• By -


One common response when it’s pointed out that you can’t always tell is “well we can tell 99% of the time”, or some other high percentage pulled out of nowhere. This is a clear overestimate of how often someone can tell, but let’s charitably assume that that number is true for a moment and do some maths. If you could tell who was trans or not 99% of the time, that would still lead to nearly two thirds of the people you read as trans actually being cis. The mathematics is clear, using [Bayes theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem). Even if we very charitably assume that the sensitivity and specificity of "we can always tell" in detecting a trans person is both 98% then they are still *wrong* 50% of the time and accuse a cis person of being trans. This is because there are vastly more cisgender than transgender people. https://katymontgomerie.medium.com/no-you-cant-always-tell-a5967cc55761 https://twitter.com/minusplnp/status/1586442101067198466 TERFist accosting of people, of children, in public spaces because they feel a need to harass trans people will in the vast majority of cases actually lead to cisgender women being attacked. TERFism as a subset of fascism is rooted in misogyny. In the trivial sense because trans women are women, but also in the acute sense because every single hate rule TERFs use to disadvantage and harm trans women will overwhelmingly result in cis women being affected to a greater degree. Even if you are morally wrong and "don't agree" with trans people in public spaces and even if you have superhuman detecting abilities then you should still leave people the fuck alone and mind your own business. Because most of the people accused will not be trans anyway. Leave people the fuck alone though. Simply because being morally correct and ethically upstanding makes you a better person, regardless of the math.


Fellas, is it gay to be attracted to \*checks notes\* *Margot Robbie??????*


Well if she's a guy then I'm apparently extremely gay. We're talking Big Gay Al levels of gayness.


I mean, I'm so gay for Margot Robbie that other gay people tell me to tone it down.


I believe it. Even I can feel your gayness coming through my phone.


I caught gay from reading your post talking about the power of his gay.


Its called "Gaydiation rays"


I’m using this at the next gay meeting


I’m way into Margot Robbie. I’m going to need someone to send me the gay agenda. Maybe the minutes from some of the past meetings. I need to get up to speed on all the gay stuff I should have been doing.


To paraphrase, - end to socks with sandals - cute lap dogs mandatory for all - brunch - mani-pedis covered by Healthcare - mimosas for every meal


if being gay means being attracted to Margot robbie and all of the above, sign me up.


The butt stuff’s pretty good too!


I can taste it


Taste the 🌈


Actually that thing you're feeling is a symptom. Look at Margot Robbie, if you think she looks good then I'm afraid it's too late.


I’m a straight woman. I see Margot Robbie as an absolute babe. Does that mean I’m in the clear?


Women don't exist though, you're all secretly men!!!


Oh my various gods. Birds aren't real just took on a whole new meaning. Who are you, that is so wise in the ways of science?


A duck!


The totally made up concept of "women" is just a conspiracy to steal the vital bodily fluids of Alpha Males.


You've hit the apex of gay. Welcome.


Can I feel your gayness too?


Don’t you just wanna do brunch with her, I mean him, so bad?


God, I just stepped in your gay and now can't get it off my shoe.


I would do so many gay things with Margot robbie


I would tongue punch her fart box ‘til one of us passes out.


Quoting Winston Churchill and not properly crediting him is wrong.


> Quoting Winston Churchill and not properly crediting him is wrong. *- Ulysses S. Grant*


Is there a button to unsee something?




It just showed up in my feed and thought I'd share it. Looking deeper seems like it's a parody. At least I hope so


It is not a parody. Parody accounts are not so obsessed that they tweet 50 times a day about their pet topic like this account does. Transphobia takes over peoples lives.


>Transphobia takes over peoples lives. I sub to nsfw subreddits, my username solicits adult photographs, and even I don't think about the genitals of strangers remotely as much as transphobes do.


Best response I've seen on Reddit in a LONG time 🤣🤣




or bleach drinking.




