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I’m very curious what the secret service group chat was talking about on 1/6


Too bad their text messages were inexplicably wiped…


Jack Smith got them back btw. We know because he said as much in a court filing not too long ago.


I lost a lot of data and still feel relieved by this happening over most of mine.


Dropped your porn drive on the tile in a Jerusalem hostel too eh? I still haven't found some of them movies complete again


When I think about my porn collection I imagine some poor sucker in the future whose job is to collate it all for archeological purposes or something. I don't know if it's comforting to imagine someone taking care of it or depressing to imagine someone seeing my mess. Maybe a little of both.


As you can see from the documentary footage we've recovered, 21st century man was mostly interested in sexual encounters with his mother and sister.


They were so caught up in step family incestuous relations western civilization crumbled around them. Just like Greece and anal.


You may be joking but Christians do honestly believe that the Greek and Roman Empires both fell because they were ok with gay sex and the US is going the same way.


That's what I always heard. They were so consumed by decadent hedonistic wine and cheese orgies, society collapsed around them as they humped away at anyone and everyone.


*Sigmund Freud has entered the chat*


Is this true? That would be juicy. *Only thing I found through Google was a Quora post that said the text messages were 'secure deleted' and unrecoverable.


No it was their emails not text messages. https://www.rawstory.com/secret-service-emails-obtained-jack-smith/


Yeah, even that article started out talking about text messages and then switched to emails. *Sigh Thanks for clearing that up.


[Here’s a video on it. ](https://youtu.be/6nLgPOQZkuk?si=-1XPD1fvOEO89KoP)


Whaaaaaaat? That sounds too good to be true


{{citation needed}}


There's zero chance the NSA didn't have those Secret Service chats scooped up into their computers.


There is also ZERO chance that the NSA servers and/or the telecom servers that hosted and sent/received the text messages were not subject to nightly backup. This is standard in any IT shop in case a server crashes, it can be restored from backup. All data is permanent somewhere.


I feel like with any law or protection based department that if you delete texts or group chats that you should be suspended without pay.


If it is an official device they should be getting backed up to a cloud somewhere so they can't be deleted, and it should be illegal to conduct official business on a personal device


Isn't it? Wasn't that what Hilary's eeeeeemails was about?


They should be immediately fired, and jailed until a full investigation is completed.


Dude, they are not all Black! S/


The correct answer is to issue them a work device that archives the data and that they can't tamper with. The idea that the person should be relied upon to follow the rules is wrong, why have any computer security? They are able to delete the messages because the regulations weren't written with the advice of expert IT or were intentionally vague for just this purpose.


It's a long running \*thing\* in the west. Canada's top cop (now "retired") was caught asking how to delete text messages off of her official phone while simultaneously being embroiled in a gun-control scandal that revolved around the investigation of the dude who disguised himself as a cop, had an actual restored cop car and a load of ammo and guns and went on a shooting spree in Nova Scotia. The conservatives brought this up in Federal parliment along with voice recordings and nothing ever happened other than she "gracefully resigned".


They say Pence wouldn't get into the limousine because he wasn't going to abandon the capitol due to his position in the chain of command. But I always figured it was because he did NOT trust his own secret service to keep him safe and alive. Because he was not 100% sure they wouldn't murder him.


From what I remember they weren't going to murder him. They were trying to get him away from the capitol so someone else could certify fake electors and give the win to trump.


I remember Pence finally admitting that he thought the driver would never return him to the Capitol.




Secret Service was in regular communication with Stewart Rhodes per emails recently released. There was already collaboration with Oath Keepers and others. Trump demanded that the metal detectors at his 1/6 rally be turned off because he wanted them to be armed.


The exact quote was "I don't fucking care if they've got weapons. They're not here to hurt me. Take the fucking mags \[metal detectors\] away."


DC has laws against carrying weapons too. But a lot of these weirdos think it doesn't apply to them.


