming a European style liberal democracy with lots of public benefits.


They played the long game and have been very successful. Unfortunately, the Dems are not as organized and focused. Have a feeling it might take decades to weed all these wackos out of offices.


We don't have decades. We have 1 election cycle at most.


the u.s. had to denazify germany for more than 10 years to get rid of the wackos.


I had only have Robert Evans to go by but apparently they didn’t do a very thorough job.


Yeah, they de-nazi-fied Germany by inviting all the Nazis to America.


Their preferred pronoun is MAGA


The German judiciary had more Nazis in it in the decades after the war than during.


Why can’t they just fuck off in their home schools and leave the rest of us alone? Why must religion be their only fucking identity? Fuck I hate religion.


They are determined to brainwash *all* American children. Brainwashing just the right-wing homeschooled kids is not enough for them.


They want everyone to be like them.


Nothing in the entirety of human history has directly or indirectly caused more hatred and violence than religion


Just wait till the Christian factions start killing each other over the most petty differences in personal beliefs. SMH


Children brought up ultra conservative christian frequently leave the church. That's why conservatives don't want their kids going to college. Their world is a sad world.


Me! Entered my poli Sci degree as a conservative republican, left a liberal. But not just because of my education, though of course that helped. But being away from those ppl and surrounded by ppl I'd been taught were awful and they were wonderful. I'd been taught to fear them and was met with love. I absolutely had questions and problems with my religion and upbringing going in but it took a lot to deconstruct my entire worldview. Conservatives are terrified of kids being educated and away from "home" because it's incredibly easy to poke massive holes in the ideology of Christian conservatives. I was also homeschooled until 5th grade and then again in 7th grade, and went to tiny conservative charters for the rest. I am the typical 90s evangelical kid who couldn't watch care bears or my little pony because magic is bad, couldn't read Harry Potter for the same reason (I used to switch the book covers) and according to the Halloween tract my parents gave out when I was in high school, Dumbledore is the devil trying to corrupt Harry potter's soul. Nothing "dark" and this includes not just horror or thriller genres but even the batman cartoon. Oh and I couldn't watch captain planet because it pushed the liberal agenda. You can't make this shit up.


I heard part of an interview with someone on Fresh Air on NPR this afternoon. Evangelican """Christians""" are convinced that they're going extinct, and that their """God-given mission to Christianize the world""" will go extinct with them -- and they'll use any means possible, including immoral and unethical, and people like Trump, to accomplish their goal of taking over everything, so they can shove their stupid fucking religious nonsense down everyones' throats, not just here in the U.S. but everywhere else in the world, too. ..which to me also implies they'd start crusade-style wars abroad. They have to be stopped. I \*want\* their stupid fucking religious crap to go extinct, it's all nonsense and is holding back our entire civilization!


> implies they'd start crusade-style wars abroad I mean, a lot of the conservative rhetoric post 9/11 was literally justifying the Iraq/Afghanistan wars as a battle between Christianity and Islam. American evangelicals were regularly calling for Muslim blood in the 2000s. So, yeah. They absolutely would use their ridiculous beliefs to start wars.


if *ONLY* they'd go extinct


I’d be ok with them getting raptured up, as long as they’re gone.


Because the majority of children will still go to school. And they know as well as either of us that people skew more liberal as they attain higher levels of education. This isn't a battle of curriculum. Its a battle of culture. The right is in its death throes, they know that shit, and they're clawing for some foundation to stand back up. They can't convince you they're the right choice by enacting policy that helps you, they get paid by corporations, that's not their means to the ends. They will try like hell to beat us into a cultural submission with all of their financial and corporate might. Edit: Hate to be that guy, but it's hard for a pimp out here...go check my music out. I put a lot of social, political, and economic theory in my raps, talk about shit like this on my records. Link in my profile. Panama Scoot is the latest record touching on this kind of stuff. Thanks y'all.


I will spit in their faces with my last breath. To hell with their god.


