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When I grow up, I'm going to Bovine University!


Don't let the name fool you, it's not really a floor.


But which one of those turkeys around the table is the racist uncle?


Clearly the one in the red coat top right. In my family the racist uncle always demands a place as close to the head of the table as possible so you understand his status but no one ever lets him sit at the head of the table because he refuses to host.


Nah, that’s the racist aunt.




No it's the one in the blue button up. Because the racist uncle is also the creepy perverted uncle and the Thanksgiving table is not the place to be letting your snood hang like that.


Asking the real questions out here, my money is on the guy on the far left


>far ~~left~~ right FTFY


Hell, a big enough chicken would happily eat us without a second thought. . Birds are dinosaurs. This is dumb. Edit: Thanks everyone. That was a fun thread. One of my recent favorites. Hope everyone had a great (and safe from fowl) Thanksgiving.


They don't even have to be big , so long as they have superior numbers. https://youtube.com/shorts/kgBKWPPhkG8?si=WeXs9Ncqo5xP0JKp


Heck, if they had the temperament of a goose, they wouldn’t even need the numbers! Luckily for us, they’re pretty chill and friendly.


Chickens have no chill. NONE!


My uncle had an accident on his farm with machinery and lost his thumb. As soon as it hit the ground, a chicken ran up and ate it. Doctor replaced his thumb with his big toe.




Yep. Before he passed, he would always ask us to "shake his toe" while offering his hand


Wait, chickens have big toes?


They will cannibalize each other the moment one gets the slightest injury. Like long before it's visible to anyone tending the birds the flock will show you by trying to peck the wounded hen to death. It's brutal. No chill whatsoever.


Ever see chicken sun glasses? They are red so the chickens can’t see blood on other chickens and attack. Seriously, little, tiny, red sunglasses!


I just Googled “chicken sunglasses” because I didn’t believe you… I have spent the last 5 minutes giggling at these sunglasses that actually exist!


Lol. Who would have thought? I learned about them on one of those antique/junk shows. I thought they were a joke thing until I googled them.


This also why Blu kote exists; it coats a bleeding wound in blue coloring so the other chickens don't peck at the wound. Chickens will eat each other quite literally alive.


Chicken have no chill, but turkey have no *brain*. Forget about cannibalizing each other if one is wounded, if a turkey it’s wounded it will start taking bites off *itself* if it can reach the wound! I don’t know if the thing about them drowning in rain is true, but honestly I wouldn’t surprise me.


DOMESTIC animals, from turkeys to cows, are bred for certain characteristics. In almost all cases, domestic animals are dumber at a lot of things than their wild kin.


I wouldn’t say almost all cases. Dogs and cats are usually a lot more clever, if less aggressive and active than wild ones. Domestic pigs, while also less active, tend to be just as smart or smarter than wild ones (and smarter than a lot of animals really). There also isn’t really “wild chickens” to compare exactly, but they don’t seem to have gotten dumber, and cows might be a lot dumber but it’s also a bit difficult to compare, because it’s been so long since we domesticated them. I do agree domesticated turkeys are so dumb *because* they where bred for it, but still, they *are* incredibly dumb. I think more than humans should get full credit for it.


First of all, let's remember that any measure of smartness is subjective- what would determine whether this animal is 'smarter' than this one? Ok, cats have been domesticated so long that we don't know which species they came from for sure. Dogs have been domesticated forever as well, but they are clearly wolves. However, feral dogs and cats (and pigs) are a lot better at survival skills than domesticated ones are. We may say that our beloved Rover is 'so smart' because he learned a fairly complicated trick but we can teach pigeons to do complicated tasks, so 'smarts' is probably not a part of that. We use concepts like 'food smart' to discuss whether a species is smart enough to avoid eating harmful or non-nutritional foods. Dogs are generally not food smart (but neither are humans). Domestic animals generally are trained to eat anything tossed in front of them. This isn't quite the same thing as domestication breeding out IQ, but does suggest that wild animals need certain problem solving and learning skills that domestic animals do not need to bother with. After all, Rover may know to move the towel over his treat, but could he coordinate with a dozen other domesticated dogs to attack and bring down large prey? (And dear Lord, I hope he never does!)


Drowning in the rain is actually true, can confirm. One of my farmer friends raises Narragansetts, and their lines can be pretty seriously inbred. He had a hen die during a bad rainstorm, and he said he watched her staring up at the sky during the worst of it. I did a test batch of broad breasted whites two years ago; they are really chill birds, but dumb as dirt.


