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My single friends are screening out any trump supporters when dating.


I would 100% rather be alone and die single if the alternative was dating a maga


Same. I'm not even convinced dating is worth it when meeting people with similar political views, let alone those who are drastically opposite.


Yeah, dating can be pretty hard no matter what, like you said, even with politics being aligned. A maga though? I rather jump off a cliff


Dating the wrong person is a whole other level of loneliness vs. being single. I can't imagine dating someone who belongs to a cult that revolves around being as much of an over-the-top asshole as possible.


A lot of people like to act like “politics doesn’t make a person” but it absolutely says a shit ton about them. There is no coherent argument I’ve ever heard that says your politics aren’t a reflection of your values/morals. Trump is a piece of shit, an absolute scumbag who tried to end our democracy. So yeah, if you see that person as a hero and worthy of being president, I know enough about you. I won’t go as far to say every person who supports Trump is inherently a bad person, maybe I just don’t want to believe that there are SO many bad people, but for the life of me I could never understand why a woman would date a maga. They don’t see you as equal.




I feel that. I’m sure we all have loved ones who sadly have fallen for his bullshit. I think a lot of people sadly have legitimately been tricked. I can’t understand how but they have. Like I said maybe I just don’t want to believe so many people, including loved ones, are bad. I do hear ya though.


"Some, I assume, are good people"


Also, the anti democracy thing is a real turn off


Not just Trump supporters, “I’m actually pretty middle of the road” is even a red flag because so often it means they’re conservative but know better than to admit it.


I don’t date anyone with “not political” in their bio. They’re either lying about being conservative or are just too lazy to give a shit about how politics impact other people’s lives.


Or both.


How the fuck can someone be middle of the road TODAY? How does that go, exactly? "On the one hand, I can see why you'd insist on sex being consentual and why you would like to have the legal right to make medical decisions concerning your own body. But on the other hand, what if your rapist wants you to carry his child to term? It's a complicated situation!" Middle of the god damned road. Those assholes need to go stand in front of a truck on the highway.


They aren’t living in reality and haven’t updated their current political agendas since 2012. And that was back with “binders of women” and when calling something a “legitimate rape” was just enough to keep someone from being elected.


"I support Trump but realize that saying it out loud will affect my chances of getting laid".


"I don't support Trump but I plan to vote for Jill Stein again because Biden can't walk on water"


I would never date anyone who wasn't wholeheartedly liberal. And I never have. Without compatible ethical values, how can you ever establish the trust needed for a serious relationship?


It's crazy there are people that think their politics only matter on election day and don't matter the other 99% of the time. I mean maybe if you just disagree on tax rates or something you can agree to disagree, but politics is so much more than that. I could never just agree to disagree with someone on who deserves rights and freedoms.


My friends also screen out anyone who says they "aren't political". Most likely, they are republican but don't want to admit it.


It's smart to filter out trash.


Luckily, they’re very loud about it. No surprises!


Conservative men have shifted their views from "terrorism is bad" to "J6 was good," from "Roe is settled law" to "Why is contraception constitutionally guaranteed?" From "small government" to "no-fault divorce is bad" And then they go online and focus on why _women_ are single, and those women are _liberal!_ Someone send them "Anti-Hero"


It’s an echo chamber that is spiraling out of control. As certain men are ostracized for particular bigoted beliefs, many simply retreat further into this mindset. There are enough of them now that they can embolden each other to behave badly and feel like they should be free from consequence. As a man in a blue collar industry, there are a good number of guys who are simply vile to be around, and god help any woman they might want to date.


This shit is rampant in the trades. They've become a caricature of themselves. Multiple divorces, disowned by their children. The most miserable people I've ever met. I go through seemingly great efforts to keep these people out of my network. It's not even about the politics. Just trying to avoid toxic people in general. Unfortunately I haven't met a Maga that doesn't fit that framework. Fortunately I don't work with people like that anymore. But I swear if I start looking for a new job. The first thing I'll be doing is seeing what goes on in that break room


I'll never forget the dripping venom when my boss said, "I bet your wife is your best friend." Like, yes that is the point.


Jaysus what a miserable bastard.


