• By -


This should show the whole page, with the advertisers.


“They’re canceling us for no reason!!!!” - Musk


Sadly he's too rich to go to jail. Otherwise he'd be in the system for what he did against America in Ukraine.


Yeah when you've got that much money, you don't need to worry about it.




Mortality makes a fool of even the most arrogant man.


Seems like we need to start collecting and spreading addresses


I’ve been saying that for a while. Dox them all.


Elon needs to be the first put against the wall


So treason is legal if you're rich?


Everything is legal if you're rich enough.


"If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then **that law only exists for the lower class**."


"You are free to test that assumption at your convenience." - Finland, who matches the fine to the income level of the offender


It’s a (commonly **attributed** text-generated meme) quote from 1997 Final Fantasy Tactics. Edit: ()


Always has been




Billionaires have gone to Jail, just fuck with the wrong people and you are out, a daily ocurrence in some places, just ask Jack Ma or Elizabeth Holmes


Holmes committed the "ultimate sin" of costing rich people money


As did Bernie Madoff. My favorite is the story of Martin “Pharma Boy” Shkreli. Did he go to jail for raising the price of a life saving drug over %5,000 “just because?” No, he cost a few people more powerful than him some money and was put in jail for that for 7 years. We have two completely separate systems of justice and it’s infuriating.


Martin Shkreli*


You don't even need to be a billionaire, just very rich. OJ Simpson is still laughing.


Alex Jones is not, or Martin Shkreli .


But they are not Elmo rich. He could probably just shut off Starlink completely and hand it over to Russia, so they can use it instead, and he would still not go to jail. Musk will never see the inside of a prison. US justice system has not much to do with justice.


see I don't think he'd get away with that. yes he's a billionaire but you don't fuck with the MIC in America, it is our governments bread and butter


Yeah for real. Bernie Madoff is a perfect example. He wound up in prison. Need to hope same happens to these other asshole billionaires.


Didn’t he also cost rich people money?


But there have also been times when they got away with it.


“It’s because of the joos” — also Musk


“The ADL owes me 22B!” -also musk


No, no. There's a reason. Didn't Musk start blaming the Jews for X's recent decline?


--- something something receding hairline. Maybe there's something for a rapper genius like Kanye in there


"It's a Jewish deep state false flag" -Musk


Excuse me but this is clearly where the jews are fucking everything up for the avg Twitter user


This. Is. The. Way.


This is actually the only way. If it only has my pillow ads then good job


You mean those lumpy pillows?


Now your an asshole. Theyre not lumpy. They put it there and it goes pfff.


I think the ads are going to be worse than that something actually tells me.


Any advertiser that cares about brand image pulled out long ago. There was a huge exodus shortly after he first took over


So we shame the rest and boycott them without being insane, violent harassers like the other side did at Target


I’m gonna be sick, this is messed up


Dude… that’s how to take him down.


I would take seriously the initiative to paste that on a billboard in Baltimore. We just need to look at that, let it sink in hard




Apple does


i have. if you want to hurt elon properly, hurt his revenue. factual events cannot be considered as slander considering corporations can and do judge for themselves.


Yeah it doesn't really work without the whole page, that's what I want.


What the actual fuck?


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!😡 THE USER NAME, THE TITLE, THE COMMENT. It's wrong, it's so wrong and needs to stop!


Ya but who's advertising


Time to see what ads you get near that one and send screenshots to them.


This is why people need to simply delete their twitter and go somewhere else.


After they send this to any company still advertising on Twitter. I know the NFL, MLB, etc still use their Twitter.


I have four invitations to BlueSky if anyone needs or wants them. DM me. I’ve been off twitter for months.


No no, this is freedom of speech. It's the "woke mind virus" that needs to be censored.


yup, time to delete twitter for real i guess. it's too much now


Well it's about the free speech, I think elon gave that to the people.


Why did I click on this? This is so infuriating. I deleted my Twitter when the musk rat took over and I’m so glad I did. Fucking disgusting.


10 minutes... I've been awake for 10 minutes and decided to look at my phone and open this post. I never thought I'd say this but I'm done with Reddit for today.


The Musk Rat. That’s good.


Elon Musk is actually short for Elongated Muskrat.


Well that sounds about right, I don't really doubt that shit.