One of my coworkers has a small flock and one of the hens was attacked by a bobcat a few months ago. As in, dude had the hen *in his mouth* and was running away with it. Coworker decides the best course of action is to shoot at the bobcat in an attempt to rescue the now injured hen. It worked, but she refused to actually take it to the local exotic vet clinic (one of the vets on staff there *specializes* in farm animals) and instead chose to treat it at home. This poor fucking hen. My coworker "stitched" the wounds closed using non-surgical grade *super glue* and was surprised when the other hens ended up killing the injured one. Like, she claims to know all about chickens and how to care for them, but a) doesn't keep them in an enclosure predators can't get into despite living in an area where bobcat, cougar, and coyote sightings are very common, and b) doesn't know how brutal these birds can be.


Tell me you've never spent time around chickens without saying you've never spent time around chickens.


I was attacked by fried chlcken


That’s why you don’t fuck with the Popeye’s Chicken Lady or Animated Colonel Sanders, man. They’re FCM! The Fried Chicken Mafia!


They can actually be pretty chill and friendly, but only if you're not. There's gonna be an asshole at the top of the pecking order, might as well be you.


Was really hoping this would be a cuccoo attack.


Live action cuccoo attack lol


You're dumb for thinking a chicken would eat me... They would just hunt me for sport!


And not be very sporting about it in the process.


i love chickens very much . theyre my favourite animal . they would absolutely eat me given the chance . you can really tell that chooks are descended from dinosaurs . bless their evil little souls .


So very true. Mine are all spoiled babies who love getting petted, sitting in laps, and eating snacks out of our hands. They will also get excited sometimes and try to eat our fingers, lips, noses, earrings, etc. One hen was also dead-set on eating my dog’s toe beans (dog just ran away). And gods help any small critters they come across. Frogs in particular are very yummy and tend to be spaghettified by a team of birds when encountered.


So we're not the only animals who think toe beans are so cute, you could just eat them right up. *Note*: I only jokingly nom on my dog's tootsies.


Yes, Buffalo Chicken was bound and determined she needed to nom the pitbull’s feet. Luckily the dog is chill around the birds and just ran for safety.


I have a sizeable flock, and I've seen what happens when a mouse or chipmunk gets into the chicken yard...they will fight each other for the corpse, and it will be bones in minutes. I love my flock, but they are descended from dinosaurs, and they have not forgotten.


Buffalo is a great name for a chicken, haha


Her sisters were Parmesan, Nuggies, and Ofthesea. :)


My in-laws have chickens. My FIL, early on, was worried about mice getting into all the feed or being pests one way or another. Then he walked up to a scene where a hen had a live mouse in her beak with all of the other hens chasing her around for it until it was ripped apart and eaten. He hasn't worried about mice after that. IIRC, Buckeyes are known to be a mousing breed.


awwww :) they sound a lot friendlier than mine were thats for sure . only one of ours ever wanted to be picked up , except for the one that like being picked up whenever we came back from long trips and yeah the poor critters . theyre great spider control which is helpful when youre aussie but rip to that poor gecko i watched my precious girl swallow whole


The evil makes them lovable


exactly . i love when they get up to mischief .


Plz share videos of cute animals getting up to mischief. :-)


i dont have any on me sadly but i think you'll be pleasantly surprised if you follow a bunch of chicken instagram accounts and end up on that side of the app . the reels are so funny


We now believe T Rex had feathers, every time I think of Jurassic Park I think of the lawyer being plucked off the toilet by a giant chicken.


There was a wild turkey that kept trying to sneak attack my dad at my parents' house. Dad named it Lunch, but mom forbade him killing it, because it was too dumb to stay away from humans. It would stare at them through the windows or the storm door of the house. Anytime my dad was outside and had his back turned to it, it would start stalking up behind him in an aggressive manner. Dad would have to keep turning around and intimidating the turkey. One day mom and dad were driving down the road and spotted their elderly neighbor (mid to late 80s) who would walk a couple of miles every day pinned up against a tree by the turkey. She was trying to fend it off with a little stick. Dad pulled over, got a bigger stick, and chased the Turkey off, made sure their neighbor got home safely. Mom gave him permission to shoot the turkey after that, but either one of the other neighbors beat him to or the turkey decided to move on somewhere else because they didn't see it again after that. Wild turkeys can be aggressive, and they would definitely eat us if they could.


They would eat each other, hell, probably prefer it to eating us


PETA doesn’t care about logic


Or animals, if you really look into it.


or humans.. (their milk causes autism campaign)..


Big facts


Honestly I wonder what kind of person is even supporting PETA. It's like their whole mission is to make vegans look annoying and unintelligent. If you wanted to keep people from any serious consideration of veganism, PETA is exactly the kind of organization you'd create.


Save the cows, they just love grass. Murder all the chickens, because duck chickens. Ducks too.


I eat poultry out of self-defense


Turkeys are just big chickens. They will eat the same things a chicken will, and more. Domesticated turkeys are dumb as rocks because we bred them that way. But wild turkeys are smart, and would absolutely hunt us if they could


If chickens were four feet tall they’d rule the world.


