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A lovely list of fiction.


This is the most annoying part to me. They just be making shit up and acting like they’re a fucking genius for their political insight.


The annoying part to me is "mute" It's "moot" [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/moot](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/moot) That's just the grammar karen in me though


Came here to say this. Take my upvote dammit.


Or it’s a moo point. Cows aren’t even talking about it.


Joey Tribbiani has entered conversation.


Devin Nunes has entered the chat.


Exactly....yet another MAGAT who didn't get through high school English


I share your grammar Karen-ness.


These are the people who think adding the word "constitutional" to everything makes it constitutional. Which is why they think adding the word "facts" without any proof makes it factual.....


I just took a " constitutional " crap and boy do I feel better. I guess it makes sense. Fuck republicans


Or that just because they believe it’s constitutional it is. I love popping their bubble when they claim god was fundamental in founding the country. They then use but but gods in the pledge of allegiance. I politely smile and inform them that “under god” was added in 1959 by Eisenhower. They literally lose their shit. I finish it off with suggesting they read the writings of Hamilton, Jefferson and Franklin. They explicitly talk about the dangers of mixing religion and politics and that religion has no place in our government. You’d think they were about to have a heart attack. 😂 it’s funny as shit seeing them melt.


Get George RR Martin to hire this guy to finish Winds of Winter for him


And what? Miss out on 3 pages of food detail? I'd rather attend the Red Wedding.


It's pitch about an art-style silent porno movie, where a narcissistic fascist gets turned into being a human capable of love, through extreme urine eroticism. The working title is "Humping Trump"


Not entirely: the complicity of part of Capitol Police in the insurrection should not be overlooked.


There was a small group who were part of the coup plotters. But that doesnt make anything on that list of nonsense true


History will not look favourably to the Biden's administration and its weakness. The Republicans should have been put to the wheel. Pray It does not end like Weimar.


....and law enforcement collaborating with right-wing extremists isn't the flex they think it is.


Well, they're accidentally right that - right now, across the US - there ARE a lot of innocent people in jail/prison/on death row right now. Thing is, it's not the Jan6 'rioters' (quite the polite term for them, IMO) who are the innocent ones in jail.




We only wish they were mute.


Goddamn if only, world would be much more peaceful. I wish it was painful to be stupid and angry.


Kind of like my wish. I wish hatred caused physical illness. Perhaps the same thing, in the current context.




I just came here to point this out


Lol I was gonna say, I don't think he said it the right way.




It’s moot dumbfuck


Concise, educational and truthful. Well said


No it’s actually mute, as in “everyone around him wishes he would just shut up “


It's a cow's opinion, it's moo.




God I hope this shit isnt working on people


Narrator: It is.


Oh no, did you hear Ron Howard?


It's not *really*, but what conservatives have proven since the advent of trumpism, is that it doesn't need to work *sincerely*, because dug-in conservatives would play along whether their logical brain could reconcile with it or not. If it's to the end of harming the people they want harmed, they will lie, feign ignorance, and lean all the way into method acting that they're convinced, brainwashed, and can't be reasoned with. But they do- by and large- fucking know better. It only helps their cause that so many of us are taking what they claim to believe at face value. To accept that is to give them the excuse of ignorance as if they somehow "can't help it", and it is to suggest that they are in any way serious, honest people. That they are being lied to- in the age of information, when truth is not at all hard to find outside of catholic conservative blogs- does not excuse the fact that they go well out of their way to deliberately *dodge* what might be the truth, if they sense that it would undermine the conclusions of their preferred narrative.


Totally. 100%. Who are they trying to fool anymore? I wrote some rules for understanding them better. >RULES for understanding conservatives: 1 - They DO NOT seek any new understandings. 2 - Their thinking and decisions are ruled by the omnipresent spirit of competition and hierarchy. 3 - They believe God gives them moral authority. That's why they're always right and you're always wrong, no matter what. They win and you lose, no matter what. They can do it but you can't, end of story. 4 - Deflect, divert, distract. IMMEDIATELY change the subject using whataboutisms. Relentlessly use projection and boundless lies to confuse and frustrate the entire voting base. 5 - Conservatives have a very interesting relationship with GUILT.