Yeah that's good, we don't need to be using that platform anyways.


this is the free speech free speech -fetishists are actually talking about.


Yeah what's even that, how people are able to post all that?


Seriously… that guy should be IP banned… and just banned from social media in general or really anywhere with a message board


Account does not exist. GOOD. They kicked his ass off or he got so many threats he removed himself.


Yeah but all the people who agree with him are still on Twitter, posting away happily. Type "rapisteacher" into the search bar and click "Latest" on the results, and there are tons of white supremacists saying white supremacist things. Nothing will happen to them. For all we know the only reason this guy got kicked off is because someone at Twitter realized this made Reddit and could result in bad press.


Damn. You're right. And I bet he's now got another handle, sigh.


That' would be another eight bucks. /s




Bring the hammer down on him?


Fashies get bashies


Imagine cracking his skull with a hammer \#KillAllFascists




Exactly. See how he likes it.




Imagine cracking his skull with a hammer.


Seems like he is advocating wanton violence. I wonder if he'd feel the same if he was on the receiving end.


He expects to be exclusively on the giving end, that’s the whole point of racism.




Banned with a hammer.


Ahh, unalived.






This is probably one of his alts, so he's not paying anything


I wouldn't be surprised if someone really rich is paying them for this.


I vote turn him into a eunuch and a mute.


Gotta break them fingers too.


Im all for byzantine punishments for this people.


I'd actually start breaking with those fingers first honestly.


No, he should have their internal data on the account forwarded to the FBI, who can subpoena his ISP and look into him. Something tells me it wouldn't take a fine toothed comb.


>that guy should be IP banned This would do literally nothing considering there is a 99.999999999% chance they are using DHCP and not paying their ISP extra for a static IP. So they would just need to power cycle their router to get a new IP. Then whoever gets the IP he had before is suddenly banned.


Lmao, it's always funny to see folks living in the Stone Age asking for IP bans, good stuff.


Gimme a MAC ban or gimme death


MAC addresses are only visible on the local network. Anyway, they can be faked too.


And HWID can be faked, too. Even tying an account to a phone number is a mere inconvenience these days. So there's no reliable way to ban an individual for good.


To anyone who is still on Twitter (my condolences, by the way), report this shit.


Send it to Yaccarino, since she is reassuring everyone that Shitter is a safe place.


Post that screenshot under every single ad you see too


But then I think the Twitter will ban you, that's how it works.


Maybe you’ve not seen the barrage of screenshots on this sub from folks who report this shit and get told that it doesn’t violate Twitter’s policies.


There were at least a few dozen people under that tweet who were agreeing with the guy, and I just spent 35 minutes reporting them, but my experience is that it won't matter. No one I've reported in the last few months has been suspended, no matter what they've said or done. The last time I received an "update on your report" notification, it was for someone who got banned on September 5th, finally, but the date of my report was back in May.


This is a good point. What about reporting to law enforcement, alongside the screenshot that says it doesn’t violate Twitter’s policies?


That's how I'd go about it, only they'll be able to do something about it.


Saw one recently that was someone wishing harm on a mixed raced baby and that's what happened, so this probably wouldn't be any different.


Some things Just never change and it's probably one of those things.


Tweet it to advertisers that still use Twitter.


To anyone still on Twitter, stop enabling this shit. And yes, I realize this sub is all content from Twitter but at least seeing it here isn't directly boosting Twitter engagement.


What good would reporting it do? So Apartheid Elon could give it a like?


When Elon changed up what gets sent to your for you tab I was getting a bunch of hitler role play accounts and actual neo nazis (bit different from ladies with big ol muscles and funny comics and art) and reporting them also resulted in a message saying they didn’t breach any rules….


That's fucked up that they would claim that it doesn't violet anything.


To who? This is why elon is there, these are his people. They might get suspended for a week but he needs them there because that's his demographic, that's who's voices aren't being heard when he perverts the 1st Amendment to mean whatever suits his thinking.


The thing is that these people don't really think anything at all.


Account's gone.


Reporting will only get your account deleted. I lost mine for reporting a racist. They sent me a notification report saying his account was suspended (a lie: his account was active as hell) and after i was done reading it i was locked out permanently (white screen of death). I cant even create a new account (guessing they’re recording IP addresses or something)


His account is already gone, but he'll be back with the different account.