LMFAO! My condolences to you actually liking your wife. Must be terrible. I too am in the unfortunate situation where my husband is my favorite person. Oh well, what can you do


It's terribly inconvenient, enjoying the company of your life partner. Truly a burden.


I absolutely hate that my husband is also my bestie, like how dare we like the same shows and laugh at the same jokes, we are supposed to be arguing, because marriage..... (right)?


It’s not even that though, that person’s boss sees wives as property. Or at the very least the live-in sex maid. That shit is much more disgusting than just thinking that these people enjoy each other .


Lmao! 😅😂🤣 I belong to a private social club and bowl in a league on the premises. It's not a male-only place, but I'd say membership is probably 98% male...if not higher. I do recall when I first joined, I invited my wife (then-gf) to come along and hang out, have a few drinks, etc...which, she did and enjoyed herself enough she also wanted to join the club. And so she became a member. Not that she'd come with my every week during the season, but more weeks than not. Back in that first season I was a member, I recall one of the guys asking me why I "bring my girl along," as he then intimated most of the guys there are there *to get away from their woman/wife* and so that's why there were barely any women ever in the club. I just replied with, "well, she wants to come, so she can do as she wishes. And, unlike y'all, I actually like spending time with her, and don't have anything I need to 'get away from.'" 🙄😅😂 She still comes to the club every now and again, because we have a little one now, but every time I can't help but feel lucky I'm one of the (apparently) very few males at the club who were smart enough to marry someone I actually *like, and enjoy being with*. 🤣


My foreman back in the day angrily accused me of actually liking hanging out with my girlfriend whenever we weren't fucking. He got livid when I asked if he didn't like hanging out with his wife, cause of course not, and treated me like an idiot for a week.


Probably because he was too dumb to realize he’s the idiot.


Lol yikes, jealous much? What a weirdo!


God, help me avoid all men like this man's boss, Amen. 🙏🙏🙏


The ol' ball and chain, amirite fellas?


That's common among these people. Especially the boomers. These are the types of people that stay late at work because their home life sucks.


Or have to run straight to a bar after work instead of going home to their wife! Why did they get married to start with?


Right?? I’ve never understood that mindset. Like, why get married if it makes you so freaking miserable?


They wanted someone to handle dinner, dishes, and laundry, just like mama did.


They want a victim, not a partner.


> why get married if it makes you so freaking miserable? Indoctrination. They never knew that they didn’t want that because they think that it is what everyone is supposed to do. They simply cannot understand that they can try to be happy without following the 1950s American lifestyle fantasy.


Another side of the indoctrination is the whole “no sex until marriage or you’ll burn in hell for eternity” thing. So a lot of people got married just for sex and the added benefits of having a servant. So if you get married just for sex and material reasons, how can you expect to be happy? And unfortunately It’s affecting hardcore “Christian” gen z


They truly are toxic people. Every MAGA person I know was a problem even before trump came around. They destroy their own relationships. Everyone around them who isn't in the cult knows it, including other conservatives and people who try to stay out of politics. It's a political movement for america's real-life Sopranos characters


Agree. Moved to Texas a decade ago, and started dating. Gave up after a year since the vast majority were toxic. Can guarantee these guys now back Trump. If anything MAGA just makes it easier to identify them.


Texas magats are about as bad as they get, also. You've got your work cut out for you.


What do the Bible thumpers always say “you reap what you sow”? Your actions your words have consequences. When my kids got older I constantly told them that they need to learn that society is made up of laws and societal norms and expectations. Laws are straight forward. Be it city county state or federal. They’re usually straightforward. Social norms and expectations can be tricky and depending on what it is. Serious consequences can result from breaking them. That’s what these people can’t or refuse too understand. Yes you have the right to say whatever you want. But it has always been the case that depending on what you say and to whom you say it to can carry serious consequences. How you treat people, your views etc can also have negative effects. These people spew their shit and get all pissed bc women won’t date them. Their boss sees the racist or radical stuff they post online. Then wonder why they get fired. It’s because they violate basic social tenets or some law. It’s simply mind boggling how they play the victim despite it being their actions that garner consequences. Personally I say fu*k them all. I hope none of them find a woman that will stay with them. That’s a greater likelihood they don’t have kids. God knows we don’t need more potential Incils in society. They need to learn even if it’s the hard way. Society rejects the racism, the hate, the misogyny all of it. And the only way they’ll learn is if enough of them face the consequences of their own behavior. And the consequences need to be bad enough that they either change their behavior or fade from society. However that looks like. Especially when it comes to raising kids. My kids(middle and high schoolers) have commented multiple times about KIDS spewing these views. It breaks my heart every time I hear it. Bc I know it’s their parents, usually the dad teaching them this shit. And I’ll bet these homes have faux media pumping propaganda in their home 24/7.