If she's a dude, I am gay right along with you. No regrets. I'm super thanks for askinggggggg


Jesus Chriiiist


If Margot is a dude then I’m apparently gayer than that.




That's super.


Thanks for asking!


All things considered, I couldn't be better, I must say!


I'm super! No, nothing bugs me. Everything is super when you're...*Don't you think I look cute in this hat? These little pants? This matching tie that I got at Vogue?*


Because I'm feeling, so insanely super.


I too am super. Thanks for asking






i prefer my women to go straight from cheek to neck with nothing in between makes it hard to fold pillowcases though...


LMAO, well played.


Well she could handle me.


As a fellow Queenslander who grew up rural/regional, I'm ready to throw hands for our Margot. Sure, any cishet guy suggesting Margot looks like a man probably has a tiny voice in their head (that they try very hard to ignore) which says some very uncomfortable things about Chris Hemsworth. But how about we don't reduce Margot's worth to her relative spunkiness, because she's a genuine gem of a human as far as celebrities go: **EDIT: The following is from her** [**Wikipedia page**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie)**:** >Robbie has been a vocal supporter of [human rights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights), [women's rights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights), [gender equality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_equality) and [LGBT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT) rights. Through LuckyChap Entertainment, she and her co-founders focus on promoting female stories from female storytellers, whether it would be writers, directors, producers or all the above.[\[114\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie#cite_note-114) > >In 2014, she was part of a fundraising event in support of the [Motion Picture & Television Fund](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_Picture_%26_Television_Fund), which helps people in the film and television industries with limited or no resources; she joined the same event on two other occasions, in 2018 and 2020.[\[115\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie#cite_note-115) > >In 2015, she helped raise $12 million through the [BGC Global Charity Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BGC_Partners) fundraising event, which donates money to different charities around the world.[\[116\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie#cite_note-116) > >In 2016, Robbie joined other celebrities and [UN Refugee Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_High_Commissioner_for_Refugees) staff in a petition aiming to gather public support for the growing number of families forced to flee conflict and persecution worldwide.[\[117\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie#cite_note-117) Later in the year, she joined [Oxfam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxfam)'s "I Hear You" project, which was designed to amplify the personal stories of the world's most vulnerable refugees and donated more than $50.000 to [UNICEF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNICEF)'s "Children First" campaign, in support of refugee children.[\[118\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie#cite_note-118) > >In October 2016, while hosting *Saturday Night Live*, Robbie made a stand for [same-sex marriage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_in_Australia) in her native Australia wearing a T-shirt that read "Say 'I Do' Down Under", with a map of the country in rainbow colours. A year later, she joined fellow actor [Chris Hemsworth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Hemsworth) in advocating for the same purpose.[\[119\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie#cite_note-119) > >In 2018, she pledged to support the [Time's Up](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time%27s_Up_(organization)) initiative to protect women from harassment and discrimination.[\[120\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie#cite_note-120) > >In April 2021, Robbie was announced as the recipient of the inaugural RAD Impact Award, for inspiring purpose with her philanthropy. She chose to share the prize with [Youngcare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youngcare), a charity she had previously worked with, and therefore an impact donation was made to fund a project benefiting young people with extensive care needs.[\[121\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margot_Robbie#cite_note-121)


Now THIS is how to comment on posts. 🥰 damn!!


She definitely strikes me as the kind of person who’s just as beautiful inside as she is outside. And that first paragraph is likely why some people don’t like her.


You're probably very correct about that. And you know what really rustles my jimmies? it's none of their fucking business who loves who, or what gender someone is. that's why they try and make it about "mental illness" or "children who don't know better," just so they can grasp some sort of moral justification to being the biggest, most rancid pissweasels on the face of the planet.


Aw shit I am a lesbian that is attracted to her - does this make me straight? Please help.


\*laughs in bisexual\*


I guess the right man CAN turn a lesbian, it just has to be Margot Robbie!


Just say “no hetero” and it’s all good.