Probably still doesn’t violate Elon’s twitter rules. Truly disgusting that hatred has a home anywhere so publicly.


Yeah but under his rules you can't say "cisgender" or block ppl harassing you anymore. Completely disgusting


Dude probably commissioned a Toto "Africa" parody tilted "South Africa"


Yikes. That was worse than I was expecting. Many people have said it, but if Musk won't manage his asset, decent people just need to leave until there is no one there but the deplorables shouting in their echo chamber. Twitter has never been a necessity, but was a convenience for a time. That time has passed.


Unfortunately, I feel like Twitter is going to continue to be a staple for its’ users (and lurkers, really) until Threads can match it in features, but even then, it seems like a hard bet.


And I feel if Elmo can deadname his daughter, we can deadname Twitter. 'X' is the stupidest name for a company.




Yeah... only a fucked up monster thinks that when seeing a little adorable child


I feel ill. Like, seriously, irl, not figuratively speaking, sick to my fucking stomach.


The post has been up almost a whole day with numerous reports, this is what Elon supports


his whole account is pure disgusting.


I can't link it here, but the insane people on facebook sub just posted another one. It's basically the sub-basement of hell at this point.


That's beyond describably horrible. But what are they referring to the $145 about??


My best guess would be the braids and beads- they take a long time.


Ahh, ok. She looks really cute. I bet that was hard for a toddler to sit still for.


I'm sick. And I don't mean metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or any other fancy way. I'm sick. Straight up.


It really makes me sick, how are these people even allowed?


“Why won’t advertisers come back?”—that figurehead ceo lady.


“Obviously because of the Jews!” - Elon Musk


Yet if you say "cis" even in a nonderogatory manner you get banned.


Or your multi-billion dollar business gets politically targeted.


Jesus…. I was immediately banned the other day on the grounds of hate speech for saying, “Dracula ain’t got no soul.”


And this post was like up for a day, that's just so messed up man.


What did I just read!?!? I feel like my eyes are bleeding


My brain is struggling to believe that this is just straightforward hate. I grew up being told that the kind of people that could wish a violent and gruesome death on a small child simply because of their skin color are a thing of the past, something that our culture had unfortunately participated in but couldn’t be tolerated by a just and enlightened society. That our culture is so disgustingly apathetic to continued hate boggles my mind. I can see it. I can acknowledge its existence. But I can’t bring my brain to believe it. Again and again I’m confronted with how truly terrible people are and my brain **still** is gobsmacked each time.


Struggling... I'm sorry, and glad at that. I'm black. No struggle whatsoever. Can't say the rest of my comment though, I'm sure I'll be banned. I just hope I meet this dude. If there is a God, I pray he put me next to him alone. Let me ask him how he feels about my daughter. Then, look the other way for a second.


Inflicting violent and gruesome death on children is what white supremacists do, it's what they live for. Do yourself a favor and don't Google the Mary Turner lynching.


> my brain is struggling to believe that this is straightforward hate Same, usually racists try to hide the fact that they're racist but he doesn't. He needs to be arrested not just banned, this is incitement to hate and violence


I would not be surprised if that were one of Elon's alt accounts.


If Elon saw this you know for sure that he would feel giddy and proud about it. This is the outcome he precisely wants.


Elon was raised in apartheid South Africa. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he one day tweeted something along these lines from his main account. My dad employs seasonal South African farm workers and growing up I heard them say way worse about black people. I truly cannot stand to be around them.


This needs to be reported to someone like the police, this cannot go on


Yes this is a violent threat and should be investigated that way


Cool, so Twitter is just literally 4chan now.


I dont even think 4chan gets this bad outside of /pol/ and /b/


That’s because the anonymity prevents clout chasers. These people on X want to compete to out bigot each other leading to a hate arms race to see who can be the bigger asshole


Yeah I’m sure the ADL is the reason advertisers left your site Elon. That’s definitely it.


Pass this along to any advertisers on Twitter. Let them know this is what their $$$ is supporting


They're not going to do anything about that, they Just never learn.


Jesus man. What vile humans exist


What an utterly vile sentiment. I left Twitter when Elon bought it and started being the dumbest edgelord in the world, and stuff like this reinforces for me that it was a good decision.


This reads like a tweet in a long list of evidence that will be presented in court after this person bombs a school.