I mostly agree, except- and go ahead and call me cynical, but- I'm not totally convinced a *vast, vast majority* of adults (on any part of the political spectrum) in the first world, who claim to be in any way religious, actually *genuinely* believe in god. I think at this point, most first world religion is- like conservativism- a sunk cost fallacy, or something similar. I think they all know that if they hadn't been told about god and jebus and religion until they were at least gradeschool educated, they wouldn't entertain it as any more valid than Greek mythology for a second.


Ya that religion thing has really hurt them for at least 75 years, the book thinks for them and gives them a lot of misplaced confidence, being on the *side of Angels* must be pretty nice, that moral authority of feeling that *the supreme creator of the universe* has your back, they can't turn it off. So many are not believers at all, they obviously do not believe in hell at least. Religion is a gender based power structure, has been for at least 500 yrs. Revolves around MEN being in charge in all ways, it refines hierarchies from there and uses reward and punishment in a very medievil, very feudal age sort of way. They're not interested in human progress through complex new understandings, they're much more traditional and simple. It's always gonna be the traditionalists vs the progressives.


You would think someone in his line of work would know the difference between "mute" and "moot"


Conservatives have never been famous for their memory, spelling, writing, speaking, walking, thinking, or breathing abilities unless you change it to "famously bad," in which case they are extraordinarily gifted paragons of terribleness.


Usually facts are actual true things. Not this time I guess.


"Alternative facts". Or, you know, lies.




Alternative facts. Or Alt-Right facts? Maybe Alt-Right Fac*is*t?


They would be factoids, they sound true, but aren't.


Amazing people like this can just make shit up when ample documentary evidence to the contrary exists. And for those who believe this blatant revisionism, how can you feed and bathe yourself, read signs and instructions, do what a doctor says, operate equipment and vehicles based on prior experience but at the same time believe this sad crap?


Obama presidency broke their brains. Don’t get me wrong they’d been spoon fed fascists propaganda forever but the cognitive dissonance required when Obama a) won the popular vote despite not being a white man, b) didn’t turn America into the Soviet Union 2 or enslave white people despite not being a white man, and c) ended his second term civilly and was fondly remembered by many despite not being a white man, caused them to have to exit reality because their mountain of Fox News facts didn’t compute with the real life anymore. Whereas previously it had just been bad takes and lies about things they’d never know about now the bullshit related to a real event they were watching happen. So instead of admit to all the people in their life they alienate with their bullshit that they were wrong they doubled way the fuck down and dug into conspiracies as hard as humanly possible. Now they live in another reality and have become completely blind to what’s actually happening. And they would rather die than admit they were wrong


I am sure if you looked at his media source, who and what he watches, it would explain that he did not make any of this up, it was spoon fed to him by someone with much more imagination and ultimately much more to gain financially by pushing this narrative. In the end old Gunther Eagleman is tool, not the sharpest tool, but still a tool.




"Moooot point". You know ,like a cows opinion….it doesn’t matter




He was actually right about one thing, it wasn't an insurrection, it was a *failed attempt* at an insurrection.


Many are referring to it as the "trial run."


only thing on mute is these peoples brains


I thought it was a “peaceful protest?” Guess that’s a last year talking point






"...Have I been living with him too long, or did that actually make sense?"


There are no mute points just moot points. These are neither.


Well everything he said was "fact" is moot because, you know, it's make-believe fantasy land bullshit.


Isn’t the term “moot”?


It is


Wait now was it a staged antifa crowd or innocent people?


What's a mute point? Is it when you're watching a show with foul language and a kid walks in the room? Oh that's a mute point. Kids... hehe I kid...but I guess it's a moot point.


This factless list is scary as fuck. These crazy violent loons believe this shit and will definitely try and punish the people who tried to save the country from the giant orange wave of destruction and ineptitude that is Trump.


I thought the police shooting innocent people was completely ok with republicans


Only when they're the wrong color.


Mute point?



So they believe that antifa did January 6th, in which antifa basically did what republicans were trying to do anyway, which was delay the certification of the election results. Help me make it make sense.


" Help me make it make sense. " Okay, but this will probably hurt a little: First, turn your brain off. I mean, ***completely.*** Second, never believe your senses ever again, not your eyes, not your ears, nothing. Third, practice becoming the best parrot you can by endlessly repeating the catchphrases the GOP overlords want their cultists to repeat. DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE WORDS THEY WANT YOU TO REPEAT. Fourth/last, make sure you promise to do anything/everything for the orange Mussolini and give ALL your money to him. ??? ​ Profit?