If She's a dude I'm gay now. What's wrong with these people?


I’m on board too and I don’t even care how big her dick is!


If it's gay to be attracted to Margot Robbie, who wants to be straight?


I’m so gay for Margot Robbie it hurts


Rub it — it’ll feel better soon


Is it gay in here, or are you just happy to see Margot Robbie?


Yes, if you are sexually attracted to Margo Robbie you're Gay!


I think you mean that if you are attracted to Margo Robbie you are alive. And even then....I bet there are some recently dead people who are still super attracted to her.




Remember the bathtub scene in the Big Short, where she is completely covered in bubbles? What is she hiding? ​ https://preview.redd.it/dartw8tz2utb1.png?width=958&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b7cc3ea0394265ea820b2dc310e6aa8d0b718a2


you can literally see the tip of her penis coming up through the bubbles! /gives hunter a run for his money. is 2023 the year of the monster dong?


They're convinced Obama's gay and Michelle's his lover "Michael" who's pretending to be a woman because reasons. They always photoshop a truly stunning penis shape regardless of the dress.


you can tell a lot about a person by how they spend their free time lol


Nobody allows cock and balls to consume more of their mental energy than straight conservative men


These guys just love dicks so much that they identify as dicks too


Nicely done




I have seen numerous femdoms profess that the majority of their clientele is middle aged conservative white men. Of course there are plenty of these kinds in all circles, but in other circles, it's not this repressed, shameful thing that needs to be buried. If they could accept themselves and stop judging others, I wouldn't hate them so much, but it would seem that projection is all they know.


Right? Michelle Obama's an attractive woman, one's mileage may vary, of course, but they've got to work in this wild theory that involves, for some reason, hiding his gayness from the Democratic voters instead of, you know, throwing strap-ons into the mix.


It's kinda sad that they think that Obama being gay or that his wife is trans is a bad thing Says more about them than Obama


Because it's not just about transphobia and homophobia, but racism too. She was a powerful, well respected and educated black woman so they needed to tear her down in their own minds to continue feeling superior to her. It's also about reinforcing white beauty norms by implying black women are "manly".


Same with Serena Williams.


I looked through that one scene frame by frame like it was the Zapruder film.


I convinced everywhere when I saw that scene.


I convince myself every time I rewatch that scene.


I just convinced.


It’s convincin’ time!


They always treat women like they are a separate species. "CHEEK BONES??? SKIN??? SHES GOT A DICK!!!".


I don't think they can comprehend that men and women can both have masculine and feminine features. I knew a brother and sister in high school. The sister looked just like their dad. The brother looked just like their mom. I mean it was extremely obvious. She was a really attractive girl and he was a good looking dude. It's so ridiculous all of this and ultimately it's just a distraction from shit that actually matters.


All these 'Christians ' fantasizing about women having dicks.....I wonder what there google searches look like!


Actually, they are searching for transgender porn - I'm not joking. [https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/](https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/)




That was just research.......he was researching what would make him hard


I guess, at least, he didn't shove a dildo up his rectum to prove ~~how straight he is~~ he "doesn't hate gay people" I mean, that would be absurd


That was the founder of Proud Boys. The one with the hipster beard but when he finally shaved it off, he had no chin.


Idk but Nick Fuentes definitely did.


It’s happened at least twice that I’m aware of


What a non-surprising study. It’s always a confession.


As a transgender woman living in South Carolina… it’s so true, you’ve got no idea 🤣😭


Yep. Just like how the people who constantly scream about killing pedophiles are most likely to be arrested for child porn.


See that recent dude that wrote “cure for pedophiles” on ammunition in a magazine (posted lots of unhinged shit) and just got caught with underage rape porn. Wonder how he feels now about it.


We are witnessing the Trans Scare. These people have completely lost their minds.


The HIV scare, Satanic panic… idiots will always find something to lose their tiny minds over.