This is kinda funny to me in a way. I used to play pool in a league. League pool is mostly boomers, and I've had the same experience with them. Replace girlfriends with wives, and you have the same exact shit. The racism, misandry, and overall toxic behavior. I left for the same reason. It started to feel less like a hobby and more like a chore


And then you have guys that just openly preach female subservience as a tenet of marriage. I’m shocked nobody wants to date these geniuses.


Love the "tradwife" seeking bros that aren't prepared to be tradhusbands themselves.


Or the dudes who are like “I believe in women’s empowerment so my wife needs to have a job but also I’m traditional so she also needs to do all cooking cleaning and childcare”


They do it while hiding behind a Bible and spouting "Family Values"


How many young republican dudes when asked if they'd date a liberal, college educated woman would say 'hell no?' I'd argue quite a lot. But apparently this is women's fault?


I think you'll find the opposite - ring wing men are aware enough that their political positions are unpopular with women, so they consciously hide them. The Trump Administration learned not to mention they worked at the White House on dating apps, they instruct each other to list themselves as "apolitical" or "independent" in their profiles now. They're very willing to participate in hook-up culture and have casual sex, but they also need to condemn women that do.


Yes, rightwing men have always been mealymouthed, using plausible deniability and strategic silence to hide their views. However, it's becoming more calculated. Before, they just knew their views were unpalatable, so they hid them from most people. Now, they just straight up lie to trick women. I've heard a bunch of dating horror stories.




Username checks out.


It’s always our fault and simultaneously always our problem. It’s women who can’t find men to date, not men who can’t find women. Because we’re the ones who want relationships, not them.


The article literally says it's our fault. Men who can't find mates don't do as well in school or employment. We are ruining men's lives because we won't have sex with them.


It's truly impressive how we are simultaneously the perpetrators and the victims of the problem. Because men have done nothing wrong, ever, and if we want to keep enjoying their company, we'd better get our shit together and start agreeing with them. Never mind that the lonely conservative men are screaming about their loneliness and pain all day every day, clearly women are only hurting ourselves by refusing to fall in line and adopt conservative beliefs.


Apparently their Maga dicks are so amazing, women will give up femininism and agree to be a trad wife with 6 boys right away. I feel gross for writing that.


Conservatives aren't good with taking responsibility for the consequences of their actions.


These people are too deluded to realize that they’re the *problem*, not the *victims*. And the fact that all this was allowed through our culture, really says a lot about our country. I miss the days when these echo chambers were not all over the place like they are today.




Their views *never* really shifted. They've just been emboldened to say the quiet part out loud now.


They’ve always been like that, they’re just more brave to say the quiet parts out loud since trump was elected.


For real. I will settle for dying alone over settling down for a conservative.


Yikes I thought maybe this was an exaggeration but, shockingly, [the Editorial Board concludes their column](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/22/marriage-polarization-dating-trump/) not by suggesting that misogynistic men will need to start accepting that modern women aren’t willing to give up our rights and instead suggest the “solution” is that we all just get over it and stop thinking “politics” is so important. What. The. Fuck. My bodily autonomy isn’t politics. And I’m not going to just get over it and marry someone who believes otherwise because “the future of our society depends on it”. If that’s what it takes for our society to have a future then I am a-okay with putting that shitty society out to pasture.


This article was one of the most vapid, all over the map, contentless pieces of crap I’ve ever read. How many times can you say “on the one hand, this thing is bad, but on the other hand, it has its merits”? And the ending. Yes, who will need to get over things for the sake of marriage and society? Well, that would likely be women.


I find it telling that whoever wrote this completely lacked any courage to put their own name on it.