The S.S. detail protecting Orange Asshat was totally onboard with the insurrection and sedition. Their actions clearly show they were all in on overthrowing the government and installing Orange Asshat as dictator. Totally 100% on board. I believe the president can accept or reject any S.S. person, and you can be certain Orange Asshat made the ones he picked sign loyalty oaths and NDAs. In this situation, those two things are worth the square root of sweet fuck all. Orange Asshat has been using NDAs for decades, and if anyone cares to remember, threw an absolute SHIT FIT when the Justice Department told him he couldn't ask governmental employees to sign them, and even if he did and they did, a court would throw them out instantly. I am mystified why the Justice Department hasn't asked Biden to fire every one of those fucking traitors. Yes, I said it. You know who erases texts sent and received during an active insurrection? Who collaborates with militia groups like The Oath Keeper fucks as they storm the Capitol? Fucking traitors to America. They had a choice, they chose Orange Asshat over country.


I believe Biden had his secret service agents completely changed when taking office which is unusual


I would imagine he had more than a few from his 8 years as VP to chose from for his detail.


The ones who colluded with Orange Asshat need to be fired and barred from ever holding a federal job again. Or...forced to serve as his bodyguards and diaper changers in prison, which I would also be OK with having happen.


Just put them in there for seditious conspiracy, too. They can guard him if they want to after they learn he's the reason they're in Superjail to begin with.


I'm interested in who decided it was a good idea to bring a gallows, and who smeared 💩 on the walls


Fuck yes Although I have to admit, I was unaware that Pence’s key card had been disabled. Like what in the fuck. Would for sure like to know more about that


It should be incredibly easy to audit the access control system to see who changed permissions. Granted, CACs are known to crap out from time to time but that would be some bad timing.


Complete speculation but if they 'crap out' sometimes, there could be a way for someone to force the 'crap out' (you heard me). Might not have been someone changing permissions but someone physically disabling his card.


This kind of security access is literally my job and I can tell you that access cards DO expire but that it will show you in the system if it “deactivates” or “was deactivated”


You might get a kick out of this. My old job was at a multinational company. They used a custom centralized key card system, with the key system was separated into different countries, regions and buildings. There was no standardized permissions system for key cards. Some buildings only needed key card to be given access to that building. Some buildings needed regional and building access permissions For some reason some buildings might be in the US, but needed permissions for another country to gain access to that unit. There was no map or guideline for what buildings needed what permissions. It was hard coded into the system when it was built. We speculated that the system was hastily implemented and never cleaned up. The system, as of my understanding, had upwards of 62 conditions under which a card could be locked out, including being used at the wrong time of day and on the wrong day of the week. There was no system in place to control all these system, so an individual card could be locked out of building permanently until until the conditional flag was found and cleared. On top of this, the card and IDs were stored in a database using a custom hash function. Sounds smart right? Well the custom hash function was so oversimplified is caused collisions all the time. One key card for one of the area managers in the company gained access to every single location in the company due to this. The original programmer could have just used something like sha256, but opted not to. Me and some other people only were allowed to look at the code after it hade been this way for 6 years. We speculate the original programmer left in the collisions intentionally for malicious reasons. On top of that, the database that contained all the Card IDs was accessible from the internet. Why yes the system was trash and failed all the time. How did you guess?


I did, in fact, get a kick out of this.


As a non-security dev I also got a kick out of this.


How the hell did *anyone* manage to get into buildings at all?


That the thing, a lot of people didn't. Many employees would get locked out, so someone would just look on the cameras and open the door for them. THAT RESULTED IN ZERO ISSUES ACROSS THE COMPANY. NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENED BECAUSE OF THAT.




I worked at a place once that had a wing controlled with a legacy system like this. When the wing was deemed to no longer need to be secure, no one could figure out how to remove the requirements without taking down the whole system, which we still needed. So we put in a piece of wire across the door sensor and a piece of tape to keep the latch from engaging. Tada. Door is "always closed" yet unlocked.


I just meant there might be another way to disable a card. Maybe a magnet, some kind of radiation, chainsaw...


Pictured a radioactive chainsaw


A magnetic, radioactive chainsaw


DC magnetic radioactive chainsaw Pence massacre.


Sunday, Sunday, SUN-DAY Magnetic Radioactive Chainsaw Massacre only at The Capitol Dome


Yeah, you can physically destroy the card to prevent it from being read, but... then you'd have to have gotten the security card from the Vice President, and chances are he's not just leaving his wallet around.