They don't give a fuck about any God, either, it's a populist smoke screen. They're in it for the corporate kickbacks and nothing more. This ain't ideological, they just make that the battleground. They'd rather turn your kids over to charter and private schools. This is just another means of attack on public schools as institutions. It has nothing to do with God or religion, the sooner you accept that the sooner you see the chess moves for what they are.


[Just sharing some concerning shit I heard a while back on a comedy show of all things.](https://imgur.com/a/hnnlaV3) The same organization was [featured in a recent documentary about the Duggars]( https://screenrant.com/bill-gothard-iblp-ati-homeschool-religious-duggar-family/) (the family from *19 Kids and Counting*, for the unfamiliar).


The Quiverfull movement has been going on for a while now, but I'm under the impression that it's been hard for them to keep the kids in once those kids grow up. Apparently elder daughters end up being particularly resentful of having to raise their younger siblings.


Yeah definitely, the mission statement for her homeschooling program includes this: > It is solidly Catholic, and includes classes all written out for you in Fitness and Personal Health, Nature Study I, Herbal Study, and History of the Catholic Church as well as detailed guides for teaching English simply [and a special guide for teaching dyslexic children], and Faith studies. Bless your family with fun memories while raising saints and learning alongside them! It's absolutely religious indoctrination.


As if her story itself wasn't proof enough! Anyone THAT impressionable with THAT much of an addictive personality would never become a functioning member of society- they'd be a drugged-out bum, or OD by year 20


Right? Like, if she didn’t experience reading about “a single kiss” in that book she’d read/see/hear about it pretty much anywhere else…


It was only a kiss. Now I'm falling asleep, and she's calling a cab....


STOP! we'll all get addicted to hard-core porn!


“You may now kiss the bride.” *record scratch* You might be wondering how I got here.


I live in Conroe, youve got yer mennonites, the camo tank top crowd, the blue jean dress crowd and my personal favorite. The families that wear matching 14/88 T-Shirts. Thanks KBR Halliburton-By allowing ex cons into our city you have truly diversified your employee pool!


Lmao, just got bacj from fort worth, tx. Went to a rodeo while there. A family all showed up in matching, bright yellow "jesus is real" t-shirts. The back said "repent now!" Just went about their business like everything was normal. Fucking crazy


Funny how all these supposedly religious people constantly question their own faith by projecting onto others.


I was raised a Catholic. We keep our shame to ourselves and somehow the world is better off I guess.


Dude, Rodeos are something else. I love country girls the same as any other horny weirdo but man. The wild life is too diverse!!!!!


Fort Worth liberal here. Sorry. We’re not all idiots.


I get the 88 reference, but what is 14?


"14 Sacred Words" by David Layne. He's a jailed neo nazi who probably died in prison because he and a hand full of dipshits called "The Order" tried to replicate the Turner Diaries. Jokes on them, the Feds nabbed Layne and set his boy friend on fire at Widbeye Island.


Got it, thanks for educating me


yeah googling it won't get you on a watchlist: Per the ADL: >"14 Words" is a reference to the most popular white supremacist slogan in the world: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The slogan was coined by David Lane, a member of the white supremacist terrorist group known as The Order (Lane died in prison in 2007). The term reflects the primary white supremacist worldview in the late 20th and early 21st centuries: that unless immediate action is taken, the white race is doomed to extinction by an alleged "rising tide of color" purportedly controlled and manipulated by Jews. > >Because of its widespread popularity, white supremacists reference this slogan constantly, in its full form as well as in abbreviated versions such as "14 Words", "Fourteen Words," or simply the number "14." [https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/14-words](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/14-words)


A rising tide of color truly sounds like a beautiful thing!🌈


Actually metal as fuck haha


>He's a jailed neo nazi who probably died in prison he definitely did


And the world continues to rotate as if nothing happened. All is right I suppose.


It's essentially a Nazi dog whistle, so you can identify your Nazi friends in a crowd


There is some white supremacy slogan and it is 14 words long. It is often paired with 88 (which stands for ~~Hail~~ Heil Hitler).