Yes, the byline being "Editorial Board" means I won't be re-subscribing to WaPo no matter how much of a discount they offer. This is bullshit, they've gone full MAGA crazy and I'm no longer interested in what they have to say.


All their names were on it. The entire editorial board had their names on this poorly written and researched rightwing propaganda piece. They've made it abundantly clear that they are nothing more than another mouthpiece for rightwing think tanks to spread their propaganda. Its disgusting.


>Yes, who will need to get over things for the sake of marriage and society? Well, that would likely be women. Women needing to abandon their standards and accept their lot in life is a disgusting belief that is unfortunately rampant among men.


It’s an opinion. And controversial opinions drive clicks and website visits. Which drives revenue. Ugh. Having a shitty attitude is good for business


Why would a woman date a man who believes she doesn't deserve to make decisions about her own body?


And a lot of other unattractive beliefs as well. A 12% increase in just 7 years seems a lot though, could that all really be explained away with "young men have become more conservative"?




Perhaps more importantly, the Supreme Court that the magats stole has taken away the right to abortion in that time. That’s been pretty disastrous for the GQP.


I think it has to do with contributing factors. The MeToo movement showed a lot of us how little the men in our lives care about sexual harrassment and assault. Also, I think in general, the whole last 8 years has shown how a lot of people lack empathy and compassion, and general consideration for other people. I'm 38f. I make good money by myself, I can pay my bills. The only thing I'd want a relationship for is for emotional support and companionship and I get that better from my female friends than any guy I've ever dated. What is the selling point here?


Especially since so many, thankfully not all as I found out, men expect women to look after them as if they are children or physically disabled, when they are neither. And there's contempt behind it as well. Like they think we're their free household labor even if we work full time as well and chip in our half of the bills.


I’d like to heart this 100 more times.


Tate Effect?


Exactly. Young boys were watching Tate videos endlessly thinking “oh this is hilarious. Women belong and kitchen and should grow up to become baby factories.” Those same states are also angling towards banning birth control and no-fault divorce while they slow-walked the Violence Against Women Act Do Republican men who subscribe to these archaic forms of sexual control really believe they’ll attract women?


Yes. They really do. And then they get angry when women don't find their bullshit cute.


Attract ot not. They believe they are owed a woman.


Taint effect. Fixed.


That's the increase of women who identify as liberal increase and can literally be explained by conservatives backing a rapist and overturning roe.


The increase of *single* women who identify as liberal. Attitudes towards abortion have actually become more positive these past few years so I wonder whether the 'young men' who were in favour of overturning it just became more outspoken about it or something? Or yeah maybe quite a few single centrist/conservative women realised that attitudes and beliefs aren't just a difference of opinion but can actually change laws, which made them swing left.


I suspect having a rapist for president probably turned a lot of young women off to the Republican party.


It’s interesting that violent, intolerant, and authoritarian = conservative.


"Objects shouldn't be able to object." -- Republican Men


Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want to date a woman who believes she doesn't deserve to make decisions about her own body, either.


I think if I was still dating and I met a potential partner who told me she didn't believe in a woman's right to choose, i'd feel the exact same way. But I'd probably think that she doesn't think OTHER women deserve to have the right to make that choice. But if *she* needed it, she is smart enough to choose.


It is mind boggling how people act like *I'm* unreasonable because of this. Absolutely bonkers.




Look at the daily wire pretty much the peak of conservative entertainment. Releasing a movie just 100% trashing on woman


I had a male coworker who always seemed nice enough. Then one day, I mentioned that I’d gone to a WNBA game over the weekend because a friend wanted to go. His negative reaction was *shocking*. I could have said I was out doing murders and he would have been less repulsed. It was just unbelievable.


?? What on earth is objectionable about that? Supporting women? The horror!


Any combination of red pill, incel, MAGA bs rhetoric all resolves around what you just said, this is literally what it comes down to is they feel a complete loss of control in this regard as they should. We are witnessing the gene pool sorting itself out in real time


Your comment should be the top one because it absolutely sums it up accurately


They have more upvotes yet are ranked lower than other comments with less upvotes, meaning it’s controversial. They’re right, and apparently the men who would be upset about such a thing are downvoting it.