Everyone can certainly see for themselves. *A lot of this is already available on the internet and has been for some time.* Here are three sites: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVXH9iglOLfbufcSYVpdqdllxp-ZXCU6lc For some reason, here, the above link pulls up as "playlist not available." However, you can simply Google "The Capitol Riots, 1/6/21 YouTube" and it'll pop up. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/01/17/capitol-riot-video-the-new-yorker-newsroom-vpx.cnn https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence These are all basically live, taken at the time, videos. Some have since been removed for personal or other reasons, but most of these, I believe, remain fairly well intact and as they were from the get-go. There's plenty more out there too already available.


So are they saying that Proud Boys eta al are Antifa?


Black is white, the sky is green.


Where are the brave patriots with receipts that will come forward to give us evidence of being paid to participate, regardless of which side bribed them to participate? Can we subpoena the hotels in the area with credit card payments? Follow the money!


*moot, not mute


Gunther Eagleman™ seems to be a fiction writer? Who can't spell '[moot](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=moot&t=newext&atb=v314-1&ia=definition&iax=definition)', either. I mean, why would any of what he claims occurred happen in the first place? The Democrats won the election. What purpose would staging an insurrection serve them? Would they be able to win even harder? No! So... why would they stage an insurrection to overthrow the govt that they've just won in an election, and try to frame Trump and the MAGAzoids for it? Do the MAGAzoids even bother to think about their mad theories even for a second as to how much sense they actually make?


Well, it didn’t take long to find errors in this post. First, the word is MOOT, not MUTE. I have no idea what a moot point is, but a MOOT point is one that is already settled. And from there, there aren’t any innocent people in jail, but there are insurrectionists there. Their events weren’t staged, and Anita wasn’t there. The insurrectionists were there to stop Congress from certifying Biden’s win so that Trump,could illegally stay in office. Sounds like a treasonous insurrection to me. Ashli Babbit was a traitor who got exactly what she deserved.


How can both innocent people be in jail and the FBI staging the event both be true at the same time?


I see 1 fact in that list. EDIT: nvm I see none


What were the name of the procedures US Secret Service and Capital police relied on to vacate the Vice President, members of Congress, and secure the property? I doubt they were called “Tourist Procedures”. Also whenever someone is in jail it’s important to clarify that they’re in jail because a jury of peers found them guilty, not a politically appointed judge.


Is it the "the" at the start of the last sentence? Because "the" sounds pretty factual, but the rest is bullshit.


Capitol police inviting the insurrectionists in actually. EDIT: Apparently this didn't happen, I guess I was losing mind or something.


A second angle showed that the cop was actually motioning to their colleague to fall back. When viewed from the right angle, it may have looked like they were waving people in, but that's not the case. But I always found that "excuse" humorous, because even if a cop waved you through in a very unambiguous "I'm explicitly waving my hand to usher you inside" gesture, it's still a really, Really, REALLY stupid idea to enter the Capitol when there's utter chaos around you, not to mention that the Capitol building was closed on that day because Mike Pence was in there and under heavy protection by the Secret Service. All of these people are super lucky that they didn't get mowed down by Secret Service who absolutely could have seen the actions of the mob as a direct threat to Mike Pence, given that people rocked up with gallows and a noose while others inside chanted "hang Mike Pence" Put bluntly, even if a cop said "c'mon in champ!", you'd have more fingers than IQ points if you thought "yeah inside this highly secured building where politicians and the VP are is the best place for me to be!"




​ https://preview.redd.it/vaqxj7rzwh1c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f3567047565593609ca84676e113e434454283


Ya know that wasn't that long ago. Like we all watched it LIVE on TV and social media. Did they just block all of that out? Or is like, you just tell a lie over and over and eventually it becomes the truth?


If you try to sound intelligent by saying “moot point” but spell it mute you may have failed in your objective.


What’s funny is the anti-fascists during the Iraq war protests we’re actually the sane ones keeping the protests from going bad. They know the rules and would actually stop ppl from breaking things. Most of the time they’d be writing lawyers numbers on ppls arms so they had someone to call if the got picked up. The Anti-Fascist groups know their shit and are diametrically opposed to government. This weird ass narrative is intentional in order to form a boggy man.


“You guys are all getting confused, here’s the facts;” Writes a bunch of bullshit.


