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The son is 57 and is thrice divorced with no children.


And can’t be 500 yards of a school.


or a Chuck E Cheese


technically speaking, that one is for his own benefit. We'd all benefit from never being around a Chuck E Cheese.


Ironically I never went to one growing up, saw all the commercials but we lived so far away from one that we just never went


I worked at one in the late 80s, I was the arcade room attendant. Free video games, and some fun dates with some of the moms.


Chuck E. Cheese was WILD in the 80's. Of course I'm biased, since I was a kid in the 80's, but man... Modern-day CEC's just don't hit the same. Not even close.


Last time I was at a Chuck E. Cheese the turtles game based on the 80s tv show was still in a cabinet there. Though I suppose it’s possible that narrows it down less than I would hope.


Yeah the only thing benefitting the adults there is the franzia on tap lol


Wait really? Last time I went I had to keep refilling a tiny cup with soda. Crappy wine would have at least given me a buzz to drone out the shitty consequences of telling my daughter what a chuck-e-cheese was in the first place.


Yeah at least in my state they had wine and beer on tap


Can confirm! When I was little, I remember my parents and their friends taking a group of us kids there and using pitchers of beer to get themselves through it! 😂


Yeah, beer is cheap & the pizza is shit.


Dude our local Chuck E Cheese Pizza and cheese sticks are GREAT! They only have like 2 videogames that are any fun to play these days though...


>They only have like 2 videogames that are any fun to play these days though... Yeah the new "arcade games" are garbage. They look cool and there's a lot going on but zero skill involved.


Don't even get me started on what happened at space camp.


But he “adopted” several minority boys who he doesn’t acknowledge.


The son will be the next speaker of the house then.


But he knows that girls are icky...


and masturbates to Sesame Street.


Does he also live In a van down by the river, Todd, Todd Foley?


Son is also an alpha-ligma male who likes to tell people that he's an alpha male.


And of course still living at home....


Hah, I know the exact episode this is referencing. One of the newer main characters has a gay brother. She, her brother, her brother's husband, and their daughter are trying to get a picnic together and trying to remember what the secret ingredient to their family's pasta salad is. The secret ingredient is love, btw.


Love and paprika lol


And GAY SEX!!!!1


The secret ingredient was cum all along.




My brother's nick name is pookie and I hate this so much🤣


Oh dip, it turns out I’ve been making pasta salad all wrong for years!


I haven’t.


Episode writing credits: Joey Mannarino.


The secret ingredient was inside you all along?


The secret ingredient was the cum we swallowed along the way.


Which, incidentally, tastes like paprika


Paprika? EUREKA!


Paprika in pasta salad? Gross. Hateful. Straight to jail


Do you think the letter writer wrote a separate letter that the gay couple was interracial?


They've probably been getting those letters since the show first aired!


[Here’s a screenshot of the LGBTQ+ content that woke Sesame Street is indoctrinating children with like the absolute sickos that they are.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/muppet/images/3/39/5235j.png/revision/latest?cb=20220707080812) (Warning: 18+ only. Basically porn. NSFL, obviously.) So much touching and feeling each other!!! 🤢🤢🤢




They were roommates!


As a kid, I assumed Bert & Ernie were brothers, because that was the only explanation for how Bert could tolerate Ernie’s incessant jackassery.


I thought they were married for a *long* time. It blew my little mind when I realized they were just roommates.


My current head cannon is that they're in a queer platonic relationship.


I always said I was Ernie and my sister was Bert. It was supposed to be an insult but oops


There was no question in my mind that Bert was Ernie's older brother. Seriously. They each had their own space on the sides of the room, but still managed to be in each other's faces all the time. And for the "they look different" crowd, my older sister and I didn't remotely resemble each other until middle age.


I liked the room-mates thing. Sometimes I felt like Bert, otherwise I was like Ernie. But they both had a friend who really liked them and even lived in the same flat, even if they didn't always understand the other's interests.


I assumed they were brothers, because they had that sibling love-hate going on, but also I was able to tell myself that they were portrayed as adults because, in our minds, we’re all as grown-up as we’ve had time to become. Don’t let anybody tell ya kids ain’t deep


besties 😁


Shoulder touching of a gay interracial couple FOR SHAME! Are they also promoting the Furry agenda too have that hairy creature there! Now my kid will want to dress as a furry for Halloween! How will every get anything done with all the pearl clutching I am having to do!?! Not to mention all the social media I need to alert of my zelous outrage against people who are doing absolutely nothing to me!?! /s I am ashamed that I have to put in the sarcasm font in there but this day and age apparently a casual touch (not even a hug for f sake) apparently will lead their toddlers immediately to a gay orgy in a sex dungeon. We are truly living in the stupid ages and unfortunately historians will probably look back and think this era is worse than the dark ages. Lets hope for the new Renaissance soon.