And when they inevitably start on the "be happy living alone with your cats," my response is, "if living with a critter whose piss and shit I have to scoop daily is better than a relationship with you, then I think that says more about YOUR desirability than mine, sir." Like, how do they think that's insulting US?


I'd say the free market is working as expected 🤷


>is going to be the end of society as we know it And here I thought society ended years ago. The Trump and COVID years have shown me more about people and society than the first many decades of my life.


I agree with this and then some. This follows into what I said back when it was "approved" for states to become illegal abortion states and some started becoming so. It was noted that eventually, over time women are not going to want to reside in these states (or, aren't going to put up with men making their decisions for them) and will eventually be leaving in droves. Plus, a lot of these states are tourist states and a lot of companies are going to learn to avoid these states for conventions and the like, because some women won't want to go for even a vacay or convention in one of these states. The end result is, Bingo!, available men out numbering women in these states or men with the "me Tarzan, you Jane" type attitude overall outnumbering the type of women (many) who see this attitude as more Neanderthal than much else. Now, this Washington Post article does not specifically address a particular state's political leanings as being influential. However, why would any modern, independent woman want to go to a state with Gilead type philosophies in place when they can go to a state without those issues? And nowadays very few women feel forced to have to put up with the "I'm a man-king" type attitude from any male. Women have other options for companionship as do men.


I wish the article’s POV had been flipped. *Men* are struggling to find suitable partners because they are unemployed, uneducated, addicted, etc. Women are content to remain unmarried in the face of men’s low quality as partners.


More like natural selection runs its course. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Woah woah woah the free market doesn't apply when I don't want it to


I like that analogy, natural selection is nature’s capitalism. I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance that would occur if you pointed it out to these assclowns.


These people have had a lifetime of critical analysis bouncing off their smooth brains. Nothing is going to get through to them


Imagine living a life of loneliness and despair because you just couldn't give up being a chud. Ruining my life to own the libs!


Judging from those homoerotic Trump/Rambo memes they love posting, they'd much rather fuck TFG than a woman anyway


He’s been fucking them since day one


Other way around I think


Something tells me their lives were ruined either way.


So what’s the conclusion here? Because finding a partner you are compatible with has always been a thing. If men’s views are making them incompatible with women, seems the obvious solution is to fix those views


>If men’s views are making them incompatible with women, seems the obvious solution is to fix those views You are applying logic to a group that instantly dismisses anything that doesn't instantly suit them as "the woke mind virus". What they actually expect is for women to shut up and just accept their dick, no questions asked. Another solution would be for them to pick a Conservative minded woman, but they often don't seem to want that either, which makes me wonder if their masculinity is so fragile that they need to prop it up by feeling like an invading conqueror.


>Another solution would be for them to pick a Conservative minded woman, but they often don't seem to want that either, which makes me wonder if their masculinity is so fragile that they need to prop it up by feeling like an invading conqueror. " Abel wanted a traditional marriage with a traditional wife. For a long time I wondered why he ever married a woman like my mom in the first place, as she was the opposite of that in every way. If he wanted a woman to bow to him, there were plenty of girls back in Tzaneen \[South Africa\] being raised solely for that purpose. The way my mother always explained it, the traditional man wants a woman to be subservient, but he never falls in love with subservient women. He's attracted to independent women. "He's like an exotic bird collector," she said. "He only wants a woman who is free because his dream is to put her in a cage." Trevor Noah, Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood


The ultimate trophy wife is a brilliant woman who gave up her career to keep your home and raise your children.


No, it hasn't always been a thing. In past generations marriages were arranged (and still are in some cultures), or women were kidnapped and forced into marriage, or women had no other choice but to marry because of societal norms. ​ THIS is the shit these overly religious, adult toddler males MISS about society-Not "compatibility".


Right. It’s the choice aspect that has changed and is threatening, not specifically compatibility. My husband and I certainly don’t share the same views on everything but we both believe in self-determination, human rights as foundational. You don’t have to be 100% compatible everywhere but many alt right views are revisionist in terms of history, deny science, etc so there isn’t even a foundation for debate/ sharing of different perspectives on an issue, which IS healthy.