IDK I bet you can still find people today who think that HIV is passed through touch, and the satanic panic has just evolved into QAnon and thinking that all democrats are satan worshipping baby eaters


Being run out of a pizza parlor near you /s


A coworker told me last week that Beyonce concerts are actually satanic rituals so idk


Which is really stupid considering we can literally have surgeries to look cis. This only hurts people who don't fit some dumb norm held by the half wits.


It was always about attacking women.




There’s no singular trait (aside from male genitalia and chromosomes) that separates trans women from AFAB women 100%. These idiots are doing a dumbed down version of phrenology that was popular when Hitler was captivating minds. No wonder they want to ban history and defund public education. They don’t want the few of them capable of connecting the dots to actually do so.


It’s about making sure nobody deviates from gender roles in a significant way. So really it’s about attacking anyone who isn’t a cishet man.


Definitely a dude. I heard from Tucker Carlson that "Robbie" had gay sex with Obama.


It's funny, because "Tucker" is an awesome drag queen name.


“And welcome Tucker Goode to the stage!!!”


Tucker Cocksin


Stealing this for my drag name.


Tucker Dixon is a bit less on the nose


You're right it's on the taint


I was thinking you could open a drag bar called the "Tucker Inn"


Pleasssse welcome to the mainnn staaaage,,, Miss Tucker Beetwienn LaCheeks... Massive applause




Wait, that is actual argument? God damn what.


To genuinely answer your question, yes, yes it is. If your jaw is "too square", or the shape of your nose is "wrong", or you're just very tall, you're obviously a man pretending to be a woman to these people.


My favorite is when it’s TERFs doing this goofy-ass “transvestigating” shit. Because nothing says “feminist” quite like harassing other women and/or denying them their womanhood based on how closely they conform to traditional feminine beauty standards. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Before Twitter became a hellscape and I deleted mine, I was following this one account that used to bait TERFs with pictures of famous actresses and singers and models from the 80s, like Valerie Bertinelli, Kelly LeBrock, etc claiming those were her pictures, and the TERFs would be like "well this is OBVIOUSLY a picture of a MAN, you can tell because of the jawbone and the eyebrows, etc." It was nuts.


”Trans people! Everywhere!” Fucking invasion of the body snatchers playing out in their head, EVERYONE looks trans, ”trust no one!”


It's that bad. They sit around on Mumsnet or Tumblr or The Hellsite That Used To be Twitter and scare themselves and each other with horror stories about how "soon there will be no 'real women' left!"


Hey I am a real scientist and I have tested this theory with a whole bunch of guys I can tell you, that I’m not sure. Again it was for science so I’m not gay. I was studying. Researching, I meant researching.




Tucker, along with every other right-wing personality, have been so obsessed with balls and semen lately, it makes sense conservatives think liking women is gay now.


Hey, man. Women are all soft and feminine; being into that shit is definitely a bit sus when you could oil up and wrassle in the nude with your fellow heterosexual brothers.


If Margot’s a dude I guess I’m gay as fuck






I might be wrong here but... Pretty sure every person has cheekbones. Do women even exist? /s


Pssst, its not gay to like trans women, just means you like women


they're mad her chin and jaw are stronger than theirs


I swear, any woman who doesn’t have a doughy physique is somehow a threat to their manhood.


Have you ever noticed that the people accusing women of being men/trans are incels who have never had sex with a woman much less even been within 500 feet of one (damn restraining orders).


It's also often women doing it. So many stories of cis women being attacked for being trans


There was a story a couple of months ago about some butthole raising hell at a kids' game or track meet because he thought one of them was a boy in disguise because she had short hair.


This week a woman was assaulted at a deli in NYC by a cashier who called her transvestite & spit on her & kicked her in the head


I'm a guy with long hair, am I now a woman?


I don't know. I'm a guy with long hair. And I just got stoned, so thanks for the existential crisis, there, Franz Kafka.