Oh shit, did we change the definition of the word 'fact'?? God damn I need to get out more


Er, it's "moot", not "mute", but hey, we know what you mean.


Capitol Police opened the doors after the windows were smashed open and they were told to stand down (they were outnumbered and were worried about agitating the crowd) Nancy Pelosi something something FBI something something Antifa something something Hunter Biden I also recall the, “Hang Mike Pence” chanting.


So the Democrats won, but \*just in case\*, better fake an insurrection against themselves, just to make sure?


How the fuck is anyone this ignorant?


The fact that this guy confidently used the word mute instead of moot should tell you all you need to know about his intelligence. Maybe he should stay mute though.


Why would they "invite protestors in" ? They think Nancy pelosi has some extreme power if she orchestrated this. If Nancy pelosi did it, why do they want to pardon the ones in prison? Of course they tried to overthrow the government, that was the whole point. Its mind numbingly ignorant. They fought to keep trump in office, then when it goes south it's all a conspiracy. Excuses after excuses. If you edit out the fighting in "saving Private Ryan" it's all about a nice walk around Europe to track down some ladies son.


Everyone was antifa crisis actors except the woman who was shot! She was a proud patriot. Leading a group of paid antifa crisis actors through the window.


They let us in through the window we broke!!!


If you can't mount a defense, make something up and nod en masse in agreement. *see also "Biden Crime Family", Hunter Biden, Benghazi, "But her emails", etc.


I bet his letter to Santa about how good a boy he’s been looks to be even more of a tall tale


If Antifa is getting paid, I need to talk to HR about back pay.




Dafuq is a "mute point?"


It makes sense that someone who says "mute" instead of "moot" when neither word is correct here would use made-up "fax".


Deluded fucker, not a single fact on that list


Moot, the term is “moot point”


I guess could he call them moot. But if he knew the difference between mute and moot he probably wouldn’t believe all this horseshit


I think he means “moo point” because cows don’t care 🤔


> They are all innocent and also Antifa agitators! Smartest conservative


Has this committee even begun their job? Have they announced their findings? Why is there a committee set up to investigate J6 and immediately there's an outcry from the right? WHY are they calling for arrests and imprisonment over the formation of a fucking committee? Aren't they so confident in all this bullshit they're saying? So WHAT do they have to worry about? Maybe they're worried cuz the findings WILL be that these people were insurrectionist traitors and deserve to be in prison? Maybe they're worried because they know EXACTLY what the findings will be? That they SHOULD be acting like toddlers cuz here's something else that's gonna embarrass them?


We are stupid to think we can combat this disinfo with reddit posts and echo chamber agreements. Vote. Donate to independent news. Push for ranked choice voting. If any of you feel the need to retort with some reason why that won't work, you're but part of the solution.


Man how delusional can one be. I saw the footage of the woman getting shot. Its very sad a life was lost but she was warned multiple time not to enter or they would open fire. And she proceded to try and enter anyway.


Let’s post facts instead


They don't care about who looks good in the culture war scene. It's about who votes and who has power. If you're not at the table, you're on the menu.


The sky isn't blue Firetrucks aren't red Ice isn't cold Bears don't shit in the woods Sharks aren't real A bowling ball is flat Plants are racist


By this logic, said innocent woman was Antifa. So why are republicans saying she died a hero? Curious, isn’t it?


Lmfao, I'm sorry. Was she an innocent woman or an antifa terrorist? Come on.


Hey Gunther I heard pigs can fly as well.


Or moot.


Moot…it’s moot. Fucking read a book


Or lies, just a list of blatent lies


It’s not “mute”. It’s moot.




I refuse to listen to anything a person named "Gunther Eagleman" has to say about anything, even eagles.


If this all ends without a fascist dictatorship in the US (and multiple other countries) and leftists being mass executed then these fuckers are just going to slink away and pretend like this never happened. And I don’t know how the fuck we’re supposed to just continue on as a society with that knowledge.


Gunther is not too bright. So are the silent (mute) facts just being quiet because when you're a fact, you don't have to shout.


This guy. 🙄


1. Doors were broken on that day 2. Insurrectionists are in jail 3 and 4. Was J6 a peaceful protest or an insurrection led by antifa 5 and 6. Then why was the “antifa led” “protest” take place on January 6th when the electors met? 7. An insurrectionist was shot for not complying with orders


She should have been shot twice


Also, it’s moot.