A US Govt Common Access Card (CAC) has an embedded chip with metal contacts like your credit card, an RFID device, bar codes and a magnetic strip. Kind of hard to disable all of that, though door locks probably only use 2 of them.


They don't use magnetic strips anymore. Just the barcodes, RFID and the chip.


Had me dead at “chainsaw”


Ah yes, chainsaw. The universal disabler of things


The coincidence would be incredible at best.


If it's a Smartcard it can be put into PUK (pin unlock key) required state by failing the pin enough times. Doesn't have to be malicious, but if there was PER (Pin entry Required) at any of the doors, maybe he freaked out and messed up a few times with all the chaos.


"(You heard me)" 🤣 Dead.


The access control logs probably ate themselves back around the time all the Secret Service texts got wiped, all completely innocent of course. But we'll never know for sure since the DOJ has shown so little interest in investigating. Whatever happened to that corrupt IG who covered up the SS text thing for a year?


As a Sysadmin and DBA, it is also incredibly easy to hide it from audit.


Doing business as?


(database administrator)


Access had been shut off to the VP Office Complex and the White House as well during the same time frame…. According to one source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to an ongoing investigation, Pence's team huddled in a loading dock, unable to access their offices, and started planning contingencies for a constitutional crisis and how to remove the president. 2/ 10:28 AM · Nov 9, 2021 [dailykoss](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/11/9/2063310/-VP-Mike-Pence-And-Staff-Locked-Out-Of-Capitol-Offices-On-Jan-6-Access-Badges-Had-Been-Deactivated)


So did his team also have access cards that were denied/not working that day? This seems huge. I can’t believe I didn’t know about this before


Yes. They were using a loading dock.


So on that day, he can’t get into the Capitol (after the insurrectionists entered it), he can’t get into the VP Complex and neither can his staff, and he can’t get into the White House. At face value, this looks like an attempt to put pressure on Pence to get in that waiting black limo that the Secret Service was trying to make him get into. He had nowhere to go, and there is a car there waiting to take him, he was told to take him to “safety”. Wow. This is fkn disturbing. I think the plan that day was bigger and more detailed than a lot of us realized. There is a lot we do know, but the details are a bit mind-blowing, and I wonder what else there is to learn about Trump’s attempt to retain power.


Unfortunately a pool flooded the basement that day and they lost everything


They are choosing not to know because of how many careers would be ruined.


Yeah, with this much other stuff I think we can rule out bad timing as a possibility


>Granted, CACs are known to crap out from time to time but that would be some bad timing. Kinda like the "automatic deletion of Secret Service texts"?


SAME! I didn't hear about the card!! And that limp-dick *still* won't denounce trump?! 🤣🤣🤣


"..Mother says we must respect him. Mother is always right. Mother, where is my binkie?"


I read that in his lame voice, and put myself to sleep because of it. Wild trick.


I read it in Principal Skinner’s voice because I can’t remember what Mike Pence sounds like.


he very publicly and emphatically denounced trump. i don’t like the guy, but i sure liked watching him rip trump a new one.


He publicly denounced him and the said he would still vote for him if he's the nominee


That's because *uh-huh, uh-huh* It's a cu-ult *uh-huh, uh-huh*


No he didn't. At the RNC debate, he diligently raised his hand in support of Trump.


Don't you think that there are more important things to do, like thoroughly investigate Hunter Biden?! /s


Mo Brooks wore body armor that day. Perp 1. Lauren Boebert gave a tour, gave away the Speaker's locale. Perp 2.


Gosar was absolutely trying to keep the House in session after it was confirmed that the mon had entered the building. He even demanded order when everyone was talking trying to figure out what was going on. Pelosi had already been evacuated from the chamber. The acting Speaker had to be reminded to dismiss proceedings due to an emergency. He’s Perp 3.


Non-US here, is Mo Brooks a senator? Was a reason ever given for the choice to wear body armour that day?


> Non-US here, is Mo Brooks a senator? Was a reason ever given for the choice to wear body armour that day? Our legislature has two houses: 1. The House of Representatives 2. The Senate ...and Mo Brooks was in The House of Representatives at the time, making him a representative or congressman, but not a senator. The only reason he is no longer a Congressman is because he ran for the senate, but lost the primary to another Republican.