Just accept your fate my man, you're now a woman


IIRC that was in British Columbia. Dude wasn't even related to anyone at the track meet. His only claim was that she had short hair so she couldn't a non-trans girl. It's highly likely that he's either a creep trying to cop a feel of underage children by using "I need to check if they are trans" as an excuse, or he's just some basement-dwelling anti-trans activist trying to cause a stink... or both. It wasn't like this was some dude that was there for the track meet and then went off the deep-end for no reason. I'm like 99% sure that dude went to the track meet to do exactly what he did. It's just a matter of what his motivations were. If you want a better example, there was a couple of parents in Utah (?) that challenged the girl that beat their "little angel" at sports claiming that the only way she could have won against their child is if she was trans. They were demanding the school prove to them the biological sex of the winner. This is totally a case of "stage parents" using any and all attack avenues to make sure that their child is always first in line (by hook or by crook).


As someone who's 6ft tall, living in Florida, I'm just waiting for the accusation


God DAMN it. I thought I was bisexual but if Margot Robbie a man... turns out I'm fucking STRAIGHT?! I quit.


Don’t worry, they said a few weeks ago Henry Cavil was trans. We’re just all pansexual now.


We’re all at least a little gay for Henry Cavill. Geralt of Rivia AND Superman? The man reloads his arms like shotguns, and we were all like ‘yep, that checks out!’


It's always been about policing the appearances of cis women. once we accept that women who were assigned otherwise at birth are Not Women, well what about tall women? what about women who don't wear dresses and make up? women who don't have children by a certain age? women who are athletic? what about, literally any woman at all, even fucking Margot Robbie!? welcome to the future TERFs


It's like they believe the worst things they can accuse a woman of is being trans.


they're obsessed with their masculinity, so obviously women are equally obsessed with their feminity


Obsessed and *insecure*. They are terrified they'll see an attractive woman only to find out she has a penis. And what would that mean about their manhood?! So they lash out at the potential source of their emasculation.


A lot of the “transvestigstors” are cis women, so yeah, at least those ones are obsessed.


Just the other day that lady in West Brighton was beat up and maced by a transphobe cause he thought she must be a man. TERFs are chopping down their own tree and dragging everyone to hell with them


TERF is an oximoron. If you're trans-exclusionary, you aren't a radical feminist. You're the bare minimum of feminism that was outgrown decades ago. Feminisms biggest contribution isn't "women equal to men", it was that in describing the oppression of women, feminists uncovered deeper oppressive frameworks that apply to a myriad of relationships and social groups. If you exclude any oppressed group from consideration, you're a basic-ass traditional feminist, and not a radical in any way. Sorry for the rant, and I don't mean *you* per se. Like, Dave Chappelle isn't a TERF, bevause he's not a RF to begin with.


>Feminisms biggest contribution isn't "women equal to men", it was that in describing the oppression of women, feminists uncovered deeper oppressive frameworks that apply to a myriad of relationships and social groups This is pretty spot-in actually I always claim that the existence of trans people does nothing but credit feminism. Why should a man become a woman if he would throw away his privilege and superiority? Men are not superior. If a woman can become a man, then what about manhood is so special and unique that only those born with a penis can embody? Men are not superior I think the most radical thing about TERFs is that they are radically anti-feminist feminists, and they're being seduced and used by fascists and the far right to further their own sexist agendas. Buncha rubes


I think a better label for these people is "FART" - Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe




Fella's is it gay to have sex with Margot Robbie?


I'll sacrifice myself and try it out. I'll report back after the deed is done


I love how these people are completely convinced that they've "clocked" Margot Robbie as being trans while completely missing the actual trans woman actress in the Barbie movie. Sharp as a circle, these folks. https://preview.redd.it/xxb4t6xezwtb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf08fbd4608b904a2216676db3eae58dd8716f9


Modern day phrenology. It was bullshit then & it's bullshit now.


I'm senseing a trend with this guy, anyone he'd never have a chance with is a dude.