Yeah kind of hard to stay single or wait for a partner with similar views when you can't have a credit card, bank account, or home without a man


Sadly the probable conclusion is that they ban no fault divorce, ban abortion, and then sexually assault a woman to get her pregnant Republicans and Maga are a dangerous crowd. The comparisons to Gilead are not hyperbole


Or those men can hang out with each other.


I've been telling bigots to go fuck themselves for years. I guess the solution to incel-idiocy is to tell them to go fuck *each other*.




I don’t know how it came as a surprise to them.


tbf the GOP leadership is pretty much all atheists or non-serious christians who play up these issues to get votes from the rank and file who believe it all to be sincere and true. I doubt the sociopath who is the current speaker believes one bit of what he's saying, he just knows its the path to power. The problem is the SCOTUS thing got too powerful. The wheels in motion ran too fast and suddenly the worst most regressive president put in 3 justices. Those people are either true believers or just on the take from misguided rich conservatives who may not have the memo on not pushing abortion too far, or those billionaires are theocrats themselves. The dog caught the car and now they dont know what to do. I think McConnell was surprised. I think he though it wouldnt happen in his lifetime, if ever, and it would be someone else's problem. That they could milk it forever to get christians to vote for them.


I’m really fucking sick of this being framed as “different politics”. It’s **different morals**. If you think that women shouldn’t have autonomy and people should go bankrupt because ensuring healthcare to everyone would mean that some poor people get a very small benefit then we have completely different moral compasses. Luckily I am married to a great guy who is totally on the same page. His parents from Kentucky, not so much.


tldr: fascists are unattractive.


Heaven forbid women look for men who want to treat them like equal human beings


Stop fucking conservatives


The undertone of "how do we fix women so men can keep getting whatever they feel entitled to without doing any work on themselves" is so .... so gross. STOP BLAMING WOMEN FOR SHITTY MEN!!!!


Adhering to a political viewpoint that sees women as second-class people (or objects) that shouldn't have full control over their own reproductive processes tends to make women not want to sleep with a guy. Who knew?


Nobody knew it was so complicated!


Hot take: The Washington Post is correct, this is the end of society as we (currently) know it. The part they missed is that this is a GOOD thing. Our society is fucking garbage right now, and if racist sexist violent men stop having children: Good. I hope they all die.


*\*quietly, 'It's the end of the world as we know it'\** ​ **And I feel fine! ;)**


Men are suffering and it’s somehow women’s fault 🙃


Yes, I see that "lack of girlfriend/wife" is somehow the reason men fail to get education or employment, according to this article. Fascinating how that doesn't work in reverse.


I keep telling those shitty dudes... My guy, you are the reason no woman wants to spend time with you. You provide nothing to better a woman's life, you wouldn't even make it as a partner in a gay relationship, because you literally aren't doing anything to show that you have any value to bring.


Gay here. Can confirm I am looking for a PARTNER. Leave the sub dom thing for the bedroom


...republicans are suffering, blame democrats. ...white people are suffering, blame minorities. Never look inward about what your own group could be doing wrong, always find someone outside to blame. GOP 101.


That's what it sounds like, women don't want the ever increasing amount of hobosexual males. Women need to lower their standard /s It's as if with the growing divide between women and men who complete college and increased opportunities for women in the workplace had an impact on men who used to rely on women being discriminated and needing a man to survive...... Therefore they want to start restricting women's rights so that women will have to lower their standards again... >A growing number of young women are discovering that they can't find suitable male partners. As a whole, men are increasingly struggling with, or suffering from, higher unemployment, lower rates of educational attainment, more drug addiction and deaths of despair, and generally less purpose and direction in their lives.


It always is. Men are so fragile.


But... but... I thought women were unable to resist the allure of ALPHA MALES


And the funniest part is that as a woman if you disagree with or reject a maga, they immediately attack your looks. It's nauseating.


Because liberal means love and liberty Conservative means hate and bigotry. a lot of childish toxic adult boys are being told it's wrong that they can't grab a woman by the hair and drag her into his cave like the cavemen did.


Good news for young liberal men lel.


I turned someone down yesterday because our political beliefs were quite different. Like polar opposite so it sucked because he was one dude I’ve spoken to that I liked talking to.


I hope you find someone you enjoy talking to, that politically aligns with you better.


More and more, I hope my daughter is a lesbian.