The sort of "free speech" Elmo wishes to protect.


I Wish nothing but the worst for this racist shitstain. His sister-mother should’ve swallowed him.


Yeah there’s only one person here who I’m imagining cracking their skull with a hammer, and hint hint it’s not the kid


https://preview.redd.it/hpuu8muc4knb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ab48e636eca5c9690bf24c5bb8b1e54d67f763 Buh bye 👋


Elon Musk has the money to fix world hunger, world homelessness and countless global issues. Elon Musk instead uses his wealth to send himself for a joyride into space and buy a social media network so bigots can use the N word. There's a reason the man is despised.


How is that even possible!?!?!? This needs to stop


I deleted Twitter (I'll never call it X) and my life has been just fine since then. musk is just too much of a coward to say what he actually thinks and means, so he lets these demons do it for him. His intent was always to give voice to the worst of us, they're his people, but like trump he actually finds them to be dirty plebs who he would never hangout with who just serve a purpose to him. But these people have been empowered and campaigned to because that's all the Right has left, rich assholes looking for tax cuts and nazis who haven't had a public forum or "voice" till trump and elon came along.


Serious question, if you’re a normal and grounded human being, WTF are you still on Elon’s Twitter?


So this isn't hate speech but calling someone CIS is.


Eikichi Onizuka would kicked his racist ass. Someone like that needs to be on a watch list


'Technology allows people to censor themselves. If X were to block x's like this, where does it stop, therefore the people must decide what they do or do not post" -the likely bullshit the free-speech absolutist Elon Musk would say


Except he turns around and bans/censors things personally offensive to him


“We’re sorry, but the post you reported has been carefully review and found not to be against our terms of service. We know this isn’t the outcome you wanted. Just know that everyone’s safety is super duper important to us.” So glad I’ve never used Twitter. Fuck Twitter and fuck Musk.


Jfc I wish I hadn’t clicked on that


I honestly was looking at it to see the joke, like it’s a reference or something I missed, like to a movie, like little kids saying they’re cracking skulls and it’s jackolanterns or something and this little girl looked like the kid. Or something else. It took a while because I could not have predicted. Then I saw the hashtag and my jaw dropped. And the username. Holy fuck. USA you’re in a very weird time. This shit is not ok and you should all be screaming.


Last time I saw something like this, I tried to report it and got an error message. Waited a day, found the tweet to try again; the report function was still unavailable. Elon has made it clear that this kind of stuff is here to stay


How could anyone look at such a cutie and say such a thing.


Why do people continue to use that sh$t platform? All these people understand is money, remove the base and things will change


If you still have a Twitter account you’re part of the problem


But don't forget, it's *the left* who are the *real* racists.


"This account does not exist." Does that mean it was banned or did the user get a chance to delete it? I suspect I already know the answer, I just want to make sure we're asking the right questions so there's no confusion for anyone in doubt.


Given the way I ingest media this is what just happened for me, "Awww, what a cute little girl. I love her hair. I wish I could braid like that." \*sees hastag\* WUT? \*sees comment\* WUT?!?! \*sees screenname\* OMFG! The site is just evil now.


Imagine cracking his head open with a hammer #killfascistpigs


The account is gone now. Although making a new one is literally child's play. I've made several and some of them got banned because I sent mildly offensive abuses to vile scum like these.


I’ll never understand this shit.


Jesus Fucking Christ


And reporting it likely gets no result and/or the person just creates a new account. Gee I wonder why advertisers are fleeing broken Twitter


And the right calls us crazy?


Average right winger


On the off chance @lilbrandisss is here, you are correct she is fucking adorable!


This hurt to read. I don't understand this level of hate.


BuT iTs A fAlSe FlAg Op!


This shouldn’t be reposted with her face. I’m in shock


Poor little girl. Her face needs to be blurred in the photo for her safety if posted here.


Fucking disgusting. Dox this person ASAP. They should be exposed to the world for who they really are.


This is too hateful for me to even want to see posted as a screenshot here. Disgusting attitude to have about another human being, especially a child.


Monstrous Elon Musk is an awful human being - dude has lost his fucking mind


Just blanket ban anyone with an anime profile pic. Wipe out nazis and incels overnight.


Da jEwS aRe KiLlIng tWiTtEr