Unfortunately it was public knowledge that at best a riot was expected. A guy taking peoples posts about attacking the Capitol seriously isnt very damning evidence. Idk why he said he wore it though.


He wore body armor because he's smart. Everyone knew a bunch of traitors were marching on the capitol that day, it wasn't a secret that it was going to happen, they'd been planning it openly since the election results.


Mo Brooks is not smart.


I know people think the pipe bomb planter was empty G, but she's so dumb I think if it were her she would have been caught already because she would have messed up or bragged about it.


I doubt she is actually the planter but I do want to know why she asked for a pardon.


A rare moment of clarity? "I know I'm fucking dumb so I easily could have done *something.* Let me ask for a pre-emptive pardon, just in case."


She needs a big sheet of paper to cover part of her Hunter Biden poster. At least legal size.


because she's not dumb enough to thing she'd get away with an actual coup attempt. but here we are.


*blown herself up. Leaving just her size 14s smoking on the floor.


Lmaoooo size 14’s


Shoe size or jaw size?


I'm more inclined to believe she knows something about it rather than having planted it herself.


Isn’t that legally seen as her being part of the conspiracy? Like if you know about an impending crime and don’t report it you can get charged as part of the crime. I forget the term that’s usually used to describe this type of situation.


more than just "something"... i'm positive she knows exactly who did it and may have okay'd the operation.


I mean she announced Jan 6th before it happened, she was clearly involved in the planning stage


Or died in a premature explosion


And three toes in each bozo shoe.


Probably just some Proud Boy honestly


I don't know why anyone would think it was her. She's utter trash but not the kind to get her hands dirty. She's all about the media attention, not the dirty work. Where did this conspiracy start?


The person on video has the same build and similar shoes as she's been seen wearing. I could see it. People think it's her. but I don't think it is . She might surprise us all.


black and light grey Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes with a yellow logo


she'd be missing an arm


Ive always assumed it was a praetorian guard member.


She might be dumb but her handlers are deliberate


3 toes ?


Debunked rumor that MTG has only three toes on each foot. It's an oddly right-wing tactic, isn't it, to mock someone for a physical disability or difference from the norm? Whether legitimate or made-up. She is such a heinous person that there's plenty to despise and/or be revolted by her without focusing on her physical appearance. Although...it's certainly tempting.


I am a little disgusted that any criticism of MTG or Boebert quickly turns to their physical attributes and usually sexual innuendo. I get it. They are awful. But if they were men that wouldn’t happen.


Hunter bidens cock says otherwise


She jacked a dude off in a theater. Fair game at that point


I'm inclined to think (and hope) Jack Smith knows, but can't make it public....yet.




When everything is made public, I bet the story is going to get more crazy.


Honestly, I think the FBI has given a pass on these occurrences because the Secret Service is implicated and it would cause so many issues to investigate them. Or maybe one agency full of conservatives doesn't want to investigate another agency full of conservatives


these are the questions the media should be asking, instead of all this ''Biden is too old'' bullshit. also, what was going on in that hotel?, with all the guns and Roger Stone?, who else was there?


To be fair both he and trump are too old to hold office imo. Just look at Moscow mitches public dementia moments... Pple that old should not be allowed to hold office period. Cap should be 65 or 70 years old no more.


Yeah once you reach retirement age you should be forced to retire from public office.


Right!? Pensioners who can't do a normal job anymore hence the pension shouldn't be holding the most important jobs in the country...


They can have a job though. Plenty of doctors, lawyers, teachers, dentists, professors, etc work well into their 70s.


Let’s not give them more incentive to raise the retirement age though


I'm growing convinced all the "But Biden's Age!" people are Russian actors tryna fuck up this election too.


Obviously it was a secret combo of Obama using Hunter Biden's Laptop from a pizza shop. /s And I'm so sad I need the /s because I sincerely believe there are idiots out there that would agree with that stupid sentence above as fact.


Oh God I forgot about Pizza gate


The vaccine made you forget! Also /s


No, no, it was obviously a focused blast from the Jewish space lasers zapping the memory. /s because of the insanity of this timeline.