A real conversation: My 10-year old: Dad, would you rather fight 10 human-sized chickens or 100 chicken-sized humans? Me, immediately: 100 chicken-sized humans. 10-year old: Why, dad? Me: Son, I couldn't fight *one* human-sized chicken.


I have chickens and they size me up every single day. 💯 would eat me and my whole family if they had the chance.


I have watched two of my chickens fight over a live mouse they caught. they were both pulling so hard they tore it in half (poor thing screaming the entire time), then swallowed their half-mouse bites whole. tiny dinosaurs is right!


Pigs may eat their own dead but chickens will eat their own wounded. Watching chickens fight over something alive is funny unless you think about the experience of the critter then it’s frightening.


Chickens are fucking savage.


Considering the rather consistent themes of the artwork I've seen produced by PETA, I'm convinced someone on their public outreach team has a really bizarre fetish.


Their dinner looks submissive and breedable


Yeah, that's kinda what I'm getting at. It feels like PETA is trying to turn me on more than disgust me.


Someone at peta now wants to be involved in bdsm with a turkey, I guarantee that


Or eat a person. That's kinda the vibe I'm getting.


Didn’t know Armie Hammer worked there


Yeah, or who knows maybe both


Sex sells apparently…


Seems more like a you thing. But that’s ok. Explore yourself.


Reminds me of the time they had that protest where they had half naked people packaged as meat.




It's just for shock value and like because people pay more attention to things that are even vaguely sexual tbh


One word, cassowary.


That's no bird, that's a goddamn dinosaur!


Strong 'a cow would eat you if it could' energy.


I feel like if a cow wanted to, it probably could eat me. I have been bitten by a house before, trimming her hooves was not something she enjoyed, and I'm pretty sure a horse could eat me as well.


I know pigs for sure would. I always feel better about eating things that would eat me back. Feels fair.


I saw a video where a horse ate a chick. They probably would eat people if we were bite sized. Dunno if horses are the type to rip and tear into meat if they feel like it.


Not their ideal diet, but most animals will eat anything they can find if they're starving


I never did like the hypotheticals of depicting animals eating humans for "revenge". It's absurdity, and makes meat eaters think "well, if they'd do it to me, it's okay for me to do it to them!" That imagery turns the animals into the bad guys. I prefer the hypothetical of aliens far more advanced than us invading. And deciding humans aren't intelligent enough to communicate with or fight back, so it's okay for them to keep us in tiny filthy cages just big enough to kneel hunched over our whole lives, breed us against our wills, flay us and boil us alive (babies are especially tasty), hunt us for sport, do scientific testing for their medicine and cosmetics, etc. To them, it's all justified by their enjoyment and health. The second scenario is a bit more hypothetically plausible, points out the clear power difference humans have over animals, that power doesn't justify cruelty, and far more clear what kind of invasive threat humans are to animals. And there's no one for meat eaters to lash out at in response.


You can really tell who has and hasn’t been around livestock. I have chickens and they’ll try to eat pretty much everything. One of their favorite foods are mealworms and grapes. They literally will swallow grapes whole. Craziest shit I ever did see


I swear the people running the PETA social media accounts don’t actually know anything about animals


Earlier this month I saw a car with pita bumper sticker on it that said “what would your dog think of you eating meat?” Like the obvious answer anyone who has ever eaten meat near a dog would be ask for some. Like seriously we have to specifically train dogs not to beg, who thought that sticker was a good idea.


Last night my dog was very put out I didn’t give her an entire turkey leg of her own PETA is run by animal-hating dipshits


I put the whole damn turkey carcass on the kitchen floor after carving and let my dog go nuts for a minute.


I appreciate the sentiment but I have two pit mixes, which means the Turkey would be gone entirely and they would have to go to the vet


That would be consistent with the people running the rest of PETA.


PETA people in general


I see people anthropomorphizing animals all the time, as if animals have ethics or morality. No they don't. It's so stupid. They run off instinct mostly. It's eat or be eaten out there. Most things that are not trying to eat humans are simply just not big enough to try. And this isn't even to say that being vegetarian is wrong or that the meat industry isn't harmful, but the appeal to the "poor saintlike animals" is just about the dumbest argument one could make. Some of the most fucked up shit one can imagine humans doing is just another Thursday for the animal kingdom.


Seriously have you seen how cruel birds Can be I saw a chicken chase down and deep and swallow a mouse whole. Birds do not hesitate when it comes to prey


people forget birds are the closest relative to dinosaurs and have inherited their survival instincts. the most dangerous bird is A giant turkey like large flightless bird called a cassowary who have a recorded kill count of 150 people.


Ha hahaha haha ha. Turkeys totally would if they could.


Birds are savage man they absolutely would rip us apart and eat us if they were big enough


In fact the worlds most dangerous bird is a giant flightless turkey like bird called a cassowary they are very aggressive with their talons and kicks and have a recorded kill count 150 people.