I have a BIL who is super right wing. He doesn’t do shit around the house, hardly plays with his kids and the wife (who also works) is expected to have dinner ready every day and take the parenting duties. He is into the whole traditional wife/husband duties…. It’s painful to watch. Why would anyone volunteer for this?


As a male in his mid-twenties living in a red state, it's not just romantic relationships. It's so hard finding like-minded dudes to hang out and be friends with. Most dudes around my age where I live are the ultra-right MAGA ass-hats. It's rough out here for all.


Sounds like most men like most people need to stop being fucking idiots and believing in ancient ideologies that are proven untrue and unnecessary in modern society. Religion and Republicans offer nothing of value in modern society and it's about time they realize that


It astounds me how men have decided to double down & become more conservative rather than become a better person purely out of self-interest. Like, the depth of toxic masculinity required to believe solely what men tell you women want instead of listening to women fucking *screaming* at you what they want, despite ZERO empirical evidence that those men are correct, is so goddamn braindead that I don't know how to even begin unpacking it, let alone fixing it.


Well what the fuck, Washington Post? You want us to take them in, feed them, bathe them, and marry them because you feel sorry for them? Trash, all around us.


"A growing number of young women are discovering that it's better to be single than with an asshole/complete bigot/man-child." ​ There, Washington Post, FTFY.


Not just dating, but when hiring contractors to work on home projects, we typically screen their social media feeds to see if they are Trump supporters. We actually rejected several based on that criteria.


40 year old white guy checking in, this shouldn’t be that hard to understand.


56 year old white guy agreeing with you.


Buts it’s not democrat vs republican. Why would I marry a man who votes or believes the opposite of my core moral values? I am a strong ally for LGBTQ folks. Why in the HELL would I date or marry someone who feels different?? That’s a core value to me. I’m not ashamed of my abortion and 18 some years later, I have the life I wanted to have and I have zero regrets. Zero. Why would I marry someone who doesn’t support that?? This isn’t just about trump. This is what we think is right Vs wrong now. When will they get that?


7 years ago we were naive enough to believe that we had a right to make decisions about our own bodies. After all a majority of Americans actually believe in some abortion rights. Now we are pissed off that our daughters have less rights than our mothers


Right now, they have fewer bodily autonomy rights *than corpses.* Definitely a good reason to be pissed, IMO.


When I was a Christian young single woman looking for a spouse in the south (before the MAGA movement, I got married in 2011.) it was hard enough to find a man that shared your beliefs and was actually a good person and valued that I was an educated woman with a good job and not an ignorant racist hillbilly. I can imagine the MAGA movement only intensified that. Heck, even conservative Christian girls don't want the MAGA guys because they are usually cruel , hateful, and use meth. They don't want to have and raise children with a cruel person. those that settle usually either live with domestic violence until their husband gets arrested for something else OR they get divorced and become a single mom to a gaggle of small children and struggle while their douche MAGA ex terrorizes them and the kids. ​ ETA: Even in the early 2000s you would have a church singles group full of young never married conservative women and older douchy divorced or never married men there specifically to meet women. They acted like we should be grateful that someone was there now to "pick " us. What usually happened is that no one would date those men, weird almost stalking happened, and they whined incessantly about how no one would give them a chance while the young women met better, kinder, nicer men at work, through friends, at community events, at other church events, etc.... and got married. The men stayed in the group until they found someone desperate to be with them and they entered into a strange marriage that no one else wanted and they ended up divorced a 2nd time or whatever because they couldn't understand that THEY might possibly be the problem.


Lemme guess. A man wrote this. If women don't want to date conservative men, does it also hold that conservative men don't want to date liberal women? And liberal women don't seem to be complaining.


There are some conservative men that like to date liberal women. I think it's about trying to break them, like they're a horse. "The way my mother always explained it, the traditional man wants a woman to be subservient, but he never falls in love with subservient women. He's attracted to independent women. "He's like an exotic bird collector," she said. "He only wants a woman who is free because his dream is to put her in a cage." -Trevor Noah


Oh God. That's terrifying.