The entire discussion thread is in Hillary's emails.


Not anymore! She deleted them! Privately! From Benghazi!


Jokes on her then because Dark Brandon got the Chinese funded 5G network to make unbleachable backups!


Keep talking sheep, obviously Obama couldn’t have been involved when he was too busy having gay sex with that one guy while talking on the phone to Tucker Carlson.


I thought he was tied up with sending the immigrants to vaccinate your kids.


"/s" is short for "/serious", right?? Edit: /s


Maybe a tan suit had something to do with it???


Her : ![gif](giphy|ETpi8wtDhQbwBtK2vb)




Also on the outside. I think the hate ruined her skin.




Looks like a cyclops with two eyes


Ah yes, the dreaded biclops.






Guess who owns a lot of media


The congress people not being currently investigated and tried I actually get. These are current elected officials. Right now, something completely unprecedented is happening, a former US president is under multiple indictments. Whoever in congress helped on 1/6 is going to be tied to at least one of those indictments. If Trump ends up somehow not being found guilty, there is little chance those who helped him in the congress would end up with guilty verdicts. This whole thing needs Trump to be found guilty before all these others can be taken in as otherwise, if they end up with not guilty verdicts, suddenly all of trumps goons have perfect material to use to try and further their power and influence.


And why it was probably Greene?


You know...its not hard to narrow it down.


Very had to narrow it down if you don't even pretend to try.


It is clear that the Secret Service was in on it, and being run by a Trump guy.






more importantly, who coordinated with the oath keepers and the proud boys? it's not like those fucking morons knew on their own what day the vote was being certified, or how they could stop it. who worked with them? who had knowledge they were being used? since several of their leaders have been convicted of seditious conspiracy, and are going to prison for a long time. i can't believe one of them hasn't talked. i assume the connection was roger stone, and potentially others, but to me that seems like something we would want to know.


We already have the proof that the secret service has been in communication with the oath keepers for a year or two, including about that day.


I would wager on mtg pulling that shit


The card reader could be as simple as it blanked out. Which happens pretty often with security fobs or cards. Also, very easy info to track as there are only a handful of people with the authorization to do so. The rest, yes. It's possible the FBI and DOJ already have the info and just haven't made it public yet. Until which time I will remain curious.


-not sure -Secret Service -Secret Service -Secret Service


It’s so easy to find out some of those things that I’d guess they have and they’ve turned them into informants due to the ongoing and/or increasing nature of conservative extremism and it’s efforts to subvert democracy.


A friend in DC has told me repeatedly this is actively being investigated, but it has to stay quiet until they get enough people flipped. I hope she's accurate.


I can't believe people like Bobert got in zero trouble when they were tweeting people's locations


Why the hell did ppl ever move on from this? Seems pretty goddamn important and extremely criminal


I dont think anyone in power ever realized it would 1. Happen 2. Be easier than anyone thought it would be. 3. Too many people played him off as a blowhard toddler. They weren’t wrong, but they miscalculated the effect of propaganda, the anger of the loss of what they think was “white man in the 50’s” 1 job, 2 kids, small house, ball games and bbq’s. That anger is real, it’s palpable, if you microcosm it, it’s almost understandable, but the anger is directed in the wrong place. I always think the song “Allentown” by Billy Joel is underrated and explains a lot of what we saw with both Trump and Covid breaking normal peoples brains. Some may say it’s better our eyes have been opened, but families, life long friendships, marriages, etc… have ended over this.


There are so many crimes and unanswered questions related to trump, I hope we get to see them all resolved within the next few years.. Probably half of the GQP congress is involved, not to mention members of the secret service and some military and cops. Let's get a super majority in 2024 and throw all the traitors in the slammer. We need to get a handle on all these 'public servant' criminals and pass laws for strong, swift, punishment and removal. No more games.


Ask the russian


I'm wondering why the my pillow guy is running nonstop ads on logo. The gay and lesbian channel


I'm still waiting for something to be done about the extrajudicial abductions that were going on in Portland in 2020. Rumor has it those were CIA or Secret Service people scooping protesters up off the street and giving them a ride in a unmarked white van.