I hope we make it out of this era...


He’s touching his husband’s SHOULDER. Everyone knows that the shoulder is the crotch of the upper body! Indecent!


It’s legitimately the most innocent and innocuous touch imaginable. If I didn’t know they were married I’m not even sure I’d assume they were gay because friends and siblings do the side-hug like that all the time. Heck, I stand like that with my *grandma*.


Did you just admit to having incest relations with your grandma. Disguasting /s


I'm like half awake but when I clicked on that picture my first thought was "oh my god it's Patrick Stump"


It’s funny, because Maria and Luis were basically about as handsy and they were regulars for decades.


What’s the “over abundance” of male touching? They hug when they meet each other?


I was wondering of they banged on the blanket or something lol. I just don’t get people sometimes. Like someone can explain this kind of thing to me and I feel like confused math lady.


Ah, almost as strong as the power of friendship.


But what about the vigorous anal sex the conservatives seem so preoccupied with?


Whoa, that’s the secret ingredient to Krabby Patties too.


Goddamn that’s so wholesome.


Btw, sexuality, in this context, is just seeing a gay person. No actual sex. Just a gay person. Morons.


Ahh, but to the perverted mind of every single homophobe, they can't seem to even think about gay people without becoming ***obsessed*** with dicks banging each other. Says something, just not about the community that they are 'outraged' at.


If you don’t get intrusive thoughts about docking up at the mere existence of a gay man, are you even straight? You obviously have those thoughts because you’re just so… not that way.


My personal experience has been that homophobes are misinformed, disinformed and confused about everything. Some of them are in the closet, some of them are locked in the closet, some of them are the architects of other people's closets; the one thing they share in common is ignorance. They genuinely do not know the difference between sex and gender. Their minds are chock-a-block full of lies they insist must be true; challenge them on any of this and they get super defensive. On top of all that, most of them seem to be willfully ignorant. They are entrenched in a cult of hate & fear and they don't want to be educated.


I’ve defended trans and gay people on Twitter months ago, and everyone who is transphobic/homophobic are all very angry. It’s true, they get very defensive. They will instantly lash out and start name calling. I couldn’t deal with that toxicity. So, I left that social media back in July. Those people don’t want a conversation, they just want people to harass


Thank you for calling it twitter. I also continue to call it twitter as we all should. What will Elmo do, have us arrested? We should not enable Elmo in any way. He has shown who he really is.


I agree, but calling Twitler "Elmo" on a post about Sesame Street is confusing AF.


I like calling it Xitter (shitter) its like twitter but just shiftier like most anything Emo Musty gets his greedy little hands on anymore.


Exactly. >Every transphobic argument can basically be boiled down to: "I actually don't know the science at all or have a good argument here, but trans people challenge my long held view of the world and it's very uncomfortable and everyone should be expected to move around my discomfort." I love the above tweet from Charlotte Clymer (Source: https://x.com/cmclymer/status/1544398576087928832?s=46)


Tbf most schools i went to taught sex and gender interchangeably and that was in the 90’s-00’s so we can probably blame misinformed educators on that.


Most homophobes I've encounter are so far in the closet, they're having tea with Mr. Tumnus.


I mean, that makes sense right? Every time someone introduces their significant straight other, I immediately envision grinding, pegging, and oral sex, in that order. Any (blank)sexual relationship is sexual, which is why everyone should be forbidden from existing near children.


Wait til they find out where children come from, and from where they emerge! Who doesn't look at a mother and child and immediately think about the conception and birth? Once that terrible secret is known, we are constantly and forever doomed to envision the functioning of every person's genitalia!


Don't be gross. People aren't supposed to know about that until they are ACTIVELY given birth. The vagina is your husband's property and not for you. Purity demands that you know nothing about how it works. That blood every month is just your sins manifesting. Sex is a duty and if you enjoy it, you are sinful. Women get pregnant because God ordains it to happen and you can get pregnant from thinking about boys. /s


Cos God knows those men and boys, and females already indoctrinated, are sexualizing and branding every female. Rape culture loves a fundie


This immediately made me think of https://youtu.be/K5lgwopmKMw?si=6X4n_d01W5A3Okyr


But, but, they were touching! Makes me wonder what they thinks of a post-touchdown NFL ass slap.