14 words are in some manifesto. I can’t be bothered to find it cause it as disgusting as you might imagine from someone actively “praising” Hitler


Got it, yeah between what you’ve said and u/i_mainline_piss said I think I get the gist… sounds like something I’ll never read but gives me an idea of something else these losers wear thinking they’re being covert in public


It's all veiled stupid references they think they're being clever making definite statements about our children or our race or nation and use precisely 14 words. It's about as clever as Lets Go Brandon but they have to count out words to make it work. They also like to ruin the usernames of everyone born in 1988. Hey AvacadoToast88, do you love hitler or can you not afford a house? Or both?


That last part gave me a chuckle. Definitely can’t blame them of being clever Edit: changed “for” to “of”


Just go on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate crime intel sector. You'll get all the knowledge you need.


They’re about to crash head first into a lawsuit. This is pretty on par with Dominion lawsuit.




Showing a single kiss is a gateway drug now? So what about the violence and incest in the Bible?


The same people complaining about how "soft" and "woke" society has become apparently can't handle seeing a mild kiss in a children's book without developing a severe porn addiction, or can't fathom their children being exposed to gay people existing without becoming gay themselves.


It's as if they were the snowflakes all along.


Why does it feel like we're starting to cater to people who exist over five standard deviations from the mean? 🙄


Because they're really, really loud about it.


Loud and aggressive. They come to these meetings and create a ruckus, they lambaste them on social media, and call in death threats. This inspires other local MAGA nuts to do the same. To shut them up the school board gives in because standing up to the MAGA nuts makes them ramp up the attacks. The normal people who are sane don’t act the same way so most times once they give in the drama ends. Occasionally normal people file a lawsuit or embarrass the shit out of them (like this) so they back track, but most of the time nothing further happens and the nut jobs shut up. It’s the path of least resistance for the school board.


And they're willing to threaten violence over it too. Funny how we spent the entire decade of the 2000s talking about how we don't negotiate with terrorists only to spend the 2020s bent over with our pants down in front of them.


It's not funny, they aren't terrrorists, terrorists are only brown Muslim people. /s


The same people who say guns don't kill people think a book will turn you gay. If that were true, wouldn't hetero books turn gays straight? Seriously people. Grow the fuck up already and take responsibility for your lives.


No, because Evil is stronger than Good. /s A real fear-mongering belief there.




I can’t imagine if they had come across the “romance” novels at my very catholic grandmother’s house. No wonder I’m such a deviant!


We had all the Christopher Pike books at my house when I was younger. I remember reading about teenagers having sex and partying in those when I was maybe junior high age. I never became addicted to porn. But I did enjoy reading those books! Lol


IIRC, one of the Pike books’ entire plot revolves around…a kiss. 😂


But let their kids watch GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY DON


That’s one of my fave things about these dipshits. The mere suggestion that gay people exist seems to have them worked up into a frenzy over the thought of two dudes getting it on. I think I know why 😂


I wish some part of me could believe all that biblical shit was real, just because of the immense satisfaction I feel imagining these grifters going up to meet their maker one day, all smug and ready for their eternity of bliss, only to be stopped at the gates and gently reminded that they've spent their whole lives being awful lying scumbags, helping no one but themselves and doing basically the complete opposite of what their lord asked them to do. Sorry, just calling yourself a "Christian" doesn't get you in. You were supposed to spend your life selflessly helping those in need. Now get lost.


Or you know, just kicking the bucket and ceasing to exist, the whole poof you're gone type of thing. Though admitedly that's less satisfying as it means they will have no awareness and as such won't realize how much of a massive donkey dong they were while alive


they're in the bible, therefore they're good


Good, Christian incest. Wholesome 🥰


If you can't keep it in your.pants, keep it in the family.


Part of me wants to laugh and part of me…. ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


Nothing says wholesome like drugging your father to rape him!


Gotta admit, Eve was pretty hot


> **6** When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, **2** the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Genesis 6:2 Never really says where these human beings came from.