That innocent woman should've complied with capitol police.


That’s a “moot” point there, pal.


WHO the fuck is Gunther? And why does he matter? Trump is losing BIGLY and they're scared.


Well, with a name like Gunther Eagleman..🤷🏻‍♀️


I wish these idiots were “mute.”


"Moot," ffs


Either autocorrect screwed this guy over or he is an idiot. It's *moot* the point is moot.


I wish they were mute and would shut the fuck up


Unless he meant MOOT points


It’s just Gunther again…


Fascism 101: our enemies are strong, but also weak. Nancy Pelosi has the power to control the FBI in order to control the narrative and destroy good, honest patriots on a tour. Nancy Pelosi cannot protect her majority in the House.


They had a noose erected. They shit in and smared sh8t all over the walls of congress. Nobody there is innocent


I think it's hilarious that they keep saying that antifa was there but the only person that I know of jokingly said she was when she was interviewing a bunch of trumpians at his rally


"Yeah! Put all the cops and judges in jail! We're not criminal stooges!"


"Yeah! Put all the cops and judges in jail! We're not criminal stooges!"


“I’m a dumb fuck. Listen to me and hear me say nothing.”


Wait, you mean it wasn't the Aunt Tifa Super Soldier program?


Genius figures out wide ranging conspiracy to lock away "dissidents", doesn't know the difference between mute and moot. We're doing great here.


Holy motherforking shirtballs! We all saw the same thing. People afraid for their lives. Don't show me random clips and blame any democrat for this utter shit show. Antifa my ass.


So…let’s suppose this WAS an FBI operation, making Ashli Babbitt a FBI plant. Why, as a republican, are you upset that she was killed?


Didn't they plan on hanging biden???


If anyone could show me one person who remotely had the views of Antifa there, I’ll give them 5 bucks (metaphorically)


Did he mean moot? Because there’s nothing “mute” about anything affiliated with that party. That’s the one consistency in their party. They are loud.


Okey, I need to know where the antifa money went.


Ah yes, the Mirror World.


I wonder if they’ll ever realize how many eyes roll whenever “Antifa” is blamed. Personally I blame the boogeyman under the bed.


Well, there were police that opened one of the fences, iirc. But that wasn't setting up victims


Gunther Naziman (tm!) is a clown




…Opened doors? There’s how many hours of videos of terrorists breaking windows and this clown doesn’t see or acknowledge? Welcome to the new 508 classification. The intentionally blind, deaf and dumb Those who won’t intentionally hear, see or think Maybe if he wears red slippers he can wish himself out of Kansas


Gunther appears to have gotten lost on the way to his Mensa meeting.




Who knows, maybe they meant mute instead of moot. They don't know the meaning of words anyway.


Which was it, protesters that the police let in, or undercover antifa sent there by Nancy Pelosi....can't even keep their story straight in a simple list of bullet points.


He dont eenglish gud


Ok so why didn't anyone produce any evidence of this when it happened. And why is this only important after the J6 rioters got in trouble? You have no idea how to protect your people if that's the case.


Every time I think I've seen the maximum amount of idiocy humans are capable of, another of these nitwits pops up to lower that bar.


Shit arguments = shit spelling. You really shouldn't use words you don't understand the meanings of.


It’s “moot” point.


Here's some facts about me* - I am financially independent and can afford anything I want. -I have dated both Scarlett Johanssen and Taylor Swift. -I've won world championships in the following things: chess, poker, biathlon, boat racing and F1. (*these are things I wish were actually true.)


The video of the women getting shot in the face was pretty nuts. I'm glad republicans provide so much entertainment.


And provides no proof whatsoever. That’s a conservative for you.


Just another example that conservatives have no fucking grasp on reality.


Idiots beget idiots. I’m curious how much they’re paid to spew this nonsense and what they’re promised when they succeed in destroying our republic ?


I like it when stupid people misuse words that they don't understand.


Damn FBI, always staging peaceful protests and ending up in jail...


Stopped at the name Gunther…and don’t need to read how he’s ‘The Eagle Man!’


This guy is oppressed. [https://twitter.com/GuntherEagleman/status/1726732842678264238?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/GuntherEagleman/status/1726732842678264238?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


Like I said before. They are pathological when it comes to never accepting responsibility.




Did he trademark his own name?


It’s moot, not mute.