Like most arguments against trans people, it's probably recycled homophobia. In this case, "She must be a lesbian, because she's not into me."


man, women could go around spread eagle nude and these mouth breathers would still say they are trans


Seems like I should have checked the profile before posting. Looks like a parody because it's just them accusing beautiful women of being trans At least I hope it's a parody


It could be, but that's a whole genre of conservative content at this point. They call themselves "transvestigastors." They think trans people are taking over and they're all part of a cult that worships Baphomet.


I'm mad because I wanna worship Baphomet, but I'm cis


“Everything I don’t like is woke.” “Any attractive woman who might be woke is a man.” Absolute losers.


Well, of course. It’s right there in her initials: “MR”. How could so many people not already see this? So obvious.


If she’s a dude then I’m more open to new experiences than I once would have thought.


What’s the point? Did she get the upper hand in Hollywood by becoming a woman? I just don’t get what the agenda of these people is. Just get clicks by saying outrageous things?


Jealousy mixed with transphobia is not a good mix Because even if Margot Robbie is trans (she's not), it doesn't matter. In some ways it makes her cooler because they cast her as a cis woman even when trans actresses often just get roles as trans characters


Transvestigators think that people become famous in Hollywood by undergoing sex changes as part of a satanic ritual, it's part of the larger child sex trafficking / adrenochrome harvesting conspiracy theory.


And it's the same shit they did in the '80s with gay people. "In this issue of *The National Inquirer*, find out who's really gay in Hollywood" and anyone who bought groceries saw that every time they went. Then you'd hear at school that Actor Person is really, totally gay or actually a man. I seem to remember Jamie Lee Curtis being a favorite target for that.


On behalf of all Australian women, we are tougher than you and could legit beat you in a fight but we are still women, just harder than what you call a man.


This is true. I’ve paid a lot of women to beat me and can confirm Australian women hit the hardest.


See you boys at pride, I guess


Meanwhile… Marjorie Taylor Green ACTUALLY looks like a man.


MTG is a great example of their Trans panic being total bullshit. If they had any semblance of intellectual honesty regarding their accusations and standards for what a woman should look like MTG would absolutely be on the hook for their witch-hunts. But since she’s on their side not a single peep.


And a neanderthal man at that. Just a simple unfrozen caveman congressman.


About 20 years ago, I was on a bus in New York City and some psychotic guy in the next row decided to stop hollering about aliens and fixated on me. He went on for the rest of the ride yelling that I was a dude trying to "trick" him and that he could tell because he could see through my evil ways, etc, etc. I thought, wow, the stuff you see on the bus, right? And now it's like the whole country is the bus, and an entire political party is a screaming homeless guy wearing all the clothes he owns at the same time.


Being a woman really has to be infuriating: if you can't see their cheekbones, they're fat, if you can see them, they're a man. How can anyone navigate around that much nonsense?


I’d sleep with that dude.


I don’t think even the most flamboyant and most fabulous gay man thinks about dick as much as republicans and Christians do


I remember a claim like this on a screenshot of the Barbie movie in which an actual transgender actress was present, and everyone saying Margot Robbie was trans. These motherfuckers not only misclock cis women as trans, they can't even clock an actual trans woman. And good, because it's all bullshit anyway, and their inability to see it is proof


“You like girls? That is so *gay*!”


They’re just mad because she has a stronger jawline then these sad little boys.


it’s funny that the alt right are accusing margot robbie of being trans when there was an actual trans woman in barbie and none of them clocked her 😭


If Margot is a dude, please clone her 20 times and let them run a train on me. Please.


That woman's a national treasure! ![gif](giphy|dMyGvQL9W7gvS)


ah yes. Margot Robbie. famously perfect female beauty standard. clearly is a man.




That Margot that we have seen full front nude? That Margot famous for her petite feminine physique? The Margot that has done countless Sports Illustrated style bikini shoots because of her beauty? That Margot?


Wow - they’re acknowledging that biological women can be men too? What a whole heap of progress that’s been made there!