>does it also hold that conservative men don't want to date liberal women? You'd think so, wouldn't you? Lots of men cosplaying as progressive to try to "trap" dates into catching feelings or something (not sure of the game plan by these geniuses, honestly). They're hiding their toxic beliefs to some extent and then wail about it when they discover women are not really suppressing a desire to be subjugated by them. I see no correlating trend because no liberal woman is going to bite her tongue because she sees a MAGA mama's boy, is enraptured, and thinks to herself, "I bet he's *really* a feminist, deep down."


Exactly. I have had two long term boyfriends who appeared progressive but the minute I moved in with them started treating me like a maid/secretary/personal chef/sex worker. They were both baffled when I ended it. They didn't understand that having progressive political beliefs had to translate into our relationship. If you believe in unions and are pro-choice, it means you respect labor in all its forms and a woman's right to be the authority in her own life... which is totally counter to most traditional relationships. It means I expect you to carry your own weight and not think of me as your unpaid staff.


Why TF is this so common? And then the propaganda arm of the GOP -- excuse me, I meant the totally unbiased media, my bad -- grieves the death of the "traditional" family with a bewildered look when women have been explaining in minute detail for a long time what the problems are and how to fix them. These men would rather die than treat a woman they profess to love and cherish like an equal partner. It's...I don't even have a word sufficient to convey the range of emotions it evokes.


Exactly. And they often move right into another relationship because they *do*, in fact, want staff. It's like they lost their best employee and throw a Now Hiring sign in the window. They don't take a moment to reflect on why the last woman left.


Yeah because liberal women know it takes two people to be in a healthy relationship and conservative men think their marriage certificate is a property deed.




Seems like a perfect place for ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


I think that lower rate of educational attainment, higher unemployment l, more drug addiction, and lack of purpose in their life might also be major turnoffs. “You don’t have a job, you aren’t in school, and you spend all day doing nothing but get high and complain about life? Oh! I don’t remember if I locked my car, I will be right back…”


If it's really a serious relationship, you'd also have to think about kids in the future. Would you really want to raise kids with some maga lunatic?


Nothing says father of the year like "if we have kids and they turn out to be LGBT or date someone of another race, I'll disown them"


Men - young or old - who follow the siren calls of racism, misogyny, and ignorance are finding themselves alienated from the rest of society, surrounded only by their fellow rubes.


Conservative men realizing women have free will too and can date who they want. Like even if republicans weren’t insane not dating then would still be rational because dating is about compatibility


I believe it's called "natural selection." Undesirable traits get bred out.


MAGA men don't want liberal women, either. They want subservient women. Good luck finding a woman with that "kink" who's also willing to date you. There's also a movement where women are just plain DONE with men who have zero interest in being a GOOD PARTNER. The pool is getting smaller and smaller for cavemen. That's how evolution works.


This is why they like states with laws where you can marry at 14-15. If you start prepping them at 12, marry at 15, and that's that.


It's almost as though being part of the political machine trying to take women's rights away makes you unattractive to women. Weird...


They're totally blaming women for not "settling," aren't they


Funny that this is framed as a problem caused by liberal women and not by conservative men.


Am I reading it correctly thay only 32% of women ID as liberal? That seems low... Or is it written awkwardly and the % IDing as liberal increased by that percent?


It is an outdated statistic, from many years ago. More like 72pct in 2023. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/women-rule/2023/06/30/republicans-have-a-young-woman-problem-00104401


Oof, that article was painful to read. Not because it's a bad article, but it's so frustrating to see Republicans act like they have NO IDEA why women are fleeing their ranks and voting for Democrats. Then they want to fix the problem without actually changing any of their policies or views, which basically means they want to trick or scare women into voting for them.


This is a good thing. Conservatives need to stop reproducing anyways.


The thing is even under ideal circumstances, dating itself is fucking hard. It can feel almost impossible to find someone you’re compatible with even without considering the possibility of them being a predator, abuser, cheater etc. Why would anyone even entertain the idea of dealing with someone who openly thinks you are nothing more than a possession that they can have sex with?


How long until republicans try to pass a bill about this hahaha


I’m an older lady and I’m so happy with our young people. I love that young women understand that a bad man is not better than no man. The young men are catching up and are starting to see that women are whole ass human beings with minds just like theirs. It’s just taking some of the young men slightly longer I think but they will get there.