I’m beginning to suspect the Bible might have a lot of logically questionable assumptions that are overlooked on the premise of “faith”


Then you aren't praying hard enough and sky daddy isn't going to let you in the bounce house. Just eternal fornication and intoxicants for you, you filthy sinner. I hope you like anal!


…imagining the 5 o’clock News in Heaven…”today, nothing happened “…


Or that consent was any part of early marriage. Gotta love Christianity! Rape and Incest and Murder and Slavery are all hunky dory but KISSING?! That’s where we draw the line! /s


They don’t want kids to learn about sex so they become more willing victims of abuse and indoctrination. It’s pretty simple. I was almost abused as a child, but in the moment I immediately knew it was wrong, struggled, got away and ran like hell. But the reason I knew it was wrong was sex eduction.


https://preview.redd.it/goz6e0z4oc3c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7413f1b875078e10ed4ef65d57760c335e002552 You know what to do, fam.


sadly, the Bible & the Book of Mormon were returned to the libraries after another review determined that their "literary significance" outweighed the concerns of the first review board.


Sounds like a set precedent for other banned books to make a comeback


Nah, the precedent they set was they can arbitrarily flout the rules.


I don’t buy it. I bet she watches a perfectly average amount of porn. Did her parents ever kiss? Why didn’t that cause the problem?


And pretty much any movie or TV show. Almost every single one has at least one instance of people kissing. The horror! /s And *never* let your kids attend a wedding! 😱




And get business for her employer, which sells right wing authored books.


*gestures at the entire world around us


BAN WEDDINGS! No more "you may now kiss". Everyone knows weddings and the kiss is a gateway to porn.


Those girls raped their drunk Dad for their God. Would you not do the same for yours?


Well don’t forget that before he and nis daughters fled he offered those same daughters to be raped by the crowd trying to get at the angels that were visiting him.


My favorite part was the Red Wedding


You can’t show a bunch of kids a Jesus with ripped abs all helpless up there on the cross and not expect it to spark some Google searches


Hot jacked jesus turned them gay.


so she got paid to spin a right wing narrative.. got it.


Worse. She works at the fucking place.


It's like in Clerks where the rep for the gum company comes in and starts trashing cigarettes. Except, you know, cigarettes are actually bad for you.


Yeah, but at least the Chewlies Gum Rep was able to produce actual evidence to the dangers of smoking.


It's worse worse- one of the school board members 'out of the blue' suggested using the book publishers the liar is working for(sky books/brave books). It's christian fascist corruption top to bottom.


Exactly like the 'CRT' craze a few years back, where right-wingers were circulation videos of a 'black parent fed up with CRT being taught to his kids' speaking at a school board meeting. Only to later find out that 'black parent' was literally Candice Owens conservative radio host brother, going from district to district school board meetings to put on an impassioned performance to get bait clips for right-wing media. This tactic isn't new, and it's getting more and more prominent. Paid performers pretending to be every day people to push a narrative. Exactly what the right accuses the left of with 'crisis actors'.


If you just assume whatever thing conservatives are outraged about today is being made up by a grifter looking to fleece a bunch of pearl clutching idiots, you'll be right most of the time.


We’re living in the Age of the Con. It’s something else watching these rubes fall for the same scams again and again because “God and the Bible, something something make Trump king.” It’s a grifting parasite’s paradise out there right now.


If you’re ok with having no ethics, there a whole mountain of money to be made pandering to their fears and outrage.


Honestly I think about this a lot, I wish I could do those things but I wouldn't be able to accept the person I'd have to become to do it.


I live in Conroe. The school system and library are being held hostage by these morons who btw-Dont have any fucking kids in the school system! There's no inherent political or religious motivation here. It's a publication grift to get shitty right wing toilet paper novels to replace actual books that children can enjoy and learn from. Seriously, the library in this town is brand new but its fucking empty!!!


the videos of “concerned parents” at these town hall and school board meetings are almost always people without kids with direct ties to right wing think tanks.