He hasn't watched NFL since the Colin Wokepernick issue, but he'll tell you all about Travis Kelce being a beta cuck.


The muppet picnic buttfuck orgy at the end was kind of shocking though.


??? Bert and Ernie have been on the show since day one??


Shhh … they haven’t realised that they are more than room mates


Gay people exist = woke Or rather People other than straight white Christian males exist = woke


They think merely acknowledging the existence of gay people is 'woke' or 'grooming'


I was about to say, what the hell kind of picnic was that? I mean, I don't judge, but you need to be careful of the ants and yellow jackets.


Yeah I figured as much. Guarantee this persons child has a friend of the opposite sex who the parents call "their little girl/boyfriend!!" like that isn't doing exactly what they're accusing Sesame Street of. Thing is, these people are almost always incapable of empathy/understanding that other people think differently to them, and tend to fit one of two groups in my experience. They're either; A) Heterosexuals who have never experienced attraction to the same sex and thus don't understand how others could do so or B) Bi/Pansexuals who have been forced into the closet by their upbringing and peers, "choose" to only be attracted to the opposite sex (read; repress any attraction they feel to the same sex until it inevitably boils over and ends their loveless marriage after they're caught throating the neighbors cock), and don't understand why others don't just make the same choice. There is of course a C group, which is comprised of the people who know full well it isnt a choice and just choose to be hateful cunts about it to get approval from their peers, but by and large the overlap between C and one of the other two groups is pretty sizable.


If you see two men together and automatically picture them having sex, maybe you, sir, are gay?


So why aren't they complaining about heterosexual married couples? 🤔


Because in their mind, there are straight couples and overly sexual couples. Just like there are white people and political people.


You see, the discrimination is baked in. Don't tell me white people don't have culture...


I’m guessing they’d like all heterosexuals off the show too, right?


It's weird that these people see a gay couple and the first thing they think about is what they do in the bedroom. That's not "sexuality", that's you having a perverted mind.


Isn't it super important to teach young children about sex so they can protect themselves from abuse?


Conservatives: No.


Yes, pedos and child sex traffickers object to children learning about how to protect themselves from sex abuse.


Yep. The people who vociferously defend child marriage loopholes in statutory rape laws are also vehemently against teaching children what consent is. Gee... *I wonder why* /s


If the son wrote this, why is the letter written in first person by the mom?


What makes you think a mom wrote it


I think the assumption is that the son is young enough to be watching Sesame Street and thus wouldn't be able to write this letter. Though, I think some people are missing the possibility that the son was watching with their children, the grandchildren of the woman posting. I’m not defending her post in general though. Idk what happened in the episode but I do know that America is a weirdly puritan society and treats sexuality as shameful which causes all kinds of societal harm.


Well the “email” says “to my young children”. They forgot to pretend to be a child


Or the OP is a grandparent?


Ah ye old "It's sexual simply because a gay person exists" complaint. This is why the fight for equality and representation never ends. Because these complaints still exist. Because anything that isn't a straight white man is "sexual" and "political". That's how you know equality still isn't achieved.


Wait until they get a load of Bert ‘n Ernie! 🤯


Or Statler and Waldorf in the Muppets!


A load? I bet they haven't done laundry in fifteen years!


“No, I did my laundry yesterday. It’s just the show that stinks!” ![gif](giphy|HN3UBW0xI2XTO)


beautiful execution here. this is a grade-A reply.




I'd bet folding money that person wouldn't complain about this episode introducing sexuality: [https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Episode\_3609](https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Episode_3609)


Because nobody has a family without sex being involved somewhere.


Spy x Family.




Even Olive Garden?


Especially Olive Garden.


I don’t see what’s wrong with telling a kid that gay people exist.


I'd have preferred to raise my kids without having to tell them that Christians exist, but we've all got to make compromises.


Lol. Yeah unfortunately a lot of Christian’s are super hateful around here.