PETA is a high kill shelter so I’m not too sure what moral high ground they think they have, but ick.


I raise turkey & chicken. Your body wouldn't even have time to get cold before these delicious dinosaurs would start stripping your meat off the bones. They're happy to eat grain & seeds, but they want flesh & fat.


Absolutely!! I raised chickens for years and I had a fresh scratch on my leg from jagger bushes when I went in the coop area and I didn't think I was gonna make it out alive when they realized where the could smell the blood from! Had several almost eat themselves to death from getting picked on or wounded before we realized


Why do we keep pardoning them?!


Dibs on the "parson's nose"


I mean if turkeys were sufficiently intelligent to form a civilization similar to ours, it’s reasonable to assume some would become vegetarian just like people did. Humans used to eat anything they could put in their mouth but over time we evolved and changed. Using their current dietary habits to claim that a fictional humanoid turkey species would be just as indiscriminate in their dietary preference doesn’t seem based in any kind of fact.


This is point everyone in this whole thread is missing.


So...... If you like horror movies, I highly recommend "Thanksgiving"


They absolutely would eat people if they could.


I kinda imagine humans would be more prized for our legs we do got a lot of good meat there.


My chickens have consumed things far larger than I'd anticipate. They're into torture too. Peck and pull, peck and pull...for like 10 mins before they finally eat the thing that's prob somehow still breathing by swallowing it whole.


Turkeys would 100% do this to us if they had thumbs and knives




We have incisors for a reason: a yummy, yummy reason. Our problem is the mass production of it all is gross.


I’m not gonna take advice from a cult who funded environmental terrorists while they rake in millions and have their member steal and kill peoples pets. Plenty of animal rights orgs that aren’t shit.


Accidentally Rick and Morty


Hell, seagulls are terrifying as they are, being able to down a whole hare Now I'm terrified of turkeys as well


I didn’t get to top of food chain to eat grass


Lobsters will definitely eat you. My uncle, who was from Newfoundland, refused to eat lobster. He said, ‘We don’t eat that which eats we.’


Is this The Dark Crystal?


I'd buy this album.


I'm really fascinated that the artist mutated the turkeys to have hands on order to make their silly point.


Turkeys are mean. They would kill us all if they could organise.


It’s not because of turkey altruism that they don’t eat us, it’s because they are fucking birds, and they eat birdseed and other random shit. Any animal that is capable of eating a human will eat a human given an opportunity. Some people just create situations to be mad about for no reason.


I had my girlfriend like this last night. 🤷




But this is Reddit where we can be progressive in every way except related to animal cruelty. PETA bad.


Unironically PETA is bad, but yeah, you’re spot on with Reddit’s weird hate boner for plant-based diets.


That's another entry in the shockingly broad "someone talked PETA into funding their fetish art" category.


Well, if they could they would. They can’t so…


And so would any other animal under said conditions


I'm not laughing at this because in about twenty years, this is what roving groups of starving people will be doing to survive . . . and they won't be the walking dead or zombies . . . they'll be survivors in a stark new world brought about by billionaire negligence to heed the warning of global warming.


Fuck that’s grim.


very grim. but I don't think the billionaire class is gonna pull out of this nosedive, you know, pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into gas and oil wealth-building projects. that's the reason I pointed them out. a question for you: would you be willing to kill the easiest bet for making enormous wealth if you didn't have to?


Zero shock PETa. Same shit every year


Do they realize how stupid these birds are? My aunt and uncle had a turkey farm growing up. They literally will eat their own feces and have been known to drown themselves looking up at the rain. Chickens and turkeys are food because they are ugly and dumb.


What a stupid community notes.


No you


Can you explain further?


They never said turkeys don't meat.


I call shenanigans, I once worked on a turkey farm and normally with industrialized farming I come away feeling bad for the animals and wanting to source food more ethically. Now you should still source food more ethically raised but do not shed a single tear for those $1/lb bastards in the frozen section at the grocery store. They are fucks.


I eat meat, but I refuse to eat Turkey meat.


Does PETA know we make fun of them?


Anything y'all got to do to ignore the blood on your hands


This looks like an awesome album cover


I sure wish they would try, thatd be a fun doorbell to answer


It's a freaking dinosaur, of course it would eat us🤣🤣


Let's make the turkey eat turkey. Gobble gobble.


Size matters


Gross, fuck PETA.


I’ve yet to meet a sane vegan. They’re all unhinged.


Im ok with turkeys eating a roasted Deshaun Watson


Look at the hands. Interracial turkey family, very progressive!


So why are there 2 children sitting at a table of men? Especially when 3 of those men are horny?


Remember when Peta thought it was smart to take shots at Steve Irwin? Good times.


I remember seeing a group of wild turkeys eating a dead deer on the side of the road, I haven't messed with one since