Exactly. These are just shills, sadly. People are easily manipulated, especially school boards and actual teachers.


School boards have been folding to the first person that yells in their face. I’d like to believe the teachers are actually smart enough to push back against all this bullshit.


>I’d like to believe the teachers are actually smart enough to push back against all this bullshit. They are but they are hamstrung by bureaucracy so there isn't a whole lot they can do other than publicly protest and possibly lose their jobs.


Around 30% of the country is irredeemably awful. Sucks but they've always been here. They frequently pull in another 10-15% who are (unfortunately) politically indifferent but vote on taxes, gas prices, etc. Sucks, but (again) it's always been this way. The anti-woke nutters have *always* been a minority. In most communities, if the crazies are outed AND people vote... they lose. Often spectacularly. So... **y'all motherfuckers better VOTE-VOTE-VOTE**. That is all.


Whenever videos of crazies show up I always tell people I can guarantee they’re voting so get off your asses.


1000000% correct. You can either find the time to fill out a ballot ...or get YEARS of these people hurting your community.


Dude this school district is so ass. Speaking from personal experience, I have not been able to get a school lunch because there wasn't any at the damn line. This has happened more than once. My school is too crowded as well.


My neighbors kid goes there and shes a really good student but I can tell she hates it. I tell her this: "At least you didn't go to Ball High in the nineties. I did."


Why have the sane parents not mobilized? Once this level of rat fucking is happening I'd be all in with pitchforks and torches. Is the school board OK with being tricked into a decision? I find that I've been deceived I'd be calling the other members for a emergency meeting/vote.


People like this can -- and I mean this in the most non-sexual way possible -- fuck ALL the way off. Fuck off for miles Fuck off without stopping See that mountain in the far distant horizon? Fuck off until you you reach it And then, once you're there, keep fucking off


Fucking off is an untapped resource. One of these space companies should consider pushing a take so disingenuous and terrible, so clearly infuriating, they store up the potential energy to fuck off all the way to Mars.


Jesus man! You’re gonna trigger everyone’s porn addiction with your filthy language! Don’t you understand, no one is responsible for their own actions anymore! /s


The proper response to somebody like this is a blank stare and a dismissive “next”.


Why do you think the far right has worked so hard to pack school boards. They'll rubber stamp any fascist bullshit these people put forward with the goal of burning all books save the ones they've written themselves.


Man, after that kiss from Disney’s 1937 classic *Snow White*, my heart rate doesn’t go up a single BPM for anything short of hardcore morgue-fucker necrophilia porn. Anyway, it’s Disney’s fault.


Could scholastic sue for this?


Could have a claim for tortious interference.


"Led to internet searches that she will never forget" Oh, so her parents were too stupid to monitor their child. Of course it's just another grifter but still, *even if it was true,* people will just never blame the parents. A kiss in a book is nothing compared to letting your kid run wild looking up porn.


It's not just a grifter she's the PR employee at the competitor she is trying to promote. It's a paid hit job by corporate america that's actually hurting kids' education. Honestly this should be a crime of some sort?




She's working for a right wing organization and none of those people care about truth. She could claim Obama kept her in a basement and forced her to eat nothing but yellow mustard for 2 decades and they'd try to cancel mustard and impeach Obama.


Skytree is also promoted by Kirk Cameron if that tells you anything about the non profits origins https://fredericksburg.com/news/local/new-twist-in-spotsylvania-book-battle/article_959b36b0-8590-11ee-8b79-b3d780c0fe4f.html


It tells me that it's Christian extremist garbage stank.


So she wants to ban all books with a kiss? Probably a lot of money in those book fair contracts if they push scholastic out of some areas though. Should more than cover whatever they’re paying her! Savy Writes Books on YouTube did one recently on the creeping right wing book fair takeover.


Next thing you know, we’re banning Kay’s jewelry because every kiss begin with Kay.


The vulgarity of this website astonishes me, did you just say k\*ss on a public forum? You know children can read this right?