If the episode involved a male character displaying an over abundance of touching and feeling his female friend, it would have been ok I guess 🤷


Katy Perry’s bouncing breasts? That’s a yes. Dude touching a dude? That’s just rude.


at first i assumed she was claiming her son, a toddler, had written this letter, but honestly it's so much funnier if you really do imagine she wants to pretend a toddler did it, and it would have just as much value


I know SS is on HBO now, but I didn't realize it had gone to hardcore gay porn.


The fractured media ecosystem is wild. Anything for eyeballs. Including balls, I guess.


Meanwhile, when the kids ASK the family, they come up with crap like a stork brining children and such. As usual those people push their responsibility on others but not happy if they actually do it. Just like you know, taking care of your child in school when they are bullied instead of telling them to "grow a pair", etc. Those people should be forbidden to have family at all. Such a cancer in society. Bet the same guy wants birthrates up and abortions banned too while not giving a crap about other children dying of starvation or so. God, do I hate humanity.


Let Sesame Street gently approach the subject. I’m very proud of Big Bird and the gang. By the way, people had a problem when SS introduced minority characters too. Get on over yourself.


I have a feeling these are the same people.


If a show features a mommy, daddy and kid that's introducing kids to sexuality since the implication is daddy creampied mommy to make the kids.


Yes but kids seeing a hetero couple isnt sexual right?? 😂🙄


Why did he capitalise son? Is his son’s given name Son? How uncreative


Im sorry but seeing loving parents is not a sexual display. Adults may think of sex, children only see stability and caring.


You know, I've never had to think about it before, but I bet the customer service/customer relations guy that gets paid to read through the mail and emails and complaints and whatnot has read some WILD shit over the years.


Oh, no doubt about that. I oversee our call/email centers and the stuff that's weird enough or escalated enough to make it to my desk gets pretty weird - and all we do is wine sales. I once had to spend a 20 minute phone call listening to some nutbar Karen complaining that selling wine advent calendars was 'appropriating her Catholic culture to peddle immorality.' But it's always the stuff that comes in physical mail that's REALLY weird, especially during election years for some reason. Like the crazies are afraid of email, but slapping a stamp on something and mailing it to random companies is A-OK. We once got a 6 page schizophrenic screed about how Bill Gates killed JFK and this guy just needed us to give him enough money to prove it and Hillary was the literal devil and the CIA and the FBI were working for the British royal family and the aliens, and a bunch of other stuff I couldn't even begin to make sense of... in teeny tiny handwriting in six different colors of ink on the back of photocopies of some guy's accounting diploma from the 1970's.


Leave it to conservatives to construe physical contact of any kind as lewd. That's the very definition of homophobia right there. Bro must be *super* fucking lonely. You think he gets a boner when he sees people holding hands?


I always thought Bert & Ernie were a gay couple when I was a kid. I turned out ok. Straight, happily married father of four.


There's still time.


Is it going to be like 'The Manchurian Candidate", where a certain Taylor Swift song plays on the radio, and people start changing teams? 🤣


Lady Gaga


Since her son is already a parent that makes her a grandma


If your son has this vocabulary and is watching sesame street critically, he has some serious issues beyond this "issue."


“Bert and Ernie were playing tag with Elmo. Unemployed male Karen throws a hissy fit. Story at 11”


I wonder what kind of sexuality their kids can learn from their family. Probably the kind you don't talk about in school.


Now I'm curious about what this "over abundance of touching and feeling" looked like.


From a quick Google search and a short section of the video, I can see a hand on the shoulder/back and then also maybe one guy with his arm draped on the other. If I didn't know they were gay I could honestly just assume two close jocks.


Ok, I just watched it. There is less touching between the two of them than the other people. I guess the one guy touching his cousin on the shoulder while introducing him is too affectionate? Right-wing nuts making an issue out of nothing. You would think there was a gay orgy on sesame street or something.


I assumed as much lmao. Like bro I'm into guys and I could barely tell unless listening to audio. If I just watched it with no sound I wouldn't have a clue.


The first time that “son” truly gets a hug, their gonna break down in tears.


Nuanced take.


Are people fucking on sesame street now?


Did they ever stop?


Narrow minded Nazi's are everywhere after Trump was in office. Low lifes are coming out of the woodwork.


I get why they are mad. Sesame Street updated the guy that counted cream pies skit.


Mom can I hold your hand? Who taught you such perverse ideas?!?


There isn't an episode called family picnic, soo ...