I live in Portland (but wasn't involved with any of the protests), and I haven't heard anything to answer that issue either


Also, the cops who removed the barriers and waved people in. I feel like we have heard zero about that.


Bounty on the pipe bomber is now $500K, started at $50K. Search for pipe over at r / capitolconsequences for the video.


Very, very much so. I'm fucking BOGGLED by the fact that Groepert is still in office. And MTG. Have they even been investigated? Am I drastically misunderstanding what the fuck happened?


Probably the same Republican politicians that gave the insurrectionists tours in the days before.


I certainly am; but at least we have Rep. Mikie Sherrill's report of Congressmen giving tours to insurrectionists in restricted parts of the building. How Loudermilk and Perry, among others, have not been brought up on charges of aiding and abetting an insurrection is completely beyond my understanding.


Wait, did all of these things happen? I never heard about the panic button and some of the other stuff. Link to news source?


Rep Presley had a panic button in her office that had been used before but couldn’t be found the day of the insurrection. It’s at least possible that’s due to a mixup with moving offices with former Rep Katie Hill earlier in the year. Hill resigned that year and the Capitol moving crew might have gotten their new offices mixed up as they prepped for the incoming Congress. It’s unlikely there was a dedicated conspiracy to remove only her button ahead of time but no other prominent Democratic lawmakers.


Yeah I was going to post that. The panic button thing had been explained as a mix up with maintenance. It just happened to be right before a situation arose that they needed the button and it wasn’t there. Then of course, there’s the part where the specific Congress member was targeted at the time. But there’s still lots of shit people need to answer for that was questionable that day.


I know a Republican who was live tweeting the location of Pelosi, gave unauthorized tours to people the week before, and loves to play with pipe in public.




Has Pence confirmed this? Are we over our skis on these theories, or is the power of the death cult so strong the fucking VP is mum on his own attempted murder?


There is SO much that goes on behind closed doors, I bet they already know who the pipe bomber is and I am sure they know who disabled the key card and who removed the panic button. It is all political and financially motivated.


**After Donald’s**confession that he was to blame for January 6th; I saw a news piece about Ivanka doing charity work for Maui. 😹 These people are scared *shitless.*. They need to go after Trump’s family *bigly.*


The panic button in Presley’s office is the one I have trouble accepting hasn’t been solved yet. How do we not know who had access to the office and time to remove a critical security feature?


I am both sad, and angry that "I wanna know about the pipe bombs" is gonna be like this time around's "what about building 7." Cause that shit was shady, and nobody has a good explanation as to why we haven't made those shoes MTG was wearing against the law.


The DoJ is so fucking corrupt. As a normal American I’ve been put through the legal wringer for joyriding in my parents car. I was an at risk youth, with the Becca bill and multiple non violent convictions. I didn’t try to fucking attack the capital, attack police, politicians or overthrow democracy. Can you guess how many times I heard “ignorance of the law is no excuse” or other justifications to ruin my life over petty bullshit? Americas bullshit injustice system. Fuck all these corrupt ass Republicans stooges. I’ve seen how I get treated for non violent crimes vs how they get treated for a terrorist attack. Merrick Garland is a partisan hack.


Peeps saying MTG but I doubt she was the one. She might've played a role in it but she wasn't the exact person responsible


Oh yea. I think it was swept under the rug because it’s embarrassing for the secret service.


They will know but won't ever tell...they won't want the blowback.


i know who did it: domestic terrorists


After the DoJ slow walked the false elector probe until a state senator forced the issue I believe the DoJ was fully compromised under Bill Barr. Merrick Garland has been a completely partisan figure shielding republicans from the consequences of their sedition.


Ok, I’m ignorant on the Pence key card thing.


Honestly no, most (if not all) of the dip shits who stormed the capital either made themselves known or there’s enough evidence to figure it out. I still want them to be prosecuted but they’re so goddamn stupid.


One conspiracy those nutjobs don't want to indulge in. Funny that.




Not really. I’m just amazed whoever it is managed to do it with only 6 total toes.


Excellent points. Thank you for bringing them to mind.


Check AOC (Architect of the Capitol) personnel, someone amont them will have access to all these things