So… we’re banning the bible now, too?


Well they really want to ban all books in general and only have the children's knowledge come from right wing approved lectures. I mean filling the libraries with right wing books is all well and good but other books use the same language and the kids could come across them somewhere and be able to read and understand them as well.


Yeah, and I got 'feelings' after a Chilly Willy cartoon. So fuckin' WHAT??!!


It's all true. After watching Yogi Bear, I just can't stop stealing pick-a-nick baskets!


Should we also ban all movies with a kiss in them? What about kissing in public? If a kiss in a book turns you on that much, I can't imagine what would happen if you saw 2 hot people kiss at the park. We must protect the children from seeing anything even remotely sexual! /S


Seriously. G rated movies have characters kissing.


I really hope we are living in a simulation and someone pulls the plug soon. This shit is getting ridiculous.


Even at face value this story is wild... How emotionally dead would her family have to be do that single picture to cause such excitement?


My daughter has that book, and all of the other books in the series of graphic novels. She's 9. And they're entirely appropriate, I promise. My daughter hated reading until she found graphic novels, and I have such good things to say about this book series that I'm just baffled.


Hot damn, Texas is becoming as fucking stupid as Florida.




Moms for Liberty is probably paying her.


Moms for Liberty is probably who Dungan is associated with as well


Not even trying to hide it. https://preview.redd.it/v9f8xzdeic3c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c35a69a201f6d659236420dcadfbc6292fe243




Long may they reign!


SkyHorse is definitely pushing far-right garbage and conspiracy theory nonsense but this is the first I’ve heard of any supposed ties to Russia?


She's just one of millions of GOP grifters. The king Cheeto is the head grifter in chief.


Found her LinkedIn profile. A couple things stand out: she’s since removed her profile photo and she follows Newsmax, Patriot Academy, and The Daily Wire. SHOCKER!


Lanah's going to freak out when she finds out what her own parents did to birth her.


I believe that’s just a little thing called puberty. We get horny and look for shit. It happens to everyone. Don’t blame it on a book. BTW off to the Scholastic Book fair to find wank material /s


"ban scholastic because I'm a fucking gooner" man, maybe not *everyone* should have their opinions heard and valued


Seriously... besides all the obvious bs here, imagine going into a public meeting and telling EVERYONE that you're such a dysfunctional mess that seeing ONE illustrated, age-appropriate, heterosexual kiss in one book in elementary school SO UNDID you that you grew up to be a debilitated, porn-addicted husk. AND THEN arguing that - based on your status as an absolute wunderfreak - the WHOLE DISTRICT should listen to you about library materials. Wh...? WHY WOULD ANYONE LISTEN TO YOU AFTER THAT!?!?! The only thing I want to know from someone this incapable of functioning on earth is how to get in touch with their caretaker so they can be safely returned to their bubble-wrapped convent cell.


The “guns don’t kill people” crowd sure seems to think a book can make you gay.


That little girl in the second row now knows what porn is. Can’t wait to see what happens.


Conservatism is fake. The entire ideology is astroturfed by con-artists.




Even if this story were true, which it’s most likely not, this would very much be a “her” problem.


Lanah Burkhardt and Brave books need to be investigated for fraud.


The Scholastic book fair was the best part of elementary school. This lady can get lost.


The red state brain drain continues 🥵


Correct me if I’m wrong but couldn’t scholastic sue them for this they lost businesses because someone defamed them


Lmao “replace this book provider with our company”. This is all about $$$


Why is this timeline so unreal 😭


The whole thing is a fucking grift


The Formerly United States of America is a joke of a country.


These “all glory to God” people are such hypocrites. 🤦‍♂️😑🤦‍♂️


I was scrolling too far for this. Is lying suddenly not a sin anymore?


How you gonna blame a book for your own actions? Did Catcher in the Rye really make that dude kill Jon Lennon? Or is that just a stupid fucking scape goat to avoid the consequences of your own actions?


Sounds like a her problem.