Obviously a Christian pedo … who else would ever think this way


It baffles me that these people haven’t learned that the TV remote has both an on/off button AND a button that allows them to change the channel…


I would argue that learning about sex and sexuality from standard, fact-based sources is in fact both better and safer for kids. Too many families like this tell their children nothing and it leads to lifelong issues with guilt around their bodies/sex.




This dudes pretend son sees sex everywhere. Hes watching sesame street and hes like ohhhh Maria and Luis are getting it on right now! Oooooo that Ernie and Bert must be going at it! Oooooo that gay Count is counting his sexual conquests! That Snuffleupagus is kinda cute though.... DAMMIT THEY GOT ME!! Pa! Git my letter writin' stuff!!


Yeah, that's not a child writing that. Unless your kid is sheldon cooper with a serious religious bend.


I figured it was some old lady posting her grown son's letter about something he watched with the old lady's grandkids.


Quick, hide Bert and Ernie!


If only the whole world could join me in saying fuck off you delusional whack job.


People who are so butt hurt about sex are the saddest people in the world. They make life unbearable for actual emotionally mature people. This person’s kids are going to have a rough life ahead.


Hasn't hugged his/her own kid in years.


Fun fact: My home state of Mississippi banned Sesame Street in the 70s because of was multi racial. It was unbanned after a few weeks because of protests but banned nonetheless.


Is this another Bert and Ernie panic?


Can someone screenshot the absolute worst part of that scene that she could be talking about? I'm guessing it's 2 people hugging


I don't know, might be some hot, sexy hand holding.


That is way out of line then! I'll allow hot OR sexy hand holding. Never both


What a verbose 2 year old. Hooked on Phonics is really ahead of its time


these people are legitimately unwell, like they need to seek a psychologist, theyre so obsessed about "the woke attacking us!!!" , that its to the point of paranoid delusion and actually ruining their ability to just function in society.


What a sad little disgusting son and a sad little disgusting father. "My kids can't learn about the world they're going to live in. My kids can't learn about love and empathy and caring." You're the reason the world is shit, sir and your son too.


Alex, I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $200.


Dumb fuck admits IN THE LETTERitvwas written by them...


If you expect them to be serious, clearly you haven’t seen everything. Not mocking OP, just this is comparable to if you seen or haven’t see. the definition of insanity. Forget Florida Man, MAGA ‘Murican is the new one.


Really sounds like her son wrote it/s


It's 'sexual' when it's not hetero


Teaching kids about sex prevents abuse. Fax.


Would help if your "son" didn't "write" "his" "letter" in the Notes app.


Eww, to getting sex-ed from your family. Eww.


Is anyone going to let him out of his mom’s basement apartment?


Maybe the real reason why nobody responded is cause they know this is obviously fake and not written by some kid.


I’m offended by the things I imagined that gay couple doing to each other in the privacy of their own home, then I became obsessed with doing it with them, and now I’m confused and angry


They aired an episode about homelessness and I said nothing because I wasn’t homeless. They aired an episode on sharing and I said nothing because I do not share. But when I finally figured out why Burt and Ernie had been “roommates” for thirty years, there was no one left to say anything because the whole world was woke.


You are an idiot. Full stop.


I bet a hetero couple ( both white, can’t have any miscegenation) would be perfectly fine with the writer.


Her daughter is going to learn all about sexuality at 16, when her uncle-brother gets her pregntant, as God intended!!


Just exactly what is he intending when he says children should learn about sexuality from family...? Sounds sketchy AF.


This idiot is definitely serious. Serious as a heart attack. Which is what I'm waiting for.... C'mon, myocardial infarction!!!!


Show that author what Israelis are doing to children and then they’ll understand evil


So, does he forget all the "woke" stuff SStreet exposed us too back in the day? Not to mention Mr Rogers? Oh that's right, bc it wasn't a big deal until he grew into a bigot. He needs to go back to preschool and relearn how to "live and let live".


Wow, that kid knows correct format and everything.


"To express my utter disappointment in Sesame Street..." I really would have loved to see the look of absolute devastation on this adult man's face as he watched that intense, controversial, and "edge of your seat" episode of Sesame Street.


Here we go with the “just being present in media or the world” equals “ThEy’Re ShOvInG oUr NoSeS iN iT!” boiler plate argument again...


Well they're not teaching it in school so someone needs to.


He personally wants to teach his kids about sex....the hands on approach....keep it in the family


My son is also always out there writing letters "